How to use pattern.trim method in unexpected

Best JavaScript code snippet using unexpected


Source:callback.js Github


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1/**2 * 根据要求往cuckoo中创建任务及其提醒3 */4'use strict';5const { parseDateTime } = require('./lib');6// 先将输入的参数拼成一个字符串7// 逐个匹配输入的字符串中的日期时间的格式8// 计算出要延迟的分钟数9// 输出Workflow所要求的JSON格式内容10function main() {11 let brief;12 let delayMinutes;13 let subtitle;14 let timestamp;15 const totalInput = process.argv.slice(2).join(' ');16 const parseResult = parseDateTime(totalInput);17 brief = parseResult.brief;18 delayMinutes = parseResult.delayMinutes;19 subtitle = parseResult.subtitle;20 const dateTime = subtitle;21 timestamp = parseResult.timestamp;22 // 从brief中提炼出重复模式23 brief = brief.trim();24 const repeatTypePattern = /\*([^\s]+)/;25 let repeatType = '';26 if (brief.match(repeatTypePattern)) {27 repeatType = brief.match(repeatTypePattern)[1];28 brief = brief.replace(repeatTypePattern, '').trim();29 }30 // 从brief中提炼出设备31 const devicePattern = /\\([^\s]+)/;32 let device = '';33 if (brief.match(devicePattern)) {34 device = brief.match(devicePattern)[1];35 brief = brief.replace(devicePattern, '').trim();36 if (device === 'mobilePhone') {37 subtitle += ',将会发往微信帐号';38 }39 }40 const durationPattern = /~([0-9]+)/;41 let duration = '';42 if (brief.match(durationPattern)) {43 duration = brief.match(durationPattern)[1];44 brief = brief.replace(durationPattern, '').trim();45 subtitle += ` 持续展示${duration}秒`;46 }47 const arg = `delayMinutes=${delayMinutes};device=${device};duration=${duration};message=${brief};timestamp=${timestamp};type=${repeatType}`;48 const items = [{49 arg,50 icon: {51 path: ''52 },53 subtitle,54 title: brief55 }];56 items.push({57 arg,58 icon: { path: '' },59 subtitle: '',60 title: dateTime61 });62 if (repeatType) {63 items.push({64 arg,65 icon: { path: '' },66 subtitle: '',67 title: `重复模式为${repeatType}`68 });69 }70 if (device === 'mobilePhone') {71 items.push({72 arg,73 icon: { path: '' },74 subtitle: '',75 title: '将会发往微信帐号'76 });77 }78 if (duration) {79 items.push({80 arg,81 icon: { path: '' },82 subtitle: '',83 title: `持续展示${duration}秒`84 });85 }86 console.log(JSON.stringify({87 items88 }, null, 2));89}...

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Source:watchConfig.js Github


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...56function parseWatchObject(watchObj) {57 if (!watchObj) return;58 Object.keys(watchObj).forEach(pattern => {59 if (/^CMD ([\d\w-])+$/i.test(pattern))60 createCmdWatcher(pattern.trim(), watchObj[pattern].trim());61 else62 createFileWatcher(pattern.trim(), watchObj[pattern].trim())63 });64}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var expect = require('unexpected').clone();2expect.output.preferredWidth = 80;3expect.addAssertion('<string> to be trimmed', function (expect, subject) {4 return expect(subject.trim(), 'to equal', subject);5});6expect(' foo ', 'to be trimmed');7var expect = require('unexpected').clone();8expect.output.preferredWidth = 80;9expect.addAssertion('<string> to be trimmed', function (expect, subject) {10 return expect(subject.trim(), 'to equal', subject);11});12expect(' foo ', 'to be trimmed');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const expect = require('unexpected')2 .clone()3 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'))4 .use(require('unexpected-http'))5 .use(require('unexpected-express'));6const express = require('express');7const app = express();8app.get('/test', (req, res) => {9 res.send('test');10});11describe('GET /test', () => {12 it('should return 200', done => {13 expect(app, 'to yield exchange', {14 }, done);15 });16});17const expect = require('unexpected')18 .clone()19 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'))20 .use(require('unexpected-http'))21 .use(require('unexpected-express'));22const express = require('express');23const app = express();24app.get('/test', (req, res) => {25 res.send('test');26});27describe('GET /test', () => {28 it('should return 200', done => {29 expect(app, 'to yield exchange', {30 }, done);31 });32});33const expect = require('unexpected')34 .clone()35 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'))36 .use(require('unexpected-http'))37 .use(require('unexpected-express'));38const express = require('express');39const app = express();40app.get('/test', (req, res) => {41 res.send('test');42});43describe('GET /test', () => {44 it('should return 200', done => {45 expect(app, 'to yield exchange', {46 }, done);47 });48});49const expect = require('unexpected')50 .clone()51 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'))52 .use(require('unexpected-http'))53 .use(require('unexpected-express'));54const express = require('express');55const app = express();56app.get('/test', (req, res) => {57 res.send('test');58});59describe('GET /test', () => {60 it('should return 200', done => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {expect} = require('unexpected');2expect('foo', 'to match', 'f');3expect('foo', 'to match', /f/);4expect('foo', 'to match', 'foo');5expect('foo', 'to match', /foo/);6expect('foo', 'to match', 'fo');7expect('foo', 'to match', /fo/);8expect('foo', 'to match', 'o');9expect('foo', 'to match', /o/);10expect('foo', 'to match', 'oo');11expect('foo', 'to match', /oo/);12expect('foo', 'to match', 'f.');13expect('foo', 'to match', /f./);14expect('foo', 'to match', 'f..');15expect('foo', 'to match', /f../);16expect('foo', 'to match', '.o');17expect('foo', 'to match', /.o/);18expect('foo', 'to match', '..o');19expect('foo', 'to match', /..o/);20expect('foo', 'to match', 'f.o');21expect('foo', 'to match', /f.o/);22expect('foo', 'to match', 'f..o');23expect('foo', 'to match', /f..o/);24expect('foo', 'to match', 'f.*');25expect('foo', 'to match', /f.*/);26expect('foo', 'to match', '.*o');27expect('foo', 'to match', /.*o/);28expect('foo', 'to match', '.*');29expect('foo', 'to match', /.*/);30expect('foo', 'to match', 'f.*o');31expect('foo', 'to match', /f.*o/);32expect('foo', 'to match', '.*o');33expect('foo', 'to match', /.*o/);34expect('foo', 'to match', '.*');35expect('foo', 'to match', /.*/);36expect('foo', 'to match', 'f.*o');37expect('foo', 'to match', /f.*o/);38expect('foo', 'to match', '.*o');39expect('foo', 'to match', /.*o/);40expect('foo', 'to match', '.*');41expect('foo', 'to match', /.*/);42expect('foo', '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var expect = require('unexpected')2 .clone()3 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'));4var sinon = require('sinon');5var fs = require('fs');6var obj = {7 readFileSync: function () {8 return 'hello world';9 }10};11var spy = sinon.spy(obj, 'readFileSync');12expect(spy, 'was called once');13expect(spy, 'was called with', 'utf8');14expect(spy, 'was called on', obj);15var expect = require('unexpected')16 .clone()17 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'));18var sinon = require('sinon');19var fs = require('fs');20var obj = {21 readFileSync: function () {22 return 'hello world';23 }24};25var spy = sinon.spy(obj, 'readFileSync');26expect(spy, 'was called once');27expect(spy, 'was called with', 'utf8');28expect(spy, 'was called on', obj);29var expect = require('unexpected')30 .clone()31 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'));32var sinon = require('sinon');33var fs = require('fs');34var obj = {35 readFileSync: function () {36 return 'hello world';37 }38};39var spy = sinon.spy(obj, 'readFileSync');40expect(spy, 'was called once');41expect(spy, 'was called with', 'utf8');42expect(spy, 'was called on', obj);43var expect = require('unexpected')44 .clone()45 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'));46var sinon = require('sinon');47var fs = require('fs');48var obj = {49 readFileSync: function () {50 return 'hello world';51 }52};53var spy = sinon.spy(obj, 'readFileSync');54expect(spy, 'was called once');55expect(spy, 'was called with', 'utf8');56expect(spy, 'was called on', obj);57var expect = require('unexpected')58 .clone()59 .use(require('unexpected-sinon'));60var sinon = require('sinon');61var fs = require('fs');62var obj = {63 readFileSync: function () {64 return 'hello world';65 }66};

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1var expect = require('unexpected');2var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');3expect.installPlugin(pattern);4expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');5var expect = require('unexpected');6var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');7expect.installPlugin(pattern);8expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');9var expect = require('unexpected');10var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');11expect.installPlugin(pattern);12expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');13var expect = require('unexpected');14var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');15expect.installPlugin(pattern);16expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');17var expect = require('unexpected');18var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');19expect.installPlugin(pattern);20expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');21var expect = require('unexpected');22var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');23expect.installPlugin(pattern);24expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');25var expect = require('unexpected');26var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');27expect.installPlugin(pattern);28expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');29var expect = require('unexpected');30var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');31expect.installPlugin(pattern);32expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');33var expect = require('unexpected');34var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');35expect.installPlugin(pattern);36expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');37var expect = require('unexpected');38var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');39expect.installPlugin(pattern);40expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');41var expect = require('unexpected');42var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');43expect.installPlugin(pattern);44expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');45var expect = require('unexpected');46var pattern = require('unexpected-pattern');47expect.installPlugin(pattern);48expect(' abc', 'to trim', 'abc');

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1var expect = require('unexpected');2var pattern = require('./pattern.js');3describe('pattern', function () {4 describe('trim', function () {5 it('should trim a string', function () {6 expect(pattern.trim(' foo '), 'to equal', 'foo');7 });8 it('should trim a string with a custom trim character', function () {9 expect(pattern.trim('', '.'), 'to equal', 'foo');10 });11 it('should trim a string with a custom trim character', function () {12 expect(pattern.trim('', '.'), 'to equal', 'foo');13 });14 });15});16module.exports = {17 trim: function (str, char) {18 if (char) {19 return str.replace(new RegExp('^' + char + '+|' + char + '+$', 'g'), '');20 }21 return str.trim();22 }23};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var expect = require('unexpected');2var pattern = ' hello world ';3expect(pattern.trim(), 'to equal', 'hello world');4str.trim()5Using trim()6var str = ' hello world ';7Specification ECMAScript (ECMA-262)8String.prototype.trimStart()9String.prototype.trimEnd()10String.prototype.trimLeft()11String.prototype.trimRight()12String.prototype.trim() on MDN

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