How to use toReadableString method of com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ReflectionUtil class

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...134 try {135 method.invoke( object );136 } catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {137 log.debug( "Caught exception:", e );138 throw new JGivenExecutionException( "Could not execute " + toReadableString( method ) + errorDescription +139 ", because it requires parameters. " + "Remove the parameters and try again.", e );140 } catch( IllegalAccessException e ) {141 log.debug( "Caught exception:", e );142 throw new JGivenExecutionException( "Could not execute " + toReadableString( method ) + errorDescription +143 ", because of insuffient access rights. "144 + "Either make the method public or disable your security manager while executing JGiven tests.", e );145 } catch( InvocationTargetException e ) {146 throw new JGivenUserException( method, errorDescription, e.getCause() );147 }148 }149 /**150 * Returns a {@link List} of objects reflecting all the non-static field values declared by the class or interface151 * represented by the given {@link Class} object and defined by the given {@link Object}. This includes152 * {@code public}, {@code protected}, default (package) access, and {@code private} fields, but excludes inherited153 * fields. The elements in the {@link List} returned are not sorted and are not in any particular order. This method154 * returns an empty {@link List} if the class or interface declares no fields, or if the given {@link Class} object155 * represents a primitive type, an array class, or void.156 *157 * @param clazz class or interface declaring fields158 * @param target instance of given {@code clazz} from which field values should be retrieved159 * @param errorDescription customizable part of logged error message160 * @return a {@link List} containing all the found field values (never {@code null})161 */162 public static List<Object> getAllNonStaticFieldValuesFrom( final Class<?> clazz, final Object target, final String errorDescription ){163 return getAllFieldValues( target, getAllNonStaticFields( clazz ), errorDescription );164 }165 private static Function<Field, Object> getFieldValueFunction( final Object target, final String errorDescription ){166 return field -> getFieldValueOrNull( field, target, errorDescription );167 }168 public static Object getFieldValueOrNull( String fieldName, Object target, String errorDescription ){169 try {170 Field field = target.getClass().getDeclaredField( fieldName );171 return getFieldValueOrNull( field, target, errorDescription );172 } catch( Exception e ) {173 log.warn(174 format( "Not able to access field '%s'." + errorDescription, fieldName ), e );175 return null;176 }177 }178 public static Object getFieldValueOrNull( Field field, Object target, String errorDescription ){179 makeAccessible( field, "" );180 try {181 return field.get( target );182 } catch( IllegalAccessException e ) {183 log.warn(184 format( "Not able to access field '%s'." + errorDescription, toReadableString( field ) ), e );185 return null;186 }187 }188 public static List<Field> getAllNonStaticFields( Class<?> clazz ){189 final List<Field> result = Lists.newArrayList();190 forEachField( null, clazz, nonStaticField(), new FieldAction() {191 @Override192 public void act( Object target, Field field ) throws Exception{193 result.add( field );194 }195 } );196 return result;197 }198 public static List<Object> getAllFieldValues( Object target, Iterable<Field> fields, String errorDescription ){199 return fields.spliterator(), false )200 .map( getFieldValueFunction( target, errorDescription ) )201 .collect( Collectors.toList() );202 }203 public static List<String> getAllFieldNames( Iterable<Field> fields ){204 return fields.spliterator(), false )205 .map( Field::getName )206 .collect( Collectors.toList() );207 }208 public static void setField( Field field, Object object, Object value, String errorDescription ){209 makeAccessible( field, errorDescription );210 try {211 field.set( object, value );212 } catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {213 log.debug( "Caught exception:", e );214 throw new JGivenInjectionException( "Could not set " + toReadableString( field ) + errorDescription +215 " to value " + value + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );216 } catch( IllegalAccessException e ) {217 log.debug( "Caught exception:", e );218 throw new JGivenInjectionException( "Could not set " + toReadableString( field ) + errorDescription +219 ", because of insuffient access rights. "220 + "Either make the field public or disable your security manager while executing JGiven tests.", e );221 }222 }223 public static void makeAccessible( AccessibleObject object, String errorDescription ){224 try {225 object.setAccessible( true );226 } catch( SecurityException e ) {227 log.debug( "Caught exception: ", e );228 log.warn( "Could not make {} accessible, trying to access it nevertheless and hoping for the best.",229 toReadableString( object ), errorDescription );230 }231 }232 public static String toReadableString( AccessibleObject object ){233 if( object instanceof Method ) {234 Method method = (Method) object;235 return "method '" + method.getName() + "' of class '" + method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "'";236 } else if( object instanceof Field ) {237 Field field = (Field) object;238 return "field '" + field.getName() + "' of class '" + field.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "'";239 } else if( object instanceof Constructor<?> ) {240 Constructor<?> constructor = (Constructor<?>) object;241 return "constructor '" + constructor.getName() + "' of class '" + constructor.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "'";242 }243 return null;244 }245 public static List<Method> getNonStaticMethod( Method[] declaredMethods ){246 return declaredMethods )...

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1package com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util;2import java.lang.reflect.Array;3import java.util.Arrays;4import java.util.Collection;5import java.util.Map;6public class ReflectionUtil {7 private static final String INDENT = " ";8 public static String toReadableString( Object o ) {9 return toReadableString( o, 0 );10 }11 private static String toReadableString( Object o, int indentLevel ) {12 if( o == null

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1import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ReflectionUtil2def string = ReflectionUtil.toReadableString(object)3assert string == "{'name'='John', 'age'=30}"4import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ReflectionUtil5def string = ReflectionUtil.toReadableString(object)6assert string == "{'name'='John', 'age'=30}"7import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ReflectionUtil8def string = ReflectionUtil.toReadableString(object)9assert string == "{'name'='John', 'age'=30}"10import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ReflectionUtil11def string = ReflectionUtil.toReadableString(object)12assert string == "{'name'='John', 'age'=30}"13import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ReflectionUtil14def string = ReflectionUtil.toReadableString(object)15assert string == "{'name'='John', 'age'=30}"16import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ReflectionUtil17def string = ReflectionUtil.toReadableString(object)18assert string == "{'name'='John', 'age'=30}"19import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.Reflection

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