How to use Run method of gvisor Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using gvisor.Run


Source:addons_test.go Github


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...34 if err != nil {35 t.Fatalf("Could not get kubernetes client: %v", err)36 }37 selector := labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set(map[string]string{"component": "kube-addon-manager"}))38 if err := pkgutil.WaitForPodsWithLabelRunning(client, "kube-system", selector); err != nil {39 t.Errorf("Error waiting for addon manager to be up")40 }41}42func readLineWithTimeout(b *bufio.Reader, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {43 s := make(chan string)44 e := make(chan error)45 go func() {46 read, err := b.ReadString('\n')47 if err != nil {48 e <- err49 } else {50 s <- read51 }52 close(s)53 close(e)54 }()55 select {56 case line := <-s:57 return line, nil58 case err := <-e:59 return "", err60 case <-time.After(timeout):61 return "", fmt.Errorf("timeout after %s", timeout)62 }63}64func testDashboard(t *testing.T) {65 t.Parallel()66 minikubeRunner := NewMinikubeRunner(t)67 cmd, out := minikubeRunner.RunDaemon("dashboard --url")68 defer func() {69 err := cmd.Process.Kill()70 if err != nil {71 t.Logf("Failed to kill dashboard command: %v", err)72 }73 }()74 s, err := readLineWithTimeout(out, 180*time.Second)75 if err != nil {76 t.Fatalf("failed to read url: %v", err)77 }78 u, err := url.Parse(strings.TrimSpace(s))79 if err != nil {80 t.Fatalf("failed to parse %q: %v", s, err)81 }82 if u.Scheme != "http" {83 t.Errorf("got Scheme %s, expected http", u.Scheme)84 }85 host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)86 if err != nil {87 t.Fatalf("failed SplitHostPort: %v", err)88 }89 if host != "" {90 t.Errorf("got host %s, expected", host)91 }92 resp, err := http.Get(u.String())93 if err != nil {94 t.Fatalf("failed get: %v", err)95 }96 if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {97 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)98 if err != nil {99 t.Fatalf("Unable to read http response body: %v", err)100 }101 t.Errorf("%s returned status code %d, expected %d.\nbody:\n%s", u, resp.StatusCode, http.StatusOK, body)102 }103}104func testIngressController(t *testing.T) {105 t.Parallel()106 minikubeRunner := NewMinikubeRunner(t)107 kubectlRunner := util.NewKubectlRunner(t)108 minikubeRunner.RunCommand("addons enable ingress", true)109 if err := util.WaitForIngressControllerRunning(t); err != nil {110 t.Fatalf("waiting for ingress-controller to be up: %v", err)111 }112 if err := util.WaitForIngressDefaultBackendRunning(t); err != nil {113 t.Fatalf("waiting for default-http-backend to be up: %v", err)114 }115 ingressPath, _ := filepath.Abs("testdata/nginx-ing.yaml")116 if _, err := kubectlRunner.RunCommand([]string{"create", "-f", ingressPath}); err != nil {117 t.Fatalf("creating nginx ingress resource: %v", err)118 }119 podPath, _ := filepath.Abs("testdata/nginx-pod-svc.yaml")120 if _, err := kubectlRunner.RunCommand([]string{"create", "-f", podPath}); err != nil {121 t.Fatalf("creating nginx ingress resource: %v", err)122 }123 if err := util.WaitForNginxRunning(t); err != nil {124 t.Fatalf("waiting for nginx to be up: %v", err)125 }126 checkIngress := func() error {127 expectedStr := "Welcome to nginx!"128 runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("curl -H 'Host:'")129 sshCmdOutput, _ := minikubeRunner.SSH(runCmd)130 if !strings.Contains(sshCmdOutput, expectedStr) {131 return fmt.Errorf("ExpectedStr sshCmdOutput to be: %s. Output was: %s", expectedStr, sshCmdOutput)132 }133 return nil134 }135 if err := util.Retry(t, checkIngress, 3*time.Second, 5); err != nil {136 t.Fatalf(err.Error())137 }138 defer func() {139 for _, p := range []string{podPath, ingressPath} {140 if out, err := kubectlRunner.RunCommand([]string{"delete", "-f", p}); err != nil {141 t.Logf("delete -f %s failed: %v\noutput: %s\n", p, err, out)142 }143 }144 }()145 minikubeRunner.RunCommand("addons disable ingress", true)146}147func testServicesList(t *testing.T) {148 t.Parallel()149 minikubeRunner := NewMinikubeRunner(t)150 checkServices := func() error {151 output := minikubeRunner.RunCommand("service list", false)152 if !strings.Contains(output, "kubernetes") {153 return fmt.Errorf("Error, kubernetes service missing from output %s", output)154 }155 return nil156 }157 if err := util.Retry(t, checkServices, 2*time.Second, 5); err != nil {158 t.Fatalf(err.Error())159 }160}161func testGvisor(t *testing.T) {162 minikubeRunner := NewMinikubeRunner(t)163 minikubeRunner.RunCommand("addons enable gvisor", true)164 t.Log("waiting for gvisor controller to come up")165 if err := util.WaitForGvisorControllerRunning(t); err != nil {166 t.Fatalf("waiting for gvisor controller to be up: %v", err)167 }168 createUntrustedWorkload(t)169 t.Log("making sure untrusted workload is Running")170 if err := util.WaitForUntrustedNginxRunning(); err != nil {171 t.Fatalf("waiting for nginx to be up: %v", err)172 }173 t.Log("disabling gvisor addon")174 minikubeRunner.RunCommand("addons disable gvisor", true)175 t.Log("waiting for gvisor controller pod to be deleted")176 if err := util.WaitForGvisorControllerDeleted(); err != nil {177 t.Fatalf("waiting for gvisor controller to be deleted: %v", err)178 }179 createUntrustedWorkload(t)180 t.Log("waiting for FailedCreatePodSandBox event")181 if err := util.WaitForFailedCreatePodSandBoxEvent(); err != nil {182 t.Fatalf("waiting for FailedCreatePodSandBox event: %v", err)183 }184 deleteUntrustedWorkload(t)185}186func testGvisorRestart(t *testing.T) {187 minikubeRunner := NewMinikubeRunner(t)188 minikubeRunner.EnsureRunning()189 minikubeRunner.RunCommand("addons enable gvisor", true)190 t.Log("waiting for gvisor controller to come up")191 if err := util.WaitForGvisorControllerRunning(t); err != nil {192 t.Fatalf("waiting for gvisor controller to be up: %v", err)193 }194 // TODO: @priyawadhwa to add test for stop as well195 minikubeRunner.RunCommand("delete", false)196 minikubeRunner.CheckStatus(state.None.String())197 minikubeRunner.Start()198 minikubeRunner.CheckStatus(state.Running.String())199 t.Log("waiting for gvisor controller to come up")200 if err := util.WaitForGvisorControllerRunning(t); err != nil {201 t.Fatalf("waiting for gvisor controller to be up: %v", err)202 }203 createUntrustedWorkload(t)204 t.Log("making sure untrusted workload is Running")205 if err := util.WaitForUntrustedNginxRunning(); err != nil {206 t.Fatalf("waiting for nginx to be up: %v", err)207 }208 deleteUntrustedWorkload(t)209}210func createUntrustedWorkload(t *testing.T) {211 kubectlRunner := util.NewKubectlRunner(t)212 untrustedPath, _ := filepath.Abs("testdata/nginx-untrusted.yaml")213 t.Log("creating pod with untrusted workload annotation")214 if _, err := kubectlRunner.RunCommand([]string{"replace", "-f", untrustedPath, "--force"}); err != nil {215 t.Fatalf("creating untrusted nginx resource: %v", err)216 }217}218func deleteUntrustedWorkload(t *testing.T) {219 kubectlRunner := util.NewKubectlRunner(t)220 untrustedPath, _ := filepath.Abs("testdata/nginx-untrusted.yaml")221 if _, err := kubectlRunner.RunCommand([]string{"delete", "-f", untrustedPath}); err != nil {222 t.Logf("error deleting untrusted nginx resource: %v", err)223 }224}...

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Source:gvisortest.go Github


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...183 go runTestConns(netDialer(net.ParseIP("::1"), 4321), nConns, wg)184 wg.Wait()185 return nil186}187func doRun(name string, runFunc func() error) {188 fmt.Printf("Starting %s\n", name)189 err := runFunc()190 if err != nil {191 fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", err)192 }193 fmt.Printf("Finished %s\n", name)194}195func main() {196 doRun("runNet 100", func() error { return runNet(100) })197 doRun("runGonet 10", func() error { return runGonet(10) })198 doRun("runGonet 100", func() error { return runGonet(100) })199}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 g.Run("echo", "hello")3}4func main() {5 g.Run("echo", "hello", "world")6}7func main() {8 g.Run("echo", "hello", "world", "!")9}10func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 g := gvisor.NewGVisor()4 g.SetPath("/usr/local/bin/runsc")5 g.SetRoot("/tmp")6 g.SetLog("/tmp/gvisor.log")7 g.SetDebug(true)8 g.SetBundle("/tmp/bundle")9 g.SetID("test")10 g.SetConsoleSocket("/tmp/console.sock")11 g.SetPidFile("/tmp/pid")12 g.SetSpec("/tmp/spec.json")13 g.SetStatePath("/tmp/state.json")14 g.SetNetwork("host")15 g.SetRuntime("io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux")16 g.SetRuntimeRoot("/tmp")17 g.SetIOFifo("/tmp/io.fifo")18 g.SetStart(false)19 g.SetDebug(true)20 g.SetDebugLog("/tmp/debug.log")21 g.SetDebugLogFormat("text")22 g.SetDebugLogMode("w")23 g.SetDebugLogLevel("debug")24 g.SetDebugLogPackage("all")25 g.SetDebugLogTimestamp(true)26 g.SetDebugLogColor(true)27 g.SetDebugLogStacktraceLevel("none")28 g.SetDebugLogWithSource(true)29 g.SetDebugLogWithSourceLine(true)30 g.SetDebugLogWithSourceFunction(true)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 cmd := exec.Command("runsc", "run", "--bundle", "/home/abhishek/Downloads/bundle", "test")4 cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{5 UidMappings: []syscall.SysProcIDMap{6 {7 HostID: os.Getuid(),8 },9 },10 GidMappings: []syscall.SysProcIDMap{11 {12 HostID: os.Getgid(),13 },14 },15 }16 if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {17 log.Fatal(err)18 }19 fmt.Println("Successfully ran the container")20}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 gvisor := gvisor.New()3 gvisor.Run()4}5type Gvisor struct {6}7func (g *Gvisor) Run() {8}9type Gvisor struct {10}11func (g *Gvisor) Run() {12}13type Gvisor struct {14}15func (g *Gvisor) Run() {16}17type Gvisor struct {18}19func (g *Gvisor) Run() {20}21type Gvisor struct {22}23func (g *Gvisor) Run() {24}25type Gvisor struct {26}27func (g *Gvisor) Run() {28}29type Gvisor struct {30}31func (g *Gvisor) Run() {32}33type Gvisor struct {34}35func (g *Gvisor) Run() {36}37type Gvisor struct {38}39func (g *Gvisor) Run() {40}41type Gvisor struct {42}43func (g *Gvisor) Run() {44}45type Gvisor struct {46}47func (g *Gvisor) Run() {48}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 config := `{4 "process": {5 "user": {6 },7 "capabilities": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 cmd := exec.Command(path, "run", "--bundle", image, "--network=none", "redis")4 err := cmd.Run()5 if err != nil {6 fmt.Println("Error: ", err)7 }8}9import (10func main() {11 cmd := exec.Command(path, "run", "--bundle", image, "--network=none", "redis")12 err := cmd.Run()13 if err != nil {14 fmt.Println("Error: ", err)15 }16}17import (18func main() {19 cmd := exec.Command(path, "run", "--bundle", image, "--network=none", "redis")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 gvisor := gvisor.Gvisor{}4 gvisor.Run("hello", []string{"hello", "world"})5 fmt.Println("Hello World")6}7import (8func main() {9 gvisor := gvisor.Gvisor{}10 gvisor.Run("hello", []string{"hello", "world"})11 fmt.Println("Hello World")12}13import (14func main() {15 gvisor := gvisor.Gvisor{}16 gvisor.Run("hello", []string{"hello", "world"})17 fmt.Println("Hello World")18}19import (20func main() {21 gvisor := gvisor.Gvisor{}22 gvisor.Run("hello", []string{"hello", "world"})23 fmt.Println("Hello World")24}25import (26func main() {27 gvisor := gvisor.Gvisor{}28 gvisor.Run("hello", []string{"hello", "world"})29 fmt.Println("Hello World")30}31import (32func main() {33 gvisor := gvisor.Gvisor{}34 gvisor.Run("hello", []string{"hello", "world"})35 fmt.Println("Hello World")36}37import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(g.Run("/home/username/2.go"))4}5import (6type Gvisor struct {7}8func (g *Gvisor) Run(path string) string {9 cmd := exec.Command("runsc", "run", "-bundle", path)10 out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()11 if err != nil {12 return err.Error()13 }14 return string(out)15}16import (17func main() {18 fmt.Println(g.Run("/home/username/3.go"))19}20import (21type Gvisor struct {22}23func (g *Gvisor) Run(path string) string {24 cmd := exec.Command("

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