How to use is_error method in Slash

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1import unittest2from smscountrysdk.group_calls import GroupCallsApi3from urllib2 import URLError4import json5import datetime6import random, string7class GroupCallsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):8 def setUp(self):9 self.authKey = "q0VA5j2G8v1RpchQqVfs"10 self.authToken = "MHpmHoHxDGPbBij3SZSC7OGYHHHrRX507G6vqgrX"11 self.api = GroupCallsApi(self.authKey, self.authToken)12 self.name_group = ''.join(random.choice(13 string.lowercase) for i in range(10))14 self.lst_participants = [15 {"Name": "tiendang", "Number": "+84905708052"},16 {"Name": "hoangvo", "Number": "+84985022669"},17 {"Name": "hoangvo12", "Number": " 1234567890 "}]18 self.end = self.start = self.end + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)20 self.number = "+84905%s" % random.randint(100000, 999999)21 self.groupCallUUID = "68769E1C6D934B9B8F35711D77769E"22 self.participantId = ""23 self.fileFormat = "mp3"24 self.recordingUUID = ""25 def test_create_group_call(self):26 print "====Begin Call Test Function Create New Group Call====\n"27 is_error = False28 try:29 resp = self.api.create_group_call(Name=self.name_group, Participants=self.lst_participants, WelcomeSound="http:/​/​yourdomain/​welcomsoundurl", WaitSound="http:/​/​yourdomain/​waitsound",30 StartGropCallOnEnter="+84905708052", EndGroupCallOnExit="+84985022669", AnswerUrl="http:/​/​yourdomain/​answer")31 data_json = json.loads(resp)32 print 'response : ', data_json33 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')34 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")35 except Exception, e:36 print e37 is_error = True38 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Create New Group Call Errors")39 print "====End Test Function Create New Group Call Success====\n"40 def test_get_groupcalls(self):41 print "====Begin Call Test Function Get Group Calls====\n"42 is_error = False43 try:44 resp = self.api.get_groupcalls(FromDate=None, ToDate=None, Offset=None, Limit=10)45 data_json = json.loads(resp)46 print 'response : ', data_json47 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')48 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")49 except Exception, e:50 print e51 is_error = True52 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Get Group Calls Errors")53 print "====End Test Function Get Group Calls Success====\n"54 def test_get_groupcall_detail(self):55 print "====Begin Call Test Function Get Group Call Detail====\n"56 is_error = False57 try:58 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")59 resp = self.api.get_groupcall_detail(self.groupCallUUID)60 data_json = json.loads(resp)61 print 'response : ', data_json62 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')63 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")64 except Exception, e:65 print e66 is_error = True67 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Get Group Call Detail Errors")68 print "====End Test Function Get Group Call Detail Success====\n"69 def test_get_all_participant_from_groupcall(self):70 print "====Begin Call Test Function Get All Participant From GroupCalls====\n"71 is_error = False72 try:73 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")74 75 resp = self.api.get_all_participant_from_groupcall(self.groupCallUUID)76 data_json = json.loads(resp)77 print 'response : ', data_json78 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')79 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")80 except Exception, e:81 print e82 is_error = True83 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Get All Participant From GroupCalls Errors")84 print "====End Test Function Get All Participant From GroupCalls Success====\n"85 def test_get_participant_from_groupcall(self):86 print "====Begin Call Test Function Get Participant Detail From GroupCalls====\n"87 is_error = False88 try:89 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")90 self.assertNotEqual(self.participantId, "")91 92 resp = self.api.get_participant_from_groupcall(self.groupCallUUID, self.participantId)93 data_json = json.loads(resp)94 print 'response : ', data_json95 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')96 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")97 except Exception, e:98 print e99 is_error = True100 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Get Participant Detail From GroupCalls Errors")101 print "====End Test Function Get Participant Detail From GroupCalls Success====\n"102 def test_play_sound_into_groupcall(self):103 print "====Begin Call Test Function Play Sound Into GroupCalls====\n"104 is_error = False105 try:106 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")107 resp = self.api.play_sound_into_groupcall(self.groupCallUUID, FileUrl=None)108 data_json = json.loads(resp)109 print 'response : ', data_json110 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')111 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")112 except Exception, e:113 print e114 is_error = True115 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Play Sound Into GroupCalls Errors")116 print "====End Test Function Play Sound Into GroupCalls Success====\n"117 def test_play_sound_into_participant_groupcall(self):118 print "====Begin Call Test Function Play Sound Into Participant GroupCalls====\n"119 is_error = False120 try:121 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")122 self.assertNotEqual(self.participantId, "")123 124 resp = self.api.play_sound_into_participant_groupcall(self.groupCallUUID, self.participantId, FileUrl=None)125 data_json = json.loads(resp)126 print 'response : ', data_json127 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')128 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")129 except Exception, e:130 print e131 is_error = True132 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Play Sound Into Participant GroupCalls Errors")133 print "====End Test Function Play Sound Into Participant GroupCalls Success====\n"134 def test_mute_all_participant_in_groupcall(self):135 print "====Begin Call Test Function Mute All Participant Call In GroupCalls====\n"136 is_error = False137 try:138 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")139 140 resp = self.api.mute_all_participant_in_groupcall(self.groupCallUUID)141 data_json = json.loads(resp)142 print 'response : ', data_json143 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')144 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")145 except Exception, e:146 print e147 is_error = True148 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Mute All Participant Call In GroupCalls Errors")149 print "====End Test Function Mute All Participant Call In GroupCalls Success====\n"150 def test_mute_participant_in_groupcall(self):151 print "====Begin Call Test Function Mute Participant Call In GroupCalls====\n"152 is_error = False153 try:154 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")155 self.assertNotEqual(self.participantId, "")156 157 resp = self.api.mute_participant_in_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID, ParticipantId=self.participantId)158 data_json = json.loads(resp)159 print 'response : ', data_json160 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')161 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")162 except Exception, e:163 print e164 is_error = True165 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Mute Participant Call In GroupCalls Errors")166 print "====End Test Function Mute Participant Call In GroupCalls Success====\n"167 def test_unmute_all_participant_in_groupcall(self):168 print "====Begin Call Test Function UnMute All Participant Call In GroupCalls====\n"169 is_error = False170 try:171 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")172 173 resp = self.api.unmute_all_participant_in_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID)174 data_json = json.loads(resp)175 print 'response : ', data_json176 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')177 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")178 except Exception, e:179 print e180 is_error = True181 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API UnMute All Participant Call In GroupCalls Errors")182 print "====End Test Function UnMute All Participant Call In GroupCalls Success====\n"183 def test_unmute_participant_in_groupcall(self):184 print "====Begin Call Test Function UnMute Participant Call In GroupCalls====\n"185 is_error = False186 try:187 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")188 self.assertNotEqual(self.participantId, "")189 190 resp = self.api.unmute_participant_in_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID, ParticipantId=self.participantId)191 data_json = json.loads(resp)192 print 'response : ', data_json193 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')194 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")195 except Exception, e:196 print e197 is_error = True198 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API UnMute Participant Call In GroupCalls Errors")199 print "====End Test Function UnMute Participant Call In GroupCalls Success====\n"200 def test_start_recording_groupcall(self):201 print "====Begin Call Test Function Start Recording GroupCalls====\n"202 is_error = False203 try:204 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")205 206 resp = self.api.start_recording_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID, FileFormat=self.fileFormat)207 data_json = json.loads(resp)208 print 'response : ', data_json209 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')210 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")211 except Exception, e:212 print e213 is_error = True214 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Start Recording GroupCalls Errors")215 print "====End Test Function Start Recording GroupCalls Success====\n"216 def test_stop_all_recording_groupcall(self):217 print "====Begin Call Test Function Stop All Recording GroupCalls====\n"218 is_error = False219 try:220 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")221 222 resp = self.api.stop_all_recording_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID)223 data_json = json.loads(resp)224 print 'response : ', data_json225 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')226 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")227 except Exception, e:228 print e229 is_error = True230 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Stop All Recording GroupCalls Errors")231 print "====End Test Function Stop All Recording GroupCalls Success====\n"232 def test_get_all_recording_detail_of_groupcall(self):233 print "====Begin Call Test Function Get All Recording Details GroupCalls====\n"234 is_error = False235 try:236 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")237 238 resp = self.api.get_all_recording_detail_of_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID)239 data_json = json.loads(resp)240 print 'response : ', data_json241 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')242 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")243 except Exception, e:244 print e245 is_error = True246 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Get All Recording Details GroupCalls Errors")247 print "====End Test Function Get All Recording Details GroupCalls Success====\n"248 def test_get_recording_detail_of_groupcall(self):249 print "====Begin Call Test Function Get Recording Details GroupCalls====\n"250 is_error = False251 try:252 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")253 self.assertNotEqual(self.recordingUUID, "")254 255 resp = self.api.get_recording_detail_of_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID, RecordingUUID=slef.recordingUUID)256 data_json = json.loads(resp)257 print 'response : ', data_json258 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')259 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")260 except Exception, e:261 print e262 is_error = True263 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Get Recording Details GroupCalls Errors")264 print "====End Test Function Get Recording Details GroupCalls Success====\n"265 def test_stop_recording_groupcall(self):266 print "====Begin Call Test Function Stop Recording Details GroupCalls====\n"267 is_error = False268 try:269 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")270 self.assertNotEqual(self.recordingUUID, "")271 272 resp = self.api.stop_recording_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID, RecordingUUID=slef.recordingUUID)273 data_json = json.loads(resp)274 print 'response : ', data_json275 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')276 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")277 except Exception, e:278 print e279 is_error = True280 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Stop Recording Details GroupCalls Errors")281 print "====End Test Function Stop Recording Details GroupCalls Success====\n"282 def test_delete_recording_of_groupcall(self):283 print "====Begin Call Test Function Delete Recording Of GroupCalls====\n"284 is_error = False285 try:286 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")287 self.assertNotEqual(self.recordingUUID, "")288 289 resp = self.api.delete_recording_of_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID, RecordingUUID=slef.recordingUUID)290 data_json = json.loads(resp)291 print 'response : ', data_json292 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')293 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")294 except Exception, e:295 print e296 is_error = True297 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Delete Recording Of GroupCalls Errors")298 print "====End Test Function Delete Recording Of GroupCalls Success====\n"299 def test_delete_all_recording_of_groupcall(self):300 print "====Begin Call Test Function Delete All Recording Of GroupCalls====\n"301 is_error = False302 try:303 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")304 305 resp = self.api.delete_all_recording_of_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID)306 data_json = json.loads(resp)307 print 'response : ', data_json308 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')309 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")310 except Exception, e:311 print e312 is_error = True313 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Delete All Recording Of GroupCalls Errors")314 print "====End Test Function Delete All Recording Of GroupCalls Success====\n"315 def test_disconnect_participants_from_groupcall(self):316 print "====Begin Call Test Function Disconnect Participant By Id From GroupCalls====\n"317 is_error = False318 try:319 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")320 self.assertNotEqual(self.participantId, "")321 322 resp = self.api.disconnect_participants_from_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID, ParticipantId=self.participantId)323 data_json = json.loads(resp)324 print 'response : ', data_json325 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')326 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")327 except Exception, e:328 print e329 is_error = True330 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Disconnect Participant By Id From GroupCalls Errors")331 print "====End Test Function Disconnect Participant By Id From GroupCalls Success====\n"332 def test_disconnect_all_participants_from_groupcall(self):333 print "====Begin Call Test Function Disconnect All Participant From GroupCalls====\n"334 is_error = False335 try:336 self.assertNotEqual(self.groupCallUUID, "")337 338 resp = self.api.disconnect_all_participants_from_groupcall(GroupCallUUID=self.groupCallUUID)339 data_json = json.loads(resp)340 print 'response : ', data_json341 self.assertEqual(data_json["Success"], 'True')342 # self.assertEqual(data_json["Message"], "Group Created")343 except Exception, e:344 print e345 is_error = True346 self.assertFalse(is_error, "Call API Disconnect All Participants From GroupCalls Errors")...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​python2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-3from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule4from ansible.module_utils.dokku_utils import subprocess_check_output5import os6import pwd7import subprocess8DOCUMENTATION = """9---10module: dokku_storage11short_description: Manage storage for dokku applications12options:13 app:14 description:15 - The name of the app16 required: False17 default: null18 aliases: []19 create_host_dir:20 description:21 - Whether to create the host directory or not22 required: False23 default: False24 aliases: []25 group:26 description:27 - A group or gid that should own the created folder28 required: False29 default: 3276730 aliases: []31 mounts:32 description:33 - |34 A list of mounts to create, colon (:) delimited, in the format: `host_dir:container_dir`35 required: False36 default: []37 aliases: []38 user:39 description:40 - A user or uid that should own the created folder41 required: False42 default: 3276743 aliases: []44 state:45 description:46 - The state of the service link47 required: False48 default: present49 choices: [ "present", "absent" ]50 aliases: []51author: Jose Diaz-Gonzalez52requirements: [ ]53"""54EXAMPLES = """55- name: mount a path56 dokku_storage:57 app: hello-world58 mounts:59 - /​var/​lib/​dokku/​data/​storage/​hello-world:/​data60- name: mount a path and create the host_dir directory61 dokku_storage:62 app: hello-world63 mounts:64 - /​var/​lib/​dokku/​data/​storage/​hello-world:/​data65 create_host_dir: true66- name: unmount a path67 dokku_storage:68 app: hello-world69 mounts:70 - /​var/​lib/​dokku/​data/​storage/​hello-world:/​data71 state: absent72- name: unmount a path and destroy the host_dir directory (and contents)73 dokku_storage:74 app: hello-world75 mounts:76 - /​var/​lib/​dokku/​data/​storage/​hello-world:/​data77 destroy_host_dir: true78 state: absent79"""80def get_gid(group):81 gid = group82 try:83 gid = int(group)84 except ValueError:85 gid = pwd.getpwnam(group).pw_gid86 return gid87def get_state(b_path):88 """ Find out current state """89 if os.path.lexists(b_path):90 if os.path.islink(b_path):91 return "link"92 elif os.path.isdir(b_path):93 return "directory"94 elif os.stat(b_path).st_nlink > 1:95 return "hard"96 # could be many other things, but defaulting to file97 return "file"98 return "absent"99def get_uid(user):100 uid = user101 try:102 uid = int(user)103 except ValueError:104 uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid105 return uid106def dokku_storage_list(data):107 command = "dokku --quiet storage:list {0}".format(data["app"])108 return subprocess_check_output(command)109def dokku_storage_mount_exists(data):110 state = get_state("/​home/​dokku/​{0}".format(data["app"]))111 if state not in ["directory", "file"]:112 error = "app {0} does not exist".format(data["app"])113 return False, error114 output, error = dokku_storage_list(data)115 if error:116 return False, error117 mount = "{0}:{1}".format(data["host_dir"], data["container_dir"])118 if mount in output:119 return True, None120 return False, None121def dokku_storage_create_dir(data, is_error, has_changed, meta):122 if not data["create_host_dir"]:123 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)124 old_state = get_state(data["host_dir"])125 if old_state not in ["absent", "directory"]:126 is_error = True127 meta["error"] = "host directory is {0}".format(old_state)128 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)129 try:130 if old_state == "absent":131 os.makedirs(data["host_dir"], 0o777)132 os.chmod(data["host_dir"], 0o777)133 uid = get_uid(data["user"])134 gid = get_gid(data["group"])135 os.chown(data["host_dir"], uid, gid)136 except OSError as exc:137 is_error = True138 meta["error"] = str(exc)139 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)140 if old_state != get_state(data["host_dir"]):141 has_changed = True142 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)143def dokku_storage_destroy_dir(data, is_error, has_changed, meta):144 if not data["destroy_host_dir"]:145 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)146 old_state = get_state(data["host_dir"])147 if old_state not in ["absent", "directory"]:148 is_error = True149 meta["error"] = "host directory is {0}".format(old_state)150 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)151 try:152 if old_state == "directory":153 os.rmdir(data["host_dir"])154 except OSError as exc:155 is_error = True156 meta["error"] = str(exc)157 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)158 if old_state != get_state(data["host_dir"]):159 has_changed = True160 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)161def dokku_storage_absent(data):162 is_error = False163 has_changed = False164 meta = {"present": False}165 mounts = data.get("mounts", []) or []166 if len(mounts) == 0:167 is_error = True168 meta["error"] = "missing required arguments: mounts"169 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)170 for mount in mounts:171 data["host_dir"], data["container_dir"] = mount.split(":", 1)172 is_error, has_changed, meta = dokku_storage_destroy_dir(173 data, is_error, has_changed, meta174 )175 if is_error:176 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)177 exists, error = dokku_storage_mount_exists(data)178 if error:179 is_error = True180 meta["error"] = error181 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)182 elif not exists:183 is_error = False184 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)185 command = "dokku --quiet storage:unmount {0} {1}:{2}".format(186 data["app"], data["host_dir"], data["container_dir"]187 )188 try:189 subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)190 is_error = False191 has_changed = True192 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:193 is_error = True194 meta["error"] = str(e)195 meta["present"] = True196 if is_error:197 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)198 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)199def dokku_storage_present(data):200 is_error = False201 has_changed = False202 meta = {"present": False}203 mounts = data.get("mounts", []) or []204 if len(mounts) == 0:205 is_error = True206 meta["error"] = "missing required arguments: mounts"207 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)208 for mount in mounts:209 data["host_dir"], data["container_dir"] = mount.split(":", 1)210 is_error, has_changed, meta = dokku_storage_create_dir(211 data, is_error, has_changed, meta212 )213 if is_error:214 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)215 exists, error = dokku_storage_mount_exists(data)216 if error:217 is_error = True218 meta["error"] = error219 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)220 elif exists:221 is_error = False222 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)223 command = "dokku --quiet storage:mount {0} {1}:{2}".format(224 data["app"], data["host_dir"], data["container_dir"]225 )226 try:227 subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)228 is_error = False229 has_changed = True230 meta["present"] = True231 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:232 is_error = True233 meta["error"] = str(e)234 if is_error:235 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)236 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)237def main():238 fields = {239 "app": {"required": True, "type": "str"},240 "state": {241 "required": False,242 "default": "present",243 "choices": ["present", "absent"],244 "type": "str",245 },246 "mounts": {"required": False, "type": "list", "default": []},247 "create_host_dir": {"required": False, "default": False, "type": "bool"},248 "destroy_host_dir": {"required": False, "default": False, "type": "bool"},249 "user": {"required": False, "default": "32767", "type": "str"},250 "group": {"required": False, "default": "32767", "type": "str"},251 }252 choice_map = {253 "present": dokku_storage_present,254 "absent": dokku_storage_absent,255 }256 module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields, supports_check_mode=False)257 is_error, has_changed, result = choice_map.get(module.params["state"])(258 module.params259 )260 if is_error:261 module.fail_json(msg=result["error"], meta=result)262 module.exit_json(changed=has_changed, meta=result)263if __name__ == "__main__":...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​python2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-3from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule4from ansible.module_utils.dokku_utils import subprocess_check_output5import pipes6import subprocess7DOCUMENTATION = """8---9module: dokku_domains10short_description: Manages domains for a given application11options:12 global:13 description:14 - Whether to change the global domains or app-specific domains.15 default: False16 aliases: []17 app:18 description:19 - The name of the app. This is required only if global is set to False.20 required: True21 default: null22 aliases: []23 domains:24 description:25 - A list of domains26 required: True27 default: null28 aliases: []29 state:30 description:31 - The state of the application's domains32 required: False33 default: present34 choices: [ "enable", "disable", "clear", "present", "absent" ]35 aliases: []36author: Jose Diaz-Gonzalez37requirements: [ ]38"""39EXAMPLES = """40- name: domains:add hello-world dokku.me41 dokku_domains:42 app: hello-world43 domains:44 - dokku.me45- name: domains:remove hello-world dokku.me46 dokku_domains:47 app: hello-world48 domains:49 - dokku.me50 state: absent51- name: domains:clear hello-world52 dokku_domains:53 app: hello-world54 state: clear55- name: domains:enable hello-world56 dokku_domains:57 app: hello-world58 state: enable59- name: domains:disable hello-world60 dokku_domains:61 app: hello-world62 state: disable63"""64def dokku_global_domains():65 command = "dokku --quiet domains --global --domains-global-vhosts"66 return subprocess_check_output(command)67def dokku_domains(data):68 if data["global"]:69 command = "dokku --quiet domains:report --global --domains-global-vhosts"70 else:71 command = "dokku --quiet domains:report {0} --domains-app-vhosts".format(72 data["app"]73 )74 return subprocess_check_output(command, split=" ")75def dokku_domains_disable(data):76 is_error = True77 has_changed = False78 meta = {"present": True}79 if data["global"]:80 is_error = True81 meta["error"] = '"disable" state cannot be used with global domains.'82 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)83 domains = dokku_domains(data)84 if "No domain names set for plugins" in domains:85 is_error = False86 meta["present"] = False87 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)88 command = "dokku --quiet domains:disable {0}".format(data["app"])89 try:90 subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)91 is_error = False92 has_changed = True93 meta["present"] = False94 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:95 meta["error"] = str(e)96 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)97def dokku_domains_enable(data):98 is_error = True99 has_changed = False100 meta = {"present": False}101 if data["global"]:102 is_error = True103 meta["error"] = '"enable" state cannot be used with global domains.'104 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)105 domains = dokku_domains(data)106 if "No domain names set for plugins" not in domains:107 is_error = False108 meta["present"] = True109 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)110 command = "dokku --quiet domains:enable {0}".format(data["app"])111 try:112 subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)113 is_error = False114 has_changed = True115 meta["present"] = True116 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:117 meta["error"] = str(e)118 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)119def dokku_domains_absent(data):120 is_error = True121 has_changed = False122 meta = {"present": True}123 existing, error = dokku_domains(data)124 if error:125 meta["error"] = error126 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)127 to_remove = [d for d in data["domains"] if d in existing]128 to_remove = [pipes.quote(d) for d in to_remove]129 if len(to_remove) == 0:130 is_error = False131 meta["present"] = False132 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)133 if data["global"]:134 command = "dokku --quiet domains:remove-global {0}".format(" ".join(to_remove))135 else:136 command = "dokku --quiet domains:remove {0} {1}".format(137 data["app"], " ".join(to_remove)138 )139 try:140 subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)141 is_error = False142 has_changed = True143 meta["present"] = False144 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:145 meta["error"] = str(e)146 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)147def dokku_domains_present(data):148 is_error = True149 has_changed = False150 meta = {"present": False}151 existing, error = dokku_domains(data)152 if error:153 meta["error"] = error154 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)155 to_add = [d for d in data["domains"] if d not in existing]156 to_add = [pipes.quote(d) for d in to_add]157 if len(to_add) == 0:158 is_error = False159 meta["present"] = True160 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)161 if data["global"]:162 command = "dokku --quiet domains:add-global {0}".format(" ".join(to_add))163 else:164 command = "dokku --quiet domains:add {0} {1}".format(165 data["app"], " ".join(to_add)166 )167 try:168 subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)169 is_error = False170 has_changed = True171 meta["present"] = True172 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:173 meta["error"] = str(e)174 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)175def dokku_domains_clear(data):176 is_error = True177 has_changed = False178 meta = {"present": False}179 if data["global"]:180 command = "dokku --quiet domains:clear-global"181 else:182 command = "dokku --quiet domains:clear {0}".format(data["app"])183 try:184 subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)185 is_error = False186 has_changed = True187 meta["present"] = True188 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:189 meta["error"] = str(e)190 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)191def dokku_domains_set(data):192 is_error = True193 has_changed = False194 meta = {"present": False}195 existing, error = dokku_domains(data)196 if error:197 meta["error"] = error198 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)199 to_set = [pipes.quote(d) for d in data["domains"]]200 if data["global"]:201 command = "dokku --quiet domains:set-global {0}".format(" ".join(to_set))202 else:203 command = "dokku --quiet domains:set {0} {1}".format(204 data["app"], " ".join(to_set)205 )206 try:207 subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)208 is_error = False209 has_changed = True210 meta["present"] = True211 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:212 meta["error"] = str(e)213 return (is_error, has_changed, meta)214def main():215 fields = {216 "global": {"required": False, "default": False, "type": "bool"},217 "app": {"required": False, "type": "str"},218 "domains": {"required": True, "type": "list"},219 "state": {220 "required": False,221 "default": "present",222 "choices": ["absent", "clear", "enable", "disable", "present", "set"],223 "type": "str",224 },225 }226 choice_map = {227 "absent": dokku_domains_absent,228 "clear": dokku_domains_clear,229 "disable": dokku_domains_disable,230 "enable": dokku_domains_enable,231 "present": dokku_domains_present,232 "set": dokku_domains_set,233 }234 module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields, supports_check_mode=False)235 is_error, has_changed, result = choice_map.get(module.params["state"])(236 module.params237 )238 if is_error:239 module.fail_json(msg=result["error"], meta=result)240 module.exit_json(changed=has_changed, meta=result)241if __name__ == "__main__":...

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