How to use responseFromHTTPext method of http Package

Best K6 code snippet using http.responseFromHTTPext


Source:request.go Github


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...77 if err != nil {78 return nil, err79 }80 c.processResponse(resp, req.ResponseType)81 return c.responseFromHTTPext(resp), nil82}83// processResponse stores the body as an ArrayBuffer if indicated by84// respType. This is done here instead of in httpext.readResponseBody to avoid85// a reverse dependency on js/common or goja.86func (c *Client) processResponse(resp *httpext.Response, respType httpext.ResponseType) {87 if respType == httpext.ResponseTypeBinary && resp.Body != nil {88 resp.Body =[]byte))89 }90}91func (c *Client) responseFromHTTPext(resp *httpext.Response) *Response {92 return &Response{Response: resp, client: c}93}94// TODO: break this function up95//nolint: gocyclo, cyclop, funlen, gocognit96func (c *Client) parseRequest(97 method string, reqURL, body interface{}, params goja.Value,98) (*httpext.ParsedHTTPRequest, error) {99 rt := state := if state == nil {102 return nil, ErrHTTPForbiddenInInitContext103 }104 if urlJSValue, ok := reqURL.(goja.Value); ok {105 reqURL = urlJSValue.Export()106 }107 u, err := httpext.ToURL(reqURL)108 if err != nil {109 return nil, err110 }111 result := &httpext.ParsedHTTPRequest{112 URL: &u,113 Req: &http.Request{114 Method: method,115 URL: u.GetURL(),116 Header: make(http.Header),117 },118 Timeout: 60 * time.Second,119 Throw: state.Options.Throw.Bool,120 Redirects: state.Options.MaxRedirects,121 Cookies: make(map[string]*httpext.HTTPRequestCookie),122 Tags: make(map[string]string),123 ResponseCallback: c.responseCallback,124 }125 if state.Options.DiscardResponseBodies.Bool {126 result.ResponseType = httpext.ResponseTypeNone127 } else {128 result.ResponseType = httpext.ResponseTypeText129 }130 formatFormVal := func(v interface{}) string {131 // TODO: handle/warn about unsupported/nested values132 return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)133 }134 handleObjectBody := func(data map[string]interface{}) error {135 if !requestContainsFile(data) {136 bodyQuery := make(url.Values, len(data))137 for k, v := range data {138 if arr, ok := v.([]interface{}); ok {139 for _, el := range arr {140 bodyQuery.Add(k, formatFormVal(el))141 }142 continue143 }144 bodyQuery.Set(k, formatFormVal(v))145 }146 result.Body = bytes.NewBufferString(bodyQuery.Encode())147 result.Req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")148 return nil149 }150 // handling multipart request151 result.Body = &bytes.Buffer{}152 mpw := multipart.NewWriter(result.Body)153 // For parameters of type common.FileData, created with open(file, "b"),154 // we write the file boundary to the body buffer.155 // Otherwise parameters are treated as standard form field.156 for k, v := range data {157 switch ve := v.(type) {158 case FileData:159 // writing our own part to handle receiving160 // different content-type than the default application/octet-stream161 h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)162 escapedFilename := escapeQuotes(ve.Filename)163 h.Set("Content-Disposition",164 fmt.Sprintf(`form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"`,165 k, escapedFilename))166 h.Set("Content-Type", ve.ContentType)167 // this writer will be closed either by the next part or168 // the call to mpw.Close()169 fw, err := mpw.CreatePart(h)170 if err != nil {171 return err172 }173 if _, err := fw.Write(ve.Data); err != nil {174 return err175 }176 default:177 fw, err := mpw.CreateFormField(k)178 if err != nil {179 return err180 }181 if _, err := fw.Write([]byte(formatFormVal(v))); err != nil {182 return err183 }184 }185 }186 if err := mpw.Close(); err != nil {187 return err188 }189 result.Req.Header.Set("Content-Type", mpw.FormDataContentType())190 return nil191 }192 if body != nil {193 switch data := body.(type) {194 case map[string]goja.Value:195 // TODO: fix forms submission and serialization in k6/html before fixing this..196 newData := map[string]interface{}{}197 for k, v := range data {198 newData[k] = v.Export()199 }200 if err := handleObjectBody(newData); err != nil {201 return nil, err202 }203 case goja.ArrayBuffer:204 result.Body = bytes.NewBuffer(data.Bytes())205 case map[string]interface{}:206 if err := handleObjectBody(data); err != nil {207 return nil, err208 }209 case string:210 result.Body = bytes.NewBufferString(data)211 case []byte:212 result.Body = bytes.NewBuffer(data)213 default:214 return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown request body type %T", body)215 }216 }217 result.Req.Header.Set("User-Agent", state.Options.UserAgent.String)218 if state.CookieJar != nil {219 result.ActiveJar = state.CookieJar220 }221 // TODO: ditch goja.Value, reflections and Object and use a simple go map and type assertions?222 if params != nil && !goja.IsUndefined(params) && !goja.IsNull(params) {223 params := params.ToObject(rt)224 for _, k := range params.Keys() {225 switch k {226 case "cookies":227 cookiesV := params.Get(k)228 if goja.IsUndefined(cookiesV) || goja.IsNull(cookiesV) {229 continue230 }231 cookies := cookiesV.ToObject(rt)232 if cookies == nil {233 continue234 }235 for _, key := range cookies.Keys() {236 cookieV := cookies.Get(key)237 if goja.IsUndefined(cookieV) || goja.IsNull(cookieV) {238 continue239 }240 switch cookieV.ExportType() {241 case reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}{}):242 result.Cookies[key] = &httpext.HTTPRequestCookie{Name: key, Value: "", Replace: false}243 cookie := cookieV.ToObject(rt)244 for _, attr := range cookie.Keys() {245 switch strings.ToLower(attr) {246 case "replace":247 result.Cookies[key].Replace = cookie.Get(attr).ToBoolean()248 case "value":249 result.Cookies[key].Value = cookie.Get(attr).String()250 }251 }252 default:253 result.Cookies[key] = &httpext.HTTPRequestCookie{Name: key, Value: cookieV.String(), Replace: false}254 }255 }256 case "headers":257 headersV := params.Get(k)258 if goja.IsUndefined(headersV) || goja.IsNull(headersV) {259 continue260 }261 headers := headersV.ToObject(rt)262 if headers == nil {263 continue264 }265 for _, key := range headers.Keys() {266 str := headers.Get(key).String()267 if strings.ToLower(key) == "host" {268 result.Req.Host = str269 }270 result.Req.Header.Set(key, str)271 }272 case "jar":273 jarV := params.Get(k)274 if goja.IsUndefined(jarV) || goja.IsNull(jarV) {275 continue276 }277 switch v := jarV.Export().(type) {278 case *CookieJar:279 result.ActiveJar = v.Jar280 }281 case "compression":282 algosString := strings.TrimSpace(params.Get(k).ToString().String())283 if algosString == "" {284 continue285 }286 algos := strings.Split(algosString, ",")287 var err error288 result.Compressions = make([]httpext.CompressionType, len(algos))289 for index, algo := range algos {290 algo = strings.TrimSpace(algo)291 result.Compressions[index], err = httpext.CompressionTypeString(algo)292 if err != nil {293 return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown compression algorithm %s, supported algorithms are %s",294 algo, httpext.CompressionTypeValues())295 }296 }297 case "redirects":298 result.Redirects = null.IntFrom(params.Get(k).ToInteger())299 case "tags":300 tagsV := params.Get(k)301 if goja.IsUndefined(tagsV) || goja.IsNull(tagsV) {302 continue303 }304 tagObj := tagsV.ToObject(rt)305 if tagObj == nil {306 continue307 }308 for _, key := range tagObj.Keys() {309 result.Tags[key] = tagObj.Get(key).String()310 }311 case "auth":312 result.Auth = params.Get(k).String()313 case "timeout":314 t, err := types.GetDurationValue(params.Get(k).Export())315 if err != nil {316 return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid timeout value: %w", err)317 }318 result.Timeout = t319 case "throw":320 result.Throw = params.Get(k).ToBoolean()321 case "responseType":322 responseType, err := httpext.ResponseTypeString(params.Get(k).String())323 if err != nil {324 return nil, err325 }326 result.ResponseType = responseType327 case "responseCallback":328 v := params.Get(k).Export()329 if v == nil {330 result.ResponseCallback = nil331 } else if c, ok := v.(*expectedStatuses); ok {332 result.ResponseCallback = c.match333 } else {334 return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported responseCallback")335 }336 }337 }338 }339 if result.ActiveJar != nil {340 httpext.SetRequestCookies(result.Req, result.ActiveJar, result.Cookies)341 }342 return result, nil343}344func (c *Client) prepareBatchArray(requests []interface{}) (345 []httpext.BatchParsedHTTPRequest, []*Response, error,346) {347 reqCount := len(requests)348 batchReqs := make([]httpext.BatchParsedHTTPRequest, reqCount)349 results := make([]*Response, reqCount)350 for i, req := range requests {351 resp := httpext.NewResponse()352 parsedReq, err := c.parseBatchRequest(i, req)353 if err != nil {354 resp.Error = err.Error()355 var k6e httpext.K6Error356 if errors.As(err, &k6e) {357 resp.ErrorCode = int(k6e.Code)358 }359 results[i] = c.responseFromHTTPext(resp)360 return batchReqs, results, err361 }362 batchReqs[i] = httpext.BatchParsedHTTPRequest{363 ParsedHTTPRequest: parsedReq,364 Response: resp,365 }366 results[i] = c.responseFromHTTPext(resp)367 }368 return batchReqs, results, nil369}370func (c *Client) prepareBatchObject(requests map[string]interface{}) (371 []httpext.BatchParsedHTTPRequest, map[string]*Response, error,372) {373 reqCount := len(requests)374 batchReqs := make([]httpext.BatchParsedHTTPRequest, reqCount)375 results := make(map[string]*Response, reqCount)376 i := 0377 for key, req := range requests {378 resp := httpext.NewResponse()379 parsedReq, err := c.parseBatchRequest(key, req)380 if err != nil {381 resp.Error = err.Error()382 var k6e httpext.K6Error383 if errors.As(err, &k6e) {384 resp.ErrorCode = int(k6e.Code)385 }386 results[key] = c.responseFromHTTPext(resp)387 return batchReqs, results, err388 }389 batchReqs[i] = httpext.BatchParsedHTTPRequest{390 ParsedHTTPRequest: parsedReq,391 Response: resp,392 }393 results[key] = c.responseFromHTTPext(resp)394 i++395 }396 return batchReqs, results, nil397}398// Batch makes multiple simultaneous HTTP requests. The provideds reqsV should be an array of request399// objects. Batch returns an array of responses and/or error400func (c *Client) Batch(reqsV goja.Value) (interface{}, error) {401 state := if state == nil {403 return nil, ErrBatchForbiddenInInitContext404 }405 var (406 err error407 batchReqs []httpext.BatchParsedHTTPRequest...

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 } else {6 data := make([]byte, 99999)7 response.Body.Read(data)8 fmt.Println(string(data))9 }10}

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1import (2func main() {3 http.HandleFunc("/", responseFromHTTPext)4 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)5}6func responseFromHTTPext(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {7 if err != nil {8 fmt.Println(err)9 }10 defer resp.Body.Close()11 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)12 fmt.Println(string(body))13}14import (15func main() {16 http.HandleFunc("/", responseFromHTTPext)17 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)18}19func responseFromHTTPext(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {20 if err != nil {21 fmt.Println(err)22 }23 defer resp.Body.Close()24 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)25 fmt.Println(string(body))26}27import (28func main() {29 http.HandleFunc("/", responseFromHTTPext)30 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)31}32func responseFromHTTPext(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {33 if err != nil {34 fmt.Println(err)35 }36 defer resp.Body.Close()37 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)38 fmt.Println(string(body))39}40import (41func main() {42 http.HandleFunc("/", responseFromHTTPext)43 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)44}45func responseFromHTTPext(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {46 if err != nil {47 fmt.Println(err)48 }49 defer resp.Body.Close()50 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)51 fmt.Println(string(body))52}53import (54func main() {

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1import (2func main() {3 httpClient := http.Client{}4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 defer response.Body.Close()8 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)9 if err != nil {10 fmt.Println(err)11 }12 fmt.Println(string(body))13}14import (15func main() {16 if err != nil {17 fmt.Println(err)18 }19 defer resp.Body.Close()20 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)21 if err != nil {22 fmt.Println(err)23 }24 fmt.Println(string(body))25}26import (27func main() {28 if err != nil {29 fmt.Println(err)30 }31 defer resp.Body.Close()32 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)33 if err != nil {34 fmt.Println(err)35 }36 fmt.Println(string(body))37}38import (39func main() {40 if err != nil {41 fmt.Println(err)42 }43 defer resp.Body.Close()44 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)45 if err != nil {46 fmt.Println(err)47 }48 fmt.Println(string(body))49}50import (51func main() {52 if err != nil {53 fmt.Println(err)54 }55 defer resp.Body.Close()56 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)57 if err != nil {58 fmt.Println(err)59 }60 fmt.Println(string(body))61}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 } else {6 fmt.Println(response)7 }8}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "http";2import "json";3import "io";4@http:configuration {5}6service<http> helloService {7 @http:resourceConfig {8 }9 resource sayHello (http:Connection conn, http:InRequest req) {10 json response = { "Hello": "World" };11 io:println(response);12 http:OutResponse res = {};13 res.setStringPayload(response.toString());14 _ = conn.respond(res);15 }16}17import "http";18import "json";19import "io";20function main (string[] args) {21 http:InRequest req = {};22 if (res is http:OutResponse) {23 string payload = res.getStringPayload();24 io:println(payload);25 } else {26 io:println("Error: ", res);27 }28}29import "http";30import "json";31import "io";32function main (string[] args) {33 http:InRequest req = {};34 if (res is http:OutResponse) {35 string payload = res.getStringPayload();36 io:println(payload);37 } else {38 io:println("Error: ", res);39 }40}41import "http";42import "json";43import "io";44function main (string[] args) {45 http:InRequest req = {};46 if (res is http:OutResponse) {47 string payload = res.getStringPayload();48 io:println(payload);49 } else {50 io:println("Error: ",

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