How to use ToxicShow method of toxiproxy Package

Best Toxiproxy code snippet using toxiproxy.ToxicShow


Source:api.go Github


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...110 r.HandleFunc("/proxies/{proxy}/toxics", server.ToxicIndex).Methods("GET").111 Name("ToxicIndex")112 r.HandleFunc("/proxies/{proxy}/toxics", server.ToxicCreate).Methods("POST").113 Name("ToxicCreate")114 r.HandleFunc("/proxies/{proxy}/toxics/{toxic}", server.ToxicShow).Methods("GET").115 Name("ToxicShow")116 r.HandleFunc("/proxies/{proxy}/toxics/{toxic}", server.ToxicUpdate).Methods("POST", "PATCH").117 Name("ToxicUpdate")118 r.HandleFunc("/proxies/{proxy}/toxics/{toxic}", server.ToxicDelete).Methods("DELETE").119 Name("ToxicDelete")120 r.HandleFunc("/version", server.Version).Methods("GET").Name("Version")121 if server.Metrics.anyMetricsEnabled() {122 r.Handle("/metrics", server.Metrics.handler()).Name("Metrics")123 }124 return r125}126func (server *ApiServer) PopulateConfig(filename string) {127 file, err := os.Open(filename)128 logger := server.Logger129 if err != nil {130 logger.Err(err).Str("config", filename).Msg("Error reading config file")131 return132 }133 proxies, err := server.Collection.PopulateJson(server, file)134 if err != nil {135 logger.Err(err).Msg("Failed to populate proxies from file")136 } else {137 logger.Info().Int("proxies", len(proxies)).Msg("Populated proxies from file")138 }139}140func (server *ApiServer) ProxyIndex(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {141 proxies := server.Collection.Proxies()142 marshalData := make(map[string]interface{}, len(proxies))143 for name, proxy := range proxies {144 marshalData[name] = proxyWithToxics(proxy)145 }146 data, err := json.Marshal(marshalData)147 if server.apiError(response, err) {148 return149 }150 response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")151 _, err = response.Write(data)152 if err != nil {153 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())154 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ProxyIndex: Failed to write response to client")155 }156}157func (server *ApiServer) ResetState(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {158 ctx := request.Context()159 proxies := server.Collection.Proxies()160 for _, proxy := range proxies {161 err := proxy.Start()162 if err != ErrProxyAlreadyStarted && server.apiError(response, err) {163 return164 }165 proxy.Toxics.ResetToxics(ctx)166 }167 response.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)168 _, err := response.Write(nil)169 if err != nil {170 log := zerolog.Ctx(ctx)171 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ResetState: Failed to write headers to client")172 }173}174func (server *ApiServer) ProxyCreate(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {175 // Default fields to enable the proxy right away176 input := Proxy{Enabled: true}177 err := json.NewDecoder(request.Body).Decode(&input)178 if server.apiError(response, joinError(err, ErrBadRequestBody)) {179 return180 }181 if len(input.Name) < 1 {182 server.apiError(response, joinError(fmt.Errorf("name"), ErrMissingField))183 return184 }185 if len(input.Upstream) < 1 {186 server.apiError(response, joinError(fmt.Errorf("upstream"), ErrMissingField))187 return188 }189 proxy := NewProxy(server, input.Name, input.Listen, input.Upstream)190 err = server.Collection.Add(proxy, input.Enabled)191 if server.apiError(response, err) {192 return193 }194 data, err := json.Marshal(proxyWithToxics(proxy))195 if server.apiError(response, err) {196 return197 }198 response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")199 response.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)200 _, err = response.Write(data)201 if err != nil {202 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())203 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ProxyCreate: Failed to write response to client")204 }205}206func (server *ApiServer) Populate(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {207 proxies, err := server.Collection.PopulateJson(server, request.Body)208 apiErr, ok := err.(*ApiError)209 if !ok && err != nil {210 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())211 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Error did not include status code")212 apiErr = &ApiError{err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError}213 }214 data, err := json.Marshal(struct {215 *ApiError `json:",omitempty"`216 Proxies []proxyToxics `json:"proxies"`217 }{apiErr, proxiesWithToxics(proxies)})218 if server.apiError(response, err) {219 return220 }221 responseCode := http.StatusCreated222 if apiErr != nil {223 responseCode = apiErr.StatusCode224 }225 response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")226 response.WriteHeader(responseCode)227 _, err = response.Write(data)228 if err != nil {229 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())230 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Populate: Failed to write response to client")231 }232}233func (server *ApiServer) ProxyShow(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {234 vars := mux.Vars(request)235 proxy, err := server.Collection.Get(vars["proxy"])236 if server.apiError(response, err) {237 return238 }239 data, err := json.Marshal(proxyWithToxics(proxy))240 if server.apiError(response, err) {241 return242 }243 response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")244 _, err = response.Write(data)245 if err != nil {246 server.Logger.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ProxyShow: Failed to write response to client")247 }248}249func (server *ApiServer) ProxyUpdate(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {250 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())251 if request.Method == "POST" {252 log.Warn().Msg("ProxyUpdate: HTTP method POST is depercated. Use HTTP PATCH instead.")253 }254 vars := mux.Vars(request)255 proxy, err := server.Collection.Get(vars["proxy"])256 if server.apiError(response, err) {257 return258 }259 // Default fields are the same as existing proxy260 input := Proxy{Listen: proxy.Listen, Upstream: proxy.Upstream, Enabled: proxy.Enabled}261 err = json.NewDecoder(request.Body).Decode(&input)262 if server.apiError(response, joinError(err, ErrBadRequestBody)) {263 return264 }265 err = proxy.Update(&input)266 if server.apiError(response, err) {267 return268 }269 data, err := json.Marshal(proxyWithToxics(proxy))270 if server.apiError(response, err) {271 return272 }273 response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")274 _, err = response.Write(data)275 if err != nil {276 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ProxyUpdate: Failed to write response to client")277 }278}279func (server *ApiServer) ProxyDelete(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {280 vars := mux.Vars(request)281 err := server.Collection.Remove(vars["proxy"])282 if server.apiError(response, err) {283 return284 }285 response.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)286 _, err = response.Write(nil)287 if err != nil {288 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())289 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ProxyDelete: Failed to write headers to client")290 }291}292func (server *ApiServer) ToxicIndex(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {293 vars := mux.Vars(request)294 proxy, err := server.Collection.Get(vars["proxy"])295 if server.apiError(response, err) {296 return297 }298 toxics := proxy.Toxics.GetToxicArray()299 data, err := json.Marshal(toxics)300 if server.apiError(response, err) {301 return302 }303 response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")304 _, err = response.Write(data)305 if err != nil {306 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())307 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ToxicIndex: Failed to write response to client")308 }309}310func (server *ApiServer) ToxicCreate(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {311 vars := mux.Vars(request)312 proxy, err := server.Collection.Get(vars["proxy"])313 if server.apiError(response, err) {314 return315 }316 toxic, err := proxy.Toxics.AddToxicJson(request.Body)317 if server.apiError(response, err) {318 return319 }320 data, err := json.Marshal(toxic)321 if server.apiError(response, err) {322 return323 }324 response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")325 _, err = response.Write(data)326 if err != nil {327 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())328 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ToxicCreate: Failed to write response to client")329 }330}331func (server *ApiServer) ToxicShow(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {332 vars := mux.Vars(request)333 proxy, err := server.Collection.Get(vars["proxy"])334 if server.apiError(response, err) {335 return336 }337 toxic := proxy.Toxics.GetToxic(vars["toxic"])338 if toxic == nil {339 server.apiError(response, ErrToxicNotFound)340 return341 }342 data, err := json.Marshal(toxic)343 if server.apiError(response, err) {344 return345 }346 response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")347 _, err = response.Write(data)348 if err != nil {349 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())350 log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("ToxicShow: Failed to write response to client")351 }352}353func (server *ApiServer) ToxicUpdate(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {354 log := zerolog.Ctx(request.Context())355 if request.Method == "POST" {356 log.Warn().Msg("ToxicUpdate: HTTP method POST is depercated. Use HTTP PATCH instead.")357 }358 vars := mux.Vars(request)359 proxy, err := server.Collection.Get(vars["proxy"])360 if server.apiError(response, err) {361 return362 }363 toxic, err := proxy.Toxics.UpdateToxicJson(vars["toxic"], request.Body)364 if server.apiError(response, err) {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 toxiproxyClient.CreateProxy("redis", "localhost:6379", "localhost:9736")4}5import (6func main() {7 toxiproxyClient.CreateProxy("redis", "localhost:6379", "localhost:9736")8 toxic := toxiproxyClient.ToxicShow("redis", "latency_downstream")9 fmt.Println(toxic.Name)10}11import (12func main() {13 toxiproxyClient.CreateProxy("redis", "localhost:6379", "localhost:9736")14 toxics := toxiproxyClient.ToxicList("redis")15 fmt.Println(toxics)16}17import (18func main() {19 toxiproxyClient.CreateProxy("redis", "localhost:6379", "localhost:9736")20 toxic := toxiproxyClient.ToxicCreate("redis", toxiproxy.Toxic{21 Attributes: toxiproxy.Attributes{22 },23 })24 fmt.Println(toxic.Name)25}26import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 toxiproxyClient.ToxicShow("my_proxy", "timeout")4}5import (6func main() {7 toxiproxyClient.ToxicList("my_proxy")8}9import (10func main() {11 toxiproxyClient.ToxicCreate("my_proxy", toxiproxy.Toxic{12 Attributes: toxiproxy.Attributes{13 },14 })15}16import (17func main() {18 toxiproxyClient.ToxicUpdate("my_proxy", "timeout", toxiproxy.Toxic{19 Attributes: toxiproxy.Attributes{20 },21 })22}23import (24func main() {25 toxiproxyClient.ToxicDelete("my_proxy", "timeout")26}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 err := client.ToxicShow("redis", "latency")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println("Error occurred:", err)6 }7}8{"error":"Toxic not found"}9import (10func main() {11 toxic := toxiproxy.Toxic{12 Attributes: toxiproxy.Attributes{13 },14 }15 err := client.ToxicCreate("redis", toxic)16 if err != nil {17 fmt.Println("Error occurred:", err)18 }19}20{"error":"Toxic not found"}21import (22func main() {23 toxic := toxiproxy.Toxic{24 Attributes: toxiproxy.Attributes{25 },26 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 client := toxiproxy.NewClient("localhost:8474")4 proxy, err := client.CreateProxy("test1", "localhost:8080", "localhost:8081")5 if err != nil {6 panic(err)7 }8 fmt.Println(proxy)9 proxy.AddToxic("timeout", "downstream", "timeout", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"timeout": 3000})10 proxy.AddToxic("timeout", "upstream", "timeout", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"timeout": 3000})11 proxy.AddToxic("latency", "downstream", "latency", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"latency": 3000, "jitter": 1000})12 proxy.AddToxic("latency", "upstream", "latency", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"latency": 3000, "jitter": 1000})13 proxy.AddToxic("bandwidth", "downstream", "bandwidth", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"rate": 2048})14 proxy.AddToxic("bandwidth", "upstream", "bandwidth", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"rate": 2048})15 proxy.AddToxic("slicer", "downstream", "slicer", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"average_size": 1024, "size_variation": 0, "delay": 0})16 proxy.AddToxic("slicer", "upstream", "slicer", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"average_size": 1024, "size_variation": 0, "delay": 0})17 proxy.AddToxic("slow_close", "upstream", "slow_close", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"delay": 1000})18 proxy.AddToxic("slow_close", "downstream", "slow_close", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"delay": 1000})19 proxy.AddToxic("timeout", "downstream", "timeout", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"timeout": 3000})20 proxy.AddToxic("timeout", "upstream", "timeout", 1, toxiproxy.Attributes{"timeout": 3000})21 proxy.AddToxic("

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1import (2func main() {3 proxy, err := toxiproxyClient.CreateProxy("proxy1", "localhost:8080", "localhost:8081")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 fmt.Println(proxy.Name)8 fmt.Println(proxy.Listen)9 fmt.Println(proxy.Upstream)10 toxic := client.Toxic{11 Attributes: client.Attributes{12 },13 }14 err = toxiproxyClient.AddToxic(proxy.Name, toxic)15 if err != nil {16 fmt.Println(err)17 }18 fmt.Println(toxic.Name)19 fmt.Println(toxic.Type)20 fmt.Println(toxic.Stream)21 fmt.Println(toxic.Toxicity)22 fmt.Println(toxic.Attributes)23 toxics, err := toxiproxyClient.Toxics(proxy.Name)24 if err != nil {25 fmt.Println(err)26 }27 fmt.Println(toxics)28 err = toxiproxyClient.RemoveToxic(proxy.Name, toxic.Name)29 if err != nil {30 fmt.Println(err)31 }32 err = toxiproxyClient.DeleteProxy(proxy.Name)33 if err != nil {34 fmt.Println(err)35 }36}

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 panic(err)5 }6 proxy, err := client.CreateProxy("test", "localhost:8000", "localhost:8001")7 if err != nil {8 panic(err)9 }10 fmt.Println("Proxy created")11 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)12 err = client.DeleteProxy("test")13 if err != nil {14 panic(err)15 }16 fmt.Println("Proxy deleted")17}

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1import (2func main() {3 proxy := client.NewProxy()4 proxy.Toxics = make(map[string]client.Toxic)5 err := proxy.Create()6 if err != nil {7 fmt.Println(err)8 }9 toxicity := client.Toxicity{Latency: 1000, Jitter: 0}10 toxic := client.Toxic{Type: "latency", Stream: "downstream", Toxicity: toxicity}11 err = proxy.AddToxic("my_toxic", toxic)12 if err != nil {13 fmt.Println(err)14 }15 toxicity = client.Toxicity{Latency: 1000, Jitter: 0}16 toxic = client.Toxic{Type: "latency", Stream: "downstream", Toxicity: toxicity}17 err = proxy.AddToxic("my_toxic", toxic)18 if err != nil {19 fmt.Println(err)20 }21 toxicity = client.Toxicity{Latency: 1000, Jitter: 0}22 toxic = client.Toxic{Type: "latency", Stream: "downstream", Toxicity: toxicity}23 err = proxy.AddToxic("my_toxic", toxic)24 if err != nil {25 fmt.Println(err)26 }27 toxicity = client.Toxicity{Latency: 1000, Jitter: 0}28 toxic = client.Toxic{Type: "latency", Stream: "downstream", Toxicity: toxicity}29 err = proxy.AddToxic("my_toxic", toxic)30 if err != nil {31 fmt.Println(err)32 }

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