How to use Kind method of dummy Package

Best Testkube code snippet using dummy.Kind


Source:webhook_test.go Github


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...43 winOptionsFactory := func(containerName string) *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {44 return buildWindowsOptions(containerName+"-cred-spec", containerName+"-cred-spec-contents")45 }46 runWebhookValidateOrMutateTests(t, winOptionsFactory, map[string]webhookValidateOrMutateTest{47 "with matching name & content, it passes": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, _ gmsaResourceKind, _ string) {48 webhook := newWebhook(kubeClientFactory())49 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, dummyCredSpecContents)50 response, err := webhook.validateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod, dummyNamespace)51 assert.Nil(t, err)52 require.NotNil(t, response)53 assert.True(t, response.Allowed)54 },55 "if the cred spec contents are not byte-to-byte equal to that of the one named, but still represent equivalent JSONs, it passes": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, _ gmsaResourceKind, _ string) {56 webhook := newWebhook(kubeClientFactory())57 setWindowsOptions(58 optionsSelector(pod),59 dummyCredSpecName,60 `{"All in all you're just another": {"the":"wall","brick": "in"},"We don't need no":["education", "thought control","dark sarcasm in the classroom"]}`,61 )62 response, err := webhook.validateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod, dummyNamespace)63 assert.Nil(t, err)64 require.NotNil(t, response)65 assert.True(t, response.Allowed)66 },67 "if the cred spec contents are not that of the one named, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, resourceKind gmsaResourceKind, resourceName string) {68 webhook := newWebhook(kubeClientFactory())69 setWindowsOptions(70 optionsSelector(pod),71 dummyCredSpecName,72 `{"We don't need no": ["money"], "All in all you're just another": {"brick": "in", "the": "wall"}}`,73 )74 response, err := webhook.validateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod, dummyNamespace)75 assert.Nil(t, response)76 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity,77 "the GMSA cred spec contents for %s %q does not match the contents of GMSA resource %q",78 resourceKind, resourceName, dummyCredSpecName)79 },80 "if the cred spec contents are not byte-to-byte equal to that of the one named, and are not even a valid JSON object, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, resourceKind gmsaResourceKind, resourceName string) {81 webhook := newWebhook(kubeClientFactory())82 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, "i ain't no JSON object")83 response, err := webhook.validateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod, dummyNamespace)84 assert.Nil(t, response)85 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity,86 "the GMSA cred spec contents for %s %q does not match the contents of GMSA resource %q",87 resourceKind, resourceName, dummyCredSpecName)88 },89 "if the contents are set, but the name one isn't provided, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, resourceKind gmsaResourceKind, resourceName string) {90 webhook := newWebhook(kubeClientFactory())91 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), "", dummyCredSpecContents)92 response, err := webhook.validateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod, dummyNamespace)93 assert.Nil(t, response)94 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity,95 "%s %q has a GMSA cred spec set, but does not define the name of the corresponding resource",96 resourceKind, resourceName)97 },98 "if the service account is not authorized to use the cred-spec, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, _ gmsaResourceKind, _ string) {99 dummyReason := "dummy reason"100 client := kubeClientFactory()101 client.isAuthorizedToUseCredSpecFunc = func(ctx context.Context, serviceAccountName, namespace, credSpecName string) (authorized bool, reason string) {102 if credSpecName == dummyCredSpecName {103 assert.Equal(t, dummyServiceAccoutName, serviceAccountName)104 assert.Equal(t, dummyNamespace, namespace)105 return false, dummyReason106 }107 return true, ""108 }109 webhook := newWebhook(client)110 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, dummyCredSpecContents)111 response, err := webhook.validateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod, dummyNamespace)112 assert.Nil(t, response)113 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusForbidden,114 "service account %q is not authorized to `use` GMSA cred spec %q, reason: %q",115 dummyServiceAccoutName, dummyCredSpecName, dummyReason)116 },117 "if there is an error when retrieving the cred-spec's contents, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, _ gmsaResourceKind, _ string) {118 dummyError := fmt.Errorf("dummy error")119 client := kubeClientFactory()120 previousRetrieveCredSpecContentsFunc := client.retrieveCredSpecContentsFunc121 client.retrieveCredSpecContentsFunc = func(ctx context.Context, credSpecName string) (contents string, httpCode int, err error) {122 if credSpecName == dummyCredSpecName {123 return "", http.StatusNotFound, dummyError124 }125 return previousRetrieveCredSpecContentsFunc(ctx, credSpecName)126 }127 webhook := newWebhook(client)128 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, dummyCredSpecContents)129 response, err := webhook.validateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod, dummyNamespace)130 assert.Nil(t, response)131 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusNotFound, dummyError.Error())132 },133 })134}135func TestMutateCreateRequest(t *testing.T) {136 for testCaseName, winOptionsFactory := range map[string]func() *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{137 "with empty GMSA settings, it passes and does nothing": func() *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {138 return &corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{}139 },140 "with no GMSA settings, it passes and does nothing": func() *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {141 return nil142 },143 } {144 t.Run(testCaseName, func(t *testing.T) {145 webhook := newWebhook(nil)146 pod := buildPod(dummyServiceAccoutName, winOptionsFactory(), map[string]*corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{dummyContainerName: winOptionsFactory()})147 response, err := webhook.mutateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod)148 assert.Nil(t, err)149 require.NotNil(t, response)150 assert.True(t, response.Allowed)151 })152 }153 kubeClientFactory := func() *dummyKubeClient {154 return &dummyKubeClient{155 retrieveCredSpecContentsFunc: func(ctx context.Context, credSpecName string) (contents string, httpCode int, err error) {156 if credSpecName == dummyCredSpecName {157 contents = dummyCredSpecContents158 } else {159 contents = credSpecName + "-contents"160 }161 return162 },163 }164 }165 winOptionsFactory := func(containerName string) *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {166 return buildWindowsOptions(containerName+"-cred-spec", "")167 }168 runWebhookValidateOrMutateTests(t, winOptionsFactory, map[string]webhookValidateOrMutateTest{169 "with a GMSA cred spec name, it passes and inlines the cred-spec's contents": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, resourceKind gmsaResourceKind, resourceName string) {170 webhook := newWebhook(kubeClientFactory())171 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, "")172 response, err := webhook.mutateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod)173 assert.Nil(t, err)174 require.NotNil(t, response)175 assert.True(t, response.Allowed)176 if assert.NotNil(t, response.PatchType) {177 assert.Equal(t, admissionV1.PatchTypeJSONPatch, *response.PatchType)178 }179 patchPath := func(kind gmsaResourceKind, name string) string {180 partialPath := ""181 if kind == containerKind {182 containerIndex := -1183 for i, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {184 if container.Name == name {185 containerIndex = i186 break187 }188 }189 if containerIndex == -1 {190 t.Fatalf("Did not find any container named %q", name)191 }192 partialPath = fmt.Sprintf("/containers/%d", containerIndex)193 }194 return fmt.Sprintf("/spec%s/securityContext/windowsOptions/gmsaCredentialSpec", partialPath)195 }196 // maps the contents to the expected patch for that container197 expectedPatches := make(map[string]map[string]string)198 for i := 0; i < len(pod.Spec.Containers)-1; i++ {199 credSpecContents := extraContainerName(i) + "-cred-spec-contents"200 expectedPatches[credSpecContents] = map[string]string{201 "op": "add",202 "path": patchPath(containerKind, extraContainerName(i)),203 "value": credSpecContents,204 }205 }206 // and the patch for this test's specific cred spec207 expectedPatches[dummyCredSpecContents] = map[string]string{208 "op": "add",209 "path": patchPath(resourceKind, resourceName),210 "value": dummyCredSpecContents,211 }212 var patches []map[string]string213 if err := json.Unmarshal(response.Patch, &patches); assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.Equal(t, len(pod.Spec.Containers), len(patches)) {214 for _, patch := range patches {215 if value, hasValue := patch["value"]; assert.True(t, hasValue) {216 if expectedPatch, present := expectedPatches[value]; assert.True(t, present, "value %s not found in expected patches", value) {217 assert.Equal(t, expectedPatch, patch)218 }219 }220 }221 }222 },223 "it the cred spec's contents are already set, along with its name, it passes and doesn't overwrite the provided contents": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, _ gmsaResourceKind, _ string) {224 webhook := newWebhook(kubeClientFactory())225 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, `{"pre-set GMSA": "cred contents"}`)226 response, err := webhook.mutateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod)227 assert.Nil(t, err)228 // all the patches we receive should be for the extra containers229 expectedPatchesLen := len(pod.Spec.Containers) - 1230 if expectedPatchesLen == 0 {231 assert.Nil(t, response.PatchType)232 assert.Nil(t, response.Patch)233 } else {234 var patches []map[string]string235 if err := json.Unmarshal(response.Patch, &patches); assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.Equal(t, expectedPatchesLen, len(patches)) {236 for _, patch := range patches {237 if path, hasPath := patch["path"]; assert.True(t, hasPath) {238 assert.NotContains(t, path, dummyCredSpecName)239 }240 }241 }242 }243 },244 "if there is an error when retrieving the cred-spec's contents, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, _ gmsaResourceKind, _ string) {245 dummyError := fmt.Errorf("dummy error")246 client := kubeClientFactory()247 previousRetrieveCredSpecContentsFunc := client.retrieveCredSpecContentsFunc248 client.retrieveCredSpecContentsFunc = func(ctx context.Context, credSpecName string) (contents string, httpCode int, err error) {249 if credSpecName == dummyCredSpecName {250 return "", http.StatusNotFound, dummyError251 }252 return previousRetrieveCredSpecContentsFunc(ctx, credSpecName)253 }254 webhook := newWebhook(client)255 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, "")256 response, err := webhook.mutateCreateRequest(context.Background(), pod)257 assert.Nil(t, response)258 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusNotFound, dummyError.Error())259 },260 })261}262func TestValidateUpdateRequest(t *testing.T) {263 for testCaseName, winOptionsFactory := range map[string]func() *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{264 "with empty GMSA settings, it passes and does nothing": func() *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {265 return &corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{}266 },267 "with no GMSA settings, it passes and does nothing": func() *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {268 return nil269 },270 } {271 t.Run(testCaseName, func(t *testing.T) {272 pod := buildPod(dummyServiceAccoutName, winOptionsFactory(), map[string]*corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{dummyContainerName: winOptionsFactory()})273 oldPod := buildPod(dummyServiceAccoutName, winOptionsFactory(), map[string]*corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{dummyContainerName: winOptionsFactory()})274 response, err := validateUpdateRequest(pod, oldPod)275 assert.Nil(t, err)276 require.NotNil(t, response)277 assert.True(t, response.Allowed)278 })279 }280 winOptionsFactory := func(containerName string) *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {281 return buildWindowsOptions(containerName+"-cred-spec", containerName+"-cred-spec-contents")282 }283 runWebhookValidateOrMutateTests(t, winOptionsFactory, map[string]webhookValidateOrMutateTest{284 "if there was no changes to GMSA settings, it passes": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, _ gmsaResourceKind, _ string) {285 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, dummyCredSpecContents)286 oldPod := pod.DeepCopy()287 response, err := validateUpdateRequest(pod, oldPod)288 assert.Nil(t, err)289 require.NotNil(t, response)290 assert.True(t, response.Allowed)291 },292 "if there was a change to a GMSA name, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, resourceKind gmsaResourceKind, resourceName string) {293 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), "new-cred-spec-name", dummyCredSpecContents)294 oldPod := pod.DeepCopy()295 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(oldPod), dummyCredSpecName, "")296 response, err := validateUpdateRequest(pod, oldPod)297 assert.Nil(t, response)298 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusForbidden,299 "cannot update an existing pod's GMSA settings (GMSA name modified on %s %q)",300 resourceKind, resourceName)301 },302 "if there was a change to a GMSA contents, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, resourceKind gmsaResourceKind, resourceName string) {303 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), dummyCredSpecName, "new-cred-spec-contents")304 oldPod := pod.DeepCopy()305 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(oldPod), "", dummyCredSpecContents)306 response, err := validateUpdateRequest(pod, oldPod)307 assert.Nil(t, response)308 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusForbidden,309 "cannot update an existing pod's GMSA settings (GMSA contents modified on %s %q)",310 resourceKind, resourceName)311 },312 "if there were changes to both GMSA name & contents, it fails": func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, resourceKind gmsaResourceKind, resourceName string) {313 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(pod), "new-cred-spec-name", "new-cred-spec-contents")314 oldPod := pod.DeepCopy()315 setWindowsOptions(optionsSelector(oldPod), dummyCredSpecName, dummyCredSpecContents)316 response, err := validateUpdateRequest(pod, oldPod)317 assert.Nil(t, response)318 assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t, err, pod, http.StatusForbidden,319 "cannot update an existing pod's GMSA settings (GMSA name and contents modified on %s %q)",320 resourceKind, resourceName)321 },322 })323}324func TestEqualStringPointers(t *testing.T) {325 ptrToString := func(s *string) string {326 if s == nil {327 return "nil"328 }329 return " = " + *s330 }331 foo := "foo"332 bar := "bar"333 for _, testCase := range []struct {334 s1 *string335 s2 *string336 expectedResult bool337 }{338 {339 s1: nil,340 s2: nil,341 expectedResult: true,342 },343 {344 s1: &foo,345 s2: nil,346 expectedResult: false,347 },348 {349 s1: &foo,350 s2: &foo,351 expectedResult: true,352 },353 {354 s1: &foo,355 s2: &bar,356 expectedResult: false,357 },358 } {359 for _, ptrs := range [][]*string{360 {testCase.s1, testCase.s2},361 {testCase.s2, testCase.s1},362 } {363 s1 := ptrs[0]364 s2 := ptrs[1]365 testName := fmt.Sprintf("with s1 %s and s2 %s, should return %v",366 ptrToString(s1),367 ptrToString(s2),368 testCase.expectedResult)369 t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {370 assert.Equal(t, testCase.expectedResult, equalStringPointers(s1, s2))371 })372 }373 }374}375/* Helpers below */376type containerWindowsOptionsFactory func(containerName string) *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions377type winOptionsSelector func(pod *corev1.Pod) *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions378// a webhookValidateOrMutateTest function should run a test on one of the webhook's validate or mutate379// functions, given a selector to extract the WindowsSecurityOptions struct it can play with from the pod.380// It should assume that the pod it receives has any number of extra containers with correct381// (in the sense of the test) windows security options generated by a relevant containerWindowsOptionsFactory.382type webhookValidateOrMutateTest func(t *testing.T, pod *corev1.Pod, optionsSelector winOptionsSelector, resourceKind gmsaResourceKind, resourceName string)383// runWebhookValidateOrMutateTests runs the given tests with 0 to 5 extra containers with correct windows384// security options as generated by winOptionsFactory.385func runWebhookValidateOrMutateTests(t *testing.T, winOptionsFactory containerWindowsOptionsFactory, tests map[string]webhookValidateOrMutateTest) {386 for extraContainersCount := 0; extraContainersCount <= 5; extraContainersCount++ {387 containerNamesAndWindowsOptions := make(map[string]*corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions)388 for i := 0; i < extraContainersCount; i++ {389 containerName := extraContainerName(i)390 containerNamesAndWindowsOptions[containerName] = winOptionsFactory(containerName)391 }392 testNameSuffix := ""393 if extraContainersCount > 0 {394 testNameSuffix = fmt.Sprintf(" and %d extra containers", extraContainersCount)395 }396 for _, resourceKind := range []gmsaResourceKind{podKind, containerKind} {397 for testName, testFunc := range tests {398 podWindowsOptions := &corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{}399 containerNamesAndWindowsOptions[dummyContainerName] = &corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions{}400 pod := buildPod(dummyServiceAccoutName, podWindowsOptions, containerNamesAndWindowsOptions)401 var optionsSelector winOptionsSelector402 var resourceName string403 switch resourceKind {404 case podKind:405 optionsSelector = func(pod *corev1.Pod) *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {406 if pod != nil && pod.Spec.SecurityContext != nil {407 return pod.Spec.SecurityContext.WindowsOptions408 }409 return nil410 }411 resourceName = dummyPodName412 case containerKind:413 optionsSelector = func(pod *corev1.Pod) *corev1.WindowsSecurityContextOptions {414 if pod != nil {415 for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {416 if container.Name == dummyContainerName {417 if container.SecurityContext != nil {418 return container.SecurityContext.WindowsOptions419 }420 return nil421 }422 }423 }424 return nil425 }426 resourceName = dummyContainerName427 default:428 t.Fatalf("Unknown resource kind: %q", resourceKind)429 }430 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s - with %s-level windows options%s", testName, resourceKind, testNameSuffix), func(t *testing.T) {431 testFunc(t, pod, optionsSelector, resourceKind, resourceName)432 })433 }434 }435 }436}437func extraContainerName(i int) string {438 return fmt.Sprintf("extra-container-%d", i)439}440func assertPodAdmissionErrorContains(t *testing.T, err *podAdmissionError, pod *corev1.Pod, httpCode int, msgFormat string, msgArgs ...interface{}) bool {441 if !assert.NotNil(t, err) {442 return false443 }444 result := assert.Equal(t, pod, err.pod)445 result = assert.Equal(t, httpCode, err.code) && result...

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Source:main_test.go Github


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...28 {"ingresses"},29 {"cronjobs"},30 {"persistentvolumeclaims"},31}32func TestKindService_CleanupKindWithErrorOnGetList(t *testing.T) {33 for _, entry := range listErrorTests {34 config := loader.Config{}35 kindService, _, fakeClientSet := getKindServiceInterface(config)36 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("list", entry.resource, testingKube.ErrorReturnFunc)37 assert.EqualError(t, kindService.CleanupKind("foobar"), "explode", fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))38 }39}40var deleteErrorTests = []struct {41 resource string42 list runtime.Object43}{44 {"secrets", &coreV1.SecretList{Items: []coreV1.Secret{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "default-token-fff"}}, {ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}},45 {"configmaps", &coreV1.ConfigMapList{Items: []coreV1.ConfigMap{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}},46 {"services", &coreV1.ServiceList{Items: []coreV1.Service{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}},47 {"persistentvolumeclaims", &coreV1.PersistentVolumeClaimList{Items: []coreV1.PersistentVolumeClaim{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}},48 {"deployments", &apps.DeploymentList{Items: []apps.Deployment{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}},49 {"ingresses", &extensions.IngressList{Items: []extensions.Ingress{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}},50 {"cronjobs", &batch.CronJobList{Items: []batch.CronJob{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}},51}52func TestKindService_CleanupKindWithErrorOnDeleteKind(t *testing.T) {53 for _, entry := range deleteErrorTests {54 config := loader.Config{}55 kindService, _, fakeClientSet := getKindServiceInterface(config)56 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("list", entry.resource, testingKube.GetObjectReturnFunc(entry.list))57 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("delete", entry.resource, testingKube.ErrorReturnFunc)58 assert.EqualError(t, kindService.CleanupKind("foobar"), "explode", fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))59 }60}61var deleteTests = []struct {62 resource string63 list runtime.Object64 out string65}{66 {"secrets", &coreV1.SecretList{Items: []coreV1.Secret{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "default-token-fff"}}, {ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}, "Secret \"dummy\" was removed.\n"},67 {"configmaps", &coreV1.ConfigMapList{Items: []coreV1.ConfigMap{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}, "ConfigMap \"dummy\" was removed.\n"},68 {"services", &coreV1.ServiceList{Items: []coreV1.Service{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}, "Service \"dummy\" was removed.\n"},69 {"persistentvolumeclaims", &coreV1.PersistentVolumeClaimList{Items: []coreV1.PersistentVolumeClaim{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}, "PersistentVolumeClaim \"dummy\" was removed.\n"},70 {"deployments", &apps.DeploymentList{Items: []apps.Deployment{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}, "Deployment \"dummy\" was removed.\n"},71 {"ingresses", &extensions.IngressList{Items: []extensions.Ingress{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}, "Ingress \"dummy\" was removed.\n"},72 {"cronjobs", &batch.CronJobList{Items: []batch.CronJob{{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}}}, "CronJob \"dummy\" was removed.\n"},73}74func TestKindService_CleanupKind(t *testing.T) {75 for _, entry := range deleteTests {76 config := loader.Config{}77 kindService, _, fakeClientSet := getKindService(config)78 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("list", entry.resource, testingKube.GetObjectReturnFunc(entry.list))79 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("delete", entry.resource, testingKube.NilReturnFunc)80 kindService.usedKind.secret = append(kindService.usedKind.secret, "foobarUsed")81 output := captureOutput(func() {82 assert.NoError(t, kindService.CleanupKind("foobar"), fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))83 })84 assert.Equal(t, entry.out, output, fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))85 assert.Len(t, fakeClientSet.Actions(), 8)86 }87}88var secret = `kind: Secret89apiVersion: v190type: Opaque91metadata:92 name: dummy`93var configMap = `kind: ConfigMap94apiVersion: v195metadata:96 name: dummy`97var service = `kind: Service98apiVersion: v199metadata:100 name: dummy`101var serviceWithAnnotation = `kind: Service102apiVersion: v1103metadata:104 name: dummy105 annotations:106 "": "true"`107var persistentVolumeClaim = `kind: PersistentVolumeClaim108apiVersion: v1109metadata:110 name: dummy`111var persistentVolume = `kind: PersistentVolume112apiVersion: v1113metadata:114 name: dummy`115var deployment = `kind: Deployment116apiVersion: apps/v1117metadata:118 name: dummy`119var deploymentWithAnnotation = `kind: Deployment120apiVersion: apps/v1121metadata:122 name: dummy123 annotations:124 imageUpdateStrategy: "latest-branching"125spec:126 replicas: 1127 template:128 spec:129 containers:130 - name: deploy131 image:`132var ingress = `kind: Ingress133apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1134metadata:135 name: dummy`136var cronjob = `kind: CronJob137apiVersion: batch/v1beta1138metadata:139 name: dummy`140var cronjobWithAnnotation = `kind: CronJob141apiVersion: batch/v1beta1142metadata:143 name: dummy144 annotations:145 imageUpdateStrategy: "latest-branching"146spec:147 schedule: "*/30 * * * *"148 jobTemplate:149 spec:150 template:151 spec:152 containers:153 - name: cron154 image: busy155 - name: cron-with-gcr156 image:`157var insertTests = []struct {158 resource string159 kind string160 out string161}{162 {"secrets", secret, "Secret \"dummy\" was generated.\n"},163 {"configmaps", configMap, "ConfigMap \"dummy\" was generated.\n"},164 {"services", service, "Service \"dummy\" was generated.\n"},165 {"persistentvolumeclaims", persistentVolumeClaim, "PersistentVolumeClaim \"dummy\" was generated.\n"},166 {"persistentvolumes", persistentVolume, "PersistentVolume \"dummy\" was generated.\n"},167 {"deployments", deployment, "Deployment \"dummy\" was generated.\n"},168 {"ingresses", ingress, "Ingress \"dummy\" was generated.\n"},169 {"cronjobs", cronjob, "CronJob \"dummy\" was generated.\n"},170}171var upsertTests = []struct {172 resource string173 kind string174 out string175 object runtime.Object176}{177 {"secrets", secret, "Secret \"dummy\" was updated.\n", nil},178 {"configmaps", configMap, "ConfigMap \"dummy\" was updated.\n", nil},179 {"services", service, "Service \"dummy\" was updated.\n", &coreV1.Service{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}},180 {"services", serviceWithAnnotation, "Service \"dummy\" was updated.\n", &coreV1.Service{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}},181 {"persistentvolumeclaims", persistentVolumeClaim, "PersistentVolumeClaim \"dummy\" was updated.\n", &coreV1.PersistentVolumeClaim{ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: "dummy"}}},182 {"persistentvolumes", persistentVolume, "PersistentVolume \"dummy\" was updated.\n", nil},183 {"deployments", deployment, "Deployment \"dummy\" was updated.\n", nil},184 {"ingresses", ingress, "Ingress \"dummy\" was updated.\n", nil},185 {"cronjobs", cronjob, "CronJob \"dummy\" was updated.\n", nil},186}187var setImageTests = []struct {188 resource string189 kind string190 out string191 object runtime.Object192}{193 {"cronjobs", cronjobWithAnnotation, "CronJob \"dummy\" was updated.\n", nil},194 {"deployments", deploymentWithAnnotation, "Deployment \"dummy\" was updated.\n", nil},195}196func TestKindService_ApplyKindShouldFailWithErrorDuringDecode(t *testing.T) {197 kindService, _, _ := getKindServiceInterface(loader.Config{})198 var kind = `kind: Pod2199apiVersion: v1200metadata:201 name: dummy`202 assert.EqualError(t, kindService.ApplyKind("foobar", []string{kind}, "foobar"), "no kind \"Pod2\" is registered for version \"v1\"")203}204func TestKindService_ApplyKindShouldFailWithInvalidKind(t *testing.T) {205 kindService, _, _ := getKindServiceInterface(loader.Config{})206 var kind = `kind: Pod207apiVersion: v1208metadata:209 name: dummy`210 assert.EqualError(t, kindService.ApplyKind("foobar", []string{kind}, "foobar"), "kind Pod is not supported")211}212func TestKindService_ApplyKindInsertWithError(t *testing.T) {213 for _, entry := range insertTests {214 config := loader.Config{}215 kindService, _, fakeClientSet := getKindServiceInterface(config)216 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("get", entry.resource, testingKube.ErrorReturnFunc)217 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("create", entry.resource, testingKube.ErrorReturnFunc)218 assert.EqualError(t, kindService.ApplyKind("foobar", []string{entry.kind}, "foobar"), "explode", fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))219 }220}221func TestKindService_ApplyKindInsert(t *testing.T) {222 for _, entry := range insertTests {223 config := loader.Config{}224 kindService, _, fakeClientSet := getKindServiceInterface(config)225 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("get", entry.resource, testingKube.ErrorReturnFunc)226 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("create", entry.resource, testingKube.NilReturnFunc)227 output := captureOutput(func() {228 assert.NoError(t, kindService.ApplyKind("foobar", []string{entry.kind}, "foobar"), fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))229 })230 assert.Equal(t, entry.out, output, fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))231 }232}233func TestKindService_ApplyKindUpdateWithError(t *testing.T) {234 for _, entry := range upsertTests {235 config := loader.Config{}236 kindService, _, fakeClientSet := getKindServiceInterface(config)237 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("get", entry.resource, testingKube.GetObjectReturnFunc(entry.object))238 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("update", entry.resource, testingKube.ErrorReturnFunc)239 assert.EqualError(t, kindService.ApplyKind("foobar", []string{entry.kind}, "foobar"), "explode", fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))240 }241}242func TestKindService_ApplyKindUpdate(t *testing.T) {243 for _, entry := range upsertTests {244 config := loader.Config{}245 kindService, _, fakeClientSet := getKindServiceInterface(config)246 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("get", entry.resource, testingKube.GetObjectReturnFunc(entry.object))247 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("update", entry.resource, testingKube.NilReturnFunc)248 output := captureOutput(func() {249 assert.NoError(t, kindService.ApplyKind("foobar", []string{entry.kind}, "foobar"), fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))250 })251 assert.Equal(t, entry.out, output, fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))252 }253}254func TestKindService_ApplyKindUpdateWithContainers(t *testing.T) {255 for _, entry := range setImageTests {256 config := loader.Config{}257 kindService, imageServiceMock, fakeClientSet := getKindServiceInterface(config)258 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("get", entry.resource, testingKube.GetObjectReturnFunc(entry.object))259 fakeClientSet.PrependReactor("update", entry.resource, testingKube.NilReturnFunc)260 imageServiceMock.On("List", loader.Cleanup{ImagePath: ""}).Return(new(model.TagCollection), nil)261 output := captureOutput(func() {262 assert.NoError(t, kindService.ApplyKind("dummy-foobar2", []string{entry.kind}, "foobar"), fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))263 })264 assert.Equal(t, entry.out, output, fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))265 }266}267func TestKindService_ApplyKindUpdateWithContainersError(t *testing.T) {268 for _, entry := range setImageTests {269 config := loader.Config{}270 kindService, imageServiceMock, _ := getKindServiceInterface(config)271 imageServiceMock.On("List", loader.Cleanup{ImagePath: ""}).Return(nil, errors.New("explode"))272 assert.Error(t, kindService.ApplyKind("foobar", []string{entry.kind}, "foobar"), fmt.Sprintf("Test failed for resource %s", entry.resource))273 }274}275func TestKindService_SetImageForContainer(t *testing.T) {276 var dataProvider = []struct {277 namespace string278 tags []string279 imagePath string280 }{281 {"foobar", []string{"staging-foobar-latest", "staging-foobar-3"}, ""},282 {"production", []string{"latest", "prod-3"}, ""},283 {"staging", []string{"staging-latest", "staging-3"}, ""},284 }285 for _, entry := range dataProvider {286 kindService, imageServiceMock, _ := getKindService(loader.Config{})287 tags := new(model.TagCollection)288 tags.Manifests = map[string]model.Manifest{}289 tags.Manifests["stuff"] = model.Manifest{290 Tags: entry.tags,291 }292 imageServiceMock.On("List", loader.Cleanup{ImagePath: ""}).Return(tags, nil)293 containers := []coreV1.Container{294 {Image: ""},295 }296 kindService.setImageForContainer(map[string]string{"imageUpdateStrategy": "latest-branching"}, containers, entry.namespace)297 assert.Equal(t, entry.imagePath, containers[0].Image)298 }299}300func getKindServiceInterface(config loader.Config) (KindInterface, *mocks.ImagesInterface, *fake.Clientset) {301 imageServiceMock := new(mocks.ImagesInterface)302 fakeClientSet := fake.NewSimpleClientset()303 return NewKind(fakeClientSet, imageServiceMock, config), imageServiceMock, fakeClientSet304}305func getKindService(config loader.Config) (*kindService, *mocks.ImagesInterface, *fake.Clientset) {306 imageServiceMock := new(mocks.ImagesInterface)307 fakeClientSet := fake.NewSimpleClientset()308 k := new(kindService)309 k.clientSet = fakeClientSet310 k.imagesService = imageServiceMock311 k.config = config312 k.usedKind = usedKind{}313 k.decoder = scheme.Codecs.UniversalDeserializer()314 return k, imageServiceMock, fakeClientSet315}316func captureOutput(f func()) string {317 oldWriter := writer318 var buf bytes.Buffer319 defer func() {320 writer = oldWriter321 }()322 writer = &buf323 f()324 return buf.String()325}...

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Source:rule_possible_type_extensions_test.go Github


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...114 extend input FooEnum @dummy115 extend scalar FooInputObject @dummy116 `,117 errs: (*graphql.Errors)(nil).118 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooScalar", "scalar", 0, 0)).119 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooObject", "object", 0, 0)).120 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooInterface", "interface", 0, 0)).121 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooUnion", "union", 0, 0)).122 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooEnum", "enum", 0, 0)).123 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooInputObject", "input object", 0, 0)),124 },125 {126 msg: "extending types within existing schema",127 schema: mustBuildSchema(nil, []byte(`128 scalar FooScalar129 type FooObject130 interface FooInterface131 union FooUnion132 enum FooEnum133 input FooInputObject134 `)),135 query: `136 extend scalar FooScalar @dummy137 extend type FooObject @dummy138 extend interface FooInterface @dummy139 extend union FooUnion @dummy140 extend enum FooEnum @dummy141 extend input FooInputObject @dummy142 `,143 },144 {145 msg: "extending unknown types within existing schema",146 schema: mustBuildSchema(nil, []byte(`type Known`)),147 query: `148 extend scalar Unknown @dummy149 extend type Unknown @dummy150 extend interface Unknown @dummy151 extend union Unknown @dummy152 extend enum Unknown @dummy153 extend input Unknown @dummy154 `,155 errs: (*graphql.Errors)(nil).156 Add(validation.ExtendingUnknownTypeError("Unknown", 0, 0)).157 Add(validation.ExtendingUnknownTypeError("Unknown", 0, 0)).158 Add(validation.ExtendingUnknownTypeError("Unknown", 0, 0)).159 Add(validation.ExtendingUnknownTypeError("Unknown", 0, 0)).160 Add(validation.ExtendingUnknownTypeError("Unknown", 0, 0)).161 Add(validation.ExtendingUnknownTypeError("Unknown", 0, 0)),162 },163 {164 msg: "extending types with different kinds within existing schema",165 schema: mustBuildSchema(nil, []byte(`166 scalar FooScalar167 type FooObject168 interface FooInterface169 union FooUnion170 enum FooEnum171 input FooInputObject172 `)),173 query: `174 extend type FooScalar @dummy175 extend interface FooObject @dummy176 extend union FooInterface @dummy177 extend enum FooUnion @dummy178 extend input FooEnum @dummy179 extend scalar FooInputObject @dummy180 `,181 errs: (*graphql.Errors)(nil).182 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooScalar", "scalar", 0, 0)).183 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooObject", "object", 0, 0)).184 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooInterface", "interface", 0, 0)).185 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooUnion", "union", 0, 0)).186 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooEnum", "enum", 0, 0)).187 Add(validation.ExtendingDifferentTypeKindError("FooInputObject", "input object", 0, 0)),188 },189 }190 sdlRuleTester(t, tt, rules.PossibleTypeExtensions)191}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 v := reflect.ValueOf(x)4}5import (6func main() {7 v := reflect.ValueOf(x)8}9import (10func main() {11 v := reflect.ValueOf(x)12}13import (14func main() {15 var x complex128 = cmplx.Sqrt(-5 + 12i)16 v := reflect.ValueOf(x)17}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println(d.Kind())4}5import "fmt"6func main() {7 fmt.Println(d.Kind())8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 fmt.Println(d.Kind())12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15 fmt.Println(d.Kind())16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 fmt.Println(d.Kind())20}21import "fmt"22func main() {23 fmt.Println(d.Kind())24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 fmt.Println(d.Kind())28}29import "fmt"30func main() {31 fmt.Println(d.Kind())32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 fmt.Println(d.Kind())36}37import "fmt"38func main() {39 fmt.Println(d.Kind())40}41import "fmt"42func main() {43 fmt.Println(d.Kind())44}45import "fmt"46func main() {47 fmt.Println(d.Kind())48}49import "fmt"50func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 d := dummy{}4 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(d))5 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(d).Kind())6}7import (8func main() {9 d := dummy{}10 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(d).Name())11}12import (13func main() {14 d := dummy{}15 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(d).PkgPath())16}17import (18func main() {19 d := dummy{}20 fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(d).Size())21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println(d.Kind())4}5type dummy struct{}6func (d dummy) Kind() string {7}8The above code will print dummy . The reason is that when we call d.Kind() , the compiler sees that the method Kind is defined on dummy . The compiler then generates the following code for us:9func (d dummy) Kind() string {10}11func main() {12 fmt.Println(d.Kind())13}14The compiler generates the code for us, but the compiler doesn’t know the type of d . So it generates the code for the type dummy , and so the method Kind is defined on dummy . So when we call d.Kind() , the compiler sees that the method Kind is defined on dummy , and so it generates the following code for us:15func (d dummy) Kind() string {16}17func main() {18 fmt.Println(d.Kind())19}20The compiler generates the code for us, but the compiler doesn’t know the type of d . So it generates the code for the type dummy , and so the method Kind is defined on dummy . So when we call d.Kind() , the compiler sees that the method Kind is defined on dummy , and so it generates the following code for us:21func (d dummy) Kind() string {22}23func main() {24 fmt.Println(d.Kind())25}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type dummy struct {3}4func (d *dummy) Kind() string {5}6func main() {7 d := dummy{}8 fmt.Println(d.Kind())9}10Recommended Posts: Go | Kind() Method in reflect package11Go | TypeOf() Method in reflect package12Go | ValueOf() Method in reflect package13Go | NumMethod() Method in reflect package14Go | NumField() Method in reflect pack

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())4}5import "fmt"6func main() {7 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())20}21import "fmt"22func main() {23 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())28}29import "fmt"30func main() {31 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())36}37import "fmt"38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Kind of d1 is ", d1.Kind())40}41import "fmt"

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2type Dummy struct {3}4func (d *Dummy) Kind() string {5}6func main() {7 d := &Dummy{value: 10}8 fmt.Println(d.Kind())9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2type dummy struct {3}4func main() {5fmt.Println("Type of i is", d.Kind(i))6fmt.Println("Type of f is", d.Kind(f))7fmt.Println("Type of s is", d.Kind(s))8fmt.Println("Type of d is", d.Kind(d))9}10func (d dummy) Kind(i interface{}) string {11switch i.(type) {12}13}

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