Best Syzkaller code snippet using adb.Count
1package alicloud2import (3 "fmt"4 "log"5 "strings"6 "testing"7 "time"8 ""9 ""10 ""11 ""12 ""13 ""14)15var adbClusterConnectionStringRegexp = "am-[a-z-A-Z-0-9]+.[a-z]"16func init() {17 resource.AddTestSweepers("alicloud_adb_cluster", &resource.Sweeper{18 Name: "alicloud_adb_cluster",19 F: testSweepAdbCluster,20 })21}22func testSweepAdbCluster(region string) error {23 rawClient, err := sharedClientForRegion(region)24 if err != nil {25 return fmt.Errorf("error getting Alicloud client: %s", err)26 }27 client := rawClient.(*connectivity.AliyunClient)28 prefixes := []string{29 "tf-testAcc",30 "tf_testacc",31 }32 request := adb.CreateDescribeDBClustersRequest()33 request.PageSize = requests.NewInteger(PageSizeXLarge)34 raw, err := client.WithAdbClient(func(AdbClient *adb.Client) (interface{}, error) {35 return AdbClient.DescribeDBClusters(request)36 })37 if err != nil {38 log.Printf("[ERROR] Error retrieving Adb Clusters: %s", WrapError(err))39 }40 response, _ := raw.(*adb.DescribeDBClustersResponse)41 sweeped := false42 for _, v := range response.Items.DBCluster {43 id := v.DBClusterId44 name := v.DBClusterDescription45 skip := true46 for _, prefix := range prefixes {47 if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(name), strings.ToLower(prefix)) {48 skip = false49 break50 }51 }52 if skip {53 log.Printf("[INFO] Skipping Abd Clusters: %s (%s)", name, id)54 continue55 }56 sweeped = true57 log.Printf("[INFO] Deleting Adb Clusters: %s (%s)", name, id)58 req := adb.CreateDeleteDBClusterRequest()59 req.DBClusterId = id60 _, err := client.WithAdbClient(func(AdbClient *adb.Client) (interface{}, error) {61 return AdbClient.DeleteDBCluster(req)62 })63 if err != nil {64 log.Printf("[ERROR] Failed to delete Adb Clusters (%s (%s)): %s", name, id, err)65 }66 }67 if sweeped {68 // Waiting 30 seconds to ensure these Adb Clusters have been deleted.69 time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)70 }71 return nil72}73func TestAccAlicloudAdbCluster(t *testing.T) {74 var v *adb.DBCluster75 var ips []map[string]interface{}76 rand := acctest.RandInt()77 name := fmt.Sprintf("", defaultRegionToTest, rand)78 resourceId := "alicloud_adb_cluster.default"79 var basicMap = map[string]string{80 "description": CHECKSET,81 "vswitch_id": CHECKSET,82 "db_cluster_category": CHECKSET,83 "db_node_class": CHECKSET,84 "db_node_count": CHECKSET,85 "db_node_storage": CHECKSET,86 }87 ra := resourceAttrInit(resourceId, basicMap)88 serviceFunc := func() interface{} {89 return &AdbService{testAccProvider.Meta().(*connectivity.AliyunClient)}90 }91 rc := resourceCheckInitWithDescribeMethod(resourceId, &v, serviceFunc, "DescribeAdbClusterAttribute")92 rac := resourceAttrCheckInit(rc, ra)93 testAccCheck := rac.resourceAttrMapUpdateSet()94 testAccConfig := resourceTestAccConfigFunc(resourceId, name, resourceAdbClusterConfigDependence)95 resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{96 PreCheck: func() {97 testAccPreCheck(t)98 testAccPreCheckWithNoDefaultVpc(t)99 testAccPreCheckWithNoDefaultVswitch(t)100 },101 // module name102 IDRefreshName: resourceId,103 Providers: testAccProviders,104 CheckDestroy: rac.checkResourceDestroy(),105 Steps: []resource.TestStep{106 {107 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{108 "description": "${}",109 "vswitch_id": "${data.alicloud_vswitches.default.ids.0}",110 "db_cluster_category": "Cluster",111 "db_node_class": "C8",112 "db_node_count": "2",113 "db_node_storage": "200",114 "pay_type": "PostPaid",115 }),116 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(117 testAccCheck(map[string]string{118 "connection_string": REGEXMATCH + adbClusterConnectionStringRegexp,119 }),120 ),121 },122 {123 ResourceName: resourceId,124 ImportState: true,125 ImportStateVerify: true,126 },127 {128 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{129 "description": "tf-testaccadbclusterbasic",130 }),131 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(132 testAccCheck(map[string]string{133 "description": "tf-testaccadbclusterbasic",134 }),135 ),136 },137 {138 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{139 "maintain_time": "16:00Z-17:00Z",140 }),141 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(142 testAccCheck(map[string]string{143 "maintain_time": "16:00Z-17:00Z",144 }),145 ),146 },147 {148 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{149 "security_ips": []string{"", ""},150 }),151 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(152 testAccCheckKeyValueInMapsForAdb(ips, "security ip", "security_ips", ","),153 ),154 },155 {156 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{157 "tags": map[string]string{158 "Created": "TF",159 "For": "acceptance Test",160 },161 }),162 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(163 testAccCheck(map[string]string{164 "tags.%": "2",165 "tags.Created": "TF",166 "tags.For": "acceptance Test",167 }),168 ),169 },170 {171 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{172 "db_node_count": "4",173 }),174 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(175 testAccCheck(map[string]string{176 "db_node_count": "4",177 }),178 ),179 },180 {181 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{182 "tags": REMOVEKEY,183 }),184 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(185 testAccCheck(map[string]string{186 "tags.%": REMOVEKEY,187 "tags.Created": REMOVEKEY,188 "tags.For": REMOVEKEY,189 }),190 ),191 },192 {193 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{194 "description": "tf-testaccadbrecordbasic1",195 "maintain_time": "02:00Z-03:00Z",196 "security_ips": []string{"", ""},197 }),198 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(199 testAccCheck(map[string]string{200 "description": "tf-testaccadbrecordbasic1",201 "maintain_time": "02:00Z-03:00Z",202 }),203 testAccCheckKeyValueInMapsForAdb(ips, "security ip", "security_ips", ","),204 ),205 },206 },207 })208}209func TestAccAlicloudAdbClusterMulti(t *testing.T) {210 var v *adb.DBCluster211 rand := acctest.RandInt()212 name := fmt.Sprintf("", defaultRegionToTest, rand)213 resourceId := "alicloud_adb_cluster.default.1"214 var basicMap = map[string]string{215 "description": CHECKSET,216 "vswitch_id": CHECKSET,217 "db_cluster_category": CHECKSET,218 "db_node_class": CHECKSET,219 "db_node_count": CHECKSET,220 "db_node_storage": CHECKSET,221 }222 ra := resourceAttrInit(resourceId, basicMap)223 serviceFunc := func() interface{} {224 return &AdbService{testAccProvider.Meta().(*connectivity.AliyunClient)}225 }226 rc := resourceCheckInitWithDescribeMethod(resourceId, &v, serviceFunc, "DescribeAdbClusterAttribute")227 rac := resourceAttrCheckInit(rc, ra)228 testAccCheck := rac.resourceAttrMapUpdateSet()229 testAccConfig := resourceTestAccConfigFunc(resourceId, name, resourceAdbClusterConfigDependence)230 resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{231 PreCheck: func() {232 testAccPreCheck(t)233 testAccPreCheckWithNoDefaultVpc(t)234 testAccPreCheckWithNoDefaultVswitch(t)235 },236 // module name237 IDRefreshName: resourceId,238 Providers: testAccProviders,239 CheckDestroy: rac.checkResourceDestroy(),240 Steps: []resource.TestStep{241 {242 Config: testAccConfig(map[string]interface{}{243 "count": "2",244 "description": "${}",245 "vswitch_id": "${data.alicloud_vswitches.default.ids.0}",246 "db_cluster_category": "Cluster",247 "db_node_class": "C8",248 "db_node_count": "2",249 "db_node_storage": "200",250 "pay_type": "PostPaid",251 }),252 Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(253 testAccCheck(nil),254 ),255 },256 },257 })258}259func testAccCheckKeyValueInMapsForAdb(ps []map[string]interface{}, propName, key, value string) resource.TestCheckFunc {260 return func(s *terraform.State) error {261 for _, policy := range ps {262 if policy[key].(string) != value {263 return fmt.Errorf("DB %s attribute '%s' expected %#v, got %#v", propName, key, value, policy[key])264 }265 }266 return nil267 }268}269func resourceAdbClusterConfigDependence(name string) string {270 return fmt.Sprintf(`271 %s272 variable "creation" {273 default = "ADB"274 }275 276 variable "name" {277 default = "%s"278 }279 `, AdbCommonTestCase, name)280}...
...29)30type RatsHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *mgo.Database) error31type PageMeta struct {32 Page int `json:"page"`33 Count int `json:"count"`34 Total int `json:"total"`35}36func (rh RatsHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {37 s := mgoSession.Clone()38 defer s.Close()39 err := rh(w, r, s.DB("rats"))40 if err != nil {41 http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)42 }43}44func RunTests(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, db *mgo.Database) error {45 uuid, err := uuid()46 if err != nil {47 return err48 }49 main, _, err := r.FormFile("apk")50 testApk, _, err := r.FormFile("test-apk")51 if err != nil {52 return errors.New("A Test Apk must be supplied")53 }54 size := getLength(testApk)55 count, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("count"))56 serialList := r.FormValue("serials")57 strict := r.FormValue("strict")58 msg := r.FormValue("message")59 var serials []string60 if serialList != "" {61 serials = strings.Split(serialList, ",")62 }63 filter := &rats.DeviceFilter{64 Count: count,65 Strict: strict == "true",66 }67 filter.Serials = serials68 manifest := rats.GetManifest(testApk, size)69 filter.MinSdk = manifest.Sdk.Min70 filter.MaxSdk = manifest.Sdk.Max71 testApk.Seek(0, 0) // reset for new reader72 devices := <-rats.GetDevices(filter)73 rats.Reserve(devices...)74 // Remove old if left over75 rats.Uninstall(manifest.Package, devices...)76 rats.Uninstall(manifest.Instrument.Target, devices...)77 // Install New78 if main != nil {...
...17 adb.DeviceFilter18}19type DeviceFilter struct {20 adb.DeviceFilter21 Count int22 Strict bool23}24func UpdateAdb(a *adb.Adb) error {25 for {26 var connected bool27 if a == nil {28 break29 }30 for d := range a.TrackDevices() {31 connected = true32 new_devices := a.ParseDevices(nil, d)33 lock.Lock()34 old_map := devices35 lock.Unlock()36 new_map := make(map[string]*Device)37 for _, d := range new_devices {38 if old_map[d.String()] != nil {39 new_map[d.String()] = devices[d.String()]40 } else {41 new_map[d.String()] = &Device{Device: *d, InUse: false}42 }43 }44 lock.Lock()45 devices = new_map46 lock.Unlock()47 }48 if !connected {49 panic(errors.New("Couldn't connect to adb"))50 } else {51 fmt.Println("Lost adb connection?!")52 }53 <-time.After(2 * time.Second)54 }55 return nil56}57func GetAllDevices() chan []*Device {58 return GetDevices(nil)59}60func GetDevices(filter *DeviceFilter) chan []*Device {61 out := make(chan []*Device)62 go func() {63 lock.Lock()64 v := make([]*Device, 0, len(devices))65 lock.Unlock()66 count := -167 if filter != nil && filter.Count > 0 {68 count = filter.Count69 }70 for {71 lock.Lock()72 for _, value := range devices {73 if filter == nil || (value.MatchFilter(&filter.DeviceFilter)) && !value.InUse {74 v = append(v, value)75 if count > 1 {76 count--77 } else if count != -1 {78 break79 }80 }81 }82 lock.Unlock()...
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 fmt.Println(adb.Count())5}6import "fmt"7import ""8func main() {9 fmt.Println(adb.Count())10}11import "fmt"12import ""13func main() {14 fmt.Println(adb.Count())15}16import "fmt"17import ""18func main() {19 fmt.Println(adb.Count())20}21import "fmt"22import ""23func main() {24 fmt.Println(adb.Count())25}26import "fmt"27import ""28func main() {29 fmt.Println(adb.Count())30}31import "fmt"32import ""33func main() {34 fmt.Println(adb.Count())35}36import "fmt"37import ""38func main() {39 fmt.Println(adb.Count())40}41- When we run the `main.go` file, it calls the `Count()` function and increments
Using AI Code Generation
1func main() {2 x = adb.Count(5)3 fmt.Println(x)4}5func main() {6 x = adb.Count(5)7 fmt.Println(x)8}9func main() {10 x = adb.Count(5)11 fmt.Println(x)12}13func main() {14 x = adb.Count(5)15 fmt.Println(x)16}17func main() {18 x = adb.Count(5)19 fmt.Println(x)20}21func main() {22 x = adb.Count(5)23 fmt.Println(x)24}25func main() {26 x = adb.Count(5)27 fmt.Println(x)28}29func main() {30 x = adb.Count(5)31 fmt.Println(x)32}33func main() {34 x = adb.Count(5)35 fmt.Println(x)36}37func main() {38 x = adb.Count(5)39 fmt.Println(x)40}41func main() {42 x = adb.Count(5)43 fmt.Println(x)44}45func main() {46 x = adb.Count(5)47 fmt.Println(x)48}49func main() {50 x = adb.Count(5)
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Count of 2 is", adb.Count(2))4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println("Count of 3 is", adb.Count(3))8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println("Count of 4 is", adb.Count(4))12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Count of 5 is", adb.Count(5))16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println("Count of 6 is", adb.Count(6))20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println("Count of 7 is", adb.Count(7))24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Count of 8 is", adb.Count(8))28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println("Count of 9 is", adb.Count(9))32}33import (34func main() {35 fmt.Println("Count of 10 is", adb.Count(10))36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Count of 11 is", adb.Count(11))40}41import (
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 adb := goladb.NewADB()4 fmt.Println(adb.Count("table_name"))5}6import (7func main() {8 adb := goladb.NewADB()9 fmt.Println(adb.Delete("table_name", "key"))10}11import (12func main() {13 adb := goladb.NewADB()14 fmt.Println(adb.Select("table_name", "key"))15}16import (17func main() {18 adb := goladb.NewADB()19 fmt.Println(adb.SelectAll("table_name"))20}21import (22func main() {23 adb := goladb.NewADB()24 fmt.Println(adb.Update("table_name", "key", "value"))25}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(adb.Count())4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println(adb.Count())8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println(adb.Count())12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println(adb.Count())16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println(adb.Count())20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println(adb.Count())24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println(adb.Count())28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println(adb.Count())32}33import (34func main() {35 fmt.Println(adb.Count())36}
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