How to use services.startInstallationProxyService method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:file-movement.js Github


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...321 * 'UIFileSharingEnabled' attribute.322 * Only user apps might have it.323 */324async function getAvailableBundleIds (udid) {325 const service = await services.startInstallationProxyService(udid);326 try {327 const applications = await service.listApplications({applicationType: 'User'});328 const bundleIds = [];329 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(applications)) {330 if (!value.UIFileSharingEnabled) {331 continue;332 }333 bundleIds.push(key);334 }335 return bundleIds;336 } finally {337 service.close();338 }339}...

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Source:app-management.js Github


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...75 const {bundleId} = requireOptions(opts, ['bundleId']);76 let instrumentService;77 let installProxyService;78 try {79 installProxyService = await services.startInstallationProxyService(this.opts.device.udid);80 const apps = await installProxyService.listApplications();81 if (!apps[bundleId]) {82`The bundle id '${bundleId}' did not exist`);83 return false;84 }85 const executableName = apps[bundleId].CFBundleExecutable;86 this.log.debug(`The executable name for the bundle id '${bundleId}' was '${executableName}'`);87 instrumentService = await services.startInstrumentService(this.opts.device.udid);88 const processes = await instrumentService.callChannel(INSTRUMENT_CHANNEL.DEVICE_INFO, 'runningProcesses');89 const process = processes.selector.find((process) => === executableName);90 if (!process) {91`The process of the bundle id '${bundleId}' was not running`);92 return false;93 }94 await instrumentService.callChannel(INSTRUMENT_CHANNEL.PROCESS_CONTROL, 'killPid:', `${}`);95 return true;96 } catch (err) {97 this.log.warn(`Failed to kill '${bundleId}'. Original error: ${err.stderr || err.message}`);98 return false;99 } finally {100 if (installProxyService) {101 installProxyService.close();102 }103 if (instrumentService) {104 instrumentService.close();105 }106 }107};108/**109 * Returns the current application state110 *111 * @param {Object} opts - Options set, which must contain `bundleId` property112 * @returns {number} The actual application state code. See113 * * to get the list of possible values.115 */116commands.mobileQueryAppState = async function mobileQueryAppState (opts = {}) {117 return await this.proxyCommand('/wda/apps/state', 'POST', requireOptions(opts, ['bundleId']));118};119commands.installApp = async function installApp (appPath, opts = {}) {120 await this.mobileInstallApp({121 ...(_.isPlainObject(opts) ? opts : {}),122 app: appPath,123 });124};125commands.activateApp = async function activateApp (bundleId, opts = {}) {126 return await this.mobileLaunchApp(Object.assign({}, opts, {bundleId}));127};128commands.isAppInstalled = async function isAppInstalled (bundleId) {129 return await this.mobileIsAppInstalled({bundleId});130};131commands.terminateApp = async function terminateApp (bundleId) {132 return await this.mobileTerminateApp({bundleId});133};134commands.queryAppState = async function queryAppState (bundleId) {135 return await this.mobileQueryAppState({bundleId});136};137/**138 * @typedef {Object} ListAppsOptions139 * @property {'System'|'User'} applicationType [User] The type of applications to list140 */141/**142 * List applications installed on the real device under test143 *144 * @param {ListAppsOptions} opts145 * @returns {Array<Object>} A list of apps, where each item is a map where keys are146 * bundle identifiers and values are maps of platform-specific app properties.147 */148commands.mobileListApps = async function mobileListApps (opts = {}) {149 if (!this.isRealDevice()) {150 throw new errors.NotImplementedError(`This extension is only supported on real devices`);151 }152 const {153 applicationType = 'User',154 } = opts;155 const service = await services.startInstallationProxyService(this.opts.device.udid);156 try {157 return await service.listApplications({applicationType});158 } finally {159 service.close();160 }161};...

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Source:ios-deploy.js Github


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...15 constructor (udid) {16 this.udid = udid;17 }18 async remove (bundleid) {19 const service = await services.startInstallationProxyService(this.udid);20 try {21 await service.uninstallApplication(bundleid);22 } finally {23 service.close();24 }25 }26 async removeApp (bundleId) {27 await this.remove(bundleId);28 }29 async install (app, timeout) {30 const timer = new timing.Timer().start();31 try {32 const bundlePathOnPhone = await this.pushAppBundle(app, timeout);33 await this.installApplication(bundlePathOnPhone);34 } catch (err) {35 log.warn(`Error installing app: ${err.message}`);36 log.warn(`Falling back to '${IOS_DEPLOY}' usage`);37 try {38 await fs.which(IOS_DEPLOY);39 } catch (err1) {40 throw new Error(`Could not install '${app}':\n` +41 ` - ${err.message}\n` +42 ` - '${IOS_DEPLOY}' utility has not been found in PATH. Is it installed?`);43 }44 try {45 await exec(IOS_DEPLOY, [46 '--id', this.udid,47 '--bundle', app,48 ]);49 } catch (err1) {50 throw new Error(`Could not install '${app}':\n` +51 ` - ${err.message}\n` +52 ` - ${err1.stderr || err1.stdout || err1.message}`);53 }54 }55`App installation succeeded after ${timer.getDuration().asMilliSeconds.toFixed(0)}ms`);56 }57 async installApplication (bundlePathOnPhone) {58 const notificationService = await services.startNotificationProxyService(this.udid);59 const installationService = await services.startInstallationProxyService(this.udid);60 const appInstalledNotification = new B((resolve) => {61 notificationService.observeNotification(APPLICATION_INSTALLED_NOTIFICATION, {notification: resolve});62 });63 try {64 await installationService.installApplication(bundlePathOnPhone, {PackageType: 'Developer'});65 try {66 await appInstalledNotification.timeout(APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT, `Could not get the application installed notification within ${APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT}ms but we will continue`);67 } catch (e) {68 log.warn(`Failed to receive the notification. Error: ${e.message}`);69 }70 } finally {71 installationService.close();72 notificationService.close();73 }74 }75 async pushAppBundle (app, timeout = DEFAULT_ITEM_PUSH_TIMEOUT) {76 const timer = new timing.Timer().start();77 const afcService = await services.startAfcService(this.udid);78 // We are pushing serially due to this There is nothing else we can do besides this79 try {80 const bundlePathOnPhone = await this.createAppPath(afcService, app);81 await fs.walkDir(app, true, async (itemPath, isDir) => {82 const pathOnPhone = path.join(bundlePathOnPhone, path.relative(app, itemPath));83 if (isDir) {84 await afcService.createDirectory(pathOnPhone);85 } else {86 const readStream = fs.createReadStream(itemPath, {autoClose: true});87 const writeStream = await afcService.createWriteStream(pathOnPhone, {autoDestroy: true});88 writeStream.on('finish', writeStream.destroy);89 let pushError = null;90 const itemPushWait = new B((resolve, reject) => {91 writeStream.on('close', () => {92 if (pushError) {93 reject(pushError);94 } else {95 resolve();96 }97 });98 const onStreamError = (e) => {99 readStream.unpipe(writeStream);100 log.debug(e);101 pushError = e;102 };103 writeStream.on('error', onStreamError);104 readStream.on('error', onStreamError);105 });106 readStream.pipe(writeStream);107 await itemPushWait.timeout(timeout,108 `Could not push '${itemPath}' within the timeout of ${timeout}ms. ` +109 `Consider increasing the value of 'appPushTimeout' capability.`);110 }111 });112 log.debug(`Pushed the app files successfully after ${timer.getDuration().asMilliSeconds.toFixed(0)}ms`);113 return bundlePathOnPhone;114 } finally {115 afcService.close();116 }117 }118 async createAppPath (afcService, localAppPath) {119 const basename = path.basename(localAppPath);120 const relativePath = path.join(INSTALLATION_STAGING_DIR, basename);121 try {122 await afcService.deleteDirectory(relativePath);123 } catch (ign) {}124 await afcService.createDirectory(relativePath);125 return relativePath;126 }127 async installApp (app, timeout) {128 await this.install(app, timeout);129 }130 /**131 * Return an application object if test app has 'bundleid'.132 * The target bundleid can be User and System apps.133 * @param {string} bundleid The bundleId to ensure it is installed134 * @return {boolean} Returns True if the bundleid exists in the result of 'listApplications' like:135 * { "":{136 * "UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities":["arm64"],137 * "UIRequiresFullScreen":true,138 * "CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion":"6.0",139 * "Entitlements":140 * {"":true,..141 */142 async isAppInstalled (bundleid) {143 const service = await services.startInstallationProxyService(this.udid);144 try {145 const applications = await service.lookupApplications({ bundleIds: bundleid });146 return !!applications[bundleid];147 } finally {148 service.close();149 }150 }151 /**152 * @param {string} bundleName The name of CFBundleName in Info.plist153 *154 * @returns {Array<string>} A list of User level apps' bundle ids which has155 * 'CFBundleName' attribute as 'bundleName'.156 */157 async getUserInstalledBundleIdsByBundleName (bundleName) {158 const service = await services.startInstallationProxyService(this.udid);159 try {160 const applications = await service.listApplications({applicationType: 'User'});161 return _.reduce(applications, (acc, {CFBundleName}, key) => {162 if (CFBundleName === bundleName) {163 acc.push(key);164 }165 return acc;166 }, []);167 } finally {168 service.close();169 }170 }171 async getPlatformVersion () {172 return await utilities.getOSVersion(this.udid);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main () {7 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);8 await client.startInstallationProxyService();9 await client.installApp('path to app');10 await client.removeApp('bundle id');11 await client.stopInstallationProxyService();12 await client.deleteSession();13}14main();15const wdio = require('webdriverio');16const opts = {17 capabilities: {18 }19};20async function main () {21 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);22 await client.startWDA();23 await client.installApp('path to app');24 await client.removeApp('bundle id');25 await client.stopWDA();26 await client.deleteSession();27}28main();29const wdio = require('webdriverio');30const opts = {31 capabilities: {32 }33};34async function main () {35 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);36 await client.startWDA();37 await client.startInstallationProxyService();38 await client.installApp('path to app');39 await client.removeApp('bundle id');40 await client.stopInstallationProxyService();41 await client.stopWDA();42 await client.deleteSession();43}44main();45const wdio = require('webdriverio');46const opts = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { services } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const { startInstallationProxyService } = services;3(async () => {4 const installationProxy = await startInstallationProxyService();5 console.log(installationProxy);6})();7const { services } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');8const { startWdaSession } = services;9(async () => {10 console.log(wda);11})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const assert = require('assert');3const fs = require('fs');4const path = require('path');5const { spawn } = require('child_process');6const { exec } = require('child_process');7const { ex

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var fs = require('fs');4var os = require('os');5var path = require('path');6var rimraf = require('rimraf');7var app = path.resolve(__dirname, '');8var appDir = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), '');9var testApp = path.resolve(appDir, '');10var desired = {11};12var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);13driver.on('status', function(info) {14 console.log(info);15});16driver.on('command', function(meth, path, data) {17 console.log(' > ' + meth, path, data || '');18});19driver.on('http', function(meth, path, data) {20 console.log(' > ' + meth, path, data || '');21});22 .init(desired)23 .then(function() { return driver.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('UICatalog', 10000); })24 .then(function(el) { return; })25 .then(function() { return driver.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Action Sheets', 10000); })26 .then(function(el) { return; })27 .then(function() { return driver.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Okay / Cancel', 10000); })28 .then(function(el) { return; })29 .then(function() { return driver.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Okay', 10000); })30 .then(function(el) { return; })31 .then(function() {32 .elementByAccessibilityId('Okay')33 .should.eventually.exist;34 })35 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })36 .done();37var wd = require('wd');38var assert = require('assert');39var fs = require('fs');40var os = require('os');41var path = require('path');42var rimraf = require('rimraf');43var app = path.resolve(__dirname, '');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var path = require('path');4var fs = require('fs');5var os = require('os');6var xcode = require('appium-xcode');7var xcodebuild = require('appium-xcode').xcodebuild;8var simctl = require('appium-ios-simulator').simctl;9var utils = require('appium-ios-simulator').utils;10var uuid = require('node-uuid');11var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');12var rimraf = require('rimraf');13var _ = require('lodash');14var logger = require('appium-logger').get('appium');15var async = require('async');16var shell = require('shelljs');17var desired = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var appium = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2var path = require('path');3var fs = require('fs');4var _ = require('lodash');5var logger = require('winston');6var request = require('request');7var async = require('async');8var plist = require('plist');9var exec = require('child_process').exec;10var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');11var rimraf = require('rimraf');12var appiumPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../appium-xcuitest-driver');13var appiumPkg = require(appiumPath + '/package.json');14var serverPath = path.resolve(appiumPath, appiumPkg.main);15var server = require(serverPath);16var serverArgs = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var _ = require('lodash');3var assert = require('assert');4var fs = require('fs');5var path = require('path');6var portfinder = require('portfinder');7var rimraf = require('rimraf');8var xcode = require('appium-xcode');9var B = require('bluebird');10var { logger } = require('appium-support');11var log = logger.getLogger('Appium');12var TEST_APP = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'test', 'assets', '');13var TEST_APP_PKG = 'io.appium.TestApp';14var TEST_APP_BUNDLE_ID = 'io.appium.TestApp';15var CAPS = {16};17async function main () {18 let port = await startInstallationProxyService();19 let iproxy = await getInstallationProxyClient(port);20 let bundleId = await iproxy.lookupApplication({ bundleId: TEST_APP_BUNDLE_ID });21 assert.equal(bundleId, TEST_APP_BUNDLE_ID);22 await iproxy.installApplication({ appPath: TEST_APP });23 bundleId = await iproxy.lookupApplication({ bundleId: TEST_APP_BUNDLE_ID });24 assert.equal(bundleId, TEST_APP_BUNDLE_ID);25 await iproxy.uninstallApplication({ bundleId: TEST_APP_BUNDLE_ID });

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