How to use init method of is Package

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...13type InitPlan struct {14 E []InitEntry15}16// An InitSchedule is used to decompose assignment statements into17// static and dynamic initialization parts. Static initializations are18// handled by populating variables' linker symbol data, while dynamic19// initializations are accumulated to be executed in order.20type InitSchedule struct {21 // out is the ordered list of dynamic initialization22 // statements.23 out []*Node24 initplans map[*Node]*InitPlan25 inittemps map[*Node]*Node26}27func (s *InitSchedule) append(n *Node) {28 s.out = append(s.out, n)29}30// staticInit adds an initialization statement n to the schedule.31func (s *InitSchedule) staticInit(n *Node) {32 if !s.tryStaticInit(n) {33 if Debug['%'] != 0 {34 Dump("nonstatic", n)35 }36 s.append(n)37 }38}39// tryStaticInit attempts to statically execute an initialization40// statement and reports whether it succeeded.41func (s *InitSchedule) tryStaticInit(n *Node) bool {42 // Only worry about simple "l = r" assignments. Multiple43 // variable/expression OAS2 assignments have already been44 // replaced by multiple simple OAS assignments, and the other45 // OAS2* assignments mostly necessitate dynamic execution46 // anyway.47 if n.Op != OAS {48 return false49 }50 if n.Left.isBlank() && candiscard(n.Right) {51 return true52 }53 lno := setlineno(n)54 defer func() { lineno = lno }()55 return s.staticassign(n.Left, n.Right)56}57// like staticassign but we are copying an already58// initialized value r.59func (s *InitSchedule) staticcopy(l *Node, r *Node) bool {60 if r.Op != ONAME {61 return false62 }63 if r.Class() == PFUNC {64 pfuncsym(l, r)65 return true66 }67 if r.Class() != PEXTERN || r.Sym.Pkg != localpkg {68 return false69 }70 if r.Name.Defn == nil { // probably zeroed but perhaps supplied externally and of unknown value71 return false72 }73 if r.Name.Defn.Op != OAS {74 return false75 }76 if r.Type.IsString() { // perhaps overwritten by cmd/link -X (#34675)77 return false78 }79 orig := r80 r = r.Name.Defn.Right81 for r.Op == OCONVNOP && !types.Identical(r.Type, l.Type) {82 r = r.Left83 }84 switch r.Op {85 case ONAME:86 if s.staticcopy(l, r) {87 return true88 }89 // We may have skipped past one or more OCONVNOPs, so90 // use conv to ensure r is assignable to l (#13263).91 s.append(nod(OAS, l, conv(r, l.Type)))92 return true93 case OLITERAL:94 if isZero(r) {95 return true96 }97 litsym(l, r, int(l.Type.Width))98 return true99 case OADDR:100 if a := r.Left; a.Op == ONAME {101 addrsym(l, a)102 return true103 }104 case OPTRLIT:105 switch r.Left.Op {106 case OARRAYLIT, OSLICELIT, OSTRUCTLIT, OMAPLIT:107 // copy pointer108 addrsym(l, s.inittemps[r])109 return true110 }111 case OSLICELIT:112 // copy slice113 a := s.inittemps[r]114 slicesym(l, a, r.Right.Int64())115 return true116 case OARRAYLIT, OSTRUCTLIT:117 p := s.initplans[r]118 n := l.copy()119 for i := range p.E {120 e := &p.E[i]121 n.Xoffset = l.Xoffset + e.Xoffset122 n.Type = e.Expr.Type123 if e.Expr.Op == OLITERAL {124 litsym(n, e.Expr, int(n.Type.Width))125 continue126 }127 ll := n.sepcopy()128 if s.staticcopy(ll, e.Expr) {129 continue130 }131 // Requires computation, but we're132 // copying someone else's computation.133 rr := orig.sepcopy()134 rr.Type = ll.Type135 rr.Xoffset += e.Xoffset136 setlineno(rr)137 s.append(nod(OAS, ll, rr))138 }139 return true140 }141 return false142}143func (s *InitSchedule) staticassign(l *Node, r *Node) bool {144 for r.Op == OCONVNOP {145 r = r.Left146 }147 switch r.Op {148 case ONAME:149 return s.staticcopy(l, r)150 case OLITERAL:151 if isZero(r) {152 return true153 }154 litsym(l, r, int(l.Type.Width))155 return true156 case OADDR:157 var nam Node158 if stataddr(&nam, r.Left) {159 addrsym(l, &nam)160 return true161 }162 fallthrough163 case OPTRLIT:164 switch r.Left.Op {165 case OARRAYLIT, OSLICELIT, OMAPLIT, OSTRUCTLIT:166 // Init pointer.167 a := staticname(r.Left.Type)168 s.inittemps[r] = a169 addrsym(l, a)170 // Init underlying literal.171 if !s.staticassign(a, r.Left) {172 s.append(nod(OAS, a, r.Left))173 }174 return true175 }176 //dump("not static ptrlit", r);177 case OSTR2BYTES:178 if l.Class() == PEXTERN && r.Left.Op == OLITERAL {179 sval := strlit(r.Left)180 slicebytes(l, sval)181 return true182 }183 case OSLICELIT:184 s.initplan(r)185 // Init slice.186 bound := r.Right.Int64()187 ta := types.NewArray(r.Type.Elem(), bound)188 ta.SetNoalg(true)189 a := staticname(ta)190 s.inittemps[r] = a191 slicesym(l, a, bound)192 // Fall through to init underlying array.193 l = a194 fallthrough195 case OARRAYLIT, OSTRUCTLIT:196 s.initplan(r)197 p := s.initplans[r]198 n := l.copy()199 for i := range p.E {200 e := &p.E[i]201 n.Xoffset = l.Xoffset + e.Xoffset202 n.Type = e.Expr.Type203 if e.Expr.Op == OLITERAL {204 litsym(n, e.Expr, int(n.Type.Width))205 continue206 }207 setlineno(e.Expr)208 a := n.sepcopy()209 if !s.staticassign(a, e.Expr) {210 s.append(nod(OAS, a, e.Expr))211 }212 }213 return true214 case OMAPLIT:215 break216 case OCLOSURE:217 if hasemptycvars(r) {218 if Debug_closure > 0 {219 Warnl(r.Pos, "closure converted to global")220 }221 // Closures with no captured variables are globals,222 // so the assignment can be done at link time.223 pfuncsym(l, r.Func.Closure.Func.Nname)224 return true225 }226 closuredebugruntimecheck(r)227 case OCONVIFACE:228 // This logic is mirrored in isStaticCompositeLiteral.229 // If you change something here, change it there, and vice versa.230 // Determine the underlying concrete type and value we are converting from.231 val := r232 for val.Op == OCONVIFACE {233 val = val.Left234 }235 if val.Type.IsInterface() {236 // val is an interface type.237 // If val is nil, we can statically initialize l;238 // both words are zero and so there no work to do, so report success.239 // If val is non-nil, we have no concrete type to record,240 // and we won't be able to statically initialize its value, so report failure.241 return Isconst(val, CTNIL)242 }243 var itab *Node244 if l.Type.IsEmptyInterface() {245 itab = typename(val.Type)246 } else {247 itab = itabname(val.Type, l.Type)248 }249 // Create a copy of l to modify while we emit data.250 n := l.copy()251 // Emit itab, advance offset.252 addrsym(n, itab.Left) // itab is an OADDR node253 n.Xoffset += int64(Widthptr)254 // Emit data.255 if isdirectiface(val.Type) {256 if Isconst(val, CTNIL) {257 // Nil is zero, nothing to do.258 return true259 }260 // Copy val directly into n.261 n.Type = val.Type262 setlineno(val)263 a := n.sepcopy()264 if !s.staticassign(a, val) {265 s.append(nod(OAS, a, val))266 }267 } else {268 // Construct temp to hold val, write pointer to temp into n.269 a := staticname(val.Type)270 s.inittemps[val] = a271 if !s.staticassign(a, val) {272 s.append(nod(OAS, a, val))273 }274 addrsym(n, a)275 }276 return true277 }278 //dump("not static", r);279 return false280}281// initContext is the context in which static data is populated.282// It is either in an init function or in any other function.283// Static data populated in an init function will be written either284// zero times (as a readonly, static data symbol) or285// one time (during init function execution).286// Either way, there is no opportunity for races or further modification,287// so the data can be written to a (possibly readonly) data symbol.288// Static data populated in any other function needs to be local to289// that function to allow multiple instances of that function290// to execute concurrently without clobbering each others' data.291type initContext uint8292const (293 inInitFunction initContext = iota294 inNonInitFunction295)296func (c initContext) String() string {297 if c == inInitFunction {298 return "inInitFunction"299 }300 return "inNonInitFunction"301}302// from here down is the walk analysis303// of composite literals.304// most of the work is to generate305// data statements for the constant306// part of the composite literal.307var statuniqgen int // name generator for static temps308// staticname returns a name backed by a static data symbol.309// Callers should call n.MarkReadonly on the310// returned node for readonly nodes.311func staticname(t *types.Type) *Node {312 // Don't use lookupN; it interns the resulting string, but these are all unique.313 n := newname(lookup(fmt.Sprintf(".stmp_%d", statuniqgen)))314 statuniqgen++315 addvar(n, t, PEXTERN)316 return n317}318func isLiteral(n *Node) bool {319 // Treat nils as zeros rather than literals.320 return n.Op == OLITERAL && n.Val().Ctype() != CTNIL321}322func (n *Node) isSimpleName() bool {323 return n.Op == ONAME && n.Class() != PAUTOHEAP && n.Class() != PEXTERN324}325func litas(l *Node, r *Node, init *Nodes) {326 a := nod(OAS, l, r)327 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)328 a = walkexpr(a, init)329 init.Append(a)330}331// initGenType is a bitmap indicating the types of generation that will occur for a static value.332type initGenType uint8333const (334 initDynamic initGenType = 1 << iota // contains some dynamic values, for which init code will be generated335 initConst // contains some constant values, which may be written into data symbols336)337// getdyn calculates the initGenType for n.338// If top is false, getdyn is recursing.339func getdyn(n *Node, top bool) initGenType {340 switch n.Op {341 default:342 if isLiteral(n) {343 return initConst344 }345 return initDynamic346 case OSLICELIT:347 if !top {348 return initDynamic349 }350 if n.Right.Int64()/4 > int64(n.List.Len()) {351 // <25% of entries have explicit values.352 // Very rough estimation, it takes 4 bytes of instructions353 // to initialize 1 byte of result. So don't use a static354 // initializer if the dynamic initialization code would be355 // smaller than the static value.356 // See issue 23780.357 return initDynamic358 }359 case OARRAYLIT, OSTRUCTLIT:360 }361 var mode initGenType362 for _, n1 := range n.List.Slice() {363 switch n1.Op {364 case OKEY:365 n1 = n1.Right366 case OSTRUCTKEY:367 n1 = n1.Left368 }369 mode |= getdyn(n1, false)370 if mode == initDynamic|initConst {371 break372 }373 }374 return mode375}376// isStaticCompositeLiteral reports whether n is a compile-time constant.377func isStaticCompositeLiteral(n *Node) bool {378 switch n.Op {379 case OSLICELIT:380 return false381 case OARRAYLIT:382 for _, r := range n.List.Slice() {383 if r.Op == OKEY {384 r = r.Right385 }386 if !isStaticCompositeLiteral(r) {387 return false388 }389 }390 return true391 case OSTRUCTLIT:392 for _, r := range n.List.Slice() {393 if r.Op != OSTRUCTKEY {394 Fatalf("isStaticCompositeLiteral: rhs not OSTRUCTKEY: %v", r)395 }396 if !isStaticCompositeLiteral(r.Left) {397 return false398 }399 }400 return true401 case OLITERAL:402 return true403 case OCONVIFACE:404 // See staticassign's OCONVIFACE case for comments.405 val := n406 for val.Op == OCONVIFACE {407 val = val.Left408 }409 if val.Type.IsInterface() {410 return Isconst(val, CTNIL)411 }412 if isdirectiface(val.Type) && Isconst(val, CTNIL) {413 return true414 }415 return isStaticCompositeLiteral(val)416 }417 return false418}419// initKind is a kind of static initialization: static, dynamic, or local.420// Static initialization represents literals and421// literal components of composite literals.422// Dynamic initialization represents non-literals and423// non-literal components of composite literals.424// LocalCode initialization represents initialization425// that occurs purely in generated code local to the function of use.426// Initialization code is sometimes generated in passes,427// first static then dynamic.428type initKind uint8429const (430 initKindStatic initKind = iota + 1431 initKindDynamic432 initKindLocalCode433)434// fixedlit handles struct, array, and slice literals.435// TODO: expand documentation.436func fixedlit(ctxt initContext, kind initKind, n *Node, var_ *Node, init *Nodes) {437 var splitnode func(*Node) (a *Node, value *Node)438 switch n.Op {439 case OARRAYLIT, OSLICELIT:440 var k int64441 splitnode = func(r *Node) (*Node, *Node) {442 if r.Op == OKEY {443 k = indexconst(r.Left)444 if k < 0 {445 Fatalf("fixedlit: invalid index %v", r.Left)446 }447 r = r.Right448 }449 a := nod(OINDEX, var_, nodintconst(k))450 k++451 return a, r452 }453 case OSTRUCTLIT:454 splitnode = func(r *Node) (*Node, *Node) {455 if r.Op != OSTRUCTKEY {456 Fatalf("fixedlit: rhs not OSTRUCTKEY: %v", r)457 }458 if r.Sym.IsBlank() {459 return nblank, r.Left460 }461 setlineno(r)462 return nodSym(ODOT, var_, r.Sym), r.Left463 }464 default:465 Fatalf("fixedlit bad op: %v", n.Op)466 }467 for _, r := range n.List.Slice() {468 a, value := splitnode(r)469 if a == nblank && candiscard(value) {470 continue471 }472 switch value.Op {473 case OSLICELIT:474 if (kind == initKindStatic && ctxt == inNonInitFunction) || (kind == initKindDynamic && ctxt == inInitFunction) {475 slicelit(ctxt, value, a, init)476 continue477 }478 case OARRAYLIT, OSTRUCTLIT:479 fixedlit(ctxt, kind, value, a, init)480 continue481 }482 islit := isLiteral(value)483 if (kind == initKindStatic && !islit) || (kind == initKindDynamic && islit) {484 continue485 }486 // build list of assignments: var[index] = expr487 setlineno(a)488 a = nod(OAS, a, value)489 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)490 switch kind {491 case initKindStatic:492 genAsStatic(a)493 case initKindDynamic, initKindLocalCode:494 a = orderStmtInPlace(a, map[string][]*Node{})495 a = walkstmt(a)496 init.Append(a)497 default:498 Fatalf("fixedlit: bad kind %d", kind)499 }500 }501}502func isSmallSliceLit(n *Node) bool {503 if n.Op != OSLICELIT {504 return false505 }506 r := n.Right507 return smallintconst(r) && (n.Type.Elem().Width == 0 || r.Int64() <= smallArrayBytes/n.Type.Elem().Width)508}509func slicelit(ctxt initContext, n *Node, var_ *Node, init *Nodes) {510 // make an array type corresponding the number of elements we have511 t := types.NewArray(n.Type.Elem(), n.Right.Int64())512 dowidth(t)513 if ctxt == inNonInitFunction {514 // put everything into static array515 vstat := staticname(t)516 fixedlit(ctxt, initKindStatic, n, vstat, init)517 fixedlit(ctxt, initKindDynamic, n, vstat, init)518 // copy static to slice519 var_ = typecheck(var_, ctxExpr|ctxAssign)520 var nam Node521 if !stataddr(&nam, var_) || nam.Class() != PEXTERN {522 Fatalf("slicelit: %v", var_)523 }524 slicesym(&nam, vstat, t.NumElem())525 return526 }527 // recipe for var = []t{...}528 // 1. make a static array529 // var vstat [...]t530 // 2. assign (data statements) the constant part531 // vstat = constpart{}532 // 3. make an auto pointer to array and allocate heap to it533 // var vauto *[...]t = new([...]t)534 // 4. copy the static array to the auto array535 // *vauto = vstat536 // 5. for each dynamic part assign to the array537 // vauto[i] = dynamic part538 // 6. assign slice of allocated heap to var539 // var = vauto[:]540 //541 // an optimization is done if there is no constant part542 // 3. var vauto *[...]t = new([...]t)543 // 5. vauto[i] = dynamic part544 // 6. var = vauto[:]545 // if the literal contains constants,546 // make static initialized array (1),(2)547 var vstat *Node548 mode := getdyn(n, true)549 if mode&initConst != 0 && !isSmallSliceLit(n) {550 vstat = staticname(t)551 if ctxt == inInitFunction {552 vstat.MarkReadonly()553 }554 fixedlit(ctxt, initKindStatic, n, vstat, init)555 }556 // make new auto *array (3 declare)557 vauto := temp(types.NewPtr(t))558 // set auto to point at new temp or heap (3 assign)559 var a *Node560 if x := prealloc[n]; x != nil {561 // temp allocated during order.go for dddarg562 if !types.Identical(t, x.Type) {563 panic("dotdotdot base type does not match order's assigned type")564 }565 if vstat == nil {566 a = nod(OAS, x, nil)567 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)568 init.Append(a) // zero new temp569 } else {570 // Declare that we're about to initialize all of x.571 // (Which happens at the *vauto = vstat below.)572 init.Append(nod(OVARDEF, x, nil))573 }574 a = nod(OADDR, x, nil)575 } else if n.Esc == EscNone {576 a = temp(t)577 if vstat == nil {578 a = nod(OAS, temp(t), nil)579 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)580 init.Append(a) // zero new temp581 a = a.Left582 } else {583 init.Append(nod(OVARDEF, a, nil))584 }585 a = nod(OADDR, a, nil)586 } else {587 a = nod(ONEW, nil, nil)588 a.List.Set1(typenod(t))589 }590 a = nod(OAS, vauto, a)591 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)592 a = walkexpr(a, init)593 init.Append(a)594 if vstat != nil {595 // copy static to heap (4)596 a = nod(ODEREF, vauto, nil)597 a = nod(OAS, a, vstat)598 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)599 a = walkexpr(a, init)600 init.Append(a)601 }602 // put dynamics into array (5)603 var index int64604 for _, value := range n.List.Slice() {605 if value.Op == OKEY {606 index = indexconst(value.Left)607 if index < 0 {608 Fatalf("slicelit: invalid index %v", value.Left)609 }610 value = value.Right611 }612 a := nod(OINDEX, vauto, nodintconst(index))613 a.SetBounded(true)614 index++615 // TODO need to check bounds?616 switch value.Op {617 case OSLICELIT:618 break619 case OARRAYLIT, OSTRUCTLIT:620 k := initKindDynamic621 if vstat == nil {622 // Generate both static and dynamic initializations.623 // See issue #31987.624 k = initKindLocalCode625 }626 fixedlit(ctxt, k, value, a, init)627 continue628 }629 if vstat != nil && isLiteral(value) { // already set by copy from static value630 continue631 }632 // build list of vauto[c] = expr633 setlineno(value)634 a = nod(OAS, a, value)635 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)636 a = orderStmtInPlace(a, map[string][]*Node{})637 a = walkstmt(a)638 init.Append(a)639 }640 // make slice out of heap (6)641 a = nod(OAS, var_, nod(OSLICE, vauto, nil))642 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)643 a = orderStmtInPlace(a, map[string][]*Node{})644 a = walkstmt(a)645 init.Append(a)646}647func maplit(n *Node, m *Node, init *Nodes) {648 // make the map var649 a := nod(OMAKE, nil, nil)650 a.Esc = n.Esc651 a.List.Set2(typenod(n.Type), nodintconst(int64(n.List.Len())))652 litas(m, a, init)653 entries := n.List.Slice()654 // The order pass already removed any dynamic (runtime-computed) entries.655 // All remaining entries are static. Double-check that.656 for _, r := range entries {657 if !isStaticCompositeLiteral(r.Left) || !isStaticCompositeLiteral(r.Right) {658 Fatalf("maplit: entry is not a literal: %v", r)659 }660 }661 if len(entries) > 25 {662 // For a large number of entries, put them in an array and loop.663 // build types [count]Tindex and [count]Tvalue664 tk := types.NewArray(n.Type.Key(), int64(len(entries)))665 te := types.NewArray(n.Type.Elem(), int64(len(entries)))666 tk.SetNoalg(true)667 te.SetNoalg(true)668 dowidth(tk)669 dowidth(te)670 // make and initialize static arrays671 vstatk := staticname(tk)672 vstatk.MarkReadonly()673 vstate := staticname(te)674 vstate.MarkReadonly()675 datak := nod(OARRAYLIT, nil, nil)676 datae := nod(OARRAYLIT, nil, nil)677 for _, r := range entries {678 datak.List.Append(r.Left)679 datae.List.Append(r.Right)680 }681 fixedlit(inInitFunction, initKindStatic, datak, vstatk, init)682 fixedlit(inInitFunction, initKindStatic, datae, vstate, init)683 // loop adding structure elements to map684 // for i = 0; i < len(vstatk); i++ {685 // map[vstatk[i]] = vstate[i]686 // }687 i := temp(types.Types[TINT])688 rhs := nod(OINDEX, vstate, i)689 rhs.SetBounded(true)690 kidx := nod(OINDEX, vstatk, i)691 kidx.SetBounded(true)692 lhs := nod(OINDEX, m, kidx)693 zero := nod(OAS, i, nodintconst(0))694 cond := nod(OLT, i, nodintconst(tk.NumElem()))695 incr := nod(OAS, i, nod(OADD, i, nodintconst(1)))696 body := nod(OAS, lhs, rhs)697 loop := nod(OFOR, cond, incr)698 loop.Nbody.Set1(body)699 loop.Ninit.Set1(zero)700 loop = typecheck(loop, ctxStmt)701 loop = walkstmt(loop)702 init.Append(loop)703 return704 }705 // For a small number of entries, just add them directly.706 // Build list of var[c] = expr.707 // Use temporaries so that mapassign1 can have addressable key, elem.708 // TODO(josharian): avoid map key temporaries for mapfast_* assignments with literal keys.709 tmpkey := temp(m.Type.Key())710 tmpelem := temp(m.Type.Elem())711 for _, r := range entries {712 index, elem := r.Left, r.Right713 setlineno(index)714 a := nod(OAS, tmpkey, index)715 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)716 a = walkstmt(a)717 init.Append(a)718 setlineno(elem)719 a = nod(OAS, tmpelem, elem)720 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)721 a = walkstmt(a)722 init.Append(a)723 setlineno(tmpelem)724 a = nod(OAS, nod(OINDEX, m, tmpkey), tmpelem)725 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)726 a = walkstmt(a)727 init.Append(a)728 }729 a = nod(OVARKILL, tmpkey, nil)730 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)731 init.Append(a)732 a = nod(OVARKILL, tmpelem, nil)733 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)734 init.Append(a)735}736func anylit(n *Node, var_ *Node, init *Nodes) {737 t := n.Type738 switch n.Op {739 default:740 Fatalf("anylit: not lit, op=%v node=%v", n.Op, n)741 case ONAME:742 a := nod(OAS, var_, n)743 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)744 init.Append(a)745 case OPTRLIT:746 if !t.IsPtr() {747 Fatalf("anylit: not ptr")748 }749 var r *Node750 if n.Right != nil {751 // n.Right is stack temporary used as backing store.752 init.Append(nod(OAS, n.Right, nil)) // zero backing store, just in case (#18410)753 r = nod(OADDR, n.Right, nil)754 r = typecheck(r, ctxExpr)755 } else {756 r = nod(ONEW, nil, nil)757 r.SetTypecheck(1)758 r.Type = t759 r.Esc = n.Esc760 }761 r = walkexpr(r, init)762 a := nod(OAS, var_, r)763 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)764 init.Append(a)765 var_ = nod(ODEREF, var_, nil)766 var_ = typecheck(var_, ctxExpr|ctxAssign)767 anylit(n.Left, var_, init)768 case OSTRUCTLIT, OARRAYLIT:769 if !t.IsStruct() && !t.IsArray() {770 Fatalf("anylit: not struct/array")771 }772 if var_.isSimpleName() && n.List.Len() > 4 {773 // lay out static data774 vstat := staticname(t)775 vstat.MarkReadonly()776 ctxt := inInitFunction777 if n.Op == OARRAYLIT {778 ctxt = inNonInitFunction779 }780 fixedlit(ctxt, initKindStatic, n, vstat, init)781 // copy static to var782 a := nod(OAS, var_, vstat)783 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)784 a = walkexpr(a, init)785 init.Append(a)786 // add expressions to automatic787 fixedlit(inInitFunction, initKindDynamic, n, var_, init)788 break789 }790 var components int64791 if n.Op == OARRAYLIT {792 components = t.NumElem()793 } else {794 components = int64(t.NumFields())795 }796 // initialization of an array or struct with unspecified components (missing fields or arrays)797 if var_.isSimpleName() || int64(n.List.Len()) < components {798 a := nod(OAS, var_, nil)799 a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)800 a = walkexpr(a, init)801 init.Append(a)802 }803 fixedlit(inInitFunction, initKindLocalCode, n, var_, init)804 case OSLICELIT:805 slicelit(inInitFunction, n, var_, init)806 case OMAPLIT:807 if !t.IsMap() {808 Fatalf("anylit: not map")809 }810 maplit(n, var_, init)811 }812}813func oaslit(n *Node, init *Nodes) bool {814 if n.Left == nil || n.Right == nil {815 // not a special composite literal assignment816 return false817 }818 if n.Left.Type == nil || n.Right.Type == nil {819 // not a special composite literal assignment820 return false821 }822 if !n.Left.isSimpleName() {823 // not a special composite literal assignment824 return false825 }826 if !types.Identical(n.Left.Type, n.Right.Type) {827 // not a special composite literal assignment828 return false829 }830 switch n.Right.Op {831 default:832 // not a special composite literal assignment833 return false834 case OSTRUCTLIT, OARRAYLIT, OSLICELIT, OMAPLIT:835 if vmatch1(n.Left, n.Right) {836 // not a special composite literal assignment837 return false838 }839 anylit(n.Right, n.Left, init)840 }841 n.Op = OEMPTY842 n.Right = nil843 return true844}845func getlit(lit *Node) int {846 if smallintconst(lit) {847 return int(lit.Int64())848 }849 return -1850}851// stataddr sets nam to the static address of n and reports whether it succeeded.852func stataddr(nam *Node, n *Node) bool {853 if n == nil {854 return false855 }856 switch n.Op {857 case ONAME:858 *nam = *n859 return true860 case ODOT:861 if !stataddr(nam, n.Left) {862 break863 }864 nam.Xoffset += n.Xoffset865 nam.Type = n.Type866 return true867 case OINDEX:868 if n.Left.Type.IsSlice() {869 break870 }871 if !stataddr(nam, n.Left) {872 break873 }874 l := getlit(n.Right)875 if l < 0 {876 break877 }878 // Check for overflow.879 if n.Type.Width != 0 && thearch.MAXWIDTH/n.Type.Width <= int64(l) {880 break881 }882 nam.Xoffset += int64(l) * n.Type.Width883 nam.Type = n.Type884 return true885 }886 return false887}888func (s *InitSchedule) initplan(n *Node) {889 if s.initplans[n] != nil {890 return891 }892 p := new(InitPlan)893 s.initplans[n] = p894 switch n.Op {895 default:896 Fatalf("initplan")897 case OARRAYLIT, OSLICELIT:898 var k int64899 for _, a := range n.List.Slice() {900 if a.Op == OKEY {901 k = indexconst(a.Left)902 if k < 0 {903 Fatalf("initplan arraylit: invalid index %v", a.Left)904 }905 a = a.Right906 }907 s.addvalue(p, k*n.Type.Elem().Width, a)908 k++909 }910 case OSTRUCTLIT:911 for _, a := range n.List.Slice() {912 if a.Op != OSTRUCTKEY {913 Fatalf("initplan structlit")914 }915 if a.Sym.IsBlank() {916 continue917 }918 s.addvalue(p, a.Xoffset, a.Left)919 }920 case OMAPLIT:921 for _, a := range n.List.Slice() {922 if a.Op != OKEY {923 Fatalf("initplan maplit")924 }925 s.addvalue(p, -1, a.Right)926 }927 }928}929func (s *InitSchedule) addvalue(p *InitPlan, xoffset int64, n *Node) {930 // special case: zero can be dropped entirely931 if isZero(n) {932 return933 }934 // special case: inline struct and array (not slice) literals935 if isvaluelit(n) {936 s.initplan(n)937 q := s.initplans[n]938 for _, qe := range q.E {939 // qe is a copy; we are not modifying entries in q.E940 qe.Xoffset += xoffset941 p.E = append(p.E, qe)942 }943 return944 }945 // add to plan946 p.E = append(p.E, InitEntry{Xoffset: xoffset, Expr: n})947}948func isZero(n *Node) bool {949 switch n.Op {950 case OLITERAL:951 switch u := n.Val().U.(type) {...

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Source:initialize.go Github


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...68 TypeTiKVSingleGather = "TiKVSingleGather"69 // TypeShowDDLJobs is the type of show ddl jobs.70 TypeShowDDLJobs = "ShowDDLJobs"71)72// Init initializes LogicalAggregation.73func (la LogicalAggregation) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalAggregation {74 la.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeAgg, &la)75 return &la76}77// Init initializes LogicalJoin.78func (p LogicalJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalJoin {79 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeJoin, &p)80 return &p81}82// Init initializes DataSource.83func (ds DataSource) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *DataSource {84 ds.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeTableScan, &ds)85 return &ds86}87// Init initializes TiKVSingleGather.88func (sg TiKVSingleGather) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *TiKVSingleGather {89 sg.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeTiKVSingleGather, &sg)90 return &sg91}92// Init initializes LogicalTableScan.93func (ts LogicalTableScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalTableScan {94 ts.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeTableScan, &ts)95 return &ts96}97// Init initializes LogicalIndexScan.98func (is LogicalIndexScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalIndexScan {99 is.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeIdxScan, &is)100 return &is101}102// Init initializes LogicalSelection.103func (p LogicalSelection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalSelection {104 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeSel, &p)105 return &p106}107// Init initializes PhysicalSelection.108func (p PhysicalSelection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalSelection {109 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeSel, &p)110 p.childrenReqProps = props111 p.stats = stats112 return &p113}114// Init initializes LogicalUnionScan.115func (p LogicalUnionScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalUnionScan {116 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeUnionScan, &p)117 return &p118}119// Init initializes LogicalProjection.120func (p LogicalProjection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalProjection {121 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeProj, &p)122 return &p123}124// Init initializes PhysicalProjection.125func (p PhysicalProjection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalProjection {126 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeProj, &p)127 p.childrenReqProps = props128 p.stats = stats129 return &p130}131// Init initializes LogicalSort.132func (ls LogicalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalSort {133 ls.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeSort, &ls)134 return &ls135}136// Init initializes PhysicalSort.137func (p PhysicalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalSort {138 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeSort, &p)139 p.childrenReqProps = props140 p.stats = stats141 return &p142}143// Init initializes NominalSort.144func (p NominalSort) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *NominalSort {145 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeSort, &p)146 p.childrenReqProps = props147 return &p148}149// Init initializes LogicalTopN.150func (lt LogicalTopN) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalTopN {151 lt.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeTopN, &lt)152 return &lt153}154// Init initializes PhysicalTopN.155func (p PhysicalTopN) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalTopN {156 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeTopN, &p)157 p.childrenReqProps = props158 p.stats = stats159 return &p160}161// Init initializes LogicalLimit.162func (p LogicalLimit) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalLimit {163 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeLimit, &p)164 return &p165}166// Init initializes PhysicalLimit.167func (p PhysicalLimit) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalLimit {168 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeLimit, &p)169 p.childrenReqProps = props170 p.stats = stats171 return &p172}173// Init initializes LogicalTableDual.174func (p LogicalTableDual) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalTableDual {175 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeDual, &p)176 return &p177}178// Init initializes PhysicalTableDual.179func (p PhysicalTableDual) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalTableDual {180 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeDual, &p)181 p.stats = stats182 return &p183}184// Init initializes Delete.185func (p Delete) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *Delete {186 p.basePlan = newBasePlan(ctx, TypeDelete)187 return &p188}189// Init initializes Insert.190func (p Insert) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *Insert {191 p.basePlan = newBasePlan(ctx, TypeInsert)192 return &p193}194// Init initializes LogicalShow.195func (p LogicalShow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalShow {196 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeShow, &p)197 return &p198}199// Init initializes LogicalShowDDLJobs.200func (p LogicalShowDDLJobs) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalShowDDLJobs {201 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeShowDDLJobs, &p)202 return &p203}204// Init initializes PhysicalShow.205func (p PhysicalShow) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalShow {206 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeShow, &p)207 // Just use pseudo stats to avoid panic.208 p.stats = &property.StatsInfo{RowCount: 1}209 return &p210}211// Init initializes PhysicalShowDDLJobs.212func (p PhysicalShowDDLJobs) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalShowDDLJobs {213 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeShowDDLJobs, &p)214 // Just use pseudo stats to avoid panic.215 p.stats = &property.StatsInfo{RowCount: 1}216 return &p217}218// Init initializes PhysicalTableScan.219func (p PhysicalTableScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalTableScan {220 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeTableScan, &p)221 return &p222}223// Init initializes PhysicalIndexScan.224func (p PhysicalIndexScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalIndexScan {225 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeIdxScan, &p)226 return &p227}228// Init initializes LogicalMemTable.229func (p LogicalMemTable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *LogicalMemTable {230 p.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(ctx, TypeMemTableScan, &p)231 return &p232}233// Init initializes PhysicalMemTable.234func (p PhysicalMemTable) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalMemTable {235 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeMemTableScan, &p)236 p.stats = stats237 return &p238}239// Init initializes PhysicalHashJoin.240func (p PhysicalHashJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashJoin {241 tp := TypeHashRightJoin242 if p.InnerChildIdx == 1 {243 tp = TypeHashLeftJoin244 }245 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, tp, &p)246 p.childrenReqProps = props247 p.stats = stats248 return &p249}250// Init initializes PhysicalMergeJoin.251func (p PhysicalMergeJoin) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *PhysicalMergeJoin {252 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeMergeJoin, &p)253 p.stats = stats254 return &p255}256// Init initializes basePhysicalAgg.257func (base basePhysicalAgg) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo) *basePhysicalAgg {258 base.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeHashAgg, &base)259 base.stats = stats260 return &base261}262func (base basePhysicalAgg) initForHash(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashAgg {263 p := &PhysicalHashAgg{base}264 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeHashAgg, p)265 p.childrenReqProps = props266 p.stats = stats267 return p268}269// Init initializes PhysicalUnionScan.270func (p PhysicalUnionScan) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalUnionScan {271 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeUnionScan, &p)272 p.childrenReqProps = props273 p.stats = stats274 return &p275}276// Init initializes PhysicalIndexLookUpReader.277func (p PhysicalIndexLookUpReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader {278 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeIndexLookUp, &p)279 p.TablePlans = flattenPushDownPlan(p.tablePlan)280 p.IndexPlans = flattenPushDownPlan(p.indexPlan)281 p.schema = p.tablePlan.Schema()282 return &p283}284// Init initializes PhysicalTableReader.285func (p PhysicalTableReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalTableReader {286 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeTableReader, &p)287 if p.tablePlan != nil {288 p.TablePlans = flattenPushDownPlan(p.tablePlan)289 p.schema = p.tablePlan.Schema()290 }291 return &p292}293// Init initializes PhysicalIndexReader.294func (p PhysicalIndexReader) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context) *PhysicalIndexReader {295 p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, TypeIndexReader, &p)296 p.SetSchema(nil)297 return &p298}299// flattenPushDownPlan converts a plan tree to a list, whose head is the leaf node like table scan.300func flattenPushDownPlan(p PhysicalPlan) []PhysicalPlan {301 plans := make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, 5)302 for {303 plans = append(plans, p)304 if len(p.Children()) == 0 {305 break306 }307 p = p.Children()[0]...

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("main method")4}5import (6func init() {7 fmt.Println("init method")8}9import (10func init() {11 fmt.Println("init method")12}13func main() {14 fmt.Println("main method")15}16import (17func init() {18 fmt.Println("init method")19}20func main() {21 fmt.Println("main method")22}23import (24func init() {25 fmt.Println("init method")26}27func main() {28 fmt.Println("main method")29}30import (31func init() {32 fmt.Println("init method")33}34func main() {35 fmt.Println("main method")36}37import (38func init() {39 fmt.Println("init method")40}41func main() {42 fmt.Println("main method")43}44import (45func init() {46 fmt.Println("init method")47}48func main() {49 fmt.Println("main method")50}51import (52func init() {53 fmt.Println("init method")54}55func main() {56 fmt.Println("main method")57}58import (59func init() {60 fmt.Println("init method")61}62func main() {63 fmt.Println("main method")64}65import (66func init() {67 fmt.Println("init method")68}69func main() {70 fmt.Println("main method")71}72import (73func init() {74 fmt.Println("init method")75}76func main() {77 fmt.Println("main method")78}79import (80func init() {81 fmt.Println("init method")82}83func main() {84 fmt.Println("main method")85}86import (87func init() {88 fmt.Println("init method")89}90func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4}5import (6func init() {7 fmt.Println("init method")8}9func main() {10 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")4 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")5 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")6}7import "fmt"8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")10 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")11}12import "fmt"13func main() {14 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")15}16import "fmt"17func main() {18 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")19}20import "fmt"21func main() {22 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")23}24import "fmt"25func main() {26 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")27}28import "fmt"29func main() {30 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")31}32import "fmt"33func main() {34 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")35}36import "fmt"37func main() {38 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")39}40import "fmt"41func main() {42 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")43}44import "fmt"45func main() {46 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")47}48import "fmt"49func main() {50 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")51}52import "fmt"53func main() {54 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")55}56import "fmt"57func main() {58 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")59}60import "fmt"61func main() {62 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")63}64import "fmt"65func main() {66 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")67}68import "fmt"69func main() {70 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")71}72import "fmt"73func main() {74 fmt.Println("

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("initpkg.init:", initpkg.Init)4 fmt.Println("initpkg.Init2:", initpkg.Init2)5}6import "fmt"7var Init = init()8func init() int {9 fmt.Println("initpkg.init")10}11var Init2 = init()12import "fmt"13func init() {14 fmt.Println("initpkg.init2")15}

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