How to use UseTestSuiteName method of Atata.AtataContextBuilder class

Best Atata code snippet using Atata.AtataContextBuilder.UseTestSuiteName


Source:AtataContextBuilder.cs Github


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...481 /// Sets the factory method of the test suite name.482 /// </summary>483 /// <param name="testSuiteNameFactory">The factory method of the test suite name.</param>484 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>485 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteName(Func<string> testSuiteNameFactory)486 {487 testSuiteNameFactory.CheckNotNull(nameof(testSuiteNameFactory));488489 BuildingContext.TestSuiteNameFactory = testSuiteNameFactory;490 return this;491 }492493 /// <summary>494 /// Sets the name of the test suite (fixture/class).495 /// </summary>496 /// <param name="testSuiteName">The name of the test suite.</param>497 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>498 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteName(string testSuiteName)499 {500 BuildingContext.TestSuiteNameFactory = () => testSuiteName;501 return this;502 }503504 /// <summary>505 /// Sets the factory method of the test suite (fixture/class) type.506 /// </summary>507 /// <param name="testSuiteTypeFactory">The factory method of the test suite type.</param>508 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>509 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteType(Func<Type> testSuiteTypeFactory)510 {511 testSuiteTypeFactory.CheckNotNull(nameof(testSuiteTypeFactory));512513 BuildingContext.TestSuiteTypeFactory = testSuiteTypeFactory;514 return this;515 }516517 /// <summary>518 /// Sets the type of the test suite (fixture/class).519 /// </summary>520 /// <param name="testSuiteType">The type of the test suite.</param>521 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>522 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteType(Type testSuiteType)523 {524 testSuiteType.CheckNotNull(nameof(testSuiteType));525526 BuildingContext.TestSuiteTypeFactory = () => testSuiteType;527 return this;528 }529530 /// <summary>531 /// Sets the UTC time zone.532 /// </summary>533 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>534 public AtataContextBuilder UseUtcTimeZone() =>535 UseTimeZone(TimeZoneInfo.Utc);536537 /// <summary>538 /// Sets the time zone by identifier, which corresponds to the <see cref="TimeZoneInfo.Id"/> property.539 /// </summary>540 /// <param name="timeZoneId">The time zone identifier.</param>541 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>542 public AtataContextBuilder UseTimeZone(string timeZoneId)543 {544 timeZoneId.CheckNotNullOrWhitespace(nameof(timeZoneId));545 TimeZoneInfo timeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZoneId);546547 return UseTimeZone(timeZone);548 }549550 /// <summary>551 /// Sets the time zone.552 /// </summary>553 /// <param name="timeZone">The time zone.</param>554 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>555 public AtataContextBuilder UseTimeZone(TimeZoneInfo timeZone)556 {557 timeZone.CheckNotNull(nameof(timeZone));558559 BuildingContext.TimeZone = timeZone;560 return this;561 }562563 /// <summary>564 /// Sets the base URL.565 /// </summary>566 /// <param name="baseUrl">The base URL.</param>567 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>568 public AtataContextBuilder UseBaseUrl(string baseUrl)569 {570 if (baseUrl != null && !Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(baseUrl, UriKind.Absolute))571 throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid URL format \"{baseUrl}\".", nameof(baseUrl));572573 BuildingContext.BaseUrl = baseUrl;574 return this;575 }576577 /// <summary>578 /// Sets the base retry timeout.579 /// The default value is <c>5</c> seconds.580 /// </summary>581 /// <param name="timeout">The retry timeout.</param>582 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>583 public AtataContextBuilder UseBaseRetryTimeout(TimeSpan timeout)584 {585 BuildingContext.BaseRetryTimeout = timeout;586 return this;587 }588589 /// <summary>590 /// Sets the base retry interval.591 /// The default value is <c>500</c> milliseconds.592 /// </summary>593 /// <param name="interval">The retry interval.</param>594 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>595 public AtataContextBuilder UseBaseRetryInterval(TimeSpan interval)596 {597 BuildingContext.BaseRetryInterval = interval;598 return this;599 }600601 /// <summary>602 /// Sets the element find timeout.603 /// The default value is taken from <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.BaseRetryTimeout"/>, which is equal to <c>5</c> seconds by default.604 /// </summary>605 /// <param name="timeout">The retry timeout.</param>606 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>607 public AtataContextBuilder UseElementFindTimeout(TimeSpan timeout)608 {609 BuildingContext.ElementFindTimeout = timeout;610 return this;611 }612613 /// <summary>614 /// Sets the element find retry interval.615 /// The default value is taken from <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.BaseRetryInterval"/>, which is equal to <c>500</c> milliseconds by default.616 /// </summary>617 /// <param name="interval">The retry interval.</param>618 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>619 public AtataContextBuilder UseElementFindRetryInterval(TimeSpan interval)620 {621 BuildingContext.ElementFindRetryInterval = interval;622 return this;623 }624625 /// <summary>626 /// Sets the waiting timeout.627 /// The default value is taken from <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.BaseRetryTimeout"/>, which is equal to <c>5</c> seconds by default.628 /// </summary>629 /// <param name="timeout">The retry timeout.</param>630 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>631 public AtataContextBuilder UseWaitingTimeout(TimeSpan timeout)632 {633 BuildingContext.WaitingTimeout = timeout;634 return this;635 }636637 /// <summary>638 /// Sets the waiting retry interval.639 /// The default value is taken from <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.BaseRetryInterval"/>, which is equal to <c>500</c> milliseconds by default.640 /// </summary>641 /// <param name="interval">The retry interval.</param>642 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>643 public AtataContextBuilder UseWaitingRetryInterval(TimeSpan interval)644 {645 BuildingContext.WaitingRetryInterval = interval;646 return this;647 }648649 /// <summary>650 /// Sets the verification timeout.651 /// The default value is taken from <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.BaseRetryTimeout"/>, which is equal to <c>5</c> seconds by default.652 /// </summary>653 /// <param name="timeout">The retry timeout.</param>654 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>655 public AtataContextBuilder UseVerificationTimeout(TimeSpan timeout)656 {657 BuildingContext.VerificationTimeout = timeout;658 return this;659 }660661 /// <summary>662 /// Sets the verification retry interval.663 /// The default value is taken from <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.BaseRetryInterval"/>, which is equal to <c>500</c> milliseconds by default.664 /// </summary>665 /// <param name="interval">The retry interval.</param>666 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>667 public AtataContextBuilder UseVerificationRetryInterval(TimeSpan interval)668 {669 BuildingContext.VerificationRetryInterval = interval;670 return this;671 }672673 /// <summary>674 /// Sets the default control visibility.675 /// The default value is <see cref="Visibility.Any"/>.676 /// </summary>677 /// <param name="visibility">The visibility.</param>678 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>679 public AtataContextBuilder UseDefaultControlVisibility(Visibility visibility)680 {681 BuildingContext.DefaultControlVisibility = visibility;682 return this;683 }684685 /// <summary>686 /// Sets the culture.687 /// The default value is <see cref="CultureInfo.CurrentCulture"/>.688 /// </summary>689 /// <param name="culture">The culture.</param>690 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>691 public AtataContextBuilder UseCulture(CultureInfo culture)692 {693 BuildingContext.Culture = culture;694 return this;695 }696697 /// <summary>698 /// Sets the culture by the name.699 /// The default value is <see cref="CultureInfo.CurrentCulture"/>.700 /// </summary>701 /// <param name="cultureName">The name of the culture.</param>702 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>703 public AtataContextBuilder UseCulture(string cultureName)704 {705 return UseCulture(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(cultureName));706 }707708 /// <summary>709 /// Sets the type of the assertion exception.710 /// The default value is a type of <see cref="AssertionException"/>.711 /// </summary>712 /// <typeparam name="TException">The type of the exception.</typeparam>713 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>714 public AtataContextBuilder UseAssertionExceptionType<TException>()715 where TException : Exception716 {717 return UseAssertionExceptionType(typeof(TException));718 }719720 /// <summary>721 /// Sets the type of the assertion exception.722 /// The default value is a type of <see cref="AssertionException"/>.723 /// </summary>724 /// <param name="exceptionType">The type of the exception.</param>725 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>726 public AtataContextBuilder UseAssertionExceptionType(Type exceptionType)727 {728 exceptionType.CheckIs<Exception>(nameof(exceptionType));729730 BuildingContext.AssertionExceptionType = exceptionType;731 return this;732 }733734 /// <summary>735 /// Sets the type of aggregate assertion exception.736 /// The default value is a type of <see cref="AggregateAssertionException"/>.737 /// The exception type should have public constructor with <c>IEnumerable&lt;AssertionResult&gt;</c> argument.738 /// </summary>739 /// <typeparam name="TException">The type of the exception.</typeparam>740 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>741 public AtataContextBuilder UseAggregateAssertionExceptionType<TException>()742 where TException : Exception743 {744 return UseAggregateAssertionExceptionType(typeof(TException));745 }746747 /// <summary>748 /// Sets the type of aggregate assertion exception.749 /// The default value is a type of <see cref="AggregateAssertionException"/>.750 /// The exception type should have public constructor with <c>IEnumerable&lt;AssertionResult&gt;</c> argument.751 /// </summary>752 /// <param name="exceptionType">The type of the exception.</param>753 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>754 public AtataContextBuilder UseAggregateAssertionExceptionType(Type exceptionType)755 {756 exceptionType.CheckIs<Exception>(nameof(exceptionType));757758 BuildingContext.AggregateAssertionExceptionType = exceptionType;759 return this;760 }761762 /// <summary>763 /// Sets the default assembly name pattern that is used to filter assemblies to find types in them.764 /// Modifies the <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.DefaultAssemblyNamePatternToFindTypes"/> property value of <see cref="BuildingContext"/>.765 /// </summary>766 /// <param name="pattern">The pattern.</param>767 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>768 public AtataContextBuilder UseDefaultAssemblyNamePatternToFindTypes(string pattern)769 {770 pattern.CheckNotNullOrWhitespace(nameof(pattern));771772 BuildingContext.DefaultAssemblyNamePatternToFindTypes = pattern;773 return this;774 }775776 /// <summary>777 /// Sets the assembly name pattern that is used to filter assemblies to find component types in them.778 /// Modifies the <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.AssemblyNamePatternToFindComponentTypes"/> property value of <see cref="BuildingContext"/>.779 /// </summary>780 /// <param name="pattern">The pattern.</param>781 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>782 public AtataContextBuilder UseAssemblyNamePatternToFindComponentTypes(string pattern)783 {784 pattern.CheckNotNullOrWhitespace(nameof(pattern));785786 BuildingContext.AssemblyNamePatternToFindComponentTypes = pattern;787 return this;788 }789790 /// <summary>791 /// Sets the assembly name pattern that is used to filter assemblies to find attribute types in them.792 /// Modifies the <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.AssemblyNamePatternToFindAttributeTypes"/> property value of <see cref="BuildingContext"/>.793 /// </summary>794 /// <param name="pattern">The pattern.</param>795 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>796 public AtataContextBuilder UseAssemblyNamePatternToFindAttributeTypes(string pattern)797 {798 pattern.CheckNotNullOrWhitespace(nameof(pattern));799800 BuildingContext.AssemblyNamePatternToFindAttributeTypes = pattern;801 return this;802 }803804 /// <summary>805 /// Sets the assembly name pattern that is used to filter assemblies to find event types in them.806 /// Modifies the <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.AssemblyNamePatternToFindEventTypes"/> property value of <see cref="BuildingContext"/>.807 /// </summary>808 /// <param name="pattern">The pattern.</param>809 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>810 public AtataContextBuilder UseAssemblyNamePatternToFindEventTypes(string pattern)811 {812 pattern.CheckNotNullOrWhitespace(nameof(pattern));813814 BuildingContext.AssemblyNamePatternToFindEventTypes = pattern;815 return this;816 }817818 /// <summary>819 /// Sets the assembly name pattern that is used to filter assemblies to find event handler types in them.820 /// Modifies the <see cref="AtataBuildingContext.AssemblyNamePatternToFindEventHandlerTypes"/> property value of <see cref="BuildingContext"/>.821 /// </summary>822 /// <param name="pattern">The pattern.</param>823 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>824 public AtataContextBuilder UseAssemblyNamePatternToFindEventHandlerTypes(string pattern)825 {826 pattern.CheckNotNullOrWhitespace(nameof(pattern));827828 BuildingContext.AssemblyNamePatternToFindEventHandlerTypes = pattern;829 return this;830 }831832 /// <summary>833 /// Sets the path to the Artifacts directory.834 /// </summary>835 /// <param name="directoryPath">The directory path.</param>836 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>837 public AtataContextBuilder UseArtifactsPath(string directoryPath)838 {839 directoryPath.CheckNotNullOrWhitespace(nameof(directoryPath));840841 return UseArtifactsPath(_ => directoryPath);842 }843844 /// <summary>845 /// Sets the builder of the path to the Artifacts directory.846 /// </summary>847 /// <param name="directoryPathBuilder">The directory path builder.</param>848 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>849 public AtataContextBuilder UseArtifactsPath(Func<AtataContext, string> directoryPathBuilder)850 {851 directoryPathBuilder.CheckNotNull(nameof(directoryPathBuilder));852853 BuildingContext.ArtifactsPathBuilder = directoryPathBuilder;854 return this;855 }856857 /// <summary>858 /// Sets the default Artifacts path with optionally including <c>"{build-start:yyyyMMddTHHmmss}"</c> folder in the path.859 /// </summary>860 /// <param name="include">Whether to include the <c>"{build-start:yyyyMMddTHHmmss}"</c> folder in the path.</param>861 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>862 public AtataContextBuilder UseDefaultArtifactsPathIncludingBuildStart(bool include) =>863 UseArtifactsPath(include864 ? AtataBuildingContext.DefaultArtifactsPath865 : AtataBuildingContext.DefaultArtifactsPathWithoutBuildStartFolder);866867 /// <summary>868 /// Defines that the name of the test should be taken from the NUnit test.869 /// </summary>870 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>871 public AtataContextBuilder UseNUnitTestName()872 {873 return UseTestName(NUnitAdapter.GetCurrentTestName);874 }875876 /// <summary>877 /// Defines that the name of the test suite should be taken from the NUnit test fixture.878 /// </summary>879 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>880 public AtataContextBuilder UseNUnitTestSuiteName()881 {882 return UseTestSuiteName(NUnitAdapter.GetCurrentTestFixtureName);883 }884885 /// <summary>886 /// Defines that the type of the test suite should be taken from the NUnit test fixture.887 /// </summary>888 /// <returns>The <see cref="AtataContextBuilder"/> instance.</returns>889 public AtataContextBuilder UseNUnitTestSuiteType()890 {891 return UseTestSuiteType(NUnitAdapter.GetCurrentTestFixtureType);892 }893894 /// <summary>895 /// Sets <see cref="NUnitAggregateAssertionStrategy"/> as the aggregate assertion strategy.896 /// The <see cref="NUnitAggregateAssertionStrategy"/> uses NUnit's <c>Assert.Multiple</c> method for aggregate assertion. ...

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;4using NUnit.Framework.Internal;5using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders;6using System;7using System.Collections.Generic;8using System.Linq;9using System.Text;10using System.Threading.Tasks;11{12 {13 public void SetUp()14 {15 Build();16 }17 public void Test1()18 {19 Go.To<HomePage>();20 }21 public void TearDown()22 {23 AtataContext.Current.CleanUp();24 }25 }26}27UseNUnitTestName() method28UseNUnitLogConsumer() method

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void SetUp()6 {7 AtataContext.Configure()8 .UseTestSuiteName("MyApp")9 .UseChrome()10 .UseCulture("en-US")11 .UseAllNUnitFeatures()12 .Build();13 }14 public void _5()15 {16 Go.To<HomePage>()17 .SignIn.ClickAndGo()18 .Email.Set("

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void SetUp()6 {7 Build();8 }9 public void _5()10 {11 Features.Should.Contain(x => x.SubHeader, "Atata Framework is a set of .NET libraries that help to create UI tests faster and easier. It is based on Selenium WebDriver and provides a set of ready-to-use controls, loggers, waiters, assertions, triggers, and other useful stuff. Atata makes your tests more readable and maintainable.");12 }13 public void TearDown()14 {15 AtataContext.Current.CleanUp();16 }17 }18}19using Atata;20using NUnit.Framework;21{22 {23 public void SetUp()24 {25 Build();26 }27 public void _6()28 {29 Features.Should.Contain(x => x.SubHeader, "Atata Framework is a set of .NET libraries that help to create UI tests faster and easier. It is based on Selenium WebDriver and provides a set of ready-to-use controls, loggers, waiters, assertions, triggers, and other useful stuff. Atata makes your tests more readable and maintainable.");30 }31 public void TearDown()32 {33 AtataContext.Current.CleanUp();34 }35 }36}

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using System;4{5 {6 public void SetUp()7 {8 AtataContext.Configure()9 .UseTestSuiteName("TestSuiteName")10 .UseChrome()11 .UseCulture("en-US")12 .UseAllNUnitFeatures()13 .AddNUnitTestContextLogging()14 .Build();15 }16 public void TearDown()17 {18 AtataContext.Current.CleanUp();19 }20 public void Test()21 {22 Go.To<HomePage>()23 .Header.Should.Equal("Atata Framework");24 }25 }26}

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1{2 {3 public static AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteName(this AtataContextBuilder builder, string testSuiteName)4 {5 builder.UseConfig(_ => _.TestSuiteName = testSuiteName);6 return builder;7 }8 }9}10{11 {12 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteName(string testSuiteName)13 {14 UseConfig(_ => _.TestSuiteName = testSuiteName);15 return this;16 }17 }18}19{20 {21 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteName(string testSuiteName)22 {23 UseConfig(_ => _.TestSuiteName = testSuiteName);24 return this;25 }26 }27}28{29 {30 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteName(string testSuiteName)31 {32 UseConfig(_ => _.TestSuiteName = testSuiteName);33 return this;34 }35 }36}37{38 {39 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteName(string testSuiteName)40 {41 UseConfig(_ => _.TestSuiteName = testSuiteName);42 return this;43 }44 }45}46{47 {48 public AtataContextBuilder UseTestSuiteName(string testSuiteName)49 {50 UseConfig(_ => _.TestSuiteName = testSuiteName);51 return this;52 }53 }54}55{

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void SetUp()6 {7 Build();8 }9 public void Test1()10 {11 Go.To<GooglePage>();12 }13 }14}15using Atata;16using NUnit3TestProject1;17{18 {19 [FindById("lst-ib")]20 public TextInput<_> Search { get; private set; }21 }22}23using Atata;24using NUnit.Framework;25{26 {27 public void SetUp()28 {29 Build();30 }31 public void Test1()32 {33 Go.To<GooglePage>();34 }35 }36}37using Atata;38using NUnit3TestProject1;39{40 {41 [FindById("lst-ib")]42 public TextInput<_> Search { get; private set; }43 }44}45using Atata;46using NUnit.Framework;47{48 {49 public void SetUp()50 {

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1using Atata;2{3 {4 protected override void OnSetUp()5 {6 AtataContext.Configure()7 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")8 .UseChrome()9 .UseCulture("en-US")10 .UseAllNUnitFeatures()11 .Build();12 }13 }14}15using Atata;16{17 {18 protected override void OnSetUp()19 {20 AtataContext.Configure()21 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")22 .UseChrome()23 .UseCulture("en-US")24 .UseAllNUnitFeatures()25 .Build();26 }27 }28}29using Atata;30{31 {32 protected override void OnSetUp()33 {34 AtataContext.Configure()35 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")36 .UseChrome()37 .UseCulture("en-US")38 .UseAllNUnitFeatures()39 .Build();40 }41 }42}43using Atata;44{45 {46 protected override void OnSetUp()47 {48 AtataContext.Configure()49 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")50 .UseChrome()51 .UseCulture("en-US")52 .UseAllNUnitFeatures()53 .Build();54 }55 }56}57using Atata;58{59 {60 protected override void OnSetUp()61 {62 AtataContext.Configure()

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1{2 public void TestMethod()3 {4 Go.To<HomePage>();5 }6}7{8 public void TestMethod()9 {10 Go.To<HomePage>();11 }12}13{14 public void TestMethod()15 {16 Go.To<HomePage>();17 }18}19{20 public void TestMethod()21 {22 Go.To<HomePage>();23 }24}25{26 public void TestMethod()27 {28 Go.To<HomePage>();29 }30}31{32 public void TestMethod()33 {34 Go.To<HomePage>();35 }36}37{38 public void TestMethod()39 {40 Go.To<HomePage>();41 }42}43{44 public void TestMethod()45 {46 Go.To<HomePage>();47 }48}49{50 public void TestMethod()51 {52 Go.To<HomePage>();53 }54}

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1{2 public void OneTimeSetUp()3 {4 AtataContext.Configure()5 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")6 .Build();7 }8}9{10 public void OneTimeSetUp()11 {12 AtataContext.Configure()13 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")14 .Build();15 }16}17{18 public void OneTimeSetUp()19 {20 AtataContext.Configure()21 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")22 .Build();23 }24}25{26 public void OneTimeSetUp()27 {28 AtataContext.Configure()29 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")30 .Build();31 }32}33{34 public void OneTimeSetUp()35 {36 AtataContext.Configure()37 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")38 .Build();39 }40}41{42 public void OneTimeSetUp()43 {44 AtataContext.Configure()45 .UseTestSuiteName("My Test Suite")46 .Build();47 }48}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Atata;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 AtataContext.Configure()12 .UseTestSuiteName("Test Suite Name")13 .UseChrome()14 .UseCulture("en-US")15 .LogNUnitError()16 .Build();17 Go.To<HomePage>()18 .SignUp.ClickAndGo()19 .TermsOfUse.Click()20 .Close.Click()21 .TermsOfUse.Click()22 .Close.Click()23 .Close.Click()24 .Close.Click();25 }26 }27}28using System;29using System.Collections.Generic;30using System.Linq;31using System.Text;32using System.Threading.Tasks;33using Atata;34{35 {36 static void Main(string[] args)37 {38 AtataContext.Configure()39 .UseTestSuiteName("Test Suite Name")40 .UseChrome()41 .UseCulture("en-US")42 .LogNUnitError()43 .Build();44 Go.To<HomePage>()45 .SignUp.ClickAndGo()46 .TermsOfUse.Click()47 .Close.Click()48 .TermsOfUse.Click()49 .Close.Click()50 .Close.Click()51 .Close.Click();52 }53 }54}55using System;56using System.Collections.Generic;57using System.Linq;58using System.Text;59using System.Threading.Tasks;60using Atata;61{62 {63 static void Main(string[] args)64 {65 AtataContext.Configure()66 .UseTestSuiteName("Test Suite Name")67 .UseChrome()68 .UseCulture("en-US")69 .LogNUnitError()70 .Build();

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