How to use New method of cdp Package

Best Rod code snippet using cdp.New


Source:chromedp.go Github


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...16 ""17 ""18)19const (20 // DefaultNewTargetTimeout is the default time to wait for a new target to21 // be started.22 DefaultNewTargetTimeout = 3 * time.Second23 // DefaultCheckDuration is the default time to sleep between a check.24 DefaultCheckDuration = 50 * time.Millisecond25 // DefaultPoolStartPort is the default start port number.26 DefaultPoolStartPort = 900027 // DefaultPoolEndPort is the default end port number.28 DefaultPoolEndPort = 1000029)30// CDP is the high-level Chrome DevTools Protocol browser manager, handling the31// browser process runner, WebSocket clients, associated targets, and network,32// page, and DOM events.33type CDP struct {34 // r is the chrome runner.35 r *runner.Runner36 // opts are command line options to pass to a created runner.37 opts []runner.CommandLineOption38 // watch is the channel for new client targets.39 watch <-chan client.Target40 // cur is the current active target's handler.41 cur cdp.Executor42 // handlers is the active handlers.43 handlers []*TargetHandler44 // handlerMap is the map of target IDs to its active handler.45 handlerMap map[string]int46 // logging funcs47 logf, debugf, errf func(string, ...interface{})48 sync.RWMutex49}50// New creates and starts a new CDP instance.51func New(ctxt context.Context, opts ...Option) (*CDP, error) {52 c := &CDP{53 handlers: make([]*TargetHandler, 0),54 handlerMap: make(map[string]int),55 logf: log.Printf,56 debugf: func(string, ...interface{}) {},57 errf: func(s string, v ...interface{}) { log.Printf("error: "+s, v...) },58 }59 // apply options60 for _, o := range opts {61 if err := o(c); err != nil {62 return nil, err63 }64 }65 // check for supplied runner, if none then create one66 if c.r == nil && == nil {67 var err error68 c.r, err = runner.Run(ctxt, c.opts...)69 if err != nil {70 return nil, err71 }72 }73 // watch handlers74 if == nil {75 = c.r.Client().WatchPageTargets(ctxt)76 }77 go func() {78 for t := range {79 if t == nil {80 return81 }82 go c.AddTarget(ctxt, t)83 }84 }()85 // TODO: fix this86 timeout := time.After(defaultNewTargetTimeout)87 // wait until at least one target active88 for {89 select {90 default:91 c.RLock()92 exists := c.cur != nil93 c.RUnlock()94 if exists {95 return c, nil96 }97 // TODO: fix this98 time.Sleep(DefaultCheckDuration)99 case <-ctxt.Done():100 return nil, ctxt.Err()101 case <-timeout:102 return nil, errors.New("timeout waiting for initial target")103 }104 }105}106// AddTarget adds a target using the supplied context.107func (c *CDP) AddTarget(ctxt context.Context, t client.Target) {108 c.Lock()109 defer c.Unlock()110 // create target manager111 h, err := NewTargetHandler(t, c.logf, c.debugf, c.errf)112 if err != nil {113 c.errf("could not create handler for %s: %v", t, err)114 return115 }116 // run117 if err := h.Run(ctxt); err != nil {118 c.errf("could not start handler for %s: %v", t, err)119 return120 }121 // add to active handlers122 c.handlers = append(c.handlers, h)123 c.handlerMap[t.GetID()] = len(c.handlers) - 1124 if c.cur == nil {125 c.cur = h126 }127}128// Wait waits for the Chrome runner to terminate.129func (c *CDP) Wait() error {130 c.RLock()131 r := c.r132 c.RUnlock()133 if r != nil {134 return r.Wait()135 }136 return nil137}138// Shutdown closes all Chrome page handlers.139func (c *CDP) Shutdown(ctxt context.Context, opts ...client.Option) error {140 c.RLock()141 defer c.RUnlock()142 if c.r != nil {143 return c.r.Shutdown(ctxt, opts...)144 }145 return nil146}147// ListTargets returns the target IDs of the managed targets.148func (c *CDP) ListTargets() []string {149 c.RLock()150 defer c.RUnlock()151 i, targets := 0, make([]string, len(c.handlers))152 for k := range c.handlerMap {153 targets[i] = k154 i++155 }156 return targets157}158// GetHandlerByIndex retrieves the domains manager for the specified index.159func (c *CDP) GetHandlerByIndex(i int) cdp.Executor {160 c.RLock()161 defer c.RUnlock()162 if i < 0 || i >= len(c.handlers) {163 return nil164 }165 return c.handlers[i]166}167// GetHandlerByID retrieves the domains manager for the specified target ID.168func (c *CDP) GetHandlerByID(id string) cdp.Executor {169 c.RLock()170 defer c.RUnlock()171 if i, ok := c.handlerMap[id]; ok {172 return c.handlers[i]173 }174 return nil175}176// SetHandler sets the active handler to the target with the specified index.177func (c *CDP) SetHandler(i int) error {178 c.Lock()179 defer c.Unlock()180 if i < 0 || i >= len(c.handlers) {181 return fmt.Errorf("no handler associated with target index %d", i)182 }183 c.cur = c.handlers[i]184 return nil185}186// SetHandlerByID sets the active target to the target with the specified id.187func (c *CDP) SetHandlerByID(id string) error {188 c.Lock()189 defer c.Unlock()190 if i, ok := c.handlerMap[id]; ok {191 c.cur = c.handlers[i]192 return nil193 }194 return fmt.Errorf("no handler associated with target id %s", id)195}196// newTarget creates a new target using supplied context and options, returning197// the id of the created target only after the target has been started for198// monitoring.199func (c *CDP) newTarget(ctxt context.Context, opts ...client.Option) (string, error) {200 c.RLock()201 cl := c.r.Client(opts...)202 c.RUnlock()203 // new page target204 t, err := cl.NewPageTarget(ctxt)205 if err != nil {206 return "", err207 }208 timeout := time.After(DefaultNewTargetTimeout)209 for {210 select {211 default:212 var ok bool213 id := t.GetID()214 c.RLock()215 _, ok = c.handlerMap[id]216 c.RUnlock()217 if ok {218 return id, nil219 }220 time.Sleep(DefaultCheckDuration)221 case <-ctxt.Done():222 return "", ctxt.Err()223 case <-timeout:224 return "", errors.New("timeout waiting for new target to be available")225 }226 }227}228// SetTarget is an action that sets the active Chrome handler to the specified229// index i.230func (c *CDP) SetTarget(i int) Action {231 return ActionFunc(func(context.Context, cdp.Executor) error {232 return c.SetHandler(i)233 })234}235// SetTargetByID is an action that sets the active Chrome handler to the handler236// associated with the specified id.237func (c *CDP) SetTargetByID(id string) Action {238 return ActionFunc(func(context.Context, cdp.Executor) error {239 return c.SetHandlerByID(id)240 })241}242// NewTarget is an action that creates a new Chrome target, and sets it as the243// active target.244func (c *CDP) NewTarget(id *string, opts ...client.Option) Action {245 return ActionFunc(func(ctxt context.Context, h cdp.Executor) error {246 n, err := c.newTarget(ctxt, opts...)247 if err != nil {248 return err249 }250 if id != nil {251 *id = n252 }253 return nil254 })255}256// CloseByIndex closes the Chrome target with specified index i.257func (c *CDP) CloseByIndex(i int) Action {258 return ActionFunc(func(ctxt context.Context, h cdp.Executor) error {259 return nil260 })261}262// CloseByID closes the Chrome target with the specified id.263func (c *CDP) CloseByID(id string) Action {264 return ActionFunc(func(ctxt context.Context, h cdp.Executor) error {265 return nil266 })267}268// Run executes the action against the current target using the supplied269// context.270func (c *CDP) Run(ctxt context.Context, a Action) error {271 c.RLock()272 cur := c.cur273 c.RUnlock()274 return a.Do(ctxt, cur)275}276// Option is a Chrome DevTools Protocol option.277type Option func(*CDP) error278// WithRunner is a CDP option to specify the underlying Chrome runner to279// monitor for page handlers.280func WithRunner(r *runner.Runner) Option {281 return func(c *CDP) error {282 c.r = r283 return nil284 }285}286// WithTargets is a CDP option to specify the incoming targets to monitor for287// page handlers.288func WithTargets(watch <-chan client.Target) Option {289 return func(c *CDP) error {290 = watch291 return nil292 }293}294// WithClient is a CDP option to use the incoming targets from a client.295func WithClient(ctxt context.Context, cl *client.Client) Option {296 return func(c *CDP) error {297 return WithTargets(cl.WatchPageTargets(ctxt))(c)298 }299}300// WithURL is a CDP option to use a client with the specified URL.301func WithURL(ctxt context.Context, urlstr string) Option {302 return func(c *CDP) error {303 return WithClient(ctxt, client.New(client.URL(urlstr)))(c)304 }305}306// WithRunnerOptions is a CDP option to specify the options to pass to a newly307// created Chrome process runner.308func WithRunnerOptions(opts ...runner.CommandLineOption) Option {309 return func(c *CDP) error {310 c.opts = opts311 return nil312 }313}314// WithLogf is a CDP option to specify a func to receive general logging.315func WithLogf(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option {316 return func(c *CDP) error {317 c.logf = f318 return nil319 }320}321// WithDebugf is a CDP option to specify a func to receive debug logging (ie,322// protocol information).323func WithDebugf(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option {324 return func(c *CDP) error {325 c.debugf = f326 return nil327 }328}329// WithErrorf is a CDP option to specify a func to receive error logging.330func WithErrorf(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option {331 return func(c *CDP) error {332 c.errf = f333 return nil334 }335}336// WithLog is a CDP option that sets the logging, debugging, and error funcs to337// f.338func WithLog(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option {339 return func(c *CDP) error {340 c.logf, c.debugf, c.errf = f, f, f341 return nil342 }343}344// WithConsolef is a CDP option to specify a func to receive chrome log events.345//346// Note: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.347func WithConsolef(f func(string, ...interface{})) Option {348 return func(c *CDP) error {349 return nil350 }351}352var (353 // defaultNewTargetTimeout is the default target timeout -- used by354 // testing.355 defaultNewTargetTimeout = DefaultNewTargetTimeout356)...

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Source:rewards.go Github


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...59 }60 claim, found := k.GetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, cdp.Owner.AccAddress())61 denoms, _ := k.GetGenesisDenoms(ctx)62 if !found { // this is the owner's first jpu minting reward claim63 claim = types.NewCdpMintingClaim(cdp.Owner.AccAddress(), sdk.NewCoin(denoms.CdpMintingRewardDenom, sdk.ZeroInt()), types.RewardIndexes{types.NewRewardIndex(cdp.Type, rewardFactor)})64 k.SetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, claim)65 return66 }67 // the owner has an existing jpu minting reward claim68 index, hasRewardIndex := claim.HasRewardIndex(cdp.Type)69 if !hasRewardIndex { // this is the owner's first jpu minting reward for this collateral type70 claim.RewardIndexes = append(claim.RewardIndexes, types.NewRewardIndex(cdp.Type, rewardFactor))71 } else { // the owner has a previous jpu minting reward for this collateral type72 claim.RewardIndexes[index] = types.NewRewardIndex(cdp.Type, rewardFactor)73 }74 k.SetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, claim)75}76// SynchronizeCdpMintingReward updates the claim object by adding any accumulated rewards and updating the reward index value.77// this should be called before a cdp is modified, immediately after the 'SynchronizeInterest' method is called in the cdp module78func (k Keeper) SynchronizeCdpMintingReward(ctx sdk.Context, cdp cdptypes.Cdp) {79 _, found := k.GetCdpMintingRewardPeriod(ctx, cdp.Type)80 if !found {81 // this collateral type is not incentivized, do nothing82 return83 }84 globalRewardFactor, found := k.GetCdpMintingRewardFactor(ctx, cdp.Type)85 if !found {86 globalRewardFactor = sdk.ZeroDec()87 }88 claim, found := k.GetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, cdp.Owner.AccAddress())89 denoms, _ := k.GetGenesisDenoms(ctx)90 if !found {91 claim = types.NewCdpMintingClaim(cdp.Owner.AccAddress(), sdk.NewCoin(denoms.CdpMintingRewardDenom, sdk.ZeroInt()), types.RewardIndexes{types.NewRewardIndex(cdp.Type, globalRewardFactor)})92 k.SetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, claim)93 return94 }95 // the owner has an existing jpu minting reward claim96 index, hasRewardIndex := claim.HasRewardIndex(cdp.Type)97 if !hasRewardIndex { // this is the owner's first jpu minting reward for this collateral type98 claim.RewardIndexes = append(claim.RewardIndexes, types.NewRewardIndex(cdp.Type, globalRewardFactor))99 k.SetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, claim)100 return101 }102 userRewardFactor := claim.RewardIndexes[index].RewardFactor103 rewardsAccumulatedFactor := globalRewardFactor.Sub(userRewardFactor)104 if rewardsAccumulatedFactor.IsZero() {105 return106 }107 claim.RewardIndexes[index].RewardFactor = globalRewardFactor108 newRewardsAmount := rewardsAccumulatedFactor.Mul(cdp.GetTotalPrincipal().Amount.ToDec()).RoundInt()109 if newRewardsAmount.IsZero() {110 k.SetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, claim)111 return112 }113 newRewardsCoin := sdk.NewCoin(denoms.CdpMintingRewardDenom, newRewardsAmount)114 claim.Reward = claim.Reward.Add(newRewardsCoin)115 k.SetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, claim)116 return117}118// ZeroCdpMintingClaim zeroes out the claim object's rewards and returns the updated claim object119func (k Keeper) ZeroCdpMintingClaim(ctx sdk.Context, claim types.CdpMintingClaim) types.CdpMintingClaim {120 claim.Reward = sdk.NewCoin(claim.Reward.Denom, sdk.ZeroInt())121 k.SetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, claim)122 return claim123}124// SynchronizeCdpMintingClaim updates the claim object by adding any rewards that have accumulated.125// Returns the updated claim object126func (k Keeper) SynchronizeCdpMintingClaim(ctx sdk.Context, claim types.CdpMintingClaim) (types.CdpMintingClaim, error) {127 for _, ri := range claim.RewardIndexes {128 cdp, found := k.cdpKeeper.GetCdpByOwnerAndCollateralType(ctx, claim.Owner.AccAddress(), ri.CollateralType)129 if !found {130 // if the cdp for this collateral type has been closed, no updates are needed131 continue132 }133 claim = k.synchronizeRewardAndReturnClaim(ctx, cdp)134 }135 return claim, nil136}137// this function assumes a claim already exists, so don't call it if that's not the case138func (k Keeper) synchronizeRewardAndReturnClaim(ctx sdk.Context, cdp cdptypes.Cdp) types.CdpMintingClaim {139 k.SynchronizeCdpMintingReward(ctx, cdp)140 claim, _ := k.GetCdpMintingClaim(ctx, cdp.Owner.AccAddress())141 return claim142}143// CalculateTimeElapsed calculates the number of reward-eligible seconds that have passed since the previous144// time rewards were accrued, taking into account the end time of the reward period145func CalculateTimeElapsed(start, end, blockTime time.Time, previousAccrualTime time.Time) sdk.Int {146 if (end.Before(blockTime) &&147 (end.Before(previousAccrualTime) || end.Equal(previousAccrualTime))) ||148 (start.After(blockTime)) ||149 (start.Equal(blockTime)) {150 return sdk.ZeroInt()151 }152 if start.After(previousAccrualTime) && start.Before(blockTime) {153 previousAccrualTime = start154 }155 if end.Before(blockTime) {156 return sdk.MaxInt(sdk.ZeroInt(), sdk.NewInt(int64(math.RoundToEven(157 end.Sub(previousAccrualTime).Seconds(),158 ))))159 }160 return sdk.MaxInt(sdk.ZeroInt(), sdk.NewInt(int64(math.RoundToEven(161 blockTime.Sub(previousAccrualTime).Seconds(),162 ))))163}164// SimulateCdpMintingSynchronization calculates a user's outstanding Cdp minting rewards by simulating reward synchronization165func (k Keeper) SimulateCdpMintingSynchronization(ctx sdk.Context, claim types.CdpMintingClaim) types.CdpMintingClaim {166 for _, ri := range claim.RewardIndexes {167 _, found := k.GetCdpMintingRewardPeriod(ctx, ri.CollateralType)168 if !found {169 continue170 }171 globalRewardFactor, found := k.GetCdpMintingRewardFactor(ctx, ri.CollateralType)172 if !found {173 globalRewardFactor = sdk.ZeroDec()174 }175 // the owner has an existing jpu minting reward claim176 index, hasRewardIndex := claim.HasRewardIndex(ri.CollateralType)177 if !hasRewardIndex { // this is the owner's first jpu minting reward for this collateral type178 claim.RewardIndexes = append(claim.RewardIndexes, types.NewRewardIndex(ri.CollateralType, globalRewardFactor))179 }180 userRewardFactor := claim.RewardIndexes[index].RewardFactor181 rewardsAccumulatedFactor := globalRewardFactor.Sub(userRewardFactor)182 if rewardsAccumulatedFactor.IsZero() {183 continue184 }185 claim.RewardIndexes[index].RewardFactor = globalRewardFactor186 cdp, found := k.cdpKeeper.GetCdpByOwnerAndCollateralType(ctx, claim.GetOwner(), ri.CollateralType)187 if !found {188 continue189 }190 newRewardsAmount := rewardsAccumulatedFactor.Mul(cdp.GetTotalPrincipal().Amount.ToDec()).RoundInt()191 if newRewardsAmount.IsZero() {192 continue193 }194 denoms, _ := k.GetGenesisDenoms(ctx)195 newRewardsCoin := sdk.NewCoin(denoms.CdpMintingRewardDenom, newRewardsAmount)196 claim.Reward = claim.Reward.Add(newRewardsCoin)197 }198 return claim199}...

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Source:cdp.go Github


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...6 "time"7 sdk ""8 sdkerrors ""9)10// NewCdp creates a new Cdp object11func NewCdp(id uint64, owner sdk.AccAddress, collateral sdk.Coin, collateralType string, principal sdk.Coin, time time.Time, interestFactor sdk.Dec) Cdp {12 fees := sdk.NewCoin(principal.Denom, sdk.ZeroInt())13 return Cdp{14 Id: id,15 Owner: owner.Bytes(),16 Type: collateralType,17 Collateral: collateral,18 Principal: principal,19 AccumulatedFees: fees,20 FeesUpdated: time,21 InterestFactor: interestFactor,22 }23}24// NewCdpWithFees creates a new Cdp object, for use during migration25func NewCdpWithFees(id uint64, owner sdk.AccAddress, collateral sdk.Coin, collateralType string, principal, fees sdk.Coin, time time.Time, interestFactor sdk.Dec) Cdp {26 return Cdp{27 Id: id,28 Owner: owner.Bytes(),29 Type: collateralType,30 Collateral: collateral,31 Principal: principal,32 AccumulatedFees: fees,33 FeesUpdated: time,34 InterestFactor: interestFactor,35 }36}37// Validate performs a basic validation of the Cdp fields.38func (cdp Cdp) Validate() error {39 if cdp.Id == 0 {40 return errors.New("cdp id cannot be 0")41 }42 if cdp.Owner.AccAddress().Empty() {43 return errors.New("cdp owner cannot be empty")44 }45 if !cdp.Collateral.IsValid() {46 return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidCoins, "collateral %s", cdp.Collateral)47 }48 if !cdp.Principal.IsValid() {49 return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidCoins, "principal %s", cdp.Principal)50 }51 if !cdp.AccumulatedFees.IsValid() {52 return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidCoins, "accumulated fees %s", cdp.AccumulatedFees)53 }54 if cdp.FeesUpdated.Unix() <= 0 {55 return errors.New("cdp updated fee time cannot be zero")56 }57 if strings.TrimSpace(cdp.Type) == "" {58 return fmt.Errorf("cdp type cannot be empty")59 }60 return nil61}62// GetTotalPrincipal returns the total principle for the cdp63func (cdp Cdp) GetTotalPrincipal() sdk.Coin {64 return cdp.Principal.Add(cdp.AccumulatedFees)65}66// Cdps a collection of Cdp objects67type Cdps []Cdp68// String implements stringer69func (cdps Cdps) String() string {70 out := ""71 for _, cdp := range cdps {72 out += cdp.String() + "\n"73 }74 return out75}76// Validate validates each Cdp77func (cdps Cdps) Validate() error {78 for _, cdp := range cdps {79 if err := cdp.Validate(); err != nil {80 return err81 }82 }83 return nil84}85// NewAugmentedCdp creates a new AugmentedCdp object86func NewAugmentedCdp(cdp Cdp, collateralValue sdk.Coin, collateralizationRatio sdk.Dec) AugmentedCdp {87 augmentedCdp := AugmentedCdp{88 Cdp: Cdp{89 Id: cdp.Id,90 Owner: cdp.Owner,91 Type: cdp.Type,92 Collateral: cdp.Collateral,93 Principal: cdp.Principal,94 AccumulatedFees: cdp.AccumulatedFees,95 FeesUpdated: cdp.FeesUpdated,96 InterestFactor: cdp.InterestFactor,97 },98 CollateralValue: collateralValue,99 CollateralizationRatio: collateralizationRatio,100 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 mc := memcache.New("localhost:11211")4 mc.Set(&memcache.Item{Key: "foo", Value: []byte("my value")})5 item, err := mc.Get("foo")6 if err != nil {7 panic(err)8 }9 fmt.Printf("key=%s, value=%s10}11import (12func main() {13 mc := memcache.New("localhost:11211")14 mc.Set(&memcache.Item{Key: "foo", Value: []byte("my value")})15 item, err := mc.Get("foo")16 if err != nil {17 panic(err)18 }19 fmt.Printf("key=%s, value=%s20}21import (22func main() {23 mc := memcache.New("localhost:11211")24 mc.Set(&memcache.Item{Key: "foo", Value: []byte("my value")})25 item, err := mc.Get("foo")26 if err != nil {27 panic(err)28 }29 fmt.Printf("key=%s, value=%s30}31import (32func main() {33 mc := memcache.New("localhost:11211")34 mc.Set(&memcache.Item{Key: "foo", Value: []byte("my value")})35 item, err := mc.Get("foo")36 if err != nil {37 panic(err)38 }39 fmt.Printf("key=%s, value=%s40}41import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 vm := otto.New()4 vm.Run(`5 var cdp = require('cdp');6 var client = cdp();7 client.New().then((target) => {8 console.log(target);9 });10 value, _ := vm.Get("target")11 fmt.Println(value)12}13import (14func main() {15 c := make(chan string)16 go count("sheep", c)17 for {18 if !open {19 }20 fmt.Println(msg)21 }22}23func count(thing string, c chan string) {24 for i := 1; ; i++ {25 time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)26 }27}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2type cdp struct {3}4func main() {5 c := cdp{1, 2}6 fmt.Println(c)7}8{1 2}9{1 2}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 client := cdp.New()4 client := cdp.New(cdp.Config{5 Auth: cdp.Auth{6 },7 })8}9import (10func main() {11 client := cdp.NewWithConfig()12 client := cdp.NewWithConfig(cdp.Config{13 Auth: cdp.Auth{14 },15 })16}17import (18func main() {19 client := cdp.NewWithConfig()20 client := cdp.NewWithConfig(cdp.Config{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 cdp1.New(100, 10, 1, 1)4 fmt.Println(cdp1)5}6{100 10 1 1}

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