How to use installToRealDevice method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:driver.js Github


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...312 await utils.setBundleIdFromApp(this.opts);313 await this.createInstruments();314 await runRealDeviceReset(this.realDevice, this.opts);315 await this.setUpLogCapture();316 await this.installToRealDevice();317 await this.startInstruments();318 await this.onInstrumentsLaunch();319 await this.configureBootstrap();320 await this.setBundleId();321 await this.setInitialOrientation();322 await this.initAutoWebview();323 await this.waitForAppLaunched();324 }325 async installToRealDevice () {326 // if user has passed in desiredCaps.autoLaunch = false327 // meaning they will manage app install / launching328 if (this.opts.autoLaunch === false) {329 return;330 }...

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Source:safari.js Github


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1"use strict";2var IOS = require('./ios.js')3 , logger = require('../../server/logger.js').get('appium')4 , path = require('path')5 , _ = require('underscore');6var NATIVE_REAL_SAFARI_MIN_VER = 7.07 , SAFARI_BUNDLE = '';8var Safari = function () {9 this.init();10 this.landscapeWebCoordsOffset = 40;11};12_.extend(Safari.prototype, IOS.prototype);13Safari.prototype.configure = function (args, caps, cb) {14 logger.debug("Configuring Safari session");15 this._deviceConfigure(args, caps);16 this.setIOSArgs();17 this.capabilities.safari = true;18 if (this.args.udid) {19 this.dontCleanupSession = true;20 = path.resolve(__dirname,21 "../../../build/SafariLauncher/");22 this.configureLocalApp(cb);23 } else {24 if (parseFloat(this.args.platformVersion) >= 8) {25 logger.debug("We're on iOS8+ so not copying mobile safari app");26 this.args.bundleId = SAFARI_BUNDLE;27 = null;28 } else {29 // make sure has something in it so we get to the right spots30 // in moveBuiltInApp()31 = "safari";32 }33 cb();34 }35};36Safari.prototype.moveBuiltInApp = function (cb) {37 if (!this.args.udid && !== null) {38 logger.debug("Trying to use mobile safari, version " +39 this.args.platformVersion);40 this.sim.prepareSafari(this.args.tmpDir, function (err, attemptedApp, origApp) {41 if (err) {42 logger.error("Could not prepare mobile safari: " + err);43 return cb(err);44 }45 logger.debug("Using mobile safari app at " + attemptedApp);46 = attemptedApp;47 this.args.origAppPath = origApp;48 cb();49 }.bind(this));50 } else {51 cb();52 }53};54Safari.prototype._start = IOS.prototype.start;55Safari.prototype.start = function (cb, onDie) {56 var newOnDie = function (err) {57 if (this.args.udid) {58 return; // if we're using SafariLauncher, don't report failure59 }60 onDie(err);61 }.bind(this);62 this._start(function (err) {63 if (err) return cb(err);64 this.navToInitialWebview(cb);65 }.bind(this), newOnDie);66};67Safari.prototype.shouldIgnoreInstrumentsExit = function () {68 return !!this.args.udid &&69 this.iOSSDKVersion < NATIVE_REAL_SAFARI_MIN_VER;70};71Safari.prototype._click =; = function (elementId, cb) {73 if (this.capabilities.nativeWebTap && !this.args.udid) {74 // atoms-based clicks don't always work in safari 775 this.nativeWebTap(elementId, cb);76 } else {77 this._click(elementId, cb);78 }79};80Safari.prototype.setBundleId = function (cb) {81 this.args.bundleId = SAFARI_BUNDLE;82 cb();83};84Safari.prototype._setInitialOrientation = IOS.prototype.setInitialOrientation;85Safari.prototype.setInitialOrientation = function (cb) {86 if (this.shouldIgnoreInstrumentsExit()) {87 logger.debug("Not setting initial orientation because we're on " +88 "SafariLauncher");89 return cb();90 }91 this._setInitialOrientation(cb);92};93Safari.prototype._configureBootstrap = IOS.prototype.configureBootstrap;94Safari.prototype.configureBootstrap = function (cb) {95 if (this.shouldIgnoreInstrumentsExit()) {96 logger.debug("Not setting bootstrap config because we're on " +97 "SafariLauncher");98 return cb();99 }100 this._configureBootstrap(cb);101};102Safari.prototype.installToRealDevice = function (cb) {103 if (this.args.udid) {104 try {105 if (!this.realDevice) {106 this.realDevice = this.getIDeviceObj();107 }108 } catch (e) {109 return cb(e);110 }111 this.isAppInstalled("com.bytearc.SafariLauncher", function (err, installed) {112 if (err || !installed) {113 this.installApp(, cb);114 } else {115 cb();116 }117 }.bind(this));118 } else {119 logger.debug("Not installing to real device since we're on sim");120 cb();121 }122};123Safari.prototype.clearAppData = function (cb) {124 if (this.args.fullReset) {125 // Even though we delete typical apps on a regular reset, we do a good126 // job of getting safari back to its original state, so actually deleting127 // it is overkill in most cases, and requires an instantLaunchAndQuit.128 // So we only delete it if the user requests a full reset129 try {130 this.sim.deleteSafari();131 } catch (e) {132 return cb(e);133 }134 cb();135 } else {136 this.sim.cleanSafari(this.keepAppToRetainPrefs, cb);137 }138};139Safari.prototype._stopRemote = IOS.prototype.stopRemote;140Safari.prototype.stopRemote = function () {141 this._stopRemote(true);142};143Safari.prototype._stop = IOS.prototype.stop;144Safari.prototype.stop = function (cb) {145 if (this.shouldIgnoreInstrumentsExit()) {146 logger.debug("Stopping safariLauncher");147 this.shutdown(null, cb);148 } else {149 this._stop(cb);150 }151};...

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Source:real-device-management.js Github


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1import { utilities } from 'appium-ios-device';2import IOSDeploy from './ios-deploy';3import log from './logger';4async function getConnectedDevices () {5 return await utilities.getConnectedDevices();6}7async function getOSVersion (udid) {8 return await utilities.getOSVersion(udid);9}10async function resetRealDevice (device, opts) {11 if (!opts.bundleId || !opts.fullReset) {12 return;13 }14 let bundleId = opts.bundleId;15 log.debug(`Reset: fullReset requested. Will try to uninstall the app '${bundleId}'.`);16 if (!await device.isAppInstalled(bundleId)) {17 log.debug('Reset: app not installed. No need to uninstall');18 return;19 }20 try {21 await device.remove(bundleId);22 } catch (err) {23 log.error(`Reset: could not remove '${bundleId}' from device: ${err.message}`);24 throw err;25 }26 log.debug(`Reset: removed '${bundleId}'`);27}28async function runRealDeviceReset (device, opts) {29 if (!opts.noReset || opts.fullReset) {30 log.debug('Reset: running ios real device reset flow');31 if (!opts.noReset) {32 await resetRealDevice(device, opts);33 }34 } else {35 log.debug('Reset: fullReset not set. Leaving as is');36 }37}38async function installToRealDevice (device, app, bundleId, noReset = true) {39 if (!device.udid || !app) {40 log.debug('No device id or app, not installing to real device.');41 return;42 }43 if (await device.isAppInstalled(bundleId)) {44 if (noReset) {45 log.debug(`App '${bundleId}' is already installed. No need to reinstall.`);46 return;47 }48 log.debug(`Reset requested. Removing app with id '${bundleId}' from the device`);49 await device.remove(bundleId);50 }51 log.debug(`Installing '${app}' on device with UUID '${device.udid}'...`);52 await device.install(app);53 log.debug('The app has been installed successfully.');54}55function getRealDeviceObj (udid) {56 log.debug(`Creating iDevice object with udid '${udid}'`);57 return new IOSDeploy(udid);58}59export { getConnectedDevices, getOSVersion, runRealDeviceReset, installToRealDevice,...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .withCapabilities({4 })5 .build();6driver.installToRealDevice('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .withCapabilities({4 })5 .build();6 .init()7 .then(function() {8 return driver.execute('mobile: installToRealDevice', {'ipaPath': '/path/to/ipa/file'});9 })10 .then(function() {11 console.log('App installed successfully!');12 })13 .quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const XCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');3const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);4const desiredCaps = {5};6driver.init(desiredCaps)7 .then(() => {8 return driver.installToRealDevice('/Users/sravanthi/Desktop/');9 })10 .then(() => {11 console.log('App successfully installed on real device');12 })13 .catch((err) => {14 console.log('Error occured while installing app on real device: ', err);15 });16 at ChildProcess.proc.on.code (/Applications/ at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:182:13)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const { installToRealDevice } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');3const { exec } = require('teen_process');4const run = async () => {5 const opts = {6 };7 const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote({8 });9 await driver.init(opts);10 await driver.sleep(2000);11 await installToRealDevice(opts, driver);12 await exec('idevicediagnostics', ['restart']);13 await driver.quit();14};15run();16const wd = require('wd');17const { installToRealDevice } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');18const { exec } = require('teen_process');19const run = async () => {20 const opts = {21 };22 const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote({23 });24 await driver.init(opts);25 await driver.sleep(2000);26 await installToRealDevice(opts, driver);27 await exec('idevicediagnostics', ['restart']);28 await driver.quit();29};30run();31const wd = require('wd');32const { installToRealDevice } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');33const { exec } = require('teen_process');34const run = async () => {35 const opts = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main() {7 const driver = await wdio.remote(opts);8 await driver.installToRealDevice('/path/to/app.ipa');9 await driver.deleteSession();10}11main();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const path = require('path');3const fs = require('fs');4const app = path.resolve(__dirname, '');5const appium = require('appium');6const {exec} = require('child_process');7const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);8const caps = {9};10async function installToRealDevice() {11 const appPath =;12 const bundleId = caps.bundleId;13 const deviceName = caps.deviceName;14 const platformVersion = caps.platformVersion;15 const ipaName = appPath.split('/').pop();16 const ipaPath = appPath.replace(ipaName, '');17 const ipaPathInDevice = `/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/${bundleId}`;18 const ipaPathInDeviceWithAppName = `${ipaPathInDevice}/${ipaName}`;19 const command = `ideviceinstaller -u ${deviceName} -i ${ipaPath}${ipaName}`;20 const commandForUninstall = `ideviceinstaller -u ${deviceName} -U ${bundleId}`;21 const commandForCheck = `ideviceinstaller -u ${deviceName} -l`;22 const commandForCheckAppPath = `ideviceinstaller -u ${deviceName} -o ${bundleId}`;23 const commandForCheckAppPathInDevice = `ssh root@${deviceName} ls ${ipaPathInDevice}`;24 const commandForCheckAppPathInDeviceWithAppName = `ssh root@${deviceName} ls ${ipaPathInDeviceWithAppName}`;25 const commandForCheckAppPathInDeviceWithAppNameWithVersion = `ssh root@${deviceName} ls ${ipaPathInDeviceWithAppName}/Versions`;26 const commandForCheckAppPathInDeviceWithAppNameWithVersionWithCurrent = `ssh root@${deviceName} ls ${ipaPathInDeviceWithAppName}/Versions/Current`;27 const commandForCheckAppPathInDeviceWithAppNameWithVersionWithCurrentWithResources = `ssh root@${deviceName} ls ${ipaPathInDeviceWithAppName}/Versions/Current/Resources`;

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