How to use AbortExecution method of client Package

Best Testkube code snippet using client.AbortExecution


Source:streams_test.go Github


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...296 if se.Message != "domo err msg" {297 t.Error("Unexpected error message: ", se.Message)298 }299}300func Test_AbortExecution(t *testing.T) {301 client, server := testClientStringV2(http.StatusOK, "")302 ctx := context.Background()303 defer server.Close()304 _, err := client.Streams.AbortExecution(ctx, 1, 1)305 if err != nil {306 t.Fatal(err)307 }308}309func Test_AbortStreamExecutionBadStreamID(t *testing.T) {310 filename := "../test_data/streams/bad_req_list_streams.txt"311 client, server := testClientFileV2(http.StatusBadRequest, filename)312 ctx := context.Background()313 defer server.Close()314 _, err := client.Streams.AbortExecution(ctx, 0, 0)315 se, ok := err.(Error)316 if !ok {317 t.Error("Expected domo error, got", err)318 }319 if se.Status != 400 {320 t.Errorf("Expected HTTP 400, got %d. ", se.Status)321 }322 if se.Message != "domo err msg" {323 t.Error("Unexpected error message: ", se.Message)324 }325}326func Test_AbortStreamExecutionBadExecutionID(t *testing.T) {327 filename := "../test_data/streams/bad_req_list_streams.txt"328 client, server := testClientFileV2(http.StatusBadRequest, filename)329 ctx := context.Background()330 defer server.Close()331 _, err := client.Streams.AbortExecution(ctx, 0, 0)332 se, ok := err.(Error)333 if !ok {334 t.Error("Expected domo error, got", err)335 }336 if se.Status != 400 {337 t.Errorf("Expected HTTP 400, got %d. ", se.Status)338 }339 if se.Message != "domo err msg" {340 t.Error("Unexpected error message: ", se.Message)341 }342}343func Test_AbortStreamExecutionBadIDs(t *testing.T) {344 filename := "../test_data/streams/bad_req_list_streams.txt"345 client, server := testClientFileV2(http.StatusBadRequest, filename)346 ctx := context.Background()347 defer server.Close()348 _, err := client.Streams.AbortExecution(ctx, 0, 0)349 se, ok := err.(Error)350 if !ok {351 t.Error("Expected domo error, got", err)352 }353 if se.Status != 400 {354 t.Errorf("Expected HTTP 400, got %d. ", se.Status)355 }356 if se.Message != "domo err msg" {357 t.Error("Unexpected error message: ", se.Message)358 }359}360func Test_UploadDataPartStr(t *testing.T) {361 filename := "../test_data/streams/upload_data_part.json"362 client, server := testClientFileV2(http.StatusOK, filename)...

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Source:execution_test.go Github


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...182 res, err := client.EnableExecution(1)183 require.Error(t, err)184 require.False(t, res)185}186func TestAbortExecution(t *testing.T) {187 jsonfile, err := responses.GetTestData(responses.AbortExecutionResponseTestFile)188 if err != nil {189 t.Fatalf(err.Error())190 }191 client, server, _ := newTestRundeckClient(jsonfile, "application/json", 200)192 defer server.Close()193 obj, oerr := client.AbortExecution(1)194 require.NoError(t, oerr)195 require.NotNil(t, obj)196}197func TestAbortExecutionAsUser(t *testing.T) {198 jsonfile, err := responses.GetTestData(responses.AbortExecutionResponseTestFile)199 if err != nil {200 t.Fatalf(err.Error())201 }202 client, server, _ := newTestRundeckClient(jsonfile, "application/json", 200)203 defer server.Close()204 obj, oerr := client.AbortExecution(1, AbortExecutionAsUser("auser"))205 require.NoError(t, oerr)206 require.NotNil(t, obj)207}208func TestAbortExecutionHTTPError(t *testing.T) {209 jsonfile, err := responses.GetTestData(responses.AbortExecutionResponseTestFile)210 if err != nil {211 t.Fatalf(err.Error())212 }213 client, server, _ := newTestRundeckClient(jsonfile, "application/json", 500)214 defer server.Close()215 obj, oerr := client.AbortExecution(1)216 require.Error(t, oerr)217 require.Nil(t, obj)218}219func TestAbortExecutionOptionError(t *testing.T) {220 jsonfile, err := responses.GetTestData(responses.AbortExecutionResponseTestFile)221 if err != nil {222 t.Fatalf(err.Error())223 }224 myopt := func() AbortExecutionOption {225 return func(m *map[string]string) error {226 return fmt.Errorf("option error happened")227 }228 }229 client, server, _ := newTestRundeckClient(jsonfile, "application/json", 200)230 defer server.Close()231 obj, oerr := client.AbortExecution(1, myopt())232 require.Error(t, oerr)233 require.Nil(t, obj)234}235func TestAbortExecutionJSONError(t *testing.T) {236 client, server, _ := newTestRundeckClient([]byte("jsonfile"), "application/json", 200)237 defer server.Close()238 obj, oerr := client.AbortExecution(1)239 require.Error(t, oerr)240 require.Nil(t, obj)241}...

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Source:execution_integration_test.go Github


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...51 s.T().Logf("unable to clean up test project: %s", e.Error())52 }53 }54}55func (s *ExecutionIntegrationTestSuite) TestAbortExecution() {56 _, job := s.testCreateProject(true)57 jobID := job.Succeeded[0].ID58 runTime := time.Now().Add(1 * time.Hour)59 ahe, err := s.TestClient.RunJob(jobID, rundeck.RunJobRunAt(runTime))60 s.Require().NoError(err)61 exec, err := s.TestClient.GetExecutionInfo(ahe.ID)62 s.Require().NoError(err)63 s.Require().Equal("scheduled", exec.Status)64 info, err := s.TestClient.AbortExecution(ahe.ID)65 s.Require().NoError(err)66 s.Require().Equal(fmt.Sprintf("%d", ahe.ID), info.Execution.ID)67}68func (s *ExecutionIntegrationTestSuite) TestAbortExecutionAsUser() {69 _, job := s.testCreateProject(true)70 jobID := job.Succeeded[0].ID71 runtime := time.Now().Add(1 * time.Hour)72 ahe, err := s.TestClient.RunJob(jobID, rundeck.RunJobRunAt(runtime))73 s.Require().NoError(err)74 check, err := s.TestClient.GetExecutionInfo(ahe.ID)75 s.Require().NoError(err)76 s.Require().Equal("scheduled", check.Status)77 info, err := s.TestClient.AbortExecution(ahe.ID, rundeck.AbortExecutionAsUser("auser"))78 s.Require().NoError(err)79 s.Require().Equal(fmt.Sprintf("%d", ahe.ID), info.Execution.ID)80}81func (s *ExecutionIntegrationTestSuite) TestGetExecutionInfo() {82 project, _ := s.testCreateProject(true)83 ahe, err := s.TestClient.RunAdHocCommand(project.Name, "ps -ef", rundeck.CmdThreadCount(1))84 s.Require().NoError(err)85 info, err := s.TestClient.GetExecutionInfo(ahe.Execution.ID)86 s.Require().NoError(err)87 s.Require().NotNil(info)88}89func (s *ExecutionIntegrationTestSuite) TestBulkDeleteExecutions() {90 _, job := s.testCreateProject(false)91 jobID := job.Succeeded[0].ID...

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1import (2func main() {3 sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{4 }))5 svc := stepfunctions.New(sess)6 result, err := svc.AbortExecution(&stepfunctions.AbortExecutionInput{7 ExecutionArn: aws.String("arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:execution:HelloWorld:HelloWorld-1234567890123456789"),8 Error: aws.String("Error"),9 Cause: aws.String("Cause"),10 })11 if err != nil {12 fmt.Println("Error", err)13 }14 fmt.Println("Success", result)15}16Success &{ResponseMetadata:0xc0000b2a80}

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1func main() {2 client := client.NewClient()3 client.AbortExecution()4}5func main() {6 client := client.NewClient()7 client.AbortExecution()8}9func main() {10 client := client.NewClient()11 client.AbortExecution()12}13func main() {14 client := client.NewClient()15 client.AbortExecution()16}17func main() {18 client := client.NewClient()19 client.AbortExecution()20}21func main() {22 client := client.NewClient()23 client.AbortExecution()24}25func main() {26 client := client.NewClient()27 client.AbortExecution()28}29func main() {30 client := client.NewClient()31 client.AbortExecution()32}33func main() {34 client := client.NewClient()35 client.AbortExecution()36}37func main() {38 client := client.NewClient()39 client.AbortExecution()40}41func main() {42 client := client.NewClient()43 client.AbortExecution()44}45func main() {46 client := client.NewClient()47 client.AbortExecution()48}49func main() {50 client := client.NewClient()51 client.AbortExecution()52}53func main() {54 client := client.NewClient()55 client.AbortExecution()56}

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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.AddFunc("@every 1s", func() { fmt.Println("every 1s") })5 c.AddFunc("@every 2s", func() { fmt.Println("every 2s") })6 c.Start()7 defer c.Stop()8 c.AbortExecution()9}

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1import (2func main() {3 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)4 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)5}6func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {7 var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{8 }9 ws, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)10 if err != nil {11 log.Println(err)12 }13 for {14 _, p, err := ws.ReadMessage()15 if err != nil {16 log.Println(err)17 }18 log.Println(string(p))19 }20}21import (22func main() {23 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)24 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)25}26func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {27 var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{28 }29 ws, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)30 if err != nil {31 log.Println(err)32 }33 for {34 _, p, err := ws.ReadMessage()35 if err != nil {36 log.Println(err)37 }38 log.Println(string(p))39 }40}41import (42func main() {43 http.HandleFunc("/", handler)44 http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)45}46func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {47 var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 consumer, err := sarama.NewConsumer([]string{"localhost:9092"}, nil)4 if err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 defer consumer.Close()8 partitionConsumer, err := consumer.ConsumePartition("test", 0, sarama.OffsetNewest)9 if err != nil {10 panic(err)11 }12 for message := range partitionConsumer.Messages() {13 fmt.Println(string(message.Value))14 partitionConsumer.AsyncClose()15 }16}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type Message struct {3}4func main() {5 http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {6 ws, err := websocket.Upgrade(w, r, w.Header(), 1024, 1024)7 if _, ok := err.(websocket.HandshakeError); ok {8 http.Error(w, "Not a websocket handshake", 400)9 } else if err != nil {10 log.Println(err)11 }12 m := Message{13 }14 err = ws.WriteJSON(m)15 if err != nil {16 log.Println(err)17 }18 for {19 _, p, err := ws.ReadMessage()20 if err != nil {21 log.Println(err)22 }23 fmt.Println(string(p))24 }25 })26 go http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)27 time.Sleep(time.Second)28 if err != nil {29 log.Fatal("dial:", err)30 }31 defer ws.Close()32 for {33 _, p, err := ws.ReadMessage()34 if err != nil {35 log.Println(err)36 }37 fmt.Println(string(p))38 }39}

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