How to use waitForResponse method in Playwright Internal

Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal


Source:bot-commands.test.js Github


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...8 })9 describe('worlds', function () {10 it('creates a new world', async function () {11 hubot.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')12 await hubot.waitForResponse(/The world 'Avalon' has been created and this is its control channel./)13 })14 it('fails to create a new world if one with the same name already exists', async function () {15 const otherRoom = hubot.createRoom('other-room')16 otherRoom.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')17 await otherRoom.waitForResponse(/has been created/)18 hubot.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')19 await hubot.waitForResponse("Sorry, a world called 'Avalon' already exists.")20 })21 it('fails to create a new world if the current channel is already a control channel', async function () {22 hubot.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')23 await hubot.waitForResponse(/has been created/)24 hubot.say('bot: adventure create world Faerun')25 await hubot.waitForResponse(26 'This channel is already the control channel for the world Avalon. ' +27 'Please create your world in a new channel or delete this world first.')28 })29 it('lists available worlds', async function () {30 hubot.say('bot: adventure list world')31 await hubot.waitForResponse(32 'Available worlds:\n_None created._\n' +33 'Use `bot: adventure create world <name>` to create a new world controlled from the current channel.'34 )35 const avalonRoom = hubot.createRoom('avalon-control')36 avalonRoom.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')37 await avalonRoom.waitForResponse(/has been created/)38 const faerunRoom = hubot.createRoom('faerun-room')39 faerunRoom.say('bot: adventure create world Faerun')40 await faerunRoom.waitForResponse(/has been created/)41 hubot.say('bot: adventure list world')42 await hubot.waitForResponse('Available worlds:\nAvalon\nFaerun')43 })44 it('deletes an existing world', async function () {45 hubot.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')46 await hubot.waitForResponse(/has been created/)47 hubot.say('bot: adventure delete world Avalon')48 await hubot.waitForResponse("The world 'Avalon' has been deleted.")49 })50 it('tells you if you attempt to delete a non-existent world', async function () {51 hubot.say('bot: adventure delete world Atlantis')52 await hubot.waitForResponse(/No world called 'Atlantis' exists./)53 })54 })55 describe('world code execution', function () {56 let avalon57 beforeEach(async function () {58 avalon = hubot.createRoom('avalon-control')59 avalon.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')60 await avalon.waitForResponse(/has been created/)61 })62 it('executes gnomish code in control rooms', async function () {63 avalon.say('```3 + 4```')64 await avalon.waitForResponse('```\n7\n```')65 })66 })67 describe('games', function () {68 let avalonControl, avalonPlay, faerunControl, faerunPlay69 beforeEach(async function () {70 avalonControl = hubot.createRoom('avalon-control')71 avalonControl.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')72 await avalonControl.waitForResponse(/has been created/)73 avalonControl.say('```\ndefineRoom("home", "Home")\n```\n')74 await avalonControl.waitForResponse(/Room\("home", "Home"\)/)75 avalonPlay = hubot.createRoom('avalon-play')76 faerunControl = hubot.createRoom('faerun-control')77 faerunControl.say('bot: adventure create world Faerun')78 await faerunControl.waitForResponse(/has been created/)79 faerunControl.say('```\ndefineRoom("neverwinter", "Neverwinter")\n```\n')80 await faerunControl.waitForResponse(/Room\("neverwinter", "Neverwinter"\)/)81 faerunPlay = hubot.createRoom('faerun-play')82 })83 it('creates a new game of a named world', async function () {84 avalonPlay.say('bot: adventure create game Avalon')85 await avalonPlay.waitForResponse(/Welcome to Avalon/)86 })87 it('fails to create a new game if the named world does not exist', async function () {88 avalonPlay.say('bot: adventure create game Atlantis')89 await avalonPlay.waitForResponse("No world called 'Atlantis' exists.")90 })91 it('fails to create a new game if the current channel already has one', async function () {92 avalonPlay.say('bot: adventure create game Avalon')93 await avalonPlay.waitForResponse(/Welcome to Avalon/)94 avalonPlay.say('bot: adventure create game Faerun')95 await avalonPlay.waitForResponse(/This channel is already running a game in the world of Avalon/)96 })97 it('lists running games', async function () {98 hubot.say('bot: adventure list games')99 await hubot.waitForResponse(100 'Running games:\n' +101 '_None_\n' +102 'Run `bot: adventure create game <World Name>` to begin playing a game in this channel.'103 )104 avalonPlay.say('bot: adventure create game Avalon')105 await avalonPlay.waitForResponse(/Welcome to Avalon/)106 faerunPlay.say('bot: adventure create game Faerun')107 await faerunPlay.waitForResponse(/Welcome to Faerun/)108 hubot.say('bot: adventure list games')109 await hubot.waitForResponse(110 'Running games:\n' +111 'avalon-play (Avalon)\n' +112 'faerun-play (Faerun)'113 )114 })115 it('stops a running game', async function () {116 avalonPlay.say('bot: adventure create game Avalon')117 await avalonPlay.waitForResponse(/Welcome to Avalon/)118 avalonPlay.say('bot: adventure delete game')119 await avalonPlay.waitForResponse(/game has been stopped/)120 })121 it('tells you if you attempt to stop a game when there is none', async function () {122 avalonPlay.say('bot: adventure delete game')123 await avalonPlay.waitForResponse('This channel is not currently playing any games.')124 })125 })126 describe('game commands', function () {127 let control, play128 beforeEach(async function () {129 control = hubot.createRoom('avalon-control')130 control.say('bot: adventure create world Avalon')131 await control.waitForResponse(/has been created/)132 control.say(133 '```' +134 'let room = defineRoom("home", "Home")\n' +135 'room.command("call", "and answer")\n' +136 'room' +137 '```'138 )139 await control.waitForResponse(/Room\("home", "Home"\)/)140 play = hubot.createRoom('avalon-play')141 play.say('bot: adventure create game Avalon')142 await play.waitForResponse(/Welcome to Avalon/)143 })144 it('interprets blockquotes in play rooms as commands', async function () {145 play.say('> call')146 await play.waitForResponse('and answer')147 })148 })...

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Source:compare.js Github


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1// Function to check if string contains any of the elements2const containsAny = require('./containsAny.js');3module.exports = function compare(triggerArray, replyArray, triggerResponse, replyDialogue, alternative, text, promptObj) {4 let item = "";5 var responseNum = promptObj.responseNum;6 var promptNum = promptObj.promptNum;7 var waitForResponse = promptObj.waitForResponse;8 // Check if we are waiting for a response9 if (waitForResponse) {10 switch (promptNum) {11 case 0: // WOULD YOU LIKE HELP RESOURCES12 if (containsAny(text, triggerResponse[0])) { // If yes, send one of the links for the corresponding trigger word (OCD, anxiety, depression,etc.)13 items = replyDialogue[responseNum];14 item = items[0];15 waitForResponse = false;16 sendGif = false;17 promptNum = -1;18 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;19 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;20 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;21 return item;22 } else { // If not, print the "Would you like to talk about it?" response23 items = replyDialogue[8];24 item = items[1];25 promptNum = 126 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;27 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;28 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;29 return item;30 }31 case 1:// WOULD YOU LIKE TO TALK ABOUT IT32 if (containsAny(text, triggerResponse[0])) { // If yes, send the summary about the issue33 item = replyDialogue[responseNum + 4][0];34 promptNum = 2;35 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;36 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;37 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;38 return item;39 } else if (containsAny(text, triggerResponse[1])) { // If not, print the "Would you like to set up an appointment" response40 item = "Would you like to set an appointment?";41 promptNum = 2;42 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;43 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;44 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;45 return item;46 } else {47 waitForResponse = false;48 promptNum = -1;49 item = alternative[Math.floor(Math.random() * alternative.length)]; // returns random responce50 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;51 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;52 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;53 return item;54 }55 case 2: // ASKING ABOUT APPOINTMENT56 if (containsAny(text, triggerResponse[0])) { // If yes, send prompt choosing time slot for the appointment57 item = "We have 2 time slots abvailable for this week:\n3:00 pm on Thursday or 10:00 am on Friday\nWhich one would suit you?";58 promptNum = 3;59 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;60 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;61 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;62 return item;63 } else if (containsAny(text, triggerResponse[1])) {64 item = "Ok, how else can I help you?"65 waitForResponse = false;66 promptNum = -1;67 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;68 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;69 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;70 return item;71 } else {72 waitForResponse = false;73 promptNum = -1;74 item = alternative[Math.floor(Math.random() * alternative.length)]; // returns random responce75 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;76 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;77 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;78 return item;79 }80 case 3:81 let s = "";82 if (containsAny(text, triggerResponse[2])) {83 s = "Thursday, 3:00 pm";84 } else if (containsAny(text, triggerResponse[3])) {85 s = "Friday, 10:00 am";86 } else if (containsAny(text, triggerResponse[1])) {87 waitForResponse = false;88 promptNum = -1;89 item = "Ok, how else can I help you?";90 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;91 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;92 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;93 return item;94 } else {95 item = alternative[Math.floor(Math.random() * alternative.length)]; // returns random responce96 return item;97 }98 item = "Ok, I will see you on " + s;99 waitForResponse = false;100 promptNum = -1;101 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;102 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;103 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;104 return item;105 }106 }107 sendGif = true;108 for (let x = 0; x < triggerArray.length; x++) {109 for (let y = 0; y < replyArray.length; y++) {110 if (text.includes(triggerArray[x][y])) {111 if (x >= 17 && x <= 20) { //Check if text has trigger words for OCD, anxiety,depression112 responseNum = x - 17; // Record which of the trigger words it is113 items = replyDialogue[8];114 item = item + " " + items[0]; // Send the prompt ("Would you like more resources?")115 waitForResponse = true; // Wait for response116 promptNum = 0;117 } else {118 items = replyArray[x]; // returns an array of possible replies119 item = item + " " + items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; // generates a random reply from the array120 }121 }122 }123 }124 promptObj.responseNum = responseNum;125 promptObj.promptNum = promptNum;126 promptObj.waitForResponse = waitForResponse;127 return item;...

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Source:pop.js Github


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...74 await // let fdd = fs.openSync('atxt.json', 'w')76 wFs(new Date() + ";开始角色管理首页请求;\n")77 const result = await Promise.all([78 page.waitForResponse(''),79 page.waitForResponse(''),80 page.waitForResponse(''),81 page.waitForResponse('')82 ]);83 page.on('response', response => {84 const req = response.request()85 let message = response.text()86 message.then(function (result) {87 fs.appendFile('./atxt.json', JSON.stringify({88 'Response的请求地址:': req.url(),89 '请求方式是:': req.method(),90 '请求body:': unescape(req.postData()),91 '请求返回的状态': response.status(),92 '返回的数据:': result,93 }), 'utf8', function (err, ret) { })94 })95 })96 wFs(new Date() + ";结束角色管理首页请求;\n")97 wFs(new Date() + ";跳入洪水系统;\n")98 await page.goto('http://localhost:8080/#/floodIndex', {99 waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded'100 });101 wFs(new Date() + ";等待渲染完成;\n")102 // const yubaoB = await page.$('.el-button')103 await page.waitForXPath('//button/span[contains(text(),"作业预报")]')104 const [buttonBB] = await page.$x('//button/span[contains(text(),"作业预报")]')105 wFs(new Date() + ";准备进入单站预报页面;\n")106 await wFs(new Date() + ";开始单站预报页面页请求;\n")108 const results = await Promise.all([109 page.waitForResponse(''),110 page.waitForResponse(''),111 page.waitForResponse(''),112 page.waitForResponse('')113 ]);114 wFs(new Date() + ";结束单站预报页请求;\n")115 page.on('response', response => {116 const req = response.request()117 let message = response.text()118 message.then(function (result) {119 fs.appendFile('./atxt.json', JSON.stringify({120 'Response的请求地址:': req.url(),121 '请求方式是:': req.method(),122 '请求body:': unescape(req.postData()),123 '请求返回的状态': response.status(),124 '返回的数据:': result,125 }), 'utf8', function (err, ret) { })126 })...

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Source:mappings.test.js Github


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...8 bot.createUser("3", "dandy", {roles: ["dandy lad"]});9 });10 afterEach(async function () {11 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot destroymapping foo");12 await bot.waitForResponse(/mapping foo/).catch(() => {});13 bot.destroy();14 });15 it("creates a new mapping with !createmapping", async function () {16 usesDatabase(this);17 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot createmapping foo");18 await bot.waitForResponse(19 "@admin mapping foo has been created. :sparkles:"20 );21 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot setfoo @admin: words words words");22 await bot.waitForResponse(23 "admin's foo has been set to 'words words words'."24 );25 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot foo");26 await bot.waitForResponse("words words words");27 });28 it("specifies the null message with --null", async function () {29 usesDatabase(this);30 await bot.say("admin", '@hubot createmapping foo --null="Nothing here."');31 await bot.waitForResponse(32 "@admin mapping foo has been created. :sparkles:"33 );34 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot foo");35 await bot.waitForResponse("Nothing here.");36 });37 it("configures the role required to set your own with --role-own", async function () {38 usesDatabase(this);39 await bot.say("admin", '@hubot createmapping foo --role-own "fancy lad"');40 await bot.waitForResponse(41 "@admin mapping foo has been created. :sparkles:"42 );43 await bot.say("dandy", "@hubot setfoo: nope");44 await bot.waitForResponse(45 "@dandy You can't do that! You're not a *fancy lad*.\n" +46 "Ask an admin to run `hubot grant dandy the fancy lad role`."47 );48 await bot.say("fancy", "@hubot setfoo: yep");49 await bot.waitForResponse("fancy's foo has been set to 'yep'.");50 await bot.say("dandy", "@hubot foo");51 await bot.waitForResponse("I don't know any foos that contain that!");52 await bot.say("fancy", "@hubot foo");53 await bot.waitForResponse("yep");54 });55 it("configures the role required to set others with --role-other", async function () {56 usesDatabase(this);57 await bot.say("admin", '@hubot createmapping foo --role-other "fancy lad"');58 await bot.waitForResponse(59 "@admin mapping foo has been created. :sparkles:"60 );61 await bot.say("dandy", "@hubot setfoo @fancy: nope");62 await bot.waitForResponse(63 "@dandy You can't do that! You're not a *fancy lad*.\n" +64 "Ask an admin to run `hubot grant dandy the fancy lad role`."65 );66 await bot.say("fancy", "@hubot setfoo @dandy: yep");67 await bot.waitForResponse("dandy's foo has been set to 'yep'.");68 await bot.say("dandy", "@hubot foo");69 await bot.waitForResponse("yep");70 await bot.say("fancy", "@hubot foo");71 await bot.waitForResponse("I don't know any foos that contain that!");72 });73 it("fails if the mapping already exists", async function () {74 usesDatabase(this);75 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot createmapping foo");76 await bot.waitForResponse(77 "@admin mapping foo has been created. :sparkles:"78 );79 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot createmapping foo");80 await bot.waitForResponse("There's already a mapping called foo, silly!");81 });82 it("changes an existing mapping with !changemapping", async function () {83 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot createmapping foo");84 await bot.waitForResponse(85 "@admin mapping foo has been created. :sparkles:"86 );87 await bot.say("dandy", "@hubot foo");88 await bot.waitForResponse("I don't know any foos that contain that!");89 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot changemapping foo --null stuff");90 await bot.waitForResponse("Mapping foo changed. :party-corgi:");91 await bot.say("dandy", "@hubot foo");92 await bot.waitForResponse("stuff");93 });94 it("destroys a mapping with !destroymapping", async function () {95 usesDatabase(this);96 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot createmapping foo");97 await bot.waitForResponse(98 "@admin mapping foo has been created. :sparkles:"99 );100 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot destroymapping foo");101 await bot.waitForResponse("@admin mapping foo has been destroyed. :fire:");102 });103 it("is okay to destroy a nonexistent mapping", async function () {104 usesDatabase(this);105 await bot.say("admin", "@hubot destroymapping blerp");106 await bot.waitForResponse("@admin mapping blerp does not exist.");107 });...

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Source:index.js Github


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...26 });27} else {28 invariant(PingPayManager, "Invalid platform");29}30function waitForResponse() {31 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {32 console.log('savedCallback====waitForResponse====begin===', savedCallback);33 if (savedCallback) {34 savedCallback('User canceled.');35 }36 savedCallback = r => {37 savedCallback = undefined;38 console.log('savedCallback====waitForResponse====resolve===', r);39 resolve(r);40 // const {result, errCode, errMsg} = r;41 // if (result && result === 'success') {42 // resolve(result);43 // console.log('savedCallback====waitForResponse====resolve===', result);44 // }45 // else {46 // const err = new Error(errMsg);47 // err.errCode = errCode;48 // reject(err);49 // console.log('savedCallback====waitForResponse====reject===', err);50 // }51 };52 });53}54export async function pay(charge){55 if(typeof charge === 'string') {56;57 }58 else {59;60 }61 return await waitForResponse();...

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Source:domasna7.js Github


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1let rec = (a = 0, b = 0) => {2 console.log('Rectangle');3 console.log('Perimeter:', 2 * (a + b));4 console.log('Area:', a * b);5};6rec(1, 2);7let circle = (r = 0) => {8 console.log('Circle');9 const pi = 3.14;10 console.log('Perimeter:', 2 * pi * r);11 console.log('Area:', pi * r * r);12};13circle(2);14let compare = (a, b) => {15 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {16 if (typeof a == 'number' && typeof b == 'number' && a < b) {17 return resolve(b);18 } else {19 if (typeof a == 'number' && typeof b == 'number' && a >= b) {20 return resolve(a);21 }22 }23 return reject();24 })25};26let waitforresponse = async (a, b) => {27 try {28 let response = await compare(a, b);29 console.log('Bigger number is', response);30 } catch {31 console.error('ERROR');32 }33};34waitforresponse(14, 16);35waitforresponse(3, 1);36waitforresponse('asd', 'asd');37waitforresponse(3, 'asd');38waitforresponse(true, true);39waitforresponse(true, 3);40let compareTwo = (d) => {41 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {42 if (typeof d == 'number' && d > 25) {43 return resolve(d);44 } else {45 return reject()46 };47 })48};49let waitforresponseTwo = async (d) => {50 try {51 let responseTwo = await compareTwo(d);52 console.log('The number', responseTwo, 'is bigger than 25');53 } catch {54 console.error('ERROR');55 }56};57waitforresponseTwo(200);58waitforresponseTwo(13);59const arrayOne = ['red', 'blue', 'green'];60let upper_A0 = () => {61 if (typeof arrayOne[1] == 'string') {62 arrayOne[1] = arrayOne[1].toUpperCase();63 arrayOne[0] = arrayOne[0].toUpperCase();64 arrayOne[2] = arrayOne[2].toUpperCase();65 }66};67upper_A0();68let compareThree = () => {69 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {70 if (typeof arrayOne[0] == typeof arrayOne[2] && typeof arrayOne[0] == typeof arrayOne[1] && typeof arrayOne[1] == typeof arrayOne[2]) {71 return resolve(arrayOne);72 } else {73 return reject();74 }75 })76};77let waitforresponseThree = async () => {78 try {79 let responseThree = await compareThree(arrayOne);80 console.log(responseThree);81 } catch {82 console.error('ERROR');83 }84};...

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Source:homework6.js Github


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1let rec=(a=0,b=0)=>{2 console.log('Rectangle');3 console.log('Perimeter:',2*(a+b));4 console.log('Area:',a*b);5};6rec(1,2);7let circle=(r=0)=>{8 console.log('Circle');9 const pi=3.14;10 console.log('Perimeter:',2*pi*r);11 console.log('Area:',pi*r*r);12};13circle(2);14let compare= (a,b) => {15 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {16 if (typeof a=='number' && typeof b=='number' && a<b){17 return resolve(b);18 }else{if(typeof a=='number' && typeof b=='number' && a>=b){19 return resolve(a);20 }}21 return reject();22 })23};24let waitforresponse=async(a,b)=>{25 try{26 let response=await compare(a,b);27 console.log('Bigger number is',response);28 }catch{29 console.error('ERROR');30 }31};32waitforresponse(14,16);33waitforresponse(3,1);34waitforresponse('asd','asd');35waitforresponse(3,'asd');36waitforresponse(true,true);37waitforresponse(true,3);38let compareTwo= (d) => {39 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {40 if (typeof d=='number' && d>25){41 return resolve(d);42 }else{43 return reject()};44 })45};46let waitforresponseTwo=async(d)=>{47 try{48 let responseTwo=await compareTwo(d);49 console.log('The number',responseTwo,'is bigger than 25');50 }catch{51 console.error('ERROR');52 }53};54waitforresponseTwo(200);55waitforresponseTwo(13);56const arrayOne = ['red', 'blue', 'green'];57let upper_A0=()=>{58 if(typeof arrayOne[1]=='string'){59 arrayOne[1]=arrayOne[1].toUpperCase();60 arrayOne[0]=arrayOne[0].toUpperCase();61 arrayOne[2]=arrayOne[2].toUpperCase();62}};63upper_A0();64let compareThree=()=>{65 return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{66 if (typeof arrayOne[0]==typeof arrayOne[2] && typeof arrayOne[0]==typeof arrayOne[1] && typeof arrayOne[1]==typeof arrayOne[2]){67 return resolve(arrayOne);68 }else{69 return reject();70 }71 })72};73let waitforresponseThree=async()=>{74 try{75 let responseThree=await compareThree(arrayOne);76 console.log(responseThree);77 }catch{78 console.error('ERROR');79 }80};...

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Source:homework7.js Github


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1let rec=(a=0,b=0)=>{2 console.log('Rectangle');3 console.log('Perimeter:',2*(a+b));4 console.log('Area:',a*b);5};6rec(1,2);7let circle=(r=0)=>{8 console.log('Circle');9 const pi=3.14;10 console.log('Perimeter:',2*pi*r);11 console.log('Area:',pi*r*r);12};13circle(2);14let compare= (a,b) => {15 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {16 if (typeof a=='number' && typeof b=='number' && a<b){17 return resolve(b);18 }else{if(typeof a=='number' && typeof b=='number' && a>=b){19 return resolve(a);20 }}21 return reject();22 })23};24let waitforresponse=async(a,b)=>{25 try{26 let response=await compare(a,b);27 console.log('Bigger number is',response);28 }catch{29 console.error('ERROR');30 }31};32waitforresponse(14,16);33waitforresponse(3,1);34waitforresponse('asd','asd');35waitforresponse(3,'asd');36waitforresponse(true,true);37waitforresponse(true,3);38let compareTwo= (d) => {39 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {40 if (typeof d=='number' && d>25){41 return resolve(d);42 }else{43 return reject()};44 })45};46let waitforresponseTwo=async(d)=>{47 try{48 let responseTwo=await compareTwo(d);49 console.log('The number',responseTwo,'is bigger than 25');50 }catch{51 console.error('ERROR');52 }53};54waitforresponseTwo(200);55waitforresponseTwo(13);56const arrayOne = ['red', 'blue', 'green'];57let upper_A0=()=>{58 if(typeof arrayOne[1]=='string'){59 arrayOne[1]=arrayOne[1].toUpperCase();60 arrayOne[0]=arrayOne[0].toUpperCase();61 arrayOne[2]=arrayOne[2].toUpperCase();62}};63upper_A0();64let compareThree=()=>{65 return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{66 if (typeof arrayOne[0]==typeof arrayOne[2] && typeof arrayOne[0]==typeof arrayOne[1] && typeof arrayOne[1]==typeof arrayOne[2]){67 return resolve(arrayOne);68 }else{69 return reject();70 }71 })72};73let waitforresponseThree=async()=>{74 try{75 let responseThree=await compareThree(arrayOne);76 console.log(responseThree);77 }catch{78 console.error('ERROR');79 }80};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });6 await browser.close();7})();8Playwright has a test suite that covers the core functionality. It is located in the [`test`](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.waitForResponse(response => {6 return response.url().includes('whatsmyuseragent') && response.status() === 200;7 });8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const page = await browser.newPage();14 await page.waitForRequest(request => {15 return request.url().includes('whatsmyuseragent') && request.resourceType() === 'document';16 });17 await browser.close();18})();19const { chromium } = require('playwright');20(async () => {21 const browser = await chromium.launch();22 const page = await browser.newPage();23 await page.waitForRequest(request => {24 return request.url().includes('whatsmyuseragent') && request.resourceType() === 'document';25 });26 await browser.close();27})();28const { chromium } = require('playwright');29(async () => {30 const browser = await chromium.launch();31 const page = await browser.newPage();32 await page.waitForRequest(request => {33 return request.url().includes('whatsmyuseragent') && request.resourceType() === 'document';34 });35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();40 const page = await browser.newPage();41 await page.waitForRequest(request => {42 return request.url().includes('whatsmyuseragent') && request.resourceType

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { waitForResponse } = require('playwright/lib/internal/network');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 console.log(response.url());7 await browser.close();8})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { waitForResponse } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/transport')2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.route('**/*', route => {8 route.fulfill({9 });10 });11 const [response] = await Promise.all([12 page.waitForResponse('**/*'),13 ]);14 console.log(response.url());15 await browser.close();16})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2test('waitForResponse', async ({ page }) => {3 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/api');4 expect(response.status()).toBe(200);5});6const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');7test('waitForResponse', async ({ page }) => {8 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/api');9 expect(response.status()).toBe(200);10});11import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';12test('waitForResponse', async ({ page }) => {13 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/api');14 expect(response.status()).toBe(200);15});16import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';17test('waitForResponse', async ({ page }) => {18 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/api');19 expect(response.status()).toBe(200);20});21import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';22test('waitForResponse', async ({ page }) => {23 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/api');24 expect(response.status()).toBe(200);25});26import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';27test('waitForResponse', async ({ page }) => {28 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/api');29 expect(response.status()).toBe(200);30});31import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';32test('waitForResponse', async ({ page }) => {33 const response = await page.waitForResponse('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.route('**/*', route => {7 route.fulfill({ body: 'Hello World' });8 });9 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/*');10 console.log(response.status());11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 await page.route('**/*', route => {19 route.fulfill({ body: 'Hello World' });20 });21 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/*');22 console.log(response.status());23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.route('**/*', route => {31 route.fulfill({ body: 'Hello World' });32 });33 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/*');34 console.log(response.status());35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 await page.route('**/*', route => {43 route.fulfill({ body: 'Hello World' });44 });45 const response = await page.waitForResponse('**/*');46 console.log(response.status());47 await browser.close();48})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { waitForResponse } = require('@playwright/test');2test('test', async ({ page }) => {3 const response = await waitForResponse(page, /.*search.*/);4 console.log(response.url());5});6### waitForResponse(page, urlOrPredicate[, options])

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getTestState } = require('@playwright/test');2const { waitForResponse } = require('../../utils/waitForResponse');3const test = getTestState();4test('test', async ({ page }) => {5 console.log(response.status());6});

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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