How to use sourceDesc method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:RecentOrders.js Github


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1import { Card } from '@mui/​material';2import RecentOrdersTable from './​RecentOrdersTable';3import { subDays } from 'date-fns';4function RecentOrders() {5 const cryptoOrders = [6 {7 id: '1',8 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',9 orderDate: new Date().getTime(),10 status: 'completed',11 orderID: 'VUVX709ET7BY',12 sourceName: 'Bank Account',13 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',14 amountCrypto: 34.4565,15 amount: 56787,16 cryptoCurrency: 'ETH',17 currency: '$'18 },19 {20 id: '2',21 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',22 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 1).getTime(),23 status: 'completed',24 orderID: '23M3UOG65G8K',25 sourceName: 'Bank Account',26 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',27 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,28 amount: 8734587,29 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',30 currency: '$'31 },32 {33 id: '3',34 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',35 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 5).getTime(),36 status: 'failed',37 orderID: 'F6JHK65MS818',38 sourceName: 'Bank Account',39 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',40 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,41 amount: 8734587,42 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',43 currency: '$'44 },45 {46 id: '4',47 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',48 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 55).getTime(),49 status: 'completed',50 orderID: 'QJFAI7N84LGM',51 sourceName: 'Bank Account',52 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',53 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,54 amount: 8734587,55 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',56 currency: '$'57 },58 {59 id: '5',60 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',61 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 56).getTime(),62 status: 'pending',63 orderID: 'BO5KFSYGC0YW',64 sourceName: 'Bank Account',65 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',66 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,67 amount: 8734587,68 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',69 currency: '$'70 },71 {72 id: '6',73 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',74 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 33).getTime(),75 status: 'completed',76 orderID: '6RS606CBMKVQ',77 sourceName: 'Bank Account',78 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',79 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,80 amount: 8734587,81 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',82 currency: '$'83 },84 {85 id: '7',86 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',87 orderDate: new Date().getTime(),88 status: 'pending',89 orderID: '479KUYHOBMJS',90 sourceName: 'Bank Account',91 sourceDesc: '*** 1212',92 amountCrypto: 2.346546,93 amount: 234234,94 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',95 currency: '$'96 },97 {98 id: '8',99 orderDetails: 'Paypal Withdraw',100 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 22).getTime(),101 status: 'completed',102 orderID: 'W67CFZNT71KR',103 sourceName: 'Paypal Account',104 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',105 amountCrypto: 3.345456,106 amount: 34544,107 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',108 currency: '$'109 },110 {111 id: '9',112 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',113 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 11).getTime(),114 status: 'completed',115 orderID: '63GJ5DJFKS4H',116 sourceName: 'Bank Account',117 sourceDesc: '*** 2222',118 amountCrypto: 1.4389567945,119 amount: 123843,120 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',121 currency: '$'122 },123 {124 id: '10',125 orderDetails: 'Wallet Transfer',126 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 123).getTime(),127 status: 'failed',128 orderID: '17KRZHY8T05M',129 sourceName: 'Wallet Transfer',130 sourceDesc: "John's Cardano Wallet",131 amountCrypto: 765.5695,132 amount: 7567,133 cryptoCurrency: 'ADA',134 currency: '$'135 }136 ];137 return (138 <Card>139 <RecentOrdersTable cryptoOrders={cryptoOrders} /​>140 </​Card>141 );142}...

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Source:crypto_orders.js Github


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1import { subDays } from 'date-fns';2import { mock } from 'src/​utils/​axios';3mock.onGet('/​api/​crypto-orders').reply(() => {4 const cryptoOrders = [5 {6 id: '1',7 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',8 orderDate: new Date().getTime(),9 status: 'completed',10 orderID: 'VUVX709ET7BY',11 sourceName: 'Bank Account',12 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',13 amountCrypto: 34.4565,14 amount: 56787,15 cryptoCurrency: 'ETH',16 currency: '$'17 },18 {19 id: '2',20 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',21 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 1).getTime(),22 status: 'completed',23 orderID: '23M3UOG65G8K',24 sourceName: 'Bank Account',25 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',26 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,27 amount: 8734587,28 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',29 currency: '$'30 },31 {32 id: '3',33 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',34 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 5).getTime(),35 status: 'failed',36 orderID: 'F6JHK65MS818',37 sourceName: 'Bank Account',38 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',39 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,40 amount: 8734587,41 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',42 currency: '$'43 },44 {45 id: '4',46 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',47 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 55).getTime(),48 status: 'completed',49 orderID: 'QJFAI7N84LGM',50 sourceName: 'Bank Account',51 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',52 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,53 amount: 8734587,54 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',55 currency: '$'56 },57 {58 id: '5',59 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',60 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 56).getTime(),61 status: 'pending',62 orderID: 'BO5KFSYGC0YW',63 sourceName: 'Bank Account',64 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',65 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,66 amount: 8734587,67 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',68 currency: '$'69 },70 {71 id: '6',72 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',73 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 33).getTime(),74 status: 'completed',75 orderID: '6RS606CBMKVQ',76 sourceName: 'Bank Account',77 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',78 amountCrypto: 6.58454334,79 amount: 8734587,80 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',81 currency: '$'82 },83 {84 id: '7',85 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',86 orderDate: new Date().getTime(),87 status: 'pending',88 orderID: '479KUYHOBMJS',89 sourceName: 'Bank Account',90 sourceDesc: '*** 1212',91 amountCrypto: 2.346546,92 amount: 234234,93 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',94 currency: '$'95 },96 {97 id: '8',98 orderDetails: 'Paypal Withdraw',99 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 22).getTime(),100 status: 'completed',101 orderID: 'W67CFZNT71KR',102 sourceName: 'Paypal Account',103 sourceDesc: '*** 1111',104 amountCrypto: 3.345456,105 amount: 34544,106 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',107 currency: '$'108 },109 {110 id: '9',111 orderDetails: 'Fiat Deposit',112 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 11).getTime(),113 status: 'completed',114 orderID: '63GJ5DJFKS4H',115 sourceName: 'Bank Account',116 sourceDesc: '*** 2222',117 amountCrypto: 1.4389567945,118 amount: 123843,119 cryptoCurrency: 'BTC',120 currency: '$'121 },122 {123 id: '10',124 orderDetails: 'Wallet Transfer',125 orderDate: subDays(new Date(), 123).getTime(),126 status: 'failed',127 orderID: '17KRZHY8T05M',128 sourceName: 'Wallet Transfer',129 sourceDesc: "John's Cardano Wallet",130 amountCrypto: 765.5695,131 amount: 7567,132 cryptoCurrency: 'ADA',133 currency: '$'134 }135 ];136 return [200, { cryptoOrders }];...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks';2import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc';3import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';4import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';5import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';6import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';7import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';8import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';9import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';10import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';11import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';12import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';13import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​common/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc/​sourceDesc';14import { sourceDesc } from 'ng

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks';2import { mockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';3describe('test', () => {4 it('should be able to get source description', () => {5 const component = mockComponent({6 });7 const source = sourceDesc(component);8 expect(source).toEqual('Test');9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('ng-mocks', () => {2 it('should use sourceDesc', () => {3 const test = sourceDesc({ a: 1, b: 2 });4 expect(test).toEqual('{"a":1,"b":2}');5 });6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('ng-mocks', () => {2 it('should get the source of the component', () => {3 const source = MockRender(SourceComponent).sourceDesc();4 expect(source).toContain('SourceComponent');5 expect(source).toContain('templateUrl: \'./​source.component.html\'');6 expect(source).toContain('styleUrls: [\'./​source.component.css\']');7 });8});9 ✓ should get the source of the component (2ms)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sourceDesc } from 'ng-mocks';2const components = sourceDesc({3});4console.log(components);5import { NgModule } from '@angular/​core';6import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/​platform-browser';7import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';8import { ChildComponent } from './​child/​child.component';9@NgModule({10 imports: [11})12export class AppModule { }13import { Component } from '@angular/​core';14@Component({15})16export class AppComponent {17 title = 'ng-mocks';18}19import { Component } from '@angular/​core';20@Component({21})22export class ChildComponent {23 title = 'ng-mocks';24}25import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';26import { ChildComponent } from './​child.component';27describe('ChildComponent', () => {28 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(ChildComponent));29 it('should create', () => {30 const fixture = MockRender(ChildComponent);31 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();32 });33});34import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';35import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';36describe('AppComponent', () => {37 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent));38 it('should create the app', () => {39 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);40 expect(fixture.point.componentInstance).toBeDefined();41 });42});43import { MockBuilder

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