How to use Null method of Atata.Tests.Publish class

Best Atata code snippet using Atata.Tests.Publish.Null


Source:AtataContext.cs Github


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...509 /// Can be null.510 /// </param>511 public void AggregateAssert(Action action, string assertionScopeName = null)512 {513 action.CheckNotNull(nameof(action));514515 AggregateAssertionStrategy.Assert(() =>516 {517 AggregateAssertionLevel++;518519 try520 {521 Log.ExecuteSection(522 new AggregateAssertionLogSection(assertionScopeName),523 action);524 }525 finally526 {527 AggregateAssertionLevel--;528 }529 });530 }531532 /// <summary>533 /// Cleans up the test context.534 /// </summary>535 /// <param name="quitDriver">if set to <see langword="true"/> quits WebDriver.</param>536 public void CleanUp(bool quitDriver = true)537 {538 if (_disposed)539 return;540541 PureExecutionStopwatch.Stop();542543 Log.ExecuteSection(544 new LogSection("Clean up AtataContext", LogLevel.Trace),545 () =>546 {547 EventBus.Publish(new AtataContextCleanUpEvent(this));548549 CleanUpTemporarilyPreservedPageObjectList();550551 if (PageObject != null)552 UIComponentResolver.CleanUpPageObject(PageObject);553554 UIComponentAccessChainScopeCache.Release();555556 if (quitDriver)557 _driver?.Dispose();558 });559560 ExecutionStopwatch.Stop();561562 string testUnitKindName = GetTestUnitKindName();563 Log.InfoWithExecutionTimeInBrackets($"Finished {testUnitKindName}", ExecutionStopwatch.Elapsed);564 Log.InfoWithExecutionTime($"Pure {testUnitKindName} execution time:", PureExecutionStopwatch.Elapsed);565566 Log = null;567568 if (Current == this)569 Current = null;570571 _disposed = true;572573 AssertionResults.Clear();574575 if (PendingFailureAssertionResults.Any())576 {577 var copyOfPendingFailureAssertionResults = PendingFailureAssertionResults.ToArray();578 PendingFailureAssertionResults.Clear();579580 throw VerificationUtils.CreateAggregateAssertionException(copyOfPendingFailureAssertionResults);581 }582 }583584 internal void InitDriver()585 {586 if (DriverFactory is null)587 throw new InvalidOperationException(588 $"Failed to create an instance of {typeof(IWebDriver).FullName} as driver factory is not specified.");589590 _driver = DriverFactory.Create()591 ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(592 $"Failed to create an instance of {typeof(IWebDriver).FullName} as driver factory returned null as a driver.");593594 _driver.Manage().Timeouts().SetRetryTimeout(ElementFindTimeout, ElementFindRetryInterval);595596 EventBus.Publish(new DriverInitEvent(_driver));597 }598599 /// <summary>600 /// Restarts the driver.601 /// </summary>602 public void RestartDriver()603 {604 Log.ExecuteSection(605 new LogSection("Restart driver"),606 () =>607 {608 CleanUpTemporarilyPreservedPageObjectList();609610 if (PageObject != null)611 {612 UIComponentResolver.CleanUpPageObject(PageObject);613 PageObject = null;614 }615616 _driver.Dispose();617618 InitDriver();619 });620 }621622 internal void CleanUpTemporarilyPreservedPageObjectList()623 {624 UIComponentResolver.CleanUpPageObjects(TemporarilyPreservedPageObjects);625 TemporarilyPreservedPageObjectList.Clear();626 }627628 /// <summary>629 /// Fills the template string with variables of this <see cref="AtataContext"/> instance.630 /// The <paramref name="template"/> can contain variables wrapped with curly braces, e.g. <c>"{varName}"</c>.631 /// Variables support standard .NET formatting (<c>"{numberVar:D5}"</c> or <c>"{dateTimeVar:yyyy-MM-dd}"</c>)632 /// and extended formatting for strings633 /// (for example, <c>"{stringVar:/*}"</c> appends <c>"/"</c> to the beginning of the string, if variable is not null).634 /// <para>635 /// The list of predefined variables:636 /// <list type="bullet">637 /// <item><c>{build-start}</c></item>638 /// <item><c>{build-start-utc}</c></item>639 /// <item><c>{basedir}</c></item>640 /// <item><c>{artifacts}</c></item>641 /// <item><c>{test-name-sanitized}</c></item>642 /// <item><c>{test-name}</c></item>643 /// <item><c>{test-suite-name-sanitized}</c></item>644 /// <item><c>{test-suite-name}</c></item>645 /// <item><c>{test-start}</c></item>646 /// <item><c>{test-start-utc}</c></item>647 /// <item><c>{driver-alias}</c></item>648 /// </list>649 /// </para>650 /// </summary>651 /// <param name="template">The template string.</param>652 /// <returns>The filled string.</returns>653 public string FillTemplateString(string template) =>654 FillTemplateString(template, null);655656 /// <inheritdoc cref="FillTemplateString(string)"/>657 /// <param name="template">The template string.</param>658 /// <param name="additionalVariables">The additional variables.</param>659 public string FillTemplateString(string template, IDictionary<string, object> additionalVariables)660 {661 template.CheckNotNull(nameof(template));662663 if (!template.Contains('{'))664 return template;665666 var variables = Variables;667668 if (additionalVariables != null)669 {670 variables = new Dictionary<string, object>(variables);671672 foreach (var variable in additionalVariables)673 variables[variable.Key] = variable.Value;674 }675 ...

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Source:EventBusTests.cs Github


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...19 [TestFixture]20 public class Publish : EventBusTests21 {22 [Test]23 public void Null() =>24 Sut.Invoking(x => x.Publish<TestEvent>(null))25 .Should.Throw<ArgumentNullException>();26 [Test]27 public void WhenThereIsNoSubscription() =>28 Sut.Invoking(x => x.Publish(new TestEvent()))29 .Should.Not.Throw();30 [Test]31 public void WhenThereIsSubscription()32 {33 var actionMock = new Mock<Action<TestEvent>>();34 var eventData = new TestEvent();35 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock.Object);36 Sut.Act(x => x.Publish(eventData));37 actionMock.Verify(x => x(eventData), Times.Once);38 }39 [Test]40 public void WhenThereIsSubscription_CanHandle_False()41 {42 var conditionalEventHandlerMock = new Mock<IConditionalEventHandler<TestEvent>>(MockBehavior.Strict);43 var eventData = new TestEvent();44 Sut.Object.Subscribe(conditionalEventHandlerMock.Object);45 conditionalEventHandlerMock.Setup(x => x.CanHandle(eventData, Context)).Returns(false);46 Sut.Act(x => x.Publish(eventData));47 }48 [Test]49 public void WhenThereIsSubscription_CanHandle_True()50 {51 var conditionalEventHandlerMock = new Mock<IConditionalEventHandler<TestEvent>>(MockBehavior.Strict);52 var eventData = new TestEvent();53 Sut.Object.Subscribe(conditionalEventHandlerMock.Object);54 conditionalEventHandlerMock.Setup(x => x.CanHandle(eventData, Context)).Returns(true);55 conditionalEventHandlerMock.Setup(x => x.Handle(eventData, Context));56 Sut.Act(x => x.Publish(eventData));57 }58 [Test]59 public void WhenThereAreMultipleSubscriptions()60 {61 var actionMock1 = new Mock<Action<TestEvent>>(MockBehavior.Strict);62 var actionMock2 = new Mock<Action<TestEvent, AtataContext>>(MockBehavior.Strict);63 var eventHandlerMock1 = new Mock<IConditionalEventHandler<TestEvent>>(MockBehavior.Strict);64 var eventHandlerMock2 = new Mock<IEventHandler<TestEvent>>(MockBehavior.Strict);65 var eventData = new TestEvent();66 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock1.Object);67 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock2.Object);68 Sut.Object.Subscribe(eventHandlerMock1.Object);69 Sut.Object.Subscribe(eventHandlerMock2.Object);70 MockSequence sequence = new MockSequence();71 actionMock1.InSequence(sequence).Setup(x => x(eventData));72 actionMock2.InSequence(sequence).Setup(x => x(eventData, Context));73 eventHandlerMock1.InSequence(sequence).Setup(x => x.CanHandle(eventData, Context)).Returns(true);74 eventHandlerMock1.InSequence(sequence).Setup(x => x.Handle(eventData, Context));75 eventHandlerMock2.InSequence(sequence).Setup(x => x.Handle(eventData, Context));76 Sut.Act(x => x.Publish(eventData));77 }78 [Test]79 public void AfterUnsubscribe()80 {81 var actionMock1 = new Mock<Action<TestEvent>>();82 var actionMock2 = new Mock<Action<TestEvent, AtataContext>>();83 var eventData = new TestEvent();84 var subscription1 = Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock1.Object);85 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock2.Object);86 Sut.Object.Unsubscribe(subscription1);87 Sut.Act(x => x.Publish(eventData));88 actionMock1.Verify(x => x(eventData), Times.Never);89 actionMock2.Verify(x => x(eventData, Context), Times.Once);90 }91 [Test]92 public void AfterUnsubscribeHandler()93 {94 var actionMock = new Mock<Action<TestEvent>>();95 var eventHandlerMock = new Mock<IEventHandler<TestEvent>>();96 var eventData = new TestEvent();97 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock.Object);98 Sut.Object.Subscribe(eventHandlerMock.Object);99 Sut.Object.UnsubscribeHandler(eventHandlerMock.Object);100 Sut.Act(x => x.Publish(eventData));101 actionMock.Verify(x => x(eventData), Times.Once);102 eventHandlerMock.Verify(x => x.Handle(eventData, Context), Times.Never);103 }104 [Test]105 public void AfterUnsubscribeAll()106 {107 var actionMock1 = new Mock<Action<TestEvent>>();108 var actionMock2 = new Mock<Action<TestEvent, AtataContext>>();109 var eventData = new TestEvent();110 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock1.Object);111 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock2.Object);112 Sut.Object.UnsubscribeAll<TestEvent>();113 Sut.Act(x => x.Publish(eventData));114 actionMock1.Verify(x => x(eventData), Times.Never);115 actionMock2.Verify(x => x(eventData, Context), Times.Never);116 }117 }118 [TestFixture]119 public class Subscribe : EventBusTests120 {121 [Test]122 public void Action_Null() =>123 Sut.Invoking(x => x.Subscribe<TestEvent>(null as Action))124 .Should.Throw<ArgumentNullException>();125 [Test]126 public void Action()127 {128 var actionMock = new Mock<Action<TestEvent>>();129 Sut.ResultOf(x => x.Subscribe(actionMock.Object))130 .Should.Not.BeNull();131 }132 }133 [TestFixture]134 public class Unsubscribe : EventBusTests135 {136 [Test]137 public void Null() =>138 Sut.Invoking(x => x.Unsubscribe(null))139 .Should.Throw<ArgumentNullException>();140 [Test]141 public void Valid()142 {143 var actionMock = new Mock<Action<TestEvent>>();144 var subscription = Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock.Object);145 Sut.Invoking(x => x.Unsubscribe(subscription))146 .Should.Not.Throw();147 }148 [Test]149 public void Twice()150 {151 var actionMock = new Mock<Action<TestEvent>>();152 var subscription = Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock.Object);153 Sut.Act(x => x.Unsubscribe(subscription));154 Sut.Invoking(x => x.Unsubscribe(subscription))155 .Should.Not.Throw();156 }157 }158 [TestFixture]159 public class UnsubscribeHandler : EventBusTests160 {161 [Test]162 public void Null() =>163 Sut.Invoking(x => x.UnsubscribeHandler(null))164 .Should.Throw<ArgumentNullException>();165 [Test]166 public void Valid()167 {168 var actionMock = new Mock<IEventHandler<TestEvent>>();169 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock.Object);170 Sut.Invoking(x => x.UnsubscribeHandler(actionMock.Object))171 .Should.Not.Throw();172 }173 [Test]174 public void Twice()175 {176 var actionMock = new Mock<IEventHandler<TestEvent>>();177 Sut.Object.Subscribe(actionMock.Object);178 Sut.Act(x => x.UnsubscribeHandler(actionMock.Object));...

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using System;4using System.Collections.Generic;5using System.Linq;6using System.Text;7using System.Threading.Tasks;8{9 {10 public void Test()11 {12 Go.To<PublishPage>()13 .PublishButton.Click()14 .PublishButton.Should.Not.Exist();15 }16 }17}18using Atata;19using NUnit.Framework;20using System;21using System.Collections.Generic;22using System.Linq;23using System.Text;24using System.Threading.Tasks;25{26 {27 public void Test()28 {29 Go.To<PublishPage>()30 .PublishButton.Click()31 .PublishButton.Should.Not.Exist();32 }33 }34}35using Atata;36using NUnit.Framework;37using System;38using System.Collections.Generic;39using System.Linq;40using System.Text;41using System.Threading.Tasks;42{43 {44 public void Test()45 {46 Go.To<PublishPage>()47 .PublishButton.Click()48 .PublishButton.Should.Not.Exist();49 }50 }51}52using Atata;53using NUnit.Framework;54using System;55using System.Collections.Generic;56using System.Linq;57using System.Text;58using System.Threading.Tasks;59{60 {61 public void Test()62 {63 Go.To<PublishPage>()64 .PublishButton.Click()65 .PublishButton.Should.Not.Exist();66 }67 }68}69using Atata;70using NUnit.Framework;71using System;72using System.Collections.Generic;73using System.Linq;74using System.Text;75using System.Threading.Tasks;76{77 {78 public void Test()79 {80 Go.To<PublishPage>()81 .PublishButton.Click()82 .PublishButton.Should.Not.Exist();83 }84 }85}

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1using Atata;2{3 using _ = Publish;4 {5 public Link<_> Null { get; private set; }6 }7}8using Atata;9{10 using _ = Publish;11 {12 public Link<_> Null { get; private set; }13 }14}15using Atata;16{17 using _ = Publish;18 {19 public Link<_> Null { get; private set; }20 }21}22using Atata;23{24 using _ = Publish;25 {26 public Link<_> Null { get; private set; }27 }28}29using Atata;30{31 using _ = Publish;32 {33 public Link<_> Null { get; private set; }34 }35}36using Atata;37{38 using _ = Publish;39 {40 public Link<_> Null { get; private set; }41 }42}43using Atata;44{45 using _ = Publish;46 {47 public Link<_> Null { get; private set; }48 }49}50using Atata;51{52 using _ = Publish;53 {54 public Link<_> Null { get; private set; }55 }56}

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public static void Null<T>(T value, string message = null)6 {7 Assert.That(value, Is.Null, message);8 }9 }10}11using Atata;12using NUnit.Framework;13{14 {15 public static void Null<T>(T value, string message = null)16 {17 Assert.That(value, Is.Null, message);18 }19 }20}21using Atata;22using NUnit.Framework;23{24 {25 public static void Null<T>(T value, string message = null)26 {27 Assert.That(value, Is.Null, message);28 }29 }30}31using Atata;32using NUnit.Framework;33{34 {35 public static void Null<T>(T value, string message = null)36 {37 Assert.That(value, Is.Null, message);38 }39 }40}41using Atata;42using NUnit.Framework;43{44 {45 public static void Null<T>(T value, string message = null)46 {47 Assert.That(value, Is.Null, message);48 }49 }50}51using Atata;52using NUnit.Framework;53{54 {55 public static void Null<T>(T value, string message = null)56 {57 Assert.That(value, Is.Null, message);58 }59 }60}61using Atata;62using NUnit.Framework;63{64 {65 public static void Null<T>(T value, string message = null)66 {67 Assert.That(value, Is.Null, message);68 }69 }70}

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void Null()6 {7 }8 }9}10using Atata;11using NUnit.Framework;12{13 {14 public void Null()15 {16 }17 }18}19using Atata;20using NUnit.Framework;21{22 {23 public void Null()24 {25 }26 }27}28using Atata;29using NUnit.Framework;30{31 {32 public void Null()33 {34 }35 }36}37using Atata;38using NUnit.Framework;39{40 {41 public void Null()42 {43 }44 }45}46using Atata;47using NUnit.Framework;48{49 {50 public void Null()51 {52 }53 }54}55using Atata;56using NUnit.Framework;57{58 {59 public void Null()60 {61 }62 }63}64using Atata;65using NUnit.Framework;66{67 {68 public void Null()69 {70 }71 }72}73using Atata;74using NUnit.Framework;75{76 {77 public void Null()78 {

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void Publish()6 {7 Null();8 }9 }10}11using Atata;12using NUnit.Framework;13{14 {15 public void Publish()16 {17 Null();18 }19 }20}21using Atata;22using NUnit.Framework;23{24 {25 public void Publish()26 {27 Null();28 }29 }30}31using Atata;32using NUnit.Framework;33{34 {35 public void Publish()36 {37 Null();38 }39 }40}41using Atata;42using NUnit.Framework;43{44 {45 public void Publish()46 {47 Null();48 }49 }50}51using Atata;52using NUnit.Framework;53{54 {55 public void Publish()56 {57 Null();58 }59 }60}61using Atata;62using NUnit.Framework;63{64 {65 public void Publish()66 {67 Null();68 }69 }70}

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1using Atata;2using Atata.Tests;3using NUnit.Framework;4using System;5using System.Collections.Generic;6using System.Linq;7using System.Text;8using System.Threading.Tasks;9{10 {11 public static Publish Null => new Publish();12 public string Title { get; set; }13 public string Description { get; set; }14 public string Price { get; set; }15 public string Category { get; set; }16 public string City { get; set; }17 }18}19using Atata;20using Atata.Tests;21using NUnit.Framework;22using System;23using System.Collections.Generic;24using System.Linq;25using System.Text;26using System.Threading.Tasks;27{28 {29 public static Publish Null => new Publish();30 public string Title { get; set; }31 public string Description { get; set; }32 public string Price { get; set; }33 public string Category { get; set; }34 public string City { get; set; }35 }36}37using Atata;38using Atata.Tests;39using NUnit.Framework;40using System;41using System.Collections.Generic;42using System.Linq;43using System.Text;44using System.Threading.Tasks;45{46 {47 public static Publish Null => new Publish();48 public string Title { get; set; }49 public string Description { get; set; }50 public string Price { get; set; }51 public string Category { get; set; }52 public string City { get; set; }53 }54}55using Atata;56using Atata.Tests;57using NUnit.Framework;58using System;59using System.Collections.Generic;60using System.Linq;61using System.Text;62using System.Threading.Tasks;63{64 {65 public static Publish Null => new Publish();66 public string Title { get; set; }67 public string Description {

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void SetUp()6 {7 Go.To<HomePage>();8 }9 }10}11using Atata;12using NUnit.Framework;13{14 {15 protected override void OnSetUp()16 {17 base.OnSetUp();18 Go.To<HomePage>();19 }20 }21}22using Atata;23using NUnit.Framework;24{25 {26 }27}28using Atata;29using NUnit.Framework;30{31 where TContext : AtataContext, new()32 {33 protected override void OnSetUp()34 {35 base.OnSetUp();36 AtataContext.Configure().UseChrome().Build().GoTo<HomePage>();37 }38 }39}40using Atata;41using NUnit.Framework;42{43 {44 public void OneTimeSetUp()45 {46 AtataContext.Configure().UseChrome().Build();47 }48 public void SetUp()49 {50 OnSetUp();51 }52 public void TearDown()53 {54 OnTearDown();55 }56 public void OneTimeTearDown()57 {58 OnOneTimeTearDown();59 }60 protected virtual void OnSetUp()61 {62 }63 protected virtual void OnTearDown()64 {65 }

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1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;4using System;5using System.IO;6using System.Linq;7using System.Threading;8{9 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]10 {11 public void Test1()12 {13 Go.To<HomePage>().AssertTitle(x => x.Contains("Atata"));14 }15 }16 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]17 {18 public void Test2()19 {20 Go.To<HomePage>().AssertTitle(x => x.Contains("Atata"));21 }22 }23 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]24 {25 public void Test3()26 {27 Go.To<HomePage>().AssertTitle(x => x.Contains("Atata"));28 }29 }30 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]31 {32 public void Test4()33 {34 Go.To<HomePage>().AssertTitle(x => x.Contains("Atata"));35 }36 }37 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]38 {39 public void Test5()40 {41 Go.To<HomePage>().AssertTitle(x => x.Contains("Atata"));42 }43 }44 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]45 {46 public void Test6()47 {48 Go.To<HomePage>().AssertTitle(x => x.Contains("Atata"));49 }50 }51 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]52 {53 public void Test7()54 {55 Go.To<HomePage>().AssertTitle(x => x.Contains("Atata"));56 }57 }58 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]59 {60 public void Test8()61 {62 Go.To<HomePage>().AssertTitle(x => x.Contains("Atata"));63 }64 }65 [Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]

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