How to use Equals method of Telerik.JustMock.Tests.TaskWarning class

Best JustMockLite code snippet using Telerik.JustMock.Tests.TaskWarning.Equals


Source:MiscFixture.cs Github


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...333 products.Enqueue(product1);334 products.Enqueue(product2);335 var context = Mock.Create<IDataContext>();336 Mock.Arrange(() => context.Get<Product>()).Returns(() => products.Dequeue());337 Assert.True(context.Get<Product>().Equals(product1));338 Assert.True(context.Get<Product>().Equals(product2));339 }340 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]341 public void ShouldReturnNullWhenSpecifiedByReturn()342 {343 var exmpleMock = Mock.Create<IExampleInterface>();344 Mock.Arrange(() => exmpleMock.GetMeAllFoos()).Returns((IList<IFoo>)null);345 Assert.Null(exmpleMock.GetMeAllFoos());346 }347#if !COREFX348 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]349 public void ShouldMockInternalMemberFromBaseClass()350 {351 var id = Guid.NewGuid();352 var manager = Mock.Create<IContentManager>();353 var facade = Mock.Create<BlogFacade>(Behavior.CallOriginal);354 Mock.Arrange(() => facade.ContentManager).Returns(manager);355 Mock.Arrange(() => manager.GetItem(Arg.IsAny<Type>(), Arg.AnyGuid))356 .Returns(new Product()).MustBeCalled();357 facade.LoadItem(id);358 Mock.Assert(facade.ContentManager);359 }360#endif361 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite")]362 public void ShouldAssertSetupWithObjectArrayAsParams()363 {364 var foo = Mock.Create<Foo<Product>>();365 const int expected = 1;366 Mock.Arrange(() => foo.GetByKey(expected)).Returns(() => null).MustBeCalled();367 foo.GetByKey(expected);368 Mock.Assert(foo);369 }370 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite")]371 public void ShouldNotInstantiatePropertyWhenSetExplicitly()372 {373 var foo = Mock.Create<NestedFoo>();374 var actual = new FooThatFails(string.Empty);375 Mock.Arrange(() => foo.FooThatFailsOnCtor).Returns(actual);376 Assert.Equal(foo.FooThatFailsOnCtor, actual);377 }378 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]379 public void ShouldBeAbleToCreateMockWithInternalCtor()380 {381 var expected = "hello";382 var foo = Mock.Create<FooInternal>(x =>383 {384 x.CallConstructor(() => new FooInternal("hello"));385 x.SetBehavior(Behavior.CallOriginal);386 });387 Assert.Equal(foo.Name, expected);388 }389 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]390 public void ShouldExecuteEqualsDuringAssertWithMockArgument()391 {392 var foo = Mock.Create<FooAbstract>();393 var fooWork = Mock.Create<FooWork>();394 fooWork.DoWork(foo);395 Mock.Assert(() => fooWork.DoWork(foo));396 }397 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]398 public void ShouldAssertMultipleOccurrencesSeparatelyForAssertAll()399 {400 IFileReader fileReader = Mock.Create<IFileReader>(Behavior.Strict);401 Mock.Arrange(() => fileReader.FileExists(@"C:\Foo\Categories.txt")).Returns(false).OccursOnce();402 Mock.Arrange(() => fileReader.ReadFile(@"C:\Foo\Categories.txt")).IgnoreArguments().OccursNever();403 fileReader.FileExists(@"C:\Foo\Categories.txt");404 Mock.Assert(fileReader);405 }406 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]407 public void ShouldAssertOccurenceWhenCombinedWithNoSetupCalls()408 {409 string userName = "Bob";410 string password = "Password";411 ILoginService service = Mock.Create<ILoginService>();412 Mock.Arrange(() => service.ValidateUser(userName, password)).Returns(5).OccursOnce();413 Mock.Arrange(() => service.ValidateUser("foo", "bar")).OccursNever();414 SecurityHandler handler = new SecurityHandler(service);415 bool loggedIn = handler.LoginUser(userName, password);416 Assert.True(loggedIn);417 Assert.Equal(handler.UserID, 5);418 Mock.Assert(service);419 }420 public class NestedFoo421 {422 public virtual FooThatFails FooThatFailsOnCtor { get; set; }423 }424 public class FooThatFails425 {426 public FooThatFails(string message)427 {428 }429 public FooThatFails()430 {431 throw new ArgumentException("Failed");432 }433 }434 public class SecurityHandler435 {436 private readonly ILoginService _service;437 public int UserID { get; internal set; }438 public SecurityHandler(ILoginService service)439 {440 _service = service;441 _service.DatabaseName = "NorthWind";442 }443 public bool LoginUser(string userName, string password)444 {445 UserID = _service.ValidateUser(userName, password);446 return (UserID != 0);447 }448 }449 public interface ILoginService450 {451 int ValidateUser(string userName, string password);452 string DatabaseName { get; set; }453 event EventHandler UserLoggedOnEvent;454 event EventHandler DatabaseChangedEvent;455 }456 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]457 public void ShouldAssertCallOriginalOnOverloadsViaProxy()458 {459 var dummyExpression = Mock.Create<DummyExpression>(Behavior.CallOriginal);460 dummyExpression.Evaluate(10);461 }462 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]463 public void ShouldAssertSetPropertyOccurenceForAnyValue()464 {465 var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>();466 Mock.ArrangeSet<IFoo>(() => foo.EffectiveFrom = DateTime.Now).IgnoreArguments();467 foo.EffectiveFrom = DateTime.Now;468 Assert.Throws<AssertionException>(() => Mock.AssertSet(() => foo.EffectiveFrom = Arg.IsAny<DateTime>(), Occurs.Never()));469 }470 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite")]471 public void ShouldAssertWithByteArrayArguments()472 {473 ITestInterface ti = Mock.Create<ITestInterface>();474 byte[] newimagebytes = new byte[1] { 4 };475 ti.DoStuff(newimagebytes);476 Mock.Assert(() => ti.DoStuff(newimagebytes), Occurs.AtLeastOnce());477 }478 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"), TestCategory("Misc")]479 public void UsingShouldNotInterfereWithPreOccurrence()480 {481 var fakereader = Mock.Create<IXmlReader>();482 Mock.Arrange(() => fakereader.EOF).Returns(true).OccursOnce();483 Mock.Arrange(() => fakereader.ReadOuterXml()).Returns("aaa").OccursNever();484 using (fakereader)485 {486 if (!fakereader.EOF)487 {488 string s = fakereader.ReadOuterXml();489 }490 }491 Mock.Assert(fakereader);492 }493 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite")]494 public void ShouldAssertNewGuIdArgumentForSpecificValue()495 {496 var localPersister = Mock.Create<IProcessDataPersister>();497 Mock.Arrange(() => localPersister.GetTaskWarnings(new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0001-000000000003}")))498 .Returns(new List<TaskWarning>() { new TaskWarning(new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0001-000000000003}")) { EscalationLevel = 0 } })499 .MustBeCalled();500 var list = localPersister.GetTaskWarnings(new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0001-000000000003}"));501 Assert.NotNull(list);502 Mock.Assert(localPersister);503 }504 [TestMethod, TestCategory("Lite"),]505 public void ShouldConfirmMockingClassWithMethodHidingItsVirtualBase()506 {507 var child = Mock.Create<ChildClass>();508 Assert.NotNull(child);509 }510 public class ChildClass : ParentClass, IElement511 {512 public new bool CanWriteProperty(string propertyName)513 {514 throw new NotImplementedException();515 }516 }517 public interface IElement518 {519 bool CanWriteProperty(string propertyName);520 }521 public class ParentClass522 {523 public virtual bool CanWriteProperty(string propertyName)524 {525 return false;526 }527 }528 public class TaskWarning529 {530 private Guid guid;531 public TaskWarning(Guid guid)532 {533 this.guid = guid;534 }535 public int EscalationLevel { get; set; }536 }537 public interface IProcessDataPersister538 {539 List<TaskWarning> GetTaskWarnings(Guid taskId);540 }541 public interface ITestInterface542 {543 void DoStuff(byte[] bytes);544 }545 public class Foo<TEntity>546 {547 public virtual TEntity GetByKey(params object[] keyValues)548 {549 return default(TEntity);550 }551 }552 public class ContentFacade<TItem>553 {554 public virtual IContentManager ContentManager { get; set; }555 internal virtual void LoadItem(Guid guid)556 {557 var product = this.ContentManager.GetItem(typeof(TItem), guid);558 if (product == null)559 {560 throw new ArgumentException("Invalid object");561 }562 }563 }564 public class BlogFacade : ContentFacade<Product>565 {566 }567 public interface IContentManager568 {569 object GetItem(Type itemType, Guid id);570 }571 public interface IXmlReader : IDisposable572 {573 bool EOF { get; }574 string ReadOuterXml();575 }576 public class DummyExpression577 {578 public virtual object Evaluate(int arg1, string myString)579 {580 return null;581 }582 public virtual object Evaluate(int arg1)583 {584 return null;585 }586 }587 public interface IFileReader588 {589 bool FileExists(string pathAndFile);590 IList<string> ReadFile(string pathAndFile);591 }592 public enum FooWorkType593 {594 Go = 0,595 Went596 }597 public class FooWork598 {599 public virtual void DoWork(FooAbstract foo)600 {601 }602 }603 public abstract class FooAbstract : IEquatable<FooAbstract>604 {605 public abstract FooWorkType Type { get; }606 public override int GetHashCode()607 {608 return base.GetHashCode();609 }610 public override bool Equals(object obj)611 {612 return this.Equals(obj as FooAbstract);613 }614 public bool Equals(FooAbstract other)615 {616 if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other))617 {618 return true;619 }620 return this.Type == other.Type;621 }622 }623 public class FooInternal624 {625 internal FooInternal(string name)626 {627 = name;628 }629 public string Name { get { return name; } }630 private string name;631 }632 public interface IExampleInterface633 {634 IList<IFoo> GetMeAllFoos();635 }636 public interface IDataContext637 {638 T Get<T>();639 }640 public class FooOuter641 {642 public virtual FooInter GetInnerClass()643 {644 return null;645 }646 }647 public class FooInter648 {649 public virtual int Value { get; set; }650 }651 public class Product : IContainer652 {653 #region IContainer Members654 public void Resolve(object obj)655 {656 throw new NotImplementedException();657 }658 #endregion659 }660 public interface IDatabase661 {662 }663 public interface IContainer664 {665 void Resolve(object obj);666 }667 public class FakeContainer<T> where T : class668 {669 public virtual void Do<TSub>() where TSub : IContainer670 {671 throw new NotImplementedException();672 }673 }674 public interface IFooDispose : IDisposable675 {676 void Do();677 }678 public class Foo : IFoo679 {680 #region IFoo Members681 public int Get(SomeClass<string> id)682 {683 throw new NotImplementedException();684 }685 public DateTime EffectiveFrom { get; set; }686 public long Id687 {688 get689 {690 throw new NotImplementedException();691 }692 set693 {694 throw new NotImplementedException();695 }696 }697 public void SetIt(long it)698 {699 throw new NotImplementedException();700 }701 #endregion702 }703 public interface IBar704 {705 void Do(IFoo foo);706 }707 public class Bar708 {709 public Bar(IBar bar)710 {711 = bar;712 }713 public void Do(IFoo foo)714 {715 bar.Do(foo);716 }717 private IBar bar;718 }719 public interface IDummy720 {721 // dummy interface.722 }723 public interface ISomething<T>724 {725 void DoSomething<U>() where U : T;726 }727 public struct SomeClass<T> // Struct just to avoid having to implement Equals/GetHashCode728 {729 public static implicit operator SomeClass<T>(T t)730 {731 return new SomeClass<T>();732 }733 public static SomeClass<T> From(T t)734 {735 return t;736 }737 }738 public interface IFoo739 {740 int Get(SomeClass<string> id);741 long Id { get; set; }...

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1{2 using System;3 using System.Collections.Generic;4 using System.Linq;5 using System.Text;6 using System.Threading.Tasks;7 using Telerik.JustMock;8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 var warning = new TaskWarning("test");12 var warning2 = new TaskWarning("test");13 var warning3 = new TaskWarning("test2");14 var warning4 = new TaskWarning("test2");15 var warning5 = new TaskWarning("test2");16 Console.WriteLine(warning.Equals(warning2));17 Console.WriteLine(warning3.Equals(warning4));18 Console.WriteLine(warning3.Equals(warning5));19 Console.ReadLine();20 }21 }22 {23 public TaskWarning(string description)24 {25 this.Description = description;26 }27 public string Description { get; set; }28 public override bool Equals(object obj)29 {30 if (obj == null)31 {32 return false;33 }34 var other = obj as TaskWarning;35 if (other == null)36 {37 return false;38 }39 return this.Description == other.Description;40 }41 public override int GetHashCode()42 {43 return this.Description.GetHashCode();44 }45 }46}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using Telerik.JustMock;6using Telerik.JustMock.Helpers;7using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;8{9 {10 public static void EqualsMethod()11 {12 var taskWarning = Mock.Create<TaskWarning>();13 Mock.Arrange(() => taskWarning.Equals(Arg.AnyObject)).Returns(true);14 }15 }16}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Telerik.JustMock;7using Telerik.JustMock.Helpers;8using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;9using Xunit;10{11 {12 public void TestMethod1()13 {14 var task = Mock.Create<Task>();15 Mock.Arrange(() => task.Equals(null)).IgnoreInstance().Returns(false);16 Assert.False(task.Equals(null));17 }18 }19}20Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy)21Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Portable)22Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Silverlight)23Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Windows Phone)24Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Windows Store)25Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Windows Store 8.1)26Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Windows 8)27Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin)28Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.Android)29Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.iOS)30Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.iOS Classic)31Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.Mac)32Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.Mac Classic)33Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.Mac Full)34Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.TVOS)35Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.TVOS Classic)36Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.WatchOS)

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Telerik.JustMock;7using Telerik.JustMock.Helpers;8using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;9using Xunit;10{11 {12 public void TestMethod1()13 {14 var task = Mock.Create<Task>();15 Mock.Arrange(() => task.Equals(null)).IgnoreInstance().Returns(false);16 Assert.False(task.Equals(null));17 }18 }19}20Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy)21Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Portable)22Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Silverlight)23Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Windows Phone)24Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Windows Store)25Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Windows Store 8.1)26Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Windows 8)27Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin)28Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.Android)29Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.iOS)30Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.iOS Classic)31Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.Mac)32Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.Mac Classic)33Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.Mac Full)34Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.TVOS)35Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.TVOS Classic)36Mocking Framework - Telerik JustMock API Reference (Legacy - Xamarin.WatchOS)

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1using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;2using System;3{4 public static void Main()5 {6 var taskWarning = new TaskWarning();7 var taskWarning1 = new TaskWarning();8 Console.WriteLine(taskWarning.Equals(taskWarning1));9 }10}11using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;12using System;13{

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1{2 public void TestMethod()3 {4 var taskWarning = new Telerik.JustMock.Tests.TaskWarning();5 var taskWarning2 = new Telerik.JustMock.Tests.TaskWarning();6 var result = taskWarning.Equals(taskWarning2);7 }8}9{10 {11 public bool Equals(Telerik.JustMock.Tests.TaskWarning other)12 {13 return true;14 }15 }16}17Hello,Thank you for writing.I am afraid that the code that you have provided does not reproduce the issue. Could you please provide more information about it?Regards,StefanTelerik Main()18 {19 var taskWarning = new TaskWarning();20 var taskWarning1 = new TaskWarning();21 Console.WriteLine(taskWarning.Equals(taskWarning1));22 }23}24using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;25using System;26{27 public static void Main()28 {29 var taskWarning = new TaskWarning();30 var taskWarning1 = new TaskWarning();31 Console.WriteLine(taskWarning.Equals(taskWarning1));32 }33}34using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;35using System;36{37 public static void Main()38 {39 var taskWarning = new TaskWarning();40 var taskWarning1 = new TaskWarning();41 Console.WriteLine(taskWarning.Equals(taskWarning1));42 }43}44using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;45using System;46{47 public static void Main()48 {49 var taskWarning = new TaskWarning();50 var taskWarning1 = new TaskWarning();51 Console.WriteLine(taskWarning.Equals(taskWarning1));52 }53}54using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;55using System;56{57 public static void Main()58 {59 var taskWarning = new TaskWarning();60 var taskWarning1 = new TaskWarning();61 Console.WriteLine(taskWarning.Equals(taskWarning1));62 }63}64using Telerik.JustMock.Tests;65using System;66{67 public static void Main()68 {

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1{2 public void TestMethod()3 {4 var taskWarning = new Telerik.JustMock.Tests.TaskWarning();5 var taskWarning2 = new Telerik.JustMock.Tests.TaskWarning();6 var result = taskWarning.Equals(taskWarning2);7 }8}9{10 {11 public bool Equals(Telerik.JustMock.Tests.TaskWarning other)12 {13 return true;14 }15 }16}

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1using System;2using Telerik.JustMock;3{4{5 private string _name;6 private string _description;7 public TaskWarning(string name, string description)8 {9 _name = name;10 _description = description;11 }12 public string Name { get { return _name; } }13 public string Description { get { return _description; } }14}15{16 static void Main(string[] args)17 {18 var warning = new TaskWarning("Warning", "Description");19 var mock = Mock.Create<TaskWarning>();20 Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Equals(Arg.AnyObject)).Returns(true);21 Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Name).Returns("Warning");22 Mock.Arrange(() => mock.Description).Returns("Description");23 Console.WriteLine(warning.Equals(mock));24 Console.WriteLine(warning.Name);25 Console.WriteLine(warning.Description);26 }27}28}

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