Best Gherkin-dotnet code snippet using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles.PickleCompiler.BuildScenario
...43 BuildRule(pickles, language, mergedRuleTags, backgroundStepsFactory, child.Rule.Children, gherkinDocumentUri);44 }45 else if (child.Scenario != null)46 {47 BuildScenario(pickles, language, tags, backgroundStepsFactory, gherkinDocumentUri, child.Scenario);48 }49 }50 }51 protected virtual void BuildRule(List<Pickle> pickles, string language, IEnumerable<Tag> tags,52 Func<IEnumerable<PickleStep>> backgroundStepsFactory, IEnumerable<RuleChild> children,53 string gherkinDocumentUri) 54 {55 if (children == null)56 return;57 foreach (var child in children)58 {59 if (child.Background != null)60 {61 backgroundStepsFactory = BuildBackground(child.Background, backgroundStepsFactory);62 }63 else if (child.Scenario != null)64 {65 BuildScenario(pickles, language, tags, backgroundStepsFactory, gherkinDocumentUri, child.Scenario);66 }67 }68 }69 private Func<IEnumerable<PickleStep>> BuildBackground(Background background, Func<IEnumerable<PickleStep>> backgroundStepsFactory)70 {71 var previousFactory = backgroundStepsFactory;72 backgroundStepsFactory = () => previousFactory().Concat(PickleSteps(background.Steps));73 return backgroundStepsFactory;74 }75 private void BuildScenario(List<Pickle> pickles, string language, IEnumerable<Tag> tags, Func<IEnumerable<PickleStep>> backgroundStepsFactory, string gherkinDocumentUri, Scenario scenario)76 {77 if (!scenario.Examples.Any())78 {79 CompileScenario(pickles, backgroundStepsFactory, scenario, tags, language, gherkinDocumentUri);80 }81 else82 {83 CompileScenarioOutline(pickles, backgroundStepsFactory, scenario, tags, language, gherkinDocumentUri);84 }85 }86 protected virtual void CompileScenario(List<Pickle> pickles,87 Func<IEnumerable<PickleStep>> backgroundStepsFactory, Scenario scenario, IEnumerable<Tag> featureTags,88 string language, string gherkinDocumentUri)89 {...
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;7using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Types;8{9 {10 static void Main(string[] args)11 {12 {
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.IO;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;8{9 {10 static void Main(string[] args)11 {12";13 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();14 var pickle = compiler.BuildScenario("path", "name", input);15 Console.WriteLine(pickle.Name);16 Console.ReadKey();17 }18 }19}
Using AI Code Generation
1using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5{6 {7 public Pickle BuildScenario(PickleDocument pickleDocument, Scenario scenario)8 {9 var tags = GetTags(pickleDocument, scenario);10 var steps = GetSteps(pickleDocument, scenario);11 {12 AstNodeIds = new List<string> { scenario.Id }13 };14 return pickle;15 }16 private List<PickleStep> GetSteps(PickleDocument pickleDocument, Scenario scenario)17 {18 var steps = new List<PickleStep>();19 foreach (var step in scenario.Steps)20 {21 {22 Argument = GetStepArgument(pickleDocument, step),23 AstNodeIds = new List<string> { step.Id }24 };25 steps.Add(pickleStep);26 }27 return steps;28 }29 private PickleStepArgument GetStepArgument(PickleDocument pickleDocument, Step step)30 {31 if (step.Argument == null)32 return null;33 if (step.Argument is DataTable)34 {35 var dataTable = step.Argument as DataTable;36 {37 Rows = dataTable.Rows.Select(r => new PickleTableRow38 {39 Cells = r.Cells.Select(c => new PickleTableCell40 {41 {42 }43 }).ToList()44 }).ToList()45 };46 }47 if (step.Argument is DocString)48 {49 var docString = step.Argument as DocString;50 {51 {52 }53 };54 }55 throw new InvalidOperationException("Argument type not supported");56 }57 private List<PickleTag> GetTags(PickleDocument pickleDocument, Scenario scenario)58 {59 var tags = new List<PickleTag>();
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.IO;4using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;5using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Types;6using Gherkin.Pickles;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 var feature = new Feature();12 feature.Name = "Feature Name";13 feature.Description = "Feature Description";14 feature.Location = new Location(1, 1);15 var scenario = new Scenario();16 scenario.Name = "Scenario Name";17 scenario.Description = "Scenario Description";18 scenario.Location = new Location(2, 1);19 var step = new Step();20 step.Text = "Step Text";21 step.Location = new Location(3, 1);22 var tags = new List<Tag>();23 var tag = new Tag();24 tag.Name = "@tag";25 tag.Location = new Location(4, 1);26 tags.Add(tag);27 var steps = new List<Step>();28 steps.Add(step);29 var scenarios = new List<Scenario>();30 scenarios.Add(scenario);31 var featureTags = new List<Tag>();32 featureTags.Add(tag);33 feature.Tags = featureTags;34 scenario.Tags = tags;35 scenario.Steps = steps;36 var features = new List<Feature>();37 features.Add(feature);38 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();39 var pickles = compiler.BuildScenario(features, scenarios);40 foreach (var pickle in pickles)41 {42 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Name: " + pickle.Name);43 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Description: " + pickle.Description);44 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Language: " + pickle.Language);45 Console.WriteLine("Pickle AstNodeIds: " + pickle.AstNodeIds);46 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Locations: " + pickle.Locations);47 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Steps: " + pickle.Steps);48 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Tags: " + pickle.Tags);49 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Uri: " + pickle.Uri);50 }51 }52 }53}
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.IO;4using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;5using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Types;6{7 {8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 var source = File.ReadAllText("1.feature");11 var gherkinDocument = new Parser().Parse(source);12 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();13 var pickles = compiler.BuildScenario(gherkinDocument.Feature.Children[0]);14 foreach (var pickle in pickles)15 {16 Console.WriteLine(pickle.Name);17 }18 }19 }20}
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.IO;4using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;5using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Types;6{7 {8 public Pickle BuildScenario(string featureFile, string scenarioName)9 {10 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();11 var feature = compiler.ParseFeatureFile(featureFile);12 return compiler.Compile(feature, scenarioName);13 }14 public Feature ParseFeatureFile(string featureFile)15 {16 var uri = new Uri(featureFile);17 var feature = Gherkin.Parser.Parser.ParseFile(featureFile, false, uri);18 return feature;19 }20 public Pickle Compile(Feature feature, string scenarioName)21 {22 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();23 var gherkinDocument = GherkinDocument.CreateBuilder()24 .SetFeature(feature)25 .Build();26 var pickle = compiler.Compile(gherkinDocument, scenarioName);27 pickle = pickle.ToBuilder().SetUri(feature.Uri).Build();28 return pickle;29 }30 public Pickle Compile(GherkinDocument gherkinDocument, string scenarioName)31 {32 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();33 var feature = gherkinDocument.Feature;34 var pickle = new PickleBuilder()35 .SetLanguage(feature.Language)36 .SetLocations(new List<Location> { feature.Location })37 .SetName(scenarioName)38 .Build();39 var scenario = compiler.GetScenario(feature, scenarioName);40 if (scenario == null)41 {42 throw new ArgumentException($"Scenario {scenarioName} not found");43 }44 var steps = compiler.GetSteps(scenario);45 foreach (var step in steps)46 {47 var pickleStep = new PickleStepBuilder()48 .SetText(step.Text)49 .SetArgument(step.Argument)50 .Build();51 pickle = pickle.ToBuilder().AddSteps(pickleStep).Build();52 }53 return pickle;54 }55 private Scenario GetScenario(Feature feature, string scenarioName)56 {57 foreach (var scenario in feature.Children)58 {59 if (scenario.Name == scenarioName)60 {61 return scenario;62 }63 }64 return null;65 }66 private List<Step> GetSteps(Scenario scenario)67 {68 var steps = new List<Step>();
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;7using System.IO;8using System.Collections;9{10 {11 public PickleCompiler()12 {13 }14 public Pickle BuildScenario(string featureFile, string scenarioName)15 {16 string feature = File.ReadAllText(featureFile);17 var parser = new Parser();18 var featureMessages = parser.Parse(feature);19 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();20 var pickles = compiler.Compile(featureMessages);21 var scenario = pickles.First(p => p.Name == scenarioName);22 return scenario;23 }24 }25}26using System;27using System.Collections.Generic;28using System.Linq;29using System.Text;30using System.Threading.Tasks;31using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;32using System.IO;33using System.Collections;34{35 {36 public PickleRunner()37 {38 }39 public void RunScenario(Pickle scenario, Action<string> action)40 {41 foreach (var step in scenario.Steps)42 {43 action(step.Text);44 }45 }46 }47}48using System;49using System.Collections.Generic;50using System.Linq;51using System.Text;52using System.Threading.Tasks;53using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;54using System.IO;55using System.Collections;56{57 {58 static void Main(string[] args)59 {60 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();61 var runner = new PickleRunner();62 var scenario = compiler.BuildScenario(@"C:\Users\lenovo\source\repos\Gherkin\CucumberMessages\Pickles\Feature1.feature", "Scenario 1");63 runner.RunScenario(scenario, Console.WriteLine);64 }65 }66}
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.IO;4using System.Linq;5using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;6using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Types;7using Google.Protobuf;8{9 {10 static void Main(string[] args)11 {12 string path = @"C:\Users\mike\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\GherkinCompiler\GherkinCompiler\features\test.feature";13 PickleCompiler compiler = new PickleCompiler();14 Pickle pickle = compiler.BuildScenario(path, "Test");15 Console.WriteLine(pickle.ToString());16 }17 }18}19steps {20 argument {21 doc_string {22 }23 }24}25steps {26 argument {27 doc_string {28 }29 }30}31steps {32 argument {33 doc_string {34 }35 }
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;7using System.IO;8using System.Collections;9{10 {11 public PickleCompiler()12 {13 }14 public Pickle BuildScenario(string featureFile, string scenarioName)15 {16 string feature = File.ReadAllText(featureFile);17 var parser = new Parser();18 var featureMessages = parser.Parse(feature);19 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();20 var pickles = compiler.Compile(featureMessages);21 var scenario = pickles.First(p => p.Name == scenarioName);22 return scenario;23 }24 }25}26using System;27using System.Collections.Generic;28using System.Linq;29using System.Text;30using System.Threading.Tasks;31using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;32using System.IO;33using System.Collections;34{35 {36 public PickleRunner()37 {38 }39 public void RunScenario(Pickle scenario, Action<string> action)40 {41 foreach (var step in scenario.Steps)42 {43 action(step.Text);44 }45 }46 }47}48using System;49using System.Collections.Generic;50using System.Linq;51using System.Text;52using System.Threading.Tasks;53using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;54using System.IO;55using System.Collections;56{57 {58 static void Main(string[] args)59 {60 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();61 var runner = new PickleRunner();62 var scenario = compiler.BuildScenario(@"C:\Users\lenovo\source\repos\Gherkin\CucumberMessages\Pickles\Feature1.feature", "Scenario 1");63 runner.RunScenario(scenario, Console.WriteLine);64 }65 }66}
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.IO;4using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;5using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Types;6using Gherkin.Pickles;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 var feature = new Feature();12 feature.Name = "Feature Name";13 feature.Description = "Feature Description";14 feature.Location = new Location(1, 1);15 var scenario = new Scenario();16 scenario.Name = "Scenario Name";17 scenario.Description = "Scenario Description";18 scenario.Location = new Location(2, 1);19 var step = new Step();20 step.Text = "Step Text";21 step.Location = new Location(3, 1);22 var tags = new List<Tag>();23 var tag = new Tag();24 tag.Name = "@tag";25 tag.Location = new Location(4, 1);26 tags.Add(tag);27 var steps = new List<Step>();28 steps.Add(step);29 var scenarios = new List<Scenario>();30 scenarios.Add(scenario);31 var featureTags = new List<Tag>();32 featureTags.Add(tag);33 feature.Tags = featureTags;34 scenario.Tags = tags;35 scenario.Steps = steps;36 var features = new List<Feature>();37 features.Add(feature);38 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();39 var pickles = compiler.BuildScenario(features, scenarios);40 foreach (var pickle in pickles)41 {42 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Name: " + pickle.Name);43 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Description: " + pickle.Description);44 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Language: " + pickle.Language);45 Console.WriteLine("Pickle AstNodeIds: " + pickle.AstNodeIds);46 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Locations: " + pickle.Locations);47 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Steps: " + pickle.Steps);48 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Tags: " + pickle.Tags);49 Console.WriteLine("Pickle Uri: " + pickle.Uri);50 }51 }52 }53}
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.IO;4using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Pickles;5using Gherkin.CucumberMessages.Types;6{7 {8 public Pickle BuildScenario(string featureFile, string scenarioName)9 {10 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();11 var feature = compiler.ParseFeatureFile(featureFile);12 return compiler.Compile(feature, scenarioName);13 }14 public Feature ParseFeatureFile(string featureFile)15 {16 var uri = new Uri(featureFile);17 var feature = Gherkin.Parser.Parser.ParseFile(featureFile, false, uri);18 return feature;19 }20 public Pickle Compile(Feature feature, string scenarioName)21 {22 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();23 var gherkinDocument = GherkinDocument.CreateBuilder()24 .SetFeature(feature)25 .Build();26 var pickle = compiler.Compile(gherkinDocument, scenarioName);27 pickle = pickle.ToBuilder().SetUri(feature.Uri).Build();28 return pickle;29 }30 public Pickle Compile(GherkinDocument gherkinDocument, string scenarioName)31 {32 var compiler = new PickleCompiler();33 var feature = gherkinDocument.Feature;34 var pickle = new PickleBuilder()35 .SetLanguage(feature.Language)36 .SetLocations(new List<Location> { feature.Location })37 .SetName(scenarioName)38 .Build();39 var scenario = compiler.GetScenario(feature, scenarioName);40 if (scenario == null)41 {42 throw new ArgumentException($"Scenario {scenarioName} not found");43 }44 var steps = compiler.GetSteps(scenario);45 foreach (var step in steps)46 {47 var pickleStep = new PickleStepBuilder()48 .SetText(step.Text)49 .SetArgument(step.Argument)50 .Build();51 pickle = pickle.ToBuilder().AddSteps(pickleStep).Build();52 }53 return pickle;54 }55 private Scenario GetScenario(Feature feature, string scenarioName)56 {57 foreach (var scenario in feature.Children)58 {59 if (scenario.Name == scenarioName)60 {61 return scenario;62 }63 }64 return null;65 }66 private List<Step> GetSteps(Scenario scenario)67 {68 var steps = new List<Step>();
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