How to use CompositeParserException method of Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException class

Best Gherkin-dotnet code snippet using Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException.CompositeParserException


Source:Parser.cs Github


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...118 } while(!token.IsEOF);119 EndRule(context, RuleType.GherkinDocument);120 if (context.Errors.Count > 0)121 {122 throw new CompositeParserException(context.Errors.ToArray());123 }124 return GetResult(context);125 }126 private void AddError(ParserContext context, ParserException error)127 {128 context.Errors.Add(error);129 if (context.Errors.Count > 10)130 throw new CompositeParserException(context.Errors.ToArray());131 }132 private void HandleAstError(ParserContext context, Action action)133 {134 HandleExternalError(context, () => { action(); return true; });135 }136 private T HandleExternalError<T>(ParserContext context, Func<T> action, T defaultValue = default(T))137 {138 if (StopAtFirstError)139 {140 return action();141 }142 try143 {144 return action();145 }146 catch (CompositeParserException compositeParserException)147 {148 foreach (var error in compositeParserException.Errors)149 AddError(context, error);150 }151 catch (ParserException error)152 {153 AddError(context, error);154 }155 return defaultValue;156 }157 void Build(ParserContext context, Token token)158 {159 HandleAstError(context, () => this.astBuilder.Build(token));160 }...

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Source:ParserException.cs Github


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...114 {115 }116 }117 [Serializable]118 public class CompositeParserException : ParserException119 {120 public IEnumerable<ParserException> Errors { get; private set; }121 public CompositeParserException(ParserException[] errors)122 : base(GetMessage(errors))123 {124 if (errors == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("errors");125 Errors = errors;126 }127 private static string GetMessage(ParserException[] errors)128 {129 return "Parser errors:" + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors.Select(e => e.Message));130 }131 protected CompositeParserException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)132 {133 Errors = (ParserException[])info.GetValue("Errors", typeof (ParserException[]));134 }135 public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)136 {137 base.GetObjectData(info, context);138 info.AddValue("Errors", Errors.ToArray());139 }140 }141}...

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Source:ParserErrorSerializationTests.cs Github


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...94 Assert.IsNull(deserializedException.StateComment);95 }9697 [Test]98 public void CompositeParserExceptionShouldBeSerializable()99 {100 var exception = new CompositeParserException(new ParserException[]101 {102 new AstBuilderException("sample message", new Location(1, 2)), new NoSuchLanguageException("sample message")103 });104105 var deserializedException = SerializeDeserialize(exception);106107 Assert.AreEqual(exception.Message, deserializedException.Message);108109 // the custom details are not serialized (yet?)110 Assert.IsNotNull(deserializedException.Errors);111 Assert.AreEqual(exception.Errors.Count(), deserializedException.Errors.Count());112 Assert.IsInstanceOf<AstBuilderException>(exception.Errors.First());113 Assert.IsInstanceOf<NoSuchLanguageException>(exception.Errors.Last());114 } ...

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Gherkin;7using Gherkin.Ast;8using Gherkin.Parser;9using Gherkin.TokenMatcher;10{11 {12 static void Main(string[] args)13 {14 var parser = new Parser<Gherkin.Ast.GherkinDocument>();15 var tokenMatcher = new TokenMatcher();16 var listener = new AstBuilder();17 var parserException = new CompositeParserException();18Given Test Step";19 var gherkinDocument = parser.Parse(feature, listener, tokenMatcher, parserException);20 var step = gherkinDocument.Feature.Children[0].Steps[0];21 Console.WriteLine(step.Keyword + step.Text);22 Console.ReadLine();23 }24 }25}26using System;27using System.Collections.Generic;28using System.Linq;29using System.Text;30using System.Threading.Tasks;31using Gherkin;32using Gherkin.Ast;33using Gherkin.Parser;34using Gherkin.TokenMatcher;35{36 {37 static void Main(string[] args)38 {39 var parser = new Parser<Gherkin.Ast.GherkinDocument>();40 var tokenMatcher = new TokenMatcher();41 var listener = new AstBuilder();42 var parserException = new CompositeParserException();43Given Test Step";44 var gherkinDocument = parser.Parse(feature, listener, tokenMatcher, parserException);45 var step = gherkinDocument.Feature.Children[0].Steps[0];46 Console.WriteLine(step.Keyword + step.Text);47 Console.ReadLine();48 }49 }50}51using System;52using System.Collections.Generic;53using System.Linq;54using System.Text;55using System.Threading.Tasks;56using Gherkin;57using Gherkin.Ast;58using Gherkin.Parser;59using Gherkin.TokenMatcher;60{61 {62 static void Main(string[] args)63 {64 var parser = new Parser<Gherkin.Ast.GherkinDocument>();

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Gherkin;7using Gherkin.Ast;8using Gherkin.Parser;9using Gherkin.TokenMatcher;10{11 {12 static void Main(string[] args)13 {14 var parser = new Parser();15 {16 var feature = parser.Parse("Feature: test17");18 }19 catch (Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException ex)20 {21 Console.WriteLine(ex.CompositeParserException());22 }23 }24 }25}26at Gherkin.Parser.Parser.Parse(String feature, String featurePath)27 at ConsoleApp1.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\user\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApp1\ConsoleApp1\Program.cs:line 24

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Gherkin;7using Gherkin.Ast;8using Gherkin.Parser;9using Gherkin.TokenMatcher;10using NUnit.Framework;11{12 {13 public void TestMethod()14 {15 var parser = new Parser(new TokenMatcher());16 {17 var feature = parser.Parse("Feature: TestFeature18Given TestStep");19 }20 catch (Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException e)21 {22 var compositeException = e.CompositeParserException;23 }24 }25 }26}27at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)28at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)29at Gherkin.Parser.CompositeParserException.<>c__DisplayClass2.<.ctor>b__0(ParserException e) in C:\Users\aslak\git\gherkin\gherkin\gherkin-dotnet\Parser\CompositeParserException.cs:line 1630at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext()

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Gherkin.Ast;7using Gherkin;8using Gherkin.Parser;9using Gherkin.TokenMatcher;10using Gherkin.Pickles;11using Gherkin.Events;12using System.IO;13{14 {15 public static void Main(string[] args)16 {17 Given I have a test";18 var parser = new Parser.Parser(new AstBuilder());19 {20 parser.Parse(feature);21 }22 catch (Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException e)23 {24 var compositeParserException = e.CompositeParserException;25 }26 }27 }28}

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1using Gherkin;2using System;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 {8 var parser = new Parser();9 var feature = parser.Parse("Featu

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1using System;2using System.IO;3using Gherkin;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 {9 var parser = new Parser();10 var feature = parser.Parse(new StringReader("Feature: test"));11 }12 catch (Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException ex)13 {14 Console.WriteLine(ex.CompositeParserException.Message);15 }16 }17 }18}19using System;20using System.IO;21using Gherkin;22{23 {24 static void Main(string[] args)25 {26 {27 var parser = new Parser();28 var feature = parser.Parse(new StringReader("Feature: test"));29 }30 catch (Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException ex)31 {32 Console.WriteLine(ex.CompositeParserException.Message);33 Console.WriteLine(ex.CompositeParserException.Line);34 Console.WriteLine(ex.CompositeParserException.Column);35 Console.WriteLine(ex.CompositeParserException.Source);36 Console.WriteLine(ex.CompositeParserException.InnerException);37 }38 }39 }40}41at Gherkin.Parser.Parse(StringReader sourceReader, String source)42at Gherkin.Parser.Parse(StringReader sourceReader, String source)

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1using System;2using System.IO;3using Gherkin;4using Gherkin.Ast;5using Gherkin.Parser;6using Gherkin.TokenMatcher;7using Gherkin.Util;8{9 {10 static void Main(string[] args)11 {12 {13 var parser = new Parser<GherkinDocument>();14 var gherkinDocument = parser.Parse("Feature: Test15");16 }17 catch (CompositeParserException ex)18 {19 foreach (var exception in ex.Exceptions)20 {21 Console.WriteLine(exception.Message);22 }23 }24 Console.ReadLine();25 }26 }27}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks; 6using Gherkin.Ast;7using Gherkin.Parser;8using Gherkin.TokenMatcher;9using Gherkin;10using System.IO;11{12 {13 static void Main(string[] args)14 {15 string path = @"C:\Users\Public\TestFolder\test1.feature";16 string feature = File.ReadAllText(path);17 var parser = new Parser(new TokenMatcher());18 {19 var feature1 = parser.Parse(feature);20 }21 catch (Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException e)22 {23 Console.WriteLine(e.CompositeParserException);24 }25 Console.ReadLine();26 }27 }28}29Gherkin.ParserException ex = (Gherkin.ParserException) e.CompositeParserException;30int line = ex.Location.Line;31However, I am getting an error on the line "int line = ex.Location.Line;" saying that "Location" is inaccessible due to its protection level. Any ideas?32Gherkin.ParserException ex = (Gherkin.ParserException) e.CompositeParserException;33int line = ex.Location.Line;34However, I am getting an error on the line "int line = ex.Location.Line;" saying that "Location" is inaccessible due to its protection level. Any ideas?35Gherkin.ParserException ex = (Gherkin.ParserException) e.CompositeParserException;36int line = ex.Location.Line;37string message = ex.Message;38Gherkin.ParserException ex = (Gherkin.ParserException) e.Composite

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1{2 public static void Main()3 {4 {5 var parser = new Parser();6 var feature = parser.Parse("Feature: test");7 }8 catch (Gherkin.UnexpectedTokenException e)9 {10 Console.WriteLine(e.CompositeParserException());11 }12 }13}14{15 public static void Main()16 {17 {18 var parser = new Parser();19 var feature = parser.Parse("Feature: test");20 }21 catch (Gherkin.ParserException e)22 {23 Console.WriteLine(e.CompositeParserException());24 }25 }26}27{28 public static void Main()29 {30 {31 var parser = new Parser();32 var feature = parser.Parse("Feature: test");33 }34 catch (Gherkin.ParserException e)35 {36 Console.WriteLine(e.CompositeParserException());37 }38 }39}40{41 public static void Main()42 {43 {44 var parser = new Parser();45 var feature = parser.Parse("Feature: test");46 }47 catch (Gherkin.ParserException e)48 {49 Console.WriteLine(e.CompositeParserException());50 }51 }52}53{54 public static void Main()55 {56 {57 var parser = new Parser();58 var feature = parser.Parse("Feature: test");59 }60 catch (Gherkin.ParserException e)61 {62 Console.WriteLine(e.CompositeParserException());63 }64 }65}66{67 public static void Main()68 {69 {70 var parser = new Parser();71 var feature = parser.Parse("Feature: test");72 }73 catch (Gherkin.ParserException e)

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