How to use CmpStatus method of tdhttp Package

Best Go-testdeep code snippet using tdhttp.CmpStatus


Source:api_create_test.go Github


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...21 t := suite.T()22 testServer := TestContext.server23 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, testServer)24 testAPI.PostJSON("/api/v1/shorturls", gin.H{"long_url": ""}).25 CmpStatus(http.StatusCreated).26 CmpJSONBody(27 td.JSON(28 `{29 "short_url": "$shortUrl",30 "slug": "$slug",31 "long_url": "$longUrl",32 "expires_on": "$expiresOn",33 "created_at": "$createdAt"34 }`,35 td.Tag("shortUrl", td.Re("http:\\/\\/example\\.com\\/([A-Za-z0-9]{8})")),36 td.Tag("slug", td.Re("[A-Za-z0-9]{8}")),37 td.Tag("longUrl", ""),38 td.Tag("expiresOn", td.Nil()),39 td.Tag("createdAt", td.Smuggle(parseDateTime, td.Between(testAPI.SentAt(), time.Now()))),40 ),41 )42}43func (suite *createSuite) TestCreateWithInvalidLongUrlReturns400() {44 t := suite.T()45 testServer := TestContext.server46 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, testServer)47 testAPI.PostJSON("/api/v1/shorturls", gin.H{"long_url": "invalid"}).48 CmpStatus(http.StatusBadRequest).49 CmpJSONBody(50 td.JSON(51 `{52 "errors": [53 {54 "field": "LongUrl",55 "reason": "url"56 }57 ],58 }`,59 ),60 )61}62func (suite *createSuite) TestCreateWithInvalidSchemeReturns400() {63 t := suite.T()64 testServer := TestContext.server65 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, testServer)66 testAPI.PostJSON("/api/v1/shorturls", gin.H{"long_url": "javascript:alert('hi')"}).67 CmpStatus(http.StatusBadRequest).68 CmpJSONBody(69 td.JSON(70 `{71 "errors": [72 {73 "field": "LongUrl",74 "reason": "only http and https are supported"75 }76 ],77 }`,78 ),79 )80}81func (suite *createSuite) TestCreateWithExpirationDateReturns201() {82 t := suite.T()83 testServer := TestContext.server84 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, testServer)85 expirationDateTime := time.Date(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)86 testAPI.PostJSON(87 "/api/v1/shorturls",88 gin.H{89 "long_url": "",90 "expires_on": expirationDateTime.Format(time.RFC3339),91 },92 ).93 CmpStatus(http.StatusCreated).94 CmpJSONBody(95 td.JSON(96 `{97 "short_url": "$shortUrl",98 "slug": "$slug",99 "long_url": "$longUrl",100 "expires_on": "$expiresOn",101 "created_at": "$createdAt"102 }`,103 td.Tag("shortUrl", td.Re("http:\\/\\/example\\.com\\/([A-Za-z0-9]{8})")),104 td.Tag("slug", td.Re("[A-Za-z0-9]{8}")),105 td.Tag("longUrl", ""),106 td.Tag("expiresOn", td.Smuggle(parseDateTime, expirationDateTime)),107 td.Tag("createdAt", td.Smuggle(parseDateTime, td.Between(testAPI.SentAt(), time.Now()))),108 ),109 )110}111func (suite *createSuite) TestCreateWithExistingLongUrlReturns200() {112 t := suite.T()113 testServer := TestContext.server114 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, testServer)115 var slug string116 var shortUrl string117 var longUrl string118 var createdAt time.Time119 // Initial POST should return a 201 CREATED120 testAPI.PostJSON("/api/v1/shorturls", gin.H{"long_url": ""}).121 CmpStatus(http.StatusCreated).122 CmpJSONBody(123 td.JSON(124 `{125 "short_url": "$shortUrl",126 "slug": "$slug",127 "long_url": "$longUrl",128 "expires_on": "$expiresOn",129 "created_at": "$createdAt"130 }`,131 td.Tag("slug", td.Catch(&slug, td.Re("[A-Za-z0-9]{8}"))),132 td.Tag("shortUrl", td.Catch(&shortUrl, td.Ignore())),133 td.Tag("longUrl", td.Catch(&longUrl, "")),134 td.Tag("expiresOn", td.Nil()),135 td.Tag("createdAt", td.Smuggle(parseDateTime, td.Catch(&createdAt, td.Ignore()))),136 ),137 )138 // Second POST should return a 200 OK with information about existing long URL139 testAPI.PostJSON("/api/v1/shorturls", gin.H{"long_url": ""}).140 CmpStatus(http.StatusOK).141 CmpJSONBody(142 td.JSON(143 `{144 "short_url": "$shortUrl",145 "slug": "$slug",146 "long_url": "$longUrl",147 "expires_on": "$expiresOn",148 "created_at": "$createdAt"149 }`,150 td.Tag("shortUrl", shortUrl),151 td.Tag("slug", slug),152 td.Tag("longUrl", longUrl),153 td.Tag("expiresOn", td.Nil()),154 td.Tag("createdAt", td.Smuggle(parseDateTime, createdAt)),155 ),156 )157}158func (suite *createSuite) TestCreateWithExistingSlugReturns409() {159 t := suite.T()160 testServer := TestContext.server161 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, testServer)162 slug := "cf"163 testAPI.PostJSON(164 "/api/v1/shorturls",165 gin.H{166 "slug": slug,167 "long_url": "",168 },169 ).170 CmpStatus(http.StatusCreated).171 CmpJSONBody(172 td.SuperJSONOf(`{"slug": "$slug"}`, td.Tag("slug", slug)),173 )174 testAPI.PostJSON(175 "/api/v1/shorturls",176 gin.H{177 "long_url": "",178 "slug": slug,179 },180 ).181 CmpStatus(http.StatusConflict).182 CmpJSONBody(183 td.JSON(184 `{185 "errors": [186 {187 "field": "Slug",188 "reason": "must be unique"189 }190 ],191 }`,192 ),193 )194}195func (suite *createSuite) TestCreateWithInvalidJSONReturns400() {196 t := suite.T()197 testServer := TestContext.server198 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, testServer)199 testAPI.PostJSON("/api/v1/shorturls", gin.H{"foo": "bar"}).200 CmpStatus(http.StatusBadRequest).201 CmpJSONBody(202 td.JSON(203 `{204 "errors": [205 {206 "field": "LongUrl",207 "reason": "required",208 }209 ]210 }`,211 td.Tag("slug", "cf"),212 td.Tag("shortUrl", td.Ignore()),213 ),214 )...

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Source:fizzbuzz_test.go Github


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...39 }40 for _, tc := range testCases {41 testAPI.Run(, func(ta *tdhttp.TestAPI) {42 ta.Get(tc.url).43 CmpStatus(tc.expectedStatus).44 CmpJSONBody(td.JSON(tc.expectedJSON))45 })46 }47}48func TestFizzBuzzInvalidQuery(t *testing.T) {49 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, server.New())50 testCases := []struct {51 name string52 url string53 expectedStatus int54 expectedJSON string55 }{56 {57 name: "invalid int1 query param",58 url: "/fizzbuzz?str1=toto&str2=tata&limit=10&int1=-1&int2=3",59 expectedStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,60 expectedJSON: `{"message": "Key: 'FizzBuzzInput.Int1' Error:Field validation for 'Int1' failed on the 'min' tag"}`,61 },62 {63 name: "invalid int2 query param",64 url: "/fizzbuzz?str1=toto&str2=tata&limit=10&int1=1&int2=-3",65 expectedStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,66 expectedJSON: `{"message": "Key: 'FizzBuzzInput.Int2' Error:Field validation for 'Int2' failed on the 'min' tag"}`,67 },68 {69 name: "invalid limit query param",70 url: "/fizzbuzz?str1=toto&str2=tata&limit=-10&int1=1&int2=3",71 expectedStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,72 expectedJSON: `{"message": "Key: 'FizzBuzzInput.Limit' Error:Field validation for 'Limit' failed on the 'min' tag"}`,73 },74 {75 name: "invalid limit query param - should be integer",76 url: "/fizzbuzz?str1=toto&str2=tata&limit=string&int1=1&int2=3",77 expectedStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,78 expectedJSON: `{"message": "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"string\": invalid syntax"}`,79 },80 {81 name: "invalid limit query param - should be lower than threshold",82 url: "/fizzbuzz?str1=toto&str2=tata&limit=100000000&int1=1&int2=3",83 expectedStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,84 expectedJSON: `{"message": "limit should be lower than 10000"}`,85 },86 }87 for _, tc := range testCases {88 testAPI.Run(, func(ta *tdhttp.TestAPI) {89 ta.Get(tc.url).90 CmpStatus(tc.expectedStatus).91 CmpJSONBody(td.JSON(tc.expectedJSON))92 })93 }94}95func BenchmarkFizzBuzz(b *testing.B) {96 defer func(old int) { handlers.FizzBuzzMaxLimit = old }(handlers.FizzBuzzMaxLimit)97 handlers.FizzBuzzMaxLimit = math.MaxInt98 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(b, server.New())99 b.ResetTimer()100 testAPI.Name("benchmark", b.N).101 Get(fmt.Sprintf("/fizzbuzz?str1=le&str2=boncoin&limit=%d&int1=7&int2=31", b.N)).102 CmpStatus(http.StatusOK)103 b.StopTimer()104}105func FuzzFizzBuzz(f *testing.F) {106 f.Add(1, 2, 3, "str1", "str2")107 f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, int1, int2, limit int, str1, str2 string) {108 expectedStatus := http.StatusOK109 if int1 < 1 || int2 < 1 || limit < 0 {110 expectedStatus = http.StatusBadRequest111 }112 testAPI := tdhttp.NewTestAPI(t, server.New())113 testAPI.Get(114 "/fizzbuzz",115 tdhttp.Q{116 "str1": url.QueryEscape(str1),117 "str2": url.QueryEscape(str2),118 "int1": int1,119 "int2": int2,120 "limit": limit,121 }).122 CmpStatus(expectedStatus)123 })124}

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Source:fizzbuzz_stats_test.go Github


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...18 } {19 for i := 0; i < idx+1; i++ {20 testAPI.Name("/fizzbuzz stat population", params, i).21 Get("/fizzbuzz?" + params).22 CmpStatus(http.StatusOK)23 }24 }25 // gathering is done asynchronously26 time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)27 testAPI.Name("/fizzbuzz stat retrieval").28 Get("/fizzbuzz/stats").29 CmpStatus(http.StatusOK).30 CmpJSONBody(td.JSON(`31[{32 "key": "FizzBuzzInput str1=l str2=bc int1=2 int2=3 limit=6",33 "hit": 234},{35 "key": "FizzBuzzInput str1=le str2=boncoin int1=2 int2=3 limit=6",36 "hit": 137}]`))38 for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {39 testAPI.Name("/fizzbuzz stat population up to 102", i).40 Get(fmt.Sprintf("/fizzbuzz?str1=l&str2=bc&limit=6&int1=2&int2=10%d", i)).41 CmpStatus(http.StatusOK)42 }43 // gathering is done asynchronously44 time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)45 testAPI.Name("/fizzbuzz stat retrieval max result number is 100").46 Get("/fizzbuzz/stats").47 CmpStatus(http.StatusOK).48 CmpJSONBody(td.JSON("Len(100)"))49}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main(){2 var http = tdhttp.New()3 var status = http.CmpStatus()4 fmt.Println(status)5}6func main(){7 var http = tdhttp.New()8 var status = http.CmpStatus()9 fmt.Println(status)10}11func main(){12 var http = tdhttp.New()13 var status = http.CmpStatus()14 fmt.Println(status)15}16func main(){17 var http = tdhttp.New()18 var status = http.CmpStatus()19 fmt.Println(status)20}21func main(){22 var http = tdhttp.New()23 var status = http.CmpStatus()24 fmt.Println(status)25}26func main(){27 var http = tdhttp.New()28 var status = http.CmpStatus()29 fmt.Println(status)30}31func main(){32 var http = tdhttp.New()33 var status = http.CmpStatus()34 fmt.Println(status)35}36func main(){37 var http = tdhttp.New()38 var status = http.CmpStatus()39 fmt.Println(status)40}41func main(){42 var http = tdhttp.New()43 var status = http.CmpStatus()44 fmt.Println(status)45}46func main(){47 var http = tdhttp.New()48 var status = http.CmpStatus()49 fmt.Println(status)50}51func main(){52 var http = tdhttp.New()53 var status = http.CmpStatus()54 fmt.Println(status)55}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var tdhttp = new ActiveXObject("tdhttp.tdhttp");2if (tdhttp.CmpStatus(200, 200)) {3 WScript.Echo("Status codes are equal");4}5else {6 WScript.Echo("Status codes are not equal");7}8var tdhttp = new ActiveXObject("tdhttp.tdhttp");9if (tdhttp.CmpStatus(200, 300)) {10 WScript.Echo("Status codes are equal");11}12else {13 WScript.Echo("Status codes are not equal");14}15var tdhttp = new ActiveXObject("tdhttp.tdhttp");16if (tdhttp.CmpStatus(200, "200")) {17 WScript.Echo("Status codes are equal");18}19else {20 WScript.Echo("Status codes are not equal");21}22var tdhttp = new ActiveXObject("tdhttp.tdhttp");23if (tdhttp.CmpStatus(200, "300")) {24 WScript.Echo("Status codes are equal");25}26else {27 WScript.Echo("Status codes are not equal");28}29var tdhttp = new ActiveXObject("tdhttp.tdhttp");30if (tdhttp.CmpStatus(200, "abc")) {31 WScript.Echo("Status codes are equal");32}33else {34 WScript.Echo("Status codes are not equal");35}36var tdhttp = new ActiveXObject("tdhttp.tdhttp");37if (tdhttp.CmpStatus(200, "")) {38 WScript.Echo("Status codes are equal");39}40else {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 client := tdhttpclient.New()4 td := tdhttp.New()5 client := tdhttpclient.New()6 td := tdhttp.New()7 if err != nil {8 fmt.Println(err)9 }10 fmt.Println(td.CmpStatus(res, 200))11}12import (13func main() {14 client := tdhttpclient.New()15 td := tdhttp.New()16 if err != nil {17 fmt.Println(err)18 }19 fmt.Println(td.CmpHeader(res, http.Header{20 "Content-Type": []string{"text

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 td := tdhttp.New()4 td.SetTimeout(5)5 td.SetRetries(3)6 td.SetDelay(1)7 td.SetUserAgent("tdhttp test")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 td.Init()4 td.SetMethod("GET")5 td.SetTimeout(10)6 td.SetRetries(3)7 td.SetRetryWait(5)8 td.SetProxy("", "username", "password")9 td.SetProxyCredentials("username", "password")10 td.SetProxyType("HTTP")11 td.SetProxyAuthType("BASIC")12 td.SetProxyAuthType("NTLM")13 td.SetProxyAuthType("ANY")14 td.SetProxyAuthType("ANYSAFE")15 td.SetProxyAuthType("ANYEXCEPTNTLM")16 td.SetProxyAuthType("ANYEXCEPTBASIC")17 td.SetProxyAuthType("ANYEXCEPTDIGEST")18 td.SetProxyAuthType("ANYEXCEPTNEGOTIATE")19 td.SetProxyAuthType("ANYEXCEPTKERBEROS")20 td.SetProxyAuthType("

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 tdhttp := td.New()5 status := tdhttp.CmpStatus()6 fmt.Println(status)7}8import "fmt"9import ""10func main() {11 tdhttp := td.New()12 version := tdhttp.CmpVersion()13 fmt.Println(version)14}15import "fmt"16import ""17func main() {18 tdhttp := td.New()19 help := tdhttp.CmpHelp()20 fmt.Println(help)21}22import "fmt"23import ""24func main() {25 tdhttp := td.New()26 me := tdhttp.CmpGetMe()27 fmt.Println(me)28}29import "fmt"30import ""31func main() {32 tdhttp := td.New()33 state := tdhttp.CmpGetAuthorizationState()34 fmt.Println(state)35}36import "fmt"37import ""38func main() {39 tdhttp := td.New()40 parameters := tdhttp.CmpSetTdlibParameters()41 fmt.Println(parameters)42}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 http := tdhttp.New()4 if http.CmpStatus(200) {5 fmt.Println("Status code is 200")6 } else {7 fmt.Println("Status code is not 200")8 }9}10import (11func main() {12 http := tdhttp.New()13 if http.CmpStatus(200) {14 fmt.Println("Status code is 200")15 } else {16 fmt.Println("Status code is not 200")17 }18}19import (20func main() {21 http := tdhttp.New()22 if http.CmpStatus(200) {23 fmt.Println("Status code is 200")24 } else {25 fmt.Println("Status code is not 200")26 }27}28import (29func main() {30 http := tdhttp.New()31 if http.CmpStatus(200) {32 fmt.Println("Status code is 200")33 } else {34 fmt.Println("Status code is not 200")35 }36}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, world!")4 tdhttp := td.NewTdHttp()5 tdhttp.SetAuthParams("api_id", "api_hash", "phone_number", "phone_code")6 tdhttp.SetTdlibParameters()7 tdhttp.Start()8 status := tdhttp.CmpStatus()9 fmt.Println("Status is: ", status)10}11import (12func main() {13 fmt.Println("Hello, world!")14 tdhttp := td.NewTdHttp()15 tdhttp.SetAuthParams("api_id", "api_hash", "phone_number", "phone_code")16 tdhttp.SetTdlibParameters()17 tdhttp.Start()18 status := tdhttp.CmpStatus()19 fmt.Println("Status is: ", status)20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println("Hello, world!")24 tdhttp := td.NewTdHttp()25 tdhttp.SetAuthParams("api_id", "api_hash", "phone_number", "phone_code")26 tdhttp.SetTdlibParameters()27 tdhttp.Start()28 status := tdhttp.CmpStatus()29 fmt.Println("Status is: ", status)30}31import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 var client = tdhttp.NewTdHttp(url)4 var status = client.CmpStatus()5 fmt.Println(status)6}7import (8func main() {9 var client = tdhttp.NewTdHttp(url)10 var status = client.CmpStatus()11 fmt.Println(status)12}13import (14func main() {15 var client = tdhttp.NewTdHttp(url)16 var status = client.CmpStatus()17 fmt.Println(status)18}19import (20func main() {21 var client = tdhttp.NewTdHttp(url)22 var status = client.CmpStatus()23 fmt.Println(status)24}25import (26func main() {27 var client = tdhttp.NewTdHttp(url)28 var status = client.CmpStatus()29 fmt.Println(status)30}31import (32func main() {33 var client = tdhttp.NewTdHttp(url)34 var status = client.CmpStatus()35 fmt.Println(status)36}37import (38func main() {

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