How to use checkSorting method in Puppeteer

Best JavaScript code snippet using puppeteer


Source:test_word_boundary_search.js Github


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1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this3 * file, You can obtain one at */4/**5 * Test to make sure matches against the url, title, tags are first made on word6 * boundaries, instead of in the middle of words, and later are extended to the7 * whole words. For this test it is critical to check sorting of the matches.8 *9 * Make sure we don't try matching one after a CamelCase because the upper-case10 * isn't really a word boundary. (bug 429498)11 */12var katakana = ["\u30a8", "\u30c9"]; // E, Do13var ideograph = ["\u4efb", "\u5929", "\u5802"]; // Nin Ten Do14add_task(async function test_escape() {15 Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill.searchEngines", false);16 Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill", false);17 await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([18 { uri: "http://matchme/", title: "title1" },19 { uri: "http://dontmatchme/", title: "title1" },20 { uri: "http://title/1", title: "matchme2" },21 { uri: "http://title/2", title: "dontmatchme3" },22 { uri: "http://tag/1", title: "title1" },23 { uri: "http://tag/2", title: "title1" },24 { uri: "http://crazytitle/", title: "!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:<>?word" },25 { uri: "http://katakana/", title: katakana.join("") },26 { uri: "http://ideograph/", title: ideograph.join("") },27 { uri: "http://camel/pleaseMatchMe/", title: "title1" },28 ]);29 await addBookmark({30 uri: "http://tag/1",31 title: "title1",32 tags: ["matchme2"],33 });34 await addBookmark({35 uri: "http://tag/2",36 title: "title1",37 tags: ["dontmatchme3"],38 });39 info("Match 'match' at the beginning or after / or on a CamelCase");40 await check_autocomplete({41 search: "match",42 checkSorting: true,43 matches: [44 {45 uri: "http://tag/1",46 title: "title1",47 tags: ["matchme2"],48 style: ["bookmark-tag"],49 },50 { uri: "http://camel/pleaseMatchMe/", title: "title1" },51 { uri: "http://title/1", title: "matchme2" },52 { uri: "http://matchme/", title: "title1" },53 {54 uri: "http://tag/2",55 title: "title1",56 tags: ["dontmatchme3"],57 style: ["bookmark-tag"],58 },59 { uri: "http://title/2", title: "dontmatchme3" },60 { uri: "http://dontmatchme/", title: "title1" },61 ],62 });63 info("Match 'dont' at the beginning or after /");64 await check_autocomplete({65 search: "dont",66 checkSorting: true,67 matches: [68 {69 uri: "http://tag/2",70 title: "title1",71 tags: ["dontmatchme3"],72 style: ["bookmark-tag"],73 },74 { uri: "http://title/2", title: "dontmatchme3" },75 { uri: "http://dontmatchme/", title: "title1" },76 ],77 });78 info("Match 'match' at the beginning or after / or on a CamelCase");79 await check_autocomplete({80 search: "2",81 checkSorting: true,82 matches: [83 {84 uri: "http://tag/2",85 title: "title1",86 tags: ["dontmatchme3"],87 style: ["bookmark-tag"],88 },89 {90 uri: "http://tag/1",91 title: "title1",92 tags: ["matchme2"],93 style: ["bookmark-tag"],94 },95 { uri: "http://title/2", title: "dontmatchme3" },96 { uri: "http://title/1", title: "matchme2" },97 ],98 });99 info("Match 't' at the beginning or after /");100 await check_autocomplete({101 search: "t",102 checkSorting: true,103 matches: [104 {105 uri: "http://tag/2",106 title: "title1",107 tags: ["dontmatchme3"],108 style: ["bookmark-tag"],109 },110 {111 uri: "http://tag/1",112 title: "title1",113 tags: ["matchme2"],114 style: ["bookmark-tag"],115 },116 { uri: "http://camel/pleaseMatchMe/", title: "title1" },117 { uri: "http://title/2", title: "dontmatchme3" },118 { uri: "http://title/1", title: "matchme2" },119 { uri: "http://dontmatchme/", title: "title1" },120 { uri: "http://matchme/", title: "title1" },121 { uri: "http://katakana/", title: katakana.join("") },122 { uri: "http://crazytitle/", title: "!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:<>?word" },123 ],124 });125 info("Match 'word' after many consecutive word boundaries");126 await check_autocomplete({127 search: "word",128 checkSorting: true,129 matches: [{ uri: "http://crazytitle/", title: "!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:<>?word" }],130 });131 info("Match a word boundary '/' for everything");132 await check_autocomplete({133 search: "/",134 checkSorting: true,135 matches: [136 {137 uri: "http://tag/2",138 title: "title1",139 tags: ["dontmatchme3"],140 style: ["bookmark-tag"],141 },142 {143 uri: "http://tag/1",144 title: "title1",145 tags: ["matchme2"],146 style: ["bookmark-tag"],147 },148 { uri: "http://camel/pleaseMatchMe/", title: "title1" },149 { uri: "http://ideograph/", title: ideograph.join("") },150 { uri: "http://katakana/", title: katakana.join("") },151 { uri: "http://crazytitle/", title: "!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:<>?word" },152 { uri: "http://title/2", title: "dontmatchme3" },153 { uri: "http://title/1", title: "matchme2" },154 { uri: "http://dontmatchme/", title: "title1" },155 { uri: "http://matchme/", title: "title1" },156 ],157 });158 info("Match word boundaries '()_' that are among word boundaries");159 await check_autocomplete({160 search: "()_",161 checkSorting: true,162 matches: [{ uri: "http://crazytitle/", title: "!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:<>?word" }],163 });164 info("Katakana characters form a string, so match the beginning");165 await check_autocomplete({166 search: katakana[0],167 checkSorting: true,168 matches: [{ uri: "http://katakana/", title: katakana.join("") }],169 });170 /*171 info("Middle of a katakana word shouldn't be matched");172 await check_autocomplete({173 search: katakana[1],174 matches: [ ],175 });176*/177 info("Ideographs are treated as words so 'nin' is one word");178 await check_autocomplete({179 search: ideograph[0],180 checkSorting: true,181 matches: [{ uri: "http://ideograph/", title: ideograph.join("") }],182 });183 info("Ideographs are treated as words so 'ten' is another word");184 await check_autocomplete({185 search: ideograph[1],186 checkSorting: true,187 matches: [{ uri: "http://ideograph/", title: ideograph.join("") }],188 });189 info("Ideographs are treated as words so 'do' is yet another word");190 await check_autocomplete({191 search: ideograph[2],192 checkSorting: true,193 matches: [{ uri: "http://ideograph/", title: ideograph.join("") }],194 });195 info("Match in the middle. Should just be sorted by frecency.");196 await check_autocomplete({197 search: "ch",198 checkSorting: true,199 matches: [200 {201 uri: "http://tag/2",202 title: "title1",203 tags: ["dontmatchme3"],204 style: ["bookmark-tag"],205 },206 {207 uri: "http://tag/1",208 title: "title1",209 tags: ["matchme2"],210 style: ["bookmark-tag"],211 },212 { uri: "http://camel/pleaseMatchMe/", title: "title1" },213 { uri: "http://title/2", title: "dontmatchme3" },214 { uri: "http://title/1", title: "matchme2" },215 { uri: "http://dontmatchme/", title: "title1" },216 { uri: "http://matchme/", title: "title1" },217 ],218 });219 // Also this test should just be sorted by frecency.220 info(221 "Don't match one character after a camel-case word boundary (bug 429498). Should just be sorted by frecency."222 );223 await check_autocomplete({224 search: "atch",225 checkSorting: true,226 matches: [227 {228 uri: "http://tag/2",229 title: "title1",230 tags: ["dontmatchme3"],231 style: ["bookmark-tag"],232 },233 {234 uri: "http://tag/1",235 title: "title1",236 tags: ["matchme2"],237 style: ["bookmark-tag"],238 },239 { uri: "http://camel/pleaseMatchMe/", title: "title1" },240 { uri: "http://title/2", title: "dontmatchme3" },241 { uri: "http://title/1", title: "matchme2" },242 { uri: "http://dontmatchme/", title: "title1" },243 { uri: "http://matchme/", title: "title1" },244 ],245 });246 await cleanup();...

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Source:test_getCookieSince.js Github


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...14}15async function sleep() {16 await new Promise(resolve => do_timeout(1000, resolve));17}18function checkSorting(cookies) {19 for (let i = 1; i < cookies.length; ++i) {20 Assert.greater(21 cookies[i].creationTime,22 cookies[i - 1].creationTime,23 "Cookie " + cookies[i].name24 );25 }26}27add_task(async function() {28 Services.prefs.setBoolPref(29 "network.cookieJarSettings.unblocked_for_testing",30 true31 );32 await setCookie("A",""));33 await sleep();34 await setCookie("B",""));35 await sleep();36 await setCookie("C",""));37 await sleep();38 await setCookie("D",""));39 await sleep();40 Assert.equal(cm.cookies.length, 4, "Cookie check");41 const cookies = cm.getCookiesSince(0);42 Assert.equal(cookies.length, 4, "We retrieve all the 4 cookies");43 checkSorting(cookies);44 let someCookies = cm.getCookiesSince(cookies[0].creationTime + 1);45 Assert.equal(someCookies.length, 3, "We retrieve some cookies");46 checkSorting(someCookies);47 someCookies = cm.getCookiesSince(cookies[1].creationTime + 1);48 Assert.equal(someCookies.length, 2, "We retrieve some cookies");49 checkSorting(someCookies);50 someCookies = cm.getCookiesSince(cookies[2].creationTime + 1);51 Assert.equal(someCookies.length, 1, "We retrieve some cookies");52 checkSorting(someCookies);53 someCookies = cm.getCookiesSince(cookies[3].creationTime + 1);54 Assert.equal(someCookies.length, 0, "We retrieve some cookies");...

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Source:sorts.test.js Github


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1const { bubbleSort, selectionSort, insertionSort, quickSort, mergeSort } = require('./sorts');2describe('Sorts testing', () => {3 function checkSorting(sortFn) {4 expect(sortFn([3, 2, 100])).toEqual([2, 3, 100]);5 expect(sortFn([])).toEqual([]);6 expect(sortFn([1])).toEqual([1]);7 expect(sortFn([100, 1000, -100, -100, 1, 2, 3])).toEqual([8 -100,9 -100,10 1,11 2,12 3,13 100,14 1000,15 ]);16 }17 it('should test selectionSort', () => checkSorting(selectionSort));18 it('should test insertionSort', () => checkSorting(insertionSort));19 it('should test bubbleSort', () => checkSorting(bubbleSort));20 it('should test quickSort', () => checkSorting(quickSort));21 it('should test mergeSort', () => checkSorting(mergeSort));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const puppeteerSorter = require('puppeteer-sorter');2const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');3(async () => {4 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const isSorted = puppeteerSorter.checkSorting(page, 'a', 'title', 'asc');7 await browser.close();8})();9const puppeteerSorter = require('puppeteer-sorter');10const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');11(async () => {12 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();13 const page = await browser.newPage();14 puppeteerSorter.sort(page, 'a', 'title', 'asc');15 puppeteerSorter.sort(page, 'a', 'title', 'desc');16 puppeteerSorter.sort(page, 'a', 'text', 'asc');17 puppeteerSorter.sort(page, 'a', 'text', 'desc');18 await browser.close();19})();20const puppeteerSorter = require('puppeteer-sorter');21const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');22(async () => {23 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();24 const page = await browser.newPage();25 puppeteerSorter.sort(page, 'a', 'title', 'asc');26 puppeteerSorter.sort(page, 'a', 'title', 'desc');27 puppeteerSorter.sort(page, 'a', 'text', 'asc');28 puppeteerSorter.sort(page, 'a', 'text', 'desc');29 await browser.close();30})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const checkSorting = require('check-sorting')2const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')3async function run() {4 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({5 })6 const page = await browser.newPage()7 await page.waitForSelector('input[name="q"]')8 await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'Puppeteer')9 await'input[name="btnK"]')10 await page.waitForSelector('div#resultStats')11 const resultStats = await page.$eval('div#resultStats', el => el.textContent)12 console.log(resultStats)13 await page.waitForSelector('h3.r a')14 const links = await page.evaluate(() =>15 Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('h3.r a'), a => a.href)16 console.log(links)17 const isSorted = checkSorting(links)18 console.log(isSorted)19 await browser.close()20}21run()22{23 "scripts": {24 },25 "dependencies": {26 }27}

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