How to use Abort method of client Package

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...136 _ = oauth2.WriteBearerError(w, oauth2.ServerError(""))137 })138 /​/​ parse bearer token139 tk, err := oauth2.ParseBearerToken(r)140 xo.AbortIf(err)141 /​/​ parse token142 key, err := a.policy.Verify(rcx, tk)143 if heat.ErrExpiredToken.Is(err) {144 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidToken("expired bearer token"))145 } else if err != nil {146 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidToken("malformed bearer token"))147 }148 /​/​ prepare context149 ctx := &Context{150 Context: rcx,151 Request: r,152 writer: w,153 Tracer: tracer,154 }155 /​/​ get token156 accessToken := a.getToken(ctx, key.Base.ID)157 if accessToken == nil {158 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidToken("unknown bearer token"))159 }160 /​/​ get token data161 data := accessToken.GetTokenData()162 /​/​ validate token type163 if data.Type != AccessToken {164 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidToken("invalid bearer token type"))165 }166 /​/​ validate expiration167 if data.ExpiresAt.Before(time.Now()) {168 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidToken("expired access token"))169 }170 /​/​ validate scope171 if !data.Scope.Includes(scope) {172 xo.Abort(oauth2.InsufficientScope(scope))173 }174 /​/​ create new context with access token175 rcx = context.WithValue(rcx, AccessTokenContextKey, accessToken)176 /​/​ call next handler if client should not be loaded177 if !loadClient {178 /​/​ call next handler179 next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(rcx))180 return181 }182 /​/​ get client183 client := a.getFirstClient(ctx, data.ClientID)184 if client == nil {185 xo.Abort(xo.F("missing client"))186 }187 /​/​ create new context with client188 rcx = context.WithValue(rcx, ClientContextKey, client)189 /​/​ call next handler if resource owner does not exist or should not190 /​/​ be loaded191 if data.ResourceOwnerID == nil || !loadResourceOwner {192 /​/​ call next handler193 next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(rcx))194 return195 }196 /​/​ get resource owner197 resourceOwner := a.getFirstResourceOwner(ctx, client, *data.ResourceOwnerID)198 if resourceOwner == nil {199 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidToken("missing resource owner"))200 }201 /​/​ create new context with resource owner202 rcx = context.WithValue(rcx, ResourceOwnerContextKey, resourceOwner)203 /​/​ call next handler204 next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(rcx))205 })206 }207}208func (a *Authenticator) authorizationEndpoint(ctx *Context) {209 /​/​ trace210 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.authorizationEndpoint")211 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()212 /​/​ parse authorization request213 req, err := oauth2.ParseAuthorizationRequest(ctx.Request)214 xo.AbortIf(err)215 /​/​ make sure the response type is known216 if !oauth2.KnownResponseType(req.ResponseType) {217 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("unknown response type"))218 }219 /​/​ get client220 client := a.findFirstClient(ctx, req.ClientID)221 if client == nil {222 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))223 }224 /​/​ validate redirect URI225 req.RedirectURI, err = a.policy.RedirectURIValidator(ctx, client, req.RedirectURI)226 if ErrInvalidRedirectURI.Is(err) {227 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("invalid redirect uri"))228 } else if err != nil {229 xo.Abort(err)230 }231 /​/​ get grants232 ctx.grants, err = a.policy.Grants(ctx, client)233 xo.AbortIf(err)234 /​* client is valid */​235 /​/​ validate response type236 if req.ResponseType == oauth2.TokenResponseType && !ctx.grants.Implicit {237 xo.Abort(oauth2.UnsupportedResponseType(""))238 } else if req.ResponseType == oauth2.CodeResponseType && !ctx.grants.AuthorizationCode {239 xo.Abort(oauth2.UnsupportedResponseType(""))240 }241 /​/​ prepare abort method242 abort := func(err *oauth2.Error) {243 xo.Abort(err.SetRedirect(req.RedirectURI, req.State, req.ResponseType == oauth2.TokenResponseType))244 }245 /​/​ check request method246 if ctx.Request.Method == "GET" {247 /​/​ get approval url248 url, err := a.policy.ApprovalURL(ctx, client)249 if err != nil {250 xo.Abort(err)251 } else if url == "" {252 abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("unsupported request method"))253 }254 /​/​ prepare params255 params := map[string]string{}256 for name, values := range ctx.Request.URL.Query() {257 params[name] = values[0]258 }259 /​/​ perform redirect260 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteRedirect(ctx.writer, url, params, false))261 return262 }263 /​/​ get access token264 token := ctx.Request.Form.Get("access_token")265 if token == "" {266 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("missing access token"))267 }268 /​/​ parse token269 key, err := a.policy.Verify(ctx, token)270 if heat.ErrExpiredToken.Is(err) {271 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("expired access token"))272 } else if err != nil {273 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("invalid access token"))274 }275 /​/​ get token276 accessToken := a.getToken(ctx, key.Base.ID)277 if accessToken == nil {278 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("unknown access token"))279 }280 /​/​ get token data281 data := accessToken.GetTokenData()282 /​/​ validate token type283 if data.Type != AccessToken {284 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("invalid access token type"))285 }286 /​/​ validate expiration287 if data.ExpiresAt.Before(time.Now()) {288 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("expired access token"))289 }290 /​/​ check resource owner291 if data.ResourceOwnerID == nil {292 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("missing resource owner"))293 }294 /​/​ get resource owner295 resourceOwner := a.getFirstResourceOwner(ctx, client, *data.ResourceOwnerID)296 if resourceOwner == nil {297 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("unknown resource owner"))298 }299 /​/​ validate & grant scope300 scope, err := a.policy.ApproveStrategy(ctx, client, resourceOwner, accessToken, req.Scope)301 if ErrApprovalRejected.Is(err) {302 abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("approval rejected"))303 } else if ErrInvalidScope.Is(err) {304 abort(oauth2.InvalidScope(""))305 } else if err != nil {306 xo.Abort(err)307 }308 /​/​ triage based on response type309 switch req.ResponseType {310 case oauth2.TokenResponseType:311 /​/​ issue access token312 res := a.issueTokens(ctx, false, scope, req.RedirectURI, client, resourceOwner)313 res.SetRedirect(req.RedirectURI, req.State)314 /​/​ write response315 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteTokenResponse(ctx.writer, res))316 case oauth2.CodeResponseType:317 /​/​ issue authorization code318 res := a.issueCode(ctx, scope, req.RedirectURI, client, resourceOwner)319 res.State = req.State320 /​/​ write response321 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteCodeResponse(ctx.writer, res))322 }323}324func (a *Authenticator) tokenEndpoint(ctx *Context) {325 /​/​ trace326 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.tokenEndpoint")327 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()328 /​/​ parse token request329 req, err := oauth2.ParseTokenRequest(ctx.Request)330 xo.AbortIf(err)331 /​/​ make sure the grant type is known332 if !oauth2.KnownGrantType(req.GrantType) {333 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("unknown grant type"))334 }335 /​/​ get client336 client := a.findFirstClient(ctx, req.ClientID)337 if client == nil {338 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))339 }340 /​/​ get grants341 ctx.grants, err = a.policy.Grants(ctx, client)342 xo.AbortIf(err)343 /​/​ handle grant type344 switch req.GrantType {345 case oauth2.PasswordGrantType:346 /​/​ check availability347 if !ctx.grants.Password {348 xo.Abort(oauth2.UnsupportedGrantType(""))349 }350 /​/​ handle resource owner password credentials grant351 a.handleResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(ctx, req, client)352 case oauth2.ClientCredentialsGrantType:353 /​/​ check availability354 if !ctx.grants.ClientCredentials {355 xo.Abort(oauth2.UnsupportedGrantType(""))356 }357 /​/​ handle client credentials grant358 a.handleClientCredentialsGrant(ctx, req, client)359 case oauth2.RefreshTokenGrantType:360 /​/​ check availability361 if !ctx.grants.RefreshToken {362 xo.Abort(oauth2.UnsupportedGrantType(""))363 }364 /​/​ handle refresh token grant365 a.handleRefreshTokenGrant(ctx, req, client)366 case oauth2.AuthorizationCodeGrantType:367 /​/​ check availability368 if !ctx.grants.AuthorizationCode {369 xo.Abort(oauth2.UnsupportedGrantType(""))370 }371 /​/​ handle authorization code grant372 a.handleAuthorizationCodeGrant(ctx, req, client)373 }374}375func (a *Authenticator) handleResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(ctx *Context, req *oauth2.TokenRequest, client Client) {376 /​/​ trace377 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.handleResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant")378 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()379 /​/​ authenticate client if confidential380 if client.IsConfidential() && !client.ValidSecret(req.ClientSecret) {381 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))382 }383 /​/​ get resource owner384 resourceOwner := a.findFirstResourceOwner(ctx, client, req.Username)385 if resourceOwner == nil {386 xo.Abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("")) /​/​ never expose reason!387 }388 /​/​ authenticate resource owner389 if !resourceOwner.ValidPassword(req.Password) {390 xo.Abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("")) /​/​ never expose reason!391 }392 /​/​ validate & grant scope393 scope, err := a.policy.GrantStrategy(ctx, client, resourceOwner, req.Scope)394 if ErrGrantRejected.Is(err) {395 xo.Abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("")) /​/​ never expose reason!396 } else if ErrInvalidScope.Is(err) {397 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidScope(""))398 } else if err != nil {399 xo.Abort(err)400 }401 /​/​ issue access token402 res := a.issueTokens(ctx, true, scope, "", client, resourceOwner)403 /​/​ write response404 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteTokenResponse(ctx.writer, res))405}406func (a *Authenticator) handleClientCredentialsGrant(ctx *Context, req *oauth2.TokenRequest, client Client) {407 /​/​ trace408 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.handleClientCredentialsGrant")409 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()410 /​/​ check confidentiality411 if !client.IsConfidential() {412 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("non confidential client"))413 }414 /​/​ authenticate client415 if !client.ValidSecret(req.ClientSecret) {416 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))417 }418 /​/​ validate & grant scope419 scope, err := a.policy.GrantStrategy(ctx, client, nil, req.Scope)420 if ErrGrantRejected.Is(err) {421 xo.Abort(oauth2.AccessDenied("grant rejected"))422 } else if ErrInvalidScope.Is(err) {423 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidScope(""))424 } else if err != nil {425 xo.Abort(err)426 }427 /​/​ issue access token428 res := a.issueTokens(ctx, true, scope, "", client, nil)429 /​/​ write response430 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteTokenResponse(ctx.writer, res))431}432func (a *Authenticator) handleRefreshTokenGrant(ctx *Context, req *oauth2.TokenRequest, client Client) {433 /​/​ trace434 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.handleRefreshTokenGrant")435 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()436 /​/​ authenticate client if confidential437 if client.IsConfidential() && !client.ValidSecret(req.ClientSecret) {438 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))439 }440 /​/​ parse token441 key, err := a.policy.Verify(ctx, req.RefreshToken)442 if heat.ErrExpiredToken.Is(err) {443 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("expired refresh token"))444 } else if err != nil {445 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("malformed refresh token"))446 }447 /​/​ get stored refresh token by signature448 rt := a.getToken(ctx, key.Base.ID)449 if rt == nil {450 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("unknown refresh token"))451 }452 /​/​ get token data453 data := rt.GetTokenData()454 /​/​ validate type455 if data.Type != RefreshToken {456 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("invalid refresh token type"))457 }458 /​/​ validate expiration459 if data.ExpiresAt.Before(time.Now()) {460 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("expired refresh token"))461 }462 /​/​ validate ownership463 if data.ClientID != client.ID() {464 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("invalid refresh token ownership"))465 }466 /​/​ inherit scope from stored refresh token467 if req.Scope.Empty() {468 req.Scope = data.Scope469 }470 /​/​ validate scope - a missing scope is always included471 if !data.Scope.Includes(req.Scope) {472 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidScope("scope exceeds the originally granted scope"))473 }474 /​/​ get resource owner475 var ro ResourceOwner476 if data.ResourceOwnerID != nil {477 ro = a.getFirstResourceOwner(ctx, client, *data.ResourceOwnerID)478 }479 /​/​ issue tokens480 res := a.issueTokens(ctx, true, req.Scope, data.RedirectURI, client, ro)481 /​/​ delete refresh token482 a.deleteToken(ctx, rt.ID())483 /​/​ write response484 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteTokenResponse(ctx.writer, res))485}486func (a *Authenticator) handleAuthorizationCodeGrant(ctx *Context, req *oauth2.TokenRequest, client Client) {487 /​/​ trace488 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.handleAuthorizationCodeGrant")489 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()490 /​/​ authenticate client if confidential491 if client.IsConfidential() && !client.ValidSecret(req.ClientSecret) {492 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))493 }494 /​/​ parse authorization code495 key, err := a.policy.Verify(ctx, req.Code)496 if heat.ErrExpiredToken.Is(err) {497 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("expired authorization code"))498 } else if err != nil {499 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("malformed authorization code"))500 }501 /​/​ TODO: We should revoke all descending tokens if a code is reused.502 /​/​ get stored authorization code by signature503 code := a.getToken(ctx, key.Base.ID)504 if code == nil {505 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("unknown authorization code"))506 }507 /​/​ get token data508 data := code.GetTokenData()509 /​/​ validate type510 if data.Type != AuthorizationCode {511 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("invalid authorization code type"))512 }513 /​/​ validate expiration514 if data.ExpiresAt.Before(time.Now()) {515 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("expired authorization code"))516 }517 /​/​ validate ownership518 if data.ClientID != client.ID() {519 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("invalid authorization code ownership"))520 }521 /​/​ validate redirect URI522 req.RedirectURI, err = a.policy.RedirectURIValidator(ctx, client, req.RedirectURI)523 if ErrInvalidRedirectURI.Is(err) {524 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("invalid redirect uri"))525 } else if err != nil {526 xo.Abort(err)527 }528 /​/​ compare redirect URIs529 if data.RedirectURI != req.RedirectURI {530 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidGrant("redirect uri mismatch"))531 }532 /​/​ inherit scope from stored authorization code533 if req.Scope.Empty() {534 req.Scope = data.Scope535 }536 /​/​ validate scope - a missing scope is always included537 if !data.Scope.Includes(req.Scope) {538 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidScope("scope exceeds the originally granted scope"))539 }540 /​/​ get resource owner541 var ro ResourceOwner542 if data.ResourceOwnerID != nil {543 ro = a.getFirstResourceOwner(ctx, client, *data.ResourceOwnerID)544 }545 /​/​ issue tokens546 res := a.issueTokens(ctx, true, req.Scope, data.RedirectURI, client, ro)547 /​/​ delete authorization code548 a.deleteToken(ctx, code.ID())549 /​/​ write response550 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteTokenResponse(ctx.writer, res))551}552func (a *Authenticator) revocationEndpoint(ctx *Context) {553 /​/​ trace554 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.revocationEndpoint")555 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()556 /​/​ parse authorization request557 req, err := oauth2.ParseRevocationRequest(ctx.Request)558 xo.AbortIf(err)559 /​/​ check token type hint560 if req.TokenTypeHint != "" && !oauth2.KnownTokenType(req.TokenTypeHint) {561 xo.Abort(oauth2.UnsupportedTokenType(""))562 }563 /​/​ get client564 client := a.findFirstClient(ctx, req.ClientID)565 if client == nil {566 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))567 }568 /​/​ authenticate client if confidential569 if client.IsConfidential() && !client.ValidSecret(req.ClientSecret) {570 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))571 }572 /​/​ parse token573 key, err := a.policy.Verify(ctx, req.Token)574 if heat.ErrExpiredToken.Is(err) {575 ctx.writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)576 return577 } else if err != nil {578 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("malformed token"))579 }580 /​/​ get token581 token := a.getToken(ctx, key.Base.ID)582 if token != nil {583 /​/​ get data584 data := token.GetTokenData()585 /​/​ check ownership586 if data.ClientID != client.ID() {587 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("wrong client"))588 return589 }590 /​/​ delete token591 a.deleteToken(ctx, key.Base.ID)592 }593 /​/​ write header594 ctx.writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)595}596func (a *Authenticator) introspectionEndpoint(ctx *Context) {597 /​/​ trace598 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.introspectionEndpoint")599 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()600 /​/​ parse introspection request601 req, err := oauth2.ParseIntrospectionRequest(ctx.Request)602 xo.AbortIf(err)603 /​/​ check token type hint604 if req.TokenTypeHint != "" && !oauth2.KnownTokenType(req.TokenTypeHint) {605 xo.Abort(oauth2.UnsupportedTokenType(""))606 }607 /​/​ get client608 client := a.findFirstClient(ctx, req.ClientID)609 if client == nil {610 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))611 }612 /​/​ authenticate client if confidential613 if client.IsConfidential() && !client.ValidSecret(req.ClientSecret) {614 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("unknown client"))615 }616 /​/​ parse token617 key, err := a.policy.Verify(ctx, req.Token)618 if heat.ErrExpiredToken.Is(err) {619 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteIntrospectionResponse(ctx.writer, &oauth2.IntrospectionResponse{}))620 return621 } else if err != nil {622 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("malformed token"))623 }624 /​/​ prepare response625 res := &oauth2.IntrospectionResponse{}626 /​/​ get token627 token := a.getToken(ctx, key.Base.ID)628 if token != nil {629 /​/​ get data630 data := token.GetTokenData()631 /​/​ check ownership632 if data.ClientID != client.ID() {633 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidClient("wrong client"))634 return635 }636 /​/​ get resource owner637 var resourceOwner ResourceOwner638 if data.ResourceOwnerID != nil {639 resourceOwner = a.getFirstResourceOwner(ctx, client, *data.ResourceOwnerID)640 }641 /​/​ get validity642 expired := data.ExpiresAt.Before(time.Now())643 /​/​ set response if valid and can be introspected644 if !expired && (data.Type == AccessToken || data.Type == RefreshToken) {645 res.Active = true646 res.Scope = data.Scope647 res.ClientID = data.ClientID.Hex()648 if data.ResourceOwnerID != nil {649 res.Username = data.ResourceOwnerID.Hex()650 }651 res.TokenType = oauth2.AccessToken652 if data.Type == RefreshToken {653 res.TokenType = oauth2.RefreshToken654 }655 res.ExpiresAt = data.ExpiresAt.Unix()656 res.IssuedAt = token.ID().Timestamp().Unix()657 res.Identifier = token.ID().Hex()658 res.Extra = a.policy.TokenData(client, resourceOwner, token)659 }660 }661 /​/​ write response662 xo.AbortIf(oauth2.WriteIntrospectionResponse(ctx.writer, res))663}664func (a *Authenticator) issueTokens(ctx *Context, refreshable bool, scope oauth2.Scope, redirectURI string, client Client, resourceOwner ResourceOwner) *oauth2.TokenResponse {665 /​/​ trace666 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.issueTokens")667 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()668 /​/​ prepare expiration669 atExpiry := time.Now().Add(a.policy.AccessTokenLifespan)670 rtExpiry := time.Now().Add(a.policy.RefreshTokenLifespan)671 /​/​ save access token672 at := a.saveToken(ctx, AccessToken, scope, atExpiry, redirectURI, client, resourceOwner)673 /​/​ generate new access token674 atSignature, err := a.policy.Issue(ctx, at, client, resourceOwner)675 xo.AbortIf(err)676 /​/​ prepare response677 res := oauth2.NewBearerTokenResponse(atSignature, int(a.policy.AccessTokenLifespan/​time.Second))678 /​/​ set granted scope679 res.Scope = scope680 /​/​ issue a refresh token if requested681 if refreshable && ctx.grants.RefreshToken {682 /​/​ save refresh token683 rt := a.saveToken(ctx, RefreshToken, scope, rtExpiry, redirectURI, client, resourceOwner)684 /​/​ generate new refresh token685 rtSignature, err := a.policy.Issue(ctx, rt, client, resourceOwner)686 xo.AbortIf(err)687 /​/​ set refresh token688 res.RefreshToken = rtSignature689 }690 return res691}692func (a *Authenticator) issueCode(ctx *Context, scope oauth2.Scope, redirectURI string, client Client, resourceOwner ResourceOwner) *oauth2.CodeResponse {693 /​/​ trace694 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.issueCode")695 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()696 /​/​ prepare expiration697 expiry := time.Now().Add(a.policy.AuthorizationCodeLifespan)698 /​/​ save authorization code699 code := a.saveToken(ctx, AuthorizationCode, scope, expiry, redirectURI, client, resourceOwner)700 /​/​ generate new access token701 signature, err := a.policy.Issue(ctx, code, client, resourceOwner)702 xo.AbortIf(err)703 /​/​ prepare response704 res := oauth2.NewCodeResponse(signature, redirectURI, "")705 return res706}707func (a *Authenticator) findFirstClient(ctx *Context, id string) Client {708 /​/​ trace709 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.findFirstClient")710 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()711 /​/​ check all available models in order712 for _, model := range a.policy.Clients {713 c := a.findClient(ctx, model, id)714 if c != nil {715 return c716 }717 }718 return nil719}720func (a *Authenticator) findClient(ctx *Context, model Client, id string) Client {721 /​/​ trace722 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.findClient")723 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()724 /​/​ prepare client725 client := coal.GetMeta(model).Make().(Client)726 /​/​ use tagged field if present727 var filters []bson.M728 idField := coal.L(model, "flame-client-id", false)729 if idField != "" {730 filters = []bson.M{731 {idField: id},732 }733 } else if coal.IsHex(id) {734 filters = []bson.M{735 {"_id": coal.MustFromHex(id)},736 }737 } else {738 xo.Abort(xo.F("unable to determine client id field"))739 }740 /​/​ add additional filter if provided741 if a.policy.ClientFilter != nil {742 /​/​ run filter function743 filter, err := a.policy.ClientFilter(ctx, model)744 if ErrInvalidFilter.Is(err) {745 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("invalid filter"))746 } else if err != nil {747 xo.Abort(err)748 }749 /​/​ add filter if present750 if filter != nil {751 filters = append(filters, filter)752 }753 }754 /​/​ fetch client755 found, err :=, client, bson.M{756 "$and": filters,757 }, nil, 0, false)758 xo.AbortIf(err)759 if !found {760 return nil761 }762 return client763}764func (a *Authenticator) getFirstClient(ctx *Context, id coal.ID) Client {765 /​/​ trace766 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.getFirstClient")767 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()768 /​/​ check all available models in order769 for _, model := range a.policy.Clients {770 c := a.getClient(ctx, model, id)771 if c != nil {772 return c773 }774 }775 return nil776}777func (a *Authenticator) getClient(ctx *Context, model Client, id coal.ID) Client {778 /​/​ trace779 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.getClient")780 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()781 /​/​ prepare client782 client := coal.GetMeta(model).Make().(Client)783 /​/​ fetch client784 found, err :=, client, id, false)785 xo.AbortIf(err)786 if !found {787 return nil788 }789 return client790}791func (a *Authenticator) findFirstResourceOwner(ctx *Context, client Client, id string) ResourceOwner {792 /​/​ trace793 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.findFirstResourceOwner")794 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()795 /​/​ get resource owners796 resourceOwners, err := a.policy.ResourceOwners(ctx, client)797 xo.AbortIf(err)798 /​/​ check all available models in order799 for _, model := range resourceOwners {800 ro := a.findResourceOwner(ctx, client, model, id)801 if ro != nil {802 return ro803 }804 }805 return nil806}807func (a *Authenticator) findResourceOwner(ctx *Context, client Client, model ResourceOwner, id string) ResourceOwner {808 /​/​ trace809 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.findResourceOwner")810 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()811 /​/​ prepare resource owner812 resourceOwner := coal.GetMeta(model).Make().(ResourceOwner)813 /​/​ use tagged field if present814 var filters []bson.M815 idField := coal.L(model, "flame-resource-owner-id", false)816 if idField != "" {817 filters = []bson.M{818 {idField: id},819 }820 } else if coal.IsHex(id) {821 filters = []bson.M{822 {"_id": coal.MustFromHex(id)},823 }824 } else {825 xo.Abort(xo.F("unable to determine resource owner id field"))826 }827 /​/​ add additional filter if provided828 if a.policy.ResourceOwnerFilter != nil {829 /​/​ run filter function830 filter, err := a.policy.ResourceOwnerFilter(ctx, client, model)831 if ErrInvalidFilter.Is(err) {832 xo.Abort(oauth2.InvalidRequest("invalid filter"))833 } else if err != nil {834 xo.Abort(err)835 }836 /​/​ add filter if present837 if filter != nil {838 filters = append(filters, filter)839 }840 }841 /​/​ fetch resource owner842 found, err :=, resourceOwner, bson.M{843 "$and": filters,844 }, nil, 0, false)845 xo.AbortIf(err)846 if !found {847 return nil848 }849 return resourceOwner850}851func (a *Authenticator) getFirstResourceOwner(ctx *Context, client Client, id coal.ID) ResourceOwner {852 /​/​ trace853 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.getFirstResourceOwner")854 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()855 /​/​ get resource owners856 resourceOwners, err := a.policy.ResourceOwners(ctx, client)857 xo.AbortIf(err)858 /​/​ check all available models in order859 for _, model := range resourceOwners {860 ro := a.getResourceOwner(ctx, model, id)861 if ro != nil {862 return ro863 }864 }865 return nil866}867func (a *Authenticator) getResourceOwner(ctx *Context, model ResourceOwner, id coal.ID) ResourceOwner {868 /​/​ trace869 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.getResourceOwner")870 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()871 /​/​ prepare object872 resourceOwner := coal.GetMeta(model).Make().(ResourceOwner)873 /​/​ fetch resource owner874 found, err :=, resourceOwner, id, false)875 xo.AbortIf(err)876 if !found {877 return nil878 }879 return resourceOwner880}881func (a *Authenticator) getToken(ctx *Context, id coal.ID) GenericToken {882 /​/​ trace883 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.getToken")884 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()885 /​/​ prepare object886 token := coal.GetMeta(a.policy.Token).Make().(GenericToken)887 /​/​ fetch token888 found, err :=, token, id, false)889 xo.AbortIf(err)890 if !found {891 return nil892 }893 return token894}895func (a *Authenticator) saveToken(ctx *Context, typ TokenType, scope []string, expiresAt time.Time, redirectURI string, client Client, resourceOwner ResourceOwner) GenericToken {896 /​/​ trace897 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.saveToken")898 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()899 /​/​ create token with id900 token := coal.GetMeta(a.policy.Token).Make().(GenericToken)901 token.GetBase().DocID = coal.New()902 /​/​ get resource owner id903 var roID *coal.ID904 if resourceOwner != nil {905 roID = stick.P(resourceOwner.ID())906 }907 /​/​ set token data908 token.SetTokenData(TokenData{909 Type: typ,910 Scope: scope,911 ExpiresAt: expiresAt,912 RedirectURI: redirectURI,913 Client: client,914 ResourceOwner: resourceOwner,915 ClientID: client.ID(),916 ResourceOwnerID: roID,917 })918 /​/​ save token919 xo.AbortIf(, token))920 return token921}922func (a *Authenticator) deleteToken(ctx *Context, id coal.ID) {923 /​/​ trace924 ctx.Tracer.Push("flame/​Authenticator.deleteToken")925 defer ctx.Tracer.Pop()926 /​/​ delete token927 _, err :=, nil, id)928 xo.AbortIf(err)929}...

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Source:client_session.go Github


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...20/​/​ ErrNoTransactStarted is returned if a transaction operation is called when no transaction has started.21var ErrNoTransactStarted = errors.New("no transaction started")22/​/​ ErrTransactInProgress is returned if startTransaction() is called when a transaction is in progress.23var ErrTransactInProgress = errors.New("transaction already in progress")24/​/​ ErrAbortAfterCommit is returned when abort is called after a commit.25var ErrAbortAfterCommit = errors.New("cannot call abortTransaction after calling commitTransaction")26/​/​ ErrAbortTwice is returned if abort is called after transaction is already aborted.27var ErrAbortTwice = errors.New("cannot call abortTransaction twice")28/​/​ ErrCommitAfterAbort is returned if commit is called after an abort.29var ErrCommitAfterAbort = errors.New("cannot call commitTransaction after calling abortTransaction")30/​/​ ErrUnackWCUnsupported is returned if an unacknowledged write concern is supported for a transaciton.31var ErrUnackWCUnsupported = errors.New("transactions do not support unacknowledged write concerns")32/​/​ Type describes the type of the session33type Type uint834/​/​ These constants are the valid types for a client session.35const (36 Explicit Type = iota37 Implicit38)39/​/​ State indicates the state of the FSM.40type state uint841/​/​ Client Session states42const (43 None state = iota44 Starting45 InProgress46 Committed47 Aborted48)49/​/​ Client is a session for clients to run commands.50type Client struct {51 *Server52 ClientID uuid.UUID53 ClusterTime bson.Raw54 Consistent bool /​/​ causal consistency55 OperationTime *primitive.Timestamp56 SessionType Type57 Terminated bool58 RetryingCommit bool59 Committing bool60 Aborting bool61 RetryWrite bool62 RetryRead bool63 /​/​ options for the current transaction64 /​/​ most recently set by transactionopt65 CurrentRc *readconcern.ReadConcern66 CurrentRp *readpref.ReadPref67 CurrentWc *writeconcern.WriteConcern68 CurrentMct *time.Duration69 /​/​ default transaction options70 transactionRc *readconcern.ReadConcern71 transactionRp *readpref.ReadPref72 transactionWc *writeconcern.WriteConcern73 transactionMaxCommitTime *time.Duration74 pool *Pool75 state state76 PinnedServer *description.Server77 RecoveryToken bson.Raw78}79func getClusterTime(clusterTime bson.Raw) (uint32, uint32) {80 if clusterTime == nil {81 return 0, 082 }83 clusterTimeVal, err := clusterTime.LookupErr("$clusterTime")84 if err != nil {85 return 0, 086 }87 timestampVal, err := bson.Raw(clusterTimeVal.Value).LookupErr("clusterTime")88 if err != nil {89 return 0, 090 }91 return timestampVal.Timestamp()92}93/​/​ MaxClusterTime compares 2 clusterTime documents and returns the document representing the highest cluster time.94func MaxClusterTime(ct1, ct2 bson.Raw) bson.Raw {95 epoch1, ord1 := getClusterTime(ct1)96 epoch2, ord2 := getClusterTime(ct2)97 if epoch1 > epoch2 {98 return ct199 } else if epoch1 < epoch2 {100 return ct2101 } else if ord1 > ord2 {102 return ct1103 } else if ord1 < ord2 {104 return ct2105 }106 return ct1107}108/​/​ NewClientSession creates a Client.109func NewClientSession(pool *Pool, clientID uuid.UUID, sessionType Type, opts ...*ClientOptions) (*Client, error) {110 c := &Client{111 Consistent: true, /​/​ set default112 ClientID: clientID,113 SessionType: sessionType,114 pool: pool,115 }116 mergedOpts := mergeClientOptions(opts...)117 if mergedOpts.CausalConsistency != nil {118 c.Consistent = *mergedOpts.CausalConsistency119 }120 if mergedOpts.DefaultReadPreference != nil {121 c.transactionRp = mergedOpts.DefaultReadPreference122 }123 if mergedOpts.DefaultReadConcern != nil {124 c.transactionRc = mergedOpts.DefaultReadConcern125 }126 if mergedOpts.DefaultWriteConcern != nil {127 c.transactionWc = mergedOpts.DefaultWriteConcern128 }129 if mergedOpts.DefaultMaxCommitTime != nil {130 c.transactionMaxCommitTime = mergedOpts.DefaultMaxCommitTime131 }132 servSess, err := pool.GetSession()133 if err != nil {134 return nil, err135 }136 c.Server = servSess137 return c, nil138}139/​/​ AdvanceClusterTime updates the session's cluster time.140func (c *Client) AdvanceClusterTime(clusterTime bson.Raw) error {141 if c.Terminated {142 return ErrSessionEnded143 }144 c.ClusterTime = MaxClusterTime(c.ClusterTime, clusterTime)145 return nil146}147/​/​ AdvanceOperationTime updates the session's operation time.148func (c *Client) AdvanceOperationTime(opTime *primitive.Timestamp) error {149 if c.Terminated {150 return ErrSessionEnded151 }152 if c.OperationTime == nil {153 c.OperationTime = opTime154 return nil155 }156 if opTime.T > c.OperationTime.T {157 c.OperationTime = opTime158 } else if (opTime.T == c.OperationTime.T) && (opTime.I > c.OperationTime.I) {159 c.OperationTime = opTime160 }161 return nil162}163/​/​ UpdateUseTime sets the session's last used time to the current time. This must be called whenever the session is164/​/​ used to send a command to the server to ensure that the session is not prematurely marked expired in the driver's165/​/​ session pool. If the session has already been ended, this method will return ErrSessionEnded.166func (c *Client) UpdateUseTime() error {167 if c.Terminated {168 return ErrSessionEnded169 }170 c.updateUseTime()171 return nil172}173/​/​ UpdateRecoveryToken updates the session's recovery token from the server response.174func (c *Client) UpdateRecoveryToken(response bson.Raw) {175 if c == nil {176 return177 }178 token, err := response.LookupErr("recoveryToken")179 if err != nil {180 return181 }182 c.RecoveryToken = token.Document()183}184/​/​ ClearPinnedServer sets the PinnedServer to nil.185func (c *Client) ClearPinnedServer() {186 if c != nil {187 c.PinnedServer = nil188 }189}190/​/​ EndSession ends the session.191func (c *Client) EndSession() {192 if c.Terminated {193 return194 }195 c.Terminated = true196 c.pool.ReturnSession(c.Server)197 return198}199/​/​ TransactionInProgress returns true if the client session is in an active transaction.200func (c *Client) TransactionInProgress() bool {201 return c.state == InProgress202}203/​/​ TransactionStarting returns true if the client session is starting a transaction.204func (c *Client) TransactionStarting() bool {205 return c.state == Starting206}207/​/​ TransactionRunning returns true if the client session has started the transaction208/​/​ and it hasn't been committed or aborted209func (c *Client) TransactionRunning() bool {210 return c != nil && (c.state == Starting || c.state == InProgress)211}212/​/​ TransactionCommitted returns true of the client session just committed a transaciton.213func (c *Client) TransactionCommitted() bool {214 return c.state == Committed215}216/​/​ CheckStartTransaction checks to see if allowed to start transaction and returns217/​/​ an error if not allowed218func (c *Client) CheckStartTransaction() error {219 if c.state == InProgress || c.state == Starting {220 return ErrTransactInProgress221 }222 return nil223}224/​/​ StartTransaction initializes the transaction options and advances the state machine.225/​/​ It does not contact the server to start the transaction.226func (c *Client) StartTransaction(opts *TransactionOptions) error {227 err := c.CheckStartTransaction()228 if err != nil {229 return err230 }231 c.IncrementTxnNumber()232 c.RetryingCommit = false233 if opts != nil {234 c.CurrentRc = opts.ReadConcern235 c.CurrentRp = opts.ReadPreference236 c.CurrentWc = opts.WriteConcern237 c.CurrentMct = opts.MaxCommitTime238 }239 if c.CurrentRc == nil {240 c.CurrentRc = c.transactionRc241 }242 if c.CurrentRp == nil {243 c.CurrentRp = c.transactionRp244 }245 if c.CurrentWc == nil {246 c.CurrentWc = c.transactionWc247 }248 if c.CurrentMct == nil {249 c.CurrentMct = c.transactionMaxCommitTime250 }251 if !writeconcern.AckWrite(c.CurrentWc) {252 c.clearTransactionOpts()253 return ErrUnackWCUnsupported254 }255 c.state = Starting256 c.PinnedServer = nil257 return nil258}259/​/​ CheckCommitTransaction checks to see if allowed to commit transaction and returns260/​/​ an error if not allowed.261func (c *Client) CheckCommitTransaction() error {262 if c.state == None {263 return ErrNoTransactStarted264 } else if c.state == Aborted {265 return ErrCommitAfterAbort266 }267 return nil268}269/​/​ CommitTransaction updates the state for a successfully committed transaction and returns270/​/​ an error if not permissible. It does not actually perform the commit.271func (c *Client) CommitTransaction() error {272 err := c.CheckCommitTransaction()273 if err != nil {274 return err275 }276 c.state = Committed277 return nil278}279/​/​ UpdateCommitTransactionWriteConcern will set the write concern to majority and potentially set a280/​/​ w timeout of 10 seconds. This should be called after a commit transaction operation fails with a281/​/​ retryable error or after a successful commit transaction operation.282func (c *Client) UpdateCommitTransactionWriteConcern() {283 wc := c.CurrentWc284 timeout := 10 * time.Second285 if wc != nil && wc.GetWTimeout() != 0 {286 timeout = wc.GetWTimeout()287 }288 c.CurrentWc = wc.WithOptions(writeconcern.WMajority(), writeconcern.WTimeout(timeout))289}290/​/​ CheckAbortTransaction checks to see if allowed to abort transaction and returns291/​/​ an error if not allowed.292func (c *Client) CheckAbortTransaction() error {293 if c.state == None {294 return ErrNoTransactStarted295 } else if c.state == Committed {296 return ErrAbortAfterCommit297 } else if c.state == Aborted {298 return ErrAbortTwice299 }300 return nil301}302/​/​ AbortTransaction updates the state for a successfully aborted transaction and returns303/​/​ an error if not permissible. It does not actually perform the abort.304func (c *Client) AbortTransaction() error {305 err := c.CheckAbortTransaction()306 if err != nil {307 return err308 }309 c.state = Aborted310 c.clearTransactionOpts()311 return nil312}313/​/​ ApplyCommand advances the state machine upon command execution.314func (c *Client) ApplyCommand(desc description.Server) {315 if c.Committing {316 /​/​ Do not change state if committing after already committed317 return318 }319 if c.state == Starting {320 c.state = InProgress321 /​/​ If this is in a transaction and the server is a mongos, pin it322 if desc.Kind == description.Mongos {323 c.PinnedServer = &desc324 }325 } else if c.state == Committed || c.state == Aborted {326 c.clearTransactionOpts()327 c.state = None328 }329}330func (c *Client) clearTransactionOpts() {331 c.RetryingCommit = false332 c.Aborting = false333 c.Committing = false334 c.CurrentWc = nil335 c.CurrentRp = nil336 c.CurrentRc = nil337 c.PinnedServer = nil338 c.RecoveryToken = nil339}...

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Source:relay.go Github


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...36 SessionProxyResponderClient: protos.NewSessionProxyResponderClient(conn),37 conn: conn,38 }, nil39}40type CloseableAbortSessionResponderClient struct {41 protos.AbortSessionResponderClient42 conn *grpc.ClientConn43}44func (client *CloseableAbortSessionResponderClient) Close() {45 client.conn.Close()46}47/​/​ GetAbortSessionResponderClient returns a client to the local abort session client. To avoid leaking48/​/​ connections, defer Close() on the returned client.49func GetAbortSessionResponderClient(50 cloudRegistry service_registry.GatewayRegistry) (*CloseableAbortSessionResponderClient, error) {51 conn, err := cloudRegistry.GetCloudConnection(feg_relay.ServiceName)52 if err != nil {53 return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to gw relay: %s", err)54 }55 return &CloseableAbortSessionResponderClient{56 AbortSessionResponderClient: protos.NewAbortSessionResponderClient(conn),57 conn: conn,58 }, nil59}60func GetIMSIFromSessionID(sessionID string) (string, error) {61 split := strings.Split(sessionID, "-")62 if len(split) < 2 {63 return "", fmt.Errorf("Session ID %s does not match format 'IMSI-RandNum'", sessionID)64 }65 return split[0], nil66}...

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1import (2func main() {3 client := &http.Client{}4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 resp, err := client.Do(req)8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Println(err)10 }11 defer resp.Body.Close()12 fmt.Println("response Status:", resp.Status)13 fmt.Println("response Headers:", resp.Header)14}15response Headers: map[Content-Type:[text/​html; charset=utf-8] Date:[Tue, 20 Mar 2018 14:11:02 GMT] Content-Length:[2996] Server:[gws]]16import (17func main() {18 client := &http.Client{}19 if err != nil {20 fmt.Println(err)21 }22 defer resp.Body.Close()23 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)24 if err != nil {25 fmt.Println(err)26 }27 fmt.Println(string(body))28}

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1import (2func main() {3 client := &http.Client{4 }5 if err != nil {6 fmt.Println(err)7 }8 res, err := client.Do(req)9 if err != nil {10 fmt.Println(err)11 }12 fmt.Println(res.Status)13}

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1import (2func main() {3 client := http.Client{4 }5 if err != nil {6 fmt.Println(err)7 }8 resp, err := client.Do(req)9 if err != nil {10 fmt.Println(err)11 }12 defer resp.Body.Close()13 fmt.Println(resp.StatusCode)14}15import (16func main() {17 client := http.Client{18 }19 if err != nil {20 fmt.Println(err)21 }22 ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)23 defer cancel()24 req = req.WithContext(ctx)25 resp, err := client.Do(req)26 if err != nil {27 fmt.Println(err)28 }29 defer resp.Body.Close()30 fmt.Println(resp.StatusCode)31}32import (33func main() {34 client := http.Client{35 }36 if err != nil {37 fmt.Println(err)38 }39 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())40 defer cancel()41 req = req.WithContext(ctx)42 resp, err := client.Do(req

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 }6 client := &http.Client{}7 ch := make(chan *http.Response)8 go func() {9 resp, err := client.Do(req)10 if err != nil {11 fmt.Println(err)12 }13 }()14 select {15 fmt.Println(resp)16 case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):17 client.Abort()18 }19}20import (21func main() {22 if err != nil {23 fmt.Println(err)24 }25 client := &http.Client{}26 ch := make(chan *http.Response)27 go func() {28 resp, err := client.Do(req)29 if err != nil {30 fmt.Println(err)31 }32 }()33 select {

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 }6 client := &http.Client{}7 ch := make(chan *http.Response)8 go func() {9 resp, err := client.Do(req)10 if err != nil {11 fmt.Println(err)12 }13 }()14 select {15 fmt.Println(resp.Status)16 case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):17 client.Abort()18 fmt.Println("Request Aborted")19 }20}

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1import (2func main() {3 client := &fasthttp.Client{4 }5 req, resp := fasthttp.AcquireRequest(), fasthttp.AcquireResponse()6 req.Header.SetMethod("GET")7 err := client.DoTimeout(req, resp, 1000)8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatal(err)10 }11 fmt.Println(resp)12}13import (14func main() {15 client := &fasthttp.Client{16 }17 req, resp := fasthttp.AcquireRequest(), fasthttp.AcquireResponse()18 req.Header.SetMethod("GET")19 err := client.Do(req, resp)20 if err != nil {21 log.Fatal(err)22 }23 fmt.Println(resp)24}25import (26func main() {27 client := &fasthttp.Client{28 }29 req, resp := fasthttp.AcquireRequest(), fasthttp.AcquireResponse()30 req.Header.SetMethod("GET")31 err := client.DoDeadline(req, resp, time.Now().Add(1000*time.Millisecond))32 if err != nil {33 log.Fatal(err)34 }35 fmt.Println(resp)36}37import (38func main() {39 client := &fasthttp.Client{40 }41 req, resp := fasthttp.AcquireRequest(), fasthttp.AcquireResponse()42 req.Header.SetMethod("GET")43 err := client.DoTimeout(req, resp, 1000)44 if err != nil {45 log.Fatal(err)

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1import (2func main() {3 req, res := fasthttp.AcquireRequest(), fasthttp.AcquireResponse()4 defer fasthttp.ReleaseRequest(req)5 defer fasthttp.ReleaseResponse(res)6 client := &fasthttp.Client{}7 client.Do(req, res)8 fmt.Println(res.StatusCode())9 client.Abort()10}11func (c *Client) Get(dst []byte, host string) error12import (13func main() {14 client := &fasthttp.Client{}15 fmt.Println(resp)16}17func (c *Client) Head(dst []byte, host string) error18import (

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1import (2func main() {3 client, _ := elasticsearch.NewDefaultClient()4 client.Abort()5 fmt.Println("Abort method called")6}

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