How to use extractComments method in Playwright Internal

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Source:utils.js Github


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1"use strict";2/** @typedef {import("source-map").RawSourceMap} RawSourceMap */3/** @typedef {import("terser").FormatOptions} TerserFormatOptions */4/** @typedef {import("terser").MinifyOptions} TerserOptions */5/** @typedef {import("terser").ECMA} TerserECMA */6/** @typedef {import("./index.js").ExtractCommentsOptions} ExtractCommentsOptions */7/** @typedef {import("./index.js").ExtractCommentsFunction} ExtractCommentsFunction */8/** @typedef {import("./index.js").ExtractCommentsCondition} ExtractCommentsCondition */9/** @typedef {import("./index.js").Input} Input */10/** @typedef {import("./index.js").MinimizedResult} MinimizedResult */11/** @typedef {import("./index.js").PredefinedOptions} PredefinedOptions */12/** @typedef {import("./index.js").CustomOptions} CustomOptions */13/**14 * @typedef {Array<string>} ExtractedComments15 */16const notSettled = Symbol(`not-settled`);17/**18 * @template T19 * @typedef {() => Promise<T>} Task20 */21/**22 * Run tasks with limited concurency.23 * @template T24 * @param {number} limit - Limit of tasks that run at once.25 * @param {Task<T>[]} tasks - List of tasks to run.26 * @returns {Promise<T[]>} A promise that fulfills to an array of the results27 */28function throttleAll(limit, tasks) {29 if (!Number.isInteger(limit) || limit < 1) {30 throw new TypeError(`Expected \`limit\` to be a finite number > 0, got \`${limit}\` (${typeof limit})`);31 }32 if (!Array.isArray(tasks) || !tasks.every(task => typeof task === `function`)) {33 throw new TypeError(`Expected \`tasks\` to be a list of functions returning a promise`);34 }35 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {36 const result = Array(tasks.length).fill(notSettled);37 const entries = tasks.entries();38 const next = () => {39 const {40 done,41 value42 } =;43 if (done) {44 const isLast = !result.includes(notSettled);45 if (isLast) resolve(46 /** @type{T[]} **/47 result);48 return;49 }50 const [index, task] = value;51 /**52 * @param {T} x53 */54 const onFulfilled = x => {55 result[index] = x;56 next();57 };58 task().then(onFulfilled, reject);59 };60 Array(limit).fill(0).forEach(next);61 });62}63/* istanbul ignore next */64/**65 * @param {Input} input66 * @param {RawSourceMap | undefined} sourceMap67 * @param {PredefinedOptions & CustomOptions} minimizerOptions68 * @param {ExtractCommentsOptions | undefined} extractComments69 * @return {Promise<MinimizedResult>}70 */71async function terserMinify(input, sourceMap, minimizerOptions, extractComments) {72 /**73 * @param {any} value74 * @returns {boolean}75 */76 const isObject = value => {77 const type = typeof value;78 return value != null && (type === "object" || type === "function");79 };80 /**81 * @param {TerserOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & ({ output: TerserFormatOptions & { beautify: boolean } } | { format: TerserFormatOptions & { beautify: boolean } })} terserOptions82 * @param {ExtractedComments} extractedComments83 * @returns {ExtractCommentsFunction}84 */85 const buildComments = (terserOptions, extractedComments) => {86 /** @type {{ [index: string]: ExtractCommentsCondition }} */87 const condition = {};88 let comments;89 if (terserOptions.format) {90 ({91 comments92 } = terserOptions.format);93 } else if (terserOptions.output) {94 ({95 comments96 } = terserOptions.output);97 }98 condition.preserve = typeof comments !== "undefined" ? comments : false;99 if (typeof extractComments === "boolean" && extractComments) {100 condition.extract = "some";101 } else if (typeof extractComments === "string" || extractComments instanceof RegExp) {102 condition.extract = extractComments;103 } else if (typeof extractComments === "function") {104 condition.extract = extractComments;105 } else if (extractComments && isObject(extractComments)) {106 condition.extract = typeof extractComments.condition === "boolean" && extractComments.condition ? "some" : typeof extractComments.condition !== "undefined" ? extractComments.condition : "some";107 } else {108 // No extract109 // Preserve using "commentsOpts" or "some"110 condition.preserve = typeof comments !== "undefined" ? comments : "some";111 condition.extract = false;112 } // Ensure that both conditions are functions113 ["preserve", "extract"].forEach(key => {114 /** @type {undefined | string} */115 let regexStr;116 /** @type {undefined | RegExp} */117 let regex;118 switch (typeof condition[key]) {119 case "boolean":120 condition[key] = condition[key] ? () => true : () => false;121 break;122 case "function":123 break;124 case "string":125 if (condition[key] === "all") {126 condition[key] = () => true;127 break;128 }129 if (condition[key] === "some") {130 condition[key] =131 /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */132 (astNode, comment) => (comment.type === "comment2" || comment.type === "comment1") && /@preserve|@lic|@cc_on|^\**!/i.test(comment.value);133 break;134 }135 regexStr =136 /** @type {string} */137 condition[key];138 condition[key] =139 /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */140 (astNode, comment) => new RegExp(141 /** @type {string} */142 regexStr).test(comment.value);143 break;144 default:145 regex =146 /** @type {RegExp} */147 condition[key];148 condition[key] =149 /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */150 (astNode, comment) =>151 /** @type {RegExp} */152 regex.test(comment.value);153 }154 }); // Redefine the comments function to extract and preserve155 // comments according to the two conditions156 return (astNode, comment) => {157 if (158 /** @type {{ extract: ExtractCommentsFunction }} */159 condition.extract(astNode, comment)) {160 const commentText = comment.type === "comment2" ? `/*${comment.value}*/` : `//${comment.value}`; // Don't include duplicate comments161 if (!extractedComments.includes(commentText)) {162 extractedComments.push(commentText);163 }164 }165 return (166 /** @type {{ preserve: ExtractCommentsFunction }} */167 condition.preserve(astNode, comment)168 );169 };170 };171 /**172 * @param {PredefinedOptions & TerserOptions} [terserOptions={}]173 * @returns {TerserOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & ({ output: TerserFormatOptions & { beautify: boolean } } | { format: TerserFormatOptions & { beautify: boolean } })}174 */175 const buildTerserOptions = (terserOptions = {}) => {176 // Need deep copy objects to avoid return { ...terserOptions,178 compress: typeof terserOptions.compress === "boolean" ? terserOptions.compress : { ...terserOptions.compress179 },180 // ecma: terserOptions.ecma,181 // ie8: terserOptions.ie8,182 // keep_classnames: terserOptions.keep_classnames,183 // keep_fnames: terserOptions.keep_fnames,184 mangle: terserOptions.mangle == null ? true : typeof terserOptions.mangle === "boolean" ? terserOptions.mangle : { ...terserOptions.mangle185 },186 // module: terserOptions.module,187 // nameCache: { ...terserOptions.toplevel },188 // the `output` option is deprecated189 ...(terserOptions.format ? {190 format: {191 beautify: false,192 ...terserOptions.format193 }194 } : {195 output: {196 beautify: false,197 ...terserOptions.output198 }199 }),200 parse: { ...terserOptions.parse201 },202 // safari10: terserOptions.safari10,203 // Ignoring sourceMap from options204 // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined205 sourceMap: undefined // toplevel: terserOptions.toplevel206 };207 }; // eslint-disable-next-line global-require208 const {209 minify210 } = require("terser"); // Copy `terser` options211 const terserOptions = buildTerserOptions(minimizerOptions); // Let terser generate a SourceMap212 if (sourceMap) {213 // @ts-ignore214 terserOptions.sourceMap = {215 asObject: true216 };217 }218 /** @type {ExtractedComments} */219 const extractedComments = [];220 if (terserOptions.output) {221 terserOptions.output.comments = buildComments(terserOptions, extractedComments);222 } else if (terserOptions.format) {223 terserOptions.format.comments = buildComments(terserOptions, extractedComments);224 }225 const [[filename, code]] = Object.entries(input);226 const result = await minify({227 [filename]: code228 }, terserOptions);229 return {230 code:231 /** @type {string} **/232 result.code,233 // @ts-ignore234 // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined235 map: ?236 /** @type {RawSourceMap} **/237 : undefined,238 extractedComments239 };240}241/**242 * @returns {string | undefined}243 */244terserMinify.getMinimizerVersion = () => {245 let packageJson;246 try {247 // eslint-disable-next-line global-require248 packageJson = require("terser/package.json");249 } catch (error) {// Ignore250 }251 return packageJson && packageJson.version;252};253/* istanbul ignore next */254/**255 * @param {Input} input256 * @param {RawSourceMap | undefined} sourceMap257 * @param {PredefinedOptions & CustomOptions} minimizerOptions258 * @param {ExtractCommentsOptions | undefined} extractComments259 * @return {Promise<MinimizedResult>}260 */261async function uglifyJsMinify(input, sourceMap, minimizerOptions, extractComments) {262 /**263 * @param {any} value264 * @returns {boolean}265 */266 const isObject = value => {267 const type = typeof value;268 return value != null && (type === "object" || type === "function");269 };270 /**271 * @param {import("uglify-js").MinifyOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & { output: import("uglify-js").OutputOptions & { beautify: boolean }}} uglifyJsOptions272 * @param {ExtractedComments} extractedComments273 * @returns {ExtractCommentsFunction}274 */275 const buildComments = (uglifyJsOptions, extractedComments) => {276 /** @type {{ [index: string]: ExtractCommentsCondition }} */277 const condition = {};278 const {279 comments280 } = uglifyJsOptions.output;281 condition.preserve = typeof comments !== "undefined" ? comments : false;282 if (typeof extractComments === "boolean" && extractComments) {283 condition.extract = "some";284 } else if (typeof extractComments === "string" || extractComments instanceof RegExp) {285 condition.extract = extractComments;286 } else if (typeof extractComments === "function") {287 condition.extract = extractComments;288 } else if (extractComments && isObject(extractComments)) {289 condition.extract = typeof extractComments.condition === "boolean" && extractComments.condition ? "some" : typeof extractComments.condition !== "undefined" ? extractComments.condition : "some";290 } else {291 // No extract292 // Preserve using "commentsOpts" or "some"293 condition.preserve = typeof comments !== "undefined" ? comments : "some";294 condition.extract = false;295 } // Ensure that both conditions are functions296 ["preserve", "extract"].forEach(key => {297 /** @type {undefined | string} */298 let regexStr;299 /** @type {undefined | RegExp} */300 let regex;301 switch (typeof condition[key]) {302 case "boolean":303 condition[key] = condition[key] ? () => true : () => false;304 break;305 case "function":306 break;307 case "string":308 if (condition[key] === "all") {309 condition[key] = () => true;310 break;311 }312 if (condition[key] === "some") {313 condition[key] =314 /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */315 (astNode, comment) => (comment.type === "comment2" || comment.type === "comment1") && /@preserve|@lic|@cc_on|^\**!/i.test(comment.value);316 break;317 }318 regexStr =319 /** @type {string} */320 condition[key];321 condition[key] =322 /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */323 (astNode, comment) => new RegExp(324 /** @type {string} */325 regexStr).test(comment.value);326 break;327 default:328 regex =329 /** @type {RegExp} */330 condition[key];331 condition[key] =332 /** @type {ExtractCommentsFunction} */333 (astNode, comment) =>334 /** @type {RegExp} */335 regex.test(comment.value);336 }337 }); // Redefine the comments function to extract and preserve338 // comments according to the two conditions339 return (astNode, comment) => {340 if (341 /** @type {{ extract: ExtractCommentsFunction }} */342 condition.extract(astNode, comment)) {343 const commentText = comment.type === "comment2" ? `/*${comment.value}*/` : `//${comment.value}`; // Don't include duplicate comments344 if (!extractedComments.includes(commentText)) {345 extractedComments.push(commentText);346 }347 }348 return (349 /** @type {{ preserve: ExtractCommentsFunction }} */350 condition.preserve(astNode, comment)351 );352 };353 };354 /**355 * @param {PredefinedOptions & import("uglify-js").MinifyOptions} [uglifyJsOptions={}]356 * @returns {import("uglify-js").MinifyOptions & { sourceMap: undefined } & { output: import("uglify-js").OutputOptions & { beautify: boolean }}}357 */358 const buildUglifyJsOptions = (uglifyJsOptions = {}) => {359 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign360 delete minimizerOptions.ecma; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign361 delete minimizerOptions.module; // Need deep copy objects to avoid return { ...uglifyJsOptions,363 // warnings: uglifyJsOptions.warnings,364 parse: { ...uglifyJsOptions.parse365 },366 compress: typeof uglifyJsOptions.compress === "boolean" ? uglifyJsOptions.compress : { ...uglifyJsOptions.compress367 },368 mangle: uglifyJsOptions.mangle == null ? true : typeof uglifyJsOptions.mangle === "boolean" ? uglifyJsOptions.mangle : { ...uglifyJsOptions.mangle369 },370 output: {371 beautify: false,372 ...uglifyJsOptions.output373 },374 // Ignoring sourceMap from options375 // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined376 sourceMap: undefined // toplevel: uglifyJsOptions.toplevel377 // nameCache: { ...uglifyJsOptions.toplevel },378 // ie8: uglifyJsOptions.ie8,379 // keep_fnames: uglifyJsOptions.keep_fnames,380 };381 }; // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies382 const {383 minify384 } = require("uglify-js"); // Copy `uglify-js` options385 const uglifyJsOptions = buildUglifyJsOptions(minimizerOptions); // Let terser generate a SourceMap386 if (sourceMap) {387 // @ts-ignore388 uglifyJsOptions.sourceMap = true;389 }390 /** @type {ExtractedComments} */391 const extractedComments = []; // @ts-ignore392 uglifyJsOptions.output.comments = buildComments(uglifyJsOptions, extractedComments);393 const [[filename, code]] = Object.entries(input);394 const result = await minify({395 [filename]: code396 }, uglifyJsOptions);397 return {398 code: result.code,399 // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined400 map: ? JSON.parse( : undefined,401 errors: result.error ? [result.error] : [],402 warnings: result.warnings || [],403 extractedComments404 };405}406/**407 * @returns {string | undefined}408 */409uglifyJsMinify.getMinimizerVersion = () => {410 let packageJson;411 try {412 // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies413 packageJson = require("uglify-js/package.json");414 } catch (error) {// Ignore415 }416 return packageJson && packageJson.version;417};418/* istanbul ignore next */419/**420 * @param {Input} input421 * @param {RawSourceMap | undefined} sourceMap422 * @param {PredefinedOptions & CustomOptions} minimizerOptions423 * @return {Promise<MinimizedResult>}424 */425async function swcMinify(input, sourceMap, minimizerOptions) {426 /**427 * @param {PredefinedOptions & import("@swc/core").JsMinifyOptions} [swcOptions={}]428 * @returns {import("@swc/core").JsMinifyOptions & { sourceMap: undefined }}429 */430 const buildSwcOptions = (swcOptions = {}) => {431 // Need deep copy objects to avoid return { ...swcOptions,433 compress: typeof swcOptions.compress === "boolean" ? swcOptions.compress : { ...swcOptions.compress434 },435 mangle: swcOptions.mangle == null ? true : typeof swcOptions.mangle === "boolean" ? swcOptions.mangle : { ...swcOptions.mangle436 },437 // ecma: swcOptions.ecma,438 // keep_classnames: swcOptions.keep_classnames,439 // keep_fnames: swcOptions.keep_fnames,440 // module: swcOptions.module,441 // safari10: swcOptions.safari10,442 // toplevel: swcOptions.toplevel443 // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined444 sourceMap: undefined445 };446 }; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies, global-require447 const swc = require("@swc/core"); // Copy `swc` options448 const swcOptions = buildSwcOptions(minimizerOptions); // Let `swc` generate a SourceMap449 if (sourceMap) {450 // @ts-ignore451 swcOptions.sourceMap = true;452 }453 const [[filename, code]] = Object.entries(input);454 const result = await swc.minify(code, swcOptions);455 let map;456 if ( {457 map = JSON.parse(; // TODO workaround for swc because `filename` is not preset as in `swc` signature as for `terser`458 map.sources = [filename];459 delete map.sourcesContent;460 }461 return {462 code: result.code,463 map464 };465}466/**467 * @returns {string | undefined}468 */469swcMinify.getMinimizerVersion = () => {470 let packageJson;471 try {472 // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies473 packageJson = require("@swc/core/package.json");474 } catch (error) {// Ignore475 }476 return packageJson && packageJson.version;477};478/* istanbul ignore next */479/**480 * @param {Input} input481 * @param {RawSourceMap | undefined} sourceMap482 * @param {PredefinedOptions & CustomOptions} minimizerOptions483 * @return {Promise<MinimizedResult>}484 */485async function esbuildMinify(input, sourceMap, minimizerOptions) {486 /**487 * @param {PredefinedOptions & import("esbuild").TransformOptions} [esbuildOptions={}]488 * @returns {import("esbuild").TransformOptions}489 */490 const buildEsbuildOptions = (esbuildOptions = {}) => {491 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign492 delete esbuildOptions.ecma;493 if (esbuildOptions.module) {494 // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign495 esbuildOptions.format = "esm";496 } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign497 delete esbuildOptions.module; // Need deep copy objects to avoid return {499 minify: true,500 legalComments: "inline",501 ...esbuildOptions,502 sourcemap: false503 };504 }; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies, global-require505 const esbuild = require("esbuild"); // Copy `esbuild` options506 const esbuildOptions = buildEsbuildOptions(minimizerOptions); // Let `esbuild` generate a SourceMap507 if (sourceMap) {508 esbuildOptions.sourcemap = true;509 esbuildOptions.sourcesContent = false;510 }511 const [[filename, code]] = Object.entries(input);512 esbuildOptions.sourcefile = filename;513 const result = await esbuild.transform(code, esbuildOptions);514 return {515 code: result.code,516 // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined517 map: ? JSON.parse( : undefined,518 warnings: result.warnings.length > 0 ? => {519 return {520 name: "Warning",521 source: item.location && item.location.file,522 line: item.location && item.location.line,523 column: item.location && item.location.column,524 plugin: item.pluginName,525 message: `${item.text}${item.detail ? `\nDetails:\n${item.detail}` : ""}${item.notes.length > 0 ? `\n\nNotes:\n${ => `${note.location ? `[${note.location.file}:${note.location.line}:${note.location.column}] ` : ""}${note.text}${note.location ? `\nSuggestion: ${note.location.suggestion}` : ""}${note.location ? `\nLine text:\n${note.location.lineText}\n` : ""}`).join("\n")}` : ""}`526 };527 }) : []528 };529}530/**531 * @returns {string | undefined}532 */533esbuildMinify.getMinimizerVersion = () => {534 let packageJson;535 try {536 // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-extraneous-dependencies537 packageJson = require("esbuild/package.json");538 } catch (error) {// Ignore539 }540 return packageJson && packageJson.version;541};542module.exports = {543 throttleAll,544 terserMinify,545 uglifyJsMinify,546 swcMinify,547 esbuildMinify...

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Source:minify.js Github


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1"use strict";2const {3 minify: terserMinify4} = require('terser');5const buildTerserOptions = ({6 ecma,7 warnings,8 parse = {},9 compress = {},10 mangle,11 module,12 output,13 toplevel,14 nameCache,15 ie8,16 /* eslint-disable camelcase */17 keep_classnames,18 keep_fnames,19 /* eslint-enable camelcase */20 safari1021} = {}) => ({22 ecma,23 warnings,24 parse: { ...parse25 },26 compress: typeof compress === 'boolean' ? compress : { ...compress27 },28 // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary29 mangle: mangle == null ? true : typeof mangle === 'boolean' ? mangle : { ...mangle30 },31 output: {32 beautify: false,33 ...output34 },35 module,36 // Ignoring sourceMap from options37 sourceMap: null,38 toplevel,39 nameCache,40 ie8,41 keep_classnames,42 keep_fnames,43 safari1044});45function isObject(value) {46 const type = typeof value;47 return value != null && (type === 'object' || type === 'function');48}49const buildComments = (options, terserOptions, extractedComments) => {50 const condition = {};51 const commentsOpts = terserOptions.output.comments;52 const {53 extractComments54 } = options;55 condition.preserve = typeof commentsOpts !== 'undefined' ? commentsOpts : false;56 if (typeof extractComments === 'boolean' && extractComments) {57 condition.extract = 'some';58 } else if (typeof extractComments === 'string' || extractComments instanceof RegExp) {59 condition.extract = extractComments;60 } else if (typeof extractComments === 'function') {61 condition.extract = extractComments;62 } else if (isObject(extractComments)) {63 condition.extract = typeof extractComments.condition === 'boolean' && extractComments.condition ? 'some' : typeof extractComments.condition !== 'undefined' ? extractComments.condition : 'some';64 } else {65 // No extract66 // Preserve using "commentsOpts" or "some"67 condition.preserve = typeof commentsOpts !== 'undefined' ? commentsOpts : 'some';68 condition.extract = false;69 } // Ensure that both conditions are functions70 ['preserve', 'extract'].forEach(key => {71 let regexStr;72 let regex;73 switch (typeof condition[key]) {74 case 'boolean':75 condition[key] = condition[key] ? () => true : () => false;76 break;77 case 'function':78 break;79 case 'string':80 if (condition[key] === 'all') {81 condition[key] = () => true;82 break;83 }84 if (condition[key] === 'some') {85 condition[key] = (astNode, comment) => {86 return (comment.type === 'comment2' || comment.type === 'comment1') && /@preserve|@lic|@cc_on|^\**!/i.test(comment.value);87 };88 break;89 }90 regexStr = condition[key];91 condition[key] = (astNode, comment) => {92 return new RegExp(regexStr).test(comment.value);93 };94 break;95 default:96 regex = condition[key];97 condition[key] = (astNode, comment) => regex.test(comment.value);98 }99 }); // Redefine the comments function to extract and preserve100 // comments according to the two conditions101 return (astNode, comment) => {102 if (condition.extract(astNode, comment)) {103 const commentText = comment.type === 'comment2' ? `/*${comment.value}*/` : `//${comment.value}`; // Don't include duplicate comments104 if (!extractedComments.includes(commentText)) {105 extractedComments.push(commentText);106 }107 }108 return condition.preserve(astNode, comment);109 };110};111const minify = options => {112 const {113 file,114 input,115 inputSourceMap,116 minify: minifyFn117 } = options;118 if (minifyFn) {119 return minifyFn({120 [file]: input121 }, inputSourceMap);122 } // Copy terser options123 const terserOptions = buildTerserOptions(options.terserOptions); // Let terser generate a SourceMap124 if (inputSourceMap) {125 terserOptions.sourceMap = {126 asObject: true127 };128 }129 const extractedComments = [];130 terserOptions.output.comments = buildComments(options, terserOptions, extractedComments);131 const {132 error,133 map,134 code,135 warnings136 } = terserMinify({137 [file]: input138 }, terserOptions);139 return {140 error,141 map,142 code,143 warnings,144 extractedComments145 };146};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');2const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');3const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');4const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');5const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');6const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');7const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');8const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');9const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');10const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');11const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');12const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');13const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');14const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');15const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');16const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');17const { extractComments } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/stackTrace');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { extractComments } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');4const { describe } = require('@playwright/test');5const { it } = require('@playwright/test');6const { beforeAll } = require('@playwright/test');7const { afterAll } = require('@playwright/test');8const { beforeEach } = require('@playwright/test');9const { afterEach } = require('@playwright/test');10test.describe('Playwright Internal', () => {11 test.beforeAll(async ({ page }) => {12 });13 test('should extract comments from the file', async ({ page }) => {14 const comments = await extractComments('test.js');15 expect(comments).toContain('Path: test.js');16 });17});18const { extractComments } = require('@playwright/test');19const { test } = require('@playwright/test');20const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');21const { describe } = require('@playwright/test');22const { it } = require('@playwright/test');23const { beforeAll } = require('@playwright/test');24const { afterAll } = require('@playwright/test');25const { beforeEach } = require('@playwright/test');26const { afterEach } = require('@playwright/test');27test.describe('Playwright Internal', () => {28 test.beforeAll(async ({ page }) => {29 });30 test('should extract comments from the file', async ({ page }) => {31 const comments = await extractComments('test1.js');32 expect(comments).toContain('Path: test1.js');33 });34});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { extractComments } = require('playwright/lib/utils/extractComments');2const { parse } = require('playwright/lib/utils/parseJavaScript');3const { readFileSync } = require('fs');4const { join } = require('path');5const file = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test.ts'), 'utf8');6const comments = extractComments(parse(file));7console.log(comments);8[{9 loc: {10 start: { line: 1, column: 0 },11 end: { line: 4, column: 1 }12 }13}]

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { extractComments } = require('playwright/lib/utils/doclint/markdown');2const { parse } = require('playwright/lib/utils/doclint/extract');3const { join } = require('path');4const { readFileSync } = require('fs');5const { promisify } = require('util');6const { exec } = require('child_process');7const { chromium } = require('playwright');8const execAsync = promisify(exec);9const { source, language } = extractComments(parse(readFileSync(join(__dirname, '')).toString()))[0];10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const page = await browser.newPage();13 await page.goto('data:text/html,<div id="container"></div>');14 await page.addScriptTag({ content: source, language });15 const output = await page.evaluate(() => {16 return container.textContent;17 });18 console.log(output);19 await browser.close();20})();21### `extractComments(document)`22### `parse(markdown)`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { extractComments } = require('@playwright/test/lib/test/runner');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4const testFile = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test.js');5const comments = extractComments(fs.readFileSync(testFile, 'utf8'), testFile);6console.log(comments);7const { test } = require('@playwright/test');8test('my test', async ({ page, testInfo }) => {9 console.log(testInfo.comments);10});11const { test } = require('@playwright/test');12test('my test', async ({ page, testInfo }) => {13 console.log(testInfo.comments);14});

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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