Best NSpec code snippet using NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.Base.Setup
1using FluentAssertions;2using NSpec.Domain;3using NUnit.Framework;4using System;5using System.Collections.Generic;6using System.Linq;7namespace NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs8{9 [TestFixture]10 public class when_running_specs11 {12 [SetUp]13 public void InitializeRunnerInvocation()14 {15 formatter = new FormatterStub();16 }17 protected when_running_specs Run(params Type[] types)18 {19 this.types = types;20 var tagsFilter = new Tags().Parse(tags);21 builder = new ContextBuilder(new SpecFinder(types), tagsFilter, new DefaultConventions());22 contextCollection = builder.Contexts();23 contextCollection.Build();24 classContext = contextCollection25 .AllContexts()26 .Where(c => c is ClassContext)27 .Cast<ClassContext>()28 .FirstOrDefault(c => types.Contains(c.SpecType));29 methodContext = contextCollection.AllContexts().FirstOrDefault(c => c is MethodContext);30 runner = new ContextRunner(tagsFilter, formatter, failFast);31 runner.Run(contextCollection);32 return this;33 }34 protected Context TheContext(string name)35 {36 var theContext = contextCollection37 .SelectMany(rootContext => rootContext.AllContexts())38 .SelectMany(contexts => contexts.AllContexts().Where(context => context.Name == name)).First();39 theContext.Name.Should().Be(name);40 return theContext;41 }42 protected IEnumerable<ExampleBase> AllExamples()43 {44 return contextCollection45 .SelectMany(rootContext => rootContext.AllExamples());46 }47 protected ExampleBase TheExample(string name)48 {49 var theExample = contextCollection50 .SelectMany(rootContext => rootContext.AllContexts())51 .SelectMany(contexts => contexts.AllExamples().Where(example => example.Spec == name)).FirstOrDefault();52 if (theExample == null) Assert.Fail("Did not find example named: " + name);53 theExample.Spec.Should().Be(name);54 return theExample;55 }56 protected int TheExampleCount()57 {58 var theExamples = contextCollection59 .SelectMany(rootContext => rootContext.AllContexts())60 .SelectMany(contexts => contexts.AllExamples())61 .Distinct();62 return theExamples.Count();63 }64 protected ContextBuilder builder;65 protected ContextCollection contextCollection;66 protected ClassContext classContext;67 protected bool failFast;68 protected Context methodContext;69 protected FormatterStub formatter;70 ContextRunner runner;71 protected Type[] types;72 protected string tags;73 }74}...
...42 it["should be 1, 2, 3 too"] = () => Assert.That(ints, Is.EqualTo(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }));43 }44 }45 [SetUp]46 public void Setup()47 {48 Run(typeof(Concrete));49 }50 [Test]51 public void should_run_example_within_a_sub_context_in_a_derived_class()52 {53 TheExample("should be 1").ShouldHavePassed();54 }55 [Test]56 public void it_runs_examples_from_abstract_class_as_if_they_belonged_to_concrete_class()57 {58 TheExample("should be 1, 2, 3").ShouldHavePassed();59 TheExample("should be 1, 2, 3 too").ShouldHavePassed();60 }...
1using FluentAssertions;2using NUnit.Framework;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4namespace NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.BeforeAndAfter5{6 [TestFixture]7 [Category("RunningSpecs")]8 [Category("Async")]9 public class async_middle_abstract : when_running_specs10 {11 class Base : sequence_spec12 {13 async Task before_all()14 {15 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "A");16 }17 async Task after_all()18 {19 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "F");20 }21 }22 abstract class Abstract : Base23 {24 async Task before_all()25 {26 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "B");27 }28 async Task before_each()29 {30 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "C");31 }32 async Task after_each()33 {34 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "D");35 }36 async Task after_all()37 {38 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "E");39 }40 }41 class Concrete : Abstract42 {43 async Task it_one_is_one()44 {45 await Task.Delay(0);46 Assert.That(true, Is.True);47 }48 }49 [SetUp]50 public void setup()51 {52 Concrete.sequence = "";53 }54 [Test]55 public void befores_are_run_from_middle_abstract_classes()56 {57 Run(typeof(Concrete));58 Concrete.sequence.Should().StartWith("ABC");59 }60 [Test]61 public void afters_are_run_from_middle_abstract_classes()62 {63 Run(typeof(Concrete));64 Concrete.sequence.Should().EndWith("DEF");65 }66 }67}...
1using FluentAssertions;2using NUnit.Framework;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4namespace NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.BeforeAndAfter5{6 [TestFixture]7 [Category("Async")]8 public class async_inheritance : when_running_specs9 {10 class BaseSpec : sequence_spec11 {12 async Task before_all()13 {14 await Task.Run(() => sequence = "A");15 }16 async Task before_each()17 {18 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "C");19 }20 async Task after_each()21 {22 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "F");23 }24 async Task after_all()25 {26 await Task.Run(() => sequence += "H");27 }28 }29 class DerivedClass : BaseSpec30 {31 void a_context()32 {33 beforeAllAsync = async () => await Task.Run(() => sequence += "B");34 beforeAsync = async () => await Task.Run(() => sequence += "D");35 specify = () => Assert.That(true, Is.True);36 afterAsync = async () => await Task.Run(() => sequence += "E");37 afterAllAsync = async () => await Task.Run(() => sequence += "G");38 }39 }40 [SetUp]41 public void setup()42 {43 Run(typeof(DerivedClass));44 }45 [Test]46 public void before_alls_at_every_level_run_before_before_eaches_from_the_outside_in()47 {48 DerivedClass.sequence.Should().StartWith("ABCD");49 }50 [Test]51 public void after_alls_at_every_level_run_after_after_eaches_from_the_inside_out()52 {53 DerivedClass.sequence.Should().EndWith("EFGH");54 }55 }56}...
1using FluentAssertions;2using NSpec.Domain;3using NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.Exceptions;4using NUnit.Framework;5using System.Linq;6namespace NSpec.Tests7{8 [TestFixture]9 [Category("ContextCollection")]10 public class describe_ContextCollection11 {12 private ContextCollection contexts;13 [SetUp]14 public void setup()15 {16 contexts = new ContextCollection();17 var context = new Context();18 context.AddExample(new ExampleBaseWrap());19 context.AddExample(new ExampleBaseWrap(pending: true));20 context.AddExample(new ExampleBaseWrap { Exception = new KnownException() });21 context.Tags.Add(Tags.Focus);22 contexts.Add(context);23 }24 [Test]25 public void should_aggregate_examples()26 {27 contexts.Examples().Count().Should().Be(3);28 }29 [Test]30 public void is_marked_with_focus()31 {32 contexts.AnyTaggedWithFocus().Should().BeTrue();33 }34 [Test]35 public void should_aggregate_failures()36 {37 contexts.Failures().Count().Should().Be(1);38 }39 [Test]40 public void should_aggregate_pendings()41 {42 contexts.Pendings().Count().Should().Be(1);43 }44 [Test]45 public void should_trim_skipped_contexts()46 {47 contexts.Add(new Context());48 contexts[0].AddExample(new ExampleBaseWrap());49 contexts[0].Examples[0].HasRun = true;50 contexts.Count().Should().Be(2);51 contexts.TrimSkippedContexts();52 contexts.Count().Should().Be(1);53 }54 }55}...
1using FluentAssertions;2using NUnit.Framework;3namespace NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.BeforeAndAfter4{5 [TestFixture]6 [Category("RunningSpecs")]7 public class middle_abstract : when_running_specs8 {9 class Base : sequence_spec10 {11 void before_all()12 {13 sequence += "A";14 }15 void after_all()16 {17 sequence += "F";18 }19 }20 abstract class Abstract : Base21 {22 void before_all()23 {24 sequence += "B";25 }26 void before_each()27 {28 sequence += "C";29 }30 void after_each()31 {32 sequence += "D";33 }34 void after_all()35 {36 sequence += "E";37 }38 }39 class Concrete : Abstract40 {41 void it_one_is_one()42 {43 Assert.That(true, Is.True);44 }45 }46 [SetUp]47 public void setup()48 {49 Concrete.sequence = "";50 }51 [Test]52 public void befores_are_run_from_middle_abstract_classes()53 {54 Run(typeof(Concrete));55 Concrete.sequence.Should().StartWith("ABC");56 }57 [Test]58 public void afters_are_run_from_middle_abstract_classes()59 {60 Run(typeof(Concrete));61 Concrete.sequence.Should().EndWith("DEF");62 }63 }64}...
1using FluentAssertions;2using NUnit.Framework;3namespace NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs.BeforeAndAfter4{5 [TestFixture]6 public class inheritance : when_running_specs7 {8 class BaseSpec : sequence_spec9 {10 void before_all()11 {12 sequence = "A";13 }14 void before_each()15 {16 sequence += "C";17 }18 void after_each()19 {20 sequence += "F";21 }22 void after_all()23 {24 sequence += "H";25 }26 }27 class DerivedSpec : BaseSpec28 {29 void a_context()30 {31 beforeAll = () => sequence += "B";32 before = () => sequence += "D";33 specify = () => Assert.That(true, Is.True);34 after = () => sequence += "E";35 afterAll = () => sequence += "G";36 }37 }38 [SetUp]39 public void setup()40 {41 Run(typeof(DerivedSpec));42 }43 [Test]44 public void before_alls_at_every_level_run_before_before_eaches_from_the_outside_in()45 {46 DerivedSpec.sequence.Should().StartWith("ABCD");47 }48 [Test]49 public void after_alls_at_every_level_run_after_after_eaches_from_the_inside_out()50 {51 DerivedSpec.sequence.Should().EndWith("EFGH");52 }53 }54}...
1using System.Collections.Generic;2using System.Linq;3using NSpec.Domain;4using NUnit.Framework;5using FluentAssertions;6namespace NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs7{8 [TestFixture]9 [Category("RunningSpecs")]10 public class describe_action_indexer_add_operator : when_running_specs11 {12 private class SpecClass : nspec13 {14 void method_level_context()15 {16 it["Should have this name"] = () => Assert.That(true, Is.True);17 }18 }19 [SetUp]20 public void setup()21 {22 Run(typeof(SpecClass));23 }24 [Test]25 public void should_contain_pending_test()26 {27 TheExamples().Count().Should().Be(1);28 }29 [Test]30 public void spec_name_should_reflect_name_specified_in_ActionRegister()31 {32 TheExamples().First().Should().BeAssignableTo<Example>();33 var example = (Example)TheExamples().First();34 example.Spec.Should().Be("Should have this name");35 }36 // no 'specify' available for AsyncExample, hence no need to test that on ExampleBase37 private IEnumerable<object> TheExamples()38 {39 return classContext.Contexts.First().AllExamples();40 }41 }42}...
Using AI Code Generation
1public void Setup()2{3 base.Setup();4}5public void Setup()6{7 base.Setup();8}9public void Setup()10{11 base.Setup();12}13public void Setup()14{15 base.Setup();16}17public void Setup()18{19 base.Setup();20}21public void Setup()22{23 base.Setup();24}25public void Setup()26{27 base.Setup();28}29public void Setup()30{31 base.Setup();32}33public void Setup()34{35 base.Setup();36}37public void Setup()38{39 base.Setup();40}41public void Setup()42{43 base.Setup();44}45public void Setup()46{47 base.Setup();48}49public void Setup()50{51 base.Setup();52}53public void Setup()54{55 base.Setup();56}
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public describe_2()3 {4 Setup();5 }6 void method_level_context()7 {8 it["should pass"] = () => true.ShouldBeTrue();9 }10}11{12 public describe_3()13 {14 Setup();15 }16 void method_level_context()17 {18 it["should pass"] = () => true.ShouldBeTrue();19 }20}21{22 public describe_4()23 {24 Setup();25 }26 void method_level_context()27 {28 it["should pass"] = () => true.ShouldBeTrue();29 }30}31{32 public describe_5()33 {34 Setup();35 }36 void method_level_context()37 {38 it["should pass"] = () => true.ShouldBeTrue();39 }40}41{42 public describe_6()43 {44 Setup();45 }46 void method_level_context()47 {48 it["should pass"] = () => true.ShouldBeTrue();49 }50}51{52 public describe_7()53 {54 Setup();55 }56 void method_level_context()57 {58 it["should pass"] = () => true.ShouldBeTrue();59 }60}61{62 public describe_8()63 {64 Setup();65 }66 void method_level_context()
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 {3 public describe_setup()4 {5 Setup();6 }7 }8}9{10 {11 public describe_setup()12 {13 Setup();14 }15 }16}17{18 {19 public describe_setup()20 {21 Setup();22 }23 }24}25{26 {27 public describe_setup()28 {29 Setup();30 }31 }32}33{34 {35 public describe_setup()36 {37 Setup();38 }39 }40}41{42 {43 public describe_setup()44 {45 Setup();46 }47 }48}49{50 {51 public describe_setup()52 {53 Setup();54 }55 }56}57{58 {59 public describe_setup()60 {61 Setup();62 }63 }64}
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public override void Setup()3 {4 }5 public void describe_some_other_thing()6 {7 }8}9{10 public override void Setup()11 {12 }13 public void describe_some_other_thing()14 {15 }16}17{18 public override void Setup()19 {20 }21 public void describe_some_other_thing()22 {23 }24}25{26 public override void Setup()27 {28 }29 public void describe_some_other_thing()30 {31 }32}33{34 public override void Setup()35 {36 }37 public void describe_some_other_thing()38 {39 }40}41{42 public override void Setup()43 {44 }45 public void describe_some_other_thing()46 {47 }48}
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs;6using NSpec;7using NSpec.Domain;8using NSpec.Domain.Formatters;9{10 {11 public static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 var setup = new Base();14 setup.Setup();15 setup.Run();16 setup.Verify();17 Console.ReadKey();18 }19 }20}21using System;22using System.Collections.Generic;23using System.Linq;24using System.Text;25using NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs;26using NSpec;27using NSpec.Domain;28using NSpec.Domain.Formatters;29{30 {31 public void GetEmployeeName_method()32 {33 it["The name of the employee is equal to the name of the employee"] = () =>34 {35 var employee = new Employee();36 employee.Name = "Suresh Dasari";37 employee.GetEmployeeName().should_be("Suresh Dasari");38 };39 }40 }41}
Using AI Code Generation
1using NSpec;2using NUnit.Framework;3using NSpec.Tests.WhenRunningSpecs;4{5 {6 public void should_be_able_to_use_setup_method()7 {8 var context = Setup(typeof (describe_setup_method));9 context.Run();10 context.AllExamples().ShouldHaveCount(1);11 context.AllExamples().First().Exception.ShouldBeNull();12 }13 void it_should_be_able_to_use_setup_method()14 {15 }16 }17}18using NSpec;19using NUnit.Framework;20{21 {22 public void should_be_able_to_use_setup_method()23 {24 var context = Setup(typeof (describe_setup_method));25 context.Run();26 context.AllExamples().ShouldHaveCount(1);27 context.AllExamples().First().Exception.ShouldBeNull();28 }29 void it_should_be_able_to_use_setup_method()30 {31 }32 }33}34using NSpec;35using NUnit.Framework;36{37 {38 public void should_be_able_to_use_setup_method()39 {40 var context = Setup(typeof (describe_setup_method));41 context.Run();42 context.AllExamples().ShouldHaveCount(1);43 context.AllExamples().First().Exception.ShouldBeNull();44 }45 void it_should_be_able_to_use_setup_method()46 {47 }48 }49}50using NSpec;51using NUnit.Framework;52{
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