How to use write method of template Package

Best Gauge code snippet using template.write


Source:table.go Github


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...553 if tbl.Columns != nil {554 genericSelectQueryBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}555556 // The SELECT prefix557 _, writeErr := genericSelectQueryBuffer.WriteString("SELECT ")558 if writeErr != nil {559 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating GenericSelectQuery for table ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)560 }561562 // the column names, comma-separated563 var ignoreSerialColumns bool = false564 var appendUnderscorePrefix bool = false565 _, writeErr = genericSelectQueryBuffer.WriteString(tbl.getSqlFriendlyColumnList(ignoreSerialColumns, appendUnderscorePrefix))566 if writeErr != nil {567 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating the column names for table (select) ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)568 }569570 // The FROM section571 _, writeErr = genericSelectQueryBuffer.WriteString(" FROM " + tbl.DbName + " ")572 if writeErr != nil {573 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating GenericSelectQuery for table ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)574 }575 tbl.GenericSelectQuery = genericSelectQueryBuffer.String()576 }577 // END Create the generic SELECT query578579 // BEGIN Create the generic INSERT query580 if tbl.Columns != nil {581 genericInsertQueryAllColumnsBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}582 genericInsertQueryNonPKColumnsBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}583584 // The INSERT prefix585 _, writeErr := genericInsertQueryNonPKColumnsBuffer.WriteString("INSERT INTO " + tbl.DbName + "(")586 if writeErr != nil {587 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating GenericInsertQuery for table ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)588 }589590 _, writeErr = genericInsertQueryAllColumnsBuffer.WriteString("INSERT INTO " + tbl.DbName + "(")591 if writeErr != nil {592 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating GenericInsertQuery for table ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)593 }594595 // the column names, comma-separated596 var ignoreSerialColumns bool = true597 var appendUnderscorePrefix bool = false598 _, writeErr = genericInsertQueryNonPKColumnsBuffer.WriteString(tbl.getSqlFriendlyColumnList(ignoreSerialColumns, appendUnderscorePrefix))599 if writeErr != nil {600 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating the column names (without pk) for table (insert) ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)601 }602603 ignoreSerialColumns = false604 _, writeErr = genericInsertQueryAllColumnsBuffer.WriteString(tbl.getSqlFriendlyColumnList(ignoreSerialColumns, appendUnderscorePrefix))605 if writeErr != nil {606 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating the column names (with pk) for table (insert) ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)607 }608609 // The VALUES section610 ignoreSerialColumns = true611 _, writeErr = genericInsertQueryNonPKColumnsBuffer.WriteString(") VALUES(" + tbl.getSqlFriendlyParameters(ignoreSerialColumns) + ") ")612 if writeErr != nil {613 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating GenericInsertQuery (without pk) for table ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)614 }615616 ignoreSerialColumns = false617 _, writeErr = genericInsertQueryAllColumnsBuffer.WriteString(") VALUES(" + tbl.getSqlFriendlyParameters(ignoreSerialColumns) + ") ")618 if writeErr != nil {619 log.Fatal("CollectTables(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating GenericInsertQuery (with pk) for table ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)620 }621 tbl.GenericInsertQuery = genericInsertQueryAllColumnsBuffer.String()622 tbl.GenericInsertQueryNoPK = genericInsertQueryNonPKColumnsBuffer.String()623624 tbl.ParamString = tbl.getSqlFriendlyParameters(false)625 tbl.ParamStringNoPK = tbl.getSqlFriendlyParameters(true)626 }627 // END Create the generic INSERT query628629}630631// returns a string of comma separated database column names, as they are used in SELECT632// or INSERT sql statements (e.g. "username, first_name, last_name")633// if ignoreSequenceColumns is true, it checks which columns are auto-generated via634// sequences and does not include those.635func (tbl *Table) getSqlFriendlyColumnList(ignoreSequenceColumns bool, appendUnderscorePrefix bool) string {636637 var underscorePrefix string = "_"638 if appendUnderscorePrefix == false {639 underscorePrefix = ""640 }641642 genericQueryFriendlyColumnsBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}643644 var totalNumberOfColumns int = len(tbl.Columns) - 1645 var colNameToWriteToBuffer string = ""646647 for colRange := range tbl.Columns {648649 if ignoreSequenceColumns == true && tbl.Columns[colRange].IsSequence == true {650 continue651 }652653 if totalNumberOfColumns == colRange {654 colNameToWriteToBuffer = underscorePrefix + tbl.Columns[colRange].DbName655 } else {656 colNameToWriteToBuffer = underscorePrefix + tbl.Columns[colRange].DbName + ", "657 }658659 _, writeErr := genericQueryFriendlyColumnsBuffer.WriteString(colNameToWriteToBuffer)660 if writeErr != nil {661 log.Fatal("Table.getSqlFriendlyColumnList(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating column names for table ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)662 }663 }664665 finalString := genericQueryFriendlyColumnsBuffer.String()666667 // just in case ignoring sequence columns happened to produce a situation where there is a668 // comma followed by space at the end of the string, let's strip it669 if strings.HasSuffix(finalString, ", ") {670 finalString = strings.TrimSuffix(finalString, ", ")671 }672673 return finalString674}675676// Returns a string of comma separated parameters, incremented by 1, Postgres style,677// but taking into account if some columns are have default sequence autogeneration,678// hence should not be inserted679func (tbl *Table) getSqlFriendlyParameters(ignoreSequenceColumns bool) string {680681 genericQueryFriendlyParamsBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}682683 var totalNumberOfColumns int = len(tbl.Columns) - 1684 var paramToWriteToBuffer string = ""685686 var realParamCount int = 1687688 for colRange := range tbl.Columns {689690 if ignoreSequenceColumns == true && tbl.Columns[colRange].IsSequence == true {691 continue692 }693694 // we cannot rely on the colRange iterator because we may skip columns695 // which are sequence based, so we would have a situation such as696 // "$1, $3, $4, etc" with $2 missing due to the continue statement above697 var currentParamCount string = "$" + strconv.Itoa(realParamCount)698 realParamCount = realParamCount + 1699700 if totalNumberOfColumns == colRange {701 paramToWriteToBuffer = currentParamCount702 } else {703 paramToWriteToBuffer = currentParamCount + ", "704 }705706 _, writeErr := genericQueryFriendlyParamsBuffer.WriteString(paramToWriteToBuffer)707 if writeErr != nil {708 log.Fatal("Table.getSqlFriendlyParameters(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating params for table ", tbl.DbName, ": ", writeErr)709 }710 }711712 finalString := genericQueryFriendlyParamsBuffer.String()713714 // just in case ignoring sequence columns happened to produce a situation where there is a715 // comma followed by space at the end of the string, let's strip it716 if strings.HasSuffix(finalString, ", ") {717 finalString = strings.TrimSuffix(finalString, ", ")718 }719720 return finalString721}722 ...

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Source:view.go Github


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...158 // BEGIN Create the generic SELECT query159 if v.Columns != nil {160 genericSelectQueryBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}161 // The SELECT prefix162 _, writeErr := genericSelectQueryBuffer.WriteString("SELECT ")163 if writeErr != nil {164 log.Fatal("(v *View) CreateGenericQueries(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating GenericSelectQuery for view ", v.DbName, ": ", writeErr)165 }166 // the column names, comma-separated167 _, writeErr = genericSelectQueryBuffer.WriteString(v.getSqlFriendlyColumnList())168 if writeErr != nil {169 log.Fatal("(v *View) CreateGenericQueries(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating the column names for view (select) ", v.DbName, ": ", writeErr)170 }171 // The FROM section172 _, writeErr = genericSelectQueryBuffer.WriteString(" FROM " + v.DbName + " ")173 if writeErr != nil {174 log.Fatal("(v *View) CreateGenericQueries(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating GenericSelectQuery for view ", v.DbName, ": ", writeErr)175 }176 v.GenericSelectQuery = genericSelectQueryBuffer.String()177 }178 // END Create the generic SELECT query179}180// returns a string of comma separated database column names, as they are used in SELECT181// or INSERT sql statements (e.g. "username, first_name, last_name")182// if ignoreSequenceColumns is true, it checks which columns are auto-generated via183// sequences and does not include those.184func (v *View) getSqlFriendlyColumnList() string {185 genericQueryFriendlyColumnsBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}186 var totalNumberOfColumns int = len(v.Columns) - 1187 var colNameToWriteToBuffer string = ""188 for colRange := range v.Columns {189 if totalNumberOfColumns == colRange {190 colNameToWriteToBuffer = v.Columns[colRange].DbName191 } else {192 colNameToWriteToBuffer = v.Columns[colRange].DbName + ", "193 }194 _, writeErr := genericQueryFriendlyColumnsBuffer.WriteString(colNameToWriteToBuffer)195 if writeErr != nil {196 log.Fatal("View.getSqlFriendlyColumnList(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating column names for table ", v.DbName, ": ", writeErr)197 }198 }199 finalString := genericQueryFriendlyColumnsBuffer.String()200 // just in case ignoring sequence columns happened to produce a situation where there is a201 // comma followed by space at the end of the string, let's strip it202 if strings.HasSuffix(finalString, ", ") {203 finalString = strings.TrimSuffix(finalString, ", ")204 }205 return finalString206}207// Returns a string of comma separated parameters, incremented by 1, Postgres style,208// but taking into account if some columns are have default sequence autogeneration,209// hence should not be inserted210func (v *View) getSqlFriendlyParameters() string {211 genericQueryFriendlyParamsBuffer := bytes.Buffer{}212 var totalNumberOfColumns int = len(v.Columns) - 1213 var paramToWriteToBuffer string = ""214 var realParamCount int = 1215 for colRange := range v.Columns {216 // we cannot rely on the colRange iterator because we may skip columns217 // which are sequence based, so we would have a situation such as218 // "$1, $3, $4, etc" with $2 missing due to the continue statement above219 var currentParamCount string = "$" + strconv.Itoa(realParamCount)220 realParamCount = realParamCount + 1221 if totalNumberOfColumns == colRange {222 paramToWriteToBuffer = currentParamCount223 } else {224 paramToWriteToBuffer = currentParamCount + ", "225 }226 _, writeErr := genericQueryFriendlyParamsBuffer.WriteString(paramToWriteToBuffer)227 if writeErr != nil {228 log.Fatal("View.getSqlFriendlyParameters(): FATAL error writing to buffer when generating params for table ", v.DbName, ": ", writeErr)229 }230 }231 finalString := genericQueryFriendlyParamsBuffer.String()232 // just in case ignoring sequence columns happened to produce a situation where there is a233 // comma followed by space at the end of the string, let's strip it234 if strings.HasSuffix(finalString, ", ") {235 finalString = strings.TrimSuffix(finalString, ", ")236 }237 return finalString238}239func (v *View) GenerateViewStruct() {240 v.generateAndAppendTemplate("GenerateTableStruct()", VIEW_TEMPLATE, "View structure generated.")241}242func (v *View) GenerateSelectFunctions() {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("tpl.gohtml")4 if err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 err = tpl.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)8 if err != nil {9 panic(err)10 }11}12import (13func main() {14 tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("tpl.gohtml")15 if err != nil {16 panic(err)17 }18 err = tpl.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "tpl.gohtml", nil)19 if err != nil {20 panic(err)21 }22}23import (24func main() {25 tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("tpl.gohtml")26 if err != nil {27 panic(err)28 }29 err = tpl.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "tpl.gohtml", nil)30 if err != nil {31 panic(err)32 }33}34import (35func main() {36 tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("tpl.gohtml")37 if err != nil {38 panic(err)39 }40 err = tpl.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "tpl.gohtml", nil)

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1import (2func main() {3 tmpl, err := template.New("test").Parse("Hello {{.}}!")4 if err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, "<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>")8 if err != nil {9 panic(err)10 }11}12import (13func main() {14 tmpl, err := template.New("test").Parse("Hello {{.}}!")15 if err != nil {16 panic(err)17 }18 err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, "<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>")19 if err != nil {20 panic(err)21 }22}23import (24func main() {25 tmpl, err := template.New("test").Parse("Hello {{.}}!")26 if err != nil {27 panic(err)28 }29 err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, "<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>")30 if err != nil {31 panic(err)32 }33}34import (35func main() {36 tmpl, err := template.New("test").Parse("Hello {{.}}!")37 if err != nil {38 panic(err)39 }40 err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, "<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>")41 if err != nil {42 panic(err)43 }44}45import (46func main() {47 tmpl, err := template.New("test").Parse("Hello {{.}}!")48 if err != nil {49 panic(err)50 }51 err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, "<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>")52 if err != nil {53 panic(err)54 }55}56import (57func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")4 if err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 err = tpl.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)8 if err != nil {9 panic(err)10 }11}12import (13func main() {14 tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")15 if err != nil {16 panic(err)17 }18 err = tpl.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)19 if err != nil {20 panic(err)21 }22}23import (24func main() {25 tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")26 if err != nil {27 panic(err)28 }29 err = tpl.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)30 if err != nil {31 panic(err)32 }33}34import (35func main() {36 tpl, err := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")37 if err != nil {38 panic(err)39 }40 err = tpl.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)41 if err != nil {42 panic(err)43 }44}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)4 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)5}6func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {7 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("index.html")8 t.Execute(w, "Hello World")9}10 <h1>{{.}}</h1>11import (12func main() {13 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)14 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)15}16func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {17 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("index.html")18 t.Execute(w, "Hello World")19}20 <h1>{{.}}</h1>21import (22func main() {23 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)24 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)25}26func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {27 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("index.html")28 t.Execute(w, "Hello World")29}30 <h1>{{.}}</h1>31import (32func main() {33 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 tmpl, err := template.ParseFiles("template.html")4 if err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)8 if err != nil {9 panic(err)10 }11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 t, err := template.ParseFiles("1.html")4 if err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)8 if err != nil {9 panic(err)10 }11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {3 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("1.html")4 t.Execute(w, "Hello World!")5}6func main() {7 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)8 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)9}10<h1>{{.}}</h1>11import (12type Person struct {13}14func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {15 p := Person{"Bob", 23}16 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("2.html")17 t.Execute(w, p)18}19func main() {20 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)21 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)22}23<h1>{{.Name}}</h1>24<h1>{{.Age}}</h1>25import (26type Person struct {27}28func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {29 p := Person{"Bob", 23}30 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("3.html")31 t.Execute(w, p)32}33func main() {34 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)35 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)36}37<h1>{{.Name}}</h1>38<h1>{{.Age}}</h1>39import (40type Person struct {41}42func handler(w

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 t := template.New("test template")4 t, _ = t.Parse("{{.Name}} is {{.Age}} years old.")5 p := Person{"John", 20}6 t.Execute(os.Stdout, p)7}8type Person struct {9}10t := template.New("test template")11t, _ = t.Parse("{{.Name}} is {{.Age}} years old.")12t.Execute(os.Stdout, p)13type Person struct {14}15t.Execute(os.Stdout, p)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 t := template.New("t")4 t, _ = t.Parse("Hello {{.}}!")5 t.Execute(os.Stdout, "World")6 fmt.Println()7}8import (9func main() {10 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")11 t.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)12}13import (14func main() {15 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")16 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "1.gohtml", nil)17}18import (19func main() {20 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")21 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "1.gohtml", "World")22}23import (24func main() {25 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")26 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "1.gohtml", 42)27}28import (29func main() {30 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")31 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "1.gohtml", true)32}33import (34func main() {35 t, _ := template.ParseFiles("1.gohtml")36 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "1.gohtml", []int{1, 2, 3})37}38import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 t := template.New("hello")4 t, _ = t.Parse("Hello {{.}}!")5 t.Execute(os.Stdout, "World")6}7func (t *Template) Parse(text string) (*Template, error)8import (9func main() {10 t := template.New("hello")11 t, _ = t.Parse("Hello {{.}}!")12 t.Execute(os.Stdout, "World")13}14func (t *Template) ParseFiles(filenames ...string) (*Template, error)15import (16func main() {17 t := template.New("hello")18 t, _ = t.ParseFiles("1.go")19 t.Execute(os.Stdout, "World")20}21func (t *Template) ParseGlob(pattern string) (*Template, error)22import (23func main() {24 t := template.New("hello")

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