How to use ReportingOptions method in istanbul

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Source:config.js Github


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...218 * @module config219 * @constructor220 * @param config the reporting part of the config object221 */​222function ReportingOptions(config) {223 this.config = config;224}225/​**226 * returns the kind of information to be printed on the console. May be one227 * of `summary`, `detail`, `both` or `none`. Used by the228 * `cover` command.229 * @method print230 * @return {String} the kind of information to print to the console at the end231 * of the `cover` command execution.232 */​233/​**234 * returns a list of reports that should be generated at the end of a run. Used235 * by the `cover` and `report` commands.236 * @method reports237 * @return {Array} an array of reports that should be produced238 */​239/​**240 * returns the directory under which reports should be generated. Used by the241 * `cover` and `report` commands.242 *243 * @method dir244 * @return {String} the directory under which reports should be generated.245 */​246/​**247 * returns an object that has keys that are report format names and values that are objects248 * containing detailed configuration for each format. Running `istanbul help config`249 * will give you all the keys per report format that can be overridden.250 * Used by the `cover` and `report` commands.251 * @method reportConfig252 * @return {Object} detailed report configuration per report format.253 */​254addMethods(ReportingOptions, 'print', 'reports', 'dir', 'reportConfig', 'summarizer');255function isInvalidMark(v, key) {256 var prefix = 'Watermark for [' + key + '] :';257 if (v.length !== 2) {258 return prefix + 'must be an array of length 2';259 }260 v[0] = Number(v[0]);261 v[1] = Number(v[1]);262 if (isNaN(v[0]) || isNaN(v[1])) {263 return prefix + 'must have valid numbers';264 }265 if (v[0] < 0 || v[1] < 0) {266 return prefix + 'must be positive numbers';267 }268 if (v[1] > 100) {269 return prefix + 'cannot exceed 100';270 }271 if (v[1] <= v[0]) {272 return prefix + 'low must be less than high';273 }274 return null;275}276/​**277 * returns the low and high watermarks to be used to designate whether coverage278 * is `low`, `medium` or `high`. Statements, functions, branches and lines can279 * have independent watermarks. These are respected by all reports280 * that color for low, medium and high coverage. See the default configuration for exact syntax281 * using `istanbul help config`. Used by the `cover` and `report` commands.282 *283 * @method watermarks284 * @return {Object} an object containing low and high watermarks for statements,285 * branches, functions and lines.286 */​287ReportingOptions.prototype.watermarks = function () {288 var v = this.config.watermarks,289 defs = libReport.getDefaultWatermarks(),290 ret = {};291 Object.keys(defs).forEach(function (k) {292 var mark = v[k], /​/​it will already be a non-zero length array because of the way the merge works293 message = isInvalidMark(mark, k);294 if (message) {295 console.error(message);296 ret[k] = defs[k];297 } else {298 ret[k] = mark;299 }300 });301 return ret;302};303/​**304 * Object that returns hook options. Note that istanbul does not provide an305 * option to hook `require`. This is always done by the `cover` command.306 * @class HookOptions307 * @module config308 * @constructor309 * @param config the hooks part of the config object310 */​311function HookOptions(config) {312 this.config = config;313}314/​**315 * returns if `vm.runInThisContext` needs to be hooked, in addition to the standard316 * `require` hooks added by istanbul. This should be true for code that uses317 * RequireJS for example. Used by the `cover` command.318 * @method hookRunInContext319 * @return {Boolean} true if `vm.runInThisContext` needs to be hooked for coverage320 */​321/​**322 * returns a path to JS file or a dependent module that should be used for323 * post-processing files after they have been required. See the `yui-istanbul` module for324 * an example of a post-require hook. This particular hook modifies the yui loader when325 * that file is required to add istanbul interceptors. Use by the `cover` command326 *327 * @method postRequireHook328 * @return {String} a path to a JS file or the name of a node module that needs329 * to be used as a `require` post-processor330 */​331/​**332 * returns if istanbul needs to add a SIGINT (control-c, usually) handler to333 * save coverage information. Useful for getting code coverage out of processes334 * that run forever and need a SIGINT to terminate.335 * @method handleSigint336 * @return {Boolean} true if SIGINT needs to be hooked to write coverage information337 */​338addMethods(HookOptions, 'hookRunInContext', 'postRequireHook', 'handleSigint');339/​**340 * represents the istanbul configuration and provides sub-objects that can341 * return instrumentation, reporting and hook options respectively.342 * Usage343 * -----344 *345 * var configObj = require('istanbul').config.loadFile();346 *347 * console.log(configObj.reporting.reports());348 *349 * @class Configuration350 * @module config351 * @param {Object} obj the base object to use as the configuration352 * @param {Object} overrides optional - override attributes that are merged into353 * the base config354 * @constructor355 */​356function Configuration(obj, overrides) {357 var config = mergeDefaults(obj, defaultConfig(true));358 if (isObject(overrides)) {359 config = mergeDefaults(overrides, config);360 }361 if (config.verbose) {362 console.error('Using configuration');363 console.error('-------------------');364 console.error(yaml.safeDump(config, { indent: 4, flowLevel: 3 }));365 console.error('-------------------\n');366 }367 this.verbose = config.verbose;368 this.instrumentation = new InstrumentOptions(config.instrumentation);369 this.reporting = new ReportingOptions(config.reporting);370 this.hooks = new HookOptions(config.hooks);371 this.check = config.check; /​/​ Pass raw config sub-object.372}373/​**374 * true if verbose logging is required375 * @property verbose376 * @type Boolean377 */​378/​**379 * instrumentation options380 * @property instrumentation381 * @type InstrumentOptions382 */​383/​**...

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Source:reporting-options-stub.js Github


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1(function () {2 'use strict';3 var ReportingOptions = [{4 text: 'Sidewalk',5 }, {6 text: 'Light',7 }, {8 text: 'Incomplete Data',9 }, {10 text: 'Traffic',11 }, {12 text: 'Scenic',13 }, {14 text: 'More Options',15 }];16 angular.module('nih.routing')17 .constant('ReportingOptions', ReportingOptions);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var collector = new istanbul.Collector();3var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();4reporter.add('text');5reporter.addAll(['lcov', 'json', 'html']);6var coverage = global.__coverage__ || {};7collector.add(coverage);8reporter.write(collector, true, function () {9 console.log('All reports generated');10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var collector = new istanbul.Collector();3var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();4reporter.addAll(['text-summary', 'lcov']);5reporter.write(collector, true, function () {6 console.log('All reports generated');7});8at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)9at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)10at Module.require (module.js:365:17)11at require (module.js:384:17)12at Object. (/​Users/​xyz/​node_modules/​istanbul/​lib/​report/​common/​lcovonly.js:4:15)13at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)14at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)15at Module.load (module.js:355:32)16at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)17at Module.require (module.js:365:17)18at require (module.js:384:17)19at Object. (/​Users/​xyz/​node_modules/​istanbul/​lib/​report/​lcovonly.js:6:15)20at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)21at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)22at Module.load (module.js:355:32)23at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)24at Module.require (module.js:365:17)25at require (module.js:384:17)26at Object. (/​Users/​xyz/​node_modules/​istanbul/​lib/​report/​index.js:5:14)27at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)28at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)29at Module.load (module.js:355:32)30at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)31at Module.require (module.js:365:17)32at require (module.js:384:17)33at Object. (/​Users/​xyz/​node_modules/​istanbul/​lib/​cli.js:20:19)34at Module._compile (module.js:

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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var collector = new istanbul.Collector();3var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();4var sync = false;5var config = {6 watermarks: {7 }8};9collector.add(global.__coverage__);10reporter.add('lcov');11reporter.addAll(['lcov', 'text']);12reporter.write(collector, sync, function() {13 console.log('All reports generated');14});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();3var instrumented = instrumenter.instrumentSync('var a = 1 + 2;', 'test.js');4console.log(instrumented);5var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();6var collector = new istanbul.Collector();7collector.add(instrumented);8reporter.addAll(['lcov']);9reporter.write(collector, true, function () {10 console.log('done');11});12{ instrumentedCode: 'var a = 1 + 2;',13 coverageData: { path: 'test.js', statementMap: [Object], s: [Object] } }14 throw new Error('No coverage information was collected, exit without writing coverage information');15 at HtmlReport.Report.mix.writeReport (C:\Users\Gaurav\Desktop\Istanbul\node_modules\istanbul\lib\report\html.js:154:19)16 at SyncFileWriter.extend.writeFile (C:\Users\Gaurav\Desktop\Istanbul\node_modules\istanbul\lib\util\file-writer.js:57:9)17 at FileWriter.extend.writeFile (C:\Users\Gaurav\Desktop\Istanbul\node_modules\istanbul\lib\util\file-writer.js:147:23)18 at Array.forEach (native)19 at HtmlReport.Report.mix.writeReports (C:\Users\Gaurav\Desktop\Istanbul\node_modules\istanbul\lib\report\html.js:487:23)20 at Array.forEach (native)21 at HtmlReport.Report.mix.writeReports (C:\Users\Gaurav\Desktop\I

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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var path = require('path');3var collector = new istanbul.Collector();4var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();5var reportTypes = ['lcov'];6var reportOpts = { dir: 'coverage' };7collector.add(__coverage__);8reporter.add(reportTypes);9reporter.write(collector, true, function(){10 console.log('Done!');11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: '__coverage__' });3instrumenter.instrumentSync('console.log("Hello World")', 'test.js');4console.log(__coverage__);5var istanbul = require('istanbul');6var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: '__coverage__' });7instrumenter.instrumentSync('console.log("Hello World")', 'test.js');8console.log(__coverage__);9var istanbul = require('istanbul');10var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: '__coverage__' });11instrumenter.instrumentSync('console.log("Hello World")', 'test.js');12console.log(__coverage__);13var istanbul = require('istanbul');14var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: '__coverage__' });15instrumenter.instrumentSync('console.log("Hello World")', 'test.js');16console.log(__coverage__);17var istanbul = require('istanbul');18var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: '__coverage__' });19instrumenter.instrumentSync('console.log("Hello World")', 'test.js');20console.log(__coverage__);21var istanbul = require('istanbul');22var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: '__coverage__' });23instrumenter.instrumentSync('console.log("Hello World")', 'test.js');24console.log(__coverage__);25var istanbul = require('istanbul');26var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter({ coverageVariable: '__coverage__' });27instrumenter.instrumentSync('console.log("Hello World")', 'test.js');28console.log(__coverage__);29var istanbul = require('istanbul');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var collector = new istanbul.Collector();3var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();4var sync = false;5var coverage = require('./​coverage/​coverage.json');6collector.add(coverage);7reporter.add('text');8reporter.addAll(['lcov', 'json', 'text-summary']);9reporter.write(collector, sync, function() {10 console.log('All reports generated');11});12var istanbul = require('istanbul');13var collector = new istanbul.Collector();14var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();15var sync = false;16var coverage = require('./​coverage/​coverage.json');17collector.add(coverage);18reporter.add('text');19reporter.addAll(['lcov', 'json', 'text-summary']);20reporter.write(collector, sync, function() {21 console.log('All reports generated');22});23var istanbul = require('istanbul');24var collector = new istanbul.Collector();25var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();26var sync = false;27var coverage = require('./​coverage/​coverage.json');28collector.add(coverage);29reporter.add('text');30reporter.addAll(['lcov', 'json', 'text-summary']);31reporter.write(collector, sync, function() {32 console.log('All reports generated');33});

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