How to use String method of version Package

Best Gauge code snippet using version.String


Source:versioned_secret_store.go Github


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...212 Controller: pointers.Bool(true),213 },214 },215 },216 StringData: secretData,217 }218 return p.backend.Create(ctx, secret)219}220// Get returns a specific version of the secret221func (p VersionedSecretImpl) Get(ctx context.Context, namespace string, deploymentName string, version int) (*corev1.Secret, error) {222 name, err := generateSecretName(deploymentName, version)223 if err != nil {224 return nil, err225 }226 secret, err := p.backend.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: namespace, Name: name})227 if err != nil {228 return nil, err229 }230 return secret, nil231}232// Latest returns the latest version of the secret233func (p VersionedSecretImpl) Latest(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secretName string) (*corev1.Secret, error) {234 latestVersion, err := p.getGreatestVersion(ctx, namespace, secretName)235 if err != nil {236 return nil, err237 }238 return p.Get(ctx, namespace, secretName, latestVersion)239}240// List returns all versions of the secret241func (p VersionedSecretImpl) List(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secretName string) ([]corev1.Secret, error) {242 secrets, err := p.listSecrets(ctx, namespace, secretName)243 if err != nil {244 return nil, err245 }246 return secrets, nil247}248// VersionCount returns the number of versions for this secret249func (p VersionedSecretImpl) VersionCount(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secretName string) (int, error) {250 list, err := p.listSecrets(ctx, namespace, secretName)251 if err != nil {252 return 0, err253 }254 return len(list), nil255}256// Decorate adds a label to the latest version of the secret257func (p VersionedSecretImpl) Decorate(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secretName string, key string, value string) error {258 version, err := p.getGreatestVersion(ctx, namespace, secretName)259 if err != nil {260 return err261 }262 generatedSecretName, err := generateSecretName(secretName, version)263 if err != nil {264 return err265 }266 secret, err := p.backend.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: namespace, Name: generatedSecretName})267 if err != nil {268 return err269 }270 labels := secret.GetLabels()271 if labels == nil {272 labels = make(map[string]string)273 }274 labels[key] = value275 secret.SetLabels(labels)276 return p.backend.Update(ctx, secret)277}278// Delete removes all versions of the secret and therefore the279// secret itself.280func (p VersionedSecretImpl) Delete(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secretName string) error {281 list, err := p.listSecrets(ctx, namespace, secretName)282 if err != nil {283 return err284 }285 for _, secret := range list {286 if err := p.backend.Delete(ctx, &secret); err != nil {287 return err288 }289 }290 return nil291}292func (p VersionedSecretImpl) listSecrets(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secretName string) ([]corev1.Secret, error) {293 secretLabelsSet := labels.Set{294 LabelSecretKind: VersionSecretKind,295 }296 secrets, err := p.backend.List(ctx, namespace, secretLabelsSet)297 if err != nil {298 return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to list secrets with labels %s", secretLabelsSet.String())299 }300 result := []corev1.Secret{}301 nameRegex := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`^%s-v\d+$`, secretName))302 for _, secret := range secrets.Items {303 if nameRegex.MatchString(secret.Name) {304 result = append(result, secret)305 }306 }307 return result, nil308}309func (p VersionedSecretImpl) getGreatestVersion(ctx context.Context, namespace string, secretName string) (int, error) {310 list, err := p.listSecrets(ctx, namespace, secretName)311 if err != nil {312 return -1, err313 }314 var greatestVersion int315 for _, secret := range list {316 version, err := Version(secret)317 if err != nil {318 return 0, err319 }320 if version > greatestVersion {321 greatestVersion = version322 }323 }324 return greatestVersion, nil325}326// generateSecretName creates the name of a versioned secret and errors if it's invalid327func generateSecretName(namePrefix string, version int) (string, error) {328 proposedName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-v%d", namePrefix, version)329 // Check for Kubernetes name requirements (length)330 const maxChars = 253331 if len(proposedName) > maxChars {332 return "", errors.Errorf("secret name exceeds maximum number of allowed characters (actual=%d, allowed=%d)", len(proposedName), maxChars)333 }334 // Check for Kubernetes name requirements (characters)335 if re := regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-z0-9.-]`); re.MatchString(proposedName) {336 return "", errors.Errorf("secret name contains invalid characters, only lower case, dot and dash are allowed")337 }338 return proposedName, nil339}340// replaceVolumesSecretRef replace secret reference of volumes341func replaceVolumesSecretRef(volumes []corev1.Volume, secretName string, versionedSecretName string) {342 for _, vol := range volumes {343 if vol.VolumeSource.Secret != nil && vol.VolumeSource.Secret.SecretName == secretName {344 vol.VolumeSource.Secret.SecretName = versionedSecretName345 }346 }347}348// replaceContainerEnvsSecretRef replace secret reference of envs for each container349func replaceContainerEnvsSecretRef(containers []corev1.Container, secretName string, versionedSecretName string) {...

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Source:semver.go Github


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1// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.4// Package semver implements comparison of semantic version strings.5// In this package, semantic version strings must begin with a leading "v",6// as in "v1.0.0".7//8// The general form of a semantic version string accepted by this package is9//10// vMAJOR[.MINOR[.PATCH[-PRERELEASE][+BUILD]]]11//12// where square brackets indicate optional parts of the syntax;13// MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH are decimal integers without extra leading zeros;14// PRERELEASE and BUILD are each a series of non-empty dot-separated identifiers15// using only alphanumeric characters and hyphens; and16// all-numeric PRERELEASE identifiers must not have leading zeros.17//18// This package follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (see with two exceptions. First, it requires the "v" prefix. Second, it recognizes20// vMAJOR and vMAJOR.MINOR (with no prerelease or build suffixes)21// as shorthands for vMAJOR.0.0 and vMAJOR.MINOR.0.22package semver23// parsed returns the parsed form of a semantic version string.24type parsed struct {25 major string26 minor string27 patch string28 short string29 prerelease string30 build string31 err string32}33// IsValid reports whether v is a valid semantic version string.34func IsValid(v string) bool {35 _, ok := parse(v)36 return ok37}38// Canonical returns the canonical formatting of the semantic version v.39// It fills in any missing .MINOR or .PATCH and discards build metadata.40// Two semantic versions compare equal only if their canonical formattings41// are identical strings.42// The canonical invalid semantic version is the empty string.43func Canonical(v string) string {44 p, ok := parse(v)45 if !ok {46 return ""47 }48 if != "" {49 return v[:len(v)-len(]50 }51 if p.short != "" {52 return v + p.short53 }54 return v55}56// Major returns the major version prefix of the semantic version v.57// For example, Major("v2.1.0") == "v2".58// If v is an invalid semantic version string, Major returns the empty string.59func Major(v string) string {60 pv, ok := parse(v)61 if !ok {62 return ""63 }64 return v[:1+len(pv.major)]65}66// MajorMinor returns the major.minor version prefix of the semantic version v.67// For example, MajorMinor("v2.1.0") == "v2.1".68// If v is an invalid semantic version string, MajorMinor returns the empty string.69func MajorMinor(v string) string {70 pv, ok := parse(v)71 if !ok {72 return ""73 }74 i := 1 + len(pv.major)75 if j := i + 1 + len(pv.minor); j <= len(v) && v[i] == '.' && v[i+1:j] == pv.minor {76 return v[:j]77 }78 return v[:i] + "." + pv.minor79}80// Prerelease returns the prerelease suffix of the semantic version v.81// For example, Prerelease("v2.1.0-pre+meta") == "-pre".82// If v is an invalid semantic version string, Prerelease returns the empty string.83func Prerelease(v string) string {84 pv, ok := parse(v)85 if !ok {86 return ""87 }88 return pv.prerelease89}90// Build returns the build suffix of the semantic version v.91// For example, Build("v2.1.0+meta") == "+meta".92// If v is an invalid semantic version string, Build returns the empty string.93func Build(v string) string {94 pv, ok := parse(v)95 if !ok {96 return ""97 }98 return pv.build99}100// Compare returns an integer comparing two versions according to101// according to semantic version precedence.102// The result will be 0 if v == w, -1 if v < w, or +1 if v > w.103//104// An invalid semantic version string is considered less than a valid one.105// All invalid semantic version strings compare equal to each other.106func Compare(v, w string) int {107 pv, ok1 := parse(v)108 pw, ok2 := parse(w)109 if !ok1 && !ok2 {110 return 0111 }112 if !ok1 {113 return -1114 }115 if !ok2 {116 return +1117 }118 if c := compareInt(pv.major, pw.major); c != 0 {119 return c120 }121 if c := compareInt(pv.minor, pw.minor); c != 0 {122 return c123 }124 if c := compareInt(pv.patch, pw.patch); c != 0 {125 return c126 }127 return comparePrerelease(pv.prerelease, pw.prerelease)128}129// Max canonicalizes its arguments and then returns the version string130// that compares greater.131func Max(v, w string) string {132 v = Canonical(v)133 w = Canonical(w)134 if Compare(v, w) > 0 {135 return v136 }137 return w138}139func parse(v string) (p parsed, ok bool) {140 if v == "" || v[0] != 'v' {141 p.err = "missing v prefix"142 return143 }144 p.major, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:])145 if !ok {146 p.err = "bad major version"147 return148 }149 if v == "" {150 p.minor = "0"151 p.patch = "0"152 p.short = ".0.0"153 return154 }155 if v[0] != '.' {156 p.err = "bad minor prefix"157 ok = false158 return159 }160 p.minor, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:])161 if !ok {162 p.err = "bad minor version"163 return164 }165 if v == "" {166 p.patch = "0"167 p.short = ".0"168 return169 }170 if v[0] != '.' {171 p.err = "bad patch prefix"172 ok = false173 return174 }175 p.patch, v, ok = parseInt(v[1:])176 if !ok {177 p.err = "bad patch version"178 return179 }180 if len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '-' {181 p.prerelease, v, ok = parsePrerelease(v)182 if !ok {183 p.err = "bad prerelease"184 return185 }186 }187 if len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '+' {188, v, ok = parseBuild(v)189 if !ok {190 p.err = "bad build"191 return192 }193 }194 if v != "" {195 p.err = "junk on end"196 ok = false197 return198 }199 ok = true200 return201}202func parseInt(v string) (t, rest string, ok bool) {203 if v == "" {204 return205 }206 if v[0] < '0' || '9' < v[0] {207 return208 }209 i := 1210 for i < len(v) && '0' <= v[i] && v[i] <= '9' {211 i++212 }213 if v[0] == '0' && i != 1 {214 return215 }216 return v[:i], v[i:], true217}218func parsePrerelease(v string) (t, rest string, ok bool) {219 // "A pre-release version MAY be denoted by appending a hyphen and220 // a series of dot separated identifiers immediately following the patch version.221 // Identifiers MUST comprise only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen [0-9A-Za-z-].222 // Identifiers MUST NOT be empty. Numeric identifiers MUST NOT include leading zeroes."223 if v == "" || v[0] != '-' {224 return225 }226 i := 1227 start := 1228 for i < len(v) && v[i] != '+' {229 if !isIdentChar(v[i]) && v[i] != '.' {230 return231 }232 if v[i] == '.' {233 if start == i || isBadNum(v[start:i]) {234 return235 }236 start = i + 1237 }238 i++239 }240 if start == i || isBadNum(v[start:i]) {241 return242 }243 return v[:i], v[i:], true244}245func parseBuild(v string) (t, rest string, ok bool) {246 if v == "" || v[0] != '+' {247 return248 }249 i := 1250 start := 1251 for i < len(v) {252 if !isIdentChar(v[i]) {253 return254 }255 if v[i] == '.' {256 if start == i {257 return258 }259 start = i + 1260 }261 i++262 }263 if start == i {264 return265 }266 return v[:i], v[i:], true267}268func isIdentChar(c byte) bool {269 return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' || c == '-'270}271func isBadNum(v string) bool {272 i := 0273 for i < len(v) && '0' <= v[i] && v[i] <= '9' {274 i++275 }276 return i == len(v) && i > 1 && v[0] == '0'277}278func isNum(v string) bool {279 i := 0280 for i < len(v) && '0' <= v[i] && v[i] <= '9' {281 i++282 }283 return i == len(v)284}285func compareInt(x, y string) int {286 if x == y {287 return 0288 }289 if len(x) < len(y) {290 return -1291 }292 if len(x) > len(y) {293 return +1294 }295 if x < y {296 return -1297 } else {298 return +1299 }300}301func comparePrerelease(x, y string) int {302 // "When major, minor, and patch are equal, a pre-release version has303 // lower precedence than a normal version.304 // Example: 1.0.0-alpha < // Precedence for two pre-release versions with the same major, minor,306 // and patch version MUST be determined by comparing each dot separated307 // identifier from left to right until a difference is found as follows:308 // identifiers consisting of only digits are compared numerically and309 // identifiers with letters or hyphens are compared lexically in ASCII310 // sort order. Numeric identifiers always have lower precedence than311 // non-numeric identifiers. A larger set of pre-release fields has a312 // higher precedence than a smaller set, if all of the preceding313 // identifiers are equal.314 // Example: 1.0.0-alpha < 1.0.0-alpha.1 < 1.0.0-alpha.beta <315 // 1.0.0-beta < 1.0.0-beta.2 < 1.0.0-beta.11 < 1.0.0-rc.1 < 1.0.0."316 if x == y {317 return 0318 }319 if x == "" {320 return +1321 }322 if y == "" {323 return -1324 }325 for x != "" && y != "" {326 x = x[1:] // skip - or .327 y = y[1:] // skip - or .328 var dx, dy string329 dx, x = nextIdent(x)330 dy, y = nextIdent(y)331 if dx != dy {332 ix := isNum(dx)333 iy := isNum(dy)334 if ix != iy {335 if ix {336 return -1337 } else {338 return +1339 }340 }341 if ix {342 if len(dx) < len(dy) {343 return -1344 }345 if len(dx) > len(dy) {346 return +1347 }348 }349 if dx < dy {350 return -1351 } else {352 return +1353 }354 }355 }356 if x == "" {357 return -1358 } else {359 return +1360 }361}362func nextIdent(x string) (dx, rest string) {363 i := 0364 for i < len(x) && x[i] != '.' {365 i++366 }367 return x[:i], x[i:]368}...

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Source:solidity.go Github


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...76 err := cmd.Run()77 if err != nil {78 return nil, err79 }80 matches := versionRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(out.String())81 if len(matches) != 4 {82 return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse solc version %q", out.String())83 }84 s := &Solidity{Path: cmd.Path, FullVersion: out.String(), Version: matches[0]}85 if s.Major, err = strconv.Atoi(matches[1]); err != nil {86 return nil, err87 }88 if s.Minor, err = strconv.Atoi(matches[2]); err != nil {89 return nil, err90 }91 if s.Patch, err = strconv.Atoi(matches[3]); err != nil {92 return nil, err93 }94 return s, nil95}96// CompileSolidityString builds and returns all the contracts contained within a source string.97func CompileSolidityString(solc, source string) (map[string]*Contract, error) {98 if len(source) == 0 {99 return nil, errors.New("solc: empty source string")100 }101 s, err := SolidityVersion(solc)102 if err != nil {103 return nil, err104 }105 args := append(s.makeArgs(), "--")106 cmd := exec.Command(s.Path, append(args, "-")...)107 cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(source)108 return, source)109}110// CompileSolidity compiles all given Solidity source files.111func CompileSolidity(solc string, sourcefiles ...string) (map[string]*Contract, error) {112 if len(sourcefiles) == 0 {113 return nil, errors.New("solc: no source files")114 }115 source, err := slurpFiles(sourcefiles)116 if err != nil {117 return nil, err118 }119 s, err := SolidityVersion(solc)120 if err != nil {121 return nil, err122 }123 args := append(s.makeArgs(), "--")124 cmd := exec.Command(s.Path, append(args, sourcefiles...)...)125 return, source)126}127func (s *Solidity) run(cmd *exec.Cmd, source string) (map[string]*Contract, error) {128 var stderr, stdout bytes.Buffer129 cmd.Stderr = &stderr130 cmd.Stdout = &stdout131 if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {132 return nil, fmt.Errorf("solc: %v\n%s", err, stderr.Bytes())133 }134 var output solcOutput135 if err := json.Unmarshal(stdout.Bytes(), &output); err != nil {136 return nil, err137 }138 // Compilation succeeded, assemble and return the contracts.139 contracts := make(map[string]*Contract)140 for name, info := range output.Contracts {141 // Parse the individual compilation results.142 var abi interface{}143 if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(info.Abi), &abi); err != nil {144 return nil, fmt.Errorf("solc: error reading abi definition (%v)", err)145 }146 var userdoc interface{}147 if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(info.Userdoc), &userdoc); err != nil {148 return nil, fmt.Errorf("solc: error reading user doc: %v", err)149 }150 var devdoc interface{}151 if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(info.Devdoc), &devdoc); err != nil {152 return nil, fmt.Errorf("solc: error reading dev doc: %v", err)153 }154 contracts[name] = &Contract{155 Code: "0x" + info.Bin,156 Info: ContractInfo{157 Source: source,158 Language: "Solidity",159 LanguageVersion: s.Version,160 CompilerVersion: s.Version,161 CompilerOptions: strings.Join(s.makeArgs(), " "),162 AbiDefinition: abi,163 UserDoc: userdoc,164 DeveloperDoc: devdoc,165 Metadata: info.Metadata,166 },167 }168 }169 return contracts, nil170}171func slurpFiles(files []string) (string, error) {172 var concat bytes.Buffer173 for _, file := range files {174 content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)175 if err != nil {176 return "", err177 }178 concat.Write(content)179 }180 return concat.String(), nil181}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 v, _ := version.NewVersion("1.2.3")4 fmt.Println(v)5 fmt.Println(v.Segments()[0])6}7import (8func main() {9 c, _ := version.NewConstraint(">= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0")10 fmt.Println(c)11 v, _ := version.NewVersion("1.2.3")12 fmt.Println(c.Check(v))13}14import (15func main() {16 v1, _ := version.NewVersion("1.2.3")17 v2, _ := version.NewVersion("1.2.4")18 v3, _ := version.NewVersion("1.3.0")19 v4, _ := version.NewVersion("2.0.0")20 versions := version.Collection{v1, v2, v3, v4}21 versions.Sort()22 for _, v := range versions {23 fmt.Println(v)24 }25}26import (27func main() {28 v, _ := version.NewVersion("1

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 v := version.New(1, 2, 3)4 fmt.Println(v)5}6import (7type Version struct {8}9func New(major, minor, patch int) *Version {10 return &Version{major, minor, patch}11}12func (v *Version) String() string {13 return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch)14}15import (16func main() {17 v := version.New(1, 2, 3)18 fmt.Println(v.String())19}20import (21func main() {22 v := version.New(1, 2, 3)23 fmt.Println(v.String())24}25import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(version.String())4 service := micro.NewService()5 service.Init()6}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(version.String())4}5import (6func main() {7 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)8 fmt.Println(v)9}10import (11func main() {12 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)13 fmt.Println(v)14}15import (16func main() {17 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)18 fmt.Println(v)19}20import (21func main() {22 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)23 fmt.Println(v)24}25import (26func main() {27 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)28 fmt.Println(v)29}30import (31func main() {32 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)33 fmt.Println(v)34}35import (36func main() {37 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)38 fmt.Println(v)39}40import (41func main()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import(2func main() {3 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)4 fmt.Println(v.String())5}6import (7type Version struct {8}9func NewVersion(major, minor, patch int) *Version {10 return &Version{major, minor, patch}11}12func (v *Version) String() string {13 return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch)14}15import (16type Version struct {17}18func NewVersion(major, minor, patch int) *Version {19 return &Version{major, minor, patch}20}21func (v *Version) String() string {22 return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch)23}24import(25func main() {26 v := version.NewVersion(1, 2, 3)27 fmt.Println(v.String())28}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 version := common.Version{7, 0, 0, "-alpha1"}5 fmt.Println("Version is", version.String())6}7GoLang | Common | Version | func NewVersion(version string) (*Version, error)8GoLang | Common | Version | func NewVersionFrom(version string) (*Version, error)9GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSame(major, minor, patch int) bool10GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrAfter(major, minor, patch int) bool11GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrBefore(major, minor, patch int) bool12GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrAfter(major, minor, patch int) bool13GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrBefore(major, minor, patch int) bool14GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrAfter(major, minor, patch int) bool15GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrBefore(major, minor, patch int) bool16Recommended Posts: GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrAfter(major, minor, patch int) bool17GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrBefore(major, minor, patch int) bool18GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrAfter(major, minor, patch int) bool19GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrBefore(major, minor, patch int) bool20GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrAfter(major, minor, patch int) bool21GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrBefore(major, minor, patch int) bool22GoLang | Common | Version | func (v *Version) IsSameOrAfter(major, minor, patch int) bool

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