How to use EmptyScreenshotCard method in argos

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Source:index.js Github


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1import * as React from "react";2import { gql } from "graphql-tag";3import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";4import { x } from "@xstyled/styled-components";5import { Helmet } from "react-helmet";6import { useInView } from "react-cool-inview";7import {8 Button,9 Container,10 IllustratedText,11 Loader,12 LoadingAlert,13 PrimaryTitle,14 SecondaryTitle,15 useTooltipState,16 TooltipAnchor,17 Tooltip,18} from "@argos-ci/app/src/components";19import { useQuery } from "../../containers/Apollo";20import { NotFound } from "../NotFound";21import {22 UpdateStatusButton,23 UpdateStatusButtonBuildFragment,24 UpdateStatusButtonRepositoryFragment,25} from "./UpdateStatusButton";26import { EyeClosedIcon, EyeIcon } from "@primer/octicons-react";27import { getStatusPrimaryColor } from "../../containers/Status";28import {29 StickySummaryMenu,30 SummaryCard,31 SummaryCardFragment,32} from "./SummaryCard";33import {34 EmptyScreenshotCard,35 ScreenshotsDiffCard,36 ScreenshotsDiffCardFragment,37} from "./ScreenshotsDiffCard";38import { ScreenshotDiffStatusIcon } from "./ScreenshotDiffStatusIcons";39const ScreenshotDiffsPageFragment = gql`40 fragment ScreenshotDiffsPageFragment on ScreenshotDiffResult {41 pageInfo {42 totalCount43 hasNextPage44 endCursor45 }46 edges {47 id48 score49 status50 ...ScreenshotsDiffCardFragment51 }52 }53 ${ScreenshotsDiffCardFragment}54`;55const BUILD_STABLE_SCREENSHOT_DIFFS_QUERY = gql`56 query BUILD_STABLE_SCREENSHOT_DIFFS_QUERY(57 $ownerLogin: String!58 $repositoryName: String!59 $buildNumber: Int!60 $offset: Int!61 $limit: Int!62 ) {63 repository(ownerLogin: $ownerLogin, repositoryName: $repositoryName) {64 id65 build(number: $buildNumber) {66 screenshotDiffs(67 offset: $offset68 limit: $limit69 where: { passing: true }70 ) {71 ...ScreenshotDiffsPageFragment72 }73 }74 }75 }76 ${ScreenshotDiffsPageFragment}77`;78const BUILD_QUERY = gql`79 query BUILD_QUERY(80 $buildNumber: Int!81 $ownerLogin: String!82 $repositoryName: String!83 $offset: Int!84 $limit: Int!85 ) {86 repository(ownerLogin: $ownerLogin, repositoryName: $repositoryName) {87 id88 ...UpdateStatusButtonRepositoryFragment89 build(number: $buildNumber) {90 id91 ...SummaryCardFragment92 ...UpdateStatusButtonBuildFragment93 screenshotDiffs(94 where: { passing: false }95 offset: $offset96 limit: $limit97 ) {98 ...ScreenshotDiffsPageFragment99 }100 stats {101 addedScreenshotCount102 stableScreenshotCount103 updatedScreenshotCount104 }105 }106 }107 }108 ${UpdateStatusButtonRepositoryFragment}109 ${SummaryCardFragment}110 ${ScreenshotDiffsPageFragment}111 ${UpdateStatusButtonBuildFragment}112`;113function BuildStat({ type, count, label }) {114 const tooltip = useTooltipState();115 if (count === 0) return null;116 return (117 <>118 <TooltipAnchor state={tooltip}>119 <IllustratedText120 icon={ScreenshotDiffStatusIcon(type)}121 color={getStatusPrimaryColor(type)}122 cursor="default"123 >124 {count}125 </IllustratedText>126 </TooltipAnchor>127 <Tooltip state={tooltip}>{label}</Tooltip>128 </>129 );130}131export function ScreenshotCards({ screenshotDiffs, open }) {132 if (screenshotDiffs.length === 0) return <EmptyScreenshotCard />;133 return (134 <x.div display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={2}>135 {, index) => (136 <ScreenshotsDiffCard137 screenshotDiff={screenshotDiff}138 key={index}139 opened={open}140 />141 ))}142 </x.div>143 );144}145function fetchMoreScreenshotDiffs({ data, fetchMore }) {146 return fetchMore({147 variables: {148 offset:,149 },150 updateQuery: (prev, { fetchMoreResult }) => {151 if (!fetchMoreResult) return prev;152 return {153 ...prev,154 repository: {155 ...prev.repository,156 build: {157,158 screenshotDiffs: {159,160 edges: [161,162,163 ],164 },165 },166 },167 };168 },169 });170}171export function StableScreenshots({ ownerLogin, repositoryName, buildNumber }) {172 const { loading, data, fetchMore } = useQuery(173 BUILD_STABLE_SCREENSHOT_DIFFS_QUERY,174 {175 variables: {176 ownerLogin,177 repositoryName,178 buildNumber,179 offset: 0,180 limit: 10,181 },182 skip: !ownerLogin || !repositoryName || !buildNumber,183 }184 );185 const [moreLoading, setMoreLoading] = React.useState();186 function loadNextPage() {187 setMoreLoading(true);188 fetchMoreScreenshotDiffs({ data, fetchMore }).finally(() => {189 setMoreLoading(false);190 });191 }192 if (loading || !data) return <LoadingAlert />;193 const {194 build: {195 screenshotDiffs: { pageInfo, edges: screenshotDiffs },196 },197 } = data.repository;198 return (199 <>200 <ScreenshotCards screenshotDiffs={screenshotDiffs} open={false} />201 {pageInfo.hasNextPage && (202 <Button203 mt={4}204 mx="auto"205 onClick={() => loadNextPage()}206 disabled={moreLoading}207 >208 Load More {moreLoading && <Loader maxH={4} />}209 </Button>210 )}211 </>212 );213}214const BuildContent = ({ ownerLogin, repositoryName, buildNumber }) => {215 const [showStableScreenshots, setShowStableScreenshots] =216 React.useState(false);217 const { observe, inView } = useInView();218 const { loading, data, fetchMore } = useQuery(BUILD_QUERY, {219 variables: {220 ownerLogin,221 repositoryName,222 buildNumber,223 offset: 0,224 limit: 10,225 },226 skip: !ownerLogin || !repositoryName || !buildNumber,227 });228 const [moreLoading, setMoreLoading] = React.useState();229 function loadNextPage() {230 setMoreLoading(true);231 fetchMoreScreenshotDiffs({ data, fetchMore }).finally(() => {232 setMoreLoading(false);233 });234 }235 if (loading) return <LoadingAlert />;236 if (!data?.repository?.build) return <NotFound />;237 const {238 build,239 build: {240 stats,241 screenshotDiffs: { pageInfo, edges: screenshotDiffs },242 },243 } = data.repository;244 const diffGroups = screenshotDiffs.reduce(245 ({ added, updated }, screenshotDiff) => {246 const group = screenshotDiff.status === "added" ? added : updated;247 group.push(screenshotDiff);248 return { added, updated };249 },250 {251 added: [],252 updated: [],253 }254 );255 return (256 <>257 <x.div258 display="flex"259 justifyContent="space-between"260 alignItems="baseline"261 columnGap={10}262 flexWrap="wrap"263 mb={3}264 >265 <PrimaryTitle mb={0}>Build #{buildNumber}</PrimaryTitle>266 <x.div267 display="flex"268 alignItems="flex-start"269 gap={3}270 pt="6px"271 flexShrink={0}272 >273 <BuildStat274 type="added"275 count={stats.addedScreenshotCount}276 label="Added screenshots"277 />278 <BuildStat279 type="updated"280 count={stats.updatedScreenshotCount}281 label="Updated screenshots"282 />283 <BuildStat284 type="stable"285 count={stats.stableScreenshotCount}286 label="Stable screenshots"287 />288 </x.div>289 </x.div>290 <SummaryCard repository={data.repository} build={build} />291 {build.status === "pending" ? (292 <LoadingAlert my={5} flexDirection="column">293 Build in progress294 </LoadingAlert>295 ) : (296 <>297 <x.div298 display="flex"299 justifyContent="space-between"300 columnGap={10}301 rowGap={4}302 flexWrap="wrap-reverse"303 mt={5}304 ref={observe}305 >306 <Button307 borderRadius="md"308 variant="neutral"309 onClick={() => setShowStableScreenshots((prev) => !prev)}310 justifyContent="start"311 >312 <IllustratedText313 icon={showStableScreenshots ? EyeClosedIcon : EyeIcon}314 field315 >316 {showStableScreenshots ? "Hide" : "Show"} stable screenshots317 </IllustratedText>318 </Button>319 <UpdateStatusButton repository={data.repository} build={build} />320 </x.div>321 {inView ? null : (322 <StickySummaryMenu repository={data.repository} build={build} />323 )}324 {showStableScreenshots ? (325 <>326 <SecondaryTitle mt={4}>Stable Screenshots</SecondaryTitle>327 <StableScreenshots328 ownerLogin={ownerLogin}329 repositoryName={repositoryName}330 buildNumber={buildNumber}331 />332 </>333 ) : null}334 {diffGroups.added.length > 0 && (335 <>336 <SecondaryTitle mt={4}>Added Screenshots</SecondaryTitle>337 <ScreenshotCards screenshotDiffs={diffGroups.added} />338 </>339 )}340 {diffGroups.updated.length > 0 && (341 <>342 <SecondaryTitle mt={4}>Updated Screenshots</SecondaryTitle>343 <ScreenshotCards screenshotDiffs={diffGroups.updated} />344 </>345 )}346 {pageInfo.hasNextPage && (347 <Button348 mt={4}349 mx="auto"350 onClick={() => loadNextPage()}351 disabled={moreLoading}352 >353 Load More {moreLoading && <Loader maxH={4} />}354 </Button>355 )}356 </>357 )}358 </>359 );360};361export function Build() {362 const {363 ownerLogin,364 repositoryName,365 buildNumber: strBuildNumber,366 } = useParams();367 const buildNumber = parseInt(strBuildNumber, 10);368 return (369 <Container>370 <Helmet>371 <title>{`Build #${buildNumber} - ${repositoryName}`}</title>372 </Helmet>373 {Number.isInteger(buildNumber) ? (374 <BuildContent375 ownerLogin={ownerLogin}376 repositoryName={repositoryName}377 buildNumber={buildNumber}378 />379 ) : (380 <NotFound />381 )}382 </Container>383 );...

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Source:ScreenshotsDiffCard.js Github


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...31 url32 }33 }34`;35export function EmptyScreenshotCard() {36 return (37 <Card>38 <CardHeader border={0}>39 <CardTitle>No screenshot found</CardTitle>40 </CardHeader>41 </Card>42 );43}44function EmptyScreenshot() {45 return <x.div flex={1 / 3} />;46}47function Screenshot({ screenshot, title }) {48 if (!screenshot?.url) return <EmptyScreenshot />;49 return (...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import declare from 'dojo/_base/declare';2import EmptyScreenshotCard from 'argos-sdk/src/EmptyScreenshotCard';3const __class = declare('crm.Integrations.BOE.Views.Test', [EmptyScreenshotCard], {4 createLayout: function createLayout() {5 return this.layout || (this.layout = [6 {7 },8 ]);9 },10});11lang.setObject('icboe.Views.Test', __class);12export default __class;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { EmptyScreenshotCard } from 'argos-sdk';2import getResource from 'argos/I18n';3const resource = getResource('emptyScreenshotCard');4export default class EmptyScreenshotCardTest extends EmptyScreenshotCard {5 static propTypes = {6 };7 static defaultProps = {8 };9 createLayout() {10 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{11 children: [{12 }, {13 }],14 }]);15 }16}17import { EmptySection } from 'argos-sdk';18import getResource from 'argos/I18n';19const resource = getResource('emptySection');20export default class EmptySectionTest extends EmptySection {21 static propTypes = {22 };23 static defaultProps = {24 };25 createLayout() {26 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{27 children: [{28 }],29 }]);30 }31}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { EmptyScreenshotCard } from 'argos-sdk';2import getResource from 'argos/I18n';3const resource = getResource('emptyScreenshotCard');4export default class EmptyScreenshotCardTest extends EmptyScreenshotCard {5 static propTypes = {6 };7 static defaultProps = {8 };9 createLayout() {10 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{11 children: [{12 }, {13 }],14 }]);15 }16}17import { EmptySection } from 'argos-sdk';18import getResource from 'argos/I18n';19const resource = getResource('emptySection');20export default class EmptySectionTest extends EmptySection {21 static propTypes = {22 };23 static defaultProps = {24 };25 createLayout() {26 return this.layout || (this.layout = [{27 children: [{28 }],29 }]);30 }31}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('spec/EmptyScreenshotCard', [2], function(3) {4 return new EmptyScreenshotCard('EmptyScreenshotCard', 'argos-test/EmptyScreenshotCard');5});6define('spec/EmptyScreenshotCard', [7], function(8) {9 return new EmptyScreenshotCard('EmptyScreenshotCard', 'argos-test/EmptyScreenshotCard');10});11define('spec/EmptyScreenshotCard', [12], function(13) {14 return new EmptyScreenshotCard('EmptyScreenshotCard', 'argos-test/EmptyScreenshotCard');15});16define('spec/EmptyScreenshotCard', [17], function(18) {19 return new EmptyScreenshotCard('EmptyScreenshotCard', 'argos-test/EmptyScreenshotCard');20});21define('spec/EmptyScreenshotCard', [22], function(23) {24 return new EmptyScreenshotCard('EmptyScreenshotCard', 'argos-test/EmptyScreenshotCard');25});26define('spec/EmptyScreenshotCard', [27], function(28) {29 return new EmptyScreenshotCard('EmptyScreenshotCard', 'argos-test/EmptyScreenshotCard');30});31define('spec/EmptyScreenshotCard', [32], function(33) {34 return new EmptyScreenshotCard('EmptyScreenshotCard', 'argos-test/EmptyScreenshotCard');35});36define('spec/EmptyScreenshotCard', [

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { EmptyScreenshotCard } = require('argos-sdk');2module.exports = EmptyScreenshotCard;3const { EmptyScreenshotCard } = require('argos-sdk');4module.exports = Empty creenshotCard;5const { -mptyScreenshotCard } = require('argos-sdk'-;6describe('EmptyScreenshotCard', () => {7 it('should have the correct title', () => {8 expect(EmptyScreenshotCard.title).to.equal('No Screenshot');9 });10});11import EmptyScreenshotCard from 'argos-sdk/src/EmptyScreenshotCard';12const EmptyScreenshot = EmptyScreenshotCard({13});14export default EmptyScreenshot;15[MIT](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { EmptyScreenshotCard } from '@argos-ci/argos-sdk';2import { EmptyScreenshotCard } from '@argos-ci/argos-sdk';3describe('my test', () => {4 it('should do something', () => {5 EmptyScreenshotCard();6 });7});8[MIT](./LICENSE)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { EmptyScreenshotCard } = require('argos-sdk');2module.exports = EmptyScreenshotCard;3const { EmptyScreenshotCard } = require('argos-sdk');4module.exports = EmptyScreenshotCard;5const { EmptyScreenshotCard } = require('argos-sdk');6describe('EmptyScreenshotCard', () => {7 it('should have the correct title', () => {8 expect(EmptyScreenshotCard.title).to.equal('No Screenshot');9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { EmptyScreenshotCard } = require('argos-sdk');2const { createTest } = EmptyScreenshotCard;3const test = createTest();4test('should return a screenshot card with no image', (t) => {5 .waitForVisible('#empty-screenshot-card')6 .saveScreenshot('empty-screenshot-card.png')7 .then(() => {8 .argosScreenshot('empty-screenshot-card');9 });10});11const { argosScreenshot } = require('argos-sdk');12const { createTest } = argosScreenshot;13const test = createTest();14test('should return a screenshot card with no image', (t) => {15 .waitForVisible('#empty-screenshot-card')16 .saveScreenshot('empty-screenshot-card.png')17 .then(() => {18 .argosScreenshot('empty-screenshot-card');19 });20});21const { argosScreenshotWithSelector } = require('argos-sdk');22const { createTest } = argosScreenshotWithSelector;23const test = createTest();24test('should return a screenshot card with no image', (t) => {25 .waitForVisible('#empty-screenshot-card')26 .saveScreenshot('empty-screenshot-card.png')27 .then(() => {28 .argosScreenshotWithSelector('#empty-screenshot-card');29 });30});

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