Best Syzkaller code snippet using email.parseBody
1package tests2import (3 "bytes"4 "encoding/json"5 "go-backoffice-seller-api/src/entities"6 "net/http"7 "testing"8 ""9 ""10)11type CreatedUser struct {12 userID string13 email string14 password string15}16type LoginData struct {17 Email string18 Password string19}20var createUser = entities.User{21 Name: faker.Name(),22 Email: faker.Email(),23 Password: faker.Password(),24}25var createdUser CreatedUser26func TestAuthModule(t *testing.T) {27 t.Run("POST", func(t *testing.T) {28 t.Run("It should create a user to be used on login", func(t *testing.T) {29 var user = createUser30 userSave, _ := json.Marshal(user)31 req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/api/v1/user", bytes.NewBuffer(userSave))32 response := ExecuteRequest(req)33 parsedBody := ParseBody(response)34 userID := parsedBody.Data.(map[string]interface{})["id"]35 createdUser.userID = userID.(string)36 = user.Email37 createdUser.password = user.Password38 assert.True(t, parsedBody.Success)39 assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, response.Code)40 })41 t.Run("It should login and return a token", func(t *testing.T) {42 var user = LoginData{43 Email:,44 Password: createdUser.password,45 }46 login, _ := json.Marshal(user)47 req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/api/v1/login", bytes.NewBuffer(login))48 response := ExecuteRequest(req)49 parsedBody := ParseBody(response)50 assert.True(t, parsedBody.Success)51 assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, response.Code)52 })53 t.Run("It should login because the user doesn't exist", func(t *testing.T) {54 var user = LoginData{55 Email: faker.Email(),56 Password: createdUser.password,57 }58 login, _ := json.Marshal(user)59 req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/api/v1/login", bytes.NewBuffer(login))60 response := ExecuteRequest(req)61 parsedBody := ParseBody(response)62 assert.False(t, parsedBody.Success)63 assert.Equal(t, http.StatusBadRequest, response.Code)64 })65 t.Run("It should login because the password is incorrect", func(t *testing.T) {66 var user = LoginData{67 Email:,68 Password: faker.Password(),69 }70 login, _ := json.Marshal(user)71 req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/api/v1/login", bytes.NewBuffer(login))72 response := ExecuteRequest(req)73 parsedBody := ParseBody(response)74 assert.False(t, parsedBody.Success)75 assert.Equal(t, http.StatusBadRequest, response.Code)76 })77 t.Run("It shouldn't create a user because there are missing some fields", func(t *testing.T) {78 var user = LoginData{}79 login, _ := json.Marshal(user)80 req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/api/v1/login", bytes.NewBuffer(login))81 response := ExecuteRequest(req)82 parsedBody := ParseBody(response)83 assert.False(t, parsedBody.Success)84 assert.Equal(t, http.StatusBadRequest, response.Code)85 })86 })87}...
...12func NewCandidateStepOneTemplate(candidateEmail string) (EmailTemplate, error) {13 data := struct {14 Email string15 }{Email: candidateEmail}16 tmplS, err := parseBody(candidateStepOneBody, data)17 if err != nil {18 return EmailTemplate{}, errors.Wrap(err, "while creating candidate step one")19 }20 return EmailTemplate{21 body: tmplS,22 subject: "Recruitment process",23 }, nil24}25func NewJudgeDecisionTemplate(judgeEmail, acceptEndpoint, denyEndpoint string) (EmailTemplate, error) {26 data := struct {27 Email string28 AcceptEndpoint string29 DenyEndpoint string30 }{Email: judgeEmail, AcceptEndpoint: acceptEndpoint, DenyEndpoint: denyEndpoint}31 tmplS, err := parseBody(judgeDecisionBody, data)32 if err != nil {33 return EmailTemplate{}, errors.Wrap(err, "while creating judge decision")34 }35 return EmailTemplate{36 body: tmplS,37 subject: "Recruitment process",38 }, nil39}40func NewApproveOutcomeTemplate(candidateEmail string) (EmailTemplate, error) {41 data := struct {42 Email string43 }{Email: candidateEmail}44 tmplS, err := parseBody(approveOutcomeBody, data)45 if err != nil {46 return EmailTemplate{}, errors.Wrap(err, "while creating outcome approved")47 }48 return EmailTemplate{49 body: tmplS,50 subject: "You have been approved",51 }, nil52}53func NewDenyOutcomeTemplate(candidateEmail string) (EmailTemplate, error) {54 data := struct {55 Email string56 }{Email: candidateEmail}57 tmplS, err := parseBody(deniedOutcomeBody, data)58 if err != nil {59 return EmailTemplate{}, errors.Wrap(err, "while creating outcome denied")60 }61 return EmailTemplate{62 body: tmplS,63 subject: "You have been denied",64 }, nil65}66func parseBody(body string, data interface{}) (string, error) {67 t, err := template.New("template").Parse(body)68 if err != nil {69 return "", errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("problem while creating template"))70 }71 var tpl bytes.Buffer72 err = t.Execute(&tpl, data)73 if err != nil {74 return "", errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("problem while executing template"))75 }76 return tpl.String(), nil77}...
1package app2import (3 "net/http"4 ""5 ""6 ""7 ""8)9func loginHandler(appCtxProvider *serviceprovider.Context, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (int, interface{}, error) {10 appCtxProvider.Logger.For(req.Context()).Info("entering loginHandler")11 userCreds := &authmodels.UserCreds{}12 if err := httphelper.ParseBody(res, req, userCreds); err != nil {13 return httphelper.AppErr(err, "loginHandler.ParseBody")14 }15 if err := appCtxProvider.Validator.Validate(userCreds); err != nil {16 return httphelper.AppErr(err, "loginHandler.Validate")17 }18 loginResults, err := appCtxProvider.AuthService.Login(req.Context(), userCreds)19 if err != nil {20 return httphelper.AppErr(err, "loginHandler.AuthService.Login")21 }22 http.SetCookie(res, loginResults.HTTPCookie)23 appCtxProvider.Logger.For(req.Context()).Info("leaving loginHandler", zap.String("email", userCreds.Email))24 return httphelper.AppResponse(http.StatusOK, map[string]string{"access_token": loginResults.AccessToken, "refresh_token": loginResults.RefreshToken})25}26func registerHandler(appCtxProvider *serviceprovider.Context, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (int, interface{}, error) {27 appCtxProvider.Logger.For(req.Context()).Info("entering registerHandler")28 userCreds := &authmodels.UserRegistration{}29 var err error30 if err = httphelper.ParseBody(res, req, userCreds); err != nil {31 return httphelper.AppErr(err, "registerHandler.ParseBody")32 }33 if err = appCtxProvider.Validator.Validate(userCreds); err != nil {34 return httphelper.AppErr(err, "registerHandler.Validate")35 }36 user, err := appCtxProvider.AuthService.Register(req.Context(), userCreds)37 if err != nil {38 return httphelper.AppErr(err, "registerHandler.AuthService.Register")39 }40 appCtxProvider.Logger.For(req.Context()).Info("leaving registerHandler", zap.String("email", userCreds.Email))41 return httphelper.AppResponse(http.StatusCreated, user)42}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 http.HandleFunc("/", homePage)4 log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))5}6func homePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {7 email := &Email{
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 f, err := os.Open("2.eml")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 defer f.Close()8 mail, err := enmime.ReadEnvelope(f)9 if err != nil {10 log.Fatal(err)11 }12 lines := strings.Split(body, "13 for _, line := range lines {14 if strings.Contains(line, "From:") {15 fmt.Println(line)16 }17 }18}19import (20func main() {21 f, err := os.Open("3.eml")22 if err != nil {23 log.Fatal(err)24 }25 defer f.Close()26 mail, err := enmime.ReadEnvelope(f)27 if err != nil {28 log.Fatal(err)29 }30 lines := strings.Split(body, "31 for _, line := range lines {32 if strings.Contains(line, "From:") {33 fmt.Println(line)34 }35 }36}37import (38func main() {39 f, err := os.Open("4.eml")40 if err != nil {41 log.Fatal(err)42 }43 defer f.Close()44 mail, err := enmime.ReadEnvelope(f)45 if err != nil {46 log.Fatal(err)47 }
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 file, err := os.Open("email.txt")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 defer file.Close()8 msg, err := mail.ReadMessage(file)9 if err != nil {10 log.Fatal(err)11 }12 body, err := mail.ParseBody(msg)13 if err != nil {14 log.Fatal(err)15 }16 fmt.Println(string(body))17}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 if len(os.Args) < 2 {4 fmt.Println("Please provide the path to email file")5 }6 email, err := mail.ReadMessage(os.Args[1])7 if err != nil {8 fmt.Println("Error in reading email file")9 }10 body, err := email.Body()11 if err != nil {12 fmt.Println("Error in reading email body")13 }14 fmt.Println(string(body))15}16import (17func main() {18 if len(os.Args) < 2 {19 fmt.Println("Please provide the path to email file")20 }21 email, err := mail.ReadMessage(os.Args[1])22 if err != nil {23 fmt.Println("Error in reading email file")24 }25 body, err := email.Body()26 if err != nil {27 fmt.Println("Error in reading email body")28 }29 fmt.Println(string(body))30}31import (32func main() {33 if len(os.Args) < 2 {34 fmt.Println("Please provide the path to email file")35 }36 email, err := mail.ReadMessage(os.Args[1])37 if err != nil {38 fmt.Println("Error in reading email file")39 }40 body, err := email.Body()41 if err != nil {42 fmt.Println("Error in reading email body")43 }44 fmt.Println(string(body))45}46import (47func main() {48 if len(os.Args) < 2 {49 fmt.Println("Please provide the path to email file")50 }51 email, err := mail.ReadMessage(os.Args[1])52 if err != nil {53 fmt.Println("Error in reading email file")54 }55 body, err := email.Body()56 if err != nil {
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2type email struct {3}4func (e *email) parseBody() (multipart.File, error) {5 fmt.Println("parse body of the email")6}7func main() {8 e := email{9 }10 e.parseBody()11}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2type Email struct {3}4func (e *Email) parseBody() {5 data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("email.txt")6 if err != nil {7 log.Fatal("Error reading file: ", err)8 }9 text := string(data)10 lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")11 for _, line := range lines {12 fmt.Println(line)13 }14 r, _ := regexp.Compile(`^(From|To|Subject): (.*)$`)15 for _, line := range lines {16 matches := r.FindStringSubmatch(line)17 if len(matches) > 0 {18 fmt.Println(matches[1], ":", matches[2])19 }20 }21 r, _ = regexp.Compile(`^$`)22 for i, line := range lines {23 matches := r.FindStringSubmatch(line)24 if len(matches) > 0 {25 fmt.Println("Body:", strings.Join(lines[i+1:], "\n"))26 }27 }28}29func main() {30 email := new(Email)31 email.parseBody()32}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 emailBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("email.txt")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Printf("Error reading email: %v", err)6 }7 m, err := email.Parse(string(emailBytes))8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Printf("Error parsing email: %v", err)10 }11 fmt.Println(m.Body)12 for _, a := range m.Attachments {13 fmt.Printf("Attachment: %v\n", a.Filename)14 }15}16import (17func main() {
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