How to use with method of com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage class

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1package main;2import com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage;3import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.ExpectedScenarioState;4import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.ProvidedScenarioState;5import com.tngtech.jgiven.junit.ScenarioTest;6import com.tngtech.jgiven.junit5.JGivenExtension;7import helper.ProcessRunner;8import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;9import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;10import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments;11import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;12import;13import;14import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;15@ExtendWith( JGivenExtension.class )16class TestCompiler extends ScenarioTest<GivenInputProgram, WhenItCompilesAndRuns, ThenExpectedOutputIs> {17 @ParameterizedTest18 @MethodSource("programList")19 void testValidPrograms(String inputProgramName, String output, String errorOut)20 throws Exception {21 given()22 .theInputProgram(inputProgramName);23 when()24 .theProgramCompilesSuccessfully()25 .and()26 .itRuns();27 then()28 .theOutputsMatches(output)29 .and()30 .theErrorMatches(errorOut);31 }32 /​/​/​ names of the programs to run33 private static Stream<Arguments> programList() {34 return Stream.of(35 Arguments.of("HelloWorld", "Hello, World!\n", ""),36 Arguments.of("BasicClass", "b is: 5\na is: 1\n", ""),37 Arguments.of("BasicClass2", "12345\n", ""),38 Arguments.of("OutOfRegisters", "91\n", ""),39 Arguments.of("PrintALot", "4a6bcde63\n", ""),40 Arguments.of("SimpleIfStatement", "a is 6\nalways run\nalways run\n", ""),41 Arguments.of("IfStatements", "a is 6\na is 7\na is positive\na is negative\n", ""),42 Arguments.of("SimpleWhileLoop", "123456789\n", ""),43 Arguments.of("SimpleDoWhileLoop", "123456789\n", ""),44 Arguments.of("SimpleForLoop", "123456789\n", ""),45 Arguments.of("IntermediateForLoop", "12346789\n", ""),46 Arguments.of("IntermediateWhileLoop", "12346789\n", ""),47 Arguments.of("IntermediateDoWhileLoop", "12346789\n", ""),48 Arguments.of("TwoVariableForLoop", "123456789\n", ""),49 Arguments.of("LabeledLoops", "For loop:\n" +50 "1, 0\n2, 0\n2, 1\n4, 0\n4, 1\n4, 2\n4, 3\n" +51 "Do loop:\n" +52 "1, 0\n2, 0\n2, 1\n4, 0\n4, 1\n4, 2\n4, 3\n" +53 "While loop:\n" +54 "1, 0\n2, 0\n2, 1\n4, 0\n4, 1\n4, 2\n4, 3\n", ""),55 Arguments.of("DataSizes", "true\n" +56 "false\n" +57 "127\n" +58 "128\n" +59 "-128\n" +60 "ab\n" +61 "-18690\n" +62 "-2147483648\n" +63 "2147483648\n", ""),64 Arguments.of("BasicArray", "[1, 2, 3, 4]\n", ""),65 Arguments.of("SimpleArray", "[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]\n", ""),66 Arguments.of("ArrayLength", "143\n", ""),67 Arguments.of("TwoDimensionArray", "[X, O, O]\n[O, X, O]\n[O, O, X]\n", ""),68 Arguments.of("JaggedArray", "[0]\n[0, 0]\n[0, 0, 0]\n[0, 0, 0, 0]\n", ""),69 Arguments.of("IntegerLiterals", "16\n16\n16\n16\n16\n16\n16\n16\n16\n16\n", ""),70 Arguments.of("UnaryOperations", "-128\nfalse\n10101111000011110010101000001111\n" +71 "0\ntrue\n-1\n-20\ntrue\n-21\n20\n", ""),72 Arguments.of("Incrementing", "3\n5\n4\n4\n", ""),73 Arguments.of("Decrementing", "5\n3\n4\n4\n", ""),74 Arguments.of("MultiplicativeOperators", "30\n-80\n200\n8\n0\n0\n5\n-5\n-2\n-2\n", "")75 );76 }77}78class GivenInputProgram extends Stage<GivenInputProgram> {79 @ProvidedScenarioState80 private String fileName;81 @SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") /​/​ used by jGiven82 GivenInputProgram theInputProgram(String fileName) {83 this.fileName = "src/​main/​resources/​test-programs/​" + fileName + ".java";84 return self();85 }86}87class WhenItCompilesAndRuns extends Stage<WhenItCompilesAndRuns> {88 @ExpectedScenarioState89 private String fileName;90 @ProvidedScenarioState91 private String output;92 @ProvidedScenarioState93 private String errOutput;94 @ProvidedScenarioState95 private int exitCode;96 WhenItCompilesAndRuns theProgramCompilesSuccessfully() throws Exception {97 String[] file = { fileName };98 JavaCompiler.main(file);99 return self();100 }101 @SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") /​/​ used by jGiven102 WhenItCompilesAndRuns itRuns() {103 ProcessRunner runner = new ProcessRunner("java", "-Djava.library.path=.", "Main");104 runner.setDirectory(new File(OutputDirs.ASSEMBLED.location));105 ProcessRunner.ProcessResult results =;106 output = results.getOutput();107 errOutput = results.getError();108 exitCode = results.getExitCode();109 return self();110 }111}112class ThenExpectedOutputIs extends Stage<ThenExpectedOutputIs> {113 @ExpectedScenarioState114 private String output;115 @ExpectedScenarioState116 private String errOutput;117 ThenExpectedOutputIs theOutputsMatches(String content) {118 assertThat(output).isEqualToNormalizingNewlines(content);119 return self();120 }121 @SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") /​/​ used by jGiven122 ThenExpectedOutputIs theErrorMatches(String content) {123 assertThat(errOutput).isEqualToNormalizingNewlines(content);124 return self();125 }126}...

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...38 }39 public OrderStage wePostAnOrderRequest(OrderRequest orderRequest) {40 try {41 orderResponse = orderService.create(orderRequest);42 currentStep.addAttachment(fromText(orderResponse.toString(), PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8).withTitle("Response"));43 } catch (WorldpayException e) {44 worldpayException = e;45 }46 return self();47 }48 public OrderStage weAuthorizeTheOrder(OrderAuthorizationRequest orderAuthorizationRequest) {49 orderResponse = orderService.authorize3Ds(orderCode, orderAuthorizationRequest);50 currentStep.addAttachment(fromText(orderResponse.toString(), PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8).withTitle("Response"));51 return self();52 }53 public OrderStage weRefundTheOrder() {54 orderService.refund(orderCode);55 return self();56 }57 @As("we refund $ from the order")58 public OrderStage weRefundTheOrder(int amount) {59 orderService.refund(orderCode, amount);60 return self();61 }62 public OrderStage weCancelTheOrder() {63 orderService.cancel(orderCode);64 return self();65 }66 public OrderStage weFindTheOrder() {67 authorizedResponse = orderService.findOrder(orderCode);68 currentStep.addAttachment(fromText(authorizedResponse.toString(), PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8).withTitle("Response"));69 return self();70 }71 @As("we capture $ from the order")72 public OrderStage wePartialCaptureTheOrder(int amount) {73 CaptureOrderRequest captureOrderRequest = new CaptureOrderRequest();74 captureOrderRequest.setCaptureAmount(amount);75 try {76 orderResponse = orderService.capture(captureOrderRequest, orderCode);77 currentStep.addAttachment(fromText(orderResponse.toString(), PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8).withTitle("Response"));78 } catch (WorldpayException e) {79 worldpayException = e;80 }81 return self();82 }83}...

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...16import org.junit.runner.RunWith;17import static;18import static;19import static;20import static;21import static;22@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class)23public class EspressoJGivenMainActivityTest extends24 SimpleScenarioTest<EspressoJGivenMainActivityTest.Steps> {25 @Rule26 @ScenarioState27 public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> activityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class);28 @Rule29 public AndroidJGivenTestRule androidJGivenTestRule = new AndroidJGivenTestRule(getScenario());30 @Test31 public void clicking_ClickMe_changes_the_text() {32 given().the_initial_main_activity_is_shown()33 .with().text("AndroidTestingBox");34 when().clicking_the_Click_Me_button();35 then().text_$_is_shown("Text changed after button click");36 }37 public static class Steps extends Stage<Steps> {38 @ScenarioState39 CurrentStep currentStep;40 @ScenarioState41 ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> activityTestRule;42 public Steps the_initial_main_activity_is_shown() {43 /​/​ nothing to do, just for reporting44 return this;45 }46 public Steps clicking_the_Click_Me_button() {47 onView(withId(;48 return this;49 }50 public Steps text(@Quoted String s) {51 return text_$_is_shown(s);52 }53 public Steps text_$_is_shown(@Quoted String s) {54 onView(withId(;55 takeScreenshot();56 return this;57 }58 private void takeScreenshot() {59 currentStep.addAttachment(60 Attachment.fromBinaryBytes(ScreenshotUtils.takeScreenshot(activityTestRule.getActivity()), MediaType.PNG)61 .showDirectly());62 }63 }64}...

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1public class GivenSomeState extends Stage<GivenSomeState> {2 public GivenSomeState some_state() {3 return self();4 }5}6public class WhenSomeAction extends Stage<WhenSomeAction> {7 public WhenSomeAction some_action() {8 return self();9 }10}11public class ThenSomeOutcome extends Stage<ThenSomeOutcome> {12 public ThenSomeOutcome some_outcome() {13 return self();14 }15}16public class AndSomeOtherOutcome extends Stage<AndSomeOtherOutcome> {17 public AndSomeOtherOutcome some_other_outcome() {18 return self();19 }20}21public class ButSomeComplication extends Stage<ButSomeComplication> {22 public ButSomeComplication some_complication() {23 return self();24 }25}26public class ExampleTest extends JGivenTest<ExampleTest> {27 public void example_test() {28 given().some_state();29 when().some_action();30 then().some_outcome();31 and().some_other_outcome();32 but().some_complication();33 }34}35public class ExampleTest extends JGivenTest<ExampleTest> {36 public void example_test() {37 given().some_state();38 when().some_action();39 then().some_outcome();40 and().some_other_outcome();41 but().some_complication();42 }43}44public class ExampleTest extends JGivenTest<ExampleTest> {45 public void example_test() {46 given().some_state();47 when().some_action();48 then().some_outcome();49 and().some_other_outcome();50 but().some_complication();51 }

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1public class Stage1 extends Stage<Stage1> {2 public Stage1 given() {3 return self();4 }5 public Stage1 when() {6 return self();7 }8 public Stage1 then() {9 return self();10 }11}12public class Stage2 extends Stage<Stage2> {13 public Stage2 given() {14 return self();15 }16 public Stage2 when() {17 return self();18 }19 public Stage2 then() {20 return self();21 }22}23public class Stage3 extends Stage<Stage3> {24 public Stage3 given() {25 return self();26 }27 public Stage3 when() {28 return self();29 }30 public Stage3 then() {31 return self();32 }33}34public class Stage4 extends Stage<Stage4> {35 public Stage4 given() {36 return self();37 }38 public Stage4 when() {39 return self();40 }41 public Stage4 then() {42 return self();43 }44}45public class Stage5 extends Stage<Stage5> {46 public Stage5 given() {47 return self();48 }49 public Stage5 when() {50 return self();51 }52 public Stage5 then() {53 return self();54 }55}56public class Stage6 extends Stage<Stage6> {57 public Stage6 given() {58 return self();59 }60 public Stage6 when() {61 return self();62 }63 public Stage6 then() {64 return self();65 }66}67public class Stage7 extends Stage<Stage7> {68 public Stage7 given() {69 return self();70 }71 public Stage7 when() {72 return self();73 }74 public Stage7 then() {75 return self();76 }77}

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1public class GivenStage extends Stage<GivenStage> {2 public GivenStage some_state() {3 return self();4 }5}6public class WhenStage extends Stage<WhenStage> {7 public WhenStage some_action() {8 return self();9 }10}11public class ThenStage extends Stage<ThenStage> {12 public ThenStage some_outcome() {13 return self();14 }15}16public class GivenStage extends Stage<GivenStage> {17 public GivenStage some_state() {18 return self();19 }20}21public class WhenStage extends Stage<WhenStage> {22 public WhenStage some_action() {23 return self();24 }25}26public class ThenStage extends Stage<ThenStage> {27 public ThenStage some_outcome() {28 return self();29 }30}31public class GivenStage extends Stage<GivenStage> {32 public GivenStage some_state() {33 return self();34 }35}36public class WhenStage extends Stage<WhenStage> {37 public WhenStage some_action() {38 return self();39 }40}41public class ThenStage extends Stage<ThenStage> {42 public ThenStage some_outcome() {43 return self();44 }45}46public class GivenStage extends Stage<GivenStage> {47 public GivenStage some_state() {48 return self();49 }50}

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1public class Stage1 extends Stage<Stage1> {2 public Stage1 a_method() {3 return self();4 }5}6public class Stage2 extends Stage<Stage2> {7 public Stage2 another_method() {8 return self();9 }10}11public class Stage3 extends Stage<Stage3> {12 public Stage3 a_third_method() {13 return self();14 }15}16public class Stage4 extends Stage<Stage4> {17 public Stage4 a_fourth_method() {18 return self();19 }20}21public class Stage5 extends Stage<Stage5> {22 public Stage5 a_fifth_method() {23 return self();24 }25}26public class Stage6 extends Stage<Stage6> {27 public Stage6 a_sixth_method() {28 return self();29 }30}31public class Stage7 extends Stage<Stage7> {32 public Stage7 a_seventh_method() {33 return self();34 }35}36public class Stage8 extends Stage<Stage8> {37 public Stage8 a_eighth_method() {38 return self();39 }40}41public class Stage9 extends Stage<Stage9> {42 public Stage9 a_ninth_method() {43 return self();44 }45}46public class Stage10 extends Stage<Stage10> {47 public Stage10 a_tenth_method() {48 return self();49 }50}

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1public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {2 public Stage some_method() {3 return self();4 }5}6public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {7 public Stage some_method() {8 return self();9 }10}11public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {12 public Stage some_method() {13 return self();14 }15}16public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {17 public Stage some_method() {18 return self();19 }20}21public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {22 public Stage some_method() {23 return self();24 }25}26public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {27 public Stage some_method() {28 return self();29 }30}31public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {32 public Stage some_method() {33 return self();34 }35}36public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {37 public Stage some_method() {38 return self();39 }40}41public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {42 public Stage some_method() {43 return self();44 }45}46public class Stage extends com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage<Stage> {47 public Stage some_method() {48 return self();49 }50}

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1public class Stage1 extends Stage<Stage1> {2 public Stage1 i_have_a_number(int i) {3 return self();4 }5 public Stage1 i_have_a_string(String s) {6 return self();7 }8 public Stage1 i_have_a_list(List l) {9 return self();10 }11}12public class Stage2 extends Stage<Stage2> {13 public Stage2 i_have_a_number(int i) {14 return self();15 }16 public Stage2 i_have_a_string(String s) {17 return self();18 }19 public Stage2 i_have_a_list(List l) {20 return self();21 }22}23public class Stage3 extends Stage<Stage3> {24 public Stage3 i_have_a_number(int i) {25 return self();26 }27 public Stage3 i_have_a_string(String s) {28 return self();29 }30 public Stage3 i_have_a_list(List l) {31 return self();32 }33}34public class Stage4 extends Stage<Stage4> {35 public Stage4 i_have_a_number(int i) {36 return self();37 }38 public Stage4 i_have_a_string(String s) {39 return self();40 }41 public Stage4 i_have_a_list(List l) {42 return self();43 }44}45public class Stage5 extends Stage<Stage5> {46 public Stage5 i_have_a_number(int i) {47 return self();48 }49 public Stage5 i_have_a_string(String s) {50 return self();51 }52 public Stage5 i_have_a_list(List l) {53 return self();54 }55}56public class Stage6 extends Stage<Stage6> {57 public Stage6 i_have_a_number(int i) {58 return self();59 }60 public Stage6 i_have_a_string(String s) {61 return self();62 }

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1package com.tngtech.jgiven;2import static org.junit.Assert.*;3import org.junit.Test;4public class StageTest {5 public void testTest() {6 Stage stage = new Stage();7 stage.test();8 assertTrue(stage.test());9 }10}11package com.tngtech.jgiven;12public class Stage {13 public boolean test(){14 return true;15 }16}17package com.tngtech.jgiven;18import org.junit.Test;19public class StageTest2 {20 public void testTest() {21 Stage stage = new Stage();22 stage.test();23 assertTrue(stage.test());24 }25}26package com.tngtech.jgiven;27import org.junit.Test;28public class StageTest3 {29 public void testTest() {30 Stage stage = new Stage();31 stage.test();32 assertTrue(stage.test());33 }34}35package com.tngtech.jgiven;36import org.junit.Test;37public class StageTest4 {38 public void testTest() {39 Stage stage = new Stage();40 stage.test();41 assertTrue(stage.test());42 }43}44package com.tngtech.jgiven;45import org.junit.Test;46public class StageTest5 {47 public void testTest() {48 Stage stage = new Stage();49 stage.test();50 assertTrue(stage.test());51 }52}53package com.tngtech.jgiven;54import org.junit.Test;55public class StageTest6 {56 public void testTest() {57 Stage stage = new Stage();58 stage.test();59 assertTrue(stage.test());60 }61}62package com.tngtech.jgiven;63import org.junit.Test;64public class StageTest7 {65 public void testTest() {66 Stage stage = new Stage();67 stage.test();68 assertTrue(stage.test());69 }70}

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1public class GivenSomeState extends Stage<GivenSomeState> {2 public GivenSomeState some_state() {3 return self();4 }5}6public class WhenSomeAction extends Stage<WhenSomeAction> {7 public WhenSomeAction some_action() {8 return self();9 }10}11public class ThenSomeOutcome extends Stage<ThenSomeOutcome> {12 public ThenSomeOutcome some_outcome() {13 return self();14 }15}16public class AndSomeOtherOutcome extends Stage<AndSomeOtherOutcome> {17 public AndSomeOtherOutcome some_other_outcome() {18 return self();19 }20}21public class ButSomeComplication extends Stage<ButSomeComplication> {22 public ButSomeComplication some_complication() {23 return self();24 }25}26public class Example extends ScenarioTest<Example> {27 public void example() {28 given().some_state();29 when().some_action();30 then().some_outcome();31 and().some_other_outcome();32 but().some_complication();33 }34}35public class ExampleTest {36 public JUnitScenarioTestRule<Example> exampleTestRule = new JUnitScenarioTestRule<Example>(Example.class);37 public void example() {

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