Best Rod code snippet using rod_test.stubCounter
...237}238// Use it to find out which cdp call to intercept. Put a print like log.Println("*****") after the cdp call you want to intercept.239// The output of the test should has something like:240//241// [stubCounter] begin242// [stubCounter] 1, proto.DOMResolveNode{}243// [stubCounter] 1, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{}244// [stubCounter] 2, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{}245// 01:49:43 *****246//247// So the 3rd call is the one we want to intercept, then you can use the output with or s.errorAt.248func (mc *MockClient) stubCounter() {249 l := sync.Mutex{}250 mCount := map[string]int{}251 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, "[stubCounter] begin")252 mc.setCall(func(ctx context.Context, sessionID, method string, params interface{}) ([]byte, error) {253 l.Lock()254 mCount[method]++255 m := fmt.Sprintf("%d, proto.%s{}", mCount[method], proto.GetType(method).Name())256 _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, "[stubCounter]", m)257 l.Unlock()258 return mc.principal.Call(ctx, sessionID, method, params)259 })260}261type StubSend func() (gson.JSON, error)262// When call the cdp.Client.Call the nth time use fn instead.263// Use p to filter method.264func (mc *MockClient) stub(nth int, p proto.Request, fn func(send StubSend) (gson.JSON, error)) {265 if p == nil {266 mc.t.Logf("p must be specified")267 mc.t.FailNow()268 }269 count := int64(0)270 mc.setCall(func(ctx context.Context, sessionID, method string, params interface{}) ([]byte, error) {271 if method == p.ProtoReq() {272 if int(atomic.AddInt64(&count, 1)) == nth {273 mc.resetCall()274 j, err := fn(func() (gson.JSON, error) {275 b, err := mc.principal.Call(ctx, sessionID, method, params)276 return gson.New(b), err277 })278 if err != nil {279 return nil, err280 }281 return j.MarshalJSON()282 }283 }284 return mc.principal.Call(ctx, sessionID, method, params)285 })286}287// When call the cdp.Client.Call the nth time return error.288// Use p to filter method.289func (mc *MockClient) stubErr(nth int, p proto.Request) {290 mc.stub(nth, p, func(send StubSend) (gson.JSON, error) {291 return gson.New(nil), errors.New("mock error")292 })293}294type MockRoundTripper struct {295 res *http.Response296 err error297}298func (mrt *MockRoundTripper) RoundTrip(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {299 return mrt.res, mrt.err300}301type MockReader struct {302 err error303}304func (mr *MockReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {305 return 0, mr.err306}307func TestLintIgnore(t *testing.T) {308 t.Skip()309 _ = rod.Try(func() {310 tt := G{}311 tt.dump()312 tt.enableCDPLog()313 mc := &MockClient{}314 mc.stubCounter()315 })316}317var slash = filepath.FromSlash...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 l := launcher.New().Bin("/usr/bin/chromium-browser").Headless(false).Delete(true)4 l.Set("disable-gpu", true)5 l.Set("no-sandbox", true)6 l.Set("disable-dev-shm-usage", true)7 l.Set("disable-extensions", true)8 l.Set("disable-plugins", true)9 l.Set("disable-popup-blocking", true)10 l.Set("disable-default-apps", true)11 l.Set("enable-automation", true)12 l.Set("start-maximized", true)13 l.Set("enable-features", "NetworkService,NetworkServiceInProcess")14 l.Set("ignore-certificate-errors", true)15 l.Set("allow-insecure-localhost", true)16 l.Set("allow-running-insecure-content", true)17 l.Set("disable-background-networking", true)18 l.Set("disable-background-timer-throttling", true)19 l.Set("disable-breakpad", true)20 l.Set("disable-client-side-phishing-detection", true)21 l.Set("disable-component-update", true)22 l.Set("disable-default-browser-check", true)23 l.Set("disable-domain-reliability", true)24 l.Set("disable-ipc-flooding-protection", true)25 l.Set("disable-popup-blocking", true)26 l.Set("disable-prompt-on-repost", true)27 l.Set("disable-renderer-backgrounding", true)28 l.Set("disable-sync", true)29 l.Set("metrics-recording-only", true)30 l.Set("safebrowsing-disable-auto-update", true)31 l.Set("enable-features=NetworkService,NetworkServiceInProcess")32 l.Set("disable-features=VizDisplayCompositor")33 l.Set("disable-dev-shm-usage", true)34 l.Set("no-sandbox", true)35 l.Set("disable-gpu", true)36 l.Set("disable-dev-shm-usage", true)37 l.Set("disable-setuid-sandbox", true)38 l.Set("no-first-run", true)39 l.Set("no-zygote", true)40 l.Set("ignore-certificate-errors", true)41 l.Set("disable-web-security", true)
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())4}5import "fmt"6func main() {7 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())20}21import "fmt"22func main() {23 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())28}29import "fmt"30func main() {31 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())36}37import "fmt"38func main() {39 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())40}41import "fmt"42func main() {43 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())44}45import "fmt"46func main() {47 fmt.Println(rod_test.stubCounter())48}49import "fmt"50func main() {51 fmt.Println(rod_test.stub
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()4 page.MustEval(`() => {5 rod_test.stubCounter(5);6 }`)7 page.MustWaitLoad().MustWait(5 * time.Second)8 counter := page.MustEval(`() => {9 return rod_test.counter;10 }`).Int()11 fmt.Println(counter)12 browser.MustClose()13}14const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');15(async () => {16 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();17 const page = await browser.newPage();18 await page.exposeFunction('stubCounter', (count) => {19 page.rodTest.counter = count;20 });21 await page.addScriptTag({path: 'rod_test.js'});22 await page.waitFor(1000);23 await page.evaluate(() => {24 rod_test.stubCounter(5);25 });26 await page.waitFor(5000);27 const counter = await page.evaluate(() => {28 return rod_test.counter;29 });30 console.log(counter);31 await browser.close();32})();33## How to use `exposeFunction` with `rod.New().MustConnectRemote`34import (35func init() {36 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()37 page.MustEval(`() => {38 rod_test.stubCounter = (count
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func TestStubCounter(t *testing.T) {3 var stubCounter = new(rod_test)4 if stubCounter.counter != 5 {5 t.Error("Expected 5, got ", stubCounter.counter)6 }7}8import (9func TestStubCounter(t *testing.T) {10 var stubCounter = new(rod_test)11 if stubCounter.counter != 5 {12 t.Error("Expected 5, got ", stubCounter.counter)13 }14}15import (16func TestStubCounter(t *testing.T) {17 var stubCounter = new(rod_test)18 if stubCounter.counter != 5 {19 t.Error("Expected 5, got ", stubCounter.counter)20 }21}22import (23func TestStubCounter(t *testing.T) {24 var stubCounter = new(rod_test)25 if stubCounter.counter != 5 {26 t.Error("Expected 5, got ", stubCounter.counter)27 }28}29import (30func TestStubCounter(t *testing.T) {31 var stubCounter = new(rod_test)32 if stubCounter.counter != 5 {33 t.Error("Expected 5, got ", stubCounter.counter)34 }35}36import (37func TestStubCounter(t *testing.T) {38 var stubCounter = new(rod_test)39 if stubCounter.counter != 5 {40 t.Error("Expected 5, got ", stubCounter.counter)41 }42}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 r := rod.New()4 res := r.StubCounter()5 fmt.Println(res)6}7import (8func TestStubCounter(t *testing.T) {9 r := New()10 res := r.StubCounter()11 if res != 5 {12 t.Errorf("StubCounter() = %d; want 5", res)13 }14}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 r.StubCounter()4 r.StubCounter()5}6import (7type StubCounter struct {8}9func (s *StubCounter) Counter() {10 fmt.Println("Counter value is", s.Counter)11}12type Rod_test struct {13}14func (r *Rod_test) StubCounter() {15 r.Counter(&s)16}17import (18type StubCounter struct {19}20func (s *StubCounter) Counter() {21 fmt.Println("Counter value is", s.Counter)22}23type Rod_test struct {24}25func (r *Rod_test) StubCounter() {26 r.Counter(&s)27}28import (29type StubCounter struct {30}31func (s *StubCounter) Counter() {32 fmt.Println("Counter value is", s.Counter)33}34type Rod_test struct {35}36func (r *Rod_test) StubCounter() {37 r.Counter(&s)38}39import (
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 c := rod.New().StubCounter()4 fmt.Println(c.Count())5}6import (7func main() {8 c := rod.New().StubCounter()9 fmt.Println(c.Count())10}11import (12func main() {13 c := rod.New().StubCounter()14 fmt.Println(c.Count())15}16import (17func main() {18 c := rod.New().MockCounter()19 fmt.Println(c.Count())20}21import (22func main() {23 c := rod.New().MockCounter()24 fmt.Println(c.Count())25}26import (27func main() {28 c := rod.New().MockCounter()29 fmt.Println(c.Count())30}31import (32func main() {33 c := rod.New().MockCounter()34 fmt.Println(c.Count())35}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(rod_test.StubCounter())4}5import (6func TestStubCounter(t *testing.T) {7 if rod_test.StubCounter() != 1 {8 t.Error("Expected 1")9 }10}
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