How to use computeSuccinctMode method of watch Package

Best Ginkgo code snippet using watch.computeSuccinctMode


Source:watch_command.go Github


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1package main2import (3 "flag"4 "fmt"5 "time"6 ""7 ""8 ""9 ""10)11func BuildWatchCommand() *Command {12 commandFlags := NewWatchCommandFlags(flag.NewFlagSet("watch", flag.ExitOnError))13 interruptHandler := NewInterruptHandler()14 notifier := NewNotifier(commandFlags)15 watcher := &SpecWatcher{16 commandFlags: commandFlags,17 notifier: notifier,18 interruptHandler: interruptHandler,19 suiteRunner: NewSuiteRunner(notifier, interruptHandler),20 }21 return &Command{22 Name: "watch",23 FlagSet: commandFlags.FlagSet,24 UsageCommand: "ginkgo watch <FLAGS> <PACKAGES> -- <PASS-THROUGHS>",25 Usage: []string{26 "Watches the tests in the passed in <PACKAGES> and runs them when changes occur.",27 "Any arguments after -- will be passed to the test.",28 },29 Command: watcher.WatchSpecs,30 SuppressFlagDocumentation: true,31 FlagDocSubstitute: []string{32 "Accepts all the flags that the ginkgo command accepts except for --keepGoing and --untilItFails",33 },34 }35}36type SpecWatcher struct {37 commandFlags *RunAndWatchCommandFlags38 notifier *Notifier39 interruptHandler *InterruptHandler40 suiteRunner *SuiteRunner41}42func (w *SpecWatcher) WatchSpecs(args []string, additionalArgs []string) {43 w.commandFlags.computeNodes()44 w.notifier.VerifyNotificationsAreAvailable()45 w.WatchSuites(args, additionalArgs)46}47func (w *SpecWatcher) runnersForSuites(suites []testsuite.TestSuite, additionalArgs []string) []*testrunner.TestRunner {48 runners := []*testrunner.TestRunner{}49 for _, suite := range suites {50 runners = append(runners, testrunner.New(suite, w.commandFlags.NumCPU, w.commandFlags.ParallelStream, w.commandFlags.Race, w.commandFlags.Cover, w.commandFlags.Tags, additionalArgs))51 }52 return runners53}54func (w *SpecWatcher) WatchSuites(args []string, additionalArgs []string) {55 suites, _ := findSuites(args, w.commandFlags.Recurse, w.commandFlags.SkipPackage)56 if len(suites) == 0 {57 complainAndQuit("Found no test suites")58 }59 fmt.Printf("Identified %d test %s. Locating dependencies to a depth of %d (this may take a while)...\n", len(suites), pluralizedWord("suite", "suites", len(suites)), w.commandFlags.Depth)60 deltaTracker := watch.NewDeltaTracker(w.commandFlags.Depth)61 delta, errors := deltaTracker.Delta(suites)62 fmt.Printf("Watching %d %s:\n", len(delta.NewSuites), pluralizedWord("suite", "suites", len(delta.NewSuites)))63 for _, suite := range delta.NewSuites {64 fmt.Println(" " + suite.Description())65 }66 for suite, err := range errors {67 fmt.Printf("Failed to watch %s: %s\n"+suite.PackageName, err)68 }69 if len(suites) == 1 {70 runners := w.runnersForSuites(suites, additionalArgs)71 w.suiteRunner.RunSuites(runners, true, nil)72 runners[0].CleanUp()73 }74 ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)75 for {76 select {77 case <-ticker.C:78 suites, _ := findSuites(args, w.commandFlags.Recurse, w.commandFlags.SkipPackage)79 delta, _ := deltaTracker.Delta(suites)80 suitesToRun := []testsuite.TestSuite{}81 if len(delta.NewSuites) > 0 {82 fmt.Printf(greenColor+"Detected %d new %s:\n"+defaultStyle, len(delta.NewSuites), pluralizedWord("suite", "suites", len(delta.NewSuites)))83 for _, suite := range delta.NewSuites {84 suitesToRun = append(suitesToRun, suite.Suite)85 fmt.Println(" " + suite.Description())86 }87 }88 modifiedSuites := delta.ModifiedSuites()89 if len(modifiedSuites) > 0 {90 fmt.Println(greenColor + "\nDetected changes in:" + defaultStyle)91 for _, pkg := range delta.ModifiedPackages {92 fmt.Println(" " + pkg)93 }94 fmt.Printf(greenColor+"Will run %d %s:\n"+defaultStyle, len(modifiedSuites), pluralizedWord("suite", "suites", len(modifiedSuites)))95 for _, suite := range modifiedSuites {96 suitesToRun = append(suitesToRun, suite.Suite)97 fmt.Println(" " + suite.Description())98 }99 fmt.Println("")100 }101 if len(suitesToRun) > 0 {102 w.UpdateSeed()103 w.ComputeSuccinctMode(len(suitesToRun))104 runners := w.runnersForSuites(suitesToRun, additionalArgs)105 result, _ := w.suiteRunner.RunSuites(runners, true, func(suite testsuite.TestSuite) {106 deltaTracker.WillRun(suite)107 })108 for _, runner := range runners {109 runner.CleanUp()110 }111 if !w.interruptHandler.WasInterrupted() {112 color := redColor113 if result.Passed {114 color = greenColor115 }116 fmt.Println(color + "\nDone. Resuming watch..." + defaultStyle)117 }118 }119 case <-w.interruptHandler.C:120 return121 }122 }123}124func (w *SpecWatcher) ComputeSuccinctMode(numSuites int) {125 if config.DefaultReporterConfig.Verbose {126 config.DefaultReporterConfig.Succinct = false127 return128 }129 if w.commandFlags.wasSet("succinct") {130 return131 }132 if numSuites == 1 {133 config.DefaultReporterConfig.Succinct = false134 }135 if numSuites > 1 {136 config.DefaultReporterConfig.Succinct = true137 }138}139func (w *SpecWatcher) UpdateSeed() {140 if !w.commandFlags.wasSet("seed") {141 config.GinkgoConfig.RandomSeed = time.Now().Unix()142 }143}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())4 watch.computeSuccinctMode()5}6import (7func main() {8 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())9 watch.computeSuccinctMode()10}11import (12func main() {13 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())14 watch.computeSuccinctMode()15}16import (17func main() {18 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())19 watch.computeSuccinctMode()20}21import (22func main() {23 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())24 watch.computeSuccinctMode()25}26import (27func main() {28 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())29 watch.computeSuccinctMode()30}31import (32func main() {33 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())34 watch.computeSuccinctMode()35}36import (37func main() {38 rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())39 watch.computeSuccinctMode()40}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type watch struct {3}4func (w *watch) computeSuccinctMode() int {5 minutes = (w.time % 3600) / 606 seconds = (w.time % 3600) % 607}8func main() {9 w := watch{time: 3671}10 fmt.Println(w.computeSuccinctMode())11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 watch := new(Watch)4 watch.setTime(10, 30, 45)5 fmt.Println("Time of the watch is: ", watch.getTime())6 fmt.Println("Succinct mode of the watch is: ", watch.computeSuccinctMode())7}8import (9type Watch struct {10}11func (watch *Watch) setTime(hours int, minutes int, seconds int) {12 hoursString := strconv.Itoa(hours)13 minutesString := strconv.Itoa(minutes)14 secondsString := strconv.Itoa(seconds)15 if hours < 10 {16 }17 if minutes < 10 {18 }19 if seconds < 10 {20 }21}22func (watch *Watch) getTime() string {23}24func (watch *Watch) computeSuccinctMode() string {25 time := watch.getTime()26 splitTime := strings.Split(time, ":")27 if hours == "00" {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 watch = Watch{watchName: "Rolex", watchPrice: 5000, watchType: "Analog"}4 watch.computeSuccinctMode()5 fmt.Println(watch.watchName + " " + strconv.Itoa(watch.watchPrice) + " " + watch.watchType + " " + watch.watchSuccinctMode)6}7type Watch struct {8}9func (watch Watch) computeSuccinctMode() {10 watch.watchSuccinctMode = strings.ToUpper(watch.watchName[0:2] + watch.watchType[0:2])11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 watch := watch.NewWatch()4 watch.AddNumber(1)5 watch.AddNumber(2)6 watch.AddNumber(3)7 watch.AddNumber(4)8 watch.AddNumber(5)9 watch.AddNumber(6)10 watch.AddNumber(7)11 watch.AddNumber(8)12 watch.AddNumber(9)13 watch.AddNumber(10)14 fmt.Println(watch.GetMode())15}

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