How to use setLocaleAndPreferences method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

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Source:driver.js Github


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...294 /​/​ await this.sim.shutdown();295 await this.startHttpsAsyncServer();296 }297 await isolateSimulatorDevice(this.sim, this.opts);298 this.localConfig = await setLocaleAndPreferences(this.sim, this.opts, this.isSafari(), endSimulator);299 await this.setUpLogCapture();300 await this.prelaunchSimulator();301 await this.startInstruments();302 await this.onInstrumentsLaunch();303 await this.configureBootstrap();304 await this.setBundleId();305 await this.setInitialOrientation();306 await this.initAutoWebview();307 await this.waitForAppLaunched();308 }309 async startRealDevice () {310 await utils.removeInstrumentsSocket(this.sock);311 this.opts.localizableStrings = await utils.parseLocalizableStrings(this.opts);312 await utils.setBundleIdFromApp(this.opts);...

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Source:simulator-management.js Github


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1import { getSimulator } from 'appium-ios-simulator';2import Simctl from 'node-simctl';3import { resetTestProcesses } from 'appium-webdriveragent';4import _ from 'lodash';5import log from './​logger';6import { util } from '@appium/​support';7import { PLATFORM_NAME_IOS } from './​desired-caps';8const APPIUM_SIM_PREFIX = 'appiumTest';9const SETTINGS_CAPS = [10 'locationServicesEnabled',11 'locationServicesAuthorized',12];13const SAFARI_SETTINGS_CAPS = [14 'safariAllowPopups',15 'safariIgnoreFraudWarning',16 'safariOpenLinksInBackground',17];18/​**19 * Capability set by a user20 *21 * @property {string} deviceName - A name for the device22 * @property {string} platformVersion - The version of iOS to use23 */​24/​**25 * Create a new simulator with `appiumTest-` prefix and return the object.26 *27 * @param {object} SimCreationCaps - Capability set by a user. The options available are:28 * @property {string} platform [iOS] - Platform name in order to specify runtime such as 'iOS', 'tvOS', 'watchOS'29 * @returns {object} Simulator object associated with the udid passed in.30 */​31async function createSim (caps, platform = PLATFORM_NAME_IOS) {32 const devicesSetPath = caps.simulatorDevicesSetPath;33 const udid = await new Simctl({devicesSetPath}).createDevice(34 `${APPIUM_SIM_PREFIX}-${util.uuidV4().toUpperCase()}-${caps.deviceName}`,35 caps.deviceName,36 caps.platformVersion,37 {platform},38 );39 return await getSimulator(udid, {40 platform,41 checkExistence: false,42 devicesSetPath,43 });44}45/​**46 * @typedef {Object} SimulatorLookupOptions47 * @property {!string} deviceName - The name of the device to lookup48 * @property {!string} platformVersion - The platform version string49 * @property {?string} simulatorDevicesSetPath - The full path to the simulator devices set50 */​51/​**52 * Get a simulator which is already running.53 *54 * @param {?SimulatorLookupOptions} opts55 * @returns {?Simulator} The matched Simulator instance or `null` if no matching device is found.56 */​57async function getExistingSim (opts = {}) {58 const {59 platformVersion,60 deviceName,61 simulatorDevicesSetPath: devicesSetPath,62 } = opts;63 let appiumTestDevice;64 const simctl = new Simctl({devicesSetPath});65 for (const device of _.values(await simctl.getDevices(platformVersion))) {66 if ( === deviceName) {67 return await getSimulator(device.udid, {68 platform: device.platform,69 checkExistence: false,70 devicesSetPath,71 });72 }73 if ( && {74 appiumTestDevice = device;75 /​/​ choose the first booted simulator76 if (device.state === 'Booted') {77 break;78 }79 }80 }81 if (appiumTestDevice) {82 log.warn(`Unable to find device '${deviceName}'. ` +83 `Found '${}' (udid: '${appiumTestDevice.udid}') instead`);84 return await getSimulator(appiumTestDevice.udid, {85 platform: appiumTestDevice.platform,86 checkExistence: false,87 devicesSetPath,88 });89 }90 return null;91}92async function shutdownSimulator (device) {93 /​/​ stop XCTest processes if running to avoid unexpected side effects94 await resetTestProcesses(device.udid, true);95 await device.shutdown();96}97async function runSimulatorReset (device, opts) {98 if (opts.noReset && !opts.fullReset) {99 /​/​ noReset === true && fullReset === false100 log.debug('Reset: noReset is on. Leaving simulator as is');101 return;102 }103 if (!device) {104 log.debug('Reset: no device available. Skipping');105 return;106 }107 if (opts.fullReset) {108 log.debug('Reset: fullReset is on. Cleaning simulator');109 await shutdownSimulator(device);110 let isKeychainsBackupSuccessful = false;111 if (opts.keychainsExcludePatterns || opts.keepKeyChains) {112 isKeychainsBackupSuccessful = await device.backupKeychains();113 }114 await device.clean();115 if (isKeychainsBackupSuccessful) {116 await device.restoreKeychains(opts.keychainsExcludePatterns || []);117`Successfully restored keychains after full reset`);118 } else if (opts.keychainsExcludePatterns || opts.keepKeyChains) {119 log.warn('Cannot restore keychains after full reset, because ' +120 'the backup operation did not succeed');121 }122 } else if (opts.bundleId) {123 /​/​ fastReset or noReset124 /​/​ Terminate the app under test if it is still running on Simulator125 /​/​ Termination is not needed if Simulator is not running126 if (await device.isRunning()) {127 if (opts.enforceSimulatorShutdown) {128 await shutdownSimulator(device);129 } else {130 try {131 await device.simctl.terminateApp(opts.bundleId);132 } catch (err) {133 log.warn(`Reset: failed to terminate Simulator application with id "${opts.bundleId}"`);134 }135 }136 }137 if ( {138'Not scrubbing third party app in anticipation of uninstall');139 return;140 }141 const isSafari = (opts.browserName || '').toLowerCase() === 'safari';142 try {143 if (isSafari) {144 await device.cleanSafari();145 } else {146 /​/​ iOS 8+ does not need basename147 await device.scrubCustomApp('', opts.bundleId);148 }149 } catch (err) {150 log.warn(err.message);151 log.warn(`Reset: could not scrub ${isSafari ? 'Safari browser' : 'application with id "' + opts.bundleId + '"'}. Leaving as is.`);152 }153 }154}155/​**156 * @typedef {Object} InstallOptions157 *158 * @property {?boolean} noReset [false] Whether to disable reset159 * @property {?boolean} newSimulator [false] Whether the simulator is brand new160 */​161/​**162 * @param {object} device The simulator device object163 * @param {?string} app The app to the path164 * @param {string} bundleId The bundle id to ensure it is already installed and uninstall it165 * @param {?InstallOptions} opts166 */​167async function installToSimulator (device, app, bundleId, opts = {}) {168 if (!app) {169 log.debug('No app path is given. Nothing to install.');170 return;171 }172 const {173 noReset = true,174 newSimulator = false,175 } = opts;176 if (!newSimulator && bundleId && await device.isAppInstalled(bundleId)) {177 if (noReset) {178 log.debug(`App '${bundleId}' is already installed. No need to reinstall.`);179 return;180 }181 log.debug(`Reset requested. Removing app with id '${bundleId}' from the device`);182 await device.removeApp(bundleId);183 }184 log.debug(`Installing '${app}' on Simulator with UUID '${device.udid}'...`);185 try {186 await device.installApp(app);187 } catch (e) {188 /​/​ it sometimes fails on Xcode 10 because of a race condition189`Got an error on '${app}' install: ${e.message}`);190'Retrying application install');191 await device.installApp(app);192 }193 log.debug('The app has been installed successfully.');194}195async function shutdownOtherSimulators (currentDevice) {196 const simctl = new Simctl({197 devicesSetPath: currentDevice.devicesSetPath198 });199 const allDevices = _.flatMap(_.values(await simctl.getDevices()));200 const otherBootedDevices = allDevices.filter((device) => device.udid !== currentDevice.udid && device.state === 'Booted');201 if (_.isEmpty(otherBootedDevices)) {202'No other running simulators have been detected');203 return;204 }205`Detected ${otherBootedDevices.length} other running ${util.pluralize('Simulator', otherBootedDevices.length)}.` +206 `Shutting them down...`);207 for (const {udid} of otherBootedDevices) {208 /​/​ It is necessary to stop the corresponding xcodebuild process before killing209 /​/​ the simulator, otherwise it will be automatically restarted210 await resetTestProcesses(udid, true);211 simctl.udid = udid;212 await simctl.shutdownDevice();213 }214}215async function launchAndQuitSimulator (sim, opts = {}) {216 log.debug('No simulator directories found.');217 const { safari, timeout } = opts;218 return timeout219 ? await sim.launchAndQuit(safari, timeout)220 : await sim.launchAndQuit(safari);221}222function checkPreferences (settings, opts = {}) {223 for (let setting of settings) {224 if (_.has(opts, setting)) {225 return true;226 }227 }228 return false;229}230async function setLocaleAndPreferences (sim, opts, safari = false, shutdownFn = _.noop) {231 const localConfig = await setLocale(sim, opts, {}, safari);232 const prefsUpdated = await setPreferences(sim, opts, safari);233 if (localConfig._updated || prefsUpdated) {234 log.debug('Updated settings. Rebooting the simulator if it is already open');235 await shutdownFn(sim);236 } else {237 log.debug('Setting did not need to be updated');238 }239 delete localConfig._updated;240 return localConfig;241}242/​/​ pass in the simulator so that other systems that use the function can supply243/​/​ whatever they have244async function setLocale (sim, opts, localeConfig = {}, safari = false) {245 if (!opts.language && !opts.locale && !opts.calendarFormat) {246 log.debug('No reason to set locale');247 return {248 _updated: false,249 };250 }251 /​/​ we need the simulator to have its directories in place252 if (await sim.isFresh()) {253 await launchAndQuitSimulator(sim, {254 safari,255 timeout: opts.simulatorStartupTimeout,256 });257 }258 log.debug('Setting locale information');259 localeConfig = {260 language: opts.language || localeConfig.language,261 locale: opts.locale || localeConfig.locale,262 calendarFormat: opts.calendarFormat || localeConfig.calendarFormat,263 _updated: false,264 };265 try {266 let updated = await sim.updateLocale(opts.language, opts.locale, opts.calendarFormat);267 if (updated) {268 localeConfig._updated = true;269 }270 } catch (e) {271 log.errorAndThrow(`Appium was unable to set locale info: ${e}`);272 }273 return localeConfig;274}275async function setPreferences (sim, opts, safari = false) {276 let needToSetPrefs = checkPreferences(SETTINGS_CAPS, opts);277 let needToSetSafariPrefs = checkPreferences(SAFARI_SETTINGS_CAPS, opts);278 if (!needToSetPrefs && !needToSetSafariPrefs) {279 log.debug('No iOS /​ app preferences to set');280 return false;281 }282 log.debug('Setting iOS and app preferences');283 if (await sim.isFresh()) {284 await launchAndQuitSimulator(sim, {285 safari,286 timeout: opts.simulatorStartupTimeout,287 });288 }289 let updated = false;290 try {291 if (needToSetPrefs) {292 updated = await setLocServicesPrefs(sim, opts);293 }294 } catch (e) {295 log.error('Error setting location services preferences, prefs will not work');296 log.error(e);297 }298 try {299 if (needToSetSafariPrefs) {300 updated = await setSafariPrefs(sim, opts) || updated;301 }302 } catch (e) {303 log.error('Error setting safari preferences, prefs will not work');304 log.error(e);305 }306 return updated;307}308async function setLocServicesPrefs (sim, opts = {}) {309 let locServ = _.find([opts.locationServicesEnabled, opts.locationServicesAuthorized], (c) => !_.isUndefined(c));310 if (!_.isUndefined(locServ)) {311 locServ = locServ ? 1 : 0;312 log.debug(`Setting location services to ${locServ}`);313 await sim.updateSettings('locationServices', {314 LocationServicesEnabled: locServ,315 'LocationServicesEnabledIn7.0': locServ,316 'LocationServicesEnabledIn8.0': locServ317 });318 }319 if (!_.isUndefined(opts.locationServicesAuthorized)) {320 if (!opts.bundleId) {321 let msg = "Can't set location services for app without bundle ID";322 log.errorAndThrow(msg);323 }324 let locAuth = !!opts.locationServicesAuthorized;325 if (locAuth) {326 log.debug('Authorizing location services for app');327 } else {328 log.debug('De-authorizing location services for app');329 }330 await sim.updateLocationSettings(opts.bundleId, locAuth);331 }332}333async function setSafariPrefs (sim, opts = {}) {334 let safariSettings = {};335 if (_.has(opts, 'safariAllowPopups')) {336 const val = !!opts.safariAllowPopups;337 log.debug(`Setting javascript window opening to '${val}'`);338 safariSettings.WebKitJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = val;339 safariSettings.JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = val;340 }341 if (_.has(opts, 'safariIgnoreFraudWarning')) {342 const val = !opts.safariIgnoreFraudWarning;343 log.debug(`Setting fraudulent website warning to '${val}'`);344 safariSettings.WarnAboutFraudulentWebsites = val;345 }346 if (_.has(opts, 'safariOpenLinksInBackground')) {347 const val = opts.safariOpenLinksInBackground ? 1 : 0;348 log.debug(`Setting opening links in background to '${!!val}'`);349 safariSettings.OpenLinksInBackground = val;350 }351 return (_.size(safariSettings) > 0)352 ? await sim.updateSafariSettings(safariSettings)353 : false;354}355export {356 createSim, getExistingSim, runSimulatorReset, installToSimulator,357 shutdownSimulator, shutdownOtherSimulators,358 setLocale, setPreferences, setLocaleAndPreferences,...

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Source:driver-specs.js Github


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1import sinon from 'sinon';2import { JWProxy } from '@appium/​base-driver';3import XCUITestDriver from '../​..';4import * as simSettings from '../​../​lib/​simulator-management';5import * as appUtils from '../​../​lib/​app-utils';6import xcode from 'appium-xcode';7import _ from 'lodash';8import chai from 'chai';9import B from 'bluebird';10import * as utils from '../​../​lib/​utils';11import { MOCHA_LONG_TIMEOUT } from './​helpers';12chai.should();13const expect = chai.expect;14const caps = {15 fistMatch: [{}],16 alwaysMatch: {17 platformName: 'iOS',18 'appium:deviceName': 'iPhone 6',19 'appium:app': '/​',20 'appium:platformVersion': '10.0',21 }22};23describe('getDefaultUrl', function () {24 let driver;25 beforeEach(function () {26 driver = new XCUITestDriver();27 });28 it('real device', function () {29 driver.opts.realDevice = true;30 expect(driver.getDefaultUrl()).eq('http:/​/​');31 });32 it('simulator with ipv4', function () {33 driver.opts.realDevice = false;34 driver.opts.address = '';35 driver.opts.port = '8080';36 expect(driver.getDefaultUrl()).eq('http:/​/​​welcome');37 });38 it('simulator with ipv6', function () {39 driver.opts.realDevice = false;40 driver.opts.address = '::1';41 driver.opts.port = '8080';42 expect(driver.getDefaultUrl()).eq('http:/​/​[::1]:8080/​welcome');43 });44});45describe('driver commands', function () {46 describe('status', function () {47 let driver;48 let jwproxyCommandSpy;49 beforeEach(function () {50 driver = new XCUITestDriver();51 /​/​ fake the proxy to WDA52 const jwproxy = new JWProxy();53 jwproxyCommandSpy = sinon.stub(jwproxy, 'command').callsFake(async function () { /​/​ eslint-disable-line require-await54 return {some: 'thing'};55 });56 driver.wda = {57 jwproxy,58 };59 });60 afterEach(function () {61 jwproxyCommandSpy.reset();62 });63 it('should not have wda status by default', async function () {64 const status = await driver.getStatus();65;66 expect(status.wda);67 });68 it('should return wda status if cached', async function () {69 driver.cachedWdaStatus = {};70 const status = await driver.getStatus();71;72 status.wda.should.exist;73 });74 });75 describe('createSession', function () {76 let driver;77 let sandbox;78 beforeEach(function () {79 driver = new XCUITestDriver();80 sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();81 sandbox.stub(driver, 'determineDevice').callsFake(async function () { /​/​ eslint-disable-line require-await82 return {83 device: {84 shutdown: _.noop,85 isRunning () {86 return true;87 },88 stat () {89 return {state: 'Booted'};90 },91 clearCaches: _.noop,92 getWebInspectorSocket () {93 return '/​path/​to/​uds.socket';94 },95 },96 udid: null,97 realDevice: null98 };99 });100 sandbox.stub(driver, 'configureApp').callsFake(_.noop);101 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startLogCapture').callsFake(_.noop);102 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startSim').callsFake(_.noop);103 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startWdaSession').callsFake(_.noop);104 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startWda').callsFake(_.noop);105 sandbox.stub(driver, 'setReduceMotion').callsFake(_.noop);106 sandbox.stub(driver, 'installAUT').callsFake(_.noop);107 sandbox.stub(driver, 'connectToRemoteDebugger').callsFake(_.noop);108 sandbox.stub(simSettings, 'setLocaleAndPreferences').callsFake(_.noop);109 sandbox.stub(xcode, 'getMaxIOSSDK').callsFake(async () => '10.0'); /​/​ eslint-disable-line require-await110 sandbox.stub(utils, 'checkAppPresent').callsFake(_.noop);111 sandbox.stub(appUtils, 'extractBundleId').callsFake(_.noop);112 });113 afterEach(function () {114 sandbox.restore();115 });116 it('should include server capabilities', async function () {117 this.timeout(MOCHA_LONG_TIMEOUT);118 const resCaps = await driver.createSession(null, null, _.cloneDeep(caps));119 resCaps[1];120 });121 it('should call startLogCapture', async function () {122 this.timeout(MOCHA_LONG_TIMEOUT);123 const resCaps = await driver.createSession(null, null, _.merge({}, caps, {124 alwaysMatch: {125 'appium:skipLogCapture': false,126 }127 }));128 resCaps[1];129;130 });131 it('should not call startLogCapture', async function () {132 this.timeout(MOCHA_LONG_TIMEOUT);133 const resCaps = await driver.createSession(null, null, _.merge({}, caps, {134 alwaysMatch: {135 'appium:skipLogCapture': true,136 }137 }));138 resCaps[1];139;140 });141 });142});143describe('installOtherApps', function () {144 let driver = new XCUITestDriver();145 let sandbox;146 beforeEach(function () {147 sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();148 });149 afterEach(function () {150 sandbox.restore();151 });152 it('should skip install other apps on real devices', async function () {153 sandbox.stub(driver, 'isRealDevice');154 sandbox.stub(driver.helpers, 'parseCapsArray');155 driver.isRealDevice.returns(true);156 await driver.installOtherApps('/​path/​to/​');157;158;159 });160 it('should install multiple apps from otherApps as string on simulators', async function () {161 const SimulatorManagementModule = require('../​../​lib/​simulator-management');162 sandbox.stub(SimulatorManagementModule, 'installToSimulator');163 sandbox.stub(driver, 'isRealDevice');164 driver.isRealDevice.returns(false);165 sandbox.stub(driver.helpers, 'configureApp');166 driver.helpers.configureApp.returns(B.resolve('/​path/​to/​'));167 driver.opts.noReset = false;168 driver.opts.device = 'some-device';169 driver.lifecycleData = {createSim: false};170 await driver.installOtherApps('/​path/​to/​');171;172;173;174 SimulatorManagementModule.installToSimulator.calledWith(175 'some-device',176 '/​path/​to/​',177 undefined, {noReset: false, newSimulator: false}178 );179 });180 it('should install multiple apps from otherApps as JSON array on simulators', async function () {181 const SimulatorManagementModule = require('../​../​lib/​simulator-management');182 sandbox.stub(SimulatorManagementModule, 'installToSimulator');183 sandbox.stub(driver, 'isRealDevice');184 driver.isRealDevice.returns(false);185 sandbox.stub(driver.helpers, 'configureApp');186 driver.helpers.configureApp.onCall(0).returns(B.resolve('/​path/​to/​'));187 driver.helpers.configureApp.onCall(1).returns(B.resolve('/​path/​to/​'));188 driver.opts.noReset = false;189 driver.opts.device = 'some-device';190 driver.lifecycleData = {createSim: false};191 await driver.installOtherApps('["/​path/​to/​","/​path/​to/​"]');192;193;194 SimulatorManagementModule.installToSimulator.calledWith(195 'some-device',196 '/​path/​to/​',197 undefined, {noReset: false, newSimulator: false}198 );199 SimulatorManagementModule.installToSimulator.calledWith(200 'some-device',201 '/​path/​to/​',202 undefined, {noReset: false, newSimulator: false}203 );204 });...

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Source:settings.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import logger from './​logger';3const SETTINGS_CAPS = [4 'locationServicesEnabled',5 'locationServicesAuthorized',6];7const SAFARI_SETTINGS_CAPS = [8 'safariAllowPopups',9 'safariIgnoreFraudWarning',10 'safariOpenLinksInBackground',11];12async function launchAndQuitSimulator (sim, safari) {13 logger.debug('No simulator directories found.');14 return await sim.launchAndQuit(safari);15}16function checkPreferences (settings, opts = {}) {17 for (let setting of settings) {18 if (_.has(opts, setting)) {19 return true;20 }21 }22 return false;23}24async function setLocaleAndPreferences (sim, opts, safari = false, shutdownFn = _.noop) {25 const localConfig = await setLocale(sim, opts, {}, safari);26 const prefsUpdated = await setPreferences(sim, opts, safari);27 if (localConfig._updated || prefsUpdated) {28 logger.debug("Updated settings. Rebooting the simulator if it's already open");29 await shutdownFn(sim);30 }31 delete localConfig._updated;32 return localConfig;33}34/​/​ pass in the simulator so that other systems that use the function can supply35/​/​ whatever they have36async function setLocale (sim, opts, localeConfig = {}, safari = false) {37 if (!opts.language && !opts.locale && !opts.calendarFormat) {38 logger.debug("No reason to set locale");39 return {40 _updated: false,41 };42 }43 /​/​ we need the simulator to have its directories in place44 if (await sim.isFresh()) {45 await launchAndQuitSimulator(sim, safari);46 }47 logger.debug('Setting locale information');48 localeConfig = {49 language: opts.language || localeConfig.language,50 locale: opts.locale || localeConfig.locale,51 calendarFormat: opts.calendarFormat || localeConfig.calendarFormat,52 _updated: false,53 };54 try {55 let updated = await sim.updateLocale(opts.language, opts.locale, opts.calendarFormat);56 if (updated) {57 localeConfig._updated = true;58 }59 } catch (e) {60 logger.errorAndThrow(`Appium was unable to set locale info: ${e}`);61 }62 return localeConfig;63}64async function setPreferences (sim, opts, safari = false) {65 let needToSetPrefs = checkPreferences(SETTINGS_CAPS, opts);66 let needToSetSafariPrefs = checkPreferences(SAFARI_SETTINGS_CAPS, opts);67 if (!needToSetPrefs && !needToSetSafariPrefs) {68 logger.debug("No iOS /​ app preferences to set");69 return false;70 }71 logger.debug("Setting iOS and app preferences");72 if (await sim.isFresh()) {73 await launchAndQuitSimulator(sim, safari);74 }75 try {76 if (needToSetPrefs) {77 await setLocServicesPrefs(sim, opts);78 }79 } catch (e) {80 logger.error("Error setting location services preferences, prefs will not work");81 logger.error(e);82 }83 try {84 if (needToSetSafariPrefs) {85 await setSafariPrefs(sim, opts);86 }87 } catch (e) {88 logger.error("Error setting safari preferences, prefs will not work");89 logger.error(e);90 }91 return true;92}93async function setLocServicesPrefs (sim, opts = {}) {94 let locServ = _.find([opts.locationServicesEnabled, opts.locationServicesAuthorized], (c) => {95 return !_.isUndefined(c);96 });97 if (!_.isUndefined(locServ)) {98 locServ = locServ ? 1 : 0;99 logger.debug(`Setting location services to ${locServ}`);100 await sim.updateSettings('locationServices', {101 LocationServicesEnabled: locServ,102 'LocationServicesEnabledIn7.0': locServ,103 'LocationServicesEnabledIn8.0': locServ104 });105 }106 if (!_.isUndefined(opts.locationServicesAuthorized)) {107 if (!opts.bundleId) {108 let msg = "Can't set location services for app without bundle ID";109 logger.errorAndThrow(msg);110 }111 let locAuth = !!opts.locationServicesAuthorized;112 if (locAuth) {113 logger.debug("Authorizing location services for app");114 } else {115 logger.debug("De-authorizing location services for app");116 }117 await sim.updateLocationSettings(opts.bundleId, locAuth);118 }119}120async function setSafariPrefs (sim, opts = {}) {121 let safariSettings = {};122 if (_.has(opts, 'safariAllowPopups')) {123 let val = !!opts.safariAllowPopups;124 logger.debug(`Setting javascript window opening to '${val}'`);125 safariSettings.WebKitJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = val;126 safariSettings.JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = val;127 }128 if (_.has(opts, 'safariIgnoreFraudWarning')) {129 let val = !opts.safariIgnoreFraudWarning;130 logger.debug(`Setting fraudulent website warning to '${val}'`);131 safariSettings.WarnAboutFraudulentWebsites = val;132 }133 if (_.has(opts, 'safariOpenLinksInBackground')) {134 let val = opts.safariOpenLinksInBackground ? 1 : 0;135 logger.debug(`Setting opening links in background to '${!!val}'`);136 safariSettings.OpenLinksInBackground = val;137 }138 if (_.size(safariSettings) > 0) {139 await sim.updateSafariSettings(safariSettings);140 }141}...

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1const wdio = require("webdriverio");2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main() {7 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);8 await client.setLocaleAndPreferences({9 locale: {10 },11 timeZone: {12 }13 });14 await client.deleteSession();15}16main();17opts = {18 caps: {19 }20}{23 locale: {24 },25 timeZone: {26 }27}) appium import webdriver

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1const { remote } = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main () {7 const client = await remote(opts);8 await client.setLocaleAndPreferences({9 });10}11main();12{13 "scripts": {14 },15 "dependencies": {16 }17}18const { remote } = require('webdriverio');19const opts = {20 capabilities: {21 }22};23async function main () {24 const client = await remote(opts);25 await client.setLocaleAndPreferences({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { remote } = require('webdriverio');2(async () => {3 const browser = await remote({4 capabilities: {5 setLocaleAndPreferences: {6 locale: {7 },8 calendar: {9 },10 timeZone: {11 },12 dateFormat: {13 },14 keyboard: {15 }16 }17 }18 });19 await browser.deleteSession();20})();21from appium import webdriver22caps = {23 'setLocaleAndPreferences': {24 'locale': {25 },26 'calendar': {27 },28 'timeZone': {29 },30 'dateFormat': {31 },32 'keyboard': {33 }34 }35}36driver.quit()37import io.appium.java_client

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1const wd = require('wd');2const path = require('path');3const { exec } = require('teen_process');4const { fs, logger, util } = require('appium-support');5const log = logger.getLogger('iOSTest');6const SIM_DEVICE_NAME = 'iPhone 8';7const SIM_UDID = 'E9A9C8A8-0F0C-4A3B-9A70-3F2D2B7B9C9E';8const SIM_PLATFORM_VERSION = '12.2';9async function main () {10 const caps = {11 app: path.resolve('path/​to/​app'),12 };13 await driver.init(caps);14 await driver.setLocaleAndPreferences({15 });16 await driver.quit();17}18main().catch((err) => {19 log.errorAndThrow(err);20});21{22 "scripts": {23 },24 "dependencies": {25 }26}27{28 "dependencies": {29 "appium-support": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main () {7 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);8 await client.setLocaleAndPreferences('en_US', {calendar: 'gregorian'});9}10main();11const wdio = require('webdriverio');12const opts = {13 capabilities: {14 }15};16async function main () {17 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);18 await client.setLocaleAndPreferences('en_US', {calendar: 'gregorian'});19}20main();21const wdio = require('webdriverio');22const opts = {23 capabilities: {24 }25};26async function main () {27 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);28 await client.setLocaleAndPreferences('en_US', {calendar: 'gregorian'});29}30main();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const path = require('path');3const { exec } = require('teen_process');4const { fs, logger, util } = require('appium-support');5const log = logger.getLogger('iOSTest');6const SIM_DEVICE_NAME = 'iPhone 8';7const SIM_UDID = 'E9A9C8A8-0F0C-4A3B-9A70-3F2D2B7B9C9E';8const SIM_PLATFORM_VERSION = '12.2';9async function main () {10 const caps = {11 app: path.resolve('path/​to/​app'),12 };13 await driver.init(caps);14 await driver.setLocaleAndPreferences({15 });16 await driver.quit();17}18main().catch((err) => {19 log.errorAndThrow(err);20});21{22 "scripts": {23 },24 "dependencies": {25 }26}27{28 "dependencies": {29 "appium-support": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { remote } = require('webdriverio');2(async () => {3 const browser = await remote({4 capabilities: {5 setLocaleAndPreferences: {6 locale: {7 },8 calendar: {9 },10 timeZone: {11 },12 dateFormat: {13 },14 keyboard: {15 }16 }17 }18 });19 await browser.deleteSession();20})();21from appium import webdriver22caps = {23 'setLocaleAndPreferences': {24 'locale': {25 },26 'calendar': {27 },28 'timeZone': {29 },30 'dateFormat': {31 },32 'keyboard': {33 }34 }35}36driver.quit()37import io.appium.java_client

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);6 .init(desired)7 .setLocaleAndPreferences('en_US', {8 })9 .quit();

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