How to use Current method of reporter Package

Best Gauge code snippet using reporter.Current


Source:reporter_test.go Github


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1package approvals2import (3 "os"4 "testing"5 ""6 ""7)8// TestFailable is a fake replacing testing.T9// It implements the parts of the testing.T interface approvals uses,10// ie the approvaltests.Failable interface11type TestFailable struct {12 name string13}14func (s *TestFailable) Fail() {}15func (s *TestFailable) Name() string {16 return s.name17}18func (s *TestFailable) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {}19func (s *TestFailable) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {}20func (s *TestFailable) Log(args ...interface{}) {}21func (s *TestFailable) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {}22func (s *TestFailable) Helper() {}23func NewTestFailable() *TestFailable {24 return &TestFailable{25 name: "TestFailable",26 }27}28func NewTestFailableWithName(name string) *TestFailable {29 return &TestFailable{30 name: name,31 }32}33type testReporter struct {34 called bool35 succeeded bool36}37func newTestReporter(succeeded bool) *testReporter {38 return &testReporter{39 called: false,40 succeeded: succeeded,41 }42}43func (s *testReporter) Report(approved, received string) bool {44 s.called = true45 os.Remove(received)46 return s.succeeded47}48func TestUseReporter(t *testing.T) {49 front := UseFrontLoadedReporter(newTestReporter(false))50 defer front.Close()51 old := getReporter()52 a := newTestReporter(true)53 r := UseReporter(reporters.Reporter(a))54 f := &TestFailable{}55 VerifyString(f, "foo")56 utils.AssertEqual(t, true, a.called, "a.called")57 r.Close()58 current := getReporter()59 oldT, _ := old.(*reporters.FirstWorkingReporter)60 currentT, _ := current.(*reporters.FirstWorkingReporter)61 utils.AssertEqual(t, oldT.Reporters[1], currentT.Reporters[1], "reporters[1]")62}63func TestFrontLoadedReporter(t *testing.T) {64 old := getReporter()65 front := newTestReporter(false)66 next := newTestReporter(true)67 frontCloser := UseFrontLoadedReporter(reporters.Reporter(front))68 nextCloser := UseReporter(reporters.Reporter(next))69 defer nextCloser.Close()70 f := &TestFailable{}71 VerifyString(f, "foo")72 utils.AssertEqual(t, true, front.called, "front.called")73 utils.AssertEqual(t, true, next.called, "next.called")74 frontCloser.Close()75 current := getReporter()76 oldT, _ := old.(*reporters.FirstWorkingReporter)77 currentT, _ := current.(*reporters.FirstWorkingReporter)78 utils.AssertEqual(t, oldT.Reporters[0], currentT.Reporters[0], "reporters[0]")79}...

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Source:json.go Github


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1// TODO: under unit test2package reporting3import (4 "bytes"5 "encoding/json"6 "fmt"7 "strings"8)9type JsonReporter struct {10 out *Printer11 currentKey []string12 current *ScopeResult13 index map[string]*ScopeResult14 scopes []*ScopeResult15}16func (self *JsonReporter) depth() int { return len(self.currentKey) }17func (self *JsonReporter) BeginStory(story *StoryReport) {}18func (self *JsonReporter) Enter(scope *ScopeReport) {19 self.currentKey = append(self.currentKey, scope.Title)20 ID := strings.Join(self.currentKey, "|")21 if _, found := self.index[ID]; !found {22 next := newScopeResult(scope.Title, self.depth(), scope.File, scope.Line)23 self.scopes = append(self.scopes, next)24 self.index[ID] = next25 }26 self.current = self.index[ID]27}28func (self *JsonReporter) Report(report *AssertionResult) {29 self.current.Assertions = append(self.current.Assertions, report)30}31func (self *JsonReporter) Exit() {32 self.currentKey = self.currentKey[:len(self.currentKey)-1]33}34func (self *JsonReporter) EndStory() {35 self.reset()37}38func (self *JsonReporter) report() {39 scopes := []string{}40 for _, scope := range self.scopes {41 serialized, err := json.Marshal(scope)42 if err != nil {43 self.out.Println(jsonMarshalFailure)44 panic(err)45 }46 var buffer bytes.Buffer47 json.Indent(&buffer, serialized, "", " ")48 scopes = append(scopes, buffer.String())49 }50 self.out.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s,\n%s\n", OpenJson, strings.Join(scopes, ","), CloseJson))51}52func (self *JsonReporter) reset() {53 self.scopes = []*ScopeResult{}54 self.index = map[string]*ScopeResult{}55 self.currentKey = nil56}57func (self *JsonReporter) Write(content []byte) (written int, err error) {58 self.current.Output += string(content)59 return len(content), nil60}61func NewJsonReporter(out *Printer) *JsonReporter {62 self := new(JsonReporter)63 self.out = out64 self.reset()65 return self66}67const OpenJson = ">->->OPEN-JSON->->->" // "⌦"68const CloseJson = "<-<-<-CLOSE-JSON<-<-<" // "⌫"69const jsonMarshalFailure = `70GOCONVEY_JSON_MARSHALL_FAILURE: There was an error when attempting to convert test results to JSON.71Please file a bug report and reference the code that caused this failure if possible.72Here's the panic:73`...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func TestGinkgo(t *testing.T) {3 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)4 ginkgo.RunSpecs(t, "Ginkgo Suite")5}6var _ = ginkgo.Describe("Ginkgo", func() {7 ginkgo.It("should pass", func() {8 gomega.Expect(true).To(gomega.BeTrue())9 })10})11var _ = ginkgo.Describe("Ginkgo", func() {12 ginkgo.It("should fail", func() {13 gomega.Expect(true).To(gomega.BeFalse())14 })15})16var _ = ginkgo.Describe("Ginkgo", func() {17 ginkgo.It("should be pending", func() {18 gomega.Expect(true).To(gomega.BeFalse())19 })20})21var _ = ginkgo.Describe("Ginkgo", func() {22 ginkgo.It("should be skipped", func() {23 gomega.Expect(true).To(gomega.BeFalse())24 })25})26func init() {27 var reporter = reporters.NewReporter(&reporters.ReporterConfig{28 Stenographer: stenographer.New(!ginkgoconfig.DefaultReporterConfig.NoColor),29 })30 ginkgo.RegisterReporter(reporter)31}32func TestGinkgo(t *testing.T) {33 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)34 ginkgo.RunSpecs(t, "Ginkgo Suite")35}36import (37func TestGinkgo(t *

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fset := token.NewFileSet()4 f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "1.go", nil, parser.ParseComments)5 if err != nil {6 log.Fatal(err)7 }8 ast.Print(fset, f)9 for _, g := range f.Comments {10 fmt.Println(g.List[0].Text)11 }12}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 reporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")5 reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin("suite", 1)6 reporter.SpecWillRun("spec")7 reporter.SpecDidComplete("spec", reporters.SpecStatePassed)8 reporter.SpecSuiteDidEnd("suite")9}10import (11func main() {12 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")13 reporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")14 reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin("suite", 1)15 reporter.SpecWillRun("spec")16 reporter.SpecDidComplete("spec", reporters.SpecStatePassed)17 reporter.SpecSuiteDidEnd("suite")18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")22 reporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")23 reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin("suite", 1)24 reporter.SpecWillRun("spec")25 reporter.SpecDidComplete("spec", reporters.SpecStatePassed)26 reporter.SpecSuiteDidEnd("suite")27}28import (29func main() {30 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")31 reporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")32 reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin("suite", 1)33 reporter.SpecWillRun("spec")34 reporter.SpecDidComplete("spec", reporters.SpecStatePassed)35 reporter.SpecSuiteDidEnd("suite")36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")40 reporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")41 reporter.SpecSuiteWillBegin("suite", 1)42 reporter.SpecWillRun("spec")43 reporter.SpecDidComplete("spec", reporters.SpecStatePassed)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)4 fmt.Println(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name())5}6import (7func main() {8 pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)9 fmt.Println(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).File())10}11import (12func main() {13 pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)14 fmt.Println(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Line())15}16import (17func main() {18 pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)19 fmt.Println(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name())20}21import (22func main() {23 pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)24 fmt.Println(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).PC())25}26import (27func main() {28 pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)29 fmt.Println(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Entry())30}31import (32func main() {33 pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)34 fmt.Println(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).IsValid())35}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func TestCurrent(t *testing.T) {3 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)4 junitReporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")5 ginkgo.RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, "Current Suite", []ginkgo.Reporter{junitReporter})6}7import (8func TestCurrent(t *testing.T) {9 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)10 junitReporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")11 ginkgo.RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, "Current Suite", []ginkgo.Reporter{junitReporter})12}13import (14func TestCurrent(t *testing.T) {15 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)16 junitReporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")17 ginkgo.RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, "Current Suite", []ginkgo.Reporter{junitReporter})18}19import (20func TestCurrent(t *testing.T) {21 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)22 junitReporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter("junit.xml")23 ginkgo.RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, "Current Suite", []ginkgo.Reporter

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1import (2type reporter struct {3}4func (r *reporter) setValues(name string, age int, salary float64) {5}6func (r reporter) display() {7 fmt.Println("Name: ", fmt.Println("Age: ", r.age)9 fmt.Println("Salary: ", r.salary)10}11func (r reporter) current() float64 {12}13func main() {14 r := reporter{}15 reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)16 fmt.Print("Enter the name: ")17 name, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')18 fmt.Print("Enter the age: ")19 age, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')20 fmt.Print("Enter the salary: ")21 salary, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')22 age1, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(age))23 if err != nil {24 fmt.Println(err)25 }26 salary1, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(salary), 64)27 if err != nil {28 fmt.Println(err)29 }30 r.setValues(strings.TrimSpace(name), age1, salary1)31 r.display()32 fmt.Println("Current salary: ", r.current())33}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 reporter := reporter.New()5 fmt.Println(reporter.Current())6}7import "fmt"8import ""9func main() {10 reporter := reporter.New()11 fmt.Println(reporter.Current())12}13import "fmt"14import ""15func main() {16 reporter := reporter.New()17 fmt.Println(reporter.Current())18}19import "fmt"20import ""21func main() {22 reporter := reporter.New()23 fmt.Println(reporter.Current())24}25import "fmt"26import ""27func main() {28 reporter := reporter.New()29 fmt.Println(reporter.Current())30}31import "fmt"32import ""33func main() {34 reporter := reporter.New()35 fmt.Println(reporter.Current())36}37import "fmt"38import ""39func main() {40 reporter := reporter.New()41 fmt.Println(reporter.Current())42}43import "fmt"44import ""45func main() {46 reporter := reporter.New()47 fmt.Println(reporter.Current())48}49import "fmt"50import "github

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