How to use ProxyGenerationHook method of Telerik.JustMock.Core.DynamicProxyMockFactory class

Best JustMockLite code snippet using Telerik.JustMock.Core.DynamicProxyMockFactory.ProxyGenerationHook


Source:DynamicProxyMockFactory.cs Github


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...58 }59 }60 var interceptor = repository.Interceptor;61#if (SILVERLIGHT)62 options.Hook = new ProxyGenerationHook(false, settings.InterceptorFilter);63#else64 options.Hook = new ProxyGenerationHook(settings.MockConstructorCall, settings.InterceptorFilter);65#endif66 object instance = null;67 Exception proxyFailure = null;68 if (type.IsInterface)69 {70 if (settings.Args != null && settings.Args.Length > 0)71 throw new ArgumentException("Do not supply contructor arguments when mocking an interface or delegate.");72 try73 {74 instance = generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget(type, settings.AdditionalMockedInterfaces, options, interceptor);75 }76 catch (TypeLoadException ex)77 {78 proxyFailure = ex;79 }80 catch (GeneratorException ex)81 {82 proxyFailure = ex;83 }84 }85 else86 {87 try88 {89#if (SILVERLIGHT || NETCORE)90 if (settings.Args == null || settings.Args.Length == 0)91 {92 ConstructorInfo[] constructors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);93 if (!constructors.Any(constr => constr.GetParameters().Length == 0))94 {95 var constructorToCall = constructors.FirstOrDefault();96 if (constructorToCall != null)97 {98 var @params = constructorToCall.GetParameters();99 settings.Args = new object[@params.Length];100 for (int i = 0; i < @params.Length; ++i)101 {102 var p = @params[i];103 settings.Args[i] = Convert.IsDBNull(p.DefaultValue)104 ? p.ParameterType.GetDefaultValue()105 : p.DefaultValue;106 }107 }108 }109 }110#endif111 instance = generator.CreateClassProxy(type, settings.AdditionalMockedInterfaces, options, settings.Args, interceptor);112 }113 catch (TypeLoadException ex)114 {115 proxyFailure = ex;116 }117 catch (GeneratorException ex)118 {119 proxyFailure = ex;120 }121 catch (InvalidProxyConstructorArgumentsException ex)122 {123 proxyFailure = ex;124 if (!settings.MockConstructorCall)125 throw new MockException(ex.Message);126 }127 }128 if (proxyFailure != null)129 {130 throw new ProxyFailureException(proxyFailure);131 }132 return instance;133 }134 public Type CreateDelegateBackend(Type delegateType)135 {136 var moduleScope = generator.ProxyBuilder.ModuleScope;137 var moduleBuilder = moduleScope.ObtainDynamicModuleWithStrongName();138 var targetIntfName =139 "Castle.Proxies.Delegates." +140 delegateType.ToString()141 .Replace('.', '_')142 .Replace(',', '`')143 .Replace("+", "__")144 .Replace("[", "``")145 .Replace("]", "``");146 var typeName = moduleScope.NamingScope.GetUniqueName(targetIntfName);147 var typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(typeName, TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Interface);148 var delegateInvoke = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke");149 typeBuilder.DefineMethod("Invoke", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.Virtual,150 delegateInvoke.ReturnType, delegateInvoke.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray());151 return typeBuilder.CreateType();152 }153 public IMockMixin CreateExternalMockMixin(IMockMixin mockMixin, IEnumerable<object> mixins)154 {155 var options = new ProxyGenerationOptions();156 options.AddMixinInstance(mockMixin);157 foreach (var mixin in mixins)158 options.AddMixinInstance(mixin);159 var compoundMockMixin = (IMockMixin)generator.CreateClassProxy(typeof(MocksRepository.ExternalMockMixin), options);160 return compoundMockMixin;161 }162 public ProxyTypeInfo CreateClassProxyType(Type classToProxy, MocksRepository repository, MockCreationSettings settings, MockMixin mockMixinImpl)163 {164 var pgo = CreateProxyGenerationOptions(classToProxy, settings, mockMixinImpl);165 var typeInfo = new ProxyTypeInfo166 {167 ProxyType = generator.ProxyBuilder.CreateClassProxyType(classToProxy, Type.EmptyTypes, pgo)168 };169 typeInfo.Mixins.Add(typeof(IInterceptor), repository.Interceptor);170 foreach (var mixin in pgo.MixinData.MixinInterfaces)171 {172 typeInfo.Mixins.Add(mixin, pgo.MixinData.GetMixinInstance(mixin));173 }174 return typeInfo;175 }176 private ProxyGenerationOptions CreateProxyGenerationOptions(Type type, MockCreationSettings settings, MockMixin mockMixinImpl = null)177 {178 var options = new ProxyGenerationOptions();179 if (mockMixinImpl != null)180 options.AddMixinInstance(mockMixinImpl);181 foreach (var mixin in settings.Mixins)182 options.AddMixinInstance(mixin);183 if (settings.AdditionalProxyTypeAttributes != null)184 {185 foreach (var attributeBuilder in settings.AdditionalProxyTypeAttributes)186 {187 options.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new CustomAttributeInfo(attributeBuilder));188 }189 }190 return options;191 }192 private class ProxyGenerationHook : IProxyGenerationHook, IConstructorGenerationHook193 {194 private readonly bool myMockConstructors;195 private readonly Expression<Predicate<MethodInfo>> myInterceptorFilter;196 private readonly Predicate<MethodInfo> myInterceptorFilterImpl;197 public ProxyGenerationHook(bool mockConstructors, Expression<Predicate<MethodInfo>> interceptorFilter)198 {199 myMockConstructors = mockConstructors;200 if (interceptorFilter != null)201 {202 myInterceptorFilter = interceptorFilter;203 myInterceptorFilterImpl = myInterceptorFilter.Compile();204 }205 }206 public void MethodsInspected()207 {208 }209 public void NonProxyableMemberNotification(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo)210 {211 }212 public bool ShouldInterceptMethod(Type type, MethodInfo methodInfo)213 {214 if (Attribute.IsDefined(methodInfo.DeclaringType, typeof(MixinAttribute)))215 {216 return false;217 }218 bool profilerCannotIntercept = methodInfo.IsAbstract || methodInfo.IsExtern() || !ProfilerInterceptor.TypeSupportsInstrumentation(methodInfo.DeclaringType);219 if (ProfilerInterceptor.IsProfilerAttached && !profilerCannotIntercept)220 {221 bool isDefaultMethodImplementation = !methodInfo.IsAbstract && methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsInterface;222 if (type == methodInfo.DeclaringType && !isDefaultMethodImplementation)223 {224 return false;225 }226 }227 return myInterceptorFilterImpl != null ? myInterceptorFilterImpl(methodInfo) : true;228 }229 public ProxyConstructorImplementation GetConstructorImplementation(ConstructorInfo constructorInfo, ConstructorImplementationAnalysis analysis)230 {231 return myMockConstructors ? ProxyConstructorImplementation.DoNotCallBase232 : analysis.IsBaseVisible ? ProxyConstructorImplementation.CallBase233 : ProxyConstructorImplementation.SkipConstructor;234 }235 public ProxyConstructorImplementation DefaultConstructorImplementation236 {237 get238 {239#if (SILVERLIGHT || NETCORE)240 return ProxyConstructorImplementation.SkipConstructor;241#else242 return myMockConstructors ? ProxyConstructorImplementation.DoNotCallBase : ProxyConstructorImplementation.SkipConstructor;243#endif244 }245 }246 #region Equality members247 public override bool Equals(object obj)248 {249 if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;250 if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;251 if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;252 var other = (ProxyGenerationHook)obj;253 return this.myMockConstructors == other.myMockConstructors254 && ((this.myInterceptorFilter == null && other.myInterceptorFilter == null)255 || ExpressionComparer.AreEqual(this.myInterceptorFilter, other.myInterceptorFilter));256 }257 public override int GetHashCode()258 {259 return this.myMockConstructors.GetHashCode();260 }261 #endregion262 }263 }264}...

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Telerik.JustMock;7using Telerik.JustMock.Core;8using Telerik.JustMock.Helpers;9{10 {11 public static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 MockFactory factory = new MockFactory();14 factory.ProxyGenerationHook = new MyProxyGenerationHook();15 var mock = factory.Create<ITest>();16 Assert.AreEqual(0, mock.Value);17 Assert.AreEqual(0, mock.Value);18 mock.Value = 1;19 Assert.AreEqual(1, mock.Value);20 Assert.AreEqual(1, mock.Value);21 }22 }23 {24 int Value { get; set; }25 }26 {27 public void MethodsInspected()28 {29 Console.WriteLine("MethodsInspected");30 }31 public void NonProxyableMemberNotification(Type type, System.Reflection.MemberInfo memberInfo)32 {33 Console.WriteLine("NonProxyableMemberNotification");34 }35 public bool ShouldInterceptMethod(Type type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo)36 {37 Console.WriteLine("ShouldInterceptMethod");38 return true;39 }40 }41}

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1using Telerik.JustMock.Core;using Telerik.JustMock.Core;2{3 {4 public void MethodsInspected()5 {6 }7 public void NonProxyableMemberNotification(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo)8 {9 }10 public bool ShouldInterceptMethod(Type type, MethodInfo methodInfo)11 {12 return true;13 }14 }15}16usin Telerik.JustMock.Core;17{18 {19 {20 {21 return new MockingContext();22 }23 }24 public void RegisterMock(object mock)25 {26 }27 }28}29using Telerik.JustMock.Core;30{31 {32 {33 {34 return new MockingContext();35 }36 }37 public void RegisterMock(object mock)38 {39 }40 }41}42using Telerik.JustMock.Core;43{44 {45 {46 {47 return new DynamicProxyMockFactory();48 }49 }50 public object CreateMock(Type type, object[] args, MockingContext context, ProxyGenerationHook hook)51 {52 return new object();53 }54 }55}56using Telerik.JustMock.Core;57{58 {59 {60 {61 return new DynaicProxyMockFactory()62 }63 }64 public object CreateMock(Type type, object[] args, MockingContext context, ProxyGenerationHook hook)65 {66 return new object();67 }68 }69}

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1{2using System; public class ProxyGenerationHook : IProxyGenerationHook3using System.Collections.Ge eric;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7n {tProjec18{9 {10 public void MethodsInspected()11 {12 throw new NotImplementedException();13 }14 public void NonProxyableMemberNotification(Type type, System.Reflection.MemberInfo memberInfo)15 {16 throw new NotImplementedException();17 }18 public bool ShouldInterceptMethod(Type type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo)19 {20 return true;21 }22 }23 {24 public virtual string Method1()25 {26 return "Method1";27 }28 }29 {30 public virtual string Method2()31 {32 return "Method2";33 }34 }35 {36 public virtual string Method3()37 {38 return "Method3";39 }40 }41 {42 public virtual string Method4()43 {44 return "Method4";45 }46 }47 {48 public virtual string Method5()49 {50 return "Method5";51 }52 }53 {54 public virtual string Method6()55 {56 return "Method6";57 }58 }59 {60 public virtual string Method7()61 {62 return "Method7";63 }64 }65 {66 public virtual string Method8()67 {68 return "Method8";69 }70 }71 {72 public virtual string Method9()73 {74 return "Method9";75 }76 }77 {78 public virtual string Method10()79 {80 return "Method10";81 }82 }83 {84 public virtual string Method11()85 {86 return "Method11";87 }88 }89 {90 public virtual string Method12()91 {92 return "Method12";93 }94 }95 {96 public virtual string Method13()97 {98 return "Method13";99 }100 }101 {102 public virtual string Method14()103 {

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1using System;2using Telerik.JustMock;3using Telerik.JustMock.Core;4 public void MethodsInspected()5 {6 }7 public void NonProxyableMemberNotification(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo)8 {9 }10 public bool ShouldInterceptMethod(Type type, MethodInfo methodInfo)11 {12 return true;13 }14 }15}16using Telerik.JustMock.Core;17{18 {19 {20 {21 return new MockingContext();22 }23 }24 public void RegisterMock(object mock)25 {26 }27 }28}29using Telerik.JustMock.Core;30{31 {32 {33 {34 return new MockingContext();35 }36 }37 public void RegisterMock(object mock)38 {39 }40 }41}42using Telerik.JustMock.Core;43{44 {45 {46 {47 return new DynamicProxyMockFactory();48 }49 }50 public object CreateMock(Type type, object[] args, MockingContext context, ProxyGenerationHook hook)51 {52 return new object();53 }54 }55}56using Telerik.JustMock.Core;57{58 {59 {60 {61 return new DynamicProxyMockFactory();62 }63 }64 public object CreateMock(Type type, object[] args, MockingContext context, ProxyGenerationHook hook)65 {66 return new object();67 }68 }69}

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1using System;2using Telerik.JustMock;3using Telerik.JustMock.Core;4{5 {6 int MyProperty { get; set; }7 void MyMethod();8 }9 {10 public void MethodsInspected()11 {12 Console.WriteLine("MethodsInspected");13 }14 public void NonProxyableMemberNotification(Type type, System.Reflection.MemberInfo memberInfo)15 {16 Console.WriteLine("NonProxyableMemberNotification");17 }18 public bool ShouldInterceptMethod(Type type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo)19 {20 Console.WriteLine("ShouldInterceptMethod");21 return true;22 }23 }24}

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1using Telerik.JustMock;2using Telerik.JustMock.Core;3using System;4{5 {6 void TestMethod();7 }8 {9 public void TestMethod()10 {11 Console.WriteLine("Test");12 }13 }14 {15 public static void Main()16 {17 var proxy = Mock.Create<ITest>(Constructor.Mocked, new ProxyGenerationHook());18 Mock.Arrange(() => proxy.TestMethod()).DoInstead(() => Console.WriteLine("Test")).MustBeCalled();19 proxy.TestMethod();20 }21 }22 {

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1using Telerik.JustMock;2using Telerik.JustMock.Core;3{4 public static void Main()5 {6 var proxyGenerationHook = new ProxyGenerationHook();7 Mocking.ProxyGenerationHook(proxyGenerationHook);8 }9 public static void ProxyGenerationHook(ProxyGenerationHook proxyGenerationHook)10 {11 }12}13 public void MethodsInspected()14 {15 }16 public void NonProxyableMemberNotification(Type type, System.Reflection.MemberInfo memberInfo)17 {18 }19 public bool ShouldInterceptMethod(Type type, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo)20 {21 return true;22 }23 }24}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using Telerik.JustMock;6using Telerik.JustMock.Core;7using System.Reflection;8using System.Runtime.InteropServices;9{10 {11 public static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 var proxy = Mock.Create<ISampleClass>();14 Console.WriteLine("Proxy for ISampleClass created");15 Console.ReadLine();16 }17 }18 {19 void SampleMethod();20 }21}22using System;23using System.Collections.Generic;24using System.Linq;25using System.Text;26using Telerik.JustMock;27using Telerik.JustMock.Core;28using System.Reflection;29using System.Runtime.InteropServices;30{31 {32 public static void Main(string[] args)33 {34 var proxy = Mock.Create<ISampleClass>();35 Console.WriteLine("Proxy for ISampleClass created");36 Console.ReadLine();37 }38 }39 {40 void SampleMethod();41 }42}43using System;44using System.Collections.Generic;45using System.Linq;46using System.Text;47using Telerik.JustMock;48using Telerik.JustMock.Core;49using System.Reflection;50using System.Runtime.InteropServices;51{52 {53 public static void Main(string[] args)54 {55 var proxy = Mock.Create<ISampleClass>();56 Console.WriteLine("Proxy for ISampleClass created");57 Console.ReadLine();58 }59 }60 {61 void SampleMethod();62 }63}64using System;65using System.Collections.Generic;66using System.Linq;67using System.Text;68using Telerik.JustMock;69using Telerik.JustMock.Core;70using System.Reflection;71using System.Runtime.InteropServices;72{73 {74 public static void Main(string[] args)75 {

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1using Telerik.JustMock;2using Telerik.JustMock.Core;3{4 public static void Main()5 {6 var proxyGenerationHook = new ProxyGenerationHook();7 Mocking.ProxyGenerationHook(proxyGenerationHook);8 }9 public static void ProxyGenerationHook(ProxyGenerationHook proxyGenerationHook)10 {11 }12}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using Telerik.JustMock.Core;6{7 {8 public string Method1()9 {10 return "Method1";11 }12 }13 {14 public string Method2()15 {16 return "Method2";17 }18 }19 {20 public string Method3()21 {22 return "Method3";23 }24 }25 {26 public string Method4()27 {28 return "Method4";29 }30 }31 {32 public string Method5()33 {34 return "Method5";35 }36 }37 {38 public string Method6()39 {40 return "Method6";41 }42 }43 {44 public string Method7()45 {46 return "Method7";47 }48 }49 {50 public string Method8()51 {52 return "Method8";53 }54 }55 {56 public string Method9()57 {58 return "Method9";59 }60 }61 {62 public string Method10()63 {64 return "Method10";65 }66 }67 {68 public string Method11()69 {70 return "Method11";71 }72 }73 {74 public string Method12()75 {76 return "Method12";77 }78 }79 {80 public string Method13()81 {82 return "Method13";83 }84 }85 {86 public string Method14()87 {88 return "Method14";89 }90 }91 {92 public string Method15()93 {94 return "Method15";95 }96 }97 {98 public string Method16()99 {100 return "Method16";101 }102 }103 {104 public string Method17()105 {106 return "Method17";107 }108 }109 {110 public string Method18()

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