How to use GetNewest method of version Package

Best Testkube code snippet using version.GetNewest


Source:gitfs.go Github


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1package main2// TODO: Full Go impl, this is cancer3import (4 "errors"5 "fmt"6 "io/ioutil"7 "net/url"8 "os"9 "os/exec"10 "sort"11 "strings"12 ""13)14// Document JSON structure15type DocReq struct {16 Doc string17 IsLatest bool18 LatestUrl string19 Url string20 Src string21}22// Git infomation23type gitInfo struct {24 remote string25 fullPath string26 basePath string27 filePath string28 fileName string29}30// Parse a path to retr a doc31func GetDocument(path string) (Req DocReq, err error) {32 // Verify that repo is mounted33 info, err := gitMount(path)34 fmt.Println("Got info: ", info)35 if err != nil {36 return Req, fmt.Errorf("Error getting document: %v", err)37 }38 // Clean up URL39 Req.Url = strings.Replace(path, info.remote, "", -1)40 // Set src document link41 // Todo: Verify this works places that aren't github42 if strings.HasPrefix(Req.Url, "/history/") {43 parts := strings.Split(Req.Url, "/")44 var commitID string45 if len(parts) > 3 {46 commitID = parts[3]47 commitID = commitID[9:]48 Req.Src = info.remote + "/tree/" + commitID + strings.Join(parts[4:], "/")49 }50 } else if strings.HasPrefix(Req.Url, "/current/") {51 Req.Src = info.remote + "/" + strings.TrimPrefix(Req.Url, "/current/")52 }53 // Create a FS path from loc54 // Verify that it exists55 _, err = os.Stat(info.fullPath)56 if err != nil {57 return Req, fmt.Errorf("Error getting document: %v", err)58 }59 // Read doc in60 rawDoc, err := ioutil.ReadFile(info.fullPath)61 if err != nil {62 return Req, fmt.Errorf("Could not read file: %v", err)63 }64 Req.Doc = string(rawDoc)65 // Check for latest rev66 // Find path for current version67 curLoc := info.basePath + "/history/"68 curDate, err := getNewest(curLoc)69 curTime, err := getNewest(curLoc + curDate)70 curLoc = curLoc + curDate + "/" + curTime + info.fileName71 //Deep compare72 cmp := equalfile.New(nil, equalfile.Options{})73 Req.IsLatest, err = cmp.CompareFile(info.fullPath, curLoc)74 if err != nil {75 fmt.Println("YYYEEEE")76 fmt.Println(info.fullPath)77 fmt.Println(curLoc)78 }79 // Point to newer resource80 Req.LatestUrl = "/history/" + curDate + "/" + curTime + "/" + info.fileName81 return82}83// Unmount all fuse drives84// They will be remounted as needed85func gitUnmount() (err error) {86 out, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", "mount -l | grep fuse.gitfs | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | xargs -n 1 fusermount -u").Output()87 if len(out) != 0 {88 fmt.Println(out)89 }90 return err91}92// Mount a given http git repo for access93// Returns the path to on-disk resource and any errors94// encountered95//func gitMount(u string) (localPath string, gitPath string, err error) {96func gitMount(u string) (info gitInfo, err error) {97 // TODO: Handle being passed non-historical urls98 // Simple case99 if u == "" {100 return info, errors.New("No repo specified")101 }102 // Try to parse103 loc, err := url.Parse(u)104 if err != nil {105 return106 }107 fmt.Println(loc)108 // Convert to FS path109 parts := strings.SplitAfter(loc.String(), ".git")110 if len(parts) != 2 {111 return info, errors.New("Error parsing location")112 }113 // Strip off the schema114 // Yes I know we already did some parsing and bullshit115 wd, _ := os.Getwd()116 gitBase, _ := url.Parse(parts[0])117 gitPath := wd + "/doc/" + gitBase.Host + gitBase.Path118 fmt.Printf("Converted %v to %v\n", u, gitBase)119 // It's sanitized but you never know120 if strings.Contains(gitPath, "../") || strings.Contains(gitBase.String(), "../") {121 return info, errors.New("Can you fucking not?")122 }123 // Update return struct124 info.remote = gitBase.String()125 info.basePath = gitPath126 info.filePath = parts[1]127 info.fullPath = info.basePath + info.filePath128 if strings.Contains(info.filePath, "/history/") {129 info.fileName = strings.Join(strings.Split(info.filePath, "/")[4:], "/")130 } else {131 info.fileName = strings.Join(strings.Split(info.filePath, "/")[2:], "/")132 }133 // Check if already mounted134 dirlist, err := ioutil.ReadDir(gitPath)135 if len(dirlist) != 0 {136 return137 }138 // Make directory and mount139 os.MkdirAll(gitPath, 0755)140 c := exec.Command("gitfs", gitBase.String(), "-o idle_fetch_timeout=5,min_idle_times=200", gitPath)141 fmt.Printf("Mounting %v to %v\n", gitBase.String(), gitPath)142 out, err := c.Output()143 if err != nil {144 fmt.Printf("Error Mounting %v to %v: %v\n", gitBase, gitPath, out)145 }146 return147}148// Take a directory and return the newest by mod time149func getNewest(path string) (newest string, err error) {150 files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)151 fmt.Println("Finding Newest: ", path)152 if len(files) == 0 {153 err = fmt.Errorf("No Files")154 }155 if err != nil {156 return157 }158 // Sort by mod time159 sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool {160 return files[i].ModTime().Before(files[j].ModTime())161 })162 // string base path163 return files[0].Name(), err164}...

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Source:version.go Github


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...99 return nil100 }101 return fmt.Errorf("invalid version kind: %s: use one of major|minor|patch", kind)102}103// GetNewest returns greatest version from passed versions list104func GetNewest(versions []string) string {105 semversions := []*semver.Version{}106 for _, ver := range versions {107 v, err := semver.NewVersion(ver)108 if err == nil {109 semversions = append(semversions, v)110 }111 }112 sort.Slice(semversions, func(i, j int) bool {113 return semversions[j].LessThan(semversions[i])114 })115 return semversions[0].String()116}...

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Source:bump.go Github


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...10func main() {11 out, err := process.Execute("git", "tag")12 ui.ExitOnError("getting tags", err)13 versions := strings.Split(string(out), "\n")14 currentVersion := version.GetNewest(versions)15 nextVersion, err := version.Next(currentVersion, *kind)16 ui.ExitOnError("getting next version for "+*kind, err)17 ui.Info("Generated new version", nextVersion)18 _, err = process.Execute("git", "tag", nextVersion)19 ui.ExitOnError("tagging new version", err)20 _, err = process.Execute("git", "push", "--tags")21 ui.ExitOnError("pushing new version to repository", err)22}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 v1, _ := version.NewVersion("1.2.3")4 v2, _ := version.NewVersion("1.2.4")5 v3, _ := version.NewVersion("1.2.5")6 versions := []*version.Version{v1, v2, v3}7 newest := version.Newest(versions)8 fmt.Println(newest)9}

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())32}33import (34func main() {35 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())40}41import (42func main() {43 fmt.Println(version.GetNewest())44}45import (

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1import (2func main() {3 v1 := semver.MustParse("1.0.0")4 v2 := semver.MustParse("1.0.1")5 v3 := semver.MustParse("1.0.2")6 v4 := semver.MustParse("1.0.3")7 v5 := semver.MustParse("1.0.4")8 v6 := semver.MustParse("1.0.5")9 versions = append(versions, v1)10 versions = append(versions, v2)11 versions = append(versions, v3)12 versions = append(versions, v4)13 versions = append(versions, v5)14 versions = append(versions, v6)15 newest := semver.GetNewest(versions)16 fmt.Println(newest)17}

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1import (2type Version struct {3}4func (v *Version) GetNewest() *Version {5 db, err := gorm.Open("postgres", "user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable")6 if err != nil {7 panic(err)8 }9 defer db.Close()10 db.Order("created_at desc").Find(&versions)11}12func main() {13 v := Version{Name: "test", Version: "1.0"}14 db, err := gorm.Open("postgres", "user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable")15 if err != nil {16 panic(err)17 }18 defer db.Close()19 db.AutoMigrate(&Version{})20 db.Create(&v)21 fmt.Println(v.GetNewest())22}23import (24type Version struct {25}26func (v Version) GetNewest() Version {27 db, err := gorm.Open("postgres", "user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable")28 if err != nil {29 panic(err)30 }31 defer db.Close()32 db.Order("created_at desc").Find(&versions)33}34func main() {35 v := Version{Name: "test", Version: "1.0"}36 db, err := gorm.Open("postgres", "user=postgres dbname=postgres sslmode=disable")37 if err != nil {38 panic(err)39 }40 defer db.Close()41 db.AutoMigrate(&Version{})42 db.Create(&v)43 fmt.Println(v.GetNewest())44}

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1import (2type version struct {3}4func (v versionList) GetNewest() version {5 linq.From(v).OrderByDescending(func(v interface{}) interface{} {6 return v.(version).major7 }).ThenByDescending(func(v interface{}) interface{} {8 return v.(version).minor9 }).First().To(&newest)10}11func main() {12 v1 := version{1, 2}13 v2 := version{1, 3}14 v3 := version{2, 1}15 v4 := version{2, 0}16 v5 := version{2, 2}17 v6 := version{2, 3}18 v7 := version{2, 4}19 v8 := version{3, 0}20 v9 := version{3, 1}21 v10 := version{3, 2}22 v11 := version{3, 3}23 v12 := version{3, 4}24 v13 := version{3, 5}25 v14 := version{3, 6}26 v15 := version{3, 7}27 v16 := version{3, 8}28 v17 := version{3, 9}29 v18 := version{4, 0}30 v19 := version{4, 1}31 v20 := version{4, 2}32 v21 := version{4, 3}33 v22 := version{4, 4}34 v23 := version{4, 5}35 v24 := version{4, 6}36 v25 := version{4, 7}37 v26 := version{4, 8}38 v27 := version{4, 9}39 v28 := version{5, 0}40 v29 := version{5, 1}41 v30 := version{5, 2}42 v31 := version{5, 3}43 v32 := version{5, 4}44 v33 := version{5, 5}45 v34 := version{5, 6}

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1import (2func main() {3 ver := version.NewVersion()4 ver.GetNewest()5 fmt.Println(ver.Newest)6}7import (8type Version struct {9}10func NewVersion() *Version {11 return &Version{Newest: "1.0.0"}12}13func (v *Version) GetNewest() {14 resp, err := http.Get("

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("I am using version " + version.GetNewest())4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println("I am using version " + version.GetNewest())8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println("I am using version " + version.GetNewest())12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("I am using version " + version.GetNewest())16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println("I am using version " + version.GetNewest())20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println("I am using version " + version.GetNewest())24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("I am using version " + version.GetNewest())28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println("I am using version " + version.GetNewest())32}33import (34func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 latestVersion := version.GetNewest()4 fmt.Println("The latest version of the artifact is: ", latestVersion)5}6The following code shows how to use the GetNewest() function of the version class to get the latest version of the artifact:7import (8func main() {9 latestVersion := version.GetNewest()10 fmt.Println("The latest version of the artifact is: ", latestVersion)11}12The following code shows how to use the GetNewest() function of the version class to get the latest version of the artifact:13import (14func main() {15 latestVersion := version.GetNewest()16 fmt.Println("The latest version of the artifact is: ", latestVersion)17}

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