How to use lib_dir method of Project Package

Best Rr_ruby code snippet using Project.lib_dir


Source:Rakefile Github


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1#$LOAD_PATH.unshift ".lib"2ANT_HOME = '/usr/local/ant'3@project_name = 'ProjetStp'4@lib_dir = 'lib'5# Ruby stuff6@ruby_script_dir = 'src/main/ruby'7@ruby_test_dir = 'src/test/ruby'8@ruby_bin_dir = 'bin'9# Java stuff10@mainclass = 'org.stp.Utils.log4jExample'11@java_src_dir = 'src/main/java'12@java_build_dir = 'build'13@classes_dir = "#{@java_build_dir}" #/classes"14@jar_file = "#{@lib_dir}/#{@project_name}.jar"15@test_jar_file = "#{@java_build_dir}/#{@project_name}Test.jar"16@java_test_dir = 'src/test/java'17@test_report_dir = 'build/report'18@test_report_html = 'build/report/html'19JRUBY_COMPLETE = "vendor/jruby-complete-"20jars = FileList["#{@lib_dir}/**/*.jar"].join(':')21GEM_PATH="vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0"22#JRUBY = "java -classpath .:#{JRUBY_COMPLETE} org.jruby.Main "23LOCALGEMS = "GEM_HOME=#{GEM_PATH} GEM_PATH=#{GEM_PATH} "24JRUBY = "/usr/local/jruby/bin/jruby --ng "25# ----- Ant-based tasks26require 'ant'27namespace :ant do28 lib_dir = @lib_dir29 classes_dir = @classes_dir30 java_src_dir = @java_src_dir31 java_test_dir = @java_test_dir32 jar_file = @jar_file33 java_test_dir = @java_test_dir34 test_report_dir = @test_report_dir35 desc "Compile the code using Ant"36 task :compileall => "clean" do37 ant.mkdir :dir => classes_dir38 compile(@java_src_dir)39 compile(@java_test_dir)40 end41 def compile(src)42 puts "Compiling java from #{src} to #{@classes_dir}"43 ant.javac :srcdir => src , :destdir => @classes_dir do44 classpath do45 fileset :dir => @lib_dir, :includes => "**/*.jar"46 end47 end48 end49 desc "Create a jar file of the compiled code using Ant"50 task :jar => "ant:compileall" do51 puts "Creating #{jar_file}"52 ant.delete :file => jar_file #, :verbose => true53 ant.jar :destfile => jar_file, :basedir => classes_dir54 end55 task :java_test => "ant:compileall" do56 puts "begin_tests"57 ant.mkdir :dir => test_report_dir58 ant.junit :fork => "yes", :forkmode => "once", :printsummary => "yes",59 :haltonfailure => "no", :failureproperty => "tests.failed" do60 classpath do61 fileset :dir => lib_dir, :includes => "**/*.jar"62 pathelement :location => classes_dir63 end64 formatter :type => "xml"65 batchtest :todir => test_report_dir do66 fileset :dir => java_test_dir, :includes => '**/*'67 end68 end69 if ant.project.getProperty("tests.failed")70 report71 puts "FAILURE: One or more tests failed. \nPlease check the test report in <<#{test_report_html}>> for more info."72 end73 puts "end tests"74 end75 def report76 ant.junitreport :todir => test_report_dir do77 fileset :dir => test_report_dir, :includes => "TEST-*.xml"78 report :format => "frames", :todir => test_report_html79 end80 end81 #task :make_war => :make_jars do82 # ant.mkdir :dir => DIST_DIR83 # ant.war :warfile => "#{DIST_DIR}/#{PROJECT_NAME}.war", :webxml => "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml" do84 # fileset :dir => "src/main/webapp", :excludes => "**/web.xml"85 # lib :dir => COMPILE_DIR, :excludes => "*-tests.jar"86 # classes :dir => "src/main/resources"87 # lib :dir => RUNTIME_LIB_DIR88 # end89 # puts90 #end91 #92 #task :run_jetty => [:clean, :make_jars] do93 # :classname => "example.jetty.WebServer", :fork => 'yes', :failonerror => 'yes' do94 # classpath :location => "src/main/resources"95 # classpath :refid => "classpath"96 # end97 #end98end99# ------ Project setup100namespace :setup do101 desc "1-Install bundler"102 task :bundler do103 sh %!#{JRUBY} -S gem install -i vendor/gem_home --no-rdoc --no-ri bundler!104 end105 desc "2-Install the gems"106 task :gems do107 sh %!#{JRUBY} -S bundle install --path=vendor/bundle --binstubs !108 end109 desc "3-Package gems"110 task :pack do111 sh %!#{LOCALGEMS} #{JRUBY} -S bundle package!112 end113end #setup114# ------ Ruby testing all files *_Test.rb115require 'rake/testtask' do |task|117 task.libs << [@ruby_script_dir, @lib_dir]118 task.test_files = FileList["#{@ruby_test_dir}/Test_*.rb"]119 task.verbose = false120end121# ----- Ruby tasks122namespace :ruby do123 task :run do124 arg = "#{@ruby_bin_dir}/application_bootstrap"125 libs = "#{@ruby_script_dir}:#{@ruby_bin_dir}:#{@lib_dir}"126 JRUBY_OPTS = "-I #{libs} #{arg}"127# sh %!#{JRUBY} --help!128 sh %!#{LOCALGEMS} #{JRUBY} -I #{libs} #{arg} 8!129 end130end131# ----- Rake tasks132task :report => ["ant:report"]133task :run_jar do134 jars = FileList["#{@lib_dir}/**/*.jar"].join(':')135 sh "java -classpath #{jars}:#{@jar_file} #{@mainclass}"136end137task :java_test => ["ant:java_test"]138task :run_mainclass => ["ant:compileall"] do139 jars = FileList["#{@lib_dir}/**/*.jar"].join(':')140 sh "java -classpath .:#{jars}:#{@java_build_dir} #{@mainclass}"141end142# Clean143require 'rake/clean'144 CLEAN << @java_build_dir145task :default => "ruby:run"...

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Source:test_measures_osw.rb Github


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...10 project_dir = "project_testing"11 num_samples = 112 parent_dir = File.absolute_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test_measures_osw"))13 buildstock_csv = create_buildstock_csv(project_dir, num_samples)14 lib_dir = create_lib_folder(parent_dir, project_dir, buildstock_csv)15 weather_dir = create_weather_folder(parent_dir, project_dir)16 measures_osw_dir = File.join(parent_dir, "measures_osw")17 Dir.mkdir(measures_osw_dir) unless File.exist?(measures_osw_dir)18 (1..num_samples).to_a.each do |building_id|19 Dir["#{parent_dir}/build_existing_model.osw"].each do |osw|20 change_building_id(osw, building_id)21 run_and_check(osw, parent_dir, measures_osw_dir, building_id)22 end23 end24 Dir["#{parent_dir}/build_existing_model.osw"].each do |osw|25 change_building_id(osw, 1)26 end27 FileUtils.rm_rf(lib_dir) if File.exist?(lib_dir)28 FileUtils.rm_rf(weather_dir) if File.exist?(weather_dir)29 FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(parent_dir, "run"))30 FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(parent_dir, "reports"))31 end32 def run_and_check(in_osw, parent_dir, measures_osw_dir, building_id)33 # Create measures.osw34 cli_path = OpenStudio.getOpenStudioCLI35 command = "cd #{parent_dir} && \"#{cli_path}\" --no-ssl run -w #{in_osw}"36 system(command)37 # Check output file exists38 out_osw = File.join(parent_dir, "out.osw")39 new_out_osw = File.join(measures_osw_dir, "#{building_id}.osw")40, new_out_osw)41 assert(File.exists?(new_out_osw))42 # Check workflow was successful43 data_hash = JSON.parse( assert_equal(data_hash["completed_status"], "Success")45 end46 def create_buildstock_csv(project_dir, num_samples)47 outfile = File.join("..", "test", "test_measures_osw", "buildstock.csv")48 r = RunSampling.new49, num_samples, outfile)50 return outfile51 end52 def create_lib_folder(parent_dir, project_dir, buildstock_csv)53 lib_dir = File.join(parent_dir, "..", "..", "lib") # at top level54 resources_dir = File.join(parent_dir, "..", "..", "resources")55 housing_characteristics_dir = File.join(parent_dir, "..", "..", project_dir, "housing_characteristics")56 Dir.mkdir(lib_dir) unless File.exist?(lib_dir)57 FileUtils.cp_r(resources_dir, lib_dir)58 FileUtils.cp_r(housing_characteristics_dir, lib_dir)59 FileUtils.cp(File.join(resources_dir, buildstock_csv), File.join(lib_dir, "housing_characteristics"))60 return lib_dir61 end62 def create_weather_folder(parent_dir, project_dir)63 src = File.join(parent_dir, "..", "..", "resources", "measures", "HPXMLtoOpenStudio", "weather", project_dir)64 des = File.join(parent_dir, "..", "..", "weather")65 FileUtils.cp_r(src, des)66 return des67 end68 def change_building_id(osw, building_id)69 json = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true)70 json[:steps].each do |measure|71 next if measure[:measure_dir_name] != "BuildExistingModel"72 measure[:arguments][:building_id] = "#{building_id}"73 end74, "w") do |f|...

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Source:split.rake Github


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...53end54task :create_interface => :create_frontend do55 dir = "#{PROJECT_NAME}_interface"56 app_dir = "#{dir}/app"57 lib_dir = "#{dir}/lib"58 do_in_parent_dir do59 mkdir dir unless Dir.exists?(dir)60 mkdir app_dir unless Dir.exists?(app_dir)61 move "#{FRONTEND_DIR}/app/commands", app_dir62 move "#{FRONTEND_DIR}/app/events", app_dir63 move "#{FRONTEND_DIR}/app/validations", app_dir64 mkdir lib_dir unless Dir.exists?(lib_dir)65 temp_dir = "#{lib_dir}/#{PROJECT_NAME}"66 mkdir temp_dir unless Dir.exists?(temp_dir)67 move "#{FRONTEND_DIR}/lib/#{PROJECT_NAME}/domain.rb", temp_dir68 move "#{FRONTEND_DIR}/lib/#{PROJECT_NAME}.rb", "#{lib_dir}/#{dir}.rb"69 #todo: delete first line in this file70 #todo: gemfile and gemspec71 end72end73task :create_frontend => :environment do74 FRONTEND_DIR = "#{PROJECT_NAME}_frontend"75 app_dir = "#{FRONTEND_DIR}/app"76 lib_dir = "#{FRONTEND_DIR}/lib"77 do_in_parent_dir do78 mkdir FRONTEND_DIR unless Dir.exists?(FRONTEND_DIR)79 cp_r "#{PROJECT_NAME}/.", FRONTEND_DIR80 cp_r "#{FRONTEND_DIR}/lib/#{PROJECT_NAME}.rb", "#{lib_dir}/#{FRONTEND_DIR}.rb"81 #todo: delete line 2, 5 and 6 in this file82 end83end84desc 'split this'85task :split => [:create_projection, :create_domain, :create_interface] do86 puts 'done'87end

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'2 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'3Project.send(:include, Project::LibDir)4Project.send(:include, Project::LibDir)5 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'6 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'7 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'8 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'9Project.send(:include, Project::LibDir)10 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'11 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'12Project.send(:include, Project::LibDir)13 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'14 File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib'

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Using AI Code Generation


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1project ='Project ABC', 'I am a project', 'John Doe')2 def initialize(name, description, owner)3project ='Project ABC', 'I am a project', 'John Doe')4 def initialize(name, description, owner)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require File.join(, '2.rb')2require File.join(, '3.rb')3require File.join(, '4.rb')4require File.join(, '5.rb')5require File.join(, '6.rb')6require File.join(, '7.rb')7require File.join(, '8.rb')8require File.join(, '9.rb')

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