How to use _lookup_step method in Lemoncheesecake

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...583 return ret584def _merge_objects(o1, o2):585 for key, value in o2.items():586 o1[key] = value587def _lookup_step(name, steps, stepname):588 for step in steps:589 if step.get('name', '') == stepname:590 return step591 if not stepname and len(steps) == 1:592 return steps[0]593 if not stepname:594 raise ValueError("Parameter '%s' not found" % (name))595 raise ValueError("Referenced step '%s' not found in '%s'" % (stepname, name))596def _process_agent_include(script, include):597 from . import ra598 agent = include['agent']599 info = ra.get_ra(agent)600 meta = info.meta()601 if meta is None:602 raise ValueError("No meta-data for agent: %s" % (agent))603 name = include.get('name', meta.get('name'))604 if not name:605 cls, provider, name = ra.disambiguate_ra_type(agent)606 if 'name' not in include:607 include['name'] = name608 step = _listfindpend(name, script['steps'], lambda x: x.get('name'), lambda: {609 'name': name,610 'longdesc': '',611 'shortdesc': '',612 'parameters': [],613 })614 step['longdesc'] = include.get('longdesc') or _meta_text(meta, 'longdesc')615 step['shortdesc'] = _strip(include.get('shortdesc') or _meta_text(meta, 'shortdesc'))616 step['required'] = include.get('required', True)617 step['parameters'].append({618 'name': 'id',619 'shortdesc': 'Identifier for the cluster resource',620 'longdesc': '',621 'required': True,622 'unique': True,623 'type': 'resource',624 })625 def newparamobj(param):626 pname = param.get('name')627 return _listfindpend(pname, step['parameters'], lambda x: x.get('name'), lambda: {'name': pname})628 for param in meta.xpath('./​parameters/​parameter'):629 pobj = newparamobj(param)630 pobj['required'] = _make_boolean(param.get('required', False))631 pobj['unique'] = _make_boolean(param.get('unique', False))632 pobj['longdesc'] = _meta_text(param, 'longdesc')633 pobj['shortdesc'] = _strip(_meta_text(param, 'shortdesc'))634 # set 'advanced' flag on all non-required agent parameters by default635 # a UI should hide these parameters unless "show advanced" is set636 pobj['advanced'] = not pobj['required']637 ctype = param.xpath('./​content/​@type')638 cexample = param.xpath('./​content/​@default')639 if ctype:640 pobj['type'] = ctype[0]641 if cexample:642 pobj['example'] = cexample[0]643 for param in include.get('parameters', []):644 pobj = newparamobj(param)645 # Make any overriden parameters non-advanced646 # unless explicitly set to advanced647 pobj['advanced'] = False648 for key, value in param.items():649 if key in ('shortdesc', 'longdesc'):650 pobj[key] = value651 elif key == 'value':652 pobj[key] = Text(script, value)653 else:654 pobj[key] = value655 if 'value' in pobj:656 pobj['required'] = False657 # If the script doesn't have any base parameters658 # and the name of this step is the same as the659 # script name itself, then make this the base step660 hoist = False661 hoist_from = None662 if step['name'] == script['name']:663 zerostep = _listfind('', script['steps'], lambda x: x.get('name', ''))664 if not zerostep:665 hoist = True666 elif zerostep.get('parameters'):667 zp = zerostep['parameters']668 for pname in [p['name'] for p in step['parameters']]:669 if _listfind(pname, zp, lambda x: x['name']):670 break671 else:672 hoist, hoist_from = True, zerostep673 # use step['name'] here in case we did the zerostep hoist674 step['value'] = Text.cib(script, _make_cib_for_agent('' if hoist else step['name'],675 agent, step, include.get('ops', '')))676 if hoist:677 step['name'] = ''678 if hoist_from:679 step['parameters'] = hoist_from['parameters'] + step['parameters']680 script['steps'] = [s for s in script['steps'] if s != hoist_from]681 if not step['name']:682 del step['name']683 # this works despite possible hoist above,684 # since name is still the actual name685 for action in script['actions']:686 if 'include' in action and action['include'] == name:687 del action['include']688 action['cib'] = step['value']689def _process_script_include(script, include):690 script_name = include['script']691 if 'name' not in include:692 include['name'] = script_name693 subscript = load_script(script_name)694 name = include['name']695 scriptstep = {696 'name': name,697 'shortdesc': subscript['shortdesc'],698 'longdesc': subscript['longdesc'],699 'required': _make_boolean(include.get('required', True)),700 'steps': deepcopy(subscript['steps']),701 'sub-script': subscript,702 }703 def _merge_step_params(step, params):704 for param in params:705 _merge_step_param(step, param)706 def _merge_step_param(step, param):707 for p in step.get('parameters', []):708 if p['name'] == param['name']:709 for key, value in param.items():710 if key in ('shortdesc', 'longdesc'):711 p[key] = value712 elif key == 'value' and Text.isa(value):713 p[key] = Text(script, value)714 else:715 p[key] = value716 if 'value' in p:717 p['required'] = False718 break719 else:720 raise ValueError("Referenced parameter '%s' not found in '%s'" % (param['name'], name))721 for incparam in include.get('parameters', []):722 if 'step' in incparam and 'name' not in incparam:723 _merge_step_params(_lookup_step(name, scriptstep.get('steps', []), incparam['step']),724 incparam['parameters'])725 else:726 _merge_step_param(_lookup_step(name, scriptstep.get('steps', []), ''),727 incparam)728 script['steps'].append(scriptstep)729def _process_include(script, include):730 """731 includes add parameter steps and actions732 an agent include works like a hawk template:733 it adds a parameter step734 a script include however adds any number of735 parameter steps and actions736 OK. here's what to do: Don't rescope the steps737 and actions. Instead, keep the actions attached738 to script step 0, as above. And for each step, add739 a scope which states its scope. Then, when evaluating740 handles, build custom environments for those scopes to...

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...14 return def _add_step_log(self, log, event):16 result = assert result, "Cannot find location %s in the report" % event.location18 step = self._lookup_step(event)19 assert step, "Cannot find active step for %s" % event.location20 assert not step.end_time, "Cannot update step '%s', it has already been ended" % step.description21 step.add_log(log)22 @staticmethod23 def _initialize_result(start_time):24 result = Result()25 result.start_time = start_time26 return result27 @staticmethod28 def _initialize_test_result(test, start_time):29 result = TestResult(, test.description)30 result.tags.extend(test.tags)31 result.links.extend(test.links)33 result.rank = test.rank34 result.start_time = start_time35 return result36 @staticmethod37 def _finalize_result(result, end_time):38 result.end_time = end_time39 result.status = "passed" if result.is_successful() else "failed"40 def _lookup_step(self, event):41 try:42 return self.active_steps[event.thread_id]43 except KeyError:44 return None45 def on_test_session_start(self, event):46 = event.time47 def on_test_session_end(self, event):48 = event.time49 def on_test_session_setup_start(self, event):50 = self._initialize_result(event.time)51 def on_test_session_setup_end(self, event):52 self._finalize_result(, event.time)53 def on_test_session_teardown_start(self, event):54 = self._initialize_result(event.time)55 def on_test_session_teardown_end(self, event):56 self._finalize_result(, event.time)57 def on_suite_start(self, event):58 suite = event.suite59 suite_result = SuiteResult(, suite.description)60 suite_result.start_time = event.time61 suite_result.tags.extend(suite.tags)62 suite_result.links.extend(suite.links)64 suite_result.rank = suite.rank65 if suite.parent_suite:66 parent_suite_result = self._get_suite_result(suite.parent_suite)67 parent_suite_result.add_suite(suite_result)68 else:69 def on_suite_end(self, event):71 suite_result = self._get_suite_result(event.suite)72 suite_result.end_time = event.time73 def on_suite_setup_start(self, event):74 suite_result = self._get_suite_result(event.suite)75 suite_result.suite_setup = self._initialize_result(event.time)76 def on_suite_setup_end(self, event):77 suite_result = self._get_suite_result(event.suite)78 self._finalize_result(suite_result.suite_setup, event.time)79 def on_suite_teardown_start(self, event):80 suite_result = self._get_suite_result(event.suite)81 suite_result.suite_teardown = self._initialize_result(event.time)82 def on_suite_teardown_end(self, event):83 suite_result = self._get_suite_result(event.suite)84 self._finalize_result(suite_result.suite_teardown, event.time)85 def on_test_start(self, event):86 test_result = self._initialize_test_result(event.test, event.time)87 suite_result = self._get_suite_result(event.test.parent_suite)88 suite_result.add_test(test_result)89 def on_test_end(self, event):90 test_result = self._get_test_result(event.test)91 self._finalize_result(test_result, event.time)92 def _bypass_test(self, test, status, status_details, time):93 test_result = self._initialize_test_result(test, time)94 test_result.end_time = time95 test_result.status = status96 test_result.status_details = status_details97 suite_result = self._get_suite_result(test.parent_suite)98 suite_result.add_test(test_result)99 def on_test_skipped(self, event):100 self._bypass_test(event.test, "skipped", event.skipped_reason, event.time)101 def on_test_disabled(self, event):102 self._bypass_test(event.test, "disabled", event.disabled_reason, event.time)103 def on_step_start(self, event):104 result = step = Step(event.step_description)106 step.start_time = event.time107 result.add_step(step)108 self.active_steps[event.thread_id] = step109 def on_step_end(self, event):110 step = self._lookup_step(event)111 step.end_time = event.time112 def on_log(self, event):113 self._add_step_log(114 Log(event.log_level, event.log_message, event.time), event115 )116 def on_check(self, event):117 self._add_step_log(118 Check(event.check_description, event.check_is_successful, event.check_details, event.time), event119 )120 def on_log_attachment(self, event):121 self._add_step_log(122 Attachment(event.attachment_description, event.attachment_path, event.as_image, event.time), event123 )124 def on_log_url(self, event):...

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