How to use err class

Best Atoum code snippet using err


Source:mail.php Github


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1<?2$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_CHECK_MAIL'] = "Ошибка при получении почты с ящика";3$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_NAME'] = "Не заполнено поле";4$MESS ['MAIL_CL_NAME'] = "Название";5$MESS ['MAIL_CL_LOGIN'] = "Имя входа";6$MESS ['MAIL_CL_PASSWORD'] = "Пароль";7$MESS ['MAIL_CL_USER_ID'] = "Владелец";8$MESS ['MAIL_CL_LINK'] = "Адрес веб-интерфейса";9$MESS ['MAIL_CL_SERVER'] = "Почтовый сервер";10$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_BAD_LANG'] = "Неправильный сайт";11$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_BAD_LANG_NX'] = "Не введен сайт почтового ящика";12$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_BAD_SERVICE_ID'] = "Неправильный почтовый сервис";13$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_BAD_SERVICE_ID_NX'] = "Не введен почтовый сервис ящика";14$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_MAILBOX_NOT_FOUND'] = "Ящик не найден.";15$MESS ['MAIL_CL_TIMEOUT'] = "Таймаут соединения.";16$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_APOP'] = "Ошибка выполнения APOP.";17$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_USER'] = "Ошибка выполнения USER.";18$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_PASSWORD'] = "Неправильный пароль.";19$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_STAT'] = "Ошибка выполнения команды STAT.";20$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_UIDL'] = "Ошибка выполнения команды UIDL.";21$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_DISCONNECT'] = "Ошибка при завершении соединения.";22$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_RETR'] = "Ошибка получения сообщения.";23$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_DELE'] = "Ошибка при удалении сообщения.";24$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_IN_PHP'] = "Ошибка PHP кода в поле ";25$MESS ['MAIL_CL_PHP_COND'] = "Условие на PHP скрипте";26$MESS ['MAIL_CL_PHP_ACT'] = "Действие на PHP скрипте";27$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_WRONG_MAILBOX'] = "Неправильный почтовый ящик";28$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ERR_MAILBOX_NA'] = "Не введен почтовый ящик";29$MESS ['MAIL_CL_CONNECT_TO'] = "Соединяемся с";30$MESS ['MAIL_CL_WHEN_CONNECT'] = "(при получении)";31$MESS ['MAIL_CL_WHEN_MANUAL'] = "(при ручном вызове)";32$MESS ['MAIL_CL_RULE_ACT_SPAM'] = "Действие правила: Письмо помечено как спам";33$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ACT_SPAM'] = "Письмо помечено как спам";34$MESS ['MAIL_CL_RULE_ACT_NOTSPAM'] = "Действие правила: Письмо помечено как не спам";35$MESS ['MAIL_CL_ACT_NOTSPAM'] = "Письмо помечено как не спам";36$MESS ['MAIL_CL_RULE_ACT_PHP'] = "Действие правила: Выполнение PHP скрипта";37$MESS ['MAIL_CL_RULE_ACT_DEL'] = "Действие правила: Удаление сообщения";38$MESS ['MAIL_CL_RULE_ACT_CANC'] = "Действие правила: Прекращение выполнения правил";39$MESS ['MAIL_CL_NEW_MESSAGE'] = "Получение сообщения:";40$MESS ['MAIL_CL_RULE_RUN'] = "Обработка правилом";41$MESS ['B_MAIL_ERR_SN'] = "Введенный SMTP сервер уже используется. Вы не можете использовать одновременно два SMTP сервера на одном адресе.";42$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_DEFAULT'] = "Неизвестная ошибка (mail)";43$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_DB'] = "Ошибка базы данных";44$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_DEFAULT'] = "Неизвестная ошибка (mail api)";45$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_OP_DENIED'] = "Операция не доступна";46$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_DENIED'] = "Доступ к сервису запрещен";47$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_NAME_OCCUPIED'] = "Логин занят";48$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_USER_NOTFOUND'] = "Логин не существует";49$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_EMPTY_DOMAIN'] = "Не задан домен";50$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_EMPTY_NAME'] = "Не задан логин";51$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_EMPTY_PASSWORD'] = "Не задан пароль";52$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_SHORT_PASSWORD'] = "Слишком короткий пароль (минимум 6 символов)";53$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_BAD_NAME'] = "Недопустимое имя ящика";54$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_BAD_PASSWORD'] = "Недопустимый пароль";55$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_PASSWORD_LIKELOGIN'] = "Пароль не должен совпадать с именем ящика";56$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_LONG_NAME'] = "Слишком длинное имя ящика (максимум 30 символов)";57$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_LONG_PASSWORD'] = "Слишком длинный пароль (максимум 20 символов)";58$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_DOMAIN_OCCUPIED'] = "Домен уже используется";59$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_BAD_DOMAIN'] = "Недопустимое имя домена";60$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_API_PROHIBITED_DOMAIN'] = "Доменное имя запрещено для подключения";61$MESS ['MAIL_ERR_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND'] = "Ссылка недействительна";62?>...

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Source:Validation.php Github


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...6 $this->parameters = $parameters; 7 }8 //Sygnalizowanie błędów9 private $messages = [];10 private $err_surname_name = null;11 private $err_surname_name_val = null;12 private $err_email = null;13 private $err_email_val = null;14 private $err_pass = null;15 private $err_pass_val = null;16 private $err_country = null;17 private $err_country_val = null;18 private $err_locality = null;19 private $err_locality_val = null;20 private $err_street = null;21 private $err_street_val = null;22 private $err_flat_number = null;23 private $err_flat_number_val = null;24 private $err_postcode = null;25 private $err_postcode_val = null;26 private $err = null;27 private $err_val = null;28 29 private $flag = true;30 public function resetMessagesValues(){31 $messages = [];32 $err_surname_name = null;33 $err_surname_name_val = null;34 $err_email = null;35 $err_email_val = null;36 $err_pass = null;37 $err_pass_val = null;38 $err_country = null;39 $err_country_val = null;40 $err_locality = null;41 $err_locality_val = null;42 $err_street = null;43 $err_street_val = null;44 $err_flat_number = null;45 $err_flat_number_val = null;46 $err_postcode = null;47 $err_postcode_val = null;48 $err = null;49 $err_val = null;50 $flag = true; 51 }52 53 public function getMessages() : array{54 $messages = [55 $this->err_surname_name=>$this->err_surname_name_val,56 $this->err_email=>$this->err_email_val,57 $this->err_pass=>$this->err_pass_val,58 $this->err_street=>$this->err_street_val,59 $this->err_flat_number=>$this->err_flat_number_val,60 $this->err_country=>$this->err_country_val,61 $this->err_locality=>$this->err_locality_val,62 $this->err_postcode=>$this->err_postcode_val,63 $this->err=>$this->err_val64 ];65 return $messages;66 }67 public function validateUserName():bool{68 if(strlen($this->parameters['name']) < 3 || (1 === preg_match('~[0-9]~', $this->parameters['name']))){69 $this->err_surname_name = 'err_surname_name';70 $this->err_surname_name_val = 'Incorrect name or surname!'; 71 return false;72 }else73 return true;74 }75 public function validateUserSurname():bool{76 if(strlen($this->parameters['surname']) < 3 || (1 === preg_match('~[0-9]~', $this->parameters['surname']))){77 $this->err_surname_name = 'err_surname_name';78 $this->err_surname_name_val = 'Incorrect name or surname!'; 79 return false;80 }else81 return true;82 }83 public function validateEmail():bool{84 if (!filter_var($this->parameters['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {85 $this->err_email = 'err_email';86 $this->err_email_val = 'Incorrect email!';87 return false;88 }else89 return true;90 }91 public function validatePassword(){92 if($this->parameters['password'] !== $this->parameters['confirm_password']){93 $this->err_pass = 'err_pass';94 $this->err_pass_val = 'Different passwords!'; 95 return false;96 }97 if(strlen($this->parameters['password']) < 8){98 $this->err_pass = 'err_pass';99 $this->err_pass_val = 'Password must consist of at least 8 characters!';100 return false;101 } 102 return true;103 }104 public function validateCountry():bool{105 if(strlen($this->parameters['country']) < 3){106 $this->err_country = 'err_country';107 $this->err_country_val = 'Name of country is incorrect!';108 return false;109 }else110 return true;111 }112 public function validateLocality():bool{113 if(strlen($this->parameters['locality']) < 1){114 $this->err_locality = 'err_locality';115 $this->err_locality_val = 'Name of locality is incorrect!';116 return false;117 }else118 return true;119 }120 public function validateStreet():bool{121 if($this->parameters['street'] === ''){122 $this->parameters['street'] = 'Brak';123 }else if(strlen($this->parameters['street']) < 1){124 $this->err_street = 'err_street';125 $this->err_street_val = 'Name of street is incorrect!';126 return false;127 }128 if($this->parameters['street_number'] === ''){129 $this->parameters['street_number'] = 0;130 }else if($this->parameters['street_number'] < 1){131 $this->err_street = 'err_street';132 $this->err_street_val = 'Number of street is incorrect!';133 return false;134 }135 return true;136 }137 public function validateFlatNumber():bool{138 if($this->parameters['flat_number'] < 1){139 $this->err_flat_number = 'err_flat_number';140 $this->err_flat_number_val = 'Name of street is incorrect!';141 return false;142 }else143 return true;144 }145 public function validatePostLocality():bool{146 if(strlen($this->parameters['postcode_locality']) < 1){147 $this->err_postcode = 'err_postcode';148 $this->err_postcode_val = 'Postcode locality is incorrect!';149 return false;150 }else151 return true;152 }153 public function validatePostCode():bool{154 if(!preg_match('/^[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{3}$/Du', $this->parameters['postcode_number'])){155 $this->err_postcode = 'err_postcode';156 $this->err_postcode_val = 'Postcode number is incorrect!';157 return false;158 }else159 return true;160 }161 public function validateRegisterForm():bool{162 $this->flag = true;163 $this->flag = $this->validateUserName();164 if(!$this->flag) return $this->flag;165 166 $this->flag = $this->validateUserSurname();167 if(!$this->flag) return $this->flag;168 169 $this->flag = $this->validateEmail();170 if(!$this->flag) return $this->flag;...

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Source:editprofileCheck.php Github


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1<?php2 $name="";3 $err_name="";4 $uname="";5 $err_uname="";6 $pass="";7 $err_pass="";8 $cpass="";9 $err_cpass="";10 $email="";11 $err_email="";12 $dobDay="";13 $dobMonth="";14 $dobYear="";15 $err_dob="";16 $gender="";17 $err_gender="";18 $has_err=false;19 if(isset($_POST["edit"])){20 21 //NAME VALIDATION22 if(empty($_POST["name"])){23 $err_name="Please Enter Name!";24 $has_err=true;25 }26 elseif(strpos($_POST["name"],"abcd")){27 $err_name="Name can not contain sequence of 'abcd'";28 $has_err=true;29 }30 else{31 $name=$_POST["name"];32 }33 //EMAIL VALIDATION34 if(empty($_POST["email"])){35 $err_email="Please Enter Email!";36 $has_err=true;37 }38 elseif(strpos($_POST["email"],"@") && strpos($_POST["email"],".")){39 if(strpos($_POST["email"],"@") < strpos($_POST["email"],".")){40 $email=$_POST["email"];41 }42 else{43 $err_email="'@' Must be before '.'";44 $has_err=true;45 }46 }47 else{48 $err_email="Email must contain '@' and '.'";49 $has_err=true;50 }51 //USER NAME VALIDATION52 if(empty($_POST["uname"])){53 $err_uname="Please Enter Username!";54 $has_err=true;55 }56 elseif((strlen($_POST["uname"])<6)){57 $err_uname="Username must be 6 characters long!";58 $has_err=true;59 }60 elseif(strpos($_POST["uname"]," ")){61 $err_uname="Username can not contain any space!";62 $has_err=true;63 }64 else{65 $uname=$_POST["uname"];66 }67 //PASSWORD VALIDATION68 if(empty($_POST["pass"])){69 $err_pass="Please Enter Password!";70 $hasError=true;71 }72 elseif(strlen($_POST["pass"])<8){73 $err_pass="Password must be 8 characters long.";74 $hasError=true;75 }76 elseif(!strpos($_POST['pass'], "1") && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "2") && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "3") && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "4")77 && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "5") && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "6") && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "7") && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "8")78 && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "9") && !strpos($_POST['pass'], "0")) {79 $err_pass="Password must have 1 numeric";80 $hasError=true;81 }82 elseif(strcmp(strtoupper($_POST["pass"]),$_POST["pass"])==0 && strcmp(strtolower($_POST["pass"]),$_POST["pass"])==0){83 $err_pass="Password must contain 1 Upper and Lowercase letter.";84 $hasError=true;85 }86 elseif(strpos($_POST["pass"],"#")==false && strpos($_POST["pass"],"?")==false){87 $err_pass="Password must contain '#' or '?'.";88 $hasError=true;89 }90 else{91 $pass=$_POST["pass"];92 }93 //CONFIRM PASSWORD VALIDATION94 if(empty($_POST["cpass"])){95 $err_cpass="Please Enter Confirm Password!";96 $hasError=true;97 }98 elseif(strcmp($_POST["cpass"],$_POST["pass"])!=0){99 $err_cpass="Password and Confirm Password must be same.";100 $hasError=true;101 }102 else{103 $cpass=$_POST["cpass"];104 }105 106 //GENDER VALIDATION107 if(empty($_POST["gender"])){108 $err_gender="Gender Required.";109 $has_err=true;110 }111 else{112 $gender=$_POST["gender"];113 }114 //DOB VALIDATION115 if(empty($_POST["dob"])){116 $err_dob="Please Select Date of Birth!";117 $has_err=true;118 }119 else{120 $dob=$_POST["dob"];121 }122 if(!$has_err)123 {124 $userName=$_SESSION['uname'];125 $_SESSION['flag'] = true;126 $userDetails = array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'username' => $uname, 'password' => $pass, 'gender' => $gender, 'dob' => $dob);127 $connection = getConnection();128 $check = updatesalesMan($userName, $userDetails);129 130 if($check)131 {132 echo "Success!";133 //alert('Registration Successful');134 header('location: userProfile.php');135 }136 else...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1use \mageekguy\atoum\asserters\err;2use \mageekguy\atoum\asserters\php;3use \mageekguy\atoum\asserters\variable;4use \mageekguy\atoum;5{6 public function test()7 {8 ->given($this->newTestedInstance)9 ->if($this->testedInstance->setPath('/'))10 ->object($this->testedInstance->getPaths())11 ->isInstanceOf('array')12 ->object($this->testedInstance->getPaths())13 ->hasSize(1)14 ->object($this->testedInstance->getPaths())15 ->array[0]->isEqualTo('/')16 ->object($this->testedInstance->addPath('/test'))17 ->isInstanceOf('array')18 ->object($this->testedInstance->getPaths())19 ->hasSize(2)20 ->object($this->testedInstance->getPaths())21 ->array[0]->isEqualTo('/')22 ->object($this->testedInstance->getPaths())23 ->array[1]->isEqualTo('/test')24 ;25 }26}27Fatal error: Call to a member function getPaths() on a non-object in /home/romain/PhpstormProjects/Atoum/test.php on line 3528public function test()29 {30 ->given($this->newTestedInstance)31 ->if($this->

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Using AI Code Generation


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1use \mageekguy\atoum;2{3 public function test1()4 {5 ->if($this->newTestedInstance)6 ->object($this->testedInstance->getErr())7 ->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\atoum\err')8 ;9 }10}11{12 public function test1()13 {14 ->if($this->newTestedInstance)15 ->object($this->testedInstance->getErr())16 ->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\atoum\err')17 ;18 }19}20{21 public function test1()22 {23 ->if($this->newTestedInstance)24 ->object($this->testedInstance->getErr())25 ->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\atoum\err')26 ;27 }28}29{30 public function test1()31 {32 ->if($this->newTestedInstance)33 ->object($this->testedInstance->getErr())34 ->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\atoum\err')35 ;36 }37}38{39 public function test1()40 {41 ->if($this->newTestedInstance)42 ->object($this->testedInstance->getErr())43 ->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\atoum\err')44 ;45 }46}47{48 public function test1()49 {50 ->if($this->newTestedInstance)51 ->object($this->testedInstance->getErr())52 ->isInstanceOf('mageekguy\atoum\err')53 ;54 }55}56{57 public function test1()58 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1use \mageekguy\atoum\test;2use \mageekguy\atoum\exceptions;3{4 public function testMethod()5 {6 ->if($this->newTestedInstance)7 ->exception(function() { $this->testedInstance->test(); })8 ->isInstanceOf('exceptions\logic');9 }10}11{12 public function test()13 {14 return 1;15 }16}17{18 public function test()19 {20 throw new exceptions\logic('test');21 }22}23{24 public function test()25 {26 throw new \RuntimeException('test');27 }28}29{30 public function test()31 {32 throw new \Exception('test');33 }34}35{36 public function test()37 {38 throw new \Error('test');39 }40}41{42 public function test()43 {44 throw new \LogicException('test');45 }46}47{48 public function test()49 {50 throw new \RuntimeException('test');51 }52}53{54 public function test()55 {56 throw new \LogicException('test');57 }58}59{60 public function test()61 {62 throw new \Error('test');63 }64}65{66 public function test()67 {68 throw new \Exception('test');69 }70}71{72 public function test()73 {74 throw new \Error('test');75 }76}77{78 public function test()79 {80 throw new \Exception('test');81 }82}83{84 public function test()85 {86 throw new \Exception('test');87 }88}89{90 public function test()91 {92 throw new \Error('test');93 }94}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1use atoum\atoum;2{3 public function testFunction()4 {5 $this->assert->array([1, 2, 3])->isEqualTo([1, 2, 3]);6 }7}8use atoum\atoum;9{10 public function testFunction()11 {12 $this->assert->array([1, 2, 3])->isEqualTo([1, 2, 3]);13 }14}15use atoum\atoum;16{17 public function testFunction()18 {19 $this->assert->array([1, 2, 3])->isEqualTo([1, 2, 3]);20 }21}22use atoum\atoum;23{24 public function testFunction()25 {26 $this->assert->array([1, 2, 3])->isEqualTo([1, 2, 3]);27 }28}29use atoum\atoum;30{31 public function testFunction()32 {33 $this->assert->array([1, 2, 3])->isEqualTo([1, 2, 3]);34 }35}36use atoum\atoum;37{38 public function testFunction()39 {40 $this->assert->array([1, 2, 3])->isEqualTo([1, 2, 3]);41 }42}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1use \mageekguy\atoum\asserters\err;2$err = new err();3use \mageekguy\atoum\asserters\err;4$err = new err();5use \mageekguy\atoum\asserters\err;6$err = new err();7use \mageekguy\atoum\asserters\err;8$err = new err();

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