How to use Wait method of mocks Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using mocks.Wait


Source:scheduler_test.go Github


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...51 config := configFixture()52 namespace := core.TagFixture()53 seeder := mocks.newPeer(config)54 leecher := mocks.newPeer(config)55 var wg sync.WaitGroup56 for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {57 blob := core.NewBlobFixture()58 mocks.metaInfoClient.EXPECT().Download(59 namespace, blob.Digest).Return(blob.MetaInfo, nil).Times(2)60 wg.Add(1)61 go func() {62 defer wg.Done()63 seeder.writeTorrent(namespace, blob)64 require.NoError(seeder.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))65 require.NoError(leecher.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))66 leecher.checkTorrent(t, namespace, blob)67 }()68 }69 wg.Wait()70}71func TestDownloadManyTorrentsWithSeederAndManyLeechers(t *testing.T) {72 require := require.New(t)73 mocks, cleanup := newTestMocks(t)74 defer cleanup()75 config := configFixture()76 namespace := core.TagFixture()77 seeder := mocks.newPeer(config)78 leechers := mocks.newPeers(5, config)79 // Start seeding each torrent.80 blobs := make([]*core.BlobFixture, 5)81 for i := range blobs {82 blob := core.NewBlobFixture()83 blobs[i] = blob84 mocks.metaInfoClient.EXPECT().Download(85 namespace, blob.Digest).Return(blob.MetaInfo, nil).Times(6)86 seeder.writeTorrent(namespace, blob)87 require.NoError(seeder.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))88 }89 var wg sync.WaitGroup90 for _, blob := range blobs {91 blob := blob92 for _, p := range leechers {93 p := p94 wg.Add(1)95 go func() {96 defer wg.Done()97 require.NoError(p.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))98 p.checkTorrent(t, namespace, blob)99 }()100 }101 }102 wg.Wait()103}104func TestDownloadTorrentWhenPeersAllHaveDifferentPiece(t *testing.T) {105 require := require.New(t)106 mocks, cleanup := newTestMocks(t)107 defer cleanup()108 config := configFixture()109 namespace := core.TagFixture()110 peers := mocks.newPeers(10, config)111 pieceLength := 256112 blob := core.SizedBlobFixture(uint64(len(peers)*pieceLength), uint64(pieceLength))113 mocks.metaInfoClient.EXPECT().Download(114 namespace, blob.Digest).Return(blob.MetaInfo, nil).Times(len(peers))115 var wg sync.WaitGroup116 for i, p := range peers {117 tor, err := p.torrentArchive.CreateTorrent(namespace, blob.Digest)118 require.NoError(err)119 piece := make([]byte, pieceLength)120 start := i * pieceLength121 stop := (i + 1) * pieceLength122 copy(piece, blob.Content[start:stop])123 require.NoError(tor.WritePiece(piecereader.NewBuffer(piece), i))124 p := p125 wg.Add(1)126 go func() {127 defer wg.Done()128 require.NoError(p.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))129 p.checkTorrent(t, namespace, blob)130 }()131 }132 wg.Wait()133}134func TestSeederTTI(t *testing.T) {135 require := require.New(t)136 mocks, cleanup := newTestMocks(t)137 defer cleanup()138 config := configFixture()139 blob := core.NewBlobFixture()140 namespace := core.TagFixture()141 mocks.metaInfoClient.EXPECT().Download(142 namespace, blob.Digest).Return(blob.MetaInfo, nil).Times(2)143 clk := clock.NewMock()144 w := newEventWatcher()145 seeder := mocks.newPeer(config, withEventLoop(w), withClock(clk))146 seeder.writeTorrent(namespace, blob)147 require.NoError(seeder.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))148 leecher := mocks.newPeer(config, withClock(clk))149 errc := make(chan error)150 go func() { errc <- leecher.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest) }()151 require.NoError(<-errc)152 leecher.checkTorrent(t, namespace, blob)153 // Conns expire...154 clk.Add(config.ConnTTI)155 clk.Add(config.PreemptionInterval)156 w.waitFor(t, preemptionTickEvent{})157 // Then seeding torrents expire.158 clk.Add(config.SeederTTI)159 waitForTorrentRemoved(t, seeder.scheduler, blob.MetaInfo.InfoHash())160 waitForTorrentRemoved(t, leecher.scheduler, blob.MetaInfo.InfoHash())161 require.False(hasConn(seeder.scheduler, leecher.pctx.PeerID, blob.MetaInfo.InfoHash()))162 require.False(hasConn(leecher.scheduler, seeder.pctx.PeerID, blob.MetaInfo.InfoHash()))163 // Idle seeder should keep around the torrent file so it can still serve content.164 _, err := seeder.torrentArchive.Stat(namespace, blob.Digest)165 require.NoError(err)166}167func TestLeecherTTI(t *testing.T) {168 t.Skip()169 require := require.New(t)170 mocks, cleanup := newTestMocks(t)171 defer cleanup()172 config := configFixture()173 clk := clock.NewMock()174 w := newEventWatcher()175 blob := core.NewBlobFixture()176 namespace := core.TagFixture()177 mocks.metaInfoClient.EXPECT().Download(namespace, blob.Digest).Return(blob.MetaInfo, nil)178 p := mocks.newPeer(config, withEventLoop(w), withClock(clk))179 errc := make(chan error)180 go func() { errc <- p.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest) }()181 waitForTorrentAdded(t, p.scheduler, blob.MetaInfo.InfoHash())182 clk.Add(config.LeecherTTI)183 w.waitFor(t, preemptionTickEvent{})184 require.Equal(ErrTorrentTimeout, <-errc)185 // Idle leecher should delete torrent file to prevent it from being revived.186 _, err := p.torrentArchive.Stat(namespace, blob.Digest)187 require.True(os.IsNotExist(err))188}189func TestMultipleDownloadsForSameTorrentSucceed(t *testing.T) {190 require := require.New(t)191 mocks, cleanup := newTestMocks(t)192 defer cleanup()193 blob := core.NewBlobFixture()194 namespace := core.TagFixture()195 // Allow any number of downloads due to concurrency below.196 mocks.metaInfoClient.EXPECT().Download(197 namespace, blob.Digest).Return(blob.MetaInfo, nil).AnyTimes()198 config := configFixture()199 seeder := mocks.newPeer(config)200 seeder.writeTorrent(namespace, blob)201 require.NoError(seeder.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))202 leecher := mocks.newPeer(config)203 var wg sync.WaitGroup204 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {205 wg.Add(1)206 go func() {207 defer wg.Done()208 // Multiple goroutines should be able to wait on the same torrent.209 require.NoError(leecher.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))210 }()211 }212 wg.Wait()213 leecher.checkTorrent(t, namespace, blob)214 // After the torrent is complete, further calls to Download should succeed immediately.215 require.NoError(leecher.scheduler.Download(namespace, blob.Digest))216}217func TestEmitStatsEventTriggers(t *testing.T) {218 mocks, cleanup := newTestMocks(t)219 defer cleanup()220 config := configFixture()221 clk := clock.NewMock()222 w := newEventWatcher()223 mocks.newPeer(config, withEventLoop(w), withClock(clk))224 clk.Add(config.EmitStatsInterval)225 w.waitFor(t, emitStatsEvent{})226}...

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Source:channel.go Github


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...22 false, // immediate23 amqpOpt,24 )25}26func (ch *Channel) Confirm(noWait bool) error {27 return ch.Channel.Confirm(noWait)28}29func (ch *Channel) NotifyPublish(confirm chan mocks.Confirmation) chan mocks.Confirmation {30 amqpConfirms := ch.Channel.NotifyPublish(make(chan amqp.Confirmation, cap(confirm)))31 go func() {32 for c := range amqpConfirms {33 confirm <- Confirmation{c}34 }35 close(confirm)36 }()37 return confirm38}39func (ch *Channel) Consume(queue, consumer string, opt mocks.Option) (<-chan mocks.Delivery, error) {40 var (41 autoAck, exclusive, noLocal, noWait bool42 args amqp.Table43 )44 if v, ok := opt["autoAck"]; ok {45 autoAck, ok = v.(bool)46 if !ok {47 return nil, errors.New("durable option is of type bool")48 }49 }50 if v, ok := opt["exclusive"]; ok {51 exclusive, ok = v.(bool)52 if !ok {53 return nil, errors.New("exclusive option is of type bool")54 }55 }56 if v, ok := opt["noLocal"]; ok {57 noLocal, ok = v.(bool)58 if !ok {59 return nil, errors.New("noLocal option is of type bool")60 }61 }62 if v, ok := opt["noWait"]; ok {63 noWait, ok = v.(bool)64 if !ok {65 return nil, errors.New("noWait option is of type bool")66 }67 }68 if v, ok := opt["args"]; ok {69 args, ok = v.(amqp.Table)70 if !ok {71 return nil, errors.New("args is of type amqp.Table")72 }73 }74 amqpd, err := ch.Channel.Consume(queue, consumer, autoAck, exclusive, noLocal, noWait, args)75 if err != nil {76 return nil, err77 }78 deliveries := make(chan mocks.Delivery)79 go func() {80 for d := range amqpd {81 delivery := d82 deliveries <- &Delivery{&delivery}83 }84 close(deliveries)85 }()86 return deliveries, nil87}88func (ch *Channel) ExchangeDeclare(name, kind string, opt mocks.Option) error {89 return ch.exchangeDeclare(name, kind, false, opt)90}91func (ch *Channel) ExchangeDeclarePassive(name, kind string, opt mocks.Option) error {92 return ch.exchangeDeclare(name, kind, true, opt)93}94func (ch *Channel) exchangeDeclare(name, kind string, passive bool, opt mocks.Option) error {95 var (96 durable, autoDelete, internal, noWait bool97 args amqp.Table98 )99 if v, ok := opt["durable"]; ok {100 durable, ok = v.(bool)101 if !ok {102 return errors.New("durable option is of type bool")103 }104 }105 if v, ok := opt["autoDelete"]; ok {106 autoDelete, ok = v.(bool)107 if !ok {108 return errors.New("autoDelete option is of type bool")109 }110 }111 if v, ok := opt["internal"]; ok {112 internal, ok = v.(bool)113 if !ok {114 return errors.New("internal option is of type bool")115 }116 }117 if v, ok := opt["noWait"]; ok {118 noWait, ok = v.(bool)119 if !ok {120 return errors.New("noWait option is of type bool")121 }122 }123 if v, ok := opt["args"]; ok {124 args, ok = v.(amqp.Table)125 if !ok {126 return errors.New("args is of type amqp.Table")127 }128 }129 if passive {130 return ch.Channel.ExchangeDeclarePassive(name, kind, durable, autoDelete, internal, noWait, args)131 }132 return ch.Channel.ExchangeDeclare(name, kind, durable, autoDelete, internal, noWait, args)133}134func (ch *Channel) QueueInspect(name string) (mocks.Queue, error) {135 q, err := ch.Channel.QueueInspect(name)136 return &Queue{&q}, err137}138func (ch *Channel) QueueUnbind(name, route, exchange string, _ mocks.Option) error {139 return ch.Channel.QueueUnbind(name, route, exchange, nil)140}141// QueueBind binds the route key to queue142func (ch *Channel) QueueBind(name, key, exchange string, opt mocks.Option) error {143 var (144 noWait bool145 args amqp.Table146 )147 if v, ok := opt["noWait"]; ok {148 noWait, ok = v.(bool)149 if !ok {150 return errors.New("noWait option is of type bool")151 }152 }153 if v, ok := opt["args"]; ok {154 args, ok = v.(amqp.Table)155 if !ok {156 return errors.New("args is of type amqp.Table")157 }158 }159 return ch.Channel.QueueBind(name, key, exchange, noWait, args)160}161// QueueDeclare declares a new AMQP queue162func (ch *Channel) QueueDeclare(name string, opt mocks.Option) (mocks.Queue, error) {163 return ch.queueDeclare(name, false, opt)164}165// QueueDeclarePassive declares an existing AMQP queue166func (ch *Channel) QueueDeclarePassive(name string, opt mocks.Option) (mocks.Queue, error) {167 return ch.queueDeclare(name, true, opt)168}169func (ch *Channel) queueDeclare(name string, passive bool, opt mocks.Option) (mocks.Queue, error) {170 var (171 durable, autoDelete, exclusive, noWait bool172 args amqp.Table173 )174 if v, ok := opt["durable"]; ok {175 durable, ok = v.(bool)176 if !ok {177 return nil, errors.New("durable option is of type bool")178 }179 }180 if v, ok := opt["autoDelete"]; ok {181 autoDelete, ok = v.(bool)182 if !ok {183 return nil, errors.New("autoDelete option is of type bool")184 }185 }186 if v, ok := opt["exclusive"]; ok {187 exclusive, ok = v.(bool)188 if !ok {189 return nil, errors.New("Exclusive option is of type bool")190 }191 }192 if v, ok := opt["noWait"]; ok {193 noWait, ok = v.(bool)194 if !ok {195 return nil, errors.New("noWait option is of type bool")196 }197 }198 if v, ok := opt["args"]; ok {199 args, ok = v.(amqp.Table)200 if !ok {201 return nil, errors.New("args is of type amqp.Table")202 }203 }204 var q amqp.Queue205 var err error206 if passive {207 q, err = ch.Channel.QueueDeclarePassive(name, durable, autoDelete, exclusive, noWait, args)208 } else {209 q, err = ch.Channel.QueueDeclare(name, durable, autoDelete, exclusive, noWait, args)210 }211 if err != nil {212 return nil, err213 }214 return &Queue{&q}, nil215}216func (ch *Channel) QueueDelete(name string, opt mocks.Option) (int, error) {217 var (218 ifUnused, ifEmpty, noWait bool219 )220 if v, ok := opt["ifUnused"]; ok {221 ifUnused, ok = v.(bool)222 if !ok {223 return 0, errors.New("ifUnused option is of type bool")224 }225 }226 if v, ok := opt["ifEmpty"]; ok {227 ifEmpty, ok = v.(bool)228 if !ok {229 return 0, errors.New("ifEmpty option is of type bool")230 }231 }232 if v, ok := opt["noWait"]; ok {233 noWait, ok = v.(bool)234 if !ok {235 return 0, errors.New("noWait option is of type bool")236 }237 }238 return ch.Channel.QueueDelete(name, ifUnused, ifEmpty, noWait)239}240// Qos controls how many bytes or messages will be handled by channel or connection.241func (ch *Channel) Qos(prefetchCount, prefetchSize int, global bool) error {242 return ch.Channel.Qos(prefetchCount, prefetchSize, global)243}244// NotifyClose registers a listener for close events.245// For more information see: (ch *Channel) NotifyClose(c chan mocks.Error) chan mocks.Error {247 amqpErr := ch.Channel.NotifyClose(make(chan *amqp.Error, cap(c)))248 go func() {249 for err := range amqpErr {250 var ne mocks.Error251 if err != nil {252 ne = utils.NewError(...

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Source:queue_submit_test.go Github


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...34 require.True(t, v.FieldByName("pNext").IsNil())35 require.Equal(t, uint64(2), v.FieldByName("waitSemaphoreCount").Uint())36 require.Equal(t, uint64(1), v.FieldByName("commandBufferCount").Uint())37 require.Equal(t, uint64(3), v.FieldByName("signalSemaphoreCount").Uint())38 waitSemaphorePtr := unsafe.Pointer(v.FieldByName("pWaitSemaphores").Elem().UnsafeAddr())39 waitSemaphoreSlice := ([]driver.VkSemaphore)(unsafe.Slice((*driver.VkSemaphore)(waitSemaphorePtr), 2))40 require.Equal(t, waitSemaphore1.Handle(), waitSemaphoreSlice[0])41 require.Equal(t, waitSemaphore2.Handle(), waitSemaphoreSlice[1])42 waitDstStageMaskPtr := unsafe.Pointer(v.FieldByName("pWaitDstStageMask").Elem().UnsafeAddr())43 waitDstStageMaskSlice := ([]driver.VkPipelineStageFlags)(unsafe.Slice((*driver.VkPipelineStageFlags)(waitDstStageMaskPtr), 2))44 require.ElementsMatch(t, []driver.VkPipelineStageFlags{8, 128}, waitDstStageMaskSlice)45 commandBufferPtr := unsafe.Pointer(v.FieldByName("pCommandBuffers").Elem().UnsafeAddr())46 commandBufferSlice := ([]driver.VkCommandBuffer)(unsafe.Slice((*driver.VkCommandBuffer)(commandBufferPtr), 1))47 require.Equal(t, buffer.Handle(), commandBufferSlice[0])48 signalSemaphorePtr := unsafe.Pointer(v.FieldByName("pSignalSemaphores").Elem().UnsafeAddr())49 signalSemaphoreSlice := ([]driver.VkSemaphore)(unsafe.Slice((*driver.VkSemaphore)(signalSemaphorePtr), 3))50 require.Equal(t, signalSemaphore1.Handle(), signalSemaphoreSlice[0])51 require.Equal(t, signalSemaphore2.Handle(), signalSemaphoreSlice[1])52 require.Equal(t, signalSemaphore3.Handle(), signalSemaphoreSlice[2])53 }54 return core1_0.VKSuccess, nil55 })56 _, err := queue.Submit(fence, []core1_0.SubmitInfo{57 {58 CommandBuffers: []core1_0.CommandBuffer{buffer},59 WaitSemaphores: []core1_0.Semaphore{waitSemaphore1, waitSemaphore2},60 WaitDstStageMask: []core1_0.PipelineStageFlags{core1_0.PipelineStageVertexShader, core1_0.PipelineStageFragmentShader},61 SignalSemaphores: []core1_0.Semaphore{signalSemaphore1, signalSemaphore2, signalSemaphore3},62 },63 })64 require.NoError(t, err)65}66func TestSubmitToQueue_NoSignalSuccess(t *testing.T) {67 ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)68 defer ctrl.Finish()69 mockDriver := mock_driver.DriverForVersion(ctrl, common.Vulkan1_0)70 mockDevice := mocks.EasyMockDevice(ctrl, mockDriver)71 queue := internal_mocks.EasyDummyQueue(mockDriver, mockDevice)72 buffer := mocks.EasyMockCommandBuffer(ctrl)73 mockDriver.EXPECT().VkQueueSubmit(queue.Handle(), driver.Uint32(1), gomock.Not(nil), driver.VkFence(driver.NullHandle)).DoAndReturn(74 func(queue driver.VkQueue, submitCount driver.Uint32, pSubmits *driver.VkSubmitInfo, fence driver.VkFence) (common.VkResult, error) {75 submitSlices := ([]driver.VkSubmitInfo)(unsafe.Slice(pSubmits, int(submitCount)))76 for _, submit := range submitSlices {77 v := reflect.ValueOf(submit)78 require.Equal(t, uint64(4), v.FieldByName("sType").Uint()) // VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO79 require.True(t, v.FieldByName("pNext").IsNil())80 require.Equal(t, uint64(0), v.FieldByName("waitSemaphoreCount").Uint())81 require.Equal(t, uint64(1), v.FieldByName("commandBufferCount").Uint())82 require.Equal(t, uint64(0), v.FieldByName("signalSemaphoreCount").Uint())83 require.True(t, v.FieldByName("pWaitSemaphores").IsNil())84 require.True(t, v.FieldByName("pWaitDstStageMask").IsNil())85 require.True(t, v.FieldByName("pSignalSemaphores").IsNil())86 commandBufferPtr := unsafe.Pointer(v.FieldByName("pCommandBuffers").Elem().UnsafeAddr())87 commandBufferSlice := ([]driver.VkCommandBuffer)(unsafe.Slice((*driver.VkCommandBuffer)(commandBufferPtr), 1))88 require.Equal(t, buffer.Handle(), commandBufferSlice[0])89 }90 return core1_0.VKSuccess, nil91 })92 _, err := queue.Submit(nil, []core1_0.SubmitInfo{93 {94 CommandBuffers: []core1_0.CommandBuffer{buffer},95 WaitSemaphores: []core1_0.Semaphore{},96 WaitDstStageMask: []core1_0.PipelineStageFlags{},97 SignalSemaphores: []core1_0.Semaphore{},98 },99 })100 require.NoError(t, err)101}102func TestSubmitToQueue_MismatchWaitSemaphores(t *testing.T) {103 ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)104 defer ctrl.Finish()105 mockDriver := mock_driver.DriverForVersion(ctrl, common.Vulkan1_0)106 mockDevice := mocks.EasyMockDevice(ctrl, mockDriver)107 queue := internal_mocks.EasyDummyQueue(mockDriver, mockDevice)108 buffer := mocks.EasyMockCommandBuffer(ctrl)109 waitSemaphore1 := mocks.EasyMockSemaphore(ctrl)110 waitSemaphore2 := mocks.EasyMockSemaphore(ctrl)111 _, err := queue.Submit(nil, []core1_0.SubmitInfo{112 {113 CommandBuffers: []core1_0.CommandBuffer{buffer},114 WaitSemaphores: []core1_0.Semaphore{waitSemaphore1, waitSemaphore2},115 WaitDstStageMask: []core1_0.PipelineStageFlags{core1_0.PipelineStageFragmentShader},116 SignalSemaphores: []core1_0.Semaphore{},117 },118 })119 require.EqualError(t, err, "attempted to submit with 2 wait semaphores but 1 dst stages- these should match")120}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 wg.Add(1)4 go func() {5 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)6 fmt.Println("Hello from goroutine")7 wg.Done()8 }()9 wg.Wait()10 fmt.Println("Hello from main")11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func TestWait(t *testing.T) {3 m := new(mocks.Waiter)4 m.On("Wait").Return(nil)5 Wait(m)6 m.AssertExpectations(t)7}8import (9func TestWait(t *testing.T) {10 m := new(mocks.Waiter)11 m.On("Wait").Return(nil)12 Wait(m)13 m.AssertExpectations(t)14}15import (16func TestWait(t *testing.T) {17 m := new(mocks.Waiter)18 m.On("Wait").Return(nil)19 Wait(m)20 m.AssertExpectations(t)21}22import (23func TestWait(t *testing.T) {24 m := new(mocks.Waiter)25 m.On("Wait").Return(nil)26 Wait(m)27 m.AssertExpectations(t)28}29import (30func TestWait(t *testing.T) {31 m := new(mocks.Waiter)32 m.On("Wait").Return(nil)33 Wait(m)34 m.AssertExpectations(t)35}36import (37func TestWait(t *testing.T) {38 m := new(mocks.Waiter)39 m.On("Wait").Return(nil)40 Wait(m)41 m.AssertExpectations(t)42}43import (44func TestWait(t *testing.T) {45 m := new(mocks.Waiter)46 m.On("Wait").Return(nil)47 Wait(m)48 m.AssertExpectations(t)49}50import (

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