How to use init method of odroid Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using odroid.init


Source:odroid.go Github


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...21 . ""22 ""23 ""24)25func init() {26 vmimpl.Register("odroid", ctor)27}28type Config struct {29 Host_Addr string // ip address of the host machine30 Device_Addr string // ip address of the Odroid board31 Console string // console device name (e.g. "/dev/ttyUSB0")32 Hub_Bus int // host USB bus number for the USB hub33 Hub_Device int // host USB device number for the USB hub34 Hub_Port int // port on the USB hub to which Odroid is connected35}36type Pool struct {37 env *vmimpl.Env38 cfg *Config39}40type instance struct {41 cfg *Config42 os string43 sshkey string44 closed chan bool45 debug bool46}47func ctor(env *vmimpl.Env) (vmimpl.Pool, error) {48 cfg := &Config{}49 if err := config.LoadData(env.Config, cfg); err != nil {50 return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse odroid vm config: %v", err)51 }52 if cfg.Host_Addr == "" {53 return nil, fmt.Errorf("config param host_addr is empty")54 }55 if cfg.Device_Addr == "" {56 return nil, fmt.Errorf("config param device_addr is empty")57 }58 if cfg.Console == "" {59 return nil, fmt.Errorf("config param console is empty")60 }61 if cfg.Hub_Bus == 0 {62 return nil, fmt.Errorf("config param hub_bus is empty")63 }64 if cfg.Hub_Device == 0 {65 return nil, fmt.Errorf("config param hub_device is empty")66 }67 if cfg.Hub_Port == 0 {68 return nil, fmt.Errorf("config param hub_port is empty")69 }70 if !osutil.IxExist(cfg.Console) {71 return nil, fmt.Errorf("console file '%v' does not exist", cfg.Console)72 }73 pool := &Pool{74 cfg: cfg,75 env: env,76 }77 return pool, nil78}79func (pool *Pool) Count() int {80 return 1 // no support for multiple Odroid devices yet81}82func (pool *Pool) Create(workdir string, index int) (vmimpl.Instance, error) {83 inst := &instance{84 cfg: pool.cfg,85 os: pool.env.OS,86 sshkey: pool.env.Sshkey,87 closed: make(chan bool),88 debug: pool.env.Debug,89 }90 closeInst := inst91 defer func() {92 if closeInst != nil {93 closeInst.Close()94 }95 }()96 if err :=; err != nil {97 return nil, err98 }99 // Create working dir if doesn't exist.100 inst.ssh("mkdir -p /data/")101 // Remove temp files from previous runs.102 inst.ssh("rm -rf /data/syzkaller-*")103 closeInst = nil104 return inst, nil105}106func (inst *instance) Forward(port int) (string, error) {107 return fmt.Sprintf(inst.cfg.Host_Addr+":%v", port), nil108}109func (inst *instance) ssh(command string) ([]byte, error) {110 if inst.debug {111 Logf(0, "executing ssh %+v", command)112 }113 rpipe, wpipe, err := osutil.LongPipe()114 if err != nil {115 return nil, err116 }117 args := append(vmimpl.SSHArgs(inst.debug, inst.sshkey, 22), "root@"+inst.cfg.Device_Addr, command)118 if inst.debug {119 Logf(0, "running command: ssh %#v", args)120 }121 cmd := osutil.Command("ssh", args...)122 cmd.Stdout = wpipe123 cmd.Stderr = wpipe124 if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {125 wpipe.Close()126 return nil, err127 }128 wpipe.Close()129 done := make(chan bool)130 go func() {131 select {132 case <-time.After(time.Minute):133 if inst.debug {134 Logf(0, "ssh hanged")135 }136 cmd.Process.Kill()137 case <-done:138 }139 }()140 if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {141 close(done)142 out, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(rpipe)143 if inst.debug {144 Logf(0, "ssh failed: %v\n%s", err, out)145 }146 return nil, fmt.Errorf("ssh %+v failed: %v\n%s", args, err, out)147 }148 close(done)149 if inst.debug {150 Logf(0, "ssh returned")151 }152 out, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(rpipe)153 return out, nil154}155func switchPortPower(busNum, deviceNum, portNum int, power bool) error {156 var context *C.libusb_context157 if err := C.libusb_init(&context); err != 0 {158 return fmt.Errorf("failed to init libusb: %v\n", err)159 }160 defer C.libusb_exit(context)161 var rawList **C.libusb_device162 numDevices := int(C.libusb_get_device_list(context, &rawList))163 if numDevices < 0 {164 return fmt.Errorf("failed to init libusb: %v", numDevices)165 }166 defer C.libusb_free_device_list(rawList, 1)167 var deviceList []*C.libusb_device168 *(*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&deviceList)) = reflect.SliceHeader{169 Data: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rawList)),170 Len: numDevices,171 Cap: numDevices,172 }173 var hub *C.libusb_device174 for i := 0; i < numDevices; i++ {175 var desc C.struct_libusb_device_descriptor176 if err := C.libusb_get_device_descriptor(deviceList[i], &desc); err != 0 {177 return fmt.Errorf("failed to get device descriptor: %v", err)178 }...

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Source:main.go Github


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...212 }213 run()214 },215}216func init() {217 // cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig)218 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&serialPort, "serial-port", "", "", "Serial port to communicate with odroid on")219 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVarP(&mountPoints, "mount-point", "", []string{"/"}, "Mount points to monitor for usage")220 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&reportLoad, "report-load", "", true, "Report system load")221 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&reportMemory, "report-memory", "", true, "Report system memory usage")222 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&reportOSStatus, "report-os", "", true, "Report system OS status")223 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&reportNetworkStatus, "report-network", "", true, "Report system Network stats")224 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&reportDiskStatus, "report-disk", "", true, "Report system Disk usage")225 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&reportGpuStatus, "report-gpu", "", true, "Report system GPU usage")226 rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&reportSensorsStatus, "report-sensors", "", true, "Report system Temp sensors")227}228func must(err error) {229 if err != nil {230 log.Fatal(err)231 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 odroid.Init()3 odroid.DigitalWrite(1, 1)4 odroid.DigitalWrite(2, 1)5 time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)6 odroid.DigitalWrite(1, 0)7 odroid.DigitalWrite(2, 0)8 odroid.Close()9}10DigitalWrite(pin int, value int)11DigitalRead(pin int) int12PinMode(pin int, mode int)13func main() {14 odroid.Init()15 odroid.DigitalWrite(1, 1)16 odroid.DigitalWrite(2, 1)17 time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)18 odroid.DigitalWrite(1, 0)19 odroid.DigitalWrite(2, 0)20 odroid.Close()21}22Delay(ms int)23func main() {24 odroid.Init()25 odroid.DigitalWrite(1, 1)26 odroid.DigitalWrite(2, 1)27 odroid.Delay(1000)28 odroid.DigitalWrite(1, 0)29 odroid.DigitalWrite(2, 0)30 odroid.Close()31}32Delay(ms int)33func main() {34 odroid.Init()35 odroid.DigitalWrite(1, 1)36 odroid.DigitalWrite(2, 1)37 odroid.Delay(1000)38 odroid.DigitalWrite(1, 0)39 odroid.DigitalWrite(2, 0)40 odroid.Close()41}42Delay(ms int)43func main() {44 odroid.Init()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main(){3 fmt.Println("main method")4 odroid := Odroid{}5 odroid.init()6}7import "fmt"8type Odroid struct {9}10func (o Odroid) init() {11 fmt.Println("init method")12}13import "fmt"14func init(){15 fmt.Println("init method")16}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 odroid := new(Odroid)4 odroid.init()5 odroid.printName()6}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 odroid := new(Odroid)5 odroid.init()6 odroid.print()7}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")4 odroid := new(Odroid)5 odroid.init()6 odroid.print()7}8import "fmt"9type Odroid struct {10}11func (o *Odroid) init() {12}13func (o *Odroid) print() {14 fmt.Println(}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")4 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())5}6import (7func main() {8 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")9 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())10}11import (12func main() {13 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")14 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())15}16import (17func main() {18 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")19 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")24 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())25}26import (27func main() {28 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")29 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())30}31import (32func main() {33 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")34 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())35}36import (37func main() {38 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")39 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())40}41import (42func main() {43 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")44 fmt.Println(odroid.Board())45}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")5 odroid.Init()6 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")7}8import "fmt"9import ""10func main() {11 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")12 odroid.Init()13 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")14}15import "fmt"16import ""17func main() {18 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")19 odroid.Init()20 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")21}22import "fmt"23import ""24func main() {25 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")26 odroid.Init()27 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")28}29import "fmt"30import ""31func main() {32 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")33 odroid.Init()34 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")35}36import "fmt"37import ""38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")40 odroid.Init()41 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")42}43import "fmt"44import ""45func main() {46 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")47 odroid.Init()48 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")49}50import "fmt"51import ""52func main() {53 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")54 odroid.Init()55 fmt.Println("Hello, odroid")56}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Go on Odroid")4 odroid.SetGpioMode(0, 1)5 odroid.SetGpioMode(1, 1)6 odroid.SetGpioMode(2, 1)7 odroid.SetGpioMode(3, 1)8 odroid.SetGpioMode(4, 1)9 odroid.SetGpioMode(5, 1)10 odroid.SetGpioMode(6, 1)11 odroid.SetGpioMode(7, 1)12 odroid.SetGpioMode(8, 1)13 odroid.SetGpioMode(9, 1)14 odroid.SetGpioMode(10, 1)15 odroid.SetGpioMode(11, 1)16 odroid.SetGpioMode(12, 1)17 odroid.SetGpioMode(13, 1)18 odroid.SetGpioMode(14, 1)19 odroid.SetGpioMode(15, 1)20 odroid.SetGpioMode(16, 1)21 odroid.SetGpioMode(17, 1)22 odroid.SetGpioMode(18, 1)23 odroid.SetGpioMode(19, 1)24 odroid.SetGpioMode(20, 1)25 odroid.SetGpioMode(21, 1)26 odroid.SetGpioMode(22, 1)27 odroid.SetGpioMode(23, 1)28 odroid.SetGpioMode(24, 1)29 odroid.SetGpioMode(25, 1)30 odroid.SetGpioValue(0, 1)31 odroid.SetGpioValue(1, 1)32 odroid.SetGpioValue(2, 1)33 odroid.SetGpioValue(3, 1)34 odroid.SetGpioValue(4, 1)35 odroid.SetGpioValue(5, 1)36 odroid.SetGpioValue(6, 1)37 odroid.SetGpioValue(7, 1)

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