How to use processRequest method of org.cerberus.servlet.zzpublic.ResultCI class

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...45@WebServlet(name = "ResultCI", urlPatterns = {"/ResultCI"})46public class ResultCI extends HttpServlet {47 48 private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(ResultCI.class);49 protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,50 HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {51 PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();52 PolicyFactory policy = Sanitizers.FORMATTING.and(Sanitizers.LINKS);53 ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());54 /**55 * Adding Log entry.56 */57 ILogEventService logEventService = appContext.getBean(ILogEventService.class);58 logEventService.createForPublicCalls("/ResultCI", "CALL", "ResultCI called : " + request.getRequestURL(), request);59 String tag = policy.sanitize(request.getParameter("tag"));60 String helpMessage = "\nThis servlet is used to profide a global OK or KO based on the number and status of the execution done on a specific tag.\n"61 + "The number of executions are ponderated by parameters by priority from cerberus_ci_okcoefprio1 to cerberus_ci_okcoefprio4.\n"62 + "Formula used is the following :\n"63 + "Nb Exe Prio 1 testcases * cerberus_ci_okcoefprio1 + Nb Exe Prio 2 testcases * cerberus_ci_okcoefprio2 +\n"64 + " Nb Exe Prio 3 testcases * cerberus_ci_okcoefprio3 + Nb Exe Prio 4 testcases * cerberus_ci_okcoefprio4\n\n"65 + "If not executions are found, the result is KO.\n"66 + "With at least 1 execution, if result is < 1 then global servlet result is OK. If not, it is KO.\n"67 + "All execution needs to have a status equal to KO, FA, NA or PE.\n\n"68 + "Parameter list :\n"69 + "- tag [mandatory] : Execution Tag to filter the test cases execution. [" + tag + "]\n";70 DatabaseSpring database = appContext.getBean(DatabaseSpring.class);71 Connection connection = database.connect();72 try {73 boolean error = false;74 // Checking the parameter validity. Tag is a mandatory parameter75 if (StringUtils.isBlank(tag)) {76 out.println("Error - Parameter tag is mandatory.");77 error = true;78 }79 if (!error) {80 PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) AS NBKOP1 "81 + "FROM testcaseexecution t "82 + "JOIN "83 + "(SELECT Test,TestCase, Priority FROM testcase)b "84 + "ON b.test= t.test AND b.testcase=t.testcase "85 + "WHERE controlStatus not in ('OK') AND priority = '1' "86 + "AND tag = ?");87 int nbkop1 = 0;88 try {89 prepStmt.setString(1, tag);90 ResultSet rs_resultp1 = prepStmt.executeQuery();91 try {92 if (rs_resultp1.first()) {93 nbkop1 = Integer.valueOf(rs_resultp1.getString("NBKOP1"));94 }95 } finally {96 rs_resultp1.close();97 }98 } finally {99 prepStmt.close();100 }101 PreparedStatement prepStmt2 = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) AS NBKOP2 "102 + "FROM testcaseexecution t "103 + "JOIN "104 + "(SELECT Test,TestCase, Priority FROM testcase)b "105 + "ON b.test= t.test AND b.testcase=t.testcase "106 + "WHERE controlStatus not in ('OK') AND priority = '2' "107 + "AND tag = ?");108 int nbkop2 = 0;109 try {110 prepStmt2.setString(1, tag);111 ResultSet rs_resultp2 = prepStmt2.executeQuery();112 try {113 if (rs_resultp2.first()) {114 nbkop2 = Integer.valueOf(rs_resultp2.getString("NBKOP2"));115 }116 } finally {117 rs_resultp2.close();118 }119 } finally {120 prepStmt2.close();121 }122 PreparedStatement prepStmt3 = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) AS NBKOP3 "123 + "FROM testcaseexecution t "124 + "JOIN "125 + "(SELECT Test,TestCase, Priority FROM testcase)b "126 + "ON b.test= t.test AND b.testcase=t.testcase "127 + "WHERE controlStatus not in ('OK') AND priority = '3' "128 + "AND tag = ?");129 int nbkop3 = 0;130 try {131 prepStmt3.setString(1, tag);132 ResultSet rs_resultp3 = prepStmt3.executeQuery();133 try {134 if (rs_resultp3.first()) {135 nbkop3 = Integer.valueOf(rs_resultp3.getString("NBKOP3"));136 }137 } finally {138 rs_resultp3.close();139 }140 } finally {141 prepStmt3.close();142 }143 PreparedStatement prepStmt4 = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) AS NBKOP4 "144 + "FROM testcaseexecution t "145 + "JOIN "146 + "(SELECT Test,TestCase, Priority FROM testcase)b "147 + "ON b.test= t.test AND b.testcase=t.testcase "148 + "WHERE controlStatus not in ('OK') AND priority = '4' "149 + "AND tag = ?");150 int nbkop4 = 0;151 try {152 prepStmt4.setString(1, tag);153 ResultSet rs_resultp4 = prepStmt4.executeQuery();154 try {155 if (rs_resultp4.first()) {156 nbkop4 = Integer.valueOf(rs_resultp4.getString("NBKOP4"));157 }158 } finally {159 rs_resultp4.close();160 }161 } finally {162 prepStmt4.close();163 }164 IParameterService parameterService = appContext.getBean(IParameterService.class);165 float pond1 = Float.valueOf(parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_ci_okcoefprio1", "").getValue());166 float pond2 = Float.valueOf(parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_ci_okcoefprio2", "").getValue());167 float pond3 = Float.valueOf(parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_ci_okcoefprio3", "").getValue());168 float pond4 = Float.valueOf(parameterService.findParameterByKey("cerberus_ci_okcoefprio4", "").getValue());169 String result;170 float resultCal = (nbkop1 * pond1) + (nbkop2 * pond2) + (nbkop3 * pond3) + (nbkop4 * pond4);171 if (resultCal < 1) {172 result = "OK";173 } else {174 result = "KO";175 }176 out.print(result);177 // Log the result with calculation detail.178 logEventService.createForPublicCalls("/ResultCI", "CALLRESULT", "ResultCI calculated with result [" + result + "] : " + nbkop1 + "*" + pond1 + " + " + nbkop2 + "*" + pond2 + " + " + nbkop3 + "*" + pond3 + " + " + nbkop4 + "*" + pond4 + " = " + resultCal, request);179 } else {180 // In case of errors, we display the help message.181 out.println(helpMessage);182 }183 } catch (Exception e) {184 out.println(e.getMessage());185 } finally {186 out.close();187 try {188 if (connection != null) {189 connection.close();190 }191 } catch (SQLException e) {192 LOG.warn(e.toString());193 }194 }195 }196 // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed"197 // desc="HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code.">198 /**199 * Handles the HTTP200 * <code>GET</code> method.201 *202 * @param request servlet request203 * @param response servlet response204 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs205 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs206 */207 @Override208 protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,209 HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {210 processRequest(request, response);211 }212 /**213 * Handles the HTTP214 * <code>POST</code> method.215 *216 * @param request servlet request217 * @param response servlet response218 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs219 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs220 */221 @Override222 protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,223 HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {224 processRequest(request, response);225 }226 /**227 * Returns a short description of the servlet.228 *229 * @return a String containing servlet description230 */231 @Override232 public String getServletInfo() {233 return "Short description";234 }// </editor-fold>235}...

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1import groovy.json.JsonBuilder2import groovy.json.JsonSlurper3import org.cerberus.servlet.zzpublic.ResultCI4import org.cerberus.servlet.zzpublic.ResultCI5import org.cerberus.engine.entity.MessageEvent6def resultCI = new ResultCI()7def result = resultCI.processRequest(request, response)8if (result instanceof MessageEvent) {9 response.sendError(500, result.getDescription())10} else {11 def json = new JsonBuilder(result)12 response.writer << json.toString()13}

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1import org.cerberus.servlet.zzpublic.ResultCI;2import org.cerberus.servlet.zzpublic.ResultCIFactory;3String campaignName = request.getParameter("campaignName");4ResultCI result = ResultCIFactory.getResultCI(campaignName);5int nbExecuted = result.getNbExecuted();6int nbPassed = result.getNbPassed();7int nbFailed = result.getNbFailed();8int nbBlocked = result.getNbBlocked();9int nbNotExecuted = result.getNbNotExecuted();10int nbNotApplicable = result.getNbNotApplicable();11int nbTotal = result.getNbTotal();12int percentPassed = result.getPercentPassed();13int percentFailed = result.getPercentFailed();14int percentBlocked = result.getPercentBlocked();15int percentNotExecuted = result.getPercentNotExecuted();16int percentNotApplicable = result.getPercentNotApplicable();17int percentTotal = result.getPercentTotal();18String status = result.getStatus();19String statusHTML = result.getStatusHTML();20String statusHTMLColor = result.getStatusHTMLColor();21String statusHTMLColorSize = result.getStatusHTMLColorSize();

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1import org.cerberus.servlet.zzpublic.ResultCI;2String result = ResultCI.processRequest(request);3URL url = new URL(slackUrl);4HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();5http.setRequestMethod("POST");6http.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");7http.setDoOutput(true);8String json = "{\"text\":\""+result+"\"}";9byte[] out = json.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);10OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();11stream.write(out);12http.getResponseCode();13http.disconnect();

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