How to use initialComparisonLayout method in Best

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Source:benchmark.js Github


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1import { LightningElement, track, api, wire } from 'lwc';2import { drawPlot, buildTrends, buildLayout, relayout, createAnnotation, removeAnnotation } from './​plots';3import { ConnectStore, store } from 'store/​store';4import { fetchComparison, comparisonChanged } from 'store/​actions';5export default class ComponentBenchmark extends LightningElement {6 /​/​ PROPERTIES7 element;8 hasRegisteredHandlers = false;9 currentLayout = {};10 @track selectedPoints = [];11 recentHoverData;12 comparisonElement;13 @track pendingCommitsToCompare = new Set();14 @track viewComparisonCommits = [];15 @track comparisonResults = {};16 @track comparisonName = null;17 @api metric = 'all';18 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line @lwc/​lwc/​no-unknown-wire-adapters19 @wire(ConnectStore, { store })20 storeChanged({ view }) {21 this.comparisonResults = view.comparison.results;22 this.viewComparisonCommits = view.comparison.commits;23 this.comparisonName = view.comparison.benchmarkName;24 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line @lwc/​lwc/​no-api-reassignments25 this.metric = view.metric;26 }27 _first;28 @api29 get first() {30 return this._first;31 }32 set first(first) {33 this._first = first;34 this.currentLayout = buildLayout(, this.first);35 if (this.element) {36 relayout(this.element, this.currentLayout);37 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line lwc/​no-raf, @lwc/​lwc/​no-async-operation38 window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {39 this.updateGraphZoom();40 });41 }42 }43 allTrends = [];44 visibleTrends = [];45 _benchmark;46 @api47 get benchmark() {48 return this._benchmark;49 }50 set benchmark(benchmark) {51 this._benchmark = benchmark;52 this.allTrends = buildTrends(benchmark);53 }54 _zoom;55 @api56 get zoom() {57 return this._zoom;58 }59 set zoom(zoom) {60 this._zoom = zoom;61 if (!zoom.origin || zoom.origin !== {62 this.updateGraphZoom();63 }64 }65 /​/​ GETTERS66 get comparing() {67 return this.pendingCommitsToCompare.size > 0;68 }69 get showingComparison() {70 return this.viewComparisonCommits.length > 0;71 }72 get hasComparisonResults() {73 return Object.keys(this.comparisonResults).length > 0;74 }75 get containerClassNames() {76 return this.comparing ? 'comparing container' : 'container';77 }78 get comparisonModalTitle() {79 return `Comparing on ${this.comparisonName}`;80 }81 /​/​ METHODS82 handleRelayout(update) {83 const firstKey = Object.keys(update).shift();84 if (this.first && firstKey && firstKey.includes('xaxis')) {85 /​/​ make sure we are talking about zoom updates86 this.dispatchEvent(87 new CustomEvent('zoom', {88 detail: {89 update: {90 ...update,91 origin:,92 },93 },94 }),95 );96 }97 }98 updateGraphZoom() {99 if (this.element) {100 this.currentLayout = relayout(this.element, this.zoom);101 }102 }103 closeCommitInfo(event) {104 const { commit } = event.detail;105 this.selectedPoints.every((point, idx) => {106 if (point.commit === commit) {107 if (!point.pendingCompare) {108 this.currentLayout = removeAnnotation(this.element, commit);109 }110 this.selectedPoints.splice(idx, 1);111 return false;112 }113 return true;114 });115 }116 rawClickHandler(event) {117 const grandParent =;118 if (grandParent !== this.element && this.recentHoverData) {119 this.traceClicked();120 }121 }122 traceClicked() {123 const point = this.recentHoverData.points[0];124 const { x: commit } = point;125 const top = this.first ? 400 * 1.15 : 400;126 const left = point.xaxis.l2p(point.xaxis.d2c(point.x)) + point.xaxis._offset;127 const commitInfo = {128 commit,129 top,130 left,131 hidden: false,132 pendingCompare: this.pendingCommitsToCompare.has(commit),133 };134 const needsInsertion = this.selectedPoints.every((pastPoint, idx) => {135 if (pastPoint.commit === commit && !pastPoint.hidden) {136 return false;137 } else if (pastPoint.commit === commit && pastPoint.hidden) {138 this.selectedPoints[idx] = { ...commitInfo };139 return false;140 }141 return true;142 });143 if (needsInsertion && !this.comparing) {144 this.selectedPoints.push(commitInfo);145 this.currentLayout = createAnnotation(this.element, point);146 } else if (needsInsertion && this.comparing) {147 this.pendingCommitsToCompare.add(commit);148 this.selectedPoints.push({ ...commitInfo, hidden: true, pendingCompare: true });149 this.currentLayout = createAnnotation(this.element, point);150 }151 }152 hoverHandler(data) {153 this.recentHoverData = data;154 }155 updateVisibleTrends() {156 if (this.allTrends.length > 0) {157 this.visibleTrends =158 this.metric === 'all'159 ? this.allTrends160 : this.allTrends.filter((trend) =>;161 }162 }163 onCompareClick(event) {164 const { commit } = event.detail;165 const beingCompared = this.pendingCommitsToCompare.has(commit);166 if (beingCompared) {167 this.pendingCommitsToCompare.delete(commit);168 this.selectedPoints.every((pastPoint, idx) => {169 if (pastPoint.commit === commit) {170 this.selectedPoints[idx] = { ...pastPoint, pendingCompare: false };171 return false;172 }173 return true;174 });175 } else {176 this.pendingCommitsToCompare.add(commit);177 this.selectedPoints.every((pastPoint, idx) => {178 if (pastPoint.commit === commit && !pastPoint.hidden) {179 this.selectedPoints[idx] = { ...pastPoint, hidden: true, pendingCompare: true };180 return false;181 }182 return true;183 });184 }185 }186 runComparison() {187 store.dispatch(fetchComparison(, [...this.pendingCommitsToCompare]));188 }189 cancelComparison() {190 this.pendingCommitsToCompare.forEach((commit) => {191 this.currentLayout = removeAnnotation(this.element, commit);192 });193 this.pendingCommitsToCompare = new Set();194 this.selectedPoints = [];195 }196 closeModal() {197 this.comparisonElement = null;198 store.dispatch(comparisonChanged());199 }200 async renderedCallback() {201 if (!this.element) this.element = this.template.querySelector('.graph');202 this.updateVisibleTrends();203 this.currentLayout = await drawPlot(this.element, this.visibleTrends, this.currentLayout);204 if (!this.hasRegisteredHandlers) {205 this.hasRegisteredHandlers = true;206 this.element.addEventListener('click', (event) => this.rawClickHandler(event));207 this.element.on('plotly_hover', (data) => this.hoverHandler(data));208 this.element.on('plotly_relayout', (update) => this.handleRelayout(update));209 }210 if (!this.hasSetInitialZoom) {211 this.hasSetInitialZoom = true;212 this.updateGraphZoom();213 }214 /​/​ COMPARISON215 /​/​ fetch comparison results if all we have is the commits from the url216 if (this.showingComparison && !this.hasComparisonResults && this.comparisonName === {217 store.dispatch(fetchComparison(, this.viewComparisonCommits));218 }219 if (this.showingComparison && this.hasComparisonResults) {220 if (!this.comparisonElement) this.comparisonElement = this.template.querySelector('.comparison-graph');221 if (this.comparisonElement) {222 const comparisonTrend = buildTrends(this.comparisonResults, true, true);223 const initialComparisonLayout = buildLayout(, false);224 await drawPlot(this.comparisonElement, comparisonTrend, initialComparisonLayout);225 }226 }227 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var graph = new joint.dia.Graph;2var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({3 el: document.getElementById('paper'),4});5var rect1 = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({6 position: { x: 10, y: 10 },7 size: { width: 100, height: 30 },8 attrs: { text: { text: 'rect1' }}9});10var rect2 = rect1.clone().translate(300);11var link = new joint.dia.Link({12 source: { id: },13 target: { id: }14});15graph.addCells([rect1, rect2, link]);16var layout = new joint.layout.DirectedGraph({17});18layout.initialComparisonLayout();19layout.layout();20var graph = new joint.dia.Graph;21var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({22 el: document.getElementById('paper'),23});24var rect1 = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({25 position: { x: 10, y: 10 },26 size: { width: 100, height: 30 },27 attrs: { text: { text: 'rect1' }}28});29var rect2 = rect1.clone().translate(300);30var link = new joint.dia.Link({31 source: { id: },32 target: { id: }33});34graph.addCells([rect1, rect2, link]);35var layout = new joint.layout.DirectedGraph({36});37layout.initialComparisonLayout();38layout.layout();39var graph = new joint.dia.Graph;40var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({41 el: document.getElementById('paper'),

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var graph = new joint.dia.Graph;2var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({ el: $('#paper'), width: 650, height: 200, gridSize: 1, model: graph });3var bestMatchLayout = new joint.layout.DirectedGraph({4});5var cells = [];6var rect1 = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({7 position: { x: 100, y: 30 },8 size: { width: 100, height: 30 },9 attrs: { rect: { fill: 'blue' }, text: { text: 'rect1', fill: 'white' } }10});11var rect2 = rect1.clone().translate(300, 0);12var rect3 = rect1.clone().translate(0, 100);13var rect4 = rect1.clone().translate(300, 100);14var link1 = new joint.dia.Link({15 source: { id: },16 target: { id: },17 attrs: { '.marker-target': { d: 'M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z' } }18});19var link2 = link1.clone().translate(0, 100);20var link3 = link1.clone().set('source', { id: });21var link4 = link1.clone().set('source', { id: });22cells.push(rect1, rect2, rect3, rect4, link1, link2, link3, link4);23graph.addCells(cells);24bestMatchLayout.layout();

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1var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();2var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);3var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();4var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);5var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();6var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);7var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();8var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);9var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();10var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);11var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();12var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);13var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();14var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);15var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();16var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);17var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();18var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);19var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();20var initialLayout = bestFitLayout.initialComparisonLayout(graph);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const BestLayouts = require('./​bestLayouts.js');2const bestLayouts = new BestLayouts();3const initialComparisonLayout = bestLayouts.initialComparisonLayout();4console.log(initialComparisonLayout);5#### `new BestLayouts()`6#### `BestLayouts.prototype.initialComparisonLayout()`7#### `BestLayouts.prototype.layoutForComparison(comparison)`8#### `BestLayouts.prototype.layoutsForComparisons(comparisons)`9#### `BestLayouts.prototype.comparisonForLayout(layout)`10#### `BestLayouts.prototype.comparisonsForLayouts(layouts)`11#### `BestLayouts.prototype.comparisonForLayout(layout, layouts)`12#### `BestLayouts.prototype.comparisonsForLayouts(layouts, layout)`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestFitLayout = require('bestfitlayout');2var bestFitLayout = new BestFitLayout();3var options = {4};5 {id: "n0", x: 100, y: 100},6 {id: "n1", x: 100, y: 100},7 {id: "n2", x: 100, y: 100},8 {id: "n3", x: 100, y: 100},9 {id: "n4", x: 100, y: 100},10 {id: "n5", x: 100, y: 100},11 {id: "n6", x: 100, y: 100},12 {id: "n7", x: 100, y: 100},13 {id: "n8", x: 100, y: 100},14 {id: "n9", x: 100, y: 100},15 {id: "n10", x: 100, y: 100},16 {id: "n11", x: 100, y: 100},17 {id: "n12", x: 100, y: 100},18 {id: "n13", x: 100, y: 100},19 {id: "n14", x: 100, y: 100}20];21 {id: "e0", source: "n0", target: "n1"},22 {id: "e1", source: "n0", target: "n2"},23 {id: "e2", source: "n1", target: "n3"},24 {id: "e3", source: "n1", target: "n4"},25 {id: "e4", source: "n2", target: "n5"},26 {id: "e5", source: "n2", target: "n6"},27 {id: "e6", source: "n3", target: "n7"},28 {id

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestFitLayout = require('cytoscape-best-fit-layout');2var cy = cytoscape({3 container: document.getElementById('cy'),4 layout: {5 }6});7| `directed` | `false` | Whether the tree is directed downwards (or edges can point in any direction if false). |8| `boundingBox` | `undefined` | Constrain layout bounds; { x1, y1, x2, y2 } or { x1, y1, w, h }. |9| `spacingFactor` | `undefined` | Applies a multiplicative factor (>0) to expand or compress the overall area that the nodes take up. |

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestLayout = require('bestlayout');2var fs = require('fs');3var graph = {4 {5 },6 {7 },8 {9 },10 {11 },12 {13 },14 {15 },16 {17 },18 {19 },20 {21 },22 {23 },24 {25 },26 {27 },28 {29 },30 {31 },32 {33 },34 {35 },36 {37 },38 {39 },40 {41 },42 {43 },44 {45 },46 {47 },48 {49 },50 {51 },52 {53 },54 {

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