How to use Reflect method of grpcext Package

Best K6 code snippet using grpcext.Reflect


Source:client.go Github


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...91 c.conn, err = grpcext.Dial(ctx, addr, opts...)92 if err != nil {93 return false, err94 }95 if !p.UseReflectionProtocol {96 return true, nil97 }98 fdset, err := c.conn.Reflect(ctx)99 if err != nil {100 return false, err101 }102 _, err = c.convertToMethodInfo(fdset)103 if err != nil {104 return false, fmt.Errorf("can't convert method info: %w", err)105 }106 return true, err107}108// Invoke creates and calls a unary RPC by fully qualified method name109func (c *Client) Invoke(110 method string,111 req goja.Value,112 params map[string]interface{},113) (*grpcext.Response, error) {114 state := if state == nil {116 return nil, common.NewInitContextError("invoking RPC methods in the init context is not supported")117 }118 if c.conn == nil {119 return nil, errors.New("no gRPC connection, you must call connect first")120 }121 if method == "" {122 return nil, errors.New("method to invoke cannot be empty")123 }124 if method[0] != '/' {125 method = "/" + method126 }127 methodDesc := c.mds[method]128 if methodDesc == nil {129 return nil, fmt.Errorf("method %q not found in file descriptors", method)130 }131 p, err := c.parseParams(params)132 if err != nil {133 return nil, err134 }135 b, err := req.ToObject( if err != nil {137 return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to serialise request object: %w", err)138 }139 md := metadata.New(nil)140 for param, strval := range p.Metadata {141 md.Append(param, strval)142 }143 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(, p.Timeout)144 defer cancel()145 tags := state.CloneTags()146 for k, v := range p.Tags {147 tags[k] = v148 }149 if state.Options.SystemTags.Has(metrics.TagURL) {150 tags["url"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", c.addr, method)151 }152 parts := strings.Split(method[1:], "/")153 if state.Options.SystemTags.Has(metrics.TagService) {154 tags["service"] = parts[0]155 }156 if state.Options.SystemTags.Has(metrics.TagMethod) {157 tags["method"] = parts[1]158 }159 // Only set the name system tag if the user didn't explicitly set it beforehand160 if _, ok := tags["name"]; !ok && state.Options.SystemTags.Has(metrics.TagName) {161 tags["name"] = method162 }163 reqmsg := grpcext.Request{164 MethodDescriptor: methodDesc,165 Message: b,166 Tags: tags,167 }168 return c.conn.Invoke(ctx, method, md, reqmsg)169}170// Close will close the client gRPC connection171func (c *Client) Close() error {172 if c.conn == nil {173 return nil174 }175 err := c.conn.Close()176 c.conn = nil177 return err178}179// MethodInfo holds information on any parsed method descriptors that can be used by the goja VM180type MethodInfo struct {181 Package string182 Service string183 FullMethod string184 grpc.MethodInfo `json:"-" js:"-"`185}186func (c *Client) convertToMethodInfo(fdset *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorSet) ([]MethodInfo, error) {187 files, err := protodesc.NewFiles(fdset)188 if err != nil {189 return nil, err190 }191 var rtn []MethodInfo192 if c.mds == nil {193 // This allows us to call load() multiple times, without overwriting the194 // previously loaded definitions.195 c.mds = make(map[string]protoreflect.MethodDescriptor)196 }197 appendMethodInfo := func(198 fd protoreflect.FileDescriptor,199 sd protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor,200 md protoreflect.MethodDescriptor,201 ) {202 name := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", sd.FullName(), md.Name())203 c.mds[name] = md204 rtn = append(rtn, MethodInfo{205 MethodInfo: grpc.MethodInfo{206 Name: string(md.Name()),207 IsClientStream: md.IsStreamingClient(),208 IsServerStream: md.IsStreamingServer(),209 },210 Package: string(fd.Package()),211 Service: string(sd.Name()),212 FullMethod: name,213 })214 }215 files.RangeFiles(func(fd protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool {216 sds := fd.Services()217 for i := 0; i < sds.Len(); i++ {218 sd := sds.Get(i)219 mds := sd.Methods()220 for j := 0; j < mds.Len(); j++ {221 md := mds.Get(j)222 appendMethodInfo(fd, sd, md)223 }224 }225 return true226 })227 return rtn, nil228}229type params struct {230 Metadata map[string]string231 Tags map[string]string232 Timeout time.Duration233}234func (c *Client) parseParams(raw map[string]interface{}) (params, error) {235 p := params{236 Timeout: 1 * time.Minute,237 }238 for k, v := range raw {239 switch k {240 case "headers":241"The headers property is deprecated, replace it with the metadata property, please.")242 fallthrough243 case "metadata":244 p.Metadata = make(map[string]string)245 rawHeaders, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})246 if !ok {247 return p, errors.New("metadata must be an object with key-value pairs")248 }249 for hk, kv := range rawHeaders {250 // TODO(rogchap): Should we manage a string slice?251 strval, ok := kv.(string)252 if !ok {253 return p, fmt.Errorf("metadata %q value must be a string", hk)254 }255 p.Metadata[hk] = strval256 }257 case "tags":258 p.Tags = make(map[string]string)259 rawTags, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})260 if !ok {261 return p, errors.New("tags must be an object with key-value pairs")262 }263 for tk, tv := range rawTags {264 strVal, ok := tv.(string)265 if !ok {266 return p, fmt.Errorf("tag %q value must be a string", tk)267 }268 p.Tags[tk] = strVal269 }270 case "timeout":271 var err error272 p.Timeout, err = types.GetDurationValue(v)273 if err != nil {274 return p, fmt.Errorf("invalid timeout value: %w", err)275 }276 default:277 return p, fmt.Errorf("unknown param: %q", k)278 }279 }280 return p, nil281}282type connectParams struct {283 IsPlaintext bool284 UseReflectionProtocol bool285 Timeout time.Duration286}287func (c *Client) parseConnectParams(raw map[string]interface{}) (connectParams, error) {288 params := connectParams{289 IsPlaintext: false,290 UseReflectionProtocol: false,291 Timeout: time.Minute,292 }293 for k, v := range raw {294 switch k {295 case "plaintext":296 var ok bool297 params.IsPlaintext, ok = v.(bool)298 if !ok {299 return params, fmt.Errorf("invalid plaintext value: '%#v', it needs to be boolean", v)300 }301 case "timeout":302 var err error303 params.Timeout, err = types.GetDurationValue(v)304 if err != nil {305 return params, fmt.Errorf("invalid timeout value: %w", err)306 }307 case "reflect":308 var ok bool309 params.UseReflectionProtocol, ok = v.(bool)310 if !ok {311 return params, fmt.Errorf("invalid reflect value: '%#v', it needs to be boolean", v)312 }313 default:314 return params, fmt.Errorf("unknown connect param: %q", k)315 }316 }317 return params, nil318}319func walkFileDescriptors(seen map[string]struct{}, fd *desc.FileDescriptor) []*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto {320 fds := []*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto{}321 if _, ok := seen[fd.GetName()]; ok {322 return fds323 }...

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Source:chat.go Github


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...70 }71 return conn.Invoke(ctx, method, nil, req)72}73func (mi *ModuleInstance) methodDescriptor(ctx context.Context, c *grpcext.Conn, method string) (protoreflect.MethodDescriptor, error) {74 rc, err := c.ReflectionClient()75 if err != nil {76 return nil, err77 }78 fdset, err := rc.Reflect(ctx)79 if err != nil {80 return nil, err81 }82 files, err := protodesc.NewFiles(fdset)83 if err != nil {84 return nil, err85 }86 var md protoreflect.MethodDescriptor87 files.RangeFiles(func(fd protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool {88 sds := fd.Services()89 for i := 0; i < sds.Len(); i++ {90 sd := sds.Get(i)91 sdname := sd.FullName()92 mds := sd.Methods()...

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1import (2type reflectionServer struct {3}4func (s *reflectionServer) ServerReflectionInfo(stream reflection_grpc.ServerReflection_ServerReflectionInfoServer) error {5 grpclog.Info("ServerReflectionInfo")6 return grpc_reflection_v1alpha.ServerReflectionInfo(&reflectionServer{}, stream)7}8func main() {9 lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:50051")10 if err != nil {11 log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)12 }13 s := grpc.NewServer()14 reflection_grpc.RegisterServerReflectionServer(s, &reflectionServer{})15 if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {16 log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)17 }18}19import (20func main() {21 conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:50051", grpc.WithInsecure())22 if err != nil {23 log.Fatal(err)24 }25 defer conn.Close()26 client := reflection_grpc.NewServerReflectionClient(conn)27 stream, err := client.ServerReflectionInfo(context.Background())28 if err != nil {29 log.Fatal(err)30 }31 req := &reflection.ServerReflectionRequest{32 MessageRequest: &reflection.ServerReflectionRequest_ListServices{},33 }34 if err := stream.Send(req); err != nil {35 log.Fatal(err)36 }37 resp, err := stream.Recv()38 if err != nil {39 log.Fatal(err)40 }41 fmt.Println(resp)42}43&{&{[service:<name:"grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection" > ]} []}

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1import (2type server struct {3}4func (s *server) SayHello(in *HelloRequest) (*HelloReply, error) {5 return &HelloReply{Message: "Hello " + in.Name}, nil6}7type config struct {8}9func (c *config) TagRPC(ctx context.Context, info *stats.RPCTagInfo) context.Context {10}11func (c *config) HandleRPC(ctx context.Context, stat stats.RPCStats) {12}13func (c *config) TagConn(ctx context.Context, info *stats.ConnTagInfo) context.Context {14}15func (c *config) HandleConn(ctx context.Context, stat stats.ConnStats) {16}17func main() {18 lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:50051")19 if err != nil {20 grpclog.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)21 }22 s := grpc.NewServer(23 grpc.StatsHandler(&config{}),24 RegisterGreeterServer(s, &server{})25 reflection.Register(s)26 if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {27 grpclog.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)28 }29}30import (31type server struct {32}33func (s *server) SayHello(in *HelloRequest) (*HelloReply, error) {34 return &HelloReply{Message: "Hello " + in.Name}, nil35}36type config struct {37}38func (c *config) TagRPC(ctx context.Context, info *stats.RP

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1import (2func main() {3 conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:8080", grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewClientTLSFromCert(nil, "")))4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 defer conn.Close()8 stub := grpc_testing.NewTestServiceClient(conn)9 req := &grpc_testing.SimpleRequest{10 ResponseSize: proto.Int32(100),11 FillUsername: proto.Bool(true),12 FillOauthScope: proto.Bool(true),13 }14 resp, err := stub.UnaryCall(grpcext.WithUserAgent(context.Background(), "grpc-go/1.0"), req)15 if err != nil {16 log.Fatal(err)17 }18 fmt.Println("Response: ", resp)19}20import (21func main() {22 conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:8080", grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewClientTLSFromCert(nil, "")))23 if err != nil {24 log.Fatal(err)25 }26 defer conn.Close()27 stub := grpc_testing.NewTestServiceClient(conn)28 req := &grpc_testing.SimpleRequest{29 ResponseSize: proto.Int32(100),30 FillUsername: proto.Bool(true),31 FillOauthScope: proto.Bool(true),32 }33 resp, err := stub.UnaryCall(grpcext.WithUser

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1import (2func main() {3 conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:50051", grpc.WithInsecure())4 if err != nil {5 grpclog.Fatalf("did not connect: %v", err)6 }7 defer conn.Close()8 c := pb.NewGreeterClient(conn)9 r, err := c.SayHello(context.Background(), &pb.HelloRequest{Name: name})10 if err != nil {11 grpclog.Fatalf("could not greet: %v", err)12 }13 grpclog.Printf("Greeting: %s", r.Message)14 method, ok := grpcext.MethodName(c.SayHello)15 if ok {16 grpclog.Printf("Method name: %s", method)17 } else {18 grpclog.Fatalf("Method name not available")19 }20}

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1func main() {2 var req interface{}3 var resp interface{}4 handler(ctx, req)5 method := grpcext.MethodName(info.FullMethod)6 log.Println(method)7}8func main() {9 var req interface{}10 var resp interface{}11 handler(ctx, req)12 method := grpcext.MethodName(info.FullMethod)13 log.Println(method)14}15func main() {16 var req interface{}17 var resp interface{}18 handler(ctx, req)19 method := grpcext.MethodName(info.FullMethod)20 log.Println(method)21}22func main() {23 var req interface{}24 var resp interface{}25 handler(ctx, req)26 method := grpcext.MethodName(info.FullMethod)27 log.Println(method)28}29func main() {30 var req interface{}31 var resp interface{}

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