How to use driver.elementByClassName method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:element-e2e-specs.js Github


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...114 await driver.back();115 });116 describe('set value', () => {117 it('should type in the text field', async () => {118 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');119 await el.type(text1);120 let text = await el.text();121 text.should.eql(text1);122 });123 it('should type in the text field even before the keyboard is up', async () => {124 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');125 await el.type(text1);126 let text = await el.text();127 text.should.eql(text1);128 });129 it('should type a url in the text field', async () => {130 /​/​ in Travis this sometimes gets the wrong text131 let retries = process.env.TRAVIS ? 5 : 1;132 await retryInterval(retries, 100, async () => {133 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');134 await el.clear();135 await el.type(text3);136 let text = await el.text();137 text.should.eql(text3);138 });139 });140 it('should be able to type into two text fields', async () => {141 let els = await driver.elementsByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');142 await els[0].type(text1);143 await driver.hideKeyboard();144 await els[1].type(text2);145 let text = await els[0].text();146 text.should.eql(text1);147 text = await els[1].text();148 text.should.eql(text2);149 });150 it('should type in a secure text field', async () => {151 let els = await driver.elementsByClassName('XCUIElementTypeSecureTextField');152 await els[0].type(text1);153 let text = await els[0].text();154 text.should.not.eql(text1);155 text.length.should.eql(text1.length);156 text.should.eql(secureText);157 });158 it('should type a backspace', async () => {159 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');160 await driver.type(el, ['0123456789\uE003']);161 let text = await el.text();162 text.should.eql('012345678');163 });164 it('should type a delete', async () => {165 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');166 await driver.type(el, ['0123456789\ue017']);167 let text = await el.text();168 text.should.eql('012345678');169 });170 it('should type a newline', async () => {171 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');172 await driver.type(el, ['0123456789\uE006']);173 let text = await el.text();174 text.should.eql('0123456789');175 });176 });177 describe('clear', () => {178 it('should clear a text field', async () => {179 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');180 await el.type(text1);181 let text = await el.text();182 text.should.eql(text1);183 await el.clear();184 text = await el.text();185 text.should.eql(phText);186 });187 it('should be able to clear two text fields', async () => {188 let els = await driver.elementsByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');189 await els[0].type(text1);190 let text = await els[0].text();191 text.should.eql(text1);192 await driver.hideKeyboard();193 await els[1].type(text2);194 text = await els[1].text();195 text.should.eql(text2);196 await els[0].clear();197 text = await els[0].text();198 text.should.eql(phText);199 await driver.hideKeyboard();200 await els[1].clear();201 text = await els[1].text();202 text.should.eql(phText);203 });204 it('should clear a secure text field', async () => {205 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeSecureTextField');206 await el.type(text1);207 let text = await el.text();208 text.should.eql(secureText);209 await el.clear();210 text = await el.text();211 text.should.eql(phText);212 });213 });214 describe('keys', () => {215 it('should be able to send text to the active element', async () => {216 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');217 /​/​ make sure the keyboard is up218 await;219 await driver.keys('this is a test');220 });221 it('should type a backspace', async () => {222 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');223 /​/​ make sure the keyboard is up224 await;225 await driver.keys('0123456789\uE003');226 let text = await el.text();227 text.should.eql('012345678');228 });229 it('should type a delete', async () => {230 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');231 /​/​ make sure the keyboard is up232 await;233 await driver.keys('0123456789\ue017');234 let text = await el.text();235 text.should.eql('012345678');236 });237 it('should type a newline', async () => {238 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');239 /​/​ make sure the keyboard is up240 await;241 await driver.keys('0123456789\uE006');242 let text = await el.text();243 text.should.eql('0123456789');244 });245 });246 describe('hide keyboard', () => {247 it('should be able to hide the keyboard', async () => {248 let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');249 await;250 let db = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Done');251 (await db.isDisplayed());252 await driver.hideKeyboard();253 /​/​ pause for a second to allow keyboard to go out of view254 /​/​ otherwise slow systems will reject the search for `Done` and255 /​/​ fast ones will get the element but it will be invisible256 await B.delay(1000);257 db = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Done');258 });259 });260 });261 describe('picker wheel', () => {262 it('should be able to set the value', async () => {...

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Source:ios-complex.js Github


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...190 });191 }192 it("should retrieve an element size", function () {193 return Q.all([194 driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTable').getSize(),195 driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeCell').getSize(),196 ]).then(function (sizes) {197 sizes[0].width.should.equal(sizes[1].width);198 sizes[0].height.should.not.equal(sizes[1].height);199 });200 });201 it("should get the source", function () {202 var mainMenuSource;203 /​/​ main menu source204 return driver205 .source().then(function (source) {206 mainMenuSource = source;207 mainMenuSource.should.include('XCUIElementTypeStaticText');208 mainMenuSource.should.include('Text Fields');209 })...

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Source:calc-app-1-specs.js Github


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...17 return function () { return elem.clear(); };18 });19 return sequence.reduce(Q.when, new Q()); /​/​ running sequence20 }).then(function () {21 return driver.elementByClassName('UIAButton').click();22 });23 };24 var populate = function (type, driver) {25 values = [];26 return driver27 .elementsByIosUIAutomation(filterVisible('.textFields();'))28 .then(function (elems) {29 var sequence = _(elems).map(function (elem) {30 var val = Math.round(Math.random() * 10);31 values.push(val);32 if (type === "elem") {33 return function () { return elem.sendKeys(val); };34 } else if (type === "elem-setvalue") {35 return function () { return elem.setImmediateValue(val); };...

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Source:PersonalCenterCase.js Github


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1var app = require('../​app');2var driver = app.driver;3var _p = require('../​utils/​helpers/​promise-utils')4import StartScreen from '../​screens/​StartScreen';5import PersonalCenterScreen from '../​screens/​PersonalCenterScreen';6import XCUIElementType from '../​utils/​UIElementType';7describe("login", function () {8 this.timeout(300000);9 var startScreen = new StartScreen(driver);10 var personalCenterScreen = new PersonalCenterScreen(driver);11 var titles = ["", "", "我的优惠券", "我的花粉", "我的银行卡", "我的收藏", "浏览记录", "推荐有奖", "意见反馈", "联系客服", "关于乐蜂"];12 /​/​ 0 表示要不检查,1表示需要登录,2表示不需要登录13 var checkFlag = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2];14 /​/​ global setUp, tearDown15 before(function () {16 return app.connect()17 .then(() => {18 return startScreen.closeStartButton();19 })20 .elementByName('我的蜂巢')21 .click()22 .sleep(1000);23 });24 after(function () {25 return driver.quit();26 });27 it('should have 11 cells; 我的蜂巢要有11个cell', function () {28 return driver29 .elementByClassName(XCUIElementType.Table)30 .elementsByClassName('>', XCUIElementType.Cell)31 .then((els) => {32 els.should.have.lengthOf(11);33 return els;34 });35 });36 it('should print cell name in order', function () {37 return driver38 .elementByClassName(XCUIElementType.Table)39 .elementsByClassName('>', XCUIElementType.Cell)40 .then(_p.each((el, i) => {41 if (titles[i] == "") {42 return driver;43 }44 /​/​ 这里不需要加 '>',因为调用方是element,其上下文已经可以确定是当前元素了45 return el.elementsByClassName(XCUIElementType.StaticText)46 /​/​ various checks47 .first().getAttribute('value')48 .should.become(titles[i]);49 }));50 })51 it('should show login view', () => {52 return driver53 .elementByClassName(XCUIElementType.Table)54 .elementsByClassName('>', XCUIElementType.Cell)55 .then(_p.each((el, i) => {56 if (checkFlag[i] == 0) {57 return driver;58 }59 console.log('current cell: ' + titles[i] + " " + i);60 var buttonName = (checkFlag[i] == 1 ? 'login close' : 'back');61 if (i == 10) {62 buttonName = "order button back";63 }64 return el65 .isDisplayed()66 .then((displayed) => {67 if (displayed == false) {68 return driver69 .elementByClassName(XCUIElementType.Table)70 .then(() => {71 return driver.swipe({72 startX: 100, startY: 400,73 offsetX: 0, offsetY: -600, duration: 40074 })75 })76 .then(() => {77 return el;78 });79 }80 else {81 return el;82 }83 })84 .click()85 .sleep(1000)86 .elementByName(buttonName)87 .should.eventually.exist88 .click()89 .sleep(1000);90 }));91 })...

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Source:mainPage.js Github


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1/​*************************************************************************2 *3 * REV SOFTWARE CONFIDENTIAL4 *5 * [2013] - [2017] Rev Software, Inc.6 * All Rights Reserved.7 *8 * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains9 * the property of Rev Software, Inc. and its suppliers,10 * if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained11 * herein are proprietary to Rev Software, Inc.12 * and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents,13 * patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.14 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material15 * is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained16 * from Rev Software, Inc.17 */​18"use strict";19var wd = require('wd');20var App = {21 menuBtn: {22 button: 'android.widget.ImageView'23 },24 menuOptions: {25 main: '/​/​android.widget.TextView[@text=\'Main\']',26 configurationView: '/​/​android.widget.TextView[@text=\'Configuration view\']',27 statsView: '/​/​android.widget.TextView[@text=\'Statistic view\']',28 openDrawer: '/​/​android.widget.TextView[@text=\'Open drawer\']'29 },30 input: {31 url: 'com.nuubit.tester:id/​tlQuery'32 },33 button: {34 send: 'com.nuubit.tester:id/​rlRun',35 fetchConfig: 'com.nuubit.tester:id/​bUpdateConfig',36 sendStats: 'com.nuubit.tester:id/​bSendReports'37 },38 layoutCountersPage: 'com.nuubit.tester:id/​action_bar_root',39 getInputUrl: function (driver) {40 return driver41 .elementById(App.input.url);42 },43 clickSendBtn: function (driver) {44 return driver45 .elementById(App.button.send)46 .click();47 },48 clickSendStatsBtn: function (driver) {49 return driver50 .elementById(App.button.sendStats)51 .click();52 },53 clickFetchConfigBtn: function (driver) {54 return driver55 .elementById(App.button.fetchConfig)56 .click();57 },58 getMainPage: function (driver) {59 return driver60 .elementByClassName(App.menuBtn.button)61 .click()62 .sleep(2000)63 .elementByXPath(App.menuOptions.main)64 .click()65 .sleep(2000);66 },67 getConfigurationPage: function (driver) {68 return driver69 .elementByClassName(App.menuBtn.button)70 .click()71 .sleep(2000)72 .elementByXPath(App.menuOptions.configurationView)73 .click()74 .sleep(2000);75 },76 getStatsPage: function (driver) {77 return driver78 .elementByClassName(App.menuBtn.button)79 .click()80 .sleep(2000)81 .elementByXPath(App.menuOptions.statsView)82 .click()83 .sleep(2000);84 },85 getCountersPage: function (driver) {86 return driver87 .elementByClassName(App.menuBtn.button)88 .click()89 .sleep(2000)90 .elementByXPath(App.menuOptions.openDrawer)91 .click()92 .sleep(2000);93 },94 closeCountersPage: function (driver) {95 var TouchAction = wd.TouchAction;96 var action = new TouchAction(driver);97 return driver98 .elementById(App.layoutCountersPage)99 .then(function(){100 action101 .press({x: 50, y: 200})102 .release();103 return action.perform();104 })105 },106 clickMenuButton: function (driver) {107 return driver108 .elementByClassName(App.menuBtn.button)109 .click()110 .sleep(2000);111 },112 clickConfigViewButton: function (driver) {113 return driver114 .elementByXPath(App.menuOptions.configurationView)115 .click()116 .sleep(2000);117 },118 clickStatsViewButton: function (driver) {119 return driver120 .elementByXPath(App.menuOptions.statsView)121 .click()122 .sleep(2000);123 }124};...

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Source:clear-specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var setup = require("../​../​common/​setup-base")3 , desired = require('./​desired');4describe('testapp - clear', function () {5 var driver;6 setup(this, desired).then(function (d) { driver = d; });7 it('should clear the text field', function (done) {8 driver9 .elementByClassName('UIATextField').sendKeys("some-value").text()10 .should.become("some-value")11 .elementByClassName('UIATextField').clear().text().should.become('')12 .nodeify(done);13 });14 /​/​ Tap outside hide keyboard strategy can only be tested in UICatalog15 /​/​ these tests need to be moved out of "clear-specs", and consolidated with the16 /​/​ UICatalog ones17 it('should hide keyboard using "Done" key', function (done) {18 driver19 .elementByClassName('UIATextField').sendKeys("1")20 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()21 .should.become(false)22 .hideKeyboard("Done")23 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()24 .should.become(true)25 .nodeify(done);26 });27 it('should hide keyboard using "pressKey" strategy with "Done" key', function (done) {28 driver29 .elementByClassName('UIATextField').sendKeys("1")30 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()31 .should.become(false)32 .hideKeyboard({strategy: 'pressKey', key: "Done"} )33 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()34 .should.become(true)35 .nodeify(done);36 });37 it('should hide keyboard using "pressKey" strategy with "Done" keyName', function (done) {38 driver39 .elementByClassName('UIATextField').sendKeys("1")40 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()41 .should.become(false)42 .hideKeyboard({strategy: 'pressKey', keyName: "Done"} )43 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()44 .should.become(true)45 .nodeify(done);46 });47 it('should hide keyboard using "press" strategy with "Done" key', function (done) {48 driver49 .elementByClassName('UIATextField').sendKeys("1")50 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()51 .should.become(false)52 .hideKeyboard({strategy: 'press', key: "Done"} )53 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()54 .should.become(true)55 .nodeify(done);56 });57 /​/​ swipedown just doesn't work with testapp58 it.skip('should hide keyboard using "swipeDown" strategy', function (done) {59 driver60 .elementByClassName('UIATextField').sendKeys("1")61 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()62 .should.become(false)63 .hideKeyboard({strategy: 'swipeDown'} )64 .elementByClassName('UIASwitch').isDisplayed()65 .should.become(true)66 .nodeify(done);67 });...

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Source:typing-stress-e2e-specs.js Github


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...24 await driver.execute('mobile: scroll', {element: tfEl, toVisible: true});25 await;26 /​/​ wait for there to be text fields present27 await retryInterval(5, 500, async function () {28 await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField').clear();29 });30 });31 afterEach(async function () {32 await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField').clear();33 });34 for (let i = 0; i < TYPING_TRIES; i++) {35 it(`should not fail in typing (try #${i + 1})`, async function () {36 const el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');37 await el.type(text);38 (await el.text()).should.include(text);39 });40 }41 });...

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Source:from-el-specs.js Github


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...6describe("apidemo - find - from element", function () {7 var driver;8 setup(this, desired).then(function (d) { driver = d; });9 it('should find a single element by tag name', function (done) {10 driver.elementByClassName(alv).then(function (el) {11 return el12 .elementByClassName(atv).text().should.become("Access'ibility");13 }).nodeify(done);14 });15 it('should find multiple elements by tag name', function (done) {16 driver.elementByClassName(alv).then(function (el) {17 return el18 .elementsByClassName(atv);19 }).nodeify(done);20 });21 it('should not find an element that doesnt exist', function (done) {22 driver.elementByClassName(alv).then(function (el) {23 return el24 .elementByClassName("blargimarg")​status: 7/​);25 }).nodeify(done);26 });27 it('should not find multiple elements that dont exist', function (done) {28 driver.elementByClassName(alv).then(function (el) {29 return el30 .elementsByClassName("blargimarg").should.eventually.have.length(0);31 }).nodeify(done);32 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6 .remote(options)7 .init()8 .elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeButton')9 .click()10 .end();11var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');12var options = {13 desiredCapabilities: {14 }15};16 .remote(options)17 .init()18 .elementByAccessibilityId('button')19 .click()20 .end();21var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');22var options = {23 desiredCapabilities: {24 }25};26 .remote(options)27 .init()28 .elementById('button')29 .click()30 .end();31var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');32var options = {33 desiredCapabilities: {34 }35};36 .remote(options)37 .init()38 .click()39 .end();40var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3driver.init({4}).then(function () {5 return driver.elementByClassName('UIAWebView');6}).then(function (element) {7 return element.getAttribute('name');8}).then(function (name) {9 console.log(name);10 assert.equal(name, 'Appium');11}).fin(function () {12 return driver.quit();13}).done();14var wd = require('wd');15var assert = require('assert');16driver.init({17}).then(function () {18 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Appium');19}).then(function (element) {20 return element.getAttribute('name');21}).then(function (name) {22 console.log(name);23 assert.equal(name, 'Appium');24}).fin(function () {25 return driver.quit();26}).done();27var wd = require('wd');28var assert = require('assert');29driver.init({30}).then(function () {31}).then(function (element) {32 return element.getAttribute('name');33}).then(function (name) {34 console.log(name);35 assert.equal(name, 'Appium');36}).fin(function () {37 return driver.quit();38}).done();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5 .init(desired)6 .click()7 .sleep(3000)8 .quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6var client = webdriverio.remote(options);7 .init()8 .elementByClassName('UIAButton')9 .click()10 .end();11var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');12var options = {13 desiredCapabilities: {14 }15};16var client = webdriverio.remote(options);17 .init()18 .elementByAccessibilityId('Search')19 .click()20 .end();21var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');22var options = {23 desiredCapabilities: {24 }25};26var client = webdriverio.remote(options);27 .init()28 .click()29 .end();30var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');31var options = {32 desiredCapabilities: {33 }34};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);6 .init(desired)7 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(5000)8 .elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeButton')9 .click()10 .elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField')11 .sendKeys('hello world')12 .elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeButton')13 .click()14 .elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeStaticText')15 .text()16 .then(function(text) {17 console.log('Text is: ' + text);18 })19 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })20 .done();21{ status: 13,22 { origin: '',23 { NSLocalizedDescription: 'Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "WebDriverAgentRunner" requires a provisioning profile.\nTesting cannot be performed because the profile required to sign "WebDriverAgentRunner" is not installed.\n\nFailed to create test manager daemon service for 0xe8008016.\n\nTesting cannot be performed because the profile required to sign "WebDriverAgentRunner" is not installed.\n\nTesting cannot be performed because the profile required to sign "WebDriverAgentRunner" is not installed.\n\nFailed to create test manager daemon service for 0xe8008016.\n\nTesting cannot be performed because the profile required to sign "WebDriverAgentRunner" is not installed.\n\nTesting cannot be performed because the profile required to sign "WebDriverAgentRunner" is not installed.\n\nFailed to create test manager daemon service for 0xe8008016.\n\nTesting cannot be performed because the profile required to sign "WebDriverAgentRunner" is not installed.\n\nTesting cannot be performed because the profile required

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1const wd = require("wd");2const assert = require("assert");3const config = {4};5 .init(config)6 .then(() => {7 return driver.elementByClassName("XCUIElementTypeButton");8 })9 .then(element => {10 return;11 })12 .then(() => {13 return driver.quit();14 })15 .catch(err => {16 console.error(err);17 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('XCUITest Driver', function() {2 it('should find element by class name', function(done) {3 .elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeButton')4 .click()5 .nodeify(done);6 });7});8describe('XCUITest Driver', function() {9 it('should find element by accessibility id', function(done) {10 .elementByAccessibilityId('ComputeSumButton')11 .click()12 .nodeify(done);13 });14});15describe('XCUITest Driver', function() {16 it('should find element by name', function(done) {17 .elementByName('ComputeSumButton')18 .click()19 .nodeify(done);20 });21});22describe('XCUITest Driver', function() {23 it('should find element by xpath', function(done) {24 .click()25 .nodeify(done);26 });27});28describe('XCUITest Driver', function() {29 it('should find element by link text', function(done) {30 .elementByLinkText('ComputeSumButton')31 .click()32 .nodeify(done);33 });34});35describe('XCUITest Driver', function() {36 it('should find element by partial link text', function(done) {37 .elementByPartialLinkText('ComputeSumButton')38 .click()39 .nodeify(done);40 });41});42describe('XCUITest Driver', function() {43 it('should find element by tag name', function(done) {44 .elementByTagName('

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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desiredCaps = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);6driver.init(desiredCaps)7 .then(function () {8 return driver.elementByClassName('UIAButton');9 })10 .then(function (element) {11 return;12 })13 .then(function () {14 return driver.elementByClassName('UIAButton');15 })16 .then(function (element) {17 return;18 })19 .then(function () {20 return driver.elementByClassName('UIAButton');21 })22 .then(function (element) {23 return;24 })25 .then(function () {26 return driver.elementByClassName('UIAButton');27 })28 .then(function (element) {29 return;30 })31 .then(function () {32 return driver.quit();33 })34 .done();

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