How to use isAppInstalled method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:fselect.js Github


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1let arg = args[0];2if (args[1] !== undefined) {3 arg += ` ${args[1]}`;4}5switch (arg) {6 case "help":7 kernel.stdout("fselect version 0.1.0 - Not a furry package manager.\n");8 kernel.stdout("Usage: fselect <command> [args]\n");9 kernel.stdout("Available commands:\n");10 kernel.stdout(" help - Displays this help message.\n");11 kernel.stdout(" repo add <repo> - Adds a repository.\n");12 kernel.stdout(" repo remove <repo> - Removes a repository.\n");13 kernel.stdout(" repo update - Updates repository listings.\n");14 kernel.stdout(" repo md - List valid approved repositories.\n");15 kernel.stdout(" pkg install - Installs app.\n");16 kernel.stdout(" pkg remove - Removes app.\n");17 kernel.stdout(" pkg search - Searches for an app.");18 break;19 case "pkg install":20 if (args[2] === undefined) {21 kernel.stdout("Usage: fselect pkg install <app>\n");22 break;23 }24 kernel.stdout("Getting package list...\n");25 26 var manifest = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("manifestCache.rc"));27 var installedApps = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("packages.rc"));28 29 var app = installedApps.find(app => === args[2]);30 31 if (app === undefined) {32 let isAppInstalled = manifest.find(app => JSON.parse(atob( => == args[2]));33 if (isAppInstalled !== undefined) {34 let appData = JSON.parse(atob(;35 appData = appData.find(apps => == args[2]);36 console.log(appData);37 kernel.stdout(`Installing ${}...`);38 let js = await axios.get(appData.path);39 js =;40 let localFunc = localStorage.getItem("packages.rc");41 localFunc = JSON.parse(localFunc);42 localFunc.push({43 name:,44 version: appData.version,45 function: btoa(js)46 });47 localStorage.setItem("packages.rc", JSON.stringify(localFunc));48 } else {49 kernel.stdout("Could not find app.\nThis can be caused by broken databases. Try running 'fselect repo update' to update the database.");50 }51 } else {52 kernel.stdout(`App already installed.`);53 }54 break;55 case "pkg remove":56 if (args[2] === undefined) {57 kernel.stdout("Usage: fselect pkg remove <app>");58 break;59 }60 var installedApps = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("packages.rc"));61 var app = installedApps.find(app => === args[2]);62 if (app !== undefined) {63 kernel.stdout(`Removing ${}...`);64 let localFunc = localStorage.getItem("packages.rc");65 localFunc = JSON.parse(localFunc);66 localFunc = localFunc.filter(app => !== args[2]);67 localStorage.setItem("packages.rc", JSON.stringify(localFunc));68 }69 break;70 case "pkg search":71 if (args[2] === undefined) {72 kernel.stdout("Usage: fselect pkg search <app>");73 break;74 }75 var manifest = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("manifestCache.rc"));76 let isAppInstalled = manifest.find(app => JSON.parse(atob( =>[2].toString().toLowerCase())));77 if (isAppInstalled !== undefined) {78 let appData = JSON.parse(atob(;79 appData = appData.find(apps =>[2].toString().toLowerCase()));80 81 kernel.stdout( + "\n");82 kernel.stdout(" Version: " + appData.version);83 } else {84 kernel.stdout("Package not found!");85 }86 break;87 case "repo add":88 if (args[2] == undefined) {89 kernel.stdout("Error: No repository specified.\n");90 kernel.stdout("Usage: fselect repo add <repo>\n");91 kernel.stdout("Type 'fselect help' for more information.");92 } else {93 let url = args[2];94 if (!url.startsWith("http://") || !url.startsWith("https://")) {95 if (!url.startsWith("/")) {96 url = "/" + url + "/manifest.json";97 } else {98 url = "https://" + url;99 }100 }101 var manifestCache = [];102 let items = localStorage.getItem("fselect_manifest").toString().split("");103 items.pop();104 if (items.length - 1 == 0) {105 items.push('"' + url + '"');106 } else {107 items.push(',"' + url + '"');108 }109 items.push("]");110 localStorage.setItem("fselect_manifest", items.join(""));111 kernel.stdout("Added repository '" + url + "' to init.\n");112 kernel.stdout("Updating package lists...");113 for await (item of JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("fselect_manifest"))) {114 try {115 let resp = await axios.get(item);116 manifestCache.push({ path: item, data: btoa(JSON.stringify( });117 } catch (e) {118 kernel.stdout("Could not fetch '" + item + "'\n");119 console.error(e);120 }121 }122 localStorage.setItem("manifestCache.rc", JSON.stringify(manifestCache));123 }124 break;125 case "repo remove":126 if (args[2] == undefined) {127 kernel.stdout("Error: No repository specified.\n");128 kernel.stdout("Usage: fselect repo remove <repo>\n");129 kernel.stdout("Type 'fselect help' for more information.");130 break;131 }132 let url = args[2];133 let items = [];134 var manifestCache = [];135 if (!url.startsWith("http://") || !url.startsWith("https://")) {136 if (!url.startsWith("/")) {137 url = "/" + url + "/manifest.json";138 } else {139 url = "https://" + url;140 }141 }142 for (item of JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("fselect_manifest"))) {143 if (item != url) {144 items.push(item);145 } else {146 kernel.stdout("Removed repository '" + url + "' from init.\n");147 }148 }149 localStorage.setItem("fselect_manifest", JSON.stringify(items));150 kernel.stdout("Updating package lists...");151 for await (item of JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("fselect_manifest"))) {152 try {153 let resp = await axios.get(item);154 manifestCache.push({ path: item, data: btoa(JSON.stringify( });155 } catch (e) {156 kernel.stdout("Could not fetch '" + item + "'\n");157 console.error(e);158 }159 }160 localStorage.setItem("manifestCache.rc", JSON.stringify(manifestCache));161 break;162 case "repo update":163 kernel.stdout("Updating package lists...");164 var manifestCache = [];165 for await (item of JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("fselect_manifest"))) {166 try {167 let resp = await axios.get(item);168 manifestCache.push({ path: item, data: btoa(JSON.stringify( });169 } catch (e) {170 kernel.stdout("Could not fetch '" + item + "'\n");171 console.error(e);172 }173 }174 localStorage.setItem("manifestCache.rc", JSON.stringify(manifestCache));175 break;176 case "repo md":177 kernel.stdout("Fetching from server...\n\n");178 let data = await axios.get("manifest_details.txt");179 180 kernel.stdout(;181 break;182 default:183 kernel.stdout("Error: No command specified.\n");184 kernel.stdout("Usage: fselect <command> [args]\n");185 kernel.stdout("Type 'fselect help' for more information.");186 break;...

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1// ua2(function(){3 var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;4 5 window.qvendor = {};6 = /AppleWebKit.*Mobile.*/.test(ua);7 = /android/gi.test(ua);8 window.qvendor.ios = /(iphone|ipad|ipod)/gi.test(ua);9 window.qvendor.iphone = /iphone/gi.test(ua);10 window.qvendor.ipad = /ipad/gi.test(ua);11 window.qvendor.ipod = /ipod/gi.test(ua);12 window.qvendor.weixin = /micromessenger/gi.test(ua);13 window.qvendor.qq = / qq/gi.test(ua);14 window.qvendor.qqb = /mqqbrowser/gi.test(ua);15 = /weibo/gi.test(ua);16})();17// qmask18(function($){19 window.qmask = {};20 window.qmask.imgdownload = '';21 window.qmask.imgopen = '';22 = function(flag){23 var src = flag ? window.qmask.imgopen : window.qmask.imgdownload;24 $('.qmask').find('img').attr('src', src).end().show();25 };26 window.qmask.hide = function(){27 $('.qmask').find('img').attr('src', '').end().hide();28 };29 window.qmask.init = function(){30 $('body').append('<div class="qmask"><img></div>');31 $('.qmask').css({32 'display' : 'none',33 'position' : 'fixed',34 'top' : '0',35 'width' : '100%',36 'height' : '100%',37 'margin' : '0 auto',38 'text-align' : 'center',39 'background-color' : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',40 'z-index' : '1200',41 'cursor' : 'pointer'42 });43 $('.qmask img').css({44 'width' : '10rem',45 'margin-top' : '3rem',46 'z-index' : '1210'47 });48 $(document).on('click', '.qmask', function(){$(this).hide().find('img').attr('src', '');});49 };50 51 window.qmask.init();52})($);53// other54(function(){55 window.qurl = {56 'wwwurl' : '',57 'apkurl' : '',58 'iosurl' : '',59 'yyburl' : '',60 'appurl' : 'wx37fb6ef9dd0dfafd://niuguwangtaojinzhe/'61 };62 63 window.qsearch = function(key){64 var res;65 66 var s =;67 if(s){68 s = s.substr(1);69 if(s){70 var ss = s.split('&');71 for(var i=0; i<ss.length; i++){72 var sss = ss[i].split('=');73 if(sss && sss[0] == key) res = sss[1]; 74 }75 }76 }77 78 return res;79 };80})();81// download82function download(){83 var isappinstalled = qsearch('isappinstalled');84 if({85 if(qvendor.weixin || qvendor.qq || qvendor.qqb){86 if(qvendor.ios){87 == '1');88 }89 if({90 location.href = qurl.yyburl;91 }92 93 return;94 }95 96 if({97 if(qvendor.ios){98 == '1');99 }100 if({101 location.href = qurl.apkurl;102 }103 104 return;105 }106 107 if(qvendor.ios){108 location.href = (isappinstalled == '1') ? qurl.appurl : qurl.iosurl;109 }110 111 if({112 location.href = qurl.apkurl;113 }114 }else{115 location.href = qurl.wwwurl;116 }117}118// init119$(function(){120 var isappinstalled = qsearch('isappinstalled') == '1';121 qurl.appurl = $('#downloadbtn').data('url') || qurl.appurl;122 123 if(qvendor.ios && isappinstalled) location.href = qurl.appurl;124 125 $('#downloadbtn').text(isappinstalled ? '打开客户端' : '下载客户端').click(download);...

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Source:start.spec.js Github


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...44 save(screenshot, getFileName());45}46describe('start the app', function() {47 it('should check if the app is installed', function () {48 let isAppInstalled = browser.isAppInstalled('org.nyumc.pickyeater');49 if(!isAppInstalled.value){50 isAppInstalled = browser.isAppInstalled('com.pickyeatersapp'); 51 }52 chai.expect(isAppInstalled.value);53 });54 it('should swipe the first five screens and checks registrationButton enabled', function () {55 let views = ["suportersA", "supportersB", "aboutSectionA", "aboutSectionB", "aboutSectionC"];56 browser.waitForVisible('~MainView', 9900);57 platform === 'iOS' ? => swipeAndTakeScreenshotiOS(view)) : => swipeAndTakeScreenshotAndroid(view));58 let element = browser.element('~aboutStartButton');59 browser.waitForVisible(element.selector, 99000); 60 chai.expect(element.selector); 61 });62 it('should take the user to the taskLaunch screen', function() {63 let element = browser.element('~aboutStartButton');64 platform ==='iOS' ? clickButtoniOS(device) :;...

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Source:global.js Github


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1import qs from 'qs'2import instance from '../utils/instance'3import {wxSdkConfig} from '../utils/api'4import {Share} from '../utils/wx-sdk'56export const currentAnimate = (cls) => ({7 type: 'CURRENT_ANIMATE',8 cls9})101112const updateShareUrl = () => ({1314 type: "UPDATE_SHARE_URL"15})1617export const changeTab = (witchTab) => ({18 type: 'CHANGE_TAB',19 payload: {selectedTab: witchTab}20})212223/**24 * @param shareInfo {imgUrl,title,description,link}25 */2627export const fetchWxConfig = (shareInfo) => {28 "use strict";29 let href = window.location.href3031 // let href=''3233 if (href.indexOf('&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0') > 0) {34 href = href.replace('&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0', '')3536 // window.location.href=href37 }3839 if (href.indexOf('from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0') > 0) {4041 href = href.replace('from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0', '')4243 // window.location.href=href44 }4546 href = encodeURIComponent(href)4748 return (dispatch, getState) => {49 instance.get(wxSdkConfig.shareUrl + `?url=${href}`)50 .then(res => {51 dispatch(updateShareUrl())52 const share = new Share({53 appid:, // 必填,公众号的唯一标识54 timestamp:, // 必填,生成签名的时间戳55 nonceStr:, // 必填,生成签名的随机串56 signature:, // 必填,签名57 });58 share.init({...shareInfo});5960 })61 .catch(error => {6263 console.log('error: ', error)64 })65 } ...

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Source:chromeService.js Github


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1var chromeModule = chromeModule || angular.module('', []);2chromeModule.factory('Chrome', ['$rootScope', 'Config', '$http', '$q',3 function ($rootScope, Config, $http, $q) {4 var isAppInstalled, CHROME_ID;5 var init = function () {6 CHROME_ID = Config.CHROME_APP_ID;7 checkIfAppInstalled().then(function () {8 isAppInstalled = true;9 }, function () {10 isAppInstalled = false;11 });12 };13 var checkIfAppInstalled = function () {14 var newtabURL = 'chrome-extension://' + CHROME_ID + '/newtab.html';15 return $http.get(newtabURL);16 };17 var chromeAppURL = function (id) {18 return '' + id;19 };20 var installApp = function () {21 var defer = $q.defer();22 if (!isAppInstalled && Config.IS_CHROME) {23 console.log(chromeAppURL(CHROME_ID));24 //add partner cookie25 document.cookie = 'app_id=5337fc253771010d00cfd384';26 chrome.webstore.install(chromeAppURL(CHROME_ID), function () {27 defer.resolve();28 }, function (e) {29 console.error(e);30 //clear cookie on error31 document.cookie = 'app_id=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';32 defer.reject('chrome web store error');33 });34 } else {35 defer.reject('not chrome or app was already installed');36 }37 return defer.promise;38 };39 init();40 return {41 checkIfAppInstalled: checkIfAppInstalled,42 isAppInstalled: function () {43 return isAppInstalled;44 },45 installApp: installApp46 };47 }...

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Source:app-utils.js Github


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1import log from '../logger.js';2let appUtilsMethods = {};3appUtilsMethods.isAppInstalled = async function isAppInstalled (appId) {4 try {5 let apps = await this.apps();6 let isAppInstalled = apps.find((app) => === appId);7`App is${!isAppInstalled ? ' not' : ''} installed`);8 return isAppInstalled;9 } catch (error) {10 log.errorAndThrow(`Error finding if app is installed. Original error: ${error.message}`);11 }12};13appUtilsMethods.isStartedApp = async function isStartedApp (appId) {14`Checking if app ${appId} is started`);15 try {16 let started = false;17 let {app} = await this.activeApp();18 if (app.attributes !== undefined) {19 started = ( === appId.toString()) ? true : false;20 }21`App is${!started ? ' not' : ''} started`);22 return started;23 } catch (error) {24 log.errorAndThrow(`Error finding if app is installed. Original error: ${error.message}`);25 }26};27appUtilsMethods.startApp = async function startApp (appId, contentId = '', mediaType = '') {28 try {29 await this.launch(appId, contentId, mediaType);30 } catch (error) {31 log.errorAndThrow(`Error launch app. Original error: ${error.message}`);32 }33};...

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Source:isAppInstalled.js Github


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...4 *5 * <example>6 :isAppInstalled.js7 it('should check if app is installed', function () {8 var isAppInstalled = browser.isAppInstalled('');9 console.log(isAppInstalled); // outputs: true10 });11 * </example>12 *13 * @param {String} bundleId ID of bundled app14 *15 * @see * @type mobile17 * @for android18 *19 */20import { ProtocolError } from '../utils/ErrorHandler'21export default function isAppInstalled (bundleId) {22 if (typeof bundleId !== 'string') {...

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Source:withA2HS.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import PropTypes from 'prop-types';3const withA2HS = (Component) => {4 const ChildComponent = (props, context) => {5 const { deferredPrompt, isAppInstallable, isAppInstalled } = context;6 return (7 <Component8 deferredPrompt={deferredPrompt}9 isAppInstallable={isAppInstallable}10 isAppInstalled={isAppInstalled}11 {...props}12 />13 );14 };15 ChildComponent.contextTypes = {16 deferredPrompt: PropTypes.any.isRequired,17 isAppInstallable: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,18 isAppInstalled: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,19 };20 return ChildComponent;21};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5const should = chai.should();6const assert = chai.assert;7const serverConfig = {8};9const desiredCaps = {10};11const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);12describe('Appium XCUITest Driver', function () {13 this.timeout(300000);14 before(async () => {15 await driver.init(desiredCaps);16 await driver.sleep(3000);17 });18 after(async () => {19 await driver.quit();20 });21 it('should check if app is installed', async () => {22 const isAppInstalled = await driver.isAppInstalled('com.mycompany.myapp');23 assert.equal(isAppInstalled, true);24 });25});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main() {7 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);8 const isAppInstalled = await client.isAppInstalled('');9 console.log('isAppInstalled:', isAppInstalled);10}11main();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const assert = require('assert');3const {exec} = require('child_process');4const PORT = 4723;5const HOST = 'localhost';6const CAPS = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function testAppInstalled() {7 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);8 const isInstalled = await client.isAppInstalled('com.example.testApp', 'com.example.testApp.MainActivity');9 console.log(isInstalled);10 await client.deleteSession();11}12testAppInstalled();13const wdio = require('webdriverio');14const opts = {15 capabilities: {16 }17};18async function testAppInstalled() {19 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);20 const isInstalled = await client.isAppInstalled('com.example.testApp', 'com.example.testApp.MainActivity');21 console.log(isInstalled);22 await client.deleteSession();23}24testAppInstalled();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6 .remote(options)7 .init()8 .then(function () {9 return this.isAppInstalled('');10 })11 .then(function (isInstalled) {12 console.log('isInstalled: ' + isInstalled);13 })14 .end();15* Appium version (or git revision) that exhibits the issue: 1.6.516* Last Appium version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable):17* Node.js version (unless using|exe): 8.9.1

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