How to use configFlagSet method of cmd Package

Best K6 code snippet using cmd.configFlagSet


Source:start.go Github


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...90 logger.Info("agent stopped")91 return nil92 },93 }94 configFlagSet := pflag.NewFlagSet(submit, pflag.ContinueOnError)95 _ = configFlagSet.StringP(flagConfigFile, "c", "", "path to submit agent config file")96 configFlagSet.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard)97 _ = configFlagSet.Parse(args[1:])98 configFilePath, _ = configFlagSet.GetString(flagConfigFile)99 if configFilePath == "" {100 configFilePath = filepath.Join(path.GetDefaultConfigDirPath(), defaultConfigFileName)101 }102 viper.SetConfigType(yaml)103 viper.SetConfigFile(configFilePath)104 viper.SetDefault(flagLogFileAndStdout, deLogFileAndStdOut)105 viper.SetDefault(flagLogFileMaxSize, defMaxLogFileSize)106 viper.SetDefault(flagLogFileMaxAge, defMaxLogFileAge)107 viper.SetDefault(flagLogFileMaxBackups, defMaxLogFileBackups)108 viper.SetDefault(flagLogLevel, info)109 viper.SetDefault(flagServerHost, defHost)110 viper.SetDefault(flagServerPort, defPort)111 viper.SetDefault(flagServerUser, defUser)112 viper.SetDefault(flagServerPassword, defPassword)113 viper.SetDefault(flagFileServerHost, defHost)114 viper.SetDefault(flagFileServerPort, defFsPort)115 viper.SetDefault(flagFileServerUser, defUser)116 viper.SetDefault(flagFileServerPassword, defPassword)117 viper.SetDefault(flagCacheDir, path.GetDefaultCacheDirPath())118 viper.SetDefault(flagMaxRunningTasks, defMaxRunningTasks)119 viper.SetDefault(flagMossParserHost, defMossParserHost)120 viper.SetDefault(flagMossParserPort, defMossParserPort)121 viper.SetDefault(flagMossPath, defMossPath)122 viper.SetDefault(flagSkipTlsVerify, defSkipTlsVerify)123 viper.SetDefault(flagUseTls, defUseTls)124 startCmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(configFlagSet)125 startCmd.Flags().Int(flagLogFileMaxBackups, viper.GetInt(flagLogFileMaxBackups), "maximum number of log file rotations")126 startCmd.Flags().Int(flagLogFileMaxSize, viper.GetInt(flagLogFileMaxSize), "maximum size of the log file before it's rotated")127 startCmd.Flags().Int(flagLogFileMaxAge, viper.GetInt(flagLogFileMaxAge), "maximum age of the log file before it's rotated")128 startCmd.Flags().Bool(flagLogFileAndStdout, viper.GetBool(flagLogFileAndStdout), "write logs to stdout if log-file is specified?")129 startCmd.Flags().String(flagLogLevel, viper.GetString(flagLogLevel), "logging level [panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug]")130 startCmd.Flags().String(flagLogFile, viper.GetString(flagLogFile), "log to file, specify the file location")131 startCmd.Flags().String(flagServerHost, viper.GetString(flagServerHost), "submit server hostname (or ip address)")132 startCmd.Flags().Int(flagServerPort, viper.GetInt(flagServerPort), "submit server port")133 startCmd.Flags().String(flagServerUser, viper.GetString(flagServerUser), "user to be used when authenticating against submit server")134 startCmd.Flags().String(flagServerPassword, viper.GetString(flagServerPassword), "password to be used when authenticating against submit server")135 startCmd.Flags().String(flagFileServerHost, viper.GetString(flagFileServerHost), "submit file server hostname (or ip address)")136 startCmd.Flags().Int(flagFileServerPort, viper.GetInt(flagFileServerPort), "submit file server port")137 startCmd.Flags().String(flagFileServerUser, viper.GetString(flagFileServerUser), "user to be used when authenticating against submit file server")138 startCmd.Flags().String(flagFileServerPassword, viper.GetString(flagFileServerPassword), "password to be used when authenticating against submit file server")...

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Source:configurer.go Github


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...9)10// RegisterFlags implements part of the Configurer interface11func (b *subzelle) RegisterFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet, cmd string, c *config.Config) {12 log.Println("RegisterFlags ->")13 configFlagSet := configFlagSetToProto(c, fs)14 response, err := b.client.RegisterFlags(context.Background(), &lpb.RegisterFlagsRequest{15 Cmd: cmd,16 ConfigFlagSet: configFlagSet,17 })18 if err != nil {19 fatalError(err)20 }21 // flagSetFromProto(fs, response.Flag)22 configFromProto(c, response.Config)23}24// CheckFlags implements part of the Configurer interface25func (b *subzelle) CheckFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet, c *config.Config) error {26 log.Println("CheckFlags ->")27 configFlagSet := configFlagSetToProto(c, fs)28 response, err := b.client.CheckFlags(context.Background(), configFlagSet)29 if err != nil {30 return err31 }32 flagSetFromProto(fs, response.Flag)33 configFromProto(c, response.Config)34 return nil35}36// KnownDirectives implements part of the Configurer interface37func (b *subzelle) KnownDirectives() []string {38 log.Println("KnownDirectives ->")39 response, err := b.client.KnownDirectives(context.Background(), &lpb.KnownDirectivesRequest{})40 if err != nil {41 fatalError(err)42 }...

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Source:flags_test.go Github


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...20 },21 }22 writeConfigToFile(configFile, configFileName)23 defer os.Remove(configFileName)24 configFlagSet := newConfigFlagSet()25 configFlagSet.Set("config", configFileName)26 configFlags := cmd.NewConfigCommandFlags(configFlagSet)27 imagesPath := lepton.GetOpsHome() + "/images"28 t.Run("if config flags are placed before the build image flags imagename overrides the value", func(t *testing.T) {29 container := cmd.NewMergeConfigContainer(configFlags, buildImageFlags)30 config := &types.Config{}31 err := container.Merge(config)32 assert.Nil(t, err)33 assert.Equal(t, config.RunConfig.Imagename, imagesPath+"/build-image")34 })35 t.Run("if build image flags are placed before the config image flags imagename overrides the value", func(t *testing.T) {36 container := cmd.NewMergeConfigContainer(buildImageFlags, configFlags)37 config := &types.Config{}38 err := container.Merge(config)39 assert.Nil(t, err)40 assert.Equal(t, config.RunConfig.Imagename, "config-image-name")...

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1import (2var name = flag.String("name", "everyone", "The greeting object.")3func main() {4 flag.Parse()5 fmt.Printf("Hello, %v!6}7import (8var name = flag.String("name", "everyone", "The greeting object.")9func main() {10 flag.CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[2:])11 fmt.Printf("Hello, %v!12}13import (14var name = flag.String("name", "everyone", "The greeting object.")15func main() {16 flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ExitOnError).Parse(os.Args[2:])17 fmt.Printf("Hello, %v!18}19import (20var name = flag.String("name", "everyone", "The greeting object.")21func main() {22 flag.CommandLine = flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ExitOnError)23 flag.Parse()24 fmt.Printf("Hello, %v!25}26import (27var name = flag.String("name", "everyone", "The greeting object.")28func main() {29 flag.CommandLine = flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ExitOnError)30 flag.Parse()31 fmt.Printf("Hello, %v!32}33import (34var name = flag.String("name", "everyone", "The greeting object.")35func main() {36 flag.CommandLine = flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ExitOnError)37 flag.CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[2:])38 fmt.Printf("Hello, %v!39}

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1import (2func main() {3 cmd := flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)4 cmd.String("flag", "default", "description")5 cmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])6 fmt.Println(cmd.Lookup("flag").Value.String())7 fmt.Println(cmd.Args())8 fmt.Println(cmd.NArg())9 fmt.Println(cmd.NFlag())10 fmt.Println(cmd.Parsed())11 cmd.PrintDefaults()12}13import (14func main() {15 cmd := flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)16 cmd.String("flag", "default", "description")17 cmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])18 fmt.Println(cmd.Lookup("flag").Value.String())19 fmt.Println(cmd.Args())20 fmt.Println(cmd.NArg())21 fmt.Println(cmd.NFlag())22 fmt.Println(cmd.Parsed())23 cmd.PrintDefaults()24}25import (26func main() {27 cmd := flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)28 cmd.String("flag", "default", "description")29 cmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])30 fmt.Println(cmd.Lookup("flag").Value.String())31 fmt.Println(cmd.Args())32 fmt.Println(cmd.NArg())33 fmt.Println(cmd.NFlag())34 fmt.Println(cmd.Parsed())35 cmd.PrintDefaults()36}37import (38func main() {39 cmd := flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)40 cmd.String("flag", "default", "description")41 cmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])42 fmt.Println(cmd.Lookup("flag").Value.String())43 fmt.Println(cmd.Args())44 fmt.Println(cmd.NArg())45 fmt.Println(cmd.NFlag())46 fmt.Println(cmd.Parsed())47 cmd.PrintDefaults()48}49import (50func main() {51 cmd := flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)

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1import (2func main() {3 if len(os.Args) > 1 {4 }5 switch cmd {6 addCmd := flag.NewFlagSet("add", flag.ExitOnError)7 configFlagSet(addCmd)8 addCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])9 name, _ := addCmd.GetString("name")10 email, _ := addCmd.GetString("email")11 fmt.Println("Adding user", name, email)12 delCmd := flag.NewFlagSet("del", flag.ExitOnError)13 configFlagSet(delCmd)14 delCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])15 id, _ := delCmd.GetInt("id")16 fmt.Println("Deleting user with ID", id)17 updateCmd := flag.NewFlagSet("update", flag.ExitOnError)

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1import (2func main() {3 fs := flag.NewFlagSet("example", flag.ExitOnError)4 config := fs.String("config", "", "config file path")5 fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])6 if *config == "" {7 fmt.Println("config file path is required")8 os.Exit(1)9 }10 fmt.Println("config file path is:", *config)11}

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1import (2func main() {3 var cmd = flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)4 var subcmd = cmd.String("subcmd", "default", "sub command")5 var subcmd2 = cmd.String("subcmd2", "default", "sub command 2")6 cmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])7 fmt.Println("subcmd:", *subcmd)8 fmt.Println("subcmd2:", *subcmd2)9}10import (11func main() {12 var cmd = flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)13 var subcmd = cmd.String("subcmd", "default", "sub command")14 var subcmd2 = cmd.String("subcmd2", "default", "sub command 2")15 cmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])16 fmt.Println("subcmd:", *subcmd)17 fmt.Println("subcmd2:", *subcmd2)18}19import (20func main() {21 var cmd = flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)22 var subcmd = cmd.String("subcmd", "default", "sub command")23 var subcmd2 = cmd.String("subcmd2", "default", "sub command 2")24 cmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])25 fmt.Println("subcmd:", *subcmd)26 fmt.Println("subcmd2:", *subcmd2)27}28import (29func main() {30 var cmd = flag.NewFlagSet("cmd", flag.ExitOnError)31 var subcmd = cmd.String("subcmd", "default", "sub command")32 var subcmd2 = cmd.String("subcmd2", "default", "sub command 2")33 cmd.Parse(os.Args[2:])34 fmt.Println("subcmd:", *subcmd)35 fmt.Println("subcmd2:", *subcmd2)36}37import (38func main() {39 var cmd = flag.NewFlagSet("cmd

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1import (2func main() {3 flag.Parse()4 fmt.Println("Command-line arguments:")5 flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {6 fmt.Printf("-%s=%s7 })8}9func (f *FlagSet) Bool(name string, value bool, usage string) *bool10func (f *FlagSet) BoolVar(p *bool, name string, value bool, usage string)11func (f *FlagSet) Duration(name string, value time.Duration, usage string) *time.Duration12func (f *FlagSet) DurationVar(p *time.Duration, name string, value time.Duration, usage string)13func (f *FlagSet) Float64(name string, value float64, usage string) *float6414func (f *FlagSet) Float64Var(p *float64, name string, value float64, usage string)15func (f *FlagSet) Int(name string, value int, usage string) *int16func (f *FlagSet) Int64(name string, value int64, usage string) *int6417func (f *FlagSet) Int64Var(p *int64, name string, value int64, usage string)18func (f *FlagSet) IntVar(p *int

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fs := flag.NewFlagSet("example", flag.ExitOnError)4 name := fs.String("name", "everyone", "A name to say hello to.")5 fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])6 fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!7}8import (9func main() {10 fs := flag.NewFlagSet("example", flag.ExitOnError)11 name := fs.String("name", "everyone", "A name to say hello to.")12 fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])13 fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!14}15import (16func main() {17 fs := flag.NewFlagSet("example", flag.ExitOnError)18 name := fs.String("name", "everyone", "A name to say hello to.")19 fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])20 fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!21}22import (23func main() {24 fs := flag.NewFlagSet("example", flag.ExitOnError)25 name := fs.String("name", "everyone", "A name to say hello to.")26 fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])27 fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!28}29import (30func main() {31 fs := flag.NewFlagSet("example",

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1import (2var (3 configFile = flag.String("config", "config.json", "path to config file")4func main() {5 flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {6 fmt.Println(f.Name, f.Value)7 })8}9func (f *FlagSet) VisitAll(fn func(*Flag)) {10 f.Visit(func(f *Flag) {11 fn(f)12 })13 f.VisitAll(func(f *Flag) {14 fn(f)15 })16}17func (f *FlagSet) Visit(fn func(*Flag)) {18 f.VisitAll(func(f *Flag) {19 if f.Changed {20 fn(f)21 }22 })23}24func (f *FlagSet) VisitAll(fn func(*Flag)) {25 f.Visit(func(f *Flag) {26 fn(f)27 })28 f.VisitAll(func(f *Flag) {29 fn(f)30 })31}32func (f *FlagSet) Visit(fn func(*Flag)) {33 f.VisitAll(func(f *Flag) {34 if f.Changed {35 fn(f)36 }37 })38}39import (40var (41 configFile = flag.String("config", "config.json", "path to config file")42func main() {43 flag.Parse()

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