How to use RedirectToWww method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:Home.js Github


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1/* eslint-disable react/no-unescaped-entities */2import * as React from "react";3import { gql } from "graphql-tag";4import { x } from "@xstyled/styled-components";5import { Group } from "ariakit/group";6import { Query } from "../containers/Apollo";7import { useUser } from "../containers/User";8import { isUserSyncing } from "../modules/user";9import config from "../config";10import {11 BaseLink,12 Button,13 Card,14 CardBody,15 CardHeader,16 CardText,17 CardTitle,18 Container,19 Icon,20 Link,21 Loader,22 Menu,23 MenuButton,24 MenuIcon,25 MenuItem,26 MenuSeparator,27 MenuTitle,28 PrimaryTitle,29 Table,30 Tbody,31 Td,32 Th,33 Thead,34 Tr,35 useMenuState,36 IllustratedText,37 LinkBlock,38 Tag,39 TagButton,40} from "@argos-ci/app/src/components";41import {42 KebabHorizontalIcon,43 LinkExternalIcon,44 KeyIcon,45 GearIcon,46 LockIcon,47} from "@primer/octicons-react";48import { getStatusColor, StatusIcon } from "../containers/Status";49import { OwnerAvatar } from "../containers/OwnerAvatar";50import { hasWritePermission } from "../modules/permissions";51const HOME_OWNERS_REPOSITORIES_QUERY = gql`52 query HOME_OWNERS_REPOSITORIES_QUERY {53 owners {54 id55 name56 login57 type58 repositories {59 id60 name61 updatedAt62 enabled63 permissions64 builds(first: 1, after: 0) {65 pageInfo {66 totalCount67 }68 edges {69 id70 updatedAt71 status72 number73 }74 }75 }76 }77 }78`;79function RepositoryNameCell({80 owner,81 repositoryName,82 repositoryUrl,83 ...props84}) {85 return (86 <Td color="secondary-text" py={5} fontSize="lg" {...props}>87 <Link color="secondary-text" to={`/${owner.login}`}>88 <OwnerAvatar89 owner={owner}90 size="sm"91 display="inline-block"92 mr={2}93 mt={-0.5}94 />95 {owner.login}96 </Link>{" "}97 /{" "}98 <Link99 color="primary-text"100 fontWeight={600}101 to={`${repositoryUrl}/builds`}102 >103 {repositoryName}104 </Link>105 </Td>106 );107}108function ActionsMenuCell({ repository, repositoryUrl }) {109 const menu = useMenuState({ placement: "bottom-end", gutter: 4 });110 if (!hasWritePermission(repository))111 return (112 <Td>113 <Tag display="block" py={1} color="text-secondary">114 <Icon as={LockIcon} />115 </Tag>116 </Td>117 );118 return (119 <Td>120 <TagButton as={MenuButton} state={menu}>121 <Icon as={KebabHorizontalIcon} />122 </TagButton>123 <Menu aria-label="User settings" state={menu}>124 <MenuTitle>Repositories actions</MenuTitle>125 <MenuSeparator />126 <MenuItem127 state={menu}128 as={BaseLink}129 to={`${repositoryUrl}/settings#argos-token`}130 >131 <MenuIcon as={KeyIcon} />132 Get token133 </MenuItem>134 <MenuItem state={menu} as={BaseLink} to={`${repositoryUrl}/settings`}>135 <MenuIcon as={GearIcon} size={24} />136 Settings137 </MenuItem>138 </Menu>139 </Td>140 );141}142function BuildTagCell({ build, repositoryUrl, ...props }) {143 if (!build) return <Td>-</Td>;144 return (145 <Td>146 <TagButton147 as={LinkBlock}148 to={`${repositoryUrl}/builds/${build.number}`}149 borderColor={getStatusColor(status)}150 {...props}151 >152 <StatusIcon status={build.status} />#{build.number}153 </TagButton>154 </Td>155 );156}157function RepositoriesList({ repositories, ...props }) {158 if (repositories.length === 0) {159 return (160 <Card mt={3}>161 <CardHeader>162 <CardTitle>No repository found</CardTitle>163 </CardHeader>164 <CardBody>165 <CardText fontSize="md" mb={3}>166 Argos uses OAuth GitHub App.167 </CardText>168 <CardText fontSize="md">169 <Link href={config.get("github.appUrl")} target="_blank">170 Manage repositories' access restrictions from GitHub{" "}171 <LinkExternalIcon />172 </Link>173 </CardText>174 </CardBody>175 </Card>176 );177 }178 return (179 <Table {...props}>180 <Thead>181 <Tr>182 <Th>Repository name</Th>183 <Th width={120}>Last Build</Th>184 <Th width={120}>Status</Th>185 <Th width={80}>Actions</Th>186 </Tr>187 </Thead>188 <Tbody>189 {{ owner, ...repository }) => {190 const repositoryUrl = `/${owner.login}/${}`;191 const lastBuild = repository.builds?.edges?.[0];192 return (193 <Tr key={`${owner.login}-${}`}>194 <RepositoryNameCell195 owner={owner}196 repositoryName={}197 repositoryUrl={repositoryUrl}198 />199 <BuildTagCell build={lastBuild} repositoryUrl={repositoryUrl} />200 <Td>201 <Tag202 color={repository.enabled ? "primary-text" : "secondary-text"}203 >204 {repository.enabled ? "Active" : "Deactivated"}205 </Tag>206 </Td>207 <ActionsMenuCell208 repository={repository}209 repositoryUrl={repositoryUrl}210 />211 </Tr>212 );213 })}214 </Tbody>215 </Table>216 );217}218function Owners({ owners }) {219 const repositories = owners220 .flatMap((owner) =>221 => ({ owner, ...repository }))222 )223 .sort((a, b) => (b.enabled === a.enabled ? 0 : b.enabled ? 1 : -1));224 const activeRepositories = repositories.filter(({ enabled }) => enabled);225 const [activeFilter, setActiveFilter] = React.useState(226 activeRepositories.length !== 0227 );228 return (229 <Container>230 <PrimaryTitle>Organizations and Repositories</PrimaryTitle>231 <x.div232 display="flex"233 justifyContent="space-between"234 alignItems="flex-end"235 gap={10}236 >237 <x.div>238 Don't see your repo?{" "}239 <IllustratedText240 as={Link}241 reverse242 href={config.get("github.appUrl")}243 target="_blank"244 fontWeight="normal"245 icon={LinkExternalIcon}246 >247 Manage access restrictions248 </IllustratedText>{" "}249 or{" "}250 <Link onClick={() => window.location.reload()}>reload the page</Link>.251 </x.div>252 <x.div as={Group} display="flex">253 <Button254 borderRadius="md 0 0 md"255 variant="neutral"256 py={2}257 disabled={activeFilter}258 onClick={() => setActiveFilter(true)}259 >260 Active only261 </Button>262 <Button263 py={2}264 borderRadius="0 md md 0"265 variant="neutral"266 disabled={!activeFilter}267 onClick={() => setActiveFilter(false)}268 >269 Show all270 </Button>271 </x.div>272 </x.div>273 <RepositoriesList274 repositories={activeFilter ? activeRepositories : repositories}275 mt={3}276 />277 </Container>278 );279}280const RedirectToWww = () => {281 React.useEffect(() => {282 window.location = "";283 }, []);284 return null;285};286export function Home() {287 const user = useUser();288 if (!user) {289 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {290 return (291 <Container textAlign="center" my={4}>292 Not logged in, in production you would be redirected to293 </Container>295 );296 }297 return <RedirectToWww />;298 }299 if (!user.installations.length && !isUserSyncing(user)) {300 return (301 <Container textAlign="center" my={4}>302 <p>Look like you don't have installed Argos GitHub App.</p>303 <Button as="a" href={config.get("github.appUrl")}>304 Install Argos GitHub App305 </Button>306 </Container>307 );308 }309 return (310 <Query311 fallback={312 <Container my={3} textAlign="center">313 <Loader />314 </Container>315 }316 query={HOME_OWNERS_REPOSITORIES_QUERY}317 >318 {({ owners }) => <Owners owners={owners} />}319 </Query>320 );...

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Source:index.ts Github


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1// 入口文件处使用source-map2import sourceMap from 'source-map-support';3sourceMap.install();45// 模块路径解s析6require('module-alias/register');78import { baseUrl } from './config/index';9import express from 'express';10import path from 'path';1112import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser';1314import compression from 'compression';1516import redirectTowww from './middlewares/redirect-to-www'17import errorHandler from './middlewares/error-handle';18import router from './router';1920const app = express();2122// 全局捕获未处理的错误23process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {24 process.exit(1);25});2627// 设置模板引擎28app.engine('html', require('ejs').__express);29app.set('view engine', 'html');30app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'www/views'));3132//设置静态资源目录33app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'www/public')));3435// 解析cookie36app.use(cookieParser());3738// 压缩39app.use(compression());4041/* ----------- 只针对 /cgi-bin 的中间件 ----------- */42/**43 * 1. 超时中间件:超时错误的处理44 * 2. 回包格式化中间件:部署请求 resolve | reject 方法45 * 3. 数据上报中间件:统计 cgi 从开始接受请求到响应完成的耗时,对错误的信息进行上报46 **/47app.all(`/*`,redirectTowww);4849// 路由挂载50app.use(router);5152// 错误处理,需要在所有路由注册完毕之后才 use53// 处理 系统错误 | 服务器未知错误 | 请求逻辑错误54app.use(errorHandler);5556app.listen(80, () => console.log('Example app listening on port 80!')) ...

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Source:config.common.js Github


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1/* eslint-disable filenames/match-exported */2const configForThisMode = {3 application: {4 name: 'Web Application Template'5 },6 server: {7 verbose: true,8 access: {9 publicDirectory: null,10 url: {11 http: {12 enabled: true,13 port: 80,14 redirectToHttps: true15 },16 https: {17 enabled: true,18 port: 44319 },20 redirectToWww: true21 }22 },23 logger: {24 showLogLine: {25 enabled: true,26 showRelativePath: true27 }28 }29 },30 webpack: {31 verbose: true,32 publicDirectory: null,33 useCopyWebpackPlugin: true,34 outputJsFilenamePattern: 'bundle.[name].[contenthash:20].js',35 outputCssFilenamePattern: 'bundle.[name].[contenthash:20].css'36 }37};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var http = require('http');3var port = 3000;4var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {5 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });6 res.end('Hello World\n');7});8argosy.redirectToWww(server, port);9server.listen(port, function () {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');3var argosyInstance = argosy();4argosyInstance.use(argosyPattern({5 redirectToWww: argosyPattern.request({6 })7}));8argosyInstance.listen(8000);9 console.log(response);10});11var argosy = require('argosy');12var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern');13var argosyInstance = argosy();14argosyInstance.use(argosyPattern({15 redirectToWww: argosyPattern.request({16 })17}));18argosyInstance.listen(8000);19 console.log(response);20});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2argosy.RedirectToWww('', function(err, result) {3if (err) {4console.log(err);5}6else {7console.log(result);8}9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '', 80);3var argosy = require('argosy');4argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '', 80, 'http');5var argosy = require('argosy');6argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '', 80, 'https');7var argosy = require('argosy');8argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '', 80, 'https', true);9var argosy = require('argosy');10argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '', 80, 'https', true, true);11var argosy = require('argosy');12argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '', 80, 'https', true, true, true);13var argosy = require('argosy');14argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '', 80, 'https', true, true, true, true);15var argosy = require('argosy');16argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '', 80, 'https', true, true, true, true, true);17var argosy = require('argosy');18argosy.redirectToWww('', 80, '',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var http = require('http');3var redirect = require('redirect-to-www');4var app = argosy();5app.use(argosy.pattern({role: 'redirect'}), redirect());6http.createServer(app).listen(80);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const argosy = require('argosy');2const argosyPatterns = require('argosy-patterns');3const argosyInstance = argosy();4 .use(argosyPatterns.patterns())5 .use(argosyPatterns.redirectToWww());6argosyInstance.listen({ port: 8080 });7### `argosyPatterns.redirectToWww(options)`8## `argosyPatterns.cors(options)`9## `argosyPatterns.corsPreflight(options)`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var redirect = argosy.redirectToWww();3 if(err) {4 console.log('error: ', err);5 } else {6 console.log('result: ', result);7 }8});9var argosy = require('argosy');10var redirect = argosy.redirectToWww();11 if(err) {12 console.log('error: ', err);13 } else {14 console.log('result: ', result);15 }16});17#### redirectToWww(options)18* `options` - (Object) - Options object19var argosy = require('argosy');20var redirect = argosy.redirectToWww({ https: true });21 if(err) {22 console.log('error: ', err);23 } else {24 console.log('result: ', result);25 }26});27#### redirectToHttps(options)28* `options` - (Object) - Options object29var argosy = require('argosy');30var redirect = argosy.redirectToHttps();31 if(err) {32 console.log('error: ', err);33 } else {34 console.log('result: ', result);35 }36});37#### checkUrlExists(options

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var path = require('path');3var app = argosy({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.json') });4app.use(argosy.redirectToWww());5app.listen(3000);6var argosy = require('argosy');7var path = require('path');8var app = argosy({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.json') });9app.use(argosy.redirectFromWww());10app.listen(3000);11var argosy = require('argosy');12var path = require('path');13var app = argosy({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.json') });14app.use(argosy.redirectToHttps());15app.listen(3000);16var argosy = require('argosy');17var path = require('path');18var app = argosy({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.json') });19app.use(argosy.redirectFromHttps());20app.listen(3000);21var argosy = require('argosy');22var path = require('path');23var app = argosy({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.json') });24app.use(argosy.redirectToTrailingSlash());25app.listen(3000);26var argosy = require('argosy');27var path = require('path');28var app = argosy({ path: path

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