How to use webpackCoerced method in storybook-root

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Source:webpack5.ts Github


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1import chalk from 'chalk';2import dedent from 'ts-dedent';3import semver from '@storybook/​semver';4import { ConfigFile, readConfig, writeConfig } from '@storybook/​csf-tools';5import { Fix } from '../​types';6import { getStorybookInfo } from '../​helpers/​getStorybookInfo';7import { PackageJsonWithDepsAndDevDeps } from '../​../​js-package-manager';8const logger = console;9interface Webpack5RunOptions {10 webpackVersion: string;11 storybookVersion: string;12 main: ConfigFile;13}14interface CheckBuilder {15 checkWebpack5Builder: (16 packageJson: PackageJsonWithDepsAndDevDeps17 ) => Promise<{ storybookVersion: string; main: ConfigFile }>;18}19/​**20 * Is the user using webpack5 in their project?21 *22 * If the user is using a version of SB >= 6.3,23 * prompt them to upgrade to webpack5.24 *25 * - Add manager-webpack5 builder-webpack5 as dev dependencies26 * - Add core.builder = 'webpack5' to main.js27 * - Add 'webpack5' as a project dependency28 */​29export const webpack5: Fix<Webpack5RunOptions> & CheckBuilder = {30 id: 'webpack5',31 async checkWebpack5Builder(packageJson: PackageJsonWithDepsAndDevDeps) {32 const { mainConfig, version: storybookVersion } = getStorybookInfo(packageJson);33 const storybookCoerced = storybookVersion && semver.coerce(storybookVersion)?.version;34 if (!storybookCoerced) {35 logger.warn(dedent`36 ❌ Unable to determine storybook version, skipping ${chalk.cyan('webpack5')} fix.37 🤔 Are you running automigrate from your project directory?38 `);39 return null;40 }41 if (, '6.3.0')) {42 logger.warn(43 dedent`44 Detected SB 6.3 or below, please upgrade storybook to use webpack5.45 To upgrade to the latest stable release, run this from your project directory:46 ${chalk.cyan('npx sb upgrade')}47 Add the ${chalk.cyan('--prerelease')} flag to get the latest prerelease.48 `.trim()49 );50 return null;51 }52 if (semver.gte(storybookCoerced, '7.0.0')) {53 return null;54 }55 if (!mainConfig) {56 logger.warn('Unable to find storybook main.js config');57 return null;58 }59 const main = await readConfig(mainConfig);60 const builder = main.getFieldValue(['core', 'builder']);61 if (builder && builder !== 'webpack4') {62`Found builder ${builder}, skipping`);63 return null;64 }65 return { storybookVersion, main };66 },67 async check({ packageManager }) {68 const packageJson = packageManager.retrievePackageJson();69 const { dependencies, devDependencies } = packageJson;70 const webpackVersion = dependencies.webpack || devDependencies.webpack;71 const webpackCoerced = semver.coerce(webpackVersion)?.version;72 if (73 !webpackCoerced ||74, '5.0.0') ||75 semver.gte(webpackCoerced, '6.0.0')76 )77 return null;78 const builderInfo = await this.checkWebpack5Builder(packageJson);79 return builderInfo ? { webpackVersion, ...builderInfo } : null;80 },81 prompt({ webpackVersion, storybookVersion }) {82 const webpackFormatted = chalk.cyan(`webpack ${webpackVersion}`);83 const sbFormatted = chalk.cyan(`Storybook ${storybookVersion}`);84 return dedent`85 We've detected you're running ${webpackFormatted}.86 ${sbFormatted} runs webpack4 by default, which may not be compatible.87 88 To run Storybook in webpack5-mode, we can install Storybook's ${chalk.cyan(89 'webpack5 builder'90 )} for you.91 More info: ${chalk.yellow(92 'https:/​/​​storybookjs/​storybook/​blob/​next/​'93 )}94 `;95 },96 async run({ result: { main, storybookVersion, webpackVersion }, packageManager, dryRun }) {97 const deps = [98 `@storybook/​manager-webpack5@${storybookVersion}`,99 `@storybook/​builder-webpack5@${storybookVersion}`,100 ];101 /​/​ this also gets called by 'cra5' fix so we need to add102 /​/​ webpack5 at the project root so that it gets hoisted103 if (!webpackVersion) {104 deps.push('webpack@5');105 }106`✅ Adding dependencies: ${deps}`);107 if (!dryRun) packageManager.addDependencies({ installAsDevDependencies: true }, deps);108'✅ Setting `core.builder` to `webpack5` in main.js');109 if (!dryRun) {110 main.setFieldValue(['core', 'builder'], 'webpack5');111 await writeConfig(main);112 }113 },...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias';2import { webpack } from 'storybook-root-alias';3module.exports = (baseConfig, env) => {4 const config = webpack(baseConfig, env);5 return config;6};7module.exports = (baseConfig, env) => {8 const config = webpackCoerced(baseConfig, env);9 return config;10};11const { webpackCoerced } = require('storybook-root-alias');12module.exports = {13 webpack: {14 configure: (webpackConfig, { env, paths }) => {15 return webpackCoerced(webpackConfig, env);16 },17 },18};19const { webpackCoerced } = require('storybook-root-alias');20module.exports = function override(config, env) {21 return webpackCoerced(config, env);22};23{24 "compilerOptions": {25 "paths": {26 }27 }28}29{30 "compilerOptions": {31 "paths": {32 }33 }34}35const path = require('path');36module.exports = (baseConfig, env) => {37 const config = baseConfig;38 config.resolve.alias['@'] = path.resolve(__dirname, '../​src');39 return config;40};41module.exports = {42 webpackFinal: async config => {

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1import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'2import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'3import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'4import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'5import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'6import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'7import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'8import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'9import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'10import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'11import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'12import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'13import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'14import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias'

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root'2import { configure } from '@storybook/​react'3const loadStories = () => {4 const req = webpackCoerced(require.context('../​src', true, /​\.stories\.js$/​))5 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename))6}7configure(loadStories, module)8"scripts": {9}10import { configure } from '@storybook/​react'11const req = require.context('../​src', true, /​\.stories\.js$/​)12function loadStories() {13 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename))14}15configure(loadStories, module)

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1const {webpackCoerced} = require('storybook-root-configuration')2module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {3 return webpackCoerced(defaultConfig)4}5module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {6 return webpack(defaultConfig)7}8module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {9 return webpack(defaultConfig)10}11module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {12 return webpack(defaultConfig)13}14module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {15 return webpack(defaultConfig)16}17module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {18 return webpack(defaultConfig)19}20module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {21 return webpack(defaultConfig)22}

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1import { webpackCoerced } from '@storybook/​react';2const config = webpackCoerced(config, env);3module.exports = config;4import React from 'react';5import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/​react';6import Button from './​Button';7storiesOf('Button', module).add('with text', () => <Button>Click Me</​Button>);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));2console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));3console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));4console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));5console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));6console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));7console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));8console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));9console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));10console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));11console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));12console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));13console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));14console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));15console.log('webpackCoerced: ', require('storybook-root/​webpackCoerced'));16console.log('webpack

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1import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-config';2import webpackConfig from './​webpack.config';3export default webpackCoerced(webpackConfig);4const path = require('path');5const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');6module.exports = {7 output: {8 path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),9 },10 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({11 }),12};13module.exports = {14 webpackFinal: require('storybook-root-config').webpackFinal,15};16import { configure } from '@storybook/​react';17const req = require.context('../​src', true, /​.stories.js$/​);18function loadStories() {19 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));20}21configure(loadStories, module);22"devDependencies": {23}24I have a webpack.config.js file in my storybook package and in my react package. I have tried to import the webpackCoerced method from the storybook-root-config package in my webpack.config.js file in my storybook package but

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { webpackCoerced } from 'storybook-root-alias';2import { configure } from '@storybook/​react';3webpackCoerced();4configure(() => {5 require('../​src/​components/​MyComponent/​MyComponent.story.js');6}, module);7const path = require('path');8const webpack = require('webpack');9const rootAlias = require('storybook-root-alias');10module.exports = {11 new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(12 path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js'),13 module: {14 {15 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../​'),16 {17 options: {18 rootAlias.babelPlugin({19 }),20 },21 },22 },23 },24};

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